voxywitch · 4 years
Bedridden Witch Series
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For those of you who don’t know me, I suffer from a chronic illness and I spend a LOT of time bedridden. I also happen to be a witch! I don’t let being trapped in bed stop me from practicing my craft. Here are some resources I’ve compiled from my personal experiences and the help of others <3
Bedridden witch - Original edition
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch- Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
Bedridden witch - Ocean edition
Bedridden witch - Love edition
Bedridden witch - Weather edition
Bedridden witch - Garden edition
Bedridden witch - Bath edition
Bedridden witch - Wheel of the Year edition
Bedridden witch - Discreet edition
Bedridden witch - The Setup
Check the notes for future updates! Updated January of 2020
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voxywitch · 4 years
Worshipping With Executive Dysfunction
Ironically, I’m writing this to avoid doing my Work Job. Let’s get into it.
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Set an alarm so you remember. Pick a specific time you’re going to worship, because “later” never comes and “sometime this evening” rarely does either. Instead, set an alarm so that you already have that time set aside in your mind, and so that you don’t mentally blow past it when that time arrives.
Keep everything in one place. Keep the offerings near where you would offer them, as well as anything you might need to do it, like matches or lighters. Make it so there’s as little travel time as possible between you and what you want to do. 
Think through the ritual setup beforehand. Sometimes the offering part is easy but getting to that point is overwhelming, especially if your tradition involves ritual purification or invocation rituals. Boil it down to the bare essentials and capture the essence in a way that doesn’t have so many steps, if you can. (Ex: Is that personal purification rite just an ancient way of washing away germs, and if so can we just mindfully wash our hands and fulfull the rite’s function?)
Start with something little. Getting started can be the hardest part. If you don’t have the energy for an entire offering ritual, break it into pieces. Just do the setup and approach the rest later if you need. Or just put on a playlist to get into the mood for now. Or take a couple deep breaths to refocus your brain. Ease into it as slowly as you need. 
Think ahead with your offerings. Will you have the spoons to clean up after? If you’re like me and run the risk of not removing an offering for days (or weeks…) then think ahead to what can stay there a long time, just in case. Nobody likes cleaning up the altar and finding mold in the offering dish. Incense, water, and dried plants tend to work well, as do nonphysical things like music and poetry.
“While I’m at it…” If you catch yourself in a spot with good momentum, try to get a rite done while you have the energy instead of putting it off. It can be something simple, but use the energy and the drive while you’re on top of it since we can’t always guarantee it will be there in even an hour. 
Keep things similar so that you don’t have to rethink every step, every time. A rock solid routine with what a ritual looks like helps it become a lot more automatic, and therefore a lot easier to actually do. Routine becomes habit.
Remember that something is better than nothing. Anything that helps you touch base with your Divine and keep them close is a good thing, and most people don’t give an offering every single day. Don’t waste time beating yourself up for not performing at the level you wish you could. Instead, celebrate the love it takes to do something at all for them through your Executive Dysfunction; you’re already pushing yourself and striving to do your best for them, and that’s incredible. Hang onto that. 
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voxywitch · 4 years
Types Of Witches series: 🥄Spoonie Witches🥄
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Spoonie Witches are witches who use ways of witchcraft that are friendly to their own disabilities and chronic illnesses. They practice things like low-energy spells, self care spells, and overall low-sensitive spells and practices.
 Spoonie Witch resources:
🥄 Spoonie Witchraft: What Does It Mean?
🥄 Low Spoons Witch Tip
🥄 Witchy Ideas For Those With Low Energy
🥄 Spoonie Witch Tip
🥄 One-Worded Spells
🥄 Spoonie Acts Of Witchery
🥄 Autistic Witch Tips
🥄 “Peaceful Atmosphere” Sigil
🥄 Spoonie Witch Tip
🥄 Witchy Things To Do When You’re Low On Spoons [Part 1]
🥄 Witchy Things To Do When You’re Low On Spoons [Part 2]
🥄 Spoonie Cleansing
🥄 Herbal Tea For Anxiety And Depression
🥄 Low Spoons Spells
🥄 Spoonie Self-Care Tips
🥄 Spoonie Magic Tips
🥄 Anti-Anxiety Tarot Spread
🥄 Witchcraft And Meds
🥄 Witchy Positivity Journal
🥄 Quick Magic Tips For Fatigue
🥄 Spoonie Sigils List
🥄 Spoonie Witch Reminder
🥄 Tips For Witches With Anxiety
🥄 Intrusive Thoughts Witch Tip
🥄 Meditation For The Wild-Minded Witch
🥄 Bed Magic
🥄 Healing Tea Recipes
🥄 Spoonie Devotional Tips
🥄 Charging A Stuffed Animal For Comfort
🥄 Magical Batteries
🥄 Witch Tip
Bedridden Witch Series:
🥄 Nature Edition
🥄 Worship Edition
🥄 Divination Edition
🥄 Stale Energy Edition
🥄 Elements Edition
🥄 Pastel Edition
🥄 Kitchen Edition
🥄 Winter Edition
🥄 Ocean Edition
🥄 Love Edition
🥄 Weather Edition
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voxywitch · 4 years
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"Hecate" by Daria Rashev.
