saving for future reference, thanks ert
I am holding so much gender in my hand right now
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I'm not starting them just yet, there are some tests and fertility preservation things I've got to do first, but I now have Estrogen! I've been debating getting this for like 4-5 years, I may decide it's not for me after I start. I am still genderqueer/genderfluid and I still use any pronouns. I'm not taking T blockers yet either. We'll see how it goes! :)
If you are wanting to start HRT, I highly recommend Folx. I signed up with them, booked an appointment with a Doctor, and had a prescription for Estrogen within a week! Check them out: https://www.folxhealth.com/
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don't ask questions
my brain is being weird
Khuzdul Words for Fanfiction Writers
So, I recently figured out that most Khuzdul words used in fanfiction are actually incorrect–Ghivashel isn’t actually a word in Khuzdul–and I brought it upon myself to give you all a list with the actual words.  
To do this, I used a Khuzdul dictionary created by the one and only @thedwarrowscholar.  Link to his website (specifically the Khuzdul documents that I used) is HERE.
Please note that this is just a collection of words I found useful in my writings–past, present, and future–so they may not include all words used by others.  And if you have any questions about the words, please feel free to reach out to me and I can do my best to answer/explain the complexity of the words.
**There are some naughty/suggestive phrases/words in here, so be warned**
Keep reading
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i'm trying to get back into working with loki so what i did is i asked him for a sign every day this past week (sunday-saturday) to really know if he wanted to work with me.
sunday and monday i saw spiders just around. (one while i was trying to piss and the other two while i was in the shower). i do see spiders every once and a while in my house in general, but three over two days is a few more than i'm used to lmao.
tuesday i saw a stained glass spider on my tiktok fyp, i've never searched or even seen glassware or stained glass stuff on my fyp before and i haven't since, so i took that as loki's tuesday sign.
wednesday and thursday there were just spiders around again. one in the shower and one in my bedroom, simply watching me while i was sleeping.
FRIDAY. OH MY GODS FRIDAY. i had a friend over and we decorated christmas cookies and all that fun stuff. she had to use the bathroom, BUT WHEN SHE CAME OUT SHE WAS PANICKING A BIT. she essentially had a staredown with a massive spider on the bathroom ceiling. i took that as another sign, first of all because of the spider and second of all because of the little trick on my friend.
he brought a snake in the house. the snake was very friendly and curious.
needless to say, i took that as a sign as well.
thank you loki for the weeks worth of signs at my request, over the coming days i will try to work subtly to devote myself to you. any other lokeans who might happen to come across this, if you feel comfortable, please share your tips and tricks for working with the trickster god themself.
blessed be <3
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hi tw for sh! and also loki s2e6 spoilers
"How do you deal with it?"
"...Scar tissue."
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hello fellow witchy tumblr users!
i've been feeling very drawn to wearing a veil recently, and i had a few questions!
from what i know so far, you can use kind of anything as a veil, you don't have to cover all of your hair if you don't want to, and you can use veils for different purposes as well.
but what i was wondering was more about the veils themselves!
i would like to make my own veil, and i know from experience and research that making your own things in witchcraft can help you connect with your craft, (i actually have two decks of tarot cards and i've made them both)but i'm not sure if you can also make your own. i would really like to, but i don't want to do anything wrong :)
i'm assuming that i still can, and i'm honestly going to be VERY pissed off if i can't just for this reason, but i am a transgender male. i'm not entirely sure if men are allowed to veil, and i am slightly worried about that, but i would be VERY honked if i was told i couldn't veil simply because i am transgender. so, mostly, i am wondering if it's alright for men to veil or not.
i'm also not entirely sure about putting one on. from what i've seen so far, you just tie it in the back or simply lay it over your head. i would prefer to not cover all of my hair since that does make me uncomfortable, but covering some or most of my hair i feel would be very interesting and/or beneficial. again, i'm not entirely sure about how to put it on, so if anyone has any advice then it would be greatly appreciated!
