It's been a little while since I posted here, and it's partially due to the fact that I was having a bit of a visualization writers block. I was also struggling a bit with visualizing when meditating and all that. However I had a Personal Realisation earlier while listening to music and I thought it might help at least one person out.
I was listening to music, and leaning against a table, and I began to picture a different desk and surroundings in my mind, and I started to feel the room spin, and almost feel like I was there. I think before now, I've been thinking of visualization as just seeing the image in my minds eye, but not being present in it.
I think from now on I'm going to try and really feel the visualization, the sights, and as I really would feel it too. As if I'm actually there in the visualization, instead of an observer. Most people probably already realized this, but I still thought I'd share it. Maybe I'll even make some quick visualizations to help with the process of immersion into the visuals instead of passive observation!
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Shifting Related, but not a Visualization:
I'm sure we all have those moments in our daily living where we say something we remember vividly that everyone claims never happened, or you walk to one place and on your return you see a sign or something that you've never seen before, but it looks aged like it's always been there.
Going along with the notion that we shift every second, always changing, always able to attract timelines that are good for us, etc. What if sometimes as we subconsciously shift from one reality to another slightly to the left or right, we go to a reality where there's those things we've never seen before, or our memory that we swear happened never did.
Just a thought.
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Visualization Idea for Methods - Interview at the Café
It's been a while friends, but here's a new visualization method. As always do whatever makes you comfy to get ready, and remember this can be used for awake and asleep methods.
To begin, count to ten. In between each count, breathe and affirm. When you inhale, open your eyes, and when you exhale close them. When they're closed affirm, and count right before you open them. For these ten breaths, affirm primarily about conditions of your method, safety affirmations if you will. Things like "even if I move I will shift." Or "Regardless of my doubts I will shift."
Repeat this process at least twice more. The second set of affirmations should be focused on the journey, and the third should be focused on anything else you'd like. Repeat Initiative affirmations and counting until you feel ready. When you do feel ready, try to imagine a character from your Dr asking you if you're ready to begin.
Answer them that you are, and imagine a coffee shop setting. Picture the smells or the sounds, everything you can. Next, imagine answering interview like questions about your DR self. Do this until you feel ready to shift. Once you are, try to imagine them telling you that it's time to go. Affirm heavily as you leave the presence of the coffee shop.
Try to imagine darkness now, as if you're in your DR bed. Repeat the counting and affirming process from the beginning, but this time without opening your eyes. This time is also different in affirming, as you should use ending affirmations. Things like "I have shifted" or "Despite my doubts I am in my DR." Do this until you're ready to fall asleep, or until you're ready to open your eyes.
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Method Choosing Meditation Idea - The Man by the Pond
For this meditation just clear your mind and get comfy to begin. Once you've cleared your mind(look back to my previous method Choosing Meditation Idea on how you can clear your mind), imagine sitting on a park bench. Think about how it feels, how it looks. What type of wood do you think it is?
Once you're done with this, imagine looking over your shoulder at an older man sitting next to you. How much older than you is he? What does he look like? Imagine him turning towards you and asking you if you have a question for him. What does his voice sound like? Is it comforting?
Imagine telling him that you do have a question, and ask him which DR you have that you should go to. Imagine him telling you that he'll need a moment to think. Turn to the water and focus on it until he turns back to you and answers you. Once he gives you your answer, thank him, and close your eyes, opening them again here.
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Meditation Method - The Reality Restaurant
So recently from whatever spiritual grapevine I have feeding me my information, I got the news that I'm not heading to the right DR right now, and that I should meditate and recieve the answer of which other I should head on over to. Haven't done it yet, but it gave me the idea to make some visual meditations ideas for Deciding on a DR. Maybe I'll make it a series, who knows. Anyway let's begin.
Start in a comfortable seated position, or laying down if you'd prefer. Try to clear your head until you've got a very solid "no thoughts, head empty vibe". For me this usually means my mind has quieted and I'm not envisioning people talking to me, or song lyrics. A method I've heard for clearing your mind is to ask yourself mentally what you're going to think of next, "I wonder what I'm going to think of next." And eventually the space between your next thought should get pretty long.
After this, imagine opening your eyes in a restaurant booth, imagine the cushions you're sitting on, are they soft or firm? Are they leather, or maybe something else? What color is the cushion? How about the table? Take your time, you're not in a rush.
There will be someone to guide you sitting across from you, can you tell what they look like? It's alright if not, perhaps they'll have a form when you see them sometime else. Imagine asking them what you should get from the menu, really set this question with intent. You haven't looked at the menu, but you know deep down that it's filled with a list of DRs. You don't know the placement of what DR is where, or how many there are. This time, wait for an answer, imagining them pushing back the menu and pointing at something. Look down, and notice which DR they tell you to go to.
