wemakeourownhope · 15 days
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missed em
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wemakeourownhope · 8 months
Why is no one talking about 2 weeks until the 50 years since goncharov anniversary
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wemakeourownhope · 8 months
kill the shift manager in your brain
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wemakeourownhope · 8 months
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wemakeourownhope · 9 months
I feel like it would be useful if people conceived of causing emotional harm to others more through the lens of being the emotional equivalent to stepping on someone’s foot. Like obviously you can step on someone’s foot deliberately and maliciously, but most of the time if someone tells you you stepped on their foot you’re going to go “oh sorry I didn’t realise!” and stop doing it and try not to do it again. Getting caught up in how it makes you feel to be Someone Capable of Stepping on Others’ Feet would be a transparently self indulgent distraction from the other person’s pain, but also like… that’s just a status you hold by virtue of being human. Never ever ever stepping on someone’s foot is not really achievable, and therefore is not necessary to being a Good Person: what matters is that you do not step on others’ feet deliberately, and – most importantly – that you react kindly and calmly to any inadvertent foot-stepping you have been doing being brought to your attention, so that you can make best use of it as something that will help you reduce the amount of foot-stepping you will do in the future.
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wemakeourownhope · 9 months
An excerpt from today’s episode of ELIZA: the “Oh! I have DID?” season…
My plan was to come back to Tumblr, but really let « Éliza » come back, really (as herself, so to speak), thus my new francophone Tumblr I created yesterday.
And then…
Today, I (think?) I was basically “told” about how we…actually I’m still not sure how to say it quite yet, I guess…
What I know, is that I was brought to re-contextualise a part of one of my fanfic stories (LSAYA, or in full, “Loving Someone as You Are”). A specific section, but really the section shows a way I discussed a theme (a dynamic between 2 characters too, really) which I’m now thinking/realising(?) was 100% due to who I/we even am/are, as opposed to just some sort of “oh, wouldn’t it be interesting to write of these characters this way?”
Here’s the section that I was brought to re-contextualise:
 Sam awoke the next morning and knew – felt – immediately that something was off. She needed to get ready for work, but she also wanted to get to the bottom of what this feeling was. She began laying out her clothes and otherwise getting ready when a thought occurred to her… She brought a couple fingers to her lips, holding them in place on her lips for a few moments, before bringing them to her nose to smell. What she smelled, well, it definitely wasn’t her and it wasn’t even Liv…she thought for but a second more over what this could mean, before she quickly sat down and stormed into her and Reign’s shared mindscape, with such ferocity, the place seemed to shake. As soon as she found Reign, Reign began pleading with Sam. “Samantha, please calm down! You’ll make the place collapse!” “No. Now you listen here, Rei! I told you, you could date under one condition! I would ask if you remembered it except after last night you obviously don’t!” Reign’s expression turned forlorn at that, as she finally clued into what all this was about. “Oh.” “Yeah, ‘oh.’” Sam paused before continuing on.“Look, we’ve had our issues, but I thought we’d basically figured out this whole sharing a body thing. But this is not going to work if you pull things like this! It’s weird enough that I’m with Liv and you’re with Iggy and yet you and I share a body, but I can move past that as long as you don’t force me to feel it each time you’re intimate with her! At this point, Reign was beginning to curl inward some.“Look, Samantha. I’m sorry. We did get a bit carried away. I’m sorry. I really didn’t even know we were going to kiss as we did. I know – I should have cleaned up when we got home. I’m sorry.” She said all this while her breathing began to get heavier and heavier. While Reign spoke, Sam was calming down, and recognised the effect of her yelling on her mindmate. She sighed and moved towards Reign. “Sorry, Rei. I didn’t mean to get so loud and angry. This is just…I don’t know a whole new dimension for us to navigate that we haven’t really had to yet…Truth be told,” she looked up sadly at Reign, “it kind of brings up scary feelings about not feeling like I have control over my own body, that I haven’t really had since I first learned of your presence.” 
