vivienne-28-love · 1 year
These days I'm trying a new approach to losing weight, recommended by a friend, being that fasting for days only leads me to binge afterwards🫣
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
when i open tumblr or edtwt after binge eating
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
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I started a two day fast as I ate way too much yesterday, give me good luck! Because I've never made one this long 🫣 !!!
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
Hey guys! I wanted to apologize to you if I stopped making "the meals of the day" for a few days, but in a certain sense it no longer seemed to make sense to do them and I had started it because it was something that above all helped me keep myself in line, but now I think the best thing is to continue as normal but without the daily posts about the precise meals I make. Of course I will still remain active and let you know what I'm doing and any progress or failures I might be making ( ◠‿◠ ) !!
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
I fasted all day, drank only water and green tea.
I feel really depressed today, I have too many things on my mind, things to do, but I don't do anything. I just think about my weight, I hate this thing.
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
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The thing I hate most about my body is my thighs, no matter how much weight I lose, they are still huge and ugly
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
I know it is hard sometimes and you may not see results… but find motivation and fall in love with ana🧘‍♀️⭐️🫶🏼🌟💖
only you can make it happen!! <3 👼🏼
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
Why are mums so triggering? One conversation with my mum and I just want to starve till I die
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
all pretty girls fast.
Be one of them!
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
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Guys I need some 4n4 friends
to talk to and exchange advice and support… if anyone else is also looking for an 4n4 buddy write me🧸
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
Today I fasted all day except for dinner which I can say I ate way too much, but I was having dinner with a friend and I wanted to relax. I had grilled vegetables, two fried eggs and chips, so you can only imagine how many calories. I won't even count them, it makes me sick just thinking about it, I'm telling you because even today I won't make a post like I usually do, there's no need…
Anyway, I thank the 4n4 community so much, because without you I would feel alone in this thing, you inspire me every day and I finally feel understood❤️
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
First I took a pill that is supposed to help burn more calories, it's from my parents and I found the bottle in the medicine cabinet. I tried one and I'm curious if it works🐱
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
Today is much better than yesterday. I was really crazy from the binge and I went for a run, I ran more or less 10 kilometers and consumed 350 cals, although before going I tried with all my might to induce vomiting myself, but I couldn't do it, I kept trying but I couldn't get anything out, I felt spasms but it didn't come back… maybe it won't be for me, I was a little afraid to do it and this probably had an influence, even though I was desperate and tried and tried again. I hope in the future not to find myself in such a situation again
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
I'm terrible, I binge, I couldn't stop and I'm very close to continuing, I ate two chocolate snacks and some cookies, I feel like crap, I feel disgust for myself, it was so good all day then I started to have a relentless urge to eat and I took the snacks and ate them and I couldn't stop. Today I don't feel like posting the usual list of meals for the day, I feel too bad and too guilty. I am ashamed of myself
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
July 30th, day 17
🧋Meals of the day🥙
• Pavesini cocoa biscuits - 96 cals
• Corn and Pepper Salad - 300 cals
• Lemonade - 13 cals
• Salad and cherry tomatoes - 100 cals
• Pavesini cocoa biscuits - 96 cals
Steps taken: 4.468
Calories burned: -125 cals
Total: 480 cals
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These days I feel like a fat girl, I find it hard to calculate the calories of what I eat because I don't prepare them as usual and in addition I feel I have eaten more than normal, even if in my estimates in theory no. I think maybe I'm not doing enough, for example I don't do workouts, I just HATE gymnastics, I rather walk or run slower and I still struggle to find the time, I'm always from side to side and doing a thousand things different, it's as fun as it is exhausting (right now plus the second thing), then my desire to eat these days is relentless, I've been to my boyfriend's house and his house is full of temptations of all kinds, it's not like a my house which is 80% vegetable and dietetic stuff, his house is full of junk food, in fact I much prefer to eat at my house, where I can also avoid lying constantly about what I eat, because at home mine is enough for me to say I don't eat and they don't care, I make stupid excuses and they believe it, while at my boyfriend's house it's much more difficult. I'm now on my way home but it's a long and tiring journey, I just want to eat a whole pack of chips and then vomit them, too bad I can't vomit on command (I've already tried it)
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
July 29th, day 16
🧁Meals of the day🫖
• Rice salad - 750 cals
• Cherry tomatoes and salad - 50 cals
• Mixed salad - 70 cals
Steps taken: 24.021
Calories burned: -601 cals
Total: 269 cals
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꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ*
Today didn't go well, for lunch I ate a lot of rice salad, it was really delicious and I kept eating it, in fact I felt so guilty and decided to go walking to try to burn as much as possible, I did what I I could and it was really tiring, I felt very weak muscles but I still continued, even if I'm not so satisfied. What's more, I have a hard time making my "little appetite" seem natural in front of others, because I went out with my boyfriend's family and their friends and while everyone was ordering pizzas, burgers and fries I felt in awe of ordering 'salad, everyone was looking at me strange… but that's okay, I hope they don't get any bad ideas.
꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ꒱࿐♡˚.*ೃ ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ*
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vivienne-28-love · 1 year
"I'd rather die skinny than live fat"
- me
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