After this, imagine thanking them, and sitting up in the seat, closing your eyes, knowing you can come back when you want to, or need to. Open your eyes here and dwell a little on which DR you should go to!
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Visualization Method - A Resort that Really Shifts your Perspective
It's been a while but I'm back with another visualization idea that popped into my head after watching a spooky movie. To get started, I'm going to put my usual disclaimer, which is just: Do whatever feels comfy during this, there's no rules.
Now that that's out of the way, let's get started. To begin, get comfortable in whichever way you normally do to prepare for a method. Focus on your breathing for a few moments, and then try to imagine the sound of wind, and maybe some rumbles here and there. Then imagine opening your eyes as you're on a bus that's rolling through a jungle which looks almost painted around you.
Next imagine looking at the lap of your OR self as you sit on the bus. In your lap is a brochure, open it, and read all about your DR self, and how the experience will be transformative, changing you into who you'd like to be.
As you travel, you feel bumps in the road, and each time they jostle you, imagine feeling a little different, a bit more like your DR self. Eventually, once you feel completely ready, the bus will turn around, and you'll wonder why you aren't getting off at the resort behind you. As the bus drives, it'll tell you the next destination is your DR. As it drives, really affirm who you are, remember who you are as your DR self.
Lay down on your seat in the bus. Affirm that you've shifted, and continue this with your eyes closed until you no longer feel the bumps of the road, and until the bed beneath you feels like the one in your DR, you can help it along by imagining it changing. Affirm that you've shifted until you fall asleep, or until you open your eyes if you do awake methods. Open your eyes or wake up, and enjoy your DR!
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Not a Visualization:
So I've seen a lot of discourse about clones and things of the like, and I was pondering the whole situation and I had an epiphany of sorts so I'll share it here.
Think of it like this: Your DR self isn't a clone, that consciousness goes about their life and their awareness, you just aren't consciously aware of it, but they still function and go about life. I think it's the same with your OR self, when you aren't aware of the consciousness it's not like you sleep and go unconscious, because a consciousness exists still in that body and it'll do whatever your OR self normally would, you just aren't aware of it, if that makes sense.
Long story short, I think of it like this, your OR consciousness functions exactly like your DR one does when you're not aware of it.
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Visualization Method - Affirmation Station:
As per usual, get comfy, there's no rules for this visualization except that you have to close your eyes and open your mind. This also comes with a backstory/realisation that I had earlier. So as I was going about my day like usual, I had a thought that kind of put shifting a bit more into perspective for me(cliché, I know, but hear me out).
So I realized that, what a lot of people are saying is true about it, and I've been hearing what they've said about their epiphanies, yes, I just haven't understood, because I'm sure it really clicks better in people's minds at different points in their journey. I realized that I've been putting in work, and I really feel like I'm ready now, like I really do feel like I'm ready whenever I go to do asleep methods. But I've been completely forgetting that I need to allow the Universe to ready me as well, and that I will be successful if I just trust that I'll do it when the time is right and there will be a right time, I just need to keep working.
That being said, begin and imagine you're laying on the metal slated benches of train stations. Maybe there's a breeze blowing, really feel it, smell it, hear it. If you're good at visualization seeing, do that too. Once you're really feeling it, run through your script, to know where the train will be taking you. Now, it's affirmation time.
Here's the affirmations(pretty much) that I'm going to have you cycle through. "I do not chase, I attract, what belongs to me will simply find me." "I am successful in all that I strive to accomplish." "I trust the universe to guide me to where I wish to be." "I am a being of pure consciousness." And feel free to add any others you'd like. Keep repeating these and feel hands guide you onto a train, lay down on the train while continuing to affirm as it goes faster and faster. Continue to do this and affirm until you fall asleep.
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Visualization Idea - The Pond of Infinite Souls:
For this visualization, as with most of my visualizations, feel free to do whatever is comfiest for you, like lay however you'd like and listen or don't listen to whatever is comfiest for you. We're all about comfort here babes.
Imagine that you're sitting on grass. It's damp, the grass, cool to the touch. Watch the way it dances in the wind, fluid and forgiving. It's like you, you are just as fluid and forgiving. You are the grass, and the universe is the wind, allow it to blow you every which way, give into the universe, allow yourself to be carried away by it's sway and influence. Trust that it will take you where you'd like to go, just as the grass trusts the wind.
