whatastrology · 6 years
Venus in Aries The girl who knows how to set hearts on fire romance with venus in aries is like jumping aboard a merry-go-round and re-discovering your childhood. there is good natured rivalry and playful pranking. venus in aries will test your physical, emotional, and psychological limits. everything moves fast and furious, they show you secret worlds inside of this one. plenty of rare qualities, but venus in aries can certainly cause a headache. they generate intense pressure inside their own head when they become agitated. and they unconsciously will it in the direction of their anger - straight toward the lover. never a dull moment, rarely a moment of boredom. they will breathe fire in a rampage, and it’s your own fault if you were standing in the path of their fury 
Venus in Taurus The girl who makes people fall in love with classical beauty again  romance with venus in taurus is largely a sensual and physical experience. there is great pleasure in tantalising the lover’s tastebuds, intimate massage, and generating a powerful carnal desire for each other’s flesh. your body won’t let you forget the touch and tactile memory of venus in taurus. their aroma can stay under your nose for days, you can sense their vacancy and absence as much as their presence. you can hear the empty silence swallowing the sound of her whistling, humming, and singing. it can be hard to go back to sleeping alone because they filled a space beside you that is now so void and hollow. 
Venus in Gemini The girl who spellbinds with her spelling  venus in gemini doesn’t have the emphasised multiplicity like gemini suns and ascendants, but the personality is experimental and flexible enough to try everything before they buy anything, and the same goes for romantic interests. they can decide with lightning speed if their date is worth half a second more of their time. they find it almost impossible to get lovers out of their mind and think about them all the time. most of their conversations will revolve exclusively around this person. falling asleep by the side of venus in gemini can be purely enchanting, late night conversation is deliriously hypnotic like their final words for the day are written like poetry across the tongue
Venus in Cancer: The girl who invites the moon for sleepovers  venus in cancer romance can be quite old fashioned and reflective of family values. if venus in cancer is on good terms with the parents they will be very observant of how well you interact and fit into the family dynamic. the opinion of family is often influential. the person will also be very attentive to the way you treat children, animals, retail workers, and waiters. venus in cancer won’t take very long to begin planning a life, future, and family with you. one of the favourite past times in this relationship is eating out, cooking together while the sun goes down, and enjoying meals together. they value simplicity, closeness, and basic company more than anything grand and opulent.   
Venus in Leo: The girl with a heart of gold love elevates the individual to the top of the world. the energy of venus with leo is unity and heart, so they are not looking for solo stardom. they want to bask their lover with honey sun, sit together in the heat of the day sharing wine, good music, affection, laughter, dreams, and memories. venus in leo can turn every romantic encounter and experience into a royal gala, they know how to make people feel important and indispensable, like queens and descendants of royalty. and they can make just about anybody fall in love with them, they have a charismatic sultriness, playful sense of humour, sensitivity, and a golden auric glow. romance with venus in leo feels like the sun is shining brightly everyday. so the good times are ultra good, and when they are happy you will feel like you are on top of the world. but when they are miserable, have no doubt you will be sorrowfully miserable too 
Venus in Virgo: The girl whose heart was caged in her mind you know how just about every romantic movie has a story about two people with undeniable chemistry, compatibility, and attraction and if only they revealed their true feelings to one another they could be happy together 5 years ago? this is a good re-enactment of a venus in virgo scenario. the ideal relationship can be in the clasp of their hands, the words on the tip of the tongue, and the heart and mind paralyse. venus in virgo are unconditional lovers. they are very unlikely to leave a partner due to illness, unemployment, or even addiction. they integrate people into their life, ritual, and thinking patterns so they typically stick by people regardless of how challenging the circumstance. they always provide a shoulder to lean on
Venus in Libra: The girl everyone wants to know  the venus in libra essence evokes people’s carnal desires, secret temptations, the image of their dream lover. strangers can routinely comment that the venus in libra person ‘reminds’ them of someone they know or will insist they have met before. associates and strangers construct the image of venus in libra a large amount of imaginative input, so people can be quite shocked that the person they meet is so different to who or what they expected. there is typically a natural sense of style and classy social conduct, their glamour can remind you of the golden hollywood age.  
Venus in Scorpio: The girl who hides deep inside you  you will rarely experience anything with the same intensity as a venus in scorpio relationship. ending a relationship with a venus in scorpio can also be a grieving period, they take a part of the lover’s soul with them and cherish them like special keepsakes. the powerful arousing, spirit sensational, cosmic central experienced with venus in scorpio can make people feel like they will never be truly satisfied again, or the person who walked out was completely different from the person that walked in. they wrangle your hidden fantasies, rituals, and desires out from your hiding place. there is no place inside you that is safe 
Venus in Sagittarius: The girl that fell in love with the world  you will never truly have a venus in sagittarius lover all to yourself, their first and foremost lover is the kiss of the sun, the cool cleanse of the sea, the landscapes that call to her spirit and want her to visit home. it’s definitely possible for venus in sagittarius people to connect, settle, and commit. but sagittarius is law, and there are a few laws to be imposed in their relationship. the playground is to be open all hours, there is to be no jealousy or attempts to control or belittle, the house is to have big rooms with big windows and lots of fresh air and savings go toward traveling, holidays, and spontaneous expenditures. they question the smallness of your dreams and make unplanned moments meaningful life experiences. 
