voidofalltrades · 11 months
Women are kangaroos, men are gorillas.
I keep watching videos of men and women posting stuff at the gym saying, "Using a machine after a girl/boy" and I have come to the conclusion that girls have strong legs and boys have strong arms.
What else has strong legs? Kangaroos!
What else has strong arms? Gorillas!
I rest my case.
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
Burps are just mouth farts
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
I didn't know I need more of this, now I do
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
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It’s been a month and a half and I’m still not okay
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
Okay so I just saw Genshin's post of Furina's character art. SHE LOOKS SO CUTEEEEE!
I say Neucillette is baby, but Furina is also baby- specifically, child. She's a child. A spoiled brat kind of child.
I wanna pull for her, team her up with HuTao and Klee, and call their team, "Gremlins" might even put Fischl there.
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
Darius: Human inventions
Alador: Human invasion
Darius: Inventions
Alador: Invasion
Darius: Inventions
Alador: Invasion
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
I don't think any of us can handle that
in despair at the thought already
omg I was rewatching s2 ep6 last night in despair as one does, and. I watched all the way through the credits, as one does, and at the end was a piece of paper. It had the words “Blank Corporation” on it and a signature that looked suspiciously like “Metatron” on the left side.
(Please note that I don’t have a pic of it bc Amazon screenshots 🙄 but I can try to get one later)
Hear me out. I think that this makes so so much sense with what could happen in s3. Maybe this is a general theme, relating to the Second Coming or the forced amnesia Heaven seems to be so fond of for angels who break the rules. Maybe it’s an episode title.
Either way, this tells me one dread-inducing, Crowley to the rescue! Energy type thing:
Aziraphale is in danger.
That smile in the elevator that scraped us all raw? That was the smile of a Supreme Archangel about to go up, lick (it’s kick, aziraphale) some ass and take names.
But I’m wondering if his idealism could be getting the best of him here. I assume he knows, generally, that he’s walking into a fight, and he’s prepared to some extent to deal with it.
But what if his memory is erased? What if that’s what blank corporation means, that his memory of his time on earth is just gone?
Because we know that corporation refers exclusively to humans and human things. And something tells me that Heaven isn’t gonna want their Supreme Archangel to be so human-influenced. After all, he might ask questions and want to change things, i.e, the Second Coming and end of the world in general.
So what if they erase him? What if they take him all the way back to the Angel from Before the Beginning who didn’t want Crowley to ask questions? Before he was a principality sworn to protect humankind?
What if he forgets Crowley?
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
I feel nothing but sadness now.
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“We were like this too, once”
Thank u so much for all the re blogs and likes🫶🏼🫶🏼
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
i need a season 3
Crowley and Aziraphale hes been together for centuries and the end of the second season is a literal cliffhanger- AND THEY ALMOST GOT TOGETHER (romantically)
But nooooooo~ There had to be a MISUNDERSTANDING
Alright end of my rant...
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voidofalltrades · 1 year
Can we agree Neuvillette is a babygirl or at least... Baby?
This is all info I'm getting off of memes and stuff because I can't play Fontaine yet and don't really want to watch gameplay so take this with the salt from the dead sea. Why don't I play? Storage.
Anyway- LET ME (try to) EXPLAIN!
He doesn't shed tears, instead he makes it rain while his face is totally blank
He gives you this urge to just comfort him or at least pet him to make him feel better
I know he's a tall dragon like Mr. I-Forgot-My-Wallet but he gives off "must protc" vibes
"Hydro dragon, hydro dragon don't you cry." This.
I want to adopt him or at least be a babysitter (even though he is baby sitting the literal hydro archon)
He needs a break, and when he does he needs to be pampered like a child or baby
Give him plushies, snacks, and pats, he needs it
I know he's like hundreds of years old BUT C'MON!
Imagine this:
After a rough day in the courtroom, Neuvillette just feels sad and tired. He went to his favourite café to unwind only to find it closed and it starts raining while his face is all blank. He's stressed, sad, and upset. He stands in front of the closed sign of the café as it rains heavily.
I rest my case.
You can disagree, but to me, he is like baby.
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