welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 8
YN got home at 1 am past midnight, the lights of the house are completely dim and almost out, YN sighed in relief and slowly make her way to the stairs.
"Hey." YN jolted when she heard someone making her eyes looked whose voice is it, and it is from Kenma who are sitting on the couch while playing his Nintendo but he put it down when YN comes in at the front door. YN quickly hide her small paper bag filled with her medicines and her procedures. She quickly smiled, hiding her tiredness and soreness from her eyes due to nonstop crying.
Kenma didn't speak and stand up, close their distance between them, looking at her thoroughly. "Uhm~ why you're still awake?" She asked still smiling but Kenma didn't respond and caressed her cheeks and now examining her eyes, YN look down for a minute and still continuing with her smile. "So! Uhm... I have fun with my spa.. now I'm tired.  And only can heal this tiredness is sleep, so goodnight!' she said happily, changing the mood. Kenma didn't respond again and holding now her both cheeks. "Then, I'll go," she added and put Kenma's hand out of her face and last smile at him before she makes her step to the stairs, 5 steps but she was stopped by a hug from the back,  so tightly. "You're not okay," he said, making YN bite her lip, she closed her eyes tightly and quickly shooked her head. "No, I'm okay just tired." added a small giggle in the end, but Kenma is still not convinced, she makes YN looked at her and slowly hugged her, putting her head on his chest, YN bites her lip more stopping herself from crying again, she's done for today.
"I've never been good at making friends, nor saying comforting words. Even expressing how I feel but..." he stopped and start caressing YN's head,  making her teared up, still holding her hiccups and sobs. "You're special to me, I want you to be vulnerable to me, and being there while you cry is what I want. It's not enough if I were just here because you're happy and not letting me see what you're going through, the sad times I want to see it." She tightened her grip on her handbag,  still holding everything. "I love you." He said softly making YN burst into tears, she hugged him back so tightly like she didn't want him to let him go.
Only her sobs elevated the room YN buried her face even more on his chest, memorizing the scent and the eagerness to hear his heartbeat while she cries. Kenma didn't ask anymore and just let her cry. "I -" YN's words cut because she feels soft pain in her chest, she didn't know if it's her illness or just her emotional heart. "I want to live with you." she softly said almost in a muffled tone, Kenma comprehends it hardly but he gets it eventually. He hugged her more tightly. "Forever." She added, Kenma smiled making him buried his face on her neck. "I might be late admitting my feelings but the first time I laid my eyes on you. You're big trouble especially.." He stopped and kissed her neck, not still looking at him.  "to my heart.' he said. YN gave in more to her crying, it's like her crying from her way back home is not enough. "I don't want to die," she said softly, making Kenma hugged her even more tightly. "No one's allowed to die. Are you?" Kenma asked nervously, YN bite her lip and buried her face more on his chest. "NO! I'm-I'm just  scared of that thought especially I'm-I'm leaving early as expected." She said as she continues to cry but slowly calming herself. "When will you leave then?" Kenma asked as he continues to caress her hair. "After -a-a month." She said in between sobs. Kenma bites his lip and hugged her even more, it's like a message that he doesn't want her to go, she slowly pulled her away from her, and lifts her face. He smiled sadly as she was covered with her wet hair. He wiped her face with his hoodie sleeves and make her looked at her. "Do you really need to leave?" Kenma asked, YN looked at her and slowly nod.
"I need to. For my future. for.." she stopped and sighed continuing her lie, "for my studies, and living.' she said. Then Kenma smiled again sadly and nod, caressed her wet cheeks softly, and kissed them, "Then I'll wait." Kenma said, "you'll  come back right?" Kenma asked, hope in his eyes, without any hesitation YN nodded vigorously. "I will." She said now looking at him, with full hope and tears in her eyes, Kenma smiled and kissed her.
"I love you," Kenma said in between their kisses. "I love you too," YN  answered. YN slowly calm down, Kenma went for his Nintendo on the coach and pulled YN into his room, YN wiped her tears but stop in front of Kenma's room. "Wait I'll just put this in my room. "YN whispered, Kenma smiled and nodded and headed first to his room. YN went into her room, she put her bag under her bed, she sighed and smiled. She went out and close her room door, fixing herself and making her heart calm down. The door from Kenma's room is open, she opened it slowly and she smiled while seeing Kenma fixed his bed. Opening his galaxy gamer lights, YN smiled, even more, one of YN's favorites in Kenma's room is his lights,  galaxy lights that covered the whole room, he used it on his stream very seldom because he preferred his led lights near his gaming table.
He ushers her to his bed while Kenma makes himself comfortable, YN smiled and make her way to his bed, she lay not too far or not too close to Kenma, Kenma giggled and pulled her more closer, cuddling her. "Hey, you said I should behave.' she said softly as she pulled herself away from him but Kenma don't let go and pulled her even closer. "Kozume," she said but Kenma ignored it as he closed his eyes and putting his chin on YN's head.   "Mom knows already,"  he said, YN's eyes widened. "Really? what? How? Whe- SHHHH~ Sleep you're tired so sleep.' Kenma smiled as she shuush YN, YN pouted and nodded.
As YN continues to watch the galaxy suffusing Kenma's room, slowly drifting off. "with you,  euphoria succumbs my life." Kenma said making YN laugh. Kenma opened his eyes and looked at YN, who is still giggling, "Did Kuroo manifest you with his metaphorical words? Well, not as sciency as him but something." She continues giggling making Kenma even more embarrassed. "Stop! I'm supposed to be angry at you because you didn't watch my stream today," he said softly and cutely making YN looked at him, she smiled because he's pouting. She pinched his cheeks and kissed him passionately, "'Sorry." she whispered after they kissed, Kenma give in easily making YN smiled. "Don't forget I will kick the chosen fan on your stream today If I watch that." YN threatened him cutely.
"No I will let you," he said. YN raised her eyebrow and punched his chest softly. "What?! Who is it!" she yelled as she tries to get her phone and watched her yesterday night stream but before she can get up Kenma pulled her again on the bed hugging and cuddling her tight. YN struggled but Kenma's hand was now both on her waist and back caressing it making her weak and just give up.
"A month right before you leave?" Kenma asked not looking at her, YN nodded as she draws circles on his chest. " okay. A month of working with me, beside me, spending time with me before you go,   you will work WITH me." Kenma said as he gets his cellphone still letting YN go, YN"s eyes widened. "But I h- A month will be just a week and I don't want to regret every second that I didn't spend more time with you or you with me before I let you go. "
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 7
YN took a deep breath and now went into Dr. Akihiko's clinic, she requests a leave for today at the office so that she will be able to ready herself and take more time to understand the treatments she needed to do. Her eyes wandered around outside the clinic and the guard smiled at her as soon she got in, she bowed and smiled back, not a minute later, a nurse went to her and instructed her to see Dr. Akihiko already. She nods and went into her clinic room, now seated, and waved at Dr. Akihiko who is still taking on her telephone with someone, she waited patiently.
Then her phone rings, she quickly gets it and open it, a text message from Kenma.
'How's your spa day?' YN smiled and texted back, she needed to lie for her appointment for today, 'I just got here, stay safe okay? don't stress yourself too much.' she texted and without a minute he replied. 'I will want me to pick you up? you can send me the location.'  YN quickly texted back, 'No need let's meet at the house, plus it's your schedule to do a stream with a special fan today. '
'Yeah, sorry for not picking you, you jealous?'  he texted back making YN giggled.