Venus in Capricorn: The girl with the ancient heart  you can have an aged, intangible photographic memory of intimate experiences with a venus in capricorn because it seems like time stops or disappears completely. there is something timeless about their love, their heart is encased in the antiquity of amber resin that preserves eternity. and they really make a whole new little world just for the both of you. they are devoted for the long term, and they will do just about anything to make it work. your success is their success, and they want the relationship to bring out the best potential in both people. of all their formidable dreams and ambitions, establishing a beautiful life with you is the greatest.  
Venus in Aquarius: The girl whose love is pure madness romance with venus in aquarius is like riding a cosmic rollercoaster looping through galaxies. nothing will ever be the same again after experiencing their love, everything can seem mundane and tedious in comparison. you rarely experience the same day twice, and it can be difficult not to lose control as you become whipped in their complex and fascinating web. your mind is opened with your heart and life becomes a continuous act of spontaneity. they find something unique and special about you to love, and they help you to discover who you truly are. what you once cared about now seems so small 
Venus in Pisces: The girl who cried and drowned Hawaii venus in pisces has a reputation for peace and harmony, but nothing is really still and stable about their union. they unveil a universe of possibilities and unrealities, you can find yourself questioning your beliefs, sanity, and the legitimacy of your experiences. they can be unpredictable in the sense that you are loved by someone different everyday, their emotional temperament sways their emotional needs and conduct. the heart chameleon, psychic, and wild. it makes their love a very creative, dreamy, imposing, consuming and influential union that can be very difficult to separate from because it reminds you of a place you wish you never left 
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whatastrology · 6 years
how the signs start a conversation
check mercury
aries: boldly ~ aries will come out of nowhere with something to talk about, the conversation will usually be short and quick but full of enthusiasm or new ideas.
taurus: slowly ~ taurus take their time starting conversations mainly because they like to think things over. their practical nature tends to make people listen to them more as a result.
gemini: sporadically ~ much like aries, geminis like to start a conversation randomly and quickly, they often interrupt others because their thoughts are so scattered.
cancer: easily ~ cancers tend to ease into conversations, often beginning with formalities and polite small talk before getting to the main point. they usually are very thoughtful.
leo: loudly ~ regardless of the volume of their voice, a leo’s authority makes it easy for them to be heard. they use creativity and warmth to win the attention of others while also standing out.
virgo: orderly ~ virgos tend to avoid being flashy but still appreciate their intellect being acknowledged. they control conversations by focusing on little details or planning what they have to say.
libra: smoothly ~ libras are diplomatic when it comes to talking and try to please everyone with fair intellect. their charm gets them a large audience but they can seem like a perfectionist with the rants and tangents they go on.
scorpio: urgently ~ scorpios aren’t the most talkative sign but when they want to talk, they try their hardest to get straight to the point. they enjoy observing and discussing more deeper matters.
sagittarius: optimistically ~ they enjoy looking at the big picture and don’t care too much about little details or organization. they tend to have flaws in their arguments due to their scattered thinking, but their enthusiasm can convince many.
capricorn: methodically ~ capricorns tend to start talking slowly, mainly because they need to organize and structure their thoughts. they tend to be skeptical and authoritative.
aquarius: quietly ~ although they enjoy breaking the rules, aquarius tend to quietly slip into conversations without being flashy. they enjoy arguing and often win due to their intellect. this can cause them to push their ideas on others, giving them a subtle authoritative demeanor.
pisces: softly ~ pisces aren’t too concerned with details but will be good listeners. this results in them seamlessly entering conversations with indirect statements or the occasional rambling when they get the chance. they have a tendency to fib in order to avoid offending others.
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whatastrology · 6 years
Mercury ~ a little Goddess told me
Mercury in Aries: The girl who falls asleep with a headache mercury in aries is a refreshing, young, inquisitive and desiring energy. they have a childlike intrigue in just about anything and imagine themselves as different characters in different stories. the reflex to provocation can be rapid fire defence and critically wounding verbal delivery. there is a short attention span, but they learn quickly - largely too because they are not afraid to ask questions and follow the detour of distraction, and look for answers in every opportunity that promises an explanation.  here is considerable raw energy combusting inside this active, restless, and animated mind. mercury in aries knows how to get conversation started, and better yet - they know how to keep people amused and engaged. they can be under performers in school, and not due to lack of intelligence but rather lack of stimulation, distraction, and resistance to teachers
Mercury in Taurus: The girl whose mind grows a garden when comfortable, mercury in taurus people can become very pressured to tap into a never ending supply of energy for conversation. but sometimes they can feel too awkward around new environments, mentally lazy, lethargic, tired, or uninspired by the discussion. these people share most of their greatest and most beautiful thoughts in their private diary, songbook, or blog. it’s like they have to be away from the dense energy of other people so they can feel free to wonder and whip words like buttermilk cream. to onlookers the mental process can seem slow, but the mind has a rich, active, and continuous activity that co-ordinations information through creative and rational dynamics to extract useful resource, skills, and intellectual capital. this mind is habitual by nature and they can find a sort of quiet delight or satisfaction in the solitary practice and rehearsal of their natural talents. the appetite and desire for food and culinary gratification can be strongly influenced by psychological balance and wellbeing, nerves, and loneliness.
