wavemistress · 11 months
OMG! This is so true! When I'm hyperfixating, I'll finish one bit, then need to tweak another, then just move one more thing and, thanks to timeblindness, before long it's three hours later and I'm like, "Where'd the day go?" 🤣🤣🤣
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i put off finishing this for a full week because i couldnt come up with a title. it was worth the wait i think.
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wavemistress · 2 years
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wavemistress · 2 years
I'm so extremely serious when I say doctors should be put through an extremely extensive reliscensing process every 10 years. Doctors should have their knowledge scrutinized against current medical research and be de-barred at even the tiniest discrepancy. Too many old doctors absolutely refuse to stay up to date on research and dismiss patients because of their personal experiences. Too many people die every year because doctors don't take us seriously and refuse to listen to people who KNOW something is wrong. Too many people are told their problems are nothing and come back in a year or more with serious illnesses and doctors are just like "lol everyone makes mistakes" but doctors mistakes routinely cost people their lives! I'm tired of medical malpractice being swept away under the guise of "mistakes were made."
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wavemistress · 2 years
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Self-care Sunday: Does anyone else feel like they need more concrete instructions than "just let go" of intrusive thoughts? Hunter Clark-Fields (author of Raising Good Humans) explains that the reason labeling thoughts works to help let them go is because the process activates the prefrontal cortex---the part of the brain responsible for logic, reason, and decision-making, i.e. the part of the brain that's good at focusing and setting emotions aside. It's been really helpful in my meditation practice to notice where my thoughts go, give them a label, and find it easier to refocus on the present. Labeling thoughts isn't just helpful during meditation! It's a useful practice at any time of day when you notice unwanted thoughts cropping up. The key is in the noticing.
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wavemistress · 2 years
He DID obey the law. The charges they leveled against him were false. Neither Herod Antipas, the Roman tetrarch, nor Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, could figure out what he'd done wrong. Pilate even wanted to release him.
The only reasons he was crucified were because the Sanhedrin, who were Jewish religious leaders and interpreters of the law, were angry with him for telling the people, truthfully enough, that they were hypocrites and for taking their power away from them. Bearing in mind, they wanted John the Baptist dead, too, for the exact same reasons. They didn't succeed in leveling formal charges against him because, 1. he never did anything they could twist into a criminal act, like they did with Jesus and 2. they were afraid, if they did that, the people, who loved John, would listen to them even less.
Jesus wasnt a rebel and he never preached against police. He strictly obeyed the law. If this is what you mean by this picture, then we agree.
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wavemistress · 2 years
The pain you claim to be experiencing when picking up scalding hot metal is all in your head. You're just faking it to get attention. If you'd work harder and apply yourself a little more, you wouldn't need pot holders.
The neighbor kid has hot metal in his house and he can pick it up without pot holders, why can't you?
Everyone knows the potholder industry is just lying to us about hot metal burning your hands so we'll buy more potholders.
Or even.
The pan doesn't look hot to me. Stop being lazy.
you ever realize how able bodied people just are not expected to do things that cause them excruciating physical pain? like they’re just. not
if i shouldn’t use my cane because i can sometimes technically walk without it, it would just hurt like a motherfucker then abled people should no longer be allowed to use potholders to take things out of the oven because i mean
well they could technically pick up a hot pan with their bare hands. it would just hurt like a motherfucker
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wavemistress · 2 years
Josuke (concerned): What?
Okeyasu (genuinely worried): Dude, I only got TWO arms. I'm a freak!
Josuke (with a completely straight face): It's okay, Dude, I got two arms, too. (Rolls up sleeves) See?
Okeyasu (relieved): Cool! We can be freaks together!
Koichi (not really getting the joke, pulls up a sleeve to look at his own arm): Weird! I always thought your forearms were the part of your arms between your elbows and your hands.
Okeyasu (looks at Josuke who is now having difficulty stifling his laughter, then realizes he's said something stupid): Fuck!
Koichi (still not getting it): Did I say something wrong?
josuke: ngl it’s kinda nice when people roll their sleeves up can you can see their forearms.
okuyasu, seeing he only has two arms: fuck!
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wavemistress · 2 years
Can we make this go viral, please?
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wavemistress · 2 years
That's Mr. Mistofelees. Methamphetamines is that sandbox video game where you dig a lot and build stuff.
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wavemistress · 3 years
In my relationship (both of us bi), it depends on what you're talking about. If you're talking about gender identity, I'm the woman and he's the man. If you're talking about gender roles, we take turns. Admittedly, we do butt heads from time to time, but that's normal in a healthy marriage.
Listen, I try not to make a practice of judging other people's relationships. To me, that seems like I'd be overstepping my boundaries by quite a large margin. However, if I met a married same-sex couple, or even another fully bi couple, like myself and my partner, the first thing I hope I'd say is, "It's nice to meet you."
Wish y'all wouldn't only talk about fem bi men in jokes about getting pegged :/
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wavemistress · 3 years
More than likely, her mom bought it for her.
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wavemistress · 3 years
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Put yours in the tags.
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wavemistress · 3 years
You now witness the rare occurrence of a woman over 50 squealing like a little girl.
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wavemistress · 3 years
Me, too. Seriously, though, what's uncomfortable about it?
bisexuals be like im gonna sit in a position so uncomfortable
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wavemistress · 3 years
Since when was this EVER okay, even behind closed doors! Kids are supposed to feel SAFE with church leaders! These people BETRAYED that trust in the most HORRIBLE WAY. I mean, why is it that parents must now say to their kids, "Trust the cops, trust the pharmacist, trust the firefighter, but, whatever you do, DON'T TRUST THE PRIEST,"?
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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wavemistress · 3 years
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wavemistress · 3 years
This is what happens when you chop down an evergreen tree during pollination season. Honestly, for a second there, I thought the tree just disintegrated.😮
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Excuse me while I sneeze 30 times in a row…
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