'Maybe,  I will make sure she/he won't flirt >,<, who's the lucky fan anyway. So that I can cut her/his throat. Joke~'  
'Secret.' Yn frowned and pouted.
'Fine! don't you dare close or lock your door in your room or else I'm going to burn you with her/him inside!'  YN texted pouting.
'I'm going to think about it.' YN pouted, even more, she going to murder this fan if they try to flirt with him.
'KENMA KOZUME.' and after she texted that he never got a replied making her even poutier.
"So! Sorry about that Y/N." Her doctor said as she put down her telephone and gathered YN's files, she stands up and guided YN on the bed making her seat, her doctor pulled her own chair in front of YN, she fixed her white robe. She gets her pen and notepad.
"Are you really sure you're going take this transplant and treatments?" she said worriedly, YN sighed and smiled happily. "yes. It is still a chance and I'm taking it. It is now or never." her doctor nodded and open her files and give them to her.
YN read it and her doctor explain it thoroughly to her.
"The preparation will take 2 months on taking it because your current heart must slowly stop pumping and weaken so that the bacteria causing the infection to other organs and veins will be lessened. It will also make us saw if the medications you are taking that we know are too strong  will work on your body." YN nodded.
"It will give huge side effects," she said then stopped looking at her. "Major pain in your heart, some of your senses will shut down, breathing will be hard," she said observing YN but she still nods and smiled.
"Some parts of your body will be paralyzed and.." she stopped again looking at YN who's looking at the files, " causing it for you not to move like before," she said softly.
"It means that I will be bedridden?" she asked,  her doctor nod, YN smiled. "And the transplant will not be held here," she added. "Where?" YN asked. "America." YN don't know what to say but again she nodded and smile.
"1 month before the transplant you must be there," she added, YN eyes shut and try to process everything. "So I'm leaving early than expected," YN said holding her tears. "yes." Her doctor answered. YN nodded and now looked at her.
"Okay." she smiled.
"Do you really need to be alone? we need support from your friends' family. Especially if this medication you're taking. You can't fight this alone.' Her doctor said, YN now tears are flowing and she smiled again.
"They don't have to know, I don't want to be a burden to someone ever again, especially to my new family, my family threw me out telling me over and over that, I'm a huge burden for them especially the cause of their divorce, not minding or knowing I have this sickness. I carry my own fights ever since they broke up. If I live then thank you if not then still thank you, still I'm doing my part. I don't want their happiness will vanish because of me. They already support me, the memories I had with them, the courage and sight of being with them if this transplant work will be my motivation itself. ' YN said and hold her Doctors hand tightly.
Her doctor hugged her, after that YN wiped her tears and continue listening for her preparation, how the transplant will go abroad, and the after treatments, a total of 3 years of medication if the transplant and treatment work.
YN walked away from the clinic,  not minding the coldness she was feeling because of the weather, her medication will start first thing in the morning and continuously, side effects will occur in a short amount of time, her days with Kenma family will be cut short for sure, making sure that they will not know what's happening to her, excuses and major change of plans she needed to do, definitely she needs to talk to Kozume's mother tomorrow.
YN went into her car, taking her time, it was 4 pm wherein at 6 pm Kenma's stream will start. She twists the key of her car and drives to the nursery playground that she attended, making her way out of her car, she watched the kids play around while their parents wait for them.
She seated on the grass as she let kids play around her and waved at her, she hugged her knees, tired with crying and helplessly exhausted. Digesting all of that information makes her feel weak yet hopeful at the same time. A fear envelops her the thought of it won't be successful and can lead to her sudden death. She gets her notebook wherein she put her to do things before she died, she wiped her tears and scratched, erasing 'things before I die' and replace 'things I will do after the treatment.'
As she continues to look at kids slowly lessened playing around her, her tears won't stop flowing as she smiled, knowing that she needs to leave early. Still, seating on the grass, she put out her pen and paper and start writing to the people special to her, in case if she didn't live.
Shoyo, Bokuto, Atsumu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kiyoko, Yachi, Yamaguchi and so on.
Mr. and Ms. Kenma
And lastly, Kozume
She finished every letter and filling it with her sorry for not telling what she going through, dealing it with her own and thank you for everything, little did she know it was almost 6 pm the start of Kenma's stream. YN is not in the mood to go home just yet and just let her mind wandered a bit. Planning her last days before she left Japan.
"for our special stream, meet Shoyo Hinata the chosen fan." Kenma smiled as he pulled Shoyo beside him,  Shoyo give his warming smile and waved his hands. "Thank you Kozume for having me here! Hello everybody, I'm an MSBY former player! Great Decoy!' He said happily, the chat goes boomed and goes crazy for Hinata, Kenma smiled and nodded.
"Let's start in 5 minutes for the game, feel free to ask Shoyo." Kenma smiled as he stands up and went for treats and drinks downstairs, as he got down, her mother just got in from her work, meeting Kenma at the stairs.
"Streaming?" she asked Kenma nodded as he gathered treats on his fridge and drinks. "Oh okay, By the way, Hinata is your chosen fan?" she asked, Kenma put almost all of the junkies on his hands, "Yes," he answered as he makes his way to the bottom of the stairs."Tss I literally thought YN will be chosen. She likes you know." She said making Kenma widened his eyes. Her mother laughs, "I'm very keen and observant my dear Kenma, Don't worry I won't be against your relationship you two." She said as she patted Kenma's head. "I like the idea of her being my daughter, but I love when she will be your wife weeee~!" her mother swings around and twirl happily, making Kenma blush and red. Her mother stop and looked at him, Kenma looked away, her mother gasped. "Did you two do 'it' already?" her mother asked almost in a shout, Kenma looked at her again with wide eyes, he can't shake his head but her cheeks grow redder, her mother smirked even patted his head. "Naughty Kozume.' she teased. "Stop it!' Kenma whined making her laugh even more. She continues teasing him, "Oh! right talking of YN, is she home yet?" her mother asked, Kenma stopped and looked around, he shooked his head, and looked at his clock, she said she will be home before his stream begins but she's still not home. Maybe she extended her spa appointment? He thought.
"Oh okay then. " Her mother said, Kenma just nodded, they parted ways while his mother keeps teasing him afar, he just ignored it, Kenma went back to his room, putting the treats down beside his gaming table. Shoyo keeps on answering some questions as Kenma seat beside him.
"HELLOO BOKUTO-SAN! KUROO-SAN HI!" Shoyo yelled as he vigorously waved his hand on the camera,  Kenma laughed.
He grabbed his phone and texted YN.
'Do you extend your appointment at your spa? Be safe okay? Don't drink without me~ or just don't drink heheh~' He pressed send and was about to start the game but he grabs his phone again.
'I love you.' and he pressed send again and started the game with Shoyo.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 6
"So? Any plans this weekend?" Kiyoko asks in their call between YN who is now busy looking at her computer, finishing their presentation for the next advertisement. "hey, YN we will be having a short meeting later okay? for the presentation." YN's one of her officemates said while she hands the folder on her table, "What's this?" YN asked as she raised the folder, "the paper needs revision." she said and completely vanished after she answered. "Hey Y/N still there?" Kiyoko said again on the phone, YN sighed in frustration because not just the presentation also the revisions of papers and contracts to be submitted to other companies are always her obligation. "Yeah, I'm here, actually I do have plans, Kenma's mom gives me this ticket for this musical that I like," she answered while massaging her forehead and after her eyes, because of too much exposure on her screen.