Mercury in Gemini: The girl that was talking to Hermes when she was three minutes old mercury in gemini people have quick comebacks and love to playfully tease and weave complex webs with words. their forgetfulness can be a form of freedom and inconvenience. there is a constant intake of information and automatic disintegration of short term and emotional memory, personal and monotonous details - basically anything that consumes the brain space where facts and knowledge should be. this process clears and provides another bookshelf for new information. it can create the intriguing combination of someone with  composite and clever intelligence who faces significant challenges in basic principles like punctuality, remembering to eat, day to day planning, attention to detail, focus, and applicable common sense. they can be devouring information about a new intellectual fascination and completely unaware that the sun is rising. there is little concept of time when there is so much domination of mind. mercury in gemini people can command the conversation, but this is very much to everyone’s delight. they can blend comedy, conspiracies, and current affairs into one amusing interplay  
Mercury in Cancer: The girl who went to school on the moon the emotional state will be evident in the tone of voice. the cancer qualities of reticence, side-stepping, and withdrawing are not really encouraged to develop by mercury. it can make for quite a comical and slanted perspective and portrayal, a rapid fast verbal defence to threat or antagonism, and the ability to direct emotion into the opponent’s weak spots with critically wounding words. they can love to learn from picture books. as adults, these people can enjoy biographies, human stories, and keeping a journal of memories. mercury in cancer can make a great teacher. the cancer mother can see students as children and nurture through educating a new generation, the inner child present in the moon that rules cancer finds creative and inspiring ways to relate and deliver the message. these people are more receptive of body language than what is actually being said. they will quickly establish if someone in the conversation is uncomfortable. unexpressed emotion becomes mental contamination  
Mercury in Leo: The girl with a lion on the loose through her mind there is never a dull moment inside this mind. but they have a very day and night experience. thoughts can roar like a valiant lion in the day, radiating supreme pride in thoughts, intellectual creativity and talent, and personal convictions. but by night the sun is gone and so has this part of the mind, the crown has fallen, the protective lion is asleep, and the baby cubs become trapped in the cage of replaying moments of shame, self-consciousness, and regressive need to have troubles responded to and soothed through conversation. they identify closely withe mind, so there can be an uplifting and lifelong elevation of confidence when validated by a teacher, certificate, degree, or academic. they can feel ravenously devoured by psychological darkness, and their hope and resilience is a burning light of redemption. mercury in leo honours the mind through learning and achieving personal best results, imaginative writing, creative verbal demonstration, and experimenting with different mental characters
Mercury in Virgo: The girl who was born to think mercury in virgo is always operating from part of the mind, it has an orderly style of automatic consistency. it refuses to stop operating regardless of circumstance, it can be difficult for the person to fall asleep, push thoughts aside, and remain focused in their environment with relentless chatting and discourse, order, disorder, and constant intellectual arranging taking place in the background. even though mercury is the ruler of virgo, there can be so much mental activity and brilliance that there can be black outs and catastrophic breakdown like a tangle in the wiring that can make them stumble over their words, become overcome with nerves or paralysis in public speaking or answering a question, or say something different to what they were thinking. they may not like to study, but the feeling of being unprepared and failing is worse
Mercury in Libra: The girl that could read your mind mercury in libra people are active and charming conversationalists. they are intelligent and they can discuss just about anything with ease - except themselves. these people are very skilled at personal observation and reading body language. this is largely because they have spent a lot of time being so mentally overwhelmed and so paralysed by their environment that they are unsure what they should do. so they watch the people around them and try to replicate their actions. maybe they even laugh or just because other people are laughing, or take on a different accent or vocabulary. they may have practiced this at school with classmates when they were distracted by daydream and missed the teacher’s instruction. mercury in libras can spend a lot of time confined inside the mind self-reflecting, wondering whose inside, and analysing their thoughts, questions, and behaviour. they constantly practice psychoanalysis on themselves and delve the responses they generate from people 
Mercury in Scorpio: The girl that can hypnotise with her eyes scorpio is always secretive by nature, but these people are not afraid to unleash when conversation is deceiving, simple-minded, ignorant, or misinforming. mercury in scorpio focus is unmatched, and they make continual transformations in how they think about. and perceive the world. thought patterns and convictions can be completely different from the person they were a year or two ago. there is an appetite to supply the mind with abundant resource of information, and knowledge is their power. mercury in scorpio does not think, learn, or interact with the world like anybody else. they are instructed in the lesson plan from unseen forces, and they seem to make contact with the right people, sources, and conversations that provide clues to their questions. there are 3 processes taking place with the intake of information. one is the process that we can see take place, a mesmerising calculation and truthful excision see in the eyes, a hesitance to trust, and contemplative listening. the 2nd is flames of personal honour and perspective. the 3rd is saturated in emotional water and throttled through the psychic beam that x-rays and executes delusion and reveals revelation
Mercury in Sagittarius: The girl who asks for answers from the world mercury in sagittarius can have a conflicted mental experience. they can see everything through 2 different eyes. there is one view from the top that compresses the whole spectacle, where they feel grand and important in the world. the other view is from a sight that feels small in a big world, surrounded and ravished by inflating details and a deceiving path seen and unseen. mercury in sagittarius people are highly responsive to environmental intellectual stimulus, winning the debate, and taking any opportunity to grow the mind. there can be a significant nervous experience with mercury in sagittarius, worries and concerns can blow enormously out of proportion and crush with an intense intellectual weight and bended prophecy. a thought can quickly inflate to unease, angst, then into fear, nerves, or panic. they have a wide-ranging sense of opportunity that makes everything seem possible. it also means that there is always the glimmer of hope that burns inside the mind 