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voxywitch · 4 years
Witchy/Metaphysical Stores in Colorado!
So, I know this might be rather specific, but I’ve seen lots of posts recommending stores for other states, but haven’t really seen one for my own. Most of them are in the Denver Metro Area because that’s what I’m most familiar with, but I can add more to this post later if y’all have any additions. Because of the current pandemic, I’ll also be noting whether they have limits on the # of people in the store and/or curbside pickup. There’s currently a state-wide mask mandate so assume masks will be required for all of these stores!
Also, a personal note: Some of these stores might promote some pseudoscience. I didn’t look into it that much when doing research for this post, but I’m just making an assumption based off of general trends in metaphysical/witchcraft communities. I personally don’t endorse any pseudoscience or “alternative medicine”, and an simply listing stores based on any witchcraft related products they sell, not any potential pseudo-scientific products or services.
Goddess Isis Books & Gifts (2775 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113) -   Customer limits, curbside pickup as an option. They also have temperature checks at the door! (https://www.isisbooks.com/)
Herbs & Arts (2015 E. Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206) - Customer limits, curbside pickup. (https://www.herbsandarts.com/)
For Heaven’s Sake (4900 West 46th Avenue, Denver, CO 80212; also has a location in Lakewood) - Customer limits, curbside pickup. (https://forheavensake.com/)
Springs-Spirituality-Metaphysical-Store (27 E. Colorado Ave. Suite 104, Colorado Springs, CO 80903) - In-person shopping by appointment only. No curbside pickup, but does to same-day delivery to the Colorado Springs Area. (https://springsspiritualitymetaphysical.com/)
Celebration Metaphysical Center (975 Garden of the Gods Rd., #C Colorado Springs, CO 80907) - Customer limits, curbside pickup. (https://www.celebrationcenter.store/)
Also, two general recommendations for non-witchy places to get stuff that could be useful to your craft (Not going to give any specific stores because there’s a lot):
Asian import stores! Many asian import stores have cheap candles and such for sale. :)
Rock shops! We have a giant mountain range, so of course there’s PLENTY of stores in CO that sell gems and minerals.
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voxywitch · 4 years
witchcraft resources !
300 resources for witchcraft and occultism and counting 👁
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the server now provides a SOLITARY role, where the social channels will be automatically removed for you ✌😌 this is for our witches who dont really want to chat and just want the books / info (or if youre just not comfortable with big servers)
feel free to join here (almost 700 members gang gang)
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voxywitch · 4 years
Visualization has always been one of my strong points when it comes to magic... But also a weak point.
One part for being autistic, at least in my personal experience, is heightened visual thinking skills. You know how people say, "Imagine a teapot. Now rotate that teapot in your head," or something similar? That's what I'm talking about. Because of that, I've always found it easy to do visualization exercises and other such things.
HOWEVER, Because I also have ADHD, I can't maintain any image for a long period of time. My mind jumps around at a million miles a minute most days and I can't keep my attention on something for long enough to do a very simple visualization spell to completion.
It's definitely a blessing and a curse.
Calling All Disabled Witches
Part of my pitch for my upcoming book is to make Witchcraft as accessible as possible. I'm not making it truly accessible if I do not incorporates Magickal content for disabled persons!
Now, I am disabled myself, but I don't experience every disability there is and I certainly don't speak for the entirety of those who have mine.
So this is where YOU come in!