i want to veil for a few reasons -
i've been feeling very drawn to it since first starting and researching my craft, but didn't think much of it at the time. i've been watching and reading lots of witchy content recently, and my desire and curiosity for veiling sparked again.
i've seen lots of other witches/pagans/etc. veiling, and i would really like to as well to potentially help connect with my craft and extend the reach of my experience a little more.
i almost always feel more comfortable when i have something over my head, even well before i knew about witchcraft. whether it was a hood, a hat, or even just putting something on my head. especially when i was younger, it was a huge comfort and i felt much safer with something on my head.
it's honestly just very interesting overall to me, and i would really like to veil, or at least start to.
i feel it might help me connect more with my craft and my energy, and i think it would be very comfortable to just have something on my head.
anyway, this is my huge post about veiling and my curiosity for it. if anyone can answer my questions, or even give some general advice about veiling, it would be appreciated!!
blessed be my fellow witchy people <3
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so i think hades is trying to reach out to me?
so i was doing some research and thought that hades from greek mythology is super cool. i felt very drawn to work with him but decided to do a little more research first.
though my research, i found that the major arcana tarot cards associated with him are judgement and death. i pulled out my fresh set of cards i was working on, which was only the major arcana.
i'd been feeling very drawn to working with him this entire time, so i asked:
"if hades is trying to reach out to me or work with me, give me the card death or judgement."
on my first go with the cards, one immediately went flying out, and when i looked, it was judgement.
properly elated, i flung myself into research and talked with him for about an hour (while taking with him for the first time, i placed the tarot cards death and judgement in front of me to try and draw him to me a little). i cleaned my room, still chatting on and off with him.
then i randomly found a five dollar bill while i was cleaning. i'd found that hades could be associated with money/riches, so i sat back for a second, thinking over what i'd learned and what was happening.
i asked somebody to send me another sign, and if there was another sign, i would commit to working with hades.
while waiting for another sign, i chattered away, telling hades about myself. i could feel that he was listening. i told him about why i probably wasn't the best option, i'm forgetful and rude, i swear a lot, etc etc.
and then i found a quarter on the ground. i knew it was a sign from hades, saying "come. i want you to work with me. i want your company."
though my research, i found that lots of people found hades didn't want gifts and offerings, just some company. i could tell he wanted my company, my bad jokes, my ridiculous laughter.
he wanted my company in his space. i want to research more and learn more about his mythology. i need a friend. i need someone to sit and listen, and he wants someone to talk to and listen to.
hopefully he'll get along with loki :)
i am still pretty new to paganism and working with deity's, so if any more experienced pagans have any advice, your advice is welcome. thank you for reading my long post about hades. have a blessed day :)
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Loki causing mischief, but what is new??
i'm writing this out on my notes app so if the formatting is fucked that's why (edit: it's not, we're good)
i feel like an important detail about this story is that my family have been very very committed Christians for MANY generations. i'm the first in hundreds of years, if not the actual first, pagan in my family line.
anyway, onto the story.
i was making cardamom bread with my oma yesterday. i read on the recipe that cardamom bread is very nordic something or other, so that got me thinking. i'm a norse pagan who works with loki, so why not ask loki to bless it or something?
our specific cardamom bread recipe called for the bread to be braided, so as i was braiding the bread i asked loki to bless it, or just set some simple intentions having to do with loki. (as i'm editing this later, i remember i just asked loki to keep an eye on the bread) easy peasy.
we put the bread in the oven and let it bake. me and my oma had made this recipe before, plenty of times. we were also making french bread, so we worked on that and had to let it rise while the cardamom bread was in the oven.
some context for bread making: when you take it out of the oven, for most (if not all) kinds of bread, you should be able to tap the bottom and it'll sound hollow. it's not actually hollow, but a good loaf of homemade bread sounds nice and hollow.