Mercury in Capricorn: The girl that hid her mind in the closet this mind is very private and guarded, and they would often rather think something than say it out loud. they are simultaneously stimulated and threatened by information that can fragment their view of reality. they are absorbed and internally preoccupied by the constant automatic process of cataloguing and examining thoughts, information, and objectives. these people can seem difficult to trigger a response from, but you can tell if something has aroused their mind through the widened eyes and attentive focus. they like to learn through private repetition and it can be challenging to relax because they are ultra conscious of time wasting. mercury in capricorns like to finish what they start, even if they don’t really enjoy a book they will commit to reading it. these people are not as conservative as it seems. mental patterns and psychological coping mechanisms easily become habits and ritualistic attachment. it’s possible for them to adopt, maintain, and remain secretive about self-destructive practices that help them deal with the mind
Mercury in Aquarius - The girl that read upside down mercury in aquarius people will like to hear and digest information from multiple ranges of perspective and insight. they will often ask endless questions and ways for someone to explain their point of view. mercury in aquarius has great ideals and experiment with various mediums to get their point across. they identify strongly with the mind, so it can be difficult to compromise personal ideologies and convictions. they are not afraid to change their mind, but they will not subject themselves to adopt an opinion or outlook that lacks objective and subjective evidence, personal scrutiny, and a vast spectrum questions and answers. they don’t like to judge, but they can ridicule ignorance, indoctrination, and lack of substance. there is no shortage of intelligence in mercury in aquarius, but it may not have been compatible in early schooling and consequently deeply eroded confidence in themselves. it’s important for these people to find a work, social, and domestic environment that invites and celebrates their unique mind and stellar ideas
Mercury in Pisces - The girl with books filled with spilling words and ink blots from watery tear drops conversation and intellectual stimulation can be very moving and suggestive for mercury in pisces. they can be very swayed based on their subjective emotional response and their ideals, they can almost be too sensitive to the other person’s opinion. these people can be natural teachers because they have an inspiring and creative way of delivering information and they are very patient with people learning and understanding. truth is flexible based on their point of reference. they interact with their environment through the eyes of the higher mind, so immaterial, unseen, cosmic activity expands and dominates the perspective. this viewpoint appears to make the material and concrete constructs vague and obsolete by comparison. the meander of dream, daydream, and thought can seem to be more real than the lived experience. this is also one of their blessings, as it taps the person into stream of telepathy that sources intuitive information and the muse of the mind
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whatastrology · 6 years
Venus in the signs
Aries Venus; Turned on by humor, wit, intelligence, fast thinking and physical movement. Love’s head massages and oral. Requires mental and physical stimulation in order to remain interested. Unpredictable in love yet loyal. If you manage to blow their mind in bed multiple times you’re in for good.
Taurus Venus; Prefers sensual romance (erotic touch, bedroom eyes, beautiful music, wine and a cooked dinner) Needs someone financially secure. Enjoys spontaneous bush walks and hikes, loves being in nature with their SO but also enjoys lazing with them watching trash TV.
Gemini Venus; Must enlighten them mentally and intellectually to make your way into their heart. They should feel free to communicate with their partner honestly without fear of judgement. Will respect you if you give them space, and in return will make your time with them worth the wait. Also enjoys cooking for you.
Cancer Venus; Treasure’s cute random texts, love letters, coming home from work to a hot meal and warm bed. Low key wants to be mothered but usually does the mothering themselves, intuitive in love. Can be emotionally manipulative. Basically wants someone who’ll help make their life easier, and they’ll do the same in return of course.
Leo Venus; Loud and proud when they’re in love, put’s effort into their appearance to impress you, passionate, unleashes their weird side, screams and acts a bit childlike in their relationships. An ideal date would be something energetic and creative such as a dance lesson, shopping for food and cooking a meal together.
Virgo Venus; Needs reassuring that they can trust you for them to let themselves go, logically immerses into the relationship rather then emotionally, but they fall deep when in love. Shows they care by cleaning and organizing for  you. Actions not words mean everything to them, lack of communication and the silent treatment can provoke anxiety, quite sexual.
Libra Venus; Suckers for old fashioned romance, red roses, kissing in the rain etc. They go crazy over finger/hand kisses and back scratches. You need to be  intelligent and/or unique to hold their attention, compliment them on qualities other then their looks. Love’s going on coffee dates with their SO, can be insecure in love.
Scorpio Venus; Needs to know you’re serious about them, hates being played around. Will blow your mind in and out on bed. Fighting can sometimes turn them on, love is extreme in this placement, nothing is halfhearted, they’re committed and protective. Tell them some of your secrets to make them think about you when yous aren’t together, but don’t be an open book. They love a good mystery.
Sagittarius Venus; Free spirited in love, they’ll love going on tramps, camping and rock climbing with you. Talk about different topics such as psychology, metaphysics and philosophy with them, they’ll be impressed with your knowledge. Turned off by clingyness and immaturity. Humor is a huge turn on, loves doggy.
Capricorn Venus; Values independent and hardworking partners, valuable assets and financial stability impresses them. They either totally love you or are completely not interested; thing is they’re secretive about their feelings, sometimes leaving the other person confused. Loves to travel the world with their partners and will wine and dine those they adore. Fall’s in love with someone who relaxes them mentally.
Aquarius Venus; treats their lovers like their best friend, aren’t overly emotionally but still capable of falling deeply in love. Attracted to the quirky and strange. random emotional outbursts scare them off. however being a little unavailable attracts them( Not too much though) . Aquarius Venus values their SO very highly, they express this is oddly cute ways.
Pisces Venus; go crazy over long cuddles, kisses, sappy romantic shit. Even though they won’t admit it. Needs to feel wanted and useful in the relationship. Can become too dependent  so they need time for themselves as they can detach from their own identity when they’re in love. Shy at first, super crazy and loud once they’re comfortable.