If you want to be a part of this ambitious project, send me your experiences, tips, spells, etc. that are associated with your disability! Most, if not all, depending on the amount of submissions, will be incorporated into my book and you'll get a really cool credit!
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voxywitch · 4 years
Haven't been working on witchcraft much recently because of the Big Sad™ (depression lmao) but I'm hoping on doing an oracle card reading with a new deck for the first quarter moon tomorrow.... Maybe I'll begin a divination journal too? I'm hoping on getting back into this now that I'm feeling a bit better. c:
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voxywitch · 4 years
Willow’s Masterpost of Witchcraft Information and Masterposts!!!
All of these links will direct you to posts I made and worked hard on for the witchcraft community! Many of these are for beginners or people still finding their footing in magic. I hope this is of some use for someone out there!
Updated as of: 4/9/2020
Posts for Beginners Finding Their Way
🔮 Willow’s Beginner Guide: Where to Begin? - a guide on how to start witchcraft and step into the world of using magic
🔮 What is Visualization and How Do I Do It? - a guide for new witches struggling to visualize when doing spell work or energy work and how to help strengthen visualization skills
🔮 “What is My Path and How Do I Find it?” - an explanation of Paths in witchcraft and how to help find your own path at the start of your witchcraft journey 
🔮 Advice to Beginners (ask) - my personal advice to beginners and how they should start researching
Tools, Correspondences, Associations
🔮 Air Witchcraft: Tools and Associations - a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in air magic
🔮 Cosmic Witchcraft: Tools and Associations - a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in cosmic magic
🔮 Earth Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in earth magic
🔮 Fire Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in fire magic
🔮 Storm Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in storm magic
🔮 Water Witchcraft: Tools and Associations -  a masterpost of correspondences, tools, crystals, herbs and more for those getting started in water magic
🔮 Fog in Witchcraft - a masterpost about the histories, modern use, associations and spell work using fog
🔮 Love Magick Masterpost - the ultimate masterpost about love magic, tips and correspondences, types of love magic and much more (intended for mature adult audiences due to topics discussed)
🔮 Pokemon Offerings Masterpost - a simple masterpost for offerings, altar pieces, associations and pop culture tips for witches new to pop culture magic who wish to incorporate pokemon into it
🔮 House Hunting Crystals - a list of crystals and their associations that may be helpful when moving or looking for a new home
🔮 Crystals for Artsy Witches - a list of crystals and their associations that may be helpful to witches looking for inspiration, creativity and getting over artist’s and/or writer’s block
🔮 Crystals for Overcoming Fears - a list of crystals to help oneself face and overcome their fears
🔮 Insect (and Non-Insect) Correspondences - a list of insects and other critters and their correspondences for spell work
🔮 Carnivorous Plant Correspondences - a list of carnivorous plants and their correspondences for spell work
🔮 Unconventional and Affordable Ingredients for Spells - a long list for spell ingredients and their correspondences for witches on a tight budget as well as some budgeting tips
🔮 Nebula Correspondences - a list of nebulas and their correspondences for cosmic witchcraft and spell work
🔮 Autumn Leaf Magic - a list of correspondences and suggestions for using leaves and autumn for witchcraft and magic
🔮 Bubbles In Magick - a masterpost about incorporating bubbles into spell work and their correspondences
🔮 Soups and Broths in Magick - a masterpost of correspondences and uses of soups and broths in magic, also my very first post
🔮 Witch Tips: Peacock Feathers - a little post about the correspondences and uses of peacock feathers in magic
Urban Witchcraft and Indoor Magic
🔮 Stuck in the City: Forest Witch Edition - a masterpost of altar ideas, spells, correspondences and tips for witches who are stuck in urban environments or spoonie witches unable to travel to be forest witches 
🔮 Stuck in the City: Landlocked Sea Witches -  a masterpost of altar ideas, spells, correspondences and tips for witches who are stuck in urban environments, landlocked witches or spoonie witches unable to travel to be ocean witches
🔮 Witch Tips for City Witches - a list of tips and advice for witches who live in cities or urban areas without access to nature or rural spaces
🔮 Sigil Baths - a small information post about sigil baths and working them into your magical routine
🔮 Stimmy Witch Tips - a list of tips for people who stim for numerous reasons and how to incorporate it into your craft
🔮 Witchy Sleep Over Ideas - a fun list of things to do with other witches when hanging out or during sleepovers
🔮 Artsy Witch Tips and Ideas - a masterpost style list of suggestions, tips and ideas for witches who want to incorporate art and art supplies into their craft
Spell Casting, Spells and Cursing
🔮 Substitutions, Reworking and Personalizing Spells - a long guide on how to adjust spells to work  better for you or how to change ingredients for spells for ones you prefer or have available. 
