#i hated writing this
verilly · 1 year
Yoshida x Reader x Denji
aliusworld's songfic event- inspo: MANNEQUIN album (Deco*27)
[Description: “Who else am I supposed to love but you?”, “Don’t play around, how much I’ve done for you…”, & “Please hug me, kiss me, but it won’t come true.”]
Warnings: OOC, blood gore I guess if you squint.
{4065 words}
“[name], you’re here.” Yoshida perks up as you step onto the rooftop of your school, next to him is a boy with blonde hair. He’s tall, but not as tall as Yoshida.
You knew the plan, go on dates with that guy so Yoshida will keep dating you! It felt wrong and you didn’t know why Yoshida wanted you to, but you loved him. You wouldn’t do anything to make him turn away from you, Yoshida knew that.
“This is Denji, he can take anything you say to him.” Yoshida says again as you walk closer to the blonde guy.
“Hi Denji! My name is [name], nice to meet you” You smile up at him, he was cute. You could do this.
“Hey [name], uhh…” Denji looked down at you, his eyes shifted up and down.
“Yoshida’s said some nice things about you!” You lied, you know nothing about this kid, you didn’t even know his name until now! “Let’s get to know each other, yeah?” You held out your hand for him to shake. He takes it quickly.
“Yeah! Let’s uhm, get to know each other!”
“So, would you want to go on a date?” You know it’s a sudden change, but one thing Yoshida told you was that ‘he’s desperate’.
“R-Really?!” Denji isn’t letting go of your hand.
“Yup, how about we go to… oh! There’s a festival happening soon! Why don’t we meet up here on Saturday?” You pull away slightly, as a result: he let goes. Saturday is in three days.
“Of course! A festival is good, Saturday is good too!” Denji is basically shouting now, he looks really desperate, cute.
“Alright then, I can’t wait.” You back away, the silence is unbearable. You have to say something, he’s staring at you, both of them are. “How about we eat lunch together, this period only just started and I haven’t eaten mine yet.”
“Uh yeah! There’s a few benches over there” Denji points out the obvious, you walk over with Denji and Yoshida both following.
You sit down, the bench is uncomfortable to say the least; furthermore, you ate your lunch in silence as Denji shoo’d Yoshida away.
“Denji, do you not have a lunch?” You speak up once Yoshida ‘leaves’, you know he’s not really gone.
“Uh, nope. I usually just eat before and after school.” Denji was laid back against the bench while you were sat straight up
“Why don’t you have some of mine? I’ve done that before too, and it sucked. Here.” You hover a chopstick full of food in front of his face. Denji takes it happily. He’s too easy…
Your back in class, Yoshida sat beside you this afternoon, nice! The classroom was empty, no one had returned from lunch yet, not even the teacher.
“How was Denji after I left?” Yoshida asks
“I know you didn’t leave, but it was… okay? I don’t know, he was staring a lot. It was kind of awkward.” You sigh and lay your head onto your desk while looking at him, he’s still so handsome…
“Just take care of him, date him, and then you can date me.” He lowers his head to your level, your face flushes.
“Y-yeah, alright.”
“Denji! The pretty boy is back again! And he’s with someone else this time!” Denji’s classmate yells, Denji quickly responds by getting out of his chair and rushing towards the door.
“Why is he here???” Denji complains as he locks eyes with Yoshida, you take a step back as you watch closely.
“What’s wrong with me being here? I’m only showing [name] where your class is, they were asking for you.” You were not.
“Yeah, hi Denji! Wanna walk me home?” You smile and wave, he waves back with his mouth opened
“Why would I walk you home?” Is this guy dense?
“Because I want to get to know you better! We don’t have any classes together, so this could be our only way…”
“Oh, alright then” Denji made his way next to you, most likely to get away from Yoshida. You look at him and he nods as your cue to leave.
You take Denji’s hand and pull him away, his feet stumble after yours. His hand was warm, not soft, but it was comfortable to hold. After some distance, you let go.
“Alright Denji, I’m gonna ask some questions! You don’t need to answer them truthfully, I just want to make conversation.” You say as you walk some more, you don’t look back, you can sense his presence behind you
“Mhm, okey”
“What’s your favorite color?” You cringe at your first question, what is this? Preschool??
“Hmm… Red- No, uh orange? Maybe blonde” You mentally sigh at his answer
“Now it’s your turn to ask something” You slow down and start walking beside him instead of in front of him
“Right. What do you think about Chainsaw man?”
“Chainsaw man?” You look into space for a bit. Chainsaw man? You hadn’t thought much about him, “Well I think he’s cool? He’s a hero or something, but he’s also a devil I think? Like a good fiend?”
“No, he’s like a mix of human and devil”
“What does that mean?”
“Like a fiend… but the human can control the devil…?”
“… I guess that makes sense? How do you know all about this anyway? Are you some-“
“Because I’m Chainsaw Man, duh!” Denji smirked with pride while pointing to himself with his thumb, what the hell?
“…Alright Chainsaw Boy, I guess you really are just some fanatic” You laugh at his gesture.
Soon later, he drops you off at your home. You wave goodbye, he seemed giddy. You hope he had a good time today because you sure as hell didn’t.
You walk the school from home, you didn’t live that far.
Last night, you had a dream. It was horrible. Not that it was a nightmare, but today, you felt extra tired.
Yoshida skipped class today, he always does this. You long for the day when he can embrace you in his arms, for now though, all you get are small touches. You can’t tell if they even mean anything.
Class was boring; you wrote notes, the teacher doesn’t exactly like you, all your friends are busy doing their own thing. Therefore, you’re left all alone. Maybe trying to find Denji isn’t a bad thing after all.
The lunch bell rings as you hurry out to find him, maybe if you do, Yoshida might treat you to something nice. Will he though? He’s not even here to witness it play out.
You step into the classroom to find Denji on all fours with a girl on top of him. You mentally sigh and strut towards them, maybe they’re bullies? Maybe they aren’t. Why should you care? You squat down to Denji’s level to get his attention and he definitely caught it. You two were so close.
“Denji, why is this girl sitting on you?”
“Because she paid me to, duh” He laughed, his body was still in the same position.
“Mmm, alright then. I guess then we won’t be having lunch together, bye for now!” You show him a peace symbol while lifting yourself back up.
“H-huh?! Wait-“ You didn’t stay long enough to hear him finish his sentence, you made your way to the roof top. It’s usually empty and it still is. There’s a slight breeze, but even without the breeze it’s still cold. You hoped Denji would come after you, eating alone makes you feel like a loser.
You eat your lunch in silence, it’s actually quite comfortable.
“[name]! I knew I could find you here!” It was Denji, he did come after you! How cute.
“The girl isn’t sitting on you anymore? Congrats.” You joke, he sat next to you, warmth was radiating from his body.
“No- it’s just that, she paid me so it’s the right thing to do!” There’s a pause after that, what could you do so that he’d stop letting people sit on him? You slowly think to yourself while you hand Denji a few bites of food.
“Hey Denji”
“Mph, Yeah?” His mouth is full of food, your timing was awful on that one.
“Do you really wanna go on a date with me?”