my oma took the cardamom bread out of the oven and tapped the bottom. it didn't sound as nice as some, but better than plenty. she cut open the bread, and the thickest, most horrendous looking bread i'd ever seen stared back at me. we had followed the instructions like we always have, and yet the bread had come out worse than any loaf of bread you would ever see. i'll try to include a picture(i can't, since my oma threw away the bread before i woke up this morning), but if i can't, this is the message i sent to my mom when she asked how the evening was going:
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i'm sure loki was staring down at me, cackling at their little shot at mischief. i was in a house that has been owned by my family for almost a hundred years (we're on year 97-ish by my oma's guesses), my entire family has been fully committed Christians for hundreds of years, and here i am, a lone pagan, trying to bless bread for the nordic god of mischief. of course they took the chance to cause a little trouble.
the bread does taste very good though. just feels like you're chewing a squishy brick.
thanks for the squishy brick loki. love ya.
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hello fellow trans people :D
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little fluffy things in fics that WILL PUT ME ON MY KNEES
(its midnightwhen i'm wiriting this so i apologie)
person a is sick, person b has to take care of them and ALL THE FLUFF. HRRRRGHHH GIVE IT TO MEEE
person b got reallll fucked up in a fight or smthn, person a has to take care of them. I WILL DIE. LAKJCAELWHCAKHELKCJ
it midnight i feel so high rn its not even funny. welcome to my high ass ranting but i'm not high because im a minor and its just called being sleep deprived. :D
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So I have this odd pain in my legs and back currently that was oddly familiar but I wasn’t able to pinpoint why I was feeling this pain.
That’s when I realized one thing it could be…
Growing pains…
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just yes
to all of this
Hey norse pagans! *Leans close and whispers*
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Reconstructing historical festivals and holidays is especially tough for us, isn’t it? Because there’s just so little evidence of anything, and even though Håkon the Good gave us a pretty good idea of some historical practices, it’s far from enough to have a clear idea of the actual celebrations, right? Plus, I bet your schedule’s tightly packed and that at least twice a year, you find yourself going: “Is it already [insert holiday]???”, and “crap, I forgot to prepare this or that for [insert holiday]”. Well my friend, let me tell you two important tips I’ve learned from years of trying to keep up with the proverbial wheel of the year. The first: holidays aren’t mandatory, especially not if you practice paganism alone, and especially since we know so little of holiday celebrations within germanic tribes, and during the Scandinavian Iron Age. Second *leans closer*: there’s nothing keeping you from making up your own festivals! If history hasn’t left us a lot of evidence on how your main deity/deities was worshipped, who’s to keep you from picking a spot on the calendar and going: “this day is all about [insert deity]”. You’ll have the possibility of listing out pre-determined rites and offerings. Are you going to sing songs? Recite poems? Decorate? Is there a symbol that’s prominent on that day? There are many ways to honor deities, and it’s fun to give oneself a chosen structure to follow when it comes to deity worship. Plus, it’s all the more rewarding to celebrate the seasons according the weather in one’s own area! I’m usually not in the mood to celebrate the coming of spring when it’s still -30 Celsius outside. In that regard, I give myself the leeway to diverge from historical practice and to celebrate the coming of spring when its does actually start to feel like spring! The crops are collected a bit earlier than the 31st of October, in my area. For this reason, my Álfablót usually happens halfway through that month, and is spread out onto three days (the first for the ancestors, second for the álfar, and third for Freyr). So don’t hesitate to think up your own little holidays, and play around with the freedom it gives you! Just to give you guys a few ideas of where to start for this, I’ll add a little “holiday starter pack” right below!
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Step one: choose the date! Is there a day of the week that’s associated with your chosen deity/deities? A season, or type of weather in particular? Maybe a time of day?
Step two: figure out the general “mood” of the holiday. Do you want it to be a time to party? To be grateful? To connect with loved ones? To be at peace? Or a time of self-reflection and silent introspection? (Every year, I dedicate a full day of silence to Víðarr.) What’s the goal of the holiday? What are you celebrating?
Step three: think of some ritual offerings! It’s no big deal if, for whatever reason, you can’t actually offer them up: the idea of these offerings will suffice to help you define this holiday better. Will you be offering a specific food, or drink? Or a particular craft, or a depiction of an animal?