"Oh we do have tickets in that musical also, we can come together and hang out after." Kiyoko added, "Just don't bring Ryu, he's a troublemaker!" YN said, then she heard Tanaka yelled, "No! I'm not, you are!" he yelled,  Kiyoko laughed. "so? I'll ask Yachi, Yamaguchi, Daichi, and Suga to come." she added. "Okay! this weekend then see you!" she bid them goodbye's on their phone and they end it. After the call, YN leaned on her chair and closed her eyes to rest it out a little bit, she's been stressed this past few days, also Kozume, she often see him because he's busy with the new incoming equipment will be released and adding to that is his scheduled streams. Then YN got an idea, she got up and stretched for a bit. "Where are you going YN? Finished already?" one of her officemates beside her. She smirked looking at her, "I don't like that smile,  going to spy at the CEO again?" she asked, YN smiled widely and flipped her hair.
"How about this revision  then?" She teased, YN snorted and rolled her eyes.  "that can wait tsk." she answered now making her way to the CEO's office, not making such a scene, she slowly makes small steps outside his office, one she got at the glass door of the office, she slowly peak at the door, seeing Kenma talking with her secretary,  admiring him make her smile, 'so handsome~' she thought, as she continues to admire him, she can literally see how the secretary flirt with him, her eyebrows raised. "tsk showing your short skirt won't work on him." she whispered. "Damn that suit~" she added again in a whisper, her heart goes wild as she continues admiring him with a suit. Perfect shoulder hair length, cat yellow eyes, long eyelashes, not too thin lips that are so kissable. Then all of a sudden, the secretary handed him a folder, with her flirty hands touching his fingers, YN groans softly and puts her arms crossed, still maintaining her posture on hiding beside the plants near the office. "this bitch. I'm going to rip your fingers out of your hands if you don't stop touching his hands." she whined, as she makes sounds on her knuckles. Kenma moved his hand away and glared at her secretary, YN smiled and stood up, slowly patting and caressed her skirt on folded areas,  still looking at the door.
"What's with his fingers?" YN jumped making her stumble on the plant with her left foot. It was Kuroo holding two coffee, YN falls down with her butt, Kuroo laughed making a small scene in the front of Kenma's office. "Are you stalking Kenma-" YN quickly got up and leaped on him to cover his mouth because he's tall. "What's happening here? Kuroo?" Kenma is now outside opening his door to his office while his secretary is beside him. Kuroo smiled while YN's hand is on his mouth, Kuroo''s hand now sneaked in on YN's waist making her eyes widened,  some of the staff are now looking at them. YN slapped Kuroo's hand away and fix her posture, Kuroo laughed he lifts his coffee, and offered Kenma one, "I already have one."  Kenma said still looking at YN who is not looking at her. "Do you need something YN?" Kenma asked. She quickly looked at him and shooked her head and smiled. "Well, she's just stal-OW!" Kuroo didn't finish his sentence because YN elbowed his side. YN glared at him, mouthing 'don't you dare.'
"By the way, since Kenma has one already here YN.," Kuroo said and offered her a coffee, YN blinked, she thanked him and get it to his hand but he never let it go. YN looked at him confusedly. "Stop with the flirting Kuroo, YN you can now go and  you Kuroo come in, stop flirting with HER." Kenma said and he looked at his secretary, signaling it to get out. Then he closed his glass door. Kuroo laughed again, YN's cheeks burned, she doesn't know if it's excitement or embarrassment,  maybe both she thought.
"jealous kenma, bye-bye yn."' Kuroo teased,   giving now the coffee, and went into his office.YN smiled for no reason with her coffee and went back to her department happily.
"So, this advertisement that we're going to present plans to advertise worldwide?" Yuqi asks, an officemate of YN, as she continues to type on her laptop. "yeah, that's why we need to make sure our team we'll ace this presentation, it will give us recognization for sure." Anzu added as he draws a circle on the success on their whiteboard. "So, if you have any ideas  that we can add, spill." He added, now crossing his arms and lean on the whiteboard. Four of them on the seat went quiet, tired and exhaustion filled them, Anzu looked at YN, who is focused on her laptop as she skimmed the paper for the presentation.
"What? I don't have ideas, we already revised the things we need to revise, all we need now is trust each other and..." she then stands and puts her fist on the air. "COURAGE THAT WE'LL GET THIS RECOGNITION!, AND PROMOTION!" she yelled making all of them laughed and stand up screaming. They're in one of the empty office cubicles for a meeting, since 4 pm. "Omyghod its already 11 pm and we didn't get to have dinner, come on it's on me!' Kisho said,  now fixing his bag and things ready to go out. All of them nod and say yes but YN wants to go home early and she was also shocked that it was 11 pm already.
"Oh come on! We need this please YN!" Mayumi pulled her and pleaded YN more and so as the other, she looked at her phone, thinking if she should text Kenma or his mother instead. "Come on!" Anzu now pleaded,  she sighed and smiled, then she nods getting her bag, and close her laptop. They all cheered and got up, fix their things, other staffs of the company have already left, office hours are only at 10 pm. As we got out and went to the elevator, Kenma just got out of his office. They greeted him and bowed. "So how was the presentation?" He asked looking at Anzu, now they're at the elevator, Kenma is in the middle and at his back was YN,  with Kisho, Yuqi, and Mayumi. Anzu and Ryo are beside Kenma. "We're doing good~" YN whispered in his ear, making her officemate widened their eyes. Kenma moved away, and cleared his throat, YN smiled. "We're doing good Sir. You can count on us, the presentation is halfway there." Anzu said,  glaring at YN to behave,  she giggled. Kenma nodded and continue looking at his phone, YN open her phone and text him to tease him again.
'You smell good.' she texted. After that she put her phone in her pocket quickly, as the elevator door open, Kenma looked at YN,  she smiled. Yuqi elbowed Yn, she just winked at her. As they got out of the elevator, they bid goodbye to Kenma but before that Kenma asked something first. "Not going home?" he asked. Looking at them, while YN keeps smiling at him. Anzu nodded, "we didn't get to have dinner, and might as well hang out a little bit." Anzu said. Kenma nodded, they again say their goodbyes and part ways with Kenma, waiting for his car while YN and her officemates take a cab to a hangout place. As they were about to went into their two cabs, someone halted them. It was Kenma again,  all of them looked at each other, YN looked at him.
"Where will be your hangout place?" he asked, as he loosened his tie. "Uhm~ in some cheaper place,  I guess?" Ryo said. "Are you going to join us?" YN asked, her officemate glared at her, because they don't want to bond with the CEO, maybe they're scared or hate him for being authoritative on the office.  "Yes. Let me treat my team," he said, all of them blinked and before they knew the two cabs they stopped already left, and they're now inside Kenma's Jeep Wrangler.
All of YN officemate widened their eyes, one of the high-end clubs is what they're going to hang out with, YN smirked and pulled all of them.  Before they can go in, the guards halted them, Kenma pulled out something, a black card. They nodded and they let them in. YN smiled at them, and give them high fives and they give it back. "You're often here?" Anzu asked YN, YN winked, as they went inside, it was a non-ordinary club. The dancefloor is filled with off-course people but not just people, with known names. Yuqi almost screamed when she saw one of the artists in one of her favorite movies. "VIP please," Kenma said, and the staff guides them to the 2nd floor wherein there's a private lounge room for them and a huge couch, they can vividly see the 1st floor widely, they all flopped down on the couch while Kenma ordered some drinks and food.