“Hell yeah! I do!” He looked at you as he gulped, he came pushing closer, he was still so warm even after being out here in the cold with you.
“Hold your horses, if you want to go so bad, then you’re gonna have to stop letting people sit on you”
“What?! Even if they offer me money??”
“… If the price is right, then go on ahead. How much was that girl paying you?”
“Five yen.”
“Five yen?? You’re letting go of your dignity for five yen??” You look at him with concern and sigh again, you take your hand and reach for his shoulders, “Listen, I’ll give you… twenty five yen to stop letting people sit on you until you raise your price.”
“Nice, alright!” Denji’s hands grabbed your forearms gently, he’s not that bad.
“Alright then, this Saturday at 6 PM, let’s go to the festival.”
“How was your lunch? I saw you with Denji, good job.” Yoshida says as he watches you enter the classroom
“You’re here now? Why’d you skip?” You ask as you furrow your brows, shifting your head to face the taller man.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” He smiles at you, your heart flutters for a second.
“I’ve been so good, I think. When am I gonna get my reward?” You ask quietly as you sit down next to him
“Don’t worry about it.”
“What?!— ugh. Fine.”
You didn’t walk home with Denji today, he was disappointed, but you explained that you had clubs you needed to go to. You patted his back sympathetically as he whined.
Devil Hunting Club, what a pain. You wandered around school with two strangers ‘in search of devils’. You never found anything. Worst part about it was that Yoshida ditched today’s club meeting too, you’re alone yet again.
Denji showed up in front of your apartment complex today! Weird.
“Good morning, [name]” He waved at you with a bright smile, his sharp teeth showing.
“Denji, why are you here?” You looked confused, your eyebrows furrowing as you approached him slowly.
“I didn’t get to walk you home yesterday, so I decided to walk to school with you today” He had dark circles under his eyes, just how long was he waiting here for you?
“Th-thank you…” Your face reddens just a bit, but you brush it off quickly.
The walk was cold as usual, but today you had someone to stick close to, someone warm. You hook arms with him at some point, you don’t remember when. Maybe this won’t be as hard as you thought it would’ve.
“This is my class Denji, thanks for walking with me~” You wave a goodbye before turning down onto your chair. He waved back before rushing away. He couldn’t get far though, Yoshida was already in front of him.
“Hello Denji” Yoshida greeted him outside the door.
“Ew, leave me alone!” Denji grunted as he continued to rush past
Yoshida watched Denji while he was walking over to you, “Good morning, [name].”
“Morning, Yoshida! You’re actually at school today.” You laugh as he sits where he usually does, right next to you.
“Denji appeared in front of our class room, what happened?”
“He walked me to school today, isn’t that sweet? I think I’m doing a great job.”
“It looks like you are.” His voice was mellow, his usual demeanor shifting to one of gratitude.
“Since I am, why don’t you treat me to something tomorrow? It’s Friday, so we can spend time together outside of school!”
“…I’ll think about it.” His demeanor changed just as quickly yet again, shifting himself to face the board in the front of the class as you mentally punched yourself, we’re you pushing too hard? That’s probably why he’s acting like this.
“C’mon! I’m gonna need an answer at some point- or… or I’ll stop working for you or whatever.” You pout, you wanted this. You wanted this really badly.
“Fine, I’ll go to your home. We can do whatever you want.” Yoshida smiled gently, it seemed fake, but you’ll take it.
“Finally! It won’t suck, I’ll make sure it won’t!” Your eyes glimmer with excitement as you smile quickly before reverting back to your normal calm-and-collected self.
Yet again, Denji showed up in front of you. Yoshida waved at Denji and was promptly ignored.
“Why don’t we stay here today? Whenever we go to the roof it’s too cold for you” Denji suggests, he was thinking of you, that’s so nice!
“I didn’t know you were paying so much attention to me, of course.” Denji sat at the seat in front of you and quickly turned it around to face you.
“Go away Yoshida!” Denji stuck his tongue out at him while Yoshida watched, he seemed a little annoyed.
“Why should I? This is my classroom too.” Yoshida smirked while looking at Denji, not you, but you decide to take Denji’s side for fun.
“Yeah you should leave!” You joke, knowing fully well he wouldn’t actually leave. Even if he left physically, he would hear everything, he always does.
“So the festival… since you remember where I live so well, why don’t you pick me up at my apartment at 6?”
“Hell yeah!” Denji shot up from his seat, followed by a bunch of eyes facing him as he quickly sat back down, sweating.
The day went by fast. Nothing really happened, you didn’t really talk at all. Too busy trapped inside your head.
“[name], are we gonna hang out today?” Yoshida asked as he tapped you on your shoulder.
“Huh? Oh yeah! You can come to my house, unless you want to go to a café instead?” You were giddy, you were waiting for this moment for days. You already had everything planned in your house. Watch movies, eat snacks… actually, you didn’t plan at all.
“Your home? Sure, I don’t need to be spending more money than I already have.” Yoshida sighed, he was being blunt. He doesn’t really want to spend time with you. It’s crystal clear, but you looked past it. You were wrapped around his pinky finger since day one. You wouldn’t let this opportunity go so soon.
“Okay!” You get up from your desk and hop out the classroom with Yoshida right behind you. “My parents work away from home so they won’t be here… so, you can make yourself at home!”
The walk was silent, a comfortable silence though, right? It’s normal for people to walk quietly together once they’ve gotten close! You two are definitely at that level already… probably?
“Here it is” You unlock the door and let Yoshida inside. The apartment is large. Larger than the average apartment in Tokyo, not considered fancy, but big enough for two separate bedrooms with different sizes and a ‘living room’. It was barely touched, whenever you were home you were stuffed up in your room, “I don’t actually have anything for us to watch, but we could just watch TV, they usually have a movie on at some point.”
Yoshida left his book bag on your sofa, it looked light. A lot lighter compared to yours. He never responded to you. You sweat before turning on the TV switching it to a channel to one that was playing some sort of show.
“Do you want anything to eat? I usually eat after school anyway, you should too.” You suggest, Yoshida grumbles for a second before putting on a smile and agrees. His smile, it’s… concerning. You grab something from the fridge, you didn’t really care to check, his eyes were on you and you didn’t want to keep him waiting.
Sitting next to him and placing the bowl in front of you, you slowly lean into him, he doesn’t move. Success!! He’s cold, it feels like he doesn’t have a heartbeat either. Weird.
“You don’t have any allergies, do you?” You ask as you look up at him, his eyes were already on you. You did move. You sweat but stay still.
“Not at all, it’s fine [name]. You don’t need to try so hard.” His voice is rough, you couldn’t help but scoot off of him. It wasn’t a lot, but he definitely felt it. Did he not want to be here? I mean, it was still a part of the deal, but maybe he doesn’t like you.
“Try so hard..?” You stutter a bit on your words as you rest your head onto the couch, “I-I’m not trying hard to do anything…”
“Liar.” Yoshida chuckled softly, maybe he did like you! Maybe you were just reading it wrong. You know Yoshida though, maybe he’s just putting on an act. You wouldn’t be that surprised… but this felt nice.