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whatastrology · 6 years
♀Venus Signs and Seduction♀
Aries Venus - The Burning Flame
how they seduce: When they feel a strong pull towards you, they must have you, so they will immediately try to get your attention. They are normally very open and blunt and they will tell you what they want and how they want it. They are very likely to take the lead and show you how they like it by guiding your hands or just straight-off telling you. They will take your breath away with their tremendous passion and intensity and they know how to touch and kiss you until you are begging for more.
how to seduce them: They love the thrill of the chase, so make them conquer you because they want to earn your affection. They probably like little fights under the sheets with a lot of body touching.They possess an incredible amount of energy and passion, so give them all you have and more. Heat is very important, hold them, trace your fingertips over their skin, they want to feel your warmth. Playing with their hair, running your finger through it or even pulling it a little and touching their face is a big turn-on since Aries is the ruler of the head area.
Taurus Venus - The Sensualist
how they seduce: They will make you feel so adored. They will enjoy touching you, hearing you breathe, tasting your lips and skin. They take their time because they need to capture every inch of you and every moment you have together. They just generally like to have you around them which is why they are great cuddlers and will hold you very tighly to make you feel safe. They looove spending every free minute in bed where it is warm and they are alone with you .
how to seduce them: Let them see and know you completely.They will love to know every inch of you because they are best with the things they know. Give them a lot of physical affection, they want to really feel that they are loved. They probably like some good and alluring lingerine or a nice wine since they appreciate everything that intensifies the pleasures of love. They might also enjoy kisses on the neck or dirty talk since they are the ruler of the throat.
Gemini Venus - The Siren
how they seduce: They will bewitch you with great stories and words of kindness that will make you want to know more about them. They are very charming and know exactly what to say according to the situation you are in. You will feel like their best friend because they want to tell their loved one everything they feel and all that has importance for them. They are unbelievably stormy lovers who love to spice it up, take you on adventures and try something new and they know damn well how to kiss.
how to seduce them: Whisper sweet nothings in their ear and do not be too shy to talk about what you want and how you want it. Open communication is very important for this placement. They need fun in a relationship which is why they love playing games. Tease them, try new things, role-play and kiss them in every way possible because they love this shit. Intellectual and deep conversations are extremely arousing for them, so take your time, listen to them and discuss things with them before you take it to the next level.
Cancer Venus -  The Rose
how they seduce: This sign is especially known for seducing their lovers through caring for them or protecting them. But most of all they want you to be theirs entirely, they want to be able to touch and kiss you as often as possible. Venusian Cancers can sense your feelings and are able to adapt to them. Suprisingly, they know every trick there is to win the affection of their crush: they can use every feminine/masculine wile theres is, from mother/father to beauty queen/king and sex symbol. They will not only love but admire you for the beauty you possess inside out. Once they feel comfortable around you they will want to explore the adventures of love with you but they will most likely enjoy staying in because there they will not have to share you and are not afraid to be themselves.
how to seduce them: They looooove cuddling and touching you. Hugs and every other act of physical affection means security for them and therefore is a way to show them that they are safe. Their ideal men/women are typically masculine/feminine, at least in their fantasies and they are the sign most attracted to breasts. Not only physically but also mentally they search for a deep connection, so do not be afraid to show how you feel and what you want. Feeling is immensely important to them and you have to give them time to sort out what kind of emotion they sense when they are around you. But when they know what they feel around you, they open up to the point where everything is just natural, warm and suprisingly passionate.
Leo Venus - The Femme/Homme Fatale
how they seduce: This sign knows damn well how to seduce the subject of their desire. They enjoy looking good and getting the attention of those around them. They will dress, walk and talk to impress you and their facial as well as physical expressions sparkle with sex appeal. Probably most of all, they are persistent to the core and if they want you, they will hunt you like a lion(ess). They are very energetic and wild and most likely intoxicate you with their honesty and straightforwardness. While they want sex to first and foremost be a pleasure for them, they can not stand to be anything less but the best lover you had, which is why they will want to indulge you until you are completely satisfied just to see the gleam in your eyes or the smile on your face. They like to know that you want to be exclusively with them and desire to possess you.
how to seduce them: People with Venus in Leo want to be treated like royalty, showered with affection and romantic gestures. They can only feel good in your surrounding when they are comfortable with who they are around you which is why they want to look good for you. This placement wants to experience love with burning passion and just a hint of drama which is why they usually enjoy trying out new things in the bedroom or other locations. You need to stand out from the crowd to catch the attention of this sign (speak with passion, show your unique talents,..). It’s hard for them to separate love and sex which is why they need to sense a deep-reaching understanding between you two before they take it to the next level.
Virgo Venus - The Good Girl Gone Wild
how they seduce: This sign is fiercely devoted to you and enjoys handling the trouble in your life. They are very intelligent and reliable which is why you will feel safe in their surrounding. While they may come off as shy, sweet and polite, Virgos in Venus have serious potential to be aroused by kinks and everything unusual. They pay close attention to your body language and therefore know exactly what turns you on, determined to use that knowledge to your benefit. Most of all, this sign  is always good for a suprise, they are spontaneous and curious in bed and love to learn new things and show you new sides of themselves.
how to seduce them: Although they seldom ever tell you, those born with Venus in Virgo have some very dirty or unique fantasies and love experiencing something new in their bedroom. If you take the lead and express your ideas and desires in an open manner, those fantasies can turn into reality and bring some real passion under the sheets. They might feel a little insecure about their looks but they will give you all the love they have when you show them that they are the most beautiful person on earth for you. They generally expect you to be thoughtful and to see the details. They can not be with someone who is not able to read their body or face or think of something to make them feel better when they are sad.