"Hey YN, how rich is your brother?" Ryo asked, YN elbowed making a hush sound. " We're not related,"  she stated. "Still."   Ryo continued. YN glared at him. "You like him too much," Yuqi whispered as Kenma continue to talk to the waitress. Not a minute has passed the food come, with drinks and wine. "Go ahead don't go shy on me." Kenma now smiled making them at ease. "You deserved this, for working on the presentation yet I didn't say it yet. I trust all of you." He added Anzu stand and bowed repeatedly,  making a whining crying sound, they laughed.
An hour passed, all of them is now being hyped up and drunk at the same time, dancing and singing on the karaoke at the same time but  YN still sober, not getting into to much alcohol because of her health. Kenma is busy with his laptop and talking to his phone, YN whined and pouted. 'He's not even drinking, not partying with us, why did he come then?' she thought, then Kisho pulled her and hugged her. YN eye's widened. "I'm gay. I like you." YN laughed and pulled away, making Kisho whined. "Okay you're just drunk," YN said as she tries to pull away the wine glass from Kisho, half  empty."Sir Kenma! Did you know that YN likes you? Like a lot?!" YN's eyes widened as she can see Mayumi pointing at her. Kenma is now looking at Mayumi then to YN. He smiled making YN blushed. "I know.' he simply said,  Yuqi and Mayumi make shocked faces and seat next to YN, making cutesy sounds. "And did you know, half of the boys in our company like her? Even me!' Ryo yelled drunk, YN's eyes widened. "even me!" Anzo yelled but still laying on the sofa. Kenma just nodded.
"So! If you don't like her then tell her already!  so that I can court her already!' Ryo said, pointing at YN and smiling, YN makes him sit down and drink water. YN is now embarrassed. "I can't," Kenma said now looking at them while Ryo is drinking water. "What?' Mayumi said as she put her hands together, YN is now looking at her. "Because I like her too," he added making YN's knees weak, and her stomach goes wobbly with her butterflies going crazy in it, the girls screamed and clap their hands, YN smiled shyly and looked away.
"I need to go the bathroom!' Yuqi yelled as she tripped on the table, YN caught her so as Kenma, who is now holding YN's hand. "Dissgursting!' Mayumi yelled as she dramatically covered her eyes, Kenma laughed and make Yuqi stand up, still looking at YN who can't look at her. Then before they went to the bathroom, YN gives Kenma a kiss on the cheek making the two girls inside scream again. "We'll be back." Kenma smiled and nodded.
"Now I KNOW WHY YOU COME BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PROTECT YN!" Mayumi yelled making YN happier as they went to the restroom, letting Yuqi in the cubicle waiting for her in the sink as YN looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled and hod her cheeks.
"Omyghosh." she said and start jumping happily. Her jumping was cut off by a phone call, she gets in her pocket and without looking at the caller she answered it happily. "YN?" her jumping and face change,  it was her doctor.
"Dr. Akihiko." she answered in a whisper. "How are you?" she asked. She smiled, "I'm okay, how's the experiment? any findings?' she hopefully asked. "Yes, we find something." her eyes widened, and even smiled more widely.
"But it is not a treatment, a transplant. A donor needed," she added, YN nodded. "That's easier!"  she said. Silenced for a minute, YN nervously gulped. "What's the matter Dr.?" She asked softly. "20/80," she said.  "20 of you making it alive and 80 for not .uhmm..." YN lost her smile. "the riskiness is above average means the durability on your body might not work., They're will be putting some treatments for your preparation and that is also risky." she stopped for a minute. "But there's still a chance for you to live if the transplant after the prep will work." she added. "and if that happens major treatments also will occur, and yet we're still not sure if the medications will work on your body, it will heal you for sure if you're body is strong and can take it but...if it doesn't..death." she said. YN now feel weak and her eyes became heavier.
"It's a choice YN, don't worry," she added. YN is now crying softly, "I can wait for your answer YN, I'm sorry." she said and ended the call, YN's hand fall down beside her,   her tears are nonstop until Yuqi come out of the cubicle, she quickly wipes her tears and helped her. "WHY YOU'RE WET?' Yuqi yelled, YN just laughed and washed her face quickly. She takes a deep breath and gets herself together. As they got back, Kenma is now laughing with the rest of her officemates.
"Why you're eyes red?  " Kenma asked worriedly, looking at her closely as he helped her with Yuqi. "Yuqi sticks out her fingers on my eyes because I was watching her doing her wee wee." YN joked, Yuqi nodded and slapped me. "You watched me wee wee?~!" She yelled YN laughed. As she put Yuqi on the sofa, Kenma hugged her from behind. "I love you," he said softly She smiled looking at him, he's a little bit drunk she thought, she sighed and excuse herself. She looked back at Kenma who is now talking to his officemates while drinking she smiled.
'It is still a chance. A chance to be with him forever. Hurting him will be a part of it, but it will pay off. Risky or not as long as the chance that I'm going to be with him forever then I'll take it.'
Then she sends her text to Dr. Akihiko.
A message comes quickly without 2minutes.
"Okay, come to my clinic tomorrow we'll talk." YN smiled, another text YN send again.
"It's going to work right?" send in the text.
"We will do everything. And we know so as you." YN smiled, hoping and praying.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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euphoria [Kenma Kozume x Reader] (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/277809927-euphoria-kenma-kozume-x-reader?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=_shywriter&wp_originator=NQWdnU1PX%2F0KpXa9iuj9B1eqE5b%2FMdwH0fQgKIl42dg%2F4YkS9Ip6SWK%2FBcjXBzs1Vtq223EebBaWUSwxUY883dLbMI4pAcv0evh6NdXdPi9Gp6rTC3BG%2F1idfZT%2ByIBk 100 days before her death and it sucks that after that she will be dead. An unusual sickness lived in her, making her heart weak as the days lessened. So rather than waiting for her cure, she jumped and making the best of her life memorable. A family adopted her, making sure not telling them what she's going through, enjoying her youth before she leaves was her plan. Giving back to this family because they give her happiness unlike her original family who abandoned her, the mother is drinking and being a whore while her father is in his new family. She was not losing hope for the cure but at the end of the day, money is right there, consuming her treatments and experiments yet doctors are closed to being tired of telling her that they will find the right treatment soon enough. Making her realize, it's time to choose and face her death, become ready as the time lessened until she met him, his new step-brother that changed her life, making her believe that she had 3 lives in able to love him in this unfairly game called reality.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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"Now now! If you get in trouble again! I will punish you okay? YN?'" YN bowed, saying sorry over and over again. YN's stepmother sighed and pat her head and hugged her. "okay now go eat your breakfast?, where the hell is Kenma? KENMA!!!! WAKE UP!BREAKFAST!" YN's stepmother yelled like there's no tomorrow. YN excused herself and make her way to the dining but before she can seat. "hey, honey can you call Kenma in his room?" YN blinked and smiled widely and playfully, she nods quickly and leaps all the way to Kenma's room.
Kenma continue kissing YN, the kiss became deeper and intense making YN sit on the sofa while Kenma is on top of her. "You don't know how hard for me to resist when you tease me~" he said softly said. YN looked at her, "What do you mean?" she asked softly, her breath almost quickened. Kenma's smiled and start kissing her again, making everything more sloppy and wet, Kenma's hand wandered on YN's body, making her moan softly, Kenma smiled between the kisses, her moan was her trigger, he now starts kissing down her neck making marks,  YN bites her lip, making sure to stop herself to moan. "what happens to YN's teasing me huh?" Kenma added as he continues kissing her neck, nibbling her neck was now YN's trigger to moan with ecstasy.