“Fine! Maybe I am trying hard. Can you blame me? You aren’t really doing anything with me. This is supposed to be a date, right? So treat it like one!!” You murmured, it was loud enough for him to hear, obviously.
“Right. A date.” Yoshida looked away from you for a split second. Another one passes and he’s above you, he’s fast, really fast. You couldn’t even tell that he moved in front of you.
You turn red, I mean, what other reaction would you have? He’s only a few inches away from you, four at most, he creeps closer and closer. You don’t move. What’s he going to do? It’s exciting.
“Y-Yoshida..?” He’s still close, right above you. His hand is behind your head, fingers barely grazing your hair. He shushes you, your breathing hitches.
Your lips touch. He’s kissing you. You can taste him. The kiss wasn’t long, he was quite literally on top of you. You were cornered onto the edge of the couch, the only thing holding you up with the couch’s arm.
“Is this better for you? ‘Date’ enough?” His voice was in a whisper, his eyes were void of any emotion but his blush betrayed him.
“Yes” You break the eye contract and stare off behind him before speaking again, “Can we do it again?”
“Honestly, [name]. It’s already hard enough to keep myself from you.” Yoshida smiles at you, it felt real, he leant down closer to you again. You wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him down slowly onto you.
“Well you’re doing a hell of a good job…” You murmur as your hands play with his soft dark hair
“Do you want me to stop doing that?” Yoshida asks, his voice soft and shallow, but you could tell he was asking in a sincere way.
“Stop keeping yourself from me? …I don’t know.” You ponder quietly as your hands stop and lay softly on his back.
Last night was really nice. It felt amazing to finally be in his arms, but he said something while he was on top of you.
‘I thought about it a lot [name], and I think you should stop the whole dating Denji thing now.’
It only started three days ago, why stop? Did something change already? Does Yoshida actually like you? You told him that you still promised Denji a date today. He was ok with that.
Yoshida left your apartment a little bit after you fell asleep. Yoshida is confusing. His sudden change in emotion towards you was lovely but strange at the same time.
You wake up alone on the couch. He didn’t even decide to put a blanket on you, or he did, it was just laying on the floor next to you. The time was 10 AM. You groaned to yourself as you walked to the kitchen for something to eat.
The kimono you wore was pretty. It was a pain to get on by yourself, almost impossible, but you found a way. It wasn’t exactly tight, but it wasn’t exactly flexible either.
The time was 5:47, you looked outside your window, Denji was already there. He looks like he’s been standing there for a while. He catches your eye and waves, you back up and close your window after you wave back shouting ‘I’ll be down in a bit!’
Denji waiting for you this long made you happy. Really happy. You rushed down the stairs with a small bag full with yen to properly greet him, “Hi Denji, you’re awfully early” You smile, he smiles back.
“Yeah, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole date thing… and it’s better to be early than be late, right? That’s what Ak-“ Denji looked you up and down before looking away, “I’ve never seen uh, what you’re wearing before. What’s it called?”
“A kimono, usually I’d wear a yukata, but it’s been cold these days.” You take Denji’s hand, “And as expected, your hands aren’t cold at all. The festival isn’t that far, it’s right over that way!” You tug on his hand and he follows next to you, his hand was kind of sweaty. “I’m surprised you didn’t know what a kimono was, I guess these things really are going out of style”
“Is it? I think it looks good on you.” You look at him, your face turns red, he said it so nonchalantly! Does he do this with everyone— no way. Yoshida said he was desperate, so he’s definitely never talked to anyone else before.
“Thanks Denji, I think you look good too” You said sweetly, he wasn’t wearing anything special, but it’s not like he looked bad or anything.
“Really?! I knew my fashion sense wasn’t bad!” He smiled, he smiled at you. Well, it was more about what you said, but it made your heart flutter again.
The festival was fun! You wouldn’t change anything about it. The food was amazing, even if you had to pay for most of it, there was scenic music playing, and Denji was really good at playing a bunch of the games. You hadn’t noticed until now, but you were holding Denji’s hand, pulling him to wherever you wanted to go.
“Ah- I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to pull so hard on you” You apologize as you let go of his hand.
“What? It’s not a problem at all!” Denji’s face was red, was it because of the heat or was it because of you? “No… I liked your hand. Could you hold mine again?”
“Oh, sure!” You took Denji’s hand again.
That’s when you saw it. Not only the people rushing fast to get past the two of you, but you saw a… a devil?
It was large. Almost as tall as two of the food stands combined, you stood there in shock as people almost ran on top of you. Quickly coming back to your senses, you pull Denji away from the devil as fast as you could.
He wouldn’t budge after he made eye contact with the devil though. Was it a power it had or was it something else? You didn’t know or care.
“Denji?! Hurry up and move, we have to go! Now!” You shouted, you were still holding his hand. You soften your eyes and murmur a ‘sorry’ before letting go and leaving him.
A few seconds later you heard the noises of a chainsaw. ‘So he’s here to save the day again.’ You sigh in relief, then maybe Denji will have a chance to survive this disaster. You turn you head to look back, Denji isn’t visible to you, but Chainsaw Man is. He’s wearing the same things that Denji was. Strange. You decide not to think about it as you continue to make your way out of the situation.
<“it’s your choice now, who will you choose?”>
Yoshida Route || Denji Route
^Click your Choice^
Tag list: @myneighboreve
Yours truly, 💟
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chronicowboy · 4 months
the only thing I can think of after seeing all this, so happy for buddie but poor Tommy. Hopefully it can be a mutual break up and he doesn’t get hurt and they can stay friends. Prolonging this will just make it more likely that Tommy gets hurt in the end which is inevitable because the show done a lot to say buck and Tommy is not meant to last.
see anon ive been thinking about this and there are two scenarios for me. there's one where tommy doesn't know about buck and eddie, doesn't suspect, and i think the break up goes okay. it's hard of course it is. they like each other so much but buck wants tommy to be happy and he can't give him that now that he knows he loves eddie like this. and tommy wants buck to be happy and he can't give him that because it's not eddie. and it hurts sure. but at least they know now. then there's option two. i'm sorry. i love tommy. i also love angst and drama. so if tommy goes into this relationship with buck suspecting his feelings for eddie and thinks i'm gonna have a good time not a long time. i want evan buckley to foil his plans. i want him to be too fucking easy to fall in love. i want tommy panicking as he wades in deeper and deeper even as he watches buck and eddie do the exact same thing for each other. i want tommy breaking up with buck to protect himself. i want a little bit of vitriol, a little bit of fury, a little bit of not another life, why not this life, please please please love me too
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lwprodz24 · 2 years
Old Enemy, New Possession
Backstory: You had gotten sexually involved with Rafael shortly after he had lost his girlfriend but ended things just before his first full moon. Landon was a kind and gentle soul, except when it came to you. As friendly as he was, his mood would always change around you, he despised you. This was solely because he knew that you didn’t truly care for Rafael, you just wanted him for sex and to feel less lonely. In fact, it was Landon who forced you to end things with his brother before Rafael simply decided to end things with you himself. You and Landon continue to loathe each other despite not having spoken to or seen each other since.