🔮 Intent and Spell Writing - a guide to writing spells and how to work intent into them
🔮 Object Cursing - a masterpost and informational post about cursing objects and how to maintain them and even remove curses from specific objects
🔮 Advice on Cursing (ask) - an ask reply with advice on cursing, cleansing afterwards, preparation and some suggested ingredients
Mysticism, Spirit Work and Divination
🔮 Guide to Crystal Throwing and Crystal Divination - a guide on how to use crystal throwing for divination purposes and general associations and meanings behind crystals that can be used
🔮 Guide to Colormancy - a masterpost style guide to using colormancy for divination, suggested methods/tools and correspondences of colors 
🔮 “Get to Know Your Deck” Tarot Spread - a tarot spread for beginners to help them get to know their tarot cards better and how to improve working with them
🔮 Questions for Tarot Reading - a little guide to help those new to tarot to help better ask questions to their own cards and to other readers to get the best and most helpful answers they can
🔮 Divination Tips for Beginners - a list of tips and advice for those who are new and starting any type of divination
🔮 Guide for Cleansing Tarot and Oracle Cards - a simple guide for cleansing and taking care of cards you use in divination
🔮 Spirit House Rules - a guide on how to write and maintain rules for spirits you are working with for your own personal protection and comfort
🔮 Crystals for Divination - a list for crystals commonly used in divination and psychic practices
Dream Work and Dream Interpretations
🔮 Dream Journals and Dream Work - an advice guide on how to use dream journals and how to incorporate them into witchcraft
🔮 Lucid Dreaming Masterpost - a masterpost about lucid dreaming, how to lucid dream and how to use it in witchcraft and magic
🔮 Nightmare Prevention Masterpost - a masterpost going over a list of herbs, crystals, tips for preventing and handling the aftermath and more for those who suffer from nightmares
🔮 Dream Work Masterpost - a large masterpost of correspondences and ingredients specified for Dream Work
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Snakes in Dreams - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature snakes
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Mermaids and Mermen - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature mermaids and/or mermen
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Vampires - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature vampires 
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Teeth - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature teeth
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Planets - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature the planets of our solar system
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Sea - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature the sea and ocean
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Amusement Parks - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature amusement parks, carnivals and rides 
🔮 Dream Interpretations: Tornadoes - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature tornadoes and their destruction
🔮 Dream Interpretations: The Weather - a long post about analyzing dreams that feature different types of weather
***all of these posts are from my personal Grimoire and are all from my personal blog over the years. Please do not repost these on this platform or others without my permission. These posts are from years of work and research and a lot of love and effort were put into them
Like what I post? Want to support me or buy me a delicious coffee? Feel free to check out my Ko-Fi Page!
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voxywitch · 4 years
Stimmy Witch Tips
Here are some magickal tips for people who, like me, stim for whatever reason. 
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Charge your stim toys and slime in moonlight to cleanse
When playing with kinetic sand or slime focus on putting your negative feelings and energies into it as you squeeze and twist them in your fingers. Be sure to cleanse afterwards
Play with different toys, slime, sand, etc based off of their colors for easy color magick such as orange slime for motivation, green squishy for learning/education, yellow sand for inspiration, etc
Enchant your squishies, fidget cubes, spinners, tangles, etc to bring you peace of mind, relaxation, focus, motivation, or whatever else you may need it for
Use Glitter bottles for meditation and scrying
Drag sigils on your fidget spinners, so every time you use it, you activate the sigil on it
Draw sigils in kinetic sand or slime then to activate squish and squeeze it
Use plushies based off of their appearances such as what animal, food, or fruit they are based off of
When making slime, stir clockwise to focus on putting intent into the slime you are making such as for it to bring you peace of mind or focus when playing with it. Or stir it counter-clockwise for intents like banishing negative thoughts or anxiety when using the slime
I love deco slime so add in items that relate to your intent like bead color and shape, glitter color, confetti, etc
For those of us with wandering minds, use fidget toys or stim toys to help you focus when chanting, working on a spell or meditating
After an exhausting spell, ritual or curse use your stimming toy or object of choice to help relax and rest after a spell well done.
