wanderinghearth · 2 months
The focus on defensive magic in online magic spaces is imo not super necessary, and is more of a product of beginner witch's fears and misconceptions than of actual necessity.
I'm about to tell you something that might piss you off. I don't do much protective magic at all. I don't do defensive magic against "bad" spirits. I open all my work up to everyone who wants to be involved in it. I do ask spirits to give me space to do my work, and not to participate in anything that would be detrimental or offensive to them, but I don't kick them out. Why would I? They haven't done anything, and besides, what authority do I have to tell anyone to leave? Am I not an interloper just as much as they are?
And yes, if a spirit is "bad", however you choose to define that, I will handle the situation on a case by case basis. For example, in my experience, demons don't like to leave. They don't like to be ignored. They can become petulant, frightening, or abusive if they feel disrespected. I once summoned a demonic spirit that I didn't know how to unsummon, and it was an Issue. So I protected my body, told the demon that I wanted it to leave, and I asked it what it wanted from me. It told me that it felt as if the debt accrued by its conjuring had not been paid. So I paid it, and said goodbye. It was simple.
Frankly, you don't need to be afraid of anything but your own fear. Yes, if you bring something in your house, you better be good enough at communicating to get it back out again, but if you're constantly defending against anything unpredictable or spooky, you're going to have really boring and unimpressive results.
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wanderinghearth · 3 months
So usually when an imaginary friend is a real thing in a story, it’s either a demon or a ghost or some supernatural boogeyman that probably wants to eat the kid they’ve befriended (Mama, a couple of the Paranormal Activity movies), or “imaginary friends” are just treated as a real thing in the setting, and if a child just thinks hard enough they can manifest a friend into existence (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Happy).
And somewhere in the middle is an area where the imaginary friend in question is real and they are supernatural, but they aren’t malevolent, and they aren’t entirely honest about what they are. Like maybe they’re a fairy or a god or some kind of boggle from mythology, but they just got caught by a six year old and they don’t have time to get into it, so they just go “…Yes. I’m your imaginary friend. We haven’t met. How do you do.” And then they stick around because they do love this kid, and if you’re a boggle from mythology in the modern day good food is really hard to come by.
And at some level. That’s what I think Hobbes is.
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wanderinghearth · 3 months
Black Bear Ritual for Self-Fulfillment
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based on this song that I'm obsessed with right now.
MATERIALS: -Berries, honey, nuts, cooked salmon, and fresh water (you will be eating these things) -Tobacco -A small amount of solar water -A notebook and a writing utensil for note-taking STEPS: 1. Open the space by sprinkling solar water in a circle around yourself. You can either say the following words, or if your location is not private, you can record yourself reading them, and listen to the recording as you do the work.
“I invite all regulated, positive spirits and beings to hold court and witness my workings. I encourage all dis-regulated spirits to leave me behind on their journey toward peace. I acknowledge the presence of any indigenous ancestors on this land. I hold deep regret for the movement of my people into this land, and am dedicated to repairing the relationship between people and place. If any indigenous spirits among us hold any opposition to my work here, please give me a sign. (PAUSE).
(IF SIGN IS GIVEN) Thank you for your presence. I will close this working and return another day. I leave you with an offering of tobacco. (Leave the tobacco nearby and exit the location)
(IF NO SIGN IS GIVEN) I brought with me an offering of tobacco for any indigenous ancestors that may be on this land. You are welcome to stay and watch my workings, or move on as you wish.
I also give thanks to the spirit of the salmon whose body is used in this working.”
“It is my will to invoke the spirit of the Black Bear, to understand its wisdom, and to carry its wisdom with me. For the black bear, I have brought berries, honey, nuts, salmon, and fresh water.”
2. Sit down and close your eyes with your offerings in front of you. Visualize the following:
A black bear crashes through the forest, toward a stream. He catches and eats a salmon there, and drinks from the stream. He moves back into the forest, nibbling on fallen nuts, lapping honey from a fractured bit of honey comb, eats berries from brambles. The black bear lies down somewhere comfortable and takes a nap. During his nap, he dreams that you were standing on the other side of the stream, watching him. He sees you, and knows you are no threat to him, though your kind are dangerous to him. He can tell you are admiring him.
What does the black bear think of you? What do you look like through his eyes? What power does he see? What inadequacy?
Meditate on the black bear's perception of you until he wants to move on. Allow him to disappear back into the forest. Open your eyes. Write down the black bear's observations.