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Summary: You were killed and you end up in limbo where you immediately run into the new ferryman, Landon Kirby. (takes place a year after 4x20)
Pairing: Landon Kirby x Female!Vampire Reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 5k+
Triggers: degrading, marking/biting, over-stimulation
Y/N’s eyes flutter open and you sit up, groggy and disoriented as you gaze around at your new surroundings.
‘Everything is dark and has a blue-ish hue to it.’ This is the first thought that crosses your mind as you get to your feet.
You walk through the woods until you end up in the small town that is Mystic Falls, still confused by your surroundings and unsure of what happened that put you here.
“Y/N?” You freeze at the sound of the voice, recognizing it immediately as someone from your past, yet you still turn around to see where it came from.
“Landon?” You’re still puzzled by everything but now, you’re getting nervous at the sight of Landon Kirby.
“Where am I? What’s going on?” You decide to speak up on your confusion now that you have come in contact with another person.
“You’re in limbo. If you’re here, that means you’ve died.” Landon tells you where you are before revealing that if you’re in limbo, it means you’re now dead.
His words hit like a train as you remember what had happened before you woke up in this place.
You run your hands through your long, wavy hair as you process the fact you’ve died, and have reunited with Landon as result.
“I’m going to be honest, I thought you’d be one of the first people I saw here but better late than never.” Landon’s voice is as bitter as it always was with you but now it sounds colder than you remember, which has you stare at him in confusion.
“What happened to you, Landon?” You speak in a soft, genuine tone while asking what happened to him, clearly concerned, but he just smirks at you in response.
“You’re going to need a drink if you want to hear what I’ve been up to these past two years, Y/N. Come on, I’ll take you to my bar.” Landon simply tells you that you’ll need a drink in order to hear his story then motions for you to follow him as he claims that he’ll take you to his bar.
You’re still confused and are unsure if this is the Landon Kirby that you remember but you follow him anyway, wanting to know what he’s been up to.
He takes you to the bar under the clock-tower and motions for you to take a seat as he walks behind the bar.
“What do you drink?” Landon asks you what you drink as he places a glass in front of you then one in front of himself.
“Whiskey.” you give him an answer and he grabs a bottle of whiskey, opens it, then pours it in the two glasses.
“So, when did you drink? And become a bartender?” You look around the bar as you wonder when Landon started drinking as well as when he became a bartender but he just chuckles.
“That part of my life comes closer to the end of the story.” Landon’s response infuriates you for some reason but you take a deep breath to calm down before taking a sip of the drink that he had poured for you.
So, Landon starts at the beginning, telling you everything about Rafael, Hope, the Salvatore School, and all the things that led up to his death and being in limbo.
You stare at him in shock, completely overwhelmed by everything that he’s just shared and you struggle to process it all, but the biggest pill for you to swallow is that Landon is now soulless.
Downing your drink in one gulp, you help yourself to another glass and down that one as well in order to help you process all of the information you just got.
“I told you that you were going to need a drink.” Landon gives you an ‘I told you so’ with a smug tone in his voice, which sparks your anger but you hide it.
“So, you’re the ferryman and run limbo while being soulless?” You’ve seemed to have processed most of what he told you but you still can’t seem to wrap your head around this, mainly his lack of soul, which he seems to notice.
“Well, I’m not soulless, I just lack some of my empathy. For now, anyway.” Landon corrects you, saying that he simply lacks some of his empathy before adding an implication that all of his empathy will fade and he’ll actually be soulless eventually.
“But what about you, Y/N? What have you been up to these past two years?” Landon changes the subject to you, wanting to know what you’ve been up to, but you look away from him evasively.
“Have you been spending the past two years of your life shacking up with every grieving man that might want you?” Landon has faux-sympathy in his voice, making it clear to you that he’s still holding onto what you did and assumes you’ve spent your life doing the same to other people.
However, his tone of voice has you crossing your legs as you sit on the bar stool, feeling a certain appeal to him talking to you this way.
“No, I haven’t. Shortly after we broke contact, I got involved in the wrong crowd and I got killed but I didn’t die. At least, not permanently. After I woke up, I was told that I was in transition to being a vampire and I was forced to feed. I had been adapting to vampirism ever since until I died again.” you share your story with Landon, revealing that you’re now a vampire, after admitting that you haven’t done to anyone else what you did to his brother.
Landon stares at you for a long moment and you stare back, trying to figure out what emotions are currently in his eyes but the only emotion you see is embarrassment before you start staring into his eyes.
You have never realized how pretty his eyes were yet then again, you were too involved with Rafael to even pay attention to Landon.
You see his eyes scan down to your hands, which are promptly on your glass, and you suspect that you’ve made him uncomfortable.
“I don’t see any jewelry on you. I assume that means you were never given a daylight ring.” Landon takes note of the lack of jewelry you have then makes the assumption that you weren’t given a daylight amulet.
“No, I was given a daylight bracelet. It was removed before I was killed.” you reveal that you did have a daylight amulet but it was taken off before you were killed and he hums lowly in response.
You feel your legs pressing themselves closer together, despite being cross-legged, due to his low hum and you have to bite your tongue to hold back a whimper.
‘What the hell is he doing to me?’ you ask yourself a question that you don’t even have the answer to, but all you know is that you want to hear more of his voice.
“Well, if you’re the ferryman then surely you can send me on my way to peace.” Your words have Landon glaring at you in return, making you as nervous as you were when you first reunited with him.
“You’re right, Y/N, I am the ferryman. Although I’m confused on what made you believe that I was going to be sending you to peace.” Landon confirms that he is the ferryman yet expresses his confusion on when he gave the impression he’d send you to peace.
His expression is dark and his tone low but slightly aggressive, which has you subtly squirm in your seat as you bite your tongue again.
It becomes clear to you that Landon has officially detected your discomfort towards him, so he puts on a lighter expression with a fake smile.
“You know what, how about I show you where I’m staying. You’ll stay with me.” Landon suggests that he shows you where he’s living and makes it direct that you’ll stay there with him.
Against your better judgment, you stand to your feet and follow him out of the bar, letting him take you to his place.
“Now, I was staying at the school but I decided to get an apartment for fun.” Landon explains that was formerly staying at the boarding school but chose to get an apartment simply for the hell of it as the two of you walk inside.
“It’s a nice place.” You compliment the apartment as he closes the door behind him, still very uncomfortable by the fact that Landon doesn’t seem to have any intentions of letting you go to peace.
You turn around to face him, only to see that he’s started walking closer to you, and you can’t help but get nervous, especially when you can see nothing but anger in his eyes.
“Um, why aren’t you going to send me to peace?” Despite your nervousness and his anger, you start backing up as you choose to ask him why he won’t send you to peace.
He raises his eyebrows as an incredulous look crosses his face, seeming surprised by your question.
“You did not just ask me that.” Landon emphasizes ‘not’ as he voices his disbelief of your words.
He grabs you by the waist in order to spin you around and walks you backwards until you’re pressed up against the wall.
“As the ferryman, I say who does and who doesn’t go to peace. So, what makes you think that I will send you to peace after what you did?” Landon’s face goes dark, as does his tone, while reaffirming that he’s the ferryman and because of it, he decides who stays and who goes before wondering why you think you’d go to peace, bringing up what you did again.