The “thing” that was happening to me that triggered this re-contextualisation was that while Éliza was fronting it became clear that the water glass we had been drinking from would do no longer.
At this point we have now switched to our Dalek mug and it’s much better.
I began trying to see if others have had such a “thing”/un truc happen with their various alters too, and found some folks talking about different alters having different tastes food-wise (spicy/not spicy, for example) which actually happened today too, as it seems now that Éliza doesn’t like (at all, it really seems, too) the oatmeal I used to eat quite often and had for breakfast today, too.
But the water “thing” seems separate, maybe…?
Any others with DID have any thoughts on any of this?
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wemakeourownhope · 9 months
Time for a change (ou p-e c'est devenu le renouveau chez moi!)
Hi folks!
If anyone is reading this who has followed me here for...awhile of any sort...wow...
Anyway, *a lot* has happened lately. Seismic stuff, arguably.
It has led to me wanting to begrudgingly step away from fb for a bit.
So...I've come back here. Well, not just me ("she says, now knowing she's but one of many within her DID system"). (Salut, les copines! Et ma Maîtresse aussi.) For more on *those*...changes to my life/who I even am, I would refer you to my page, especially the new page there with my new icons (in full-size). Et si vous parlez français aussi (surtout, p-e, si vous êtes bilingue comme moi), allez voir mon nouveau Tumblr francophone « Enj - l’espoir qui existe encore - c’est où ? / lespoirsvp ».
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wemakeourownhope · 9 months
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wemakeourownhope · 9 months
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love that he keeps doing this. genuinely my favorite fucking bit
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wemakeourownhope · 3 years
Hey folks!
I know I’m hardly on here with any regularity lately, but if anyone is interested, I posted Ch. 3 of a story I relatively recently started writing. I’m super psyched about it and would love it if you checked it out!
It’s called Loving Someone As You Are, and it’s a piece of Supergirl fanfiction.
It begins after Season 3, though there are some flashbacks, too. Also, though I keep some of canon, I also change a bunch, including... Kara is a trans woman and Reign is redeemed! :D I’m trying to post every Wednesday.
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
no, YOU live in a society. I'm Tom Bombadil
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
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Megan Thee Stallion / Saturday Night Live. October 3rd, 2020
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
Hey! It’s me! I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth!
TLDR: Come read Chapter 7 of my Supercorp religion story that I’ve just posted!!
So, when COVID hit, I hid with my folks a country away, but I finally recently returned to where I live.
But! That meant quarantining. Which was not fun, and most importantly, sucked away a lot of mojo for most everything. That including not only tumblr, but my writing quite importantly.  I was so into it and loving it, and then quarantine time came and I just couldn’t find the motivation anymore.
But hey, it eventually came back, and now, I’ve just posted Chapter 7 of my Supercorp religion story! Chapter 8 is also coming right along, too.
As I voice in the author’s notes, I’m exploring things, or exploring things in ways, that I hadn’t thought I would when I initially began this story, but hey, I go where the muse takes me, and frankly, I’m excited to go there and to see where my muse takes me next.
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
Last week I made this little edit using Supergirl stuff! 
Lot of Photoshop and After Effects work in this! :) 
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
Come check out my Supergirl fanfiction kidfic centred around religion! I just posted Chapter 6!
In this story Lena is Christian and Kara is a worshipper of Rao and they’re trying to raise their daughter, Molly, as both.  Right now we’re in a mini-arc surrounding Molly’s baptism.
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wemakeourownhope · 4 years
Hey folks, I just posted Chapter 5 of my Religion Supercorp story. 
Feel free to check it out!!
As a recap or whatever - in this story Kara and Lena are married and have a daughter Molly. This story tells stories of important times in the lives of the family as they try to be an interfaith family. Kara worships Rao and Lena is a Christian (following a headcanon I’ve been working on). 
This Chapter 5 I’ve just posted begins a new part of the story following Molly’s baptism. 
Also, I’ve already got the next chapter ready to go, so be on the lookout for that next week! :) 
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