Next, imagine looking up, around you. A bit further in front of you is a pond, don't pay it too much mind yet, you've got work to do before you gaze into it's depths. Look further around you, and notice that the grass trails off into a vast sea. It's dark out, and the sea is illuminated by the moon, causing soft waves to ripple by the shore, dimming from the bigger waves they used to be. They're like you, capable of change, willing to dim in order to achieve what they wish for, what they hope for. They trust the moon to guide them and pull them back to wherever they need to be. Trust the universe to take you where you'd like to go, allow it to do such, and know that it will bring you back to where you need to be when you wish to return.
Next, look at the shoreline, and pick up a stone. Feel how smooth it is, perfectly round, once something far bigger than what remains. Made of something much larger, different pieces of what it used to be scattered around, going in different directions. The tide landed this stone here, and the stone knows that this is where it's supposed to be. Trust the universe to mold you, to take you where you need to be and shape you to be ready for where you arrive, just as the stones trust the waves to do the same for them. Give into the universe, sit and affirm until you're ready, and move to the pond.
Before you look down at the pond, tell yourself who you are in your DR, imagine saying out loud the parts of your script you'd like most to remember, or all of it if you don't write down your scripts. Open your eyes when you're ready, and affirm while looking at your reflection. It looks like your DR self, the body your consciousness is aware of where you'd like to go. Imagine saying whatever affirmations you'd like, and when you're ready, place your palm on the surface of the water.
Imagine saying "I allow myself to surrender to the universe, like the grass does to the wind, let it guide me where I desire to go." And feel the tension on the surface of the water dissipate a little. Affirm, and when you're ready, say "I allow myself to change and calm my mind so that the universe may take me where I wish to go, knowing that it will bring me back when I wish to return." And feel the water tension dissipate further. Affirm, and say "And I allow the universe to shape me and carry me to where I wish to go, like the waves do the stones."
Imagine a hand grabbing yours and pulling you through the water of the pond, and when you're sitting back up on the opposite side of the pond, visualize your reflection being that of your OR consciousness' body. Affirm who you are, and affirm whatever you wish to until you fall asleep, or are ready to open your eyes in your DR.
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Visualization Idea - The Abyssal Void:
This Method has more of an auditory, out of body vibe, which could be good for people who have a harder time visualizing visually. Yes I know that last sentence isn't the best grammatically, it is what it is. I also wanted to note before it comes out of the blue(might make a post on this thought separately if people are more interested, but I'll give an overview here as it pertains to the visualization), that I thought of something earlier today that could help center and focus during methods that I'm going to be implementing in my directions here.
Math. Okay, hear me out, just simple addition to do between affirming, maybe instead of counting, maybe to bring you back to focus. Just simple math, like two plus two is four, four plus four is eight, and so on and so forth. My reasoning is that it in a way is an affirmation, so peppering in your shifting affirmations in between all these other true things makes it more true if that makes sense. It also is a bit more of a focus grabbing way to get back to the meditation if your mind starts to wander? Let me know if any of you are interested in more of this math as affirmation help idea I had, and I'll make a post just for it! Now onto the method.
To begin, imagine floating in a dark void, and there's two ways you can Invision yourself here, first Person, so a whole lot of nothingness around you. Or third person, where you're kind of out of body about it all. Imagine floating here, and strongly say affirmations, while running through whatever you want to of your script.
In between affirmations, do some math. Simple math, two plus two is four, four plus four is eight, eight plus eight is sixteen, etc. Do this and add the product of your last two numbers together until it's too much thinking and you get stuck up, only go to where it's easiest. Affirm a few DR specific affirmations, feel your consciousness floating around every which way as you do this.
Try to imagine being sucked somewhere quickly, like you're flying there, and keep doing this until somewhere feels right, until it resonates with you as your DR. Your consciousness is there now, in your DR, continue doing math and affirming until you fall asleep, or are ready to open your eyes if it's an awake method.
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Visualization Idea - The Hall of Painted Faces:
Aside from the fact that I'm trying to make cool names for my Visualizations, here's a new visualization method, as usual you can listen to whatever and sit/lay however you'd like, doesn't really matter to me.
To begin, imagine opening your eyes in your OR room, and regardless of how you left your door, imagine that it's closed. Visualize how the floor in your OR feels as you walk towards the door, imagine holding the handle and turning it, really feel it. Imagine opening the door and entering a painters studio, it can look however you'd like.
Close the door behind you to your OR room and walk into the painter studio towards a half finished painting of a face. It's your DR self's face. Looking around, there are paintings everywhere, and you have the urge to walk somewhere else, where is it? Walk wherever it is, and imagine a door, turn the handle and think about how it feels as you walk into an all dark room with many people who all have many different faces.