You press your legs together yet again, feeling a throbbing sensation course through your body this time, as he gently places hand around your throat.
Your breathing hitches as you try not to show what he’s doing to you but it doesn’t take long before he distinguishes that what he thought was discomfort is actually attraction.
“Hmm, it looks like you’re enjoying my lack of intentions in letting you leave.” Landon hums lowly again before being vocal about how your body language has caught his attention.
You look away evasively once again as you try to get out of his grasp but he removes the arm around your waist and begins slowly pressing his body against yours, making you squirm more.
“How would you feel if I did this?” Landon moves his free hand down to pull your legs apart, so they’re no longer pressed together, and quickly places his thigh in between them to make sure you can’t press them back together.
A whimper tears its way through your lips at the feeling of his jeans in between your bare legs and hovering close to your underwear.
Landon gives another low hum in response to your whimper, causing you to do it again.
He removes his hand from around your throat and gently places it in your hair before harshly tugging it back so you can look up at him.
“You’re still a dirty little whore, aren’t you Y/N?” Landon smirks, realizing that you haven’t changed a bit as you moan and bite your lip at the degradation in his question.
Removing his hand from your hair, he uses his body to pin you back to the wall then presses his thigh further between your legs, causing you to gasp at the feeling and discern just how much you want him right now.
“I think I can work with that. You see, the only thing I feel when I look at you is anger and hatred so I’m going to use this time to take my frustrations out on you, is that something you’ll be okay with?” Landon believes he can work with your needy behavior before he reveals that he only feels anger with you then leans closer to your face, whispering, as he confesses to wanting to remove his frustration on you, and proceeding to purr in your ear to ask if you’ll be okay with what he wants to do to you.
You shudder at his words, attempting to press your legs together only to get blocked by his thigh, which has you whimper once more.
“I, uh… mm.” you try talking to him so you can give an answer, but he makes you moan again by applying more pressure between your legs, implying he isn’t currently taking no for an answer.
“Do you want me to fuck you, Y/N?” Landon doesn’t hold back when he asks you this very straightforward question, causing you to stare at him for a long moment.
‘Holy shit, did he just say that? That word sounds so hot leaving his mouth. I want him to say that word again.’ These were just some of the thoughts that crossed your mind after he asked you this but a definitive answer of yes or no weren’t in any of them.
Unfortunately, the part of your mind that cares about your physical needs answers first by nodding desperately before you could actually give him one, not that it matters as you quickly register that your answer was going to be yes anyway. 
He smiles at you, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, before he places his forehead against yours and dropping the smile.
“I don’t believe you. If you want it, you’re going to have to show me.” Landon’s breath feels hot against your mouth as he admits that he doesn’t believe you want him and that he wants you to show him.
You breathe in deeply, getting a taste of his breath in the process, which smells of various alcohols but mostly whiskey and a hint of strawberry.
“How?” this is the only thing that leaves your lips, as it is the most important question because he won’t fuck you until you show him that you want him to.
“Move against my thigh. I want to see how desperate you get.” Landon tells you what he wants you to do then slightly lessens the pressure that he placed on your underwear to allow you to move as he admits to wanting to see your desperation.
You keep your eyes locked on his lips as you start to grind down on his thigh, increasing your pace by the second.
Feeling him reapply the pressure he had lessened, you whine while continuing to grind on his thigh and keeping your eyes on his mouth.
You clench your legs together as you grind in an attempt to get more friction, and also try to ignore how wet you are from doing this.
Landon places a hand on your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb, causing you to clutch onto his jacket sleeve as you start to feel a throbbing sensation course through your body again.
Your grip on his jacket sleeve gets tighter as do your legs, along with the inside of your body, and you comprehend that you’re close to the edge with just this but something holds you back.
Landon stares at you in amusement, seeming to know that you’re close, then places his lips on yours as he applies more pressure with his thigh and with that, you lose it.
You moan in his mouth, still tightly gripping his sleeve, as you start losing balance but he keeps you pinned to the wall so you won’t collapse to the ground.
The kiss breaks and you have to catch your breath, feeling that your underwear is now soaked but to your surprise, even after you already came, Landon continues to rub his thigh up against you.
“What’re you doing?” You decide to ask him what he’s doing, now that you’ve caught your breath, yet he simply smirks at you in response.
“You’re clearly enjoying this. And because I’m enjoying watching you become a pathetic mess, I want to see how many times I can make you cum with just this.” Landon points out how much you’re enjoying riding his thigh then adds that because he’s finding enjoyment in your desperation, he wants to see how many times you can fall over the edge with just his thigh.
Your eyes close when you whine at the degradation, although you’re not sure why as he’s insulted you many times in the past but this time it feels different.
“Please, just fuck me.” you beg him to fuck you already as you start grinding on his thigh again, your eyes still closed.
“Begging already? Poor little slut, I’m not even close to wanting to fuck you.” Landon’s tone has faux-sympathy in it again, like it did earlier when he made the assumption of what you had been doing for the past two years, and he also degrades you again, which  earns a whimper from your lips this time, as he implies that he doesn’t want to fuck you until a lot later.
You don’t know what’s wrong, if it’s you, your body, Landon’s new found confidence, or maybe, it’s all of the above but you’re desperate for him in a way you’ve never felt for anyone before, and all you want is for him to be inside of you but that doesn’t seem like it will happen for a long while.
Landon has taken up slowly moving his thigh in sync with your grinding, causing you to lose some of your senses and cum an unknown amount of times, you’ve lost track after the third time or maybe it was the fourth, all you know is feeling.
“Look at that, you ruined my pant leg.” Landon’s voice snaps you out of your daze when he tells you to look at his jeans and you discover that he has your hips pinned to the wall so you can’t move them anymore.
You glance down at his jeans and sure enough, his one pant leg is ruined, even though you can feel that you’re still wearing underwear.
“I, um…” you attempt to speak but he quickly shushes you with a deep kiss, having you moan as you taste his breath again.
“It’s okay, I don’t care about it.” Landon soothes you by saying he doesn’t care about his pant leg as one of his hands rubs your hair.
You start to grind your hips, even though his thigh isn’t between your legs anymore, yet he stops you from doing so.
“Oh no, we’re done with that.” Landon assures you that you’re done with riding his thigh as he places his hand on your cheek.
You can’t help but shudder when you actually feel his hand on your skin and it’s freezing cold, colder than your skin. 
He had touched your cheek with his hand before but you weren’t paying attention as you were on the verge of going over the edge for the first time.
“Your hand is ice cold.” you whisper your recognition of how cold his hand is against your heated skin.
“I’m sure it is, compared to your skin.” Landon shrugs off the comment, assuming that the reason his hand is cold to the touch for you is because he heated up your body.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” You change the subject back to him fucking you, staring at him with hopefulness and desperation, since he said that you were done with thigh riding.
“Not yet. I have something else in mind first.” Landon denies that he’s going to fuck you, causing you to whine at his refusal, yet he adds that he something else in mind.
His words have your body igniting in anticipation, curious as to what he’s going to do to you, even though you should be worn out due to the amount of times you came from riding his thigh.