3. When you're done, say out loud:
When he thinks, he is thoughtful When he rests, he is restful When he runs, he runs the fastest He spins the earth upon its axis Thank you for your gift showing us the sun keeping time for everyone a steady beating drum In the dirt you bound upon you leave a heavy track Very deep when young and blue but deepest when black."
4. Close the ritual with 3 huge breaths and a big stretch. Imagine your visualization closing out to blackness like an old tube tv. "Thank you spirits for witnessing my work here. Thank you black bear for letting me see through your eyes."
5. Eat your offerings. Walk out of the woods.
this ritual is suited to me, a white settler in north america. adapt the working to suit you.
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wanderinghearth · 10 months
A Food Meditation Ritual For Energy Gathering
For when you feel completely depleted, body and soul.
Ideal Time: Any time, but morning is best so that you can use the energy you gain throughout the day. Materials: -A small meal (ideally one that requires little energy to prepare like a microwaved meal or a snack plate, though you should aim for something that will nourish you) -A white candle -A small focus object such as a marble, a pendant, a small figurine, etc. -A mat, blanket, rug, or other item you can sit on during the ritual. Location: Home, or some other comfortable place. You might want to be alone, but you don’t have to be.  Directions: 1. Prepare your meal in the way you usually would.   2. In your workspace, lay down the mat, blanket, or rug you’re going to work on.  3. Sit upon the mat. Place your food in front of you. Place the focus object in front of your food. Place the lit white candle in front of the focus object.  4. Eat your meal with purpose, focus, and wild abandon, and think of nothing but the pleasure of eating, the transfer of energy from the food to your body. Do not let your mind wander. If it does begin to wander, bring it back kindly and gently by drawing your attention to the focus object, and then back to the food.  5. Finish your meal and sit with the sense of fullness and satisfaction. 6. (Optional) Answer the following questions in your journal:
On a scale from 0-100 (0 being no energy and 100 being fully energized) how did you feel before starting the ritual?
On the same scale, how do you feel now? 
What parts of your life are the most energy depleting? 
What parts of your life are the most energy gathering?
What do you think the balance is of energy depleting vs. energy gathering in your life (ex: 20/80, 50/50, 90/10)? Are you happy with the balance you have right now?
What do you think you could do to fix that balance? 
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wanderinghearth · 10 months
I literally love that pork fat was sacred to Hestia. Goddess of Workin' the Grill, Goddess of Throwin' Some Honey Mustard On that Bad Buoy, Goddess of Autism Be Damned.
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wanderinghearth · 11 months
apologies if this was already awnsered but, what would you recommend a beginner pagan to do for celebrating their first summer solstice?! I know it's kinda coming up and I really wanna do something, but I'm not that confident in many rituals and things as I'm JUST getting out of the research phase.
respectfully and with love in my heart, your first problem is that you don't know how to celebrate.
celebration shouldn't be a planned, fore-brain activity. if you won the lottery right now, would you have to ask someone how to celebrate? probably not. you would scream and cry and dance and jump around and call your family and the news and go buy a racecar or... whatever.
so, are you excited and joyful about the passing of the season? if not, don't celebrate at all. let it pass. your life is too short to feign joy for the imaginary audience in your head.
if you are feeling excited and joyful, but also feeling blocked by insecurity and indecisiveness (that's kind of what I hear when you say that you're just getting out of the research phase, which, by the way, should never REALLY end) spend the days leading up to the solstice on meditation and contemplation. what are you happy about? what's worthy of celebration? what does the coming of summer actually signify to you?
maybe you don't know what summer is to you at all. maybe all that comes to mind is the word SUMMER. In this case, you may want to meditate on specific summer memories, and in your mind, synthesize all of those nice summer memories into one feeling they have in common. it could be anything. but meditate in that feeling, notice what it brings up for you in your meditations. journal all of this. do this for...a while.
hopefully, you'll have a few realizations, and you can use those realizations to come up with some nice celebrations. if not, maybe you just don't give a shit. that's okay too.
if all else fails, get prohibitively drunk on blackberry wine and lie down in your local empty field with a bag of potato chips, singing every summer blockbuster pop song you can think of until you fall asleep.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
Tbh, just wanted to say I am super thankful to have found your blog. Been solo practicing for years and wanted to pop back into online pagan spheres to get some inspiration and share ideas, but I haven't been able to click with any of it. You're the first tumblr I've found that speaks my language and it's been a breath of fresh air
I'm so sorry I never saw this! I'm glad my blog has been giving you some inspiration. I made it because I wasn't seeing any blogs about witchcraft that spoke to me, so I'm so glad I can be that for you.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
Stop Worshiping Gods You Don't Believe In, Start Worshiping the Ones You Made Up!