"Kenma~" YN moaned holding Kenma's nape and his hair. "Hmm?" Kenma hummed as he continued teasing her nipple with his hand as he still continues kissing his neck. Slowly caressing YN's erected nipple, Kenma looked at her, who is now red and shy filled with ecstasy, 'beautiful' he thought. "Can I?" he asked as he slowly cupped YN's left breast, slowly nod not looking at him but Kenma grabbed her chin and make her looked at her. "look at me kitten please." YN slowly looked at her, she can literally see how Kenma looked at him intensely, eyes filled with lust. He then went to her face and kissed her for assurance, "can we really do this?" he asked now properly, "I can wait." he added, YN smiled, now feel assured. "I'm doing this because I love you, okay? So I can wait if you're not read- YN cut him by kissing him intensely. Now taking control of him, she pushed him changing the position, now YN is on top of him kissing his neck.
"Y-YN I'm in control," Kenma said with authority, trying to hold YN's wrist but she slapped it and pinned it down with her hands, seating now on top of him, specifically on his stomach, YN looked down at Kenma who is now a mess, seeing her with this kind of sight was turning him on, even more, his insides electrify by her soft kisses in his ear. "No~" Kenma said, YN smiled and now licking her ear making him cursed and moan at the same time.
"You sure?" YN said softly continue kissing and licking Kenma's ear, Kenma can't even say his answer properly because he knows, he likes this, no love this so much. She slowly went to Kenma's neck and slowly putting her hands on the hem of his shirt, teasing his stomach, drawing circles. Moving her hips close to his crotch, Kenma whined. "Stop teasing'" he whispered not looking at her, she smiled. She lifts his shirt up to his chest YN started to grind on his crotch slowly, Kenma now is giving small soft moans, he tried to hold her waist but YN slapped it away.
"Fuck." he cursed now looking at her who's on top of her, she went near his face still not stopping her grinding, breathing on his nose. "the face I want to see."  she smiled and she now pinched Kenma's nipple making him moan loudly, she smirked. "Hmmm~" Kenma continue moaning, looking at YN, he urge to kiss her but she went away. He's frustrated, irritated, YN smiled.  " why? want more baby?" YN said softly, Kenma looked away, YN grabbed Kenma's hand and licked it. "I wonder what these fingers can do,"  YN said as she fasts the pace of grinding on Kenma's crotch making him moan like a mess even more. "I vividly remember how you caressed that game console. every game." she said as she caressed his hands and now vigorously grinding on his crotched. "y/n~! Hmmm~" Kenma moaned loudly, filled with ecstasy and lust in his moans. "I'm jealous of that console~" she added.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 4
"Ow." YN moaned in pain as she held her head, feeling the tinge of pain. She slowly got up from laying down and wandered around, and it hit her. She holds her chest to feel the beating, it's still beating she sighed in relief, her rhythm of breathing is okay. Then she recognizes where she is, in her room. Looking at her outfit, it is not the same as yesterday. And again, she remembered what she did, her eyes widened. Before she hurriedly got out of the room, she yelled her 'Thank you to God' for having her another day to live. Without fixing her hair, she got out and went to Kenma's room.
Before she open and hold the knob, she hears loud laughter on the first floor, she hurriedly went downstairs and saw them in the dining room laughing while eating breakfast. She saw Shoyo laying his head on the table, whining how his head-turning because of too much alcohol and so as Bokuto while Akaashi gives him water and pushing him to eat. Also, seeing Yachi eating with Akane, she then holds her head and remembered what happens, the only thing she remembered is that the part when she kissed Kuroo and the cops come making them run, and her with someone she doesn't remember. Running in the pouring rain.
She still looking at them until she feels some warm air on the crooked of her ear. She jumped and almost screamed, making the people at the table looked at her. "Hi," Kuroo said looking at her smiling, she blinked, then she remembered last night what she did, her eyes widened and her cheeks got redder. "Uhm... Ku-Kuroo san last night." before she continues her words she was pulled by someone, making her face out of Kuroo. It was Kenma. Looking at her intently.
"Hey, she talking to me, such a rude boy Kyanma!" Kuroo teased while he went near behind her. She was going to face Kuroo again but he didn't let her, Kenma pushed her to a chair, making her seat, on his lap. Her eyes widened. She quickly stands up but he pulled her again making her seat.
"Woohh! Finallyy Kenma-san!" Shoyo teased while eating the bowl of rice with veggies. Still groggy and hangover hitting him so bad.
YN stand up again but now Kenma tightened his grip on her not making her stand up anymore.
"I didn't know that Kenma-san can be territorial. "Bokuto yelled as he claps happily. Akaashi smiled. YN feels more embarrassed about what's happening to Kenma, she doesn't know what's happening to him? But she knows she likes it yet is not used to being Kenma like this to her.
Kenma get a spoon of rice with a pinch of fish and veggies in it, he then points it to YN's mouth, she looked at him. "'Eat," he said. She doesn't know but she just opens her mouth and eats the spoonful of food.
"I thought you don't like her,"Kuroo asked now seating in the opposite of Kenma and YN, Kenma looked at him and lift his chin up. He put down the spoon and put his hand on YN's waist, making YN straightened her seat, giving an electric sensation coming from his hand, her breath fastened. Kenma leaned on her shoulder and kissed it. "yes, I hate her." he said. YN gulped and all of them laughed, seeing YN dominated by Kennma was fun to see for them,  knowing how it affects her, Kenma smiled and make his heartbeat skipped a beat.
"Thank you, officer, we're really sorry. thank you again," YN said bowing for the 3rd time so like the others, the police is in front of their house and they ask how and what happened last night, YN and the other say they're sorry so as Kenma, telling it won't happen again.
They stayed outside as the cops went to their cars and drove away from the house. Shoyo bid his goodbye because he needs to attend practice so as Bokuto and Atsumu, they take the same path while Akaashi bid also his goodbye because he needs to finish his tory due on next week. "Byebye~ sorry for the trouble~" YN giggled as she waved her hand, Yachi and Akane hugged YN first and said their goodbyes. "Byebye~ Kuroo-san I'm sorry for what I did." YN bowed, Kuroo just laughed and flicked YN on her forehead. "I'm still serious for you, it Kenma make you cry." he then looked behind her where Kenma standing playing with his Nintendo. "going to steal you for sure." he softly said making her flustered all of the sudden. Then Kenma saw what's Kuroo's doing and went in front of them still his eyes playing on his Nintendo. "Shut up Kuroo. You can go now." he simply said, Kuroo laughed again and waved his hand to YN, she just smiled and waved back. As Kuroo went to his car and slowly disappear on the road, Kenma now leave in front of YN and went back to the house, YN snort and raised her eyebrow, "Back with his attitude again tch!" she said and throw some tantrums outside and follows him behind, while Kenma intends to do that and he smiled again while still looking at his Nintendo.
Once YN got back inside and Kenma sitting on the sofa, she pouted and sit next to him but Kenma decided to tease her again and moved away from her, YN's forehead squinted also her eyes. She went near him again and again he went away. "Tsk I hate you! Playing me like that! I'm not a game.' She seriously yelled but he just laughed making her angry even more. " I'm serious!"She yelled, but he ignored her, she sighed heavily and stomped her feet away from him, leaving him on the couch. But before she can go, hands were wrapped around her waist, hugging from the back, she feels his breath on her shoulder, she blinked nervously but she maintained her angry impression.