You recognize them, not visually, but in your mind you know who they are, they're you, other consciousness. Look down, and take one hundred steps, counting each one and affirming in between. At one hundred, turn to the side and look up, it's how you look in your DR. Take your hand and look down, counting to ten and affirming. Look back up, and imagine it's your OR self looking back at you. You've made the shift of visual appearance. Count down from one hundred as you look down to leave the room. Close the door to the hall and imagine how it feels.
Turn around and visualize looking into a mirror in the studio at yourself how you look in your DR. Turn back to the painting, it's finished now. Affirm as you walk back to the door of the painter's studio, the one you entered in, and imagine opening it again, looking at your DR bedroom, and walking into it as you affirm. Close the door and look at it, it's your DR bedroom's door now. Imagine walking towards your DR bed and laying in it, affirming till you fall asleep(or shift), and wake up where you'd like to be.
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Visualization idea for Methods. This one is inspired by some videos I saw on tik tok, the ones that are like "this is what it feels like to shift"/"this is what it was like(for the most part) when I shifted". I saw a couple pop up and they gave me an idea for a method. You don't need anything specific, you can listen to stuff or not if you want, and lay/sit however is comfiest. If you've seen these videos I'm talking about then you've got a headstart, if not don't worry since I'll describe what to imagine for this visualization.
Look at your eyelids and affirm, count if you'd like and affirm however works best for you. Run through your script mentally and refer to yourself, add anything in you think of in the moment. Continue affirming and imagine some neon lights, they're moving around you and try to make it feel like you're floating, like you keep being pulled away from your OR body. The feeling you get sometimes when you're close to sleep, it's almost like falling, that's the one, imagine over and over and continue to affirm.
After this, begin to imagine white-ish gray flashes, getting brighter and surrounding you, it's kind of like when you almost open your eyes when you're asleep, imagine that feeling. If you're doing an asleep method, imagine the white light while affirming that you've shifted, and that you're waking up in your DR. If you're doing an awake method, keep doing this and affirm that you've already shifted, and when you're ready, fully open your eyes.
This is a short visualization to read, but you can loop the parts for however long you'd like to. Watching the videos got me to think that, if that's what it's like to shift, to take the final step, why not skip straight to visualizing it? It made me think that it could be a way to make yourself believe you're already where you want to be, you're aware of the consciousness in a reality you'd like to go to, since most methods have you do things to make you believe you're already there anyway, why not make a visualization to imagine that you're taking the last step? Anyway this doesn't have a name, maybe something like the Almost There Visualization.
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Not a visualization but I'm very motivated to shift tonight, I've got a really good feeling. If I don't that's perfectly Ok but I feel really close and I'll tell you why.
I was scrolling through my mainly shift tok feed earlier(I know a lot of people have a lot of thoughts about shifttok please leave the discourse at the door) and right below a shifting motivation video was a completely random video about the wilds. Not related to shifting, no tags, nothing.
I've been manifesting to shift there, and I never see Wilds content on my account so I'm taking it as a sign and feeling really motivated, thought I'd share.
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I don't really have a name for this visualization but I thought of it while I was walking earlier today and I thought, hey, why not flesh this idea out a little bit. As always it's a pretty stress free visualization so don't worry about needing sounds or a certain position or anything, do what you'd like and what makes you comfy.
To start off close your eyes and count to ten, each count add an affirmation, and just really root yourself into it. Imagine opening your eyes(but don't open them physically), and seeing your comfort character(or anyone from your DR) standing in your room, nearby to you. Imagine them holding up a hand and shushing you as they gesture forward.
Imagine that you walk up to them, and they extend a blindfold out, putting it on you. They lead you through your OR house, imagine it's smells, familiarity, how it sounds, and let it be. Imagine all that becoming numb, warm, fuzzy, you're not in your OR anymore, you can feel it in your bones.
Then imagine being led into your DR, all the smells and sounds flooding around you of wherever you'll sleep. Imagine your person talking to you about yourself and what you'll do when you wake up, since you're tired from a long journey. But not OR you, no that's not who you are not who you're currently aware of being, imagine being led to where you'll lay down to sleep, as the person leading you sits next to you and begins counting. Imagine the sounds and smells of your DR room, and as the person counts they affirm to you and you repeat them internally(or vocally if you'd like). The person will keep counting until you fall asleep, and hopefully you wake in your DR!
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Ok here's another visualization Idea for meditating and focusing and what not, I actually really like making these, maybe I'll make more of them from now on.
So I feel like this might be easier or a quicker and less hard to remember visualization, and could be good for people who fall asleep too soon during big visualizations, or who just have a hard time remembering. This focuses very much on OR and DR rooms or places you sleep. As always you can have any sounds you'd like or no sounds at all, whatever's comfiest for you.