Step four: will you be decorating? If so, what’ll serve as the theme for decorations? Are you going to buy them or make them yourself?
Step five: is there an activity, or activities that you would want to engage in to honor the deity/deities on this day? If so, what’ll it be? I love to cook to honor Freyr, for example (this year, I made a seasonal pumpkin soup in His honor)! You could also go swimming for Rán and Ægir, or take a walk in the woods for Jörð. What do you think would please the deity/deities this day is dedicated to?
Step six: will you be inviting someone, or people over? It doesn’t matter if they’re pagan or not: if you want to celebrate with friends or family, any excuse is good to invite people over! Still, even if you celebrate alone, you’re certain to have lots of fun! So don’t worry about this last step if you feel uncomfortable with it.
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reblogging bc i need this <3
Learning the history behind your Gods is one of the easiest ways to dismantle the allure of “danger” that being raised monotheistic sometimes places on the very concept of syncretic worship.
Like, for example, when you realize how many gods of the Greco-Roman Pantheon(s) are borrowed or heavily influenced by other cultures you’ll realize that there’s no concept of “true” Hellenic or Roman worship. You’re worshipping a bunch of Gods only some of whom are rooted in only-Greek or only-Italic concepts and cultural ideas. A lot of Them are Syrian, Celtic, Iranian, Egyptian, Sumerian, Anatolian, etc. - or are influenced enough to lose this “purity” of self.
Worshipping this religious cluster is by definition being syncretic, I would say. Because Greek and Roman Pantheons are by definition syncretic. You’re fine. You’re not “disrespecting” anyone by doing this.
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beautiful :)
hello :)
i've seen some of your mood boards (i think that's what they're called? please correct me if i'm wrong), for some norse gods, would you ever consider doing one for loki if you haven't already and it isn't too much work?
your very cool :)
𝒊 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔! 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒅 🧡
𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚛 @thelucigoosi ✨
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𝒍𝒐𝒌𝒊 ; 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒆𝒇 🗡️🦊
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i fuckin love working with loki
i could've sworn there was more water in my waterbottle. so i joked to myself that loki had drank most of my water
and then IMMEDIATELY there was a little spider on the wall. just a little guy
and i said hello because loki and spiders and shit
so as i was filling up my waterbottle i told loki he could have my water if he wanted he just needs to save some for me
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ok so recently i was working with loki for the first time and i was trying to be respectful and i think i overdid it but then :D
me, having no idea what to do and asking a thousand questions: "ok and then what?" "and how do i ____?" "ok so what do you want?" "and how do i offer to you?" *just going on and oN and ON*
loki: *bored and realll sick of questions but answering* me: "are you angry at me?"
loki: "yes."
me, freaking tf out and panicking: shit shIT SHit SHIT
me, getting my shit together: ok u know what fuck u imma do what i want and offer you what i want and worship you how i want and if you don't like it it's your problem bitch (legit almost my exact words)
me: ok so are you still angry?
loki: no :)
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ok tysm!! im currently working with loki and was looking into other deities to work with but none of them were from norse mythology so i just wasn't sure what could happen :)
tysm <3
hello there potentially more experienced witches/wiccians/etc
i need help with a question
i'm new to working with deities, and what i've been trying (and unfortunately, failing) to figure out is:
if i wanted to work with/worship more than one deity, do that have to be from the same, idk what else to call it, mythological set?
like if i wanted to work with loki from norse mythology and a different deity from, idk, greek mythology
could i do that? or would there be conflict/consequences?
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hello there potentially more experienced witches/wiccians/etc
i need help with a question
i'm new to working with deities, and what i've been trying (and unfortunately, failing) to figure out is:
if i wanted to work with/worship more than one deity, do that have to be from the same, idk what else to call it, mythological set?
like if i wanted to work with loki from norse mythology and a different deity from, idk, greek mythology
could i do that? or would there be conflict/consequences?
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