Most of us do not come from a cultural background that even has gods, or at least not ones worth worshiping without twisting your religious understanding into a pretzel (looking at you Old Testament) so if you hate your gods and don't feel like stealing someone else's, here's an easy guide to making your own gods and then making them real.
Start with a concept: God of BLUE BIRDS
Remove the vowels and repeating letters I got: BLRDS
Reorganize the letters using a random number generator. Every letter is given a number: B(1)L(2)R(3)D(4)S(5) Use a 1-5 number generator 5 times to get your new word order. Because my number generator spit out 4,3,1,3,5 I got: DRBRS
Insert vowels Every vowel is given a number: A(1)E(2)I(3)O(4)U(5)Y(6) Use a 1-6 number generator 4-6 times to see what vowels get put between the consonants. (4x if you want the name to start and end with a consonant, 6x if you want the word to start and end with a vowel) My number generator spit out 2,5,6,1,3, so I got: EDURYBARIS
Edit as you see fit. I actually really like the name Edurybaris for the god of Blue Birds, but if you didn't you could shorten it, edit it, or do whatever you'd like to it. The best part about this is that it's completely randomized, so even if you follow my exact instructions, you're going to end up with a completely different god of Blue Birds.
Create the God to match the name What do I think Edurybaris, the god of Blue Birds likes? If they have a gender at all, what gender are they? What do they look like? I think Edurybaris is a seven foot tall man with yellow eyes, bluebird wings, and bird feet at the end of his legs. I think you can pray to him to see a bluebird, and summon him during the spring. So mote it be, I guess.
Work with the god you've created The only way to make a god real is to work with them. Even if I have no need to summon Edurybaris or call on his favor, I might say hi to him every time I encounter a blue bird. Now, every time a bluebird goes past, I'll be communing with a god. I hope this was helpful. If your paganism is an objective fact to you, and this post pissed you off, you can send your complaints directly to Edurybaris for consideration. He uses unsolicited opinions to line the inside of his giant nest in the Ethereal Bird Realm.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
Dude, quit trying to cleanse my aura. It has taken me years to develop this patina.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
find some stuff to do magic about (feat. practicing sorcery is fun and good)
Do you want to do magic? Yes. Do you know what to do magic on? Maybe not. Here is a post for that. Take what you like and leave the rest behind.
Confront your learned helplessness face on because I'll bet money that there's a shit ton of stuff in your life you'd change if you hadn't trained yourself to pave it over just to make your highway of life a little less bumpy.
Let me tell you something I believe. I believe that most all of us have been trained to think that:
wanting things to go well,
wanting to be happy,
wanting little joys and pleasures in life,
and wanting not to be aggravated by the small things
somehow makes us weak, lacking, immature, or insecure,
or even worse,
that putting up with bullshit is somehow automatically makes us a better person, as if we've all got a cosmic thermometer that won't ding "good person!" until we've had it up to here with bullshit and then still force ourselves to grin and bear it.
"If I do magic to shorten the Starbucks drive-through doesn't that make me impatient? I don't want to use magic as spiritual bypassing in order to avoid my flaws."
Well then. Far be it from me to decry the kratophany of Prometheus getting his liver pecked out by eagles every day, manifest in your sacred sacrifice of having your minutes pecked out of your day, one by one, as you wait in line.
Make a list. Keep it with you. On paper, on your phone. Doesn't matter. It's a list of things you'd like to change. Little fleeting things that rear their head only for a second or so before our industrial-powered steamrollers smash it into the ground. Big things that you stew over day to day.
No problem is too petty. No splinter in your side is too insignificant. Betty at the office blows her nose every day at 8:15am and if you have to hear it one more time you are going to burn the building down? Put it on the list.
Do you have to leave 20 minutes early for work on Thursdays because a freight train blocks the freeway for five minutes and your city backs up like Betty's nose? What is magic going to do, rearrange the city's entire traffic patterns? Maybe so. Who cares. That's magic's problem, not yours. Put it on the list.
Have your eye on quite a cute designer bag? Does it cost your monthly rent? Put it on the list.
Learn to stare your life in the eye again with the verv of someone who has just found a reality-warping gun with unlimited ammunition. Game night gets cancelled too often? You never remember to use your pizza coupons? You can never remember to get ginger ale at the store? Put it on the list.
Feed yourself what ails you like a crab going absolutely bonkers in a plankton-filled tank.
just do some of that normal "witchy" stuff, why not
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Protections: Not only for spirits and stuff!