"Sorry." he softly said. He then went in front of her, making YN even more embarrassed and her cheeks redder. "Cute.' he said making YN covered her face and internally screaming. "Do you remember last night?" he asked. YN uncovered her face and looked at him questioned. She shook her head and bliss of moment her lips were claimed by him. It was a long kiss, 'he kissed me.' YN thought knowing that this is the first time kissing him, forgot that this was her 2nd kiss from him. The kiss lasted for a minute, Kenma stopped and he can see Y/N covered in red, she can't look directly at him and her breath changed, Y/N slowly put her hand on her chest, her heartbeat starts to fastened. Scared and excited at the same time.
"Wh-what happened to hating me?" she asked nervously still not looking at him.
"I still hate you." he said quietly. "Hated you," he added softly, holding her chin and making her look at him, YN gulped. He's looking at her very intently and deeply like he's memorizing every detail of her face, his heart fluttered, butterflies starting to fly in his stomach. "Who would think that one day everything will change," he said now smiling. "You power me up," he said cheesily, YN giggled. "You're cheesy.' she said giggling now Kenma is embarrassed and red.
"i-I like you okay?" he said shyly, YN giggled again. "This is my first kiss," she said but Kenma smirked. "You don't really remember last night? " he asked, YN closed her eyes and try to remember everything. "No," YN said still closing her eyes. And again a kiss happened, making YN's heartbeat go crazy, silence filled the living room only their heartbeats exchange beats as the butterflies in their stomach go crazy. Then slowly, her memories from last night come, kenma was the one who pulled her, as they run through the pouring rain, she crying and very vivid Kenma lift her face and her eyes almost heavy and can't cry anymore, Kenma looked at her.
"Let me." she broke the kiss. "Yes, and I hate you for doing that. It supposed to be -" YN remember now, she smiled like she was reborn again, "you remember?' Kenma smiled, and she slowly nods. "Looks like your persistence got me." Kenma teased and now pulling her waist closer to him. A dream, she thought, "I thought that you will never like me.' she softly said. "I thought too," he said now holding his cheeks caressing it like a gem," but every trouble you caused was my wake-up call kitten," he said. "The thought of you hating me keeps me wake up at night," he added, caressing now her lips. "but I need to go you know that," she said. "I know. And I can't stop you if that's what you're planning," he said sadly, he now put his forehead on her forehead. YN feel her chest tightening, she slowly gulped and endure the pain. "But you will come back right?" he said. Making her lost her rhythm of breath, 88 days before her death.
She chose to face her death,  accept it. Knowing that Kenma will never like her. Ever since she became part of the family, hatred, annoyance, irritation is what he hears and feels from Kenma, she's okay with that as long as she showered him with her own sincerity of love, allowing herself to love before she leaves everything.
She gulped, the pain from her chest became heavier, tears formed beside her eyes. "Please," he said. And that's it, she wants to live again, for him, for the future with him. She nods and hugged him so tightly. " I love you," YN said. "I love you too," he answered making her even more eager to live.
Stopping the hug, Kenma kissed her deeply and now letting himself fall into the rabbit hole not wanting to get out and finally encounter the feeling of love with her.
Next chapter will be a detailed bed scene.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter 3.
"ken-ken!" Y/N yelled from the balcony of their 2nd floor. As she waves her hand in the balcony to Kenma's window because she locked her out from his room to prevent her from ruining his streams. He looked at her from the inside annoyed, she laughed even more. But Kenma walked near to his window, looking at her. She waved again and put her cardboard up with some writings in it.
'PLEASE PICK ME FOR YOUR STREAM! it was written, he just looked at her as she points the writing on the cardboard. Ever since the day he secretly looked at Y/N he tried avoiding her even more, and continuously hated her for being such an annoying pain in the ass in his quiet life.
Then before he can close the curtain, the doorbell rang, fast as a cat, YN run, Kenma sighed and open his room door, and followed her. YN opened the door as Kenma makes his way down the 1st floor to the door. "YN!" An orange-haired guy smiled sweetly at YN and she gives her also her sweet smile. "Shoyo!" then she hugged him, welcoming him to the house.
"Where's Auntie? "Shoyo asked her. "with grandmother," she answered, he nodded, Kozume smiled when he saw Shoyo. "Kozume!" Shoyo greeted and make his way to Kenma, giving him a hug too. YN pouted because Kenma can't give her a smile like that.
YN breaks the hug, pulled Kozume away from Shoyo, "No. Too much!"she whined. Shoyo laughed as he sees YN pouted, Kozume just blinked and ignored her. Still letting her clung into his arms, felt right for him.
They now play with Kozume thanks to Shoyo, she gets to play with him. "Are you going  to stream today?"Shoyo asks as he munched the chocolate chip that YN made.  While YN plays Resident evil on Kenma's big gamer Tv and console. Almost her attention is in it. "No. I'll just move it tomorrow," he answered, looking at Shoyo seating on the ground with Y/N.
"Yah! Fuck you!" Y/N screamed almost throwing the console. "Hey! I'll kill you if you broke that game console!"Kenma screamed back. "Whatever babe." she teased and still focused on the game. "Babe?" Shoyo asked. Kenma completely shakes his head. "never."
"Then can I date her then?" A voice from his door echoed and Kuroo was now in the door frame. He smiled and put his keys on Kozume's table and the paper bag with strawberry cake in it. Y/N smiled at him widely and waved at him.
"How did you get here, the door was locked," Kozume said plainly as he opened the paper bag. "Y/N gave me a spare key," he said. "Why did you do that?" Kozume asked now looking at Y/N who is still focused on the game.
"Yah! Get the fuck out there! Where's my gun?" she yelled not minding Kozume's question. Shoyo just laughed and fed her a cookie still mumbling some things on the game.
Kenma just shakes his head and makes his way to the kitchen to get plates and utensils while Kuroo is seating on the sofa behind Y/N and Shoyo.
"WAAHHHH!! DIE DIE DIE!" Y/N yelled almost pressing the console so hard and Shoyo cheering him up making her adrenaline even more on fire, Kuroo laughed and smiled at the sight of her. Kenma went in and put the plates with slices in them and hand them to Shoyo and Kuroo.
"Where's mine?" Y/N asked still focused on the screen, some glances give to Kenma. "you get it." he said not looking at her. She moaned angrily, "I hate you!" she said Kenma was somehow shocked, the first time hearing her say that word because she always says she loves him and like him over and over again.
"Finally, Y/N hated  Kenma." Kuroo teased and claps. "Joke!' YN laughed. "Love you mwuahh!" she said glancing at Kenma, and give him a wink. Kenma for some reason felt at ease that Y/N take her words back.
An hour later Y/N and Shoyo are done playing and tugged Shoyo outside. While Kenma and Kuroo talked business stuff. They're too focused that they didn't notice Shoyo and Y/N got out.
"Y/N where we going?" Shoyo asked,  Y/N just smiled. "Let's go party!" she said now getting her big speakers in her room. "Sure! here let's go!" Shoyo said but YN hold his arm and went outside.
"Not there,  here!  outside! Making a goddamn party here!" she said. As she put down the speaker beside the road. Shoyo's eyes widened.
"What? no!  It's embarrassing! This might get us in trouble" he said quickly but she shushes her. She gets her phone and calls someone and without a minute.