Use glitter bottles, orbs, and wands/sticks to represent the stars in the sky or other cosmic bodies for cosmic witchcraft
Glitter wands also make wonderful wands! Especially for spells related to motion, water or wind, the sky or stars and anything related to the colors in the wand
For those who love paint mixing, choose your colors based off of intent and mix them together as the spell itself 
Use gifs and videos of stimming to help you during spells and keep you calm if needed or to just add added intent from the things in the videos
Chewing stim toys are great for anger relief, think about all of your frustrations and anger going into the chew stim or anythign else you wish to banish from yourself, then soak in water or cleanse in the sun/moonlight
Orbeez are great for color magic and mixing them with your fingers and hands to charge and activate the spell. Just do not ingest
Hope this helps all of my fellow stimming witches! Stimming toys, slime, sand, etc etc are all great to use in witchcraft. I personally love slime and deco-slime. I always use it after or during a spell to help me keep my focus. 
Hope you all have a wonderful day dears!!! ^0^
If you are a nsfw blog please don’t interact with the blog that posted the gif thank you.
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voxywitch · 4 years
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Another page in my BoS/Grimoire explaining what magic is! This page is a little sloppier than what I usually make because I wanted to get it down before my ideas left my head, haha. (I'll probably clean it up later...)
(sorry for the crappy photo! I tried out a new scanning method and it was really finicky.)
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voxywitch · 4 years
Reblog if you’re a witch who believes in science because saying witchcraft, Gods, and/or magick causes COVID-19 is not only stupid, it’s reckless.
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voxywitch · 4 years
shsgaghsjs so a little update! After considering everything, I decided that I want to try out actually worshiping a deity and trying to become a devotee or whatever the terminology is. I don't entirely know if this will work or if it'll be the right path for me, but you never know until you try, right? I've always kinda believed that there might be gods and goddesses out there (just... not as creation figures) so this won't be a huge leap for me? I think? I just need to restructure my thinking. I'm going to try and reach out to Apollo because I've always felt connected to him, and he's the god of many of the things that are important to me (specifically medicine and the arts/music).
If I find out that deity worship is something that isn't right for me, that's okay! If it does end up being something that is right for me, that's even better! This will be a process with lot of trial and error but I can't wait to see what happens. :)
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voxywitch · 4 years
Question for those who work with dieties! 🤔
(if you don't want to read the whole thing, just read the bolded text at the end.)
Hi! I've been meaning to try to attempt working with dieties in some form or another but because of how I personally choose to honor/acknowledge dieties... It's difficult. I have no hard feelings towards anyone who considers themselves religious or does "believe in" gods/goddesses/dieties! Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs so long as they aren't harming anyone else! It's just not my thing, you know?
My beliefs are like this: I do consider myself to be mostly athiest, but I honor/acknowledge dieties as a representation or embodiment of a concept. For instance, if I were to do a love or beauty spell I would likely "ask" Aphrodite for help; but it wouldn't be like asking another person for help, it'd be centering my focus on the embodiment of love and beauty in order to better conduct the spell.
The problem: I would like to start trying to work more closely with dieties in a way that isn't just a passing use (which I'm starting to realize is probably disrespectful). I find it comforting to seek guidance and help from dieties, even if it's probably just me talking at nothing. However, my beliefs make the two-way communication aspect that I see as a part of diety worship/work "tutorials" nigh impossible. I can communicate, but I simply can't receive messages back.
*Would it be possible for me to work with a deity that I feel strongly attached to, even if it's one-sided due to my "lack of belief"? And if you think that's possible, do you have any tips for how to go about it?*
(NOTE: some of you might find my beliefs to be wrong or maybe even disrespectful. However, I'm looking for guidance and answers, not insults and rudeness! Please be respectful.)
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voxywitch · 4 years
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More grimoire pages, this time about tarot and oracle cards! (Ignore the app watermark in the bottom left corner, I can't do anything about that lmao)
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voxywitch · 4 years
Hey, I noticed that a TERF had followed me, so let me just make it clear that TERFs are not fucking welcome here. As a trans person myself, I don't support your disgusting and harmful ideology.
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voxywitch · 4 years
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More grimoire pages from last night 👀 I made a few mistakes but other than that it's pretty good so far.
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