Against unwanted solicitors
Against your room mate's creepy partner coming over
Against debt collectors finding your new phone number
Against surprise quizzes in your course
Against nightmares
And from time to time a sorcerer does like a good house ward. Experiment with yours, why not? Waiting until you're under attack to learn how to put up protections is like waiting until you're drowning to learn swimming. Sure, the sheer adrenaline-fueled terror might get you somewhere - or it might get in the way.
You don't normally use altars? Build one, why not. Build secret ones in shoe boxes. Experiment with altars and compound magic.
Perhaps you'd like a mini spellcasting kit to go? I don't know if making one counts as doing magic, but it's fun to make them.
Why not develop and prepare an oil or incense blend that must steep for a few months before it's ready? You don't need it now, right? So that means it's prime time to make things that are supposed to "mature" before use.
And hey, what's the deal with cleansing? A lot of people make fun of it now. Some people say it's important and necessary. Why not get really into cleansing and develop your own take? Practice gentle cleansing, nuclear cleansing, cleansing with pure energy and cleansing with candles, cleansing with cleaning products and cleansing with joy.
casting a spell right now is not the same thing as activating it right now and you can still gain a lot of experience in magic without releasing spells into the wild
I think that a lot of people think of spells as I light the candle and the spell is activated and it goes and does the thing, so if there is no Thing right now, then I can't cast the spell,
whereas if you reframed it as I am creating a spell-creachur that will hibernate in this little vessel until I spill it out into the world,
you may actually find that there are dozens of spells for you to actively develop, experiment with, cast, learn from, and passively benefit from - without necessarily needing any of them right now.
And the benefit is, if you don't actually need it right now, that takes a ton of pressure off of you. If you're not acting out of desperation, experimentation can be very fun indeed.
What about the most intense jaw-breakingly stupid strong protective amulet you've ever conceived of? Make it, why not. Make five prototypes on your journey to the strongest danged protection amulet this side of social media.
Who cares if you don't need them? Maybe some day you'll meet someone who does. Or, you know, magic is fun and doing it is its own reward.
What about a talisman for dreamwork and astral travel? Make something that reeks so intensely of the moon that it launches people out of their bodies just by walking past it.
Decide to perfect the most dazzling money-drawing candle spell. Make that your thing. You don't need cash right now? No worries; donate it to charity.
Have fun. Experiment. Made something that came through a little too hard and now it's causing problems? What a wonderful opportunity to learn how to disassemble a spell vessel.
Make yourself a cabinet full of enchantments. Learn how to contain the energy radiating off of all those enchantments. Realize you need more space and learn to combine multiple similar enchantments into one vessel.
make trusting friends who will let you cast on them.
(self explanatory)
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
This also doesn't need to be a physical space. You can have a digital pain arsonal or a mental one, if you have the memory. You could conceivably work this hex entirely in your mind if you were able to focus well enough.
The possibilities for pain sigil work is honestly pretty endless. You could conceivably combine sigils to create a more potent malady, subvert them to heal a reoccurring illness, use them in kitchen witchery to create harmful (or by subversion, helpful) food or use them to grow representational plants which you could then use for sacrifice. You could inflict pain (hopefully not too much) onto yourself on purpose ritualistically to 'bank' lots of smaller ailments, which you could then combine into one big ouch. You could neutralize the sigils' power and use them as a battery for other spellworks. You could even use the sigils to manifest a thought form to do your bidding.
Because pain is, in itself, an altered state, and an altered state is one of the best ways to charge a sigil, it's basically an idiot-proof method for casting magic.
And the word pain is really up to your interpretation. All negative emotions cause suffering that could be put into the pain arsonal, and if you're someone coping with a mental or physical illness, the pain you are always feeling can be transformed into a new source of power.
You may even be able to harness outside sources of trauma; a tree that's been freshly cut down, a crow hit by a car, a violent storm. All of these things could be turned into sources of power.*
I suppose the pain arsonal is just one branch of a sort of tree of power banking that I've yet to explore in detail.
*it's never worth hurting another thing for the sake of magic, of course.
Pain Arsonal For Use in Hexes and Curses
Take any smallish box, bag, or jar that can be tightly sealed. Bless, ward, decorate, and label the box in whatever manner suits your purposes.*
Any time you feel pain, create a sigil representing the pain you're feeling, meditate to transfer that feeling into the sigil, and store it in the box.
To hex, take a lock of hair, a peice of clothing, a printed photo, or some other flammable personal item from the target.
Go into your pain arsonal and choose one of your pain sigils to inflict upon the target.