"Hinata!!!!!!!" from a distance he can see his teammate Bokuto running to their place while Akaashi is beside him, he then saw Atsumu with his brother Osamu.
Y/N jumped and waved at them. "We're not alone!" she said jumping.
"y/n!" from the other side she can see Yachi with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima and Kageyama. "perfect!" she smiled.
Shoyo looked at her, "I really want to do this before I go!" she said. She then now looked at Shoyo with her puppy eyes. "Please." Shoyo deleted his hesitation and smiled happily at her.
"Let's fucking do this!" she said and played a blasting song on her speaker.
"If the guards come,  better run okay?" she yelled. And without a minute cars parked around the round blasting their headlights and speakers in it.
Still focused on business things as Kozume and Kuroo talk, then nonstop horns from the outside disturb their talk, he thought that Shoyo and Y/n just got out for a drink. He then looked at the window and his eyes widened, a party at the road was made. Four cars making honking sound nonstop with blasting music, Kuroo looked from behind him and laughed.
"She is really interesting," he said and went to take his coat out. "I'll be joining them," he said. But Kenma is annoyed what she's doing, making such trouble in this neighborhood will definitely get them in trouble. He and Kuroo went out quickly,  he locked his house door and they were surprised even more at how many people were in there, it's a damn party, how long they've been here?  Some of the people in the neighborhood join and bring their own drinks.
"Bokuto bro!" Kuroo yelled as he sees Bokuto dancing nonstop like no ones was around, he and Kuroo hugged and pulled him in.
Kenma wandered his eyes to find someone, and he finally saw her, dancing with Atsumu so crazily. He makes his way to her but Shoyo waved at him and stop his way.
Dawn has now finally begun and it's turning dark soon, he smells the alcohol on Hinata's breath,  "Join us Kenma woohh!" He said and pulling him in, "Shoyo, are you drunk? you reek so much in  alcohol."He said softly. Shoyo then shakes his head and leaves him so suddenly and went to Bokuto and Kuroo. Kenma now makes his way to Y/N with Atsumu but they moved and pulled Bokuto and others in the middle.
"Shit.' Kenma mumbled, disaster,  trouble ugh! he thought.
He tried to make his way to her, then all of a sudden because of too much alcohol, she pulled Kuroo to her and kiss him. The whole crowd yelled, Kuroo blinked and Y/N stopped and sleepily made a shocked face. "Yah! I thought you're loyal to tHE CEO!" Alisa said,  sister of Lev who is now holding Lev drunk.
Y/N looked around looks like finding Kenma,  she didn't spot her because her vision is getting blurry. "Whatever, he doesn't like me anywayyyy!" she whined like a baby. Kenma stood silently while looking at her. Something build on Kenma's chest, anger? jealousy? Impossible, he thought. Then out of nowhere, police sirens come and so the rain started pouring heavily.
The whole crowd panic. "Stop this party you're disturbing the neighborhood!" the police yelled, Y/N smiled "Run!" she yelled, and before she can run someone pulled her hand and it was Kenma. The crowd runs so as the cars,  police starting to halt them but even though they're drunk it was planned. Everyone makes their way to escape.
Kenma run with YN while she laughed at them, as she let the unknown guy to her pulled her. Finally out of sight they hide behind the car as the rain continues to pour. "I hope all of them got out !" Y/N yelled Kenma covered her mouth because they might get caught. YN looks at him, "hey you look like Kyanma!" she said in a muffled tone because Kenma's hand is covering her mouth. "I am Kenma, idiot.' he softly said now looking at her, who is now drenched. "Look what trouble you cause," he said looking at her. "No not kenma! wait no." YN said almost sleepy and holding her chest, 'no' she thought. "Let's go home," he said. He pulled her making her stand up, yet she stumbled because of how drunk she is. "Wait you are Kenma! You pulled me!" she yelled almost jumping. Fixing her vision while he pulled her back in the direction of the house. "Do you like me already?" she said happily,  eyes are sleepy, he didn't answer letting the rain poured them over and over again so drenched.
"Well you can't like me though!" she said. "Why?" Kenma answered quickly. "because I'm-"Leaving."  he cut her and she nodded even though he still pulling her from behind. He just went silent as they continue walking.
Almost closed to the house, it was now empty, Kuroo is sleeping outside on the bench of the garden of the house so as Shoyo, Bokuto and Akaashi, he then saw Yachi and Akane. He sighed and let go of YN's hand. Leaving her behind. He opens the door and sighed because tomorrow the cops will definitely ask him what happened. He then realizes YN is not behind him, he looked and he saw she's beside the road where he left her and hand, hugging her knees, his eyes widened, worried. He went near her. He lifts her head slowly, putting away the wet strand of her hair away from her face, he saw her holding her chest tightly and her eyes are red like she's crying, Kenma's eyes widened and hold her cheeks. "what happen are you hurt?!" he asked worriedly. still drenched she smiled, her chest burns, the heart pumps like it hurt every beat.  Her breath shortened, she still smiling beside what she feeling.
"Let me." she softly said. And then a swift second she kissed him, it's like it is her medicine. Kenma let her for some reason, his hands want to push her away but it's like he wanted it, liked it. She broke the kiss and now looked at him. "I- h-hate you." out of nowhere he said. "You ruin-ruined my life," he said softly, he doesn't know where that comes from but he knows he's scared because that line was supposed to be negative but it was a positive statement. "hate me more please," she whispered almost her eyes sleepy and then she smiled. "I kissed a guy so hate me- more," she said softly her head almost falling down.
He looked at her. "Yes and I hate you for doing that, it supposed to be-"he cut his words because she put her forehead on his, she smiled while closing her eyes. "Goodnight~" she said and drop her forehead on his chest.
And for this moment, Kenma knows what he will do. And what he really wants.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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Chapter  2.
"Waahhh!" looking around as her brown eyes wandered around her room, holding his chest, checking her breathing, her vision, and especially her heartbeat.
Then Kenma barged into her room almost half-asleep with his headphones on his neck and his hair was messy from his bun 'wait did he sleep?' she thought. "Breakfast, mom said." he said shortly then got out making a loud bang on her door.
"Asshole.' she mumbled. Yet after that, she smiled and made a flying kiss. "Still I love you," she said smiling, she now stands up and kneeled, putting her hands together, closed her eyes, and screamed. "Thank you Kamisama~!" she prayed a little more and stand up already, she fixed her hair and her big t-shirt as she ready herself for breakfast. Before she got out, she marked her little calendar an x, reminding herself she only has 96 days. She smiled yet sadness was hidden in that smile, she shrugged and walk happily as she got out of her room.
"Goodmorning everyone!" she greeted her stepmother and hug her from the back while Kenma sits on his chair eating cereal with his PSP on. "Good morning dear!" she smiled and patted her head, making her heart fluttered and smiled even more.
She is now seated on the opposite chair from Kenma and so is her s-mother in the middle. They all say 'thank you for the food and now started eating. "So Y/N, you have plans for the weekend?" she asked while she eats, Y/N wipes her lips with a napkin. "No oka-san, still working I guess? or maybe watched cinema with my friends?" y/n said as she thinks what things to do on the weekend.
"Cancel it," she said formally yet smiling at me, I looked at her question. "Why?" she asked while half of the onigiri is in her mouth.
"Chew it properly," Kozume said while looking at her disgusted, while his PSP was on the table. Y/N just rolled her eyes and ignored him.