Landon catches you getting excited by his words, having him tuck your hair behind your ear in order to whisper in it.
“You are such an insatiable little slut, Y/N.” You moan as Landon degrades you while feeling his hot breath on your ear.
He kisses your neck, which makes you identify that although his breath is hot, his lips on your skin are cold but you enjoy the feeling on your skin.
You feel his hands run down the back of thighs before he wraps your legs around his waist, still kissing your neck.
“This shirt does not go with this skirt.” Landon whispers into your neck as he voices his distaste towards your sweater and tells you it doesn’t go with the skirt you’re wearing.
Before you can retort, his hands slide underneath your shirt and lifts it over your head, your arms subconsciously going in the air as he removes your sweater.
You can’t hold in your moans as he starts kissing your neckline, feeling his tongue and the small grazes of his teeth on your skin.
“Landon, please.” A whimpered beg escapes your lips, pleading him to continue what he’s doing, yet this has him stop.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” He whispers into your mouth that you shouldn’t worry and that he’ll take care of you then proceeds to give you another deep kiss that makes your head spin.
You’re not sure what you want anymore, for Landon to keep kissing you, for him to keep kissing your body, or for him to actually fuck you, and the problem is you want all of it but he seems keen on only giving you one of those things as he eventually stops kissing your lips and goes back to your body.
He places your legs back on the ground as he goes lower down your body and despite the fact you’re dead, as well as a vampire, you can feel him leaving marks on you with his teeth.
You detect him focusing on the left side of your rib cage where your heart is for a little longer than he did the rest of you until he stops.
Whimpers emit from your mouth when he stops kissing your body, earning a breathy laugh from him that allows you to sense his hot breath on your skin.
“Shh, it’s okay.” he shushes you, saying that it’s okay, before he takes his right index finger, hovers it over the part he’d been focusing on earlier, and drags it down your rib cage.
You yelp in surprise at what he’s doing before it turns to moans at the sensation it sends through your veins.
Landon smirks victoriously at what he’s done then places a kiss on his work, sending a chill down your spine as he does.
“Please.” you whimper out a plea, although you’re not entirely sure for what, but it seems to spark something in Landon that causes him to bite down on your rib cage.
An electric feeling courses through you, further igniting your pleasured head-space, as you release a loud, unintelligible groaning noise at the sensation of his teeth completely pressed against your flesh.
Landon removes his teeth then proceeds to press gentle kisses on and around where he bit you, his teeth having left an imprint on your skin.
You feel something dripping down your inner thighs and you conclude that what he did had made you cum, which he realized as well, since he starts kissing your inner thighs to clean it up.
He plants small kisses, making his way back up your physique before stopping in front of your face, and then, without warning, puts your legs back around his waist.
“Do you think you’re worthy of being fucked now? Or are you still a desperate little whore?” Landon wonders if you think you’re worthy of being fucked or if you want more of what he’s been giving you, grinding his hips into you.
You whimper at the feeling of him pressed between your legs once again while you wrap your legs around him in response to the degrading but you’re too far into your pleasured head-space to actually think so you just nod.
“Which one, Y/N? Use your words, slut.” Landon has a gentle tone when he asks you which one you want then grips your chin to make you look at him, his voice changing to harsh, then degrades you again as he demands that you use your words.
You simply wrap your legs tighter around him in response to his words while moaning at the manhandling.
He gives you a look that should intimidate you but all want is more pleasure at this point, so everything he says and does just makes you want more of him.
You open your mouth to try to answer his question, only for whines to leave your lips, revealing to him that you don’t care anymore and he smiles at this development.
“I have to admit, I’m very much enjoying how insatiable you are. Let’s see if it matches mine, shall we?” Landon expresses his enjoyment in the fact you want more then suggests that they compare your insatiable nature to his.
Not actually knowing what he’s suggesting, you just moan at the sound of his voice then nod in agreement to his words, assuming that whatever he said meant more pleasure.
He kisses your mouth deeply before going to your neck then goes further down, removing your legs from his waist so he can kiss down your torso.
Landon stops when his face is between your legs then places his hands under your bra, his nails touching your skin, and drags them down your stomach, earning a loud moan from you.
Every time you think that you can’t get wetter by any of his actions, he surprises you, and he does so again when he teases you by kissing your ruined underwear, having you grip at the wall behind you with one hand and run the other hand through your hair in order to grasp then pull it back out of pleasure.
You feel him hike your skirt up and pin your hips to the wall, most likely to ensure you won’t move them, as his tongue continues to tease you.
“Landon.” A whimper of his name rips its way out of your mouth as he moves your panties to the side causing him to place a gentle kiss on your now bare pussy.
You whine at the sensation of his cold lips pressed up against that part of you and you attempt to move your hips for more but he’s pinning them to the wall.
He marks up your inner thighs, gliding his teeth across your skin, before doing the same to your pussy.
You struggle in trying to squirm and grind your hips against his lips as he continues to keep your hips pinned to the wall.
His cold lips, hot tongue, and the grazing of his teeth on your bare pussy was too much but became even more so when he soon found your clit, causing your legs to start trembling as you cum.
Landon keeps doing what he’s doing, even though cum is now dripping down your thighs, furthering the over-stimulation and your pleasured head-space.
“Such a desperate, needy little thing, aren’t you?” Landon mutters into your body as he makes his way back up to your face and you moan at his words.
He wraps your legs around his waist again while your legs are still trembling then starts heatedly kissing your lips as he takes off his jacket, letting it drop to the floor.
You can taste yourself as the two of you are kissing before he abruptly stops.
Landon strokes your face with one of his hands before removing your back from the wall and while still having your legs around him, walking towards then placing you on the bed.
So used to being against the wall, you let out a gasp of shock when you feel the soft, plush sheets underneath you.
He takes his shirt off and although you should be worn out by now, you’re not, instead your body is buzzing in anticipation as you realize that more pleasure is to happen.
“Do you think you’re ready to be fucked now, Y/N?” Landon moves one of his hands between your legs and makes two of his fingers dance along your clit as he wonders if you believe you’re ready to be fucked.
Chills travel down your spine at the contact of his cold fingers dancing along your clit as it causes you to begin squirming for more.
You get hit with a case of uncontrollable moans and whimpers as he slides his two fingers inside of you then slowly moves them in and out before dragging them across your pussy, toying with it.
Your back arches while you continue to moan and squirm as he puts his fingers back in you.
He proceeds to finger you until your clit starts getting sensitive, which is when he stops. 
Even though a part of you wants to stop, the rest of you wants to be fucked despite how overstimulated and sensitive your body is.
Landon grabs your hips and flips you onto your stomach then drags his nails down your back, leaving scratches while making you whimper.
You keep whimpering as he kisses your back, leaving hickeys and other marks on it to go with the scratches he left.
You can hear him undo his belt then jeans before he lifts your hips off the bed so you’re now face down with your ass in the air.
He places his fingers into you once more then removes them and drags his fingers down your spinal cord, marking you with your own cum.
Spreading your legs just enough, you feel him glide his dick along your clit before he slowly but finally slides himself inside of you.