Libra Venus -  The Enchanter/Enchantress
how they seduce: They carry an aura of aristocracy and elegance others admire and long for from afar. They are sweet and caring and love to spoil you with kisses, flowers and other affections in any form. Their smiles are usually disarming and they are polite from their head to their feet. They want pretty much everything to be beautiful which is why they will set the mood before having sex, lighting candles or arranging the sheets. Being beautiful themselves is also very important since sensual lingerine or red lips can get them exactly what they want. They are gentle lovers who enjoy being touched softly and with meaning but can definitely roughen up when they feel a strong connection to you.
how to seduce them: Since Libras in Venus worship harmony, they can not stand people who constantly need confrontation or drama. A surrounding of peace and understanding is more than arousing for their sexual appetite and they will want to spend some time in bed with you when they feel comfortable and loved around you. Romance is what keeps them lively and happy in a relationship and they will care for you if you fulfill their fantasies fuelled by movies and books now and then.
Scorpio Venus  - The Enigma
how they seduce: Their gaze conveys power and it seems like it is looking right into your soul. They can be very intimidating and mysterious but you long to uncover and know them although they may seem cold and reserved when you first meet them. They seem to promise intensity and commitment and are deeply sensual when it comes to sexual pleasures. They want to feel everything and combine deep physical and mental understanding to a sort of ecstatic experience. A Scorpio in Venus partner makes you feel understood and desired and sweeps you off your feet with their overwhelming passion which can be sensed in a very high sex drive.
how to seduce them: Lay your soul and heart bare at their feet and show them who you really are because they have no interest in people that barely ever express their feelings or true self. They love warmth and fire and people that sparkle with energy and life and passion is one of the essential things they need for an exciting sex life. Intimacy is also very important for them and they will not like it if you are someone who kisses and tells or drags your private life into the public. Honestly, there is not much you can actually do when the connection between you two is lacking. A Scorpio Venus will always love deeply and unconditionally when they sense a certain depth, loyalty and chemistry.
Sagittarius Venus  - The Adventure
how they seduce: They come across as optimistic, idealistic and lively and they just take your breath away with their love for life and all it has to offer. They can easily slip into excessive behaviour and you start to wonder where all those life inside them comes from. They are not bound by restrictions or rules and everything is just so easy and exciting with them, no secrets or taboos or pudency. They have a certain innocence about them and in bed they just charm you with endless giggles because they love to laugh. They are very direct in their approach to love and sex, so do not expect them to play with ambiguity, it is more likely that they will straight away tell you when they want to have sex.
how to seduce them: In a relationship honesty is essential to them, they do not like to hide their feelings and thoughts and they do not want to have a romance which is based on misunderstandings. So you should better tell them what you want straight away and they will surely appreciate that. Be open-minded and adventurous because they enjoy giving their love and sex life a new direction. They are easily  bored when sex or romance get too predictable, so try new things, change locations or positions or just generally soften or roughen up. Also make them feel alive, take them to beautiful places or challenge them with a different opinion/point of view, be everything but ordinary. They want love to feel like it is light and pure joy instead of serious business.
Capricorn Venus  - The Lady/ The Gentleman
how they seduce: They provide an alomst unreal amount of stability and warmth and you just have to feel at ease in their company. They might charm you with some very traditional flirting rules, like holding the door for you or taking your jacket. They can be real charmers, because they seem aloof and considerate at the same time. Alpha-males/females is one term especially accurate when it comes to Venus in Capricorn because they just naturally like to take the lead and show you that they can care for you. Their sexuality is deep and powerful but not a thing they want to be dragged out in public. What they do in the bedroom is a silent secret between the two of you and they would never hurt your intimate connection by kissing and telling.
how to seduce them: They generally fall for people that convey power, confidence and stability as they search for comittment and long-lasting relationships. Their approach to love is very mature, so they probably will not connect with persons that are volatile or unreliable. In bed they trust in experience and consistency because they probably know how they like it best and how it feels perfect for the both of you. If you want them to do something for you or to try something new, you have to challenge them because they are eager to prove their love for you every day. In fact, Capricorn Venus is a placement that feels very deeply but may never tell you about their emotions but you can show them that you understand this by holding them or just being there for them.
Aquarius Venus  - The Rebel
how they seduce: Those born with their Venus in Aquarius may seem unapproachable and a little cold which is not necessarily less magnetic than the burning heat of an Aries or a Scorpio. They just generally are not that good with commitment and like freedom, which is why some of them may not like the idea of a relationship at all. They are, however, very experimental when it comes to their sex-life and they love to try new things, although they might be too shy to turn their fantasies into reality.
how to seduce them: They need someone who is not only able to satisfy their physical but also intellectual needs. Talking about your ideals, philosophies or mantras is very interesting to them and also kind of arousing. They like intelligent people who look behind the nature of things. They can be quite turned on by situations that are unusual, like a love-affair with a married man/woman or cyber and phone sex (any situation where no direct commitment is needed is attractive). This placement is one that has no problem separating love and sex and might has a “friends with benefit”-relationship. They need their freedom under all circumstances. If you can show them that you will not try to change them or restrict them in any way and make them feel like they are in the company of a good friend, you stand good chances of receiving their undivided love.