Bind the personal item and the pain sigil together with twine, sap, or another fire-safe binding agent.
Set alight and burn until unrecognizable.
!Alternately, you can put the sigil directly in your target's home or on their person (bag, shoes, wallet, pocket, etc)
*Mine is an old tin Christmas cookie box, covered with duct tape. There are illustrations of sharp bramble thorns and symbolism of The Moon, Judgement, The Tower, and The Devil tarot cards on each side. I chose red, purple, and blue as a color scheme to symbolize bruising. It's pretty intense, but whatever iconography you feel like using (or none at all) will be fine.
Disclaimer: I don't care if you don't like hexes, argue with the wall.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
Pain Arsonal For Use in Hexes and Curses
Take any smallish box, bag, or jar that can be tightly sealed. Bless, ward, decorate, and label the box in whatever manner suits your purposes.*
Any time you feel pain, create a sigil representing the pain you're feeling, meditate to transfer that feeling into the sigil, and store it in the box.
To hex, take a lock of hair, a peice of clothing, a printed photo, or some other flammable personal item from the target.
Go into your pain arsonal and choose one of your pain sigils to inflict upon the target.
Bind the personal item and the pain sigil together with twine, sap, or another fire-safe binding agent.
Set alight and burn until unrecognizable.
!Alternately, you can put the sigil directly in your target's home or on their person (bag, shoes, wallet, pocket, etc)
*Mine is an old tin Christmas cookie box, covered with duct tape. There are illustrations of sharp bramble thorns and symbolism of The Moon, Judgement, The Tower, and The Devil tarot cards on each side. I chose red, purple, and blue as a color scheme to symbolize bruising. It's pretty intense, but whatever iconography you feel like using (or none at all) will be fine.
Disclaimer: I don't care if you don't like hexes, argue with the wall.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
I really like your approach and mindset around paganism and witchcraft. I was wondering if there are any other blogs like yours that you would recommend?
Tbh I think Tumblr is a bad format for talking about magic, and I don't know of any blogs like mine because I really struggle to find any content on here that speaks to me whatsoever.
It's just the nature of the beast. It's a constant cycle of new faces relearning the same old bad shit and then posting about it on an outdated website with a truly atrocious and highly filtered search function.
Not to say there aren't people doing good shit. I just cannot find people doing MY shit.
Being irritated about that is a losing game. I'm here, you're here, etc. But no, idk, I can't find jack shit in this place.
More generally speaking, I developed my understanding of magic by listening to gay anarchist witches, because that's exactly what I am. If that's what you are too, The anarchist library has some resources like The Otherworld's Review and Queer Goetia that were really foundational for me. @spiralhouseshop sells a crazy amount of witchcraft zines, some of which look absolutely juicy, but I can't vouch personally for any of it, and you can find lots of good stuff around you don't have to pay for.
If not you're not a queer anarchist, or if you hate reading, I would just say that you should go find what freaks you out and play with it. If you never find another person on the internet who speaks to the magic you practice, you'll still be fine.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
Not an insignificant number of people in the notes and tags of this post trying to tell me how to work with diety, that what I've said above is somehow wrong or not the full picture. Which is crazy, because nothing I've said has anything to do with what's happening outside the confines of my own mind!!
I must not have gotten the memo that we elected a new wizards council and that they get to decide how I see gods in the sanctity of my own head. CC me on that email next time, fuckheads.
one thing I love about being pagan is that, well, the gods don't love you. cuz like, they don't know you. and if you ask them for something, you gotta come at them real and on the level of they're gonna be like "yuck."
that whole "eternal and boundless love for all mankind that's actually pretty fuckin conditional" never made sense to me. But y'know what does make sense?
If I was sitting under a tree one day and an ant crawled into my finger and waved his little legs at me, and in my divine wisdom I knew he was asking for help getting more food to bring back to his colony, I would help that fuckin ant. Not because I really have a reason to. But what a fun thing to happen.
I like to think that's what the gods think of me. I'm a funky little ant with funky little ant problems.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
beginner witch tips that aren't patronizing:
stop asking for permission to do the work that calls to you.
be careful about monetizing this work. all power is corrosive, but money isn't worth the damage.
half of your work will be walking up to your worst fear and befriending it.
you should write down everything you do in a private place and say little of what you do publicly.
spend no money on witchcraft in your first two years, and you'll never spend a dime on it thereafter.
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wanderinghearth · 1 year
if anyone wants to read Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture by Arthur Evans, I have a beautiful and illicit pdf to send you ❤️
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