You squeal, squirm, and grip the sheets as you deduce that every part of his body is just ice cold compared to yours.
He released a moan as you tightened around him upon penetrating you that made you shiver.
Moving out of you until it’s just tip, Landon then grasps your hair tightly and without warning, harshly thrusts into you with all he has, forcing a loud whine from you.
With every harsh thrust, it’s like you can hear every story that relates to the anger he’s felt and all the frustration he has.
Landon is merciless in fucking you, taking his free hand, wrapping it around your throat, and pulling you up to him so your back is against his chest while you’re both kneeling.
Every now and then, Landon will grip your hair tighter or slightly choke you, as he keeps hitting the spot that keeps you falling over the edge.
You can’t stop coming in this position but you’ve reached the point where you can no longer make noise and your mind is completely blank, all you’re officially capable of is coming and feeling Landon’s body behind you.
He removes his hand from your neck and touches the part of your rib cage that he bit earlier, tracing the work with one of his fingertips, spelling the letters LK, which reveals that he had branded you with his initials.
After Landon has vented all, or at least most, of his frustrations on you, he lies on the bed, holding you close to his chest and gently plays with your hair while you sleep.
You smile in content at the situation you’re in, deciding that Landon Kirby is what you’ve been waiting for your whole life even when you didn’t know or want to admit it.
“You’re mine now, Y/N.” Landon whispers a possessive statement about you being his before pressing a kiss on your hair while still playing with it. 
All you do is subtly nod in agreement and you discover that you are now addicted to the ferryman.
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ingapotejtoo · 2 years
and don't forget the cranks! :)
cant forget to crank the hog under a tree while the homies are rising cocks
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tideposts · 2 years
Human Comedy ترجمة
مهزلة بشرية الفصل الثاني عشر
بصالة الفواكة
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شو: الحماية والحب والاهتمام بعائلتك، صفات نتشاركها مع بقية الحيوانات، ماهي خاصة بالبشر
فعلى العكس، ما يميز البشر هي مقدرتنا على إنهاء حياة من نعتبرهم عائلة ونعزهم
"لا نملك طعاما كافيا"، و "علينا تقليل عدد الأشخاص الذين نطعمهم"... حتى بدون أسباب مشابهه، عندنا القدرة على قتل الآخرين على هوانا
مو مسألة ما إذا هذي الشناعة ارتكبت أو لا—الطبيعة البشرية هي وجود هذي الخيارات الشنيعة بقاموسنا أساسا
قد قلتها من قبل وبقولها مرة ثانية: الدافع الي يخلي الفرد يعارض غرائزه هو الي يفرق البشرية عن سائر المخلوقات
فالفن هو تراكم القرارات الي تعارض الغرائز الطبيعية للشخص، مثل تكريس نفسك للرسم—رغم معرفة أنك ستموت بدون نوم أو طعام
قل لي، هل تبني الحيوانات الأهرامات ليجعلوا منها مقر عبادة؟
هل تكتفي حاجتهم بمجرد سماعهم لموسيقى موزارت، وقراءة قصص شيكسبير، وتأمل لوحات دالي؟
كثير واجبات يحتاج يأديها المرء عشان يضمن استمرار حياته، صحيح؟ ومع هذا، حنا، البشر، نختار أن نصنع الفن. لهذا انا احبه
ولهذا، ارغب من أعماق قلبي أن أصبح فنان
أن تعيش تحت حكم غرائزك فقط بيكون فعلا مؤلم
من يتمتعوا بأفضلية جسدية سيحتكرون الطعام وكل ما هو أساسي للعيش. سيطغون على الضعيف، ويجدون شريك، وينجبون المزيد
ففي عالم الحيوان، الموت هو الخسارة. ففي عالمهم الذي تحكمه الغريزة، من يفشل المواكبة سينتهي أمره
ولكن ليس وكأن البشر فقدوا كل غرائزهم؛ فتجدنا نتشابه بالتصرفات، خصوصا بالمجتمعات الأقل تحضرا
نتنمر على الضعيف ونسخر من الغبي، نعبث ننبذ أولئك الذين يعرقلوننا. فهذا الفعل يحافظ على نجاتنا، وبالتالي على سلالتنا
فهكذا يصبح بني جنسنا أكثر قوة وقدرة جسدية، إن نظرنا الى الصورة الكبيرة، وفكرنا على أساسها
إن عاش الضعاف والحمقى بما يكفي ليخلفوا أحفادا، فلن يواجههم إلا مصير محتم من الخراب من عناصر العالم من حولهم
 وهكذا، يأتي على الاقوياء بلا خزي إحساس بالأهلية نسبة لعدد خلفائهم وغرائزهم
فيحدثونك عن الحب والأحلام والعدالة، بينما يتغاضون عن الأضعف منهم ويسيئون لهم، بكامل النفاق
الحيوانات لا تبدي أي شكوى عن هذا الواقع، يموتون وحسب. فما من أحد يحتج غير البشر
من انداس عليهم سيجدون في الفن ملاذا يريحون به قلوبهم، فيخصصون له قيمة تقع بإطار منفصل عن الغريزة
حتى إذا لم يقووا على القتال، وحتى إذا كانوا ضعفاء، وحتى إن لم يحبهم أحد على الإطلاق... بإمكانهم العيش
فعندما تصعب علينا الحياة، الموسيقى واللوحات التي صنعها مبدعي الماضي والحاضر هي ما ستواسينا
لقد كنت ضعيفا في صغري؛ لم يكن بيدي سوى البكاء، ولكن تلك الإبداعات أنقذتني
الدمى التي أهداني إياها جدي، والحياكة التي علمتني إياها أم كيريو، والأغاني التي يؤديها الآيدول على التلفاز
كافة الفنون التي لاقيتها قد حافظت على حياتي وقلبي، بل وجدت النجاة خلالهم
الى هذا اليوم، أريد أن اعطي نفس الشعور بالنجاة لمن سحقهم مفهوم الغريزة
ولهذا اصنع الفن. فأنا أحاول أن اعطي بركاتي لمن نشأ على المنطق
كاغيهيرا، قد يصعب عليك فهمي، لكن هذه هي البشرية التي أتحدث عنها
واقع ليس دائم الجمال.. بل على العكس، واقع قبيح وغير منطقي
ولكني أخطط بتضحية نفسي للمضي نحو المثالية، وأريدك أن تفعل نفس الشيء. أتوقع أنك ستطمح لأن تصبح "بشريا" لنفس تلك الرغبات
اجل، أتمنى منك أن تصبح بشريا، فنانا
امسح تلك الأكاذيب الوهمية الموجودة في القصص الخيالية من عقلك؛ فشخص قد تبلد مثلك على الأرجح لن يقدر على إدراك ما إن كانوا نتاج الغريزة أو المنطق
فما تمر وتفكر به الآن هو كل شيء. إن مشيت وراء قلبك بلا تفكير تجاهه، فلن تصبح سوى أحمق تستعبده غرائزه
نحن بشر بالضبط لأننا نملك الخيار لفعل عكس ما تطلبه غرائزنا، لأننا نملك الإرادة الحرة بين أيدينا
ميكا: اممم.. ما عندي أدنى فكرة ايش تحاول تقول... اوشي-سان؟
شو: توقعت. اجل بحاول اشرح بشكل ملموس
كاغيهيرا، أنت بتطيع اوامري بدون شروط، صح؟ لو طلبت منك أن تموت، راح تنفذ، مو صحيح؟
ميكا: ا-ايه. لأني دميتك بالنهاية، بسوي أي شي تبيه مني
امم، يعني إذا انت طلبت مني اموت ورحت قتلت نفسي، هذا يعني اني بشري بعد..؟
شو: شكلك ما فهمت أي شي كاغيهيرا. مارح تكون أكثر من حيوان لو صدق تحسب نفسك تبي تنفذ كل طلباتي
أنت مو بقدرتك أن تصبح بشري، فكيف بتصير فنان احبه
كاغيهيرا. اجل ابطلب هذا منك... اقتلني بهذي اللحظة
ميكا: ...؟
شو: اقتلني بأعنف ماعندك
ميكا: امم اا... ليش؟؟ وش قاعد يصير؟؟؟
شو: ما عندك القدرة أنك تسويها؟
ميكا: م- مو سالفة أقدر ولا ما أقدر—أصلا مدري وش قاعد تقول من الأساس!