Pisces Venus  - The Dream
how they seduce: Venus in Pisces is gentle and soft with a dreamy gleam in their eyes and an indescribable patience and acceptance. People with this placement will love you for who you truly are and they would give up themselves to please you. Nothing gives them more joy than to give and receive love and being their partner leaves you fulfilled and strangely complete. Their fantasies often mix with reality and they often seem more like a desired dream of yours. They pay attention to the details and love physical affection, so it is not unusual that a little touch from your fingertips leaves them with a racing heart. They want physical and mental intensity and search for purity and immense feelings in bed.
how to seduce them: They love romance and fantasy and sometimes they may search for their knight on a horse or their princess in the tower. Not only a connection to reality but also a strong contact to dreams and fantasy is required if you want to understand them. They search for someone tender-hearted who holds them when they are sad but is also able to turn their romantic ideals into reality. You should not be too straight-forward but gentle, also in bed. Although they enjoy caring for you and fulfilling your pleasures, you should definitely show them that you adore and admire them for who they are. They actually enjoy to try out new things and passionate people really turn them on.
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whatastrology · 6 years
Why sun sign astrology doesn’t work
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Let’s face it: a lot of the time, you won’t relate to your sun sign.
Your sun sign is who you are at your BEST. It’s who you are when you’re in your element, when you’re confident, when you’re in a comfortable situation.
Your sun sign is your identity, but also who you aspire to be. When you think of your sun sign, you think of the qualities that make you special, and make you an individual. It’s probably something you’re proud of. But also, it’s something to live up to; it’s a goal to be the best version of your sun sign that you can possibly be.
The sun sign is extremely important, because it follows you throughout your life in all ways, but it often can’t be pinpointed to specifics like the other placements can. It’s much more broad; it’s always present, but sometimes it’s just out of reach.
People will not always see your sun sign when they first meet you. But close friends will see your sun sign more than anything else, because they see the best in you.
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Your RISING sign is who you are all the time, without thinking about it. It’s natural.
Any time you feel threatened, need to put up a front, want to “appear” a certain way…that is your rising sign. Many people don’t consider the rising sign as important as the sun. But in reality, it’s more important.
Some people aren’t even aware of their rising sign. Some people will be surprised when they read the description. But if you ask anyone around you, they will see it immediately. You can’t hide your rising sign, you have to just accept it.
If you meet someone for the first time, that is their rising sign.
Your moon sign won’t be seen by the world at first either, but a lot of times it can be seen more than the sun sign. Your moon sign is your instinctual reactions and ways of living.
Any time you’re upset, you’re happy, you’re jealous, you’re disappointed…these are all times that your moon sign will show. Depending on the sign, of course, it will show in different ways.
Anything to do with the emotions cannot be defined by the sun sign. That is the realm of the moon sign. People wonder why they don’t relate to their sun sign on a lot of different posts - this is why. The moon sign is far more important, because it is your immediate needs and behavior.
People who see through you see your moon sign; people who are able to connect with you emotionally. They have to look deeply enough to get through the wall put up by the rising sign, though.
Mercury is how you get your message across. When you meet someone, there’s a bit of mercury thrown in there too, since they’ll be communicating with you.
Sometimes people will not consider you to be a lot like your sun sign. That’s probably because your mercury is in a different sign than your sun. It’s a bit conflicting, because the words you say are quite different from who you actually are - you might seem more like your mercury sign in some ways.
Mercury is probably the least appreciated and noticed placement in astrology. People always seem to forget about it, but it’s absolutely vital to understanding someone’s personality.
“What is an *insert sign here* like in love?” This is the question that everyone wants to know. Unfortunately, people usually answer it with sun sign. Again.
Venus is your true “love” placement. You might get a sense of what someone is like with their sun sign, but in a relationship you might be surprised when they act so differently. Their idea of romance might be drastically different from their central identity.
Mars is where to look if you want to get an idea of the overall energy someone gives off. Rising sign has a part in this too, but mars is how someone takes action.
Mars, in a sense, is also related to love because it’s how someone does the pursuing. Mars has to do with initiative (and how much of that you take).
Next time you make an astrology post, read an astrology post, or think about astrology in any way, remember this. Most people don’t do their research, and make assumptions that all sun signs are a certain way, and all people will relate to all aspects of their sun sign. This is not the case.
Think to yourself: is this asking about me on a daily basis? My emotions? How I communicate? How I act in love? My impulses?
Chances are, it’s not your sun sign.
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whatastrology · 6 years
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The historic statues and idols of Gods and Goddesses were self-portraits of the reverent human qualities they saw echoed in the heavens. The 12 zodiacs each personifying a force they deemed to be worshipped. Our lives have changed dramatically since human beings were viewed in this light, but we are still performing these divine acts that we once deemed as deities in one another
Aries: In Aries they saw The Heroine with the Spiritual Fire burning within her mind. The manifestation of Divine Will, the ones familiar with supreme power and wisdom, willing to risk everything. They saw the Great Imaginer who directly received visions from beyond, and they saw a feminine erotica and rage that could burst things into flames. They saw the Voyager and the clever strategist who seemed to be directly in tune with the will of God leading them into new lands, battles, and seas. Aries was the one capable of leading their nation, the one who mediated and counselled the masculine and the feminine. They were the ones with the Spirit of Spring that reanimated life and demonstrated the possibility of life after death.
Taurus: In Taurus they saw the ones who the choir of angels used as an instrument. They saw the Empress of Nirvana, the ones who wrote the cosmic tune. The ones who flowing in the rhythm of nature, performing sorcery playing with the colours, minerals and materials of earth, personifying the image of Divine Beauty. They saw the carries of the Womb of Consciousness in the cerebellum in which Taurus rules, and conveys the Divine Feminine Language. In this, they saw the very Cosmogonic Principle itself, the clairaudient personification of The Ancestral Mother of All Life, unconditionally providing the agriculture that sustains life like only a parent could. 
