violetendings · 10 months
The moment you lock eyes you know that they are not like the others. This person is a hurricane and they are irrevocably about to make a mark in your life... For worse or for better... You say hi and prepare for something as momentous as it is beautiful to unfold.
At first it's just chuckling at their jokes, being bemused by their antics. That slowly turns into lighting up with a quiet radiance whenever they enter a room.... That turns into glancing at the door every 30 seconds, nearly breaking your neck in the process, to see them the second they step in...
And before you know it, you can never be seen without a phone in your hand, waiting for a notification. And before you know it, the notifications never stop coming... Even if there are several continents separating the two of you! And before you know it, you know in your heart that this is love.... It doesn't even have to be the romantic kind; it just exists and you bask in the glow of whatever it is.
And all because everything in history happened just the way it did for you to meet this person who upended your routine like a force of nature... For you to know in the marrow of your bones that your life would never be the same without them in it.
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Rebecca Perry, Beauty/Beauty; from 'Kintsugi 金継ぎ'
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violetendings · 1 year
And amidst the raging storm, I found my peace.
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violetendings · 1 year
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Deep in the rock, there lies a shrine
What once was palatial and golden, polished by loving hands
Now stands broken beyond all repair
Only a razed archway open to light
In this shrine lie trinkets, relics of a time gone by
Places where your feet struck the ground
Ordinary things made incandescent by your touch
The air so thick it hurts to breathe
Deep under the Earth, there lies a shrine
Every brick a memory of you
Every chant an echo of your name
Every ray of sunlight, the glow of your eyes
And then one day you strike a blow
Knocking this shrine down to naught but ash
And suddenly, there's silence
Deafening silence where your voice was once heard
Deep in my soul, there lies a shrine
Crumbled to dust with a single strike
Skeletons of long dead memories reach out from the floor
Haunting my being with every step inside
How is a shrine more revered when it ceases to exist?
How is it more precious when it's in ruins?
How does the mundane become all the more dear,
Once you realized you've bid goodbye?
Deep down inside, there lies a shrine
A shrine of memories, now no more.
Deep inside, there lies a shrine
From love to dread, a shrine to you.
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violetendings · 1 year
Have you ever lain awake,
when all the world is slumbering,
dreaming of a different time,
a different place?
The quiet of the moon,
the constancy of the stars,
and the occasional hum of a vehicle
the only witnesses to a world that exists
deep within the recesses of your soul.
You let the rationale of the day give way
to the dreams of the night
during the twilight zone
between sleep and wakefulness.
This is the hour when the soul awakens and anything is possible.
You dream of everything that was, that is, and that could be.
You wander in the shadows of the past;
every embarrassment still makes you wince,
every sorrow as palpable as the day it happened, every triumph as joyous as the moment.
You chuckle at your 5 year old self, crying because she did not win a party game.
Tears rim your eyes when you think of someone who meant the world to you, now long gone.
Suddenly, the memory of a childhood friend arises in your thoughts,
and you remember several recipes gone disastrously wrong.
The memory makes you laugh silently now, although you were so frightened then at the thought of what your mother would say!
You meander through those meadows that have shaped your life.
You witness every version of yourself that has existed,
and you marvel at how seamlessly they’ve merged
into everything you are today.
You come to the here and the now.
You relive the book you read that day,
the characters more alive,
the words richer than they were in the day.
At some point in time,
you unconsciously diverge from those beloved pages
and are drawn to the song that is now playing itself in your mind.
The words,
the notes,
the rhythms
take over your mind until time itself ceases to exist and self becomes a construct.
Contrary to these constants, the present still seems murky to you.
You try to make sense of the world now,
when every possible scene can be considered
without experiencing the consequences.
Your day plays like a movie reel in your head;
a good day bringing you the satisfaction of a job well done,
a bad one causing some tears to flow onto your pillow, that ever faithful companion.
You think of every choice you made that day
and ponder over how a different decision
could have taken you down another road.
You begin to contemplate alternative dimensions and universes
that your choices could have created.
You then slowly begin to dream of times that haven’t come to pass.
You imagine how your life could be ten years from now.
Where are you?
What is your routine like?
Are you lucky enough to not have a routine?
Who are you with?
But above all else: Are you happy?
The answers chase themselves around your mind,
each one sweeter than the one before.
One thought gently weaves itself into the next,
and before you know it, you’ve created a beautiful tapestry;
every inch covered with scenes from your life not yet lived.
You plan for every eventuality
and create beautiful worlds for yourself
until you stumble onto that one perfect life,
teeming with colour and life and adventure.
You close your eyes to that wonderful picture.
To the smell of hot cocoa wafting around a cosy room.
To the sounds of a guitar being strummed to your favourite tune
while you dance around without a care in the world.
To the sight of the people you love more than anything else in the world.
It is in that hour of the serene night
that worlds are created before they fade away like castles on the seashore.
It is in that hour that you chart a course to your destiny that lies far beyond the horizon.
It is in that hour that you finally allow yourself to dream and hope like never before.
It is in that hour before slumber that the dreamer awakens.
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violetendings · 1 year
I knew I was over you
When it was just another song
Rather than a fragment I looked for you in....
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