Then she handed her an envelope, she looked at it, wiped her hands first and mouth then slowly opened it, her eyes widened. A ticket to a show, a musical show, a rare live performance will be held here in Tokyo and she finally got a ticket. She smiled happily and jumped almost fall down from her chair.
"O  my gosh! You didn't have to do this," she said almost teary-eyed but her mother smiled and patted her head once again. "Another gift before you left," she said. She stops, nervously smiled at her. "Before you went to another country. I see your calendar dear." she was relieved, Y/N doesn't want her family to know that she's going to die and spend their money to treat her that's why she makes an excuse, leaving Japan. This is why also she's working for her own treatment and medicines. And do not forget to give gifts to them.
"You don't have to leave honey, we're happy you're here," she said.  "I'm not." Kenma blurted still looking at his PSP, Y/N snorted and make a 'bleh' face at him. "Kenma!" His mom said, he just ignored him." I do to Oka-san." she smiled.
"But it is already planned and it must happen for me. For us." she smiled genuinely, hiding the hurt inside her, lying is all she can do to prevent her new family from being hurt. They don't deserve it.
"Why don't you just go now?" Kenma again said, making his Mom looked at him and flicked his forehead with irritation. "Be nice! Ughh!" Mom yelled and Y/N feel some pain in her chest, enduring it she smiled and laughed, holding her new mom's arm pulling her away from Kenma that continuously hitting his arms.
"Oka-sa! It's okay!" She laughed and now looking at Kenma, "Don't worry Kenma! my brother 96days left and I leave you alone..." she stopped and laughed again. "forever." she laughed yet Kenma looked at her intently while she pulls her mother to finish eating. 'forever' he thought and he feels happy yet uneasy for the first time, her words are different this time
Kenma is now in his main office as he scanned through his documents, Y/N words brushed through his mind. "I can't wait.' he blurted yet gives him regret or he actually meant him. He just shrugged off his thought and open his computer, looking at some comments from his last stream.  Then again all of sudden, Y/N's moves from her last stream make his cheeks blushed, the feeling of her breathing to his nose, and how she plays with her hair while she teased him. His eyes widened and slapped himself.
"not a chance," he mumbled. "Not a fucking chance." he stands up and went out to get a cup of coffee, as she walked past by, other employees greeted him because the he's 'THE CEO', his secretary went near him and advised him his meeting this coming week. "you also have a meeting and it's from Mr. Kuroo." she added and he nodded. "When will be the distribution of equipment from the sports markets?" he asked while losing his tight tie,  "25th" she answered and he nodded.  She discusses more of his meetings and presentations while getting his coffee, he continue listening while holding his hot coffee until they pass by the 'advertising department'. He looked inside and scanning the room, people walked in and out greeting him while his secretary still discusses some things until he saw  'her'.
She worked under him, his parents don't want to actually and rather give her a small company that she loved but turned them down emphasizing that it is unnecessary because 'she was leaving'. She just wants a job and an income, she even worked in a cafe on Friday, her new family lives in luxury yet she doesn't accept any large money from them and she is more focused on giving back to them.
Focused on her screen, eyes pierced and fixated, her lips forming a thin line, Kenma looked at her, he never gets to look at her long because of how he hated her for liking him plus annoying him, yet here he is looking at her, admiring? no?
Y/N let a loud sigh and lean tiredly on her swivel chair. "Finally.' she said now closing her eyes, Kenma leans on the glass door frame of the department, still making sure she doesn't see him. "Sir?" her secretary said. "Do I need to call Ms. L/N?" she asked but Kenma waved his hand into a  'no'. "You can go now," he said and his secretary nodded and left.
"Y/n, y/n!" one of her officemates said, one girl and boy went behind her poked her cheeks. "Stop it," she whined making a pout, Kenma smiled.
"Now you're done let's date!' the guy said massaging her shoulder, Y/N groans and slapped his hands.
"Stop, told you I only laid eyes on someone," she said now looking at them. The guy pouted cutely, Y/n  laughed, Kenma feels something jealousy? he doesn't know but he wants her laughter too.
"Sorry I'm taken," she said jokingly as she makes a heartbreak on her own hands.
"You know that I love."- "The CEO! your brother." one of the staff said seating now looking at them.
"Correction, step-brother, were not related!" she said and crossed her arms.
"yeah yeah." they teased. "I love you Kozume, my prince, my love, make me yours ahh~" her friends imitate her as like she was drunk, Kenma feels his cheeks burned as he remembers the video of her drunk telling things for him.
"Yah! STOP!" Y/N yelled making her embarrassed and red.
Kenma now makes a step out of the department, smiling and cheeks red. Little did he know, Y/N saw him passing by making her even shyer and embarassed.
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welcometoherdomain · 3 years
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"Thank you everybody for watching my stream for today, before I log out any requests of games and ideas to make things interested even more?" the streamer asked while looking now on the camera making the audience blushed and smiled at how good looking he is, he smiled while looking at comments and almost giggling at the suggestions.
"take your shirt off while playing Genshin, well. I right get demonetized if do that." he smiled and finished it with a winked.
"Play with your streamer audiences, okay maybe I can do that." he smiles while nodding still looking at the camera, some music on shuffle blasting his background.
"Oh wow, this one is wild, wear only your boxers while playing valorant." he smirked making the girls screamed even more on their screens. "Maybe I will," he said and while he put his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand.
Then he put his headphone down his neck and brush his bleached tied hair in a half-bun at the back, putting some of the strands perfectly at his side face.
"Okay for our little gift for you guys, I'm going to choose one of the audience to play with me here face-to-face," he smirked.
Now, girls are now squealing and start spending some of their money to donate to this handsome streamer making him smirked even more.
"Who would know what will happen next right? " he giggled and waved his hand into a 'bye-bye' gesture.
"Bye-bye kittens. good luck see you in our next stream." he smiled and ended the stream, girls even gays are now in a rush on how to be picked by this streamer. All of them spend to donate to this guy to be picked. Yet this one fan smiled and smirked.
She stands up and went out to her room, she tied her hair and went to this room and open it without anyone's consent.
"What are you doing here? Did I told you to get out of my way," he asked, the streamer yellow-haired guy gave her cat-piercing eyes. She leaned on the door frame and put her arms crossed.
"Can I be your lucky kitten?" she smirked, his eyes widened.
"How did you k-know my stream?" he asked nervously. She laughed and went near him. Still seating on his gaming chair, she leaned over,  putting her left arm on his arm gaming chair and her other arm on his table, closing more the distance between them.
"I didn't know you can be this dirty Ken-ken." she teased whispering in his ear, making the streamer lost his rhythm of the breath.
He looked away, feeling his cheeks blushed but disgusted at the same time.
"What's with the attitude my dear step-brother?" she teased again. "Can I just protect my brother while I'm still here?" she added. But he pushed her making her almost stumbled on the ground, she giggled.
"Stop it! I don't careI told you! leave me alone! I don't fucking like you, I rejected you a million times! " he shouted, now standing with his face red.
She looked up and smiled at him.
"Hey, that's bad! You're younger than me. You should respect me. And you're making me sad. 98 days left before I leave the country okay?" she pouted making a sad ugly face. He looked at her with disgust.
"Ouch. okay fine. I'm leaving you alone for now hihihi." She said now playing with her hair. She turned her back and went to the door but before she can go out. She looked at him.
"I like you no I do love you!" she smiled but he just blinked and pushed her out of his room, closing the door with a loud bang.
The girl smiled again while looking at the wall.
"98 days left." then she felt a sudden burn inside her hurt making her moaned softly.
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