أنت ليش تبيني ا-اقت... مابي حتى اقولها! مستحيل أسوي شي زي ك��ا!
شو: انت شخص غريب. مستعد ترمي حياتك، بس ماتقدر تقتلني. هل تحبني لهذي الدرجة؟ ومع ذلك، لهذا السبب بالضبط أنت فاشل
كان لازم أقولك هذا الشي من زمان... ارجع لديرتك، كاغيهيرا
ميكا: هـ..هاه..؟
شو: ماعندي حاجة لدمية تطيع الأوامر؛ اقدر اصنع الي ابي منهم
من اليوم وصاعد مين يعلم ايش ينتظرني. أنا بحاجة لشخص يلهمني – فنان زميل نموه يحفز نموي
وأنت ما عندك القدرة أن تكون لا فنان ولا بشري. دمية مثلك.. ما تستحق تكون بجانبي
أي ثانية اكرسها لك بتكون إسراف. لذا إجمع عفشك وانقل من بيتي بأسرع ماعندك. اختفي، ولا تتجرأ توريني وجهك مره ثانية
ميكا: ......
... يعني بترميني بالنهاية اوشي-سان؟
شو: " أرميك"؟ أنت غلطان هنا؛ أنا ما قد امتلكتك أصلا عشان أرميك.. بمسح اسمك من ذاكرتي وأنسى أن كان لك وجود
بغرق ذكرياتي لك بالظلام، بدون ما اترك أي أثر لوجودك
مو هذي نهاية مناسبة لفاشل؟ راح تختفي للأبد، مو باقي حتى بذكرياتي. ما عندك مشكلة مع الموضوع، صح، كاغيهيرا؟
ميكا: .....
شو: وين ردك؟ أنت الدمية الي تطيع بدون شروط، صح؟
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unbreakable-ribbons · 2 years
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“Now don’t cut me off here, but I got some thoughts to say about the Ides of March. I’ve tried taking a stab at it before, but I can’t seem to figure out why it’s celebrated so much. It could be the Shakespeare play -slash- there’s not too many holidays in March worth getting excited about. I’ve run through tons of other reasons too, but all of them im-pale in comparison to the two I’ve listed before.”
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melpherno · 5 months
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punkitt-is-here · 4 months
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transgender online
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soleilsplanet · 7 months
do you ever just … picture a whole scene, a whole fanfiction in your head, you know how to place every single word of the english dictionary that you need (or your language dictionary), you know how to structure your sentences, you know just what your characters are going to say to each other and then… and then you just open microsoft word.
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i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:
1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online
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2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links
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3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)
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4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)
In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)
you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)
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merakidoll · 2 months
to the fans it was simply just their favorite streamer introducing his new found relationship! “yea guys this is my girlfriend! isn’t she just beautiful” you gave a tight lipped smile, moving in to kiss his cheek. the sound of comments going off. “be nice to her guys! she’s knew to the whole known boyfriend thing” choso’s pearly whites smiled into the camera, your body on his lap, while a my melody blanket was wrapped around your lower half’s.
as choso smoothly went into the game you wanted to cry. his cock bumped in your wet walls, balls resting between your thighs as you slightly tried bouncing. the agony of having to wait becoming too much. choso could feel you clenching around him. cream making a mess all over his new gaming chair, your sly jumps at the very small; not very scary jump scare’s. he had to give it to you, you were a good actor, but he just couldn’t allow this.
“alright guys! watch this ad while we have a quick intermission!” two clicks to the screen, and now you both stood, your moans loud and pornographic, choso ball’s slapping against your skin while your ass met his pelvis- cock so deep inside of you. your breast bounced in front of the camera, the purple pairing well with your brown skin. “bad girl, a slut who couldn’t wait huh?” the pretty sweet and shy streamer, was now a mean man who fucked into your sopping cunt. this was your choso, the one who tamed the slut inside of you. “say it. tell choso how much of a slut you are”
“m-m’abigslutt” tears poured from your eyes, the pudge of your stomach growing slightly from the thick tip that if you looked at the right angle, could be seen in a small print in your tummy. your pussy was leaking, cum dripping down your leg onto the carpet beneath you. choso moving his hand to rub your clit quickly, ignore how you cried, saying how you already came, and that everything was too much. the purple lights that were lit around the room showed your shadow against the wall, how slutty it was - and all in front of a camera that the man didn’t properly cut off.
gojoluvsebonyqueens : oh shittt!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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HOT, SINGLE, UNSTUDIED SPONGES. 3000 NAUTICAL MILES AWAY. Come sail the distance and read Tiger Tiger!
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eternalgirlscout · 2 years
earlier today i told an acquaintance in passing that i'll often be in the middle of a novel and think "man i wish this shit were more ambiguous" and had to reiterate twice that i wasn't being sarcastic before they believed me, so this post is to say: i love when writers don't bother to explain everything, i love when stories end uncertain and unsettling, i love being required to think as a reader, i love when stuff makes no damn sense, no i'm not kidding
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xeno-fluff · 11 months
Coming in 2024: the new SmartRing(tm) toilet seat attachment!! This amazing new tool will analyze your frequency, consistency, and color of waste every time you go! With our paired iOS app (Android app pending) YouPoo you can see health alerts and share your fun waste stories!
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funtergeist · 4 months
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are there still any shadowpeach fans
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my-heart-of-heart · 6 months
So normal about Jon being like I don’t remember what you looked like but the man who let you die is going to suffer for what he did to you. If only Sasha coulda seen that.
So normal about Jon being like you died hating me and wanting me dead but I’m still gonna make sure this man knows I’m ending him in your name. Sure wish Tim coulda seen that.
So normal about the fact that everyone believed Jon was losing his humanity but no one got to see the ways his love and compassion for the people he lost or who hurt him drove him to that final moment.
So normal about the fact that even after everything Jonah’s done to Jon, the only person he never thinks to get justice for is himself.
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