Next step is to close your eyes and imagine your current sleeping space in your OR. Just think of what it looks like, it should be somewhat easy since you just saw it. Pick a few of your favorite things from the room as you imagine looking around it(you can also imagine being up and away from your body walking around to see these things during the visualization). Pick things you like best that you can see, maybe 3-5, and imagine them in front of you(or imagine walking over to them). Imagine how each one feels, smells, looks, etc. Spend some time really trying to feel each one.
After you're done, say whichever affirmations you like best, and count from any number between one and one hundred, saying affirmations every ten counts(or one every less counts, whichever you prefer). As the number gets higher, imagine the room spinning and becoming blurry until you get to one hundred. Once at 100, imagine the blurriness fades to your DR room, looking at it the same way you saw your OR room.
Here you're going to repeat the process of affirming and looking at 3-5 objects, this time your favorites from your DR room. Really feel them, think of why they're your favorite, etc. Really ground into this DR, recognize this as your room, same as your OR room, don't think that you'd love to be there, because you are there.
Lastly, if you've gotten up to walk around your body, imagine walking back to it and merging back to be one with it(this time it's your DR body though), if not, begin counting to 100 and affirming between each count that you are in your DR, you are your DR self, you have already shifted and it's time to sleep, and when you wake up you'll go about your day in your DR. Keep counting till you're asleep(count down from 100 once you reach it and count back up, repeating and saying affirmations till you zonk out).
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Visualization Idea for Methods:
Ok so I'm going to call this the Matrix Visualization Method and I'd like to add a disclaimer that goes for all my visualization ideas: I have you imagine reading or being told a lot about your DR self and conditionals in your DR since I personally like to script in the moment of visualizing. You both can, or don't have to script before my visualization methods since you'll reiterate the information during them.
So starting off you can listen to subliminals or music or nothing, whatever works for you. Then, close your eyes and lay however is comfy, you can move, don't stress. Imagine a robotic voice counting down from 100, and quietly affirm to yourself between each number.
When the voice gets to 0, imagine it welcoming you back, and imagine watching a VR headset be taken off of you, as you look around a government type room. Imagine people in suits, you can imagine them however you'd like, but the black suits are a key.
Imagine one of them telling you that it's time to pause your current mission, and visualize looking over to a mirror, and seeing a middle self, someone who doesn't look like your OR self, or your DR self, this MS(Middle Self) is wearing a similar black suit. Imagine being in a hospital type bed, and look away from the mirror back to whomever is talking.
Imagine them offering you a hand, and telling you that they're going to tell you about your current mission. There imagine them briefing you about everything you need to know about your DR self, and the conditionals that apply as well(i.e "now, Agent [redacted], you can be harmed but never fatally, and nothing too severe. We wouldn't want one of our best operatives getting hurt" or something in character like that when they tell you).
Tell them you're ready to accept the mission, focus on how your MS voice sounds, and think about how it'll change when you get into your DR, even try thinking in this little Middle Scenario in that voice. Have them ask you if you're sure, and 100% ready, reply yes. Imagine them asking multiple more times for your express consent before handing you a form on a tablet. Sign where they tell you to and imagine them taking it back.
Now imagine them leading you to the same hospital type bed as before as they instruct you to lay down in it. As you do that, think about how different the bed will feel in your DR, where you're assigned to go. Imagine them putting the VR headset back on, and getting a robotic initiation loading sequence.
Imagine the robotic voice again, but this time it is counting up from 1 to 100, affirm (in your DR voice this time) between each of these numbers, and when it gets to 100, imagine a faint robotic voice telling you it was a success and wishing you good luck. Think in your DR voice about things you might do when you wake up there(or when you open your eyes if you do non-sleep methods).
And that's it ✨
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Yes yes I know I'm posting a lot today, I saw some new affirmations to say throughout the day as well as a cool helpful tip for the intention method and I thought I'd share them! (Note: these aren't my own originals I'm just putting them here in case they help others)
The affirmations are "I am ready and Willing to Experience Reality Shifting and Everything it has to Offer me"(you can shorten to "I am ready to experience shifting" if it's too long to remember) and "I am expanding my awareness to become actively conscious of other realities" and finally "I allow my body permission to shift".
As far as the intention method tip goes, affirming things you're gonna do throughout the day and then doing them. So like "I'm gonna drink this water" and then drinking it. And doing stuff like that could get your brain into doing things you've affirmed bc that's what it's used to and it could help with the intention method when you affirm "I am going to shift/am shifting/have shifted".
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