Gemini: In Gemini they saw the inventor of words and thus The Magician, Enchanted Writer, the Storytelling Sage, The Teacher mediating between Heaven and Earth who could cast spells with the symbols of alpha within the consciousness of others, the one whose mind was so illuminated it was like a golden helmet. They saw the playfully Eternal Divine Child whose mercurial wand bought much joy to all cosmic beings. They saw the ones who were light footed astral beings, capable of sending their heavenly messages through any medium as The Psychopomps, the Cosmic Mind with resolved duality. They saw the patrons who bought the wisdom of the heavens to earth and the dispensers of astrology, alchemy, and the Word of God
Cancer: In Cancer they saw the Mystic Midwife and Mother Goddess who helped bring life into the world and also soothe the pain of labour. They saw the anointed being that had no earthly source, whose origin could not be traced. They saw the Guardian of the Lunar Rays who communicated with the Moon, spirit guides, passed ancestors, the creators and maintainers of kairos or spirit’s time, and the witches who conducted the forces of nature to practice ritual, divination, pharmacy, with inherited prophecy and ability to move the seas with the tides, protected by an army of crossed souls who guarded them. They saw the personification of Matriarchal Consciousness, who carried the Cosmic Womb, the umbilical cord into dreamtime and the feminine soul, the ones capable of delivering prophecies from dream and fantasy
Leo: In Leo they saw the Heroine and the Princess of Light who won the battle for the sun, the Angel of Abyss who was plunged into the darkness to provide life. The one with the highest willpower possible to slay the demon in a nightly ceremony, the one who placed the Sun in its zenith. The early morning amber glow was their declaration that Leo war has been won and the day is for worshiping their Sun within They saw the pure essence of God suffer inside human flesh to provide the evolutionary earth experience. In Leo they saw the Lion, the King of the Jungle roaming and commanding in their gracious sovereignty, glorifying God and His Rule in every movement. They saw the Children of the Fire that ignited the pure Divine Spirit. They saw the ones carried by heavenly carriages, glorifying the possibilities of the universe
Virgo: In Virgo they saw the Queen of Heaven carrying the womb of cosmic space that holds the Divine Mother’s intelligence. They saw the illumination of wisdom, the instrument of cosmic creation - The Sole Creator, the ones who disappear into the darkness to wield the sole Divine inner love that makes spiritual enlightenment possible. They saw the transformer of sexual energy into creative spirit, the Inner Mary.  They saw the Invisible Mind, The Word of Sophia, the word of the Goddess and sacred, ancient, secret symbols made flesh. They saw the Sainted Healer with the Mother’s knowledge of her mineral earth, the one who activated curing properties as nature passes through her hands. 
Libra: In Libra they saw the Priestess soaked in the love of God, the divine’s highest artistry of God in its most idyllic and material form, a personification of the Feminine Principle and moving performance of artistry and right sided creativity, sensitivity, and inclusivity. They saw the ones who had the knowledge of cosmic karma and naturally dispersed this in daily affairs, in doing so maintaining the balance of universal order, the ones who ordered the seasons and nature and maintained astrology. They saw the ones with the mind residing the Library of Feminine Teachings, the captivating ones capable of bewitching all in presence, the personification of the angel, the one on the Threshold between Universal and Personal Self, The Enchanted Mirror that cosmic forces flow and mix into experimenting with the possibility of beauty
Scorpio: In Scorpio they saw the creative visionary who glorified God in solitary hiding, the one who had manifested the power of the Magical Serpent. They saw someone who seemed to have access to knowledge and wisdom from unseen worlds and beings, the ones who accessed the door into the underworld, and possessed such glorious inner wealth it could only be remarked as treasure. This is why they were hidden away, they seemed to be special, and Progenies of Internal counsel from Higher Beings. They were the ones who carried the knowledge of other realms, had the ability to read and interpret historic symbols, life after death, and the secret knowledge of immortality. The were ones sought out for their wisdom, their guidance, their experiences - especially for those in the process of death, considered Spirit Midwifes, Pharmacists, Sorcerers, or Healers.
Sagittarius: In Sagittarius they recognised a vast spectrum of light and supreme cosmic vitality. They saw the personification of wisdom and the Teacher who voyaged through many lands to declare the word. They saw the grandest gesture of the universe in one apparition, one worthy of superior worship for their transcendence, knowledge and implementation of spiritual law, and being cloaked in the sacred purple garments. It is for this reason they channeled and called upon the Sagittarius energy during meditation They saw the Guru and Master of Philosophy who had died and risen again, the ones who carried the akashic record that wrote and conserved the law of higher mind mythology and practices. They saw the powerful beings capable of wielding lightning, and one who received many blessings resulting from good past life karma.    
Capricorn: In Capricorn they saw the ones who seemed to create, own, and control time. They saw the ones whose leadership bought the Golden Age, they saw the Chosen Ones with the wisdom and divinity to lead the young initiates. They saw ones with a Higher Purpose that demonstrated the ultimate glory of human, and they saw the Alchemist who transmuted lead into gold. They saw the Higher Being who rose after being summoned by the Prince of Darkness and rode on the rays of this rising sun to ascend up the mountain, the one who built the great cities in heaven down on earth, the ones who played the cosmic flute and harmonised the planetary orbit spheres. They saw the Crone, the Elder who had lived many lives, the ancient Priestess who visited towns to perform healing acts and enlightenment with the Teachings of all Ages
Aquarius: In Aquarius they saw a gift to humanity from heaven, the ones that seemed to drink from the enchanted fountain of youth with an energy for life that seemed almost otherworldly. They saw the ones that bore water above their illuminated minds and seemed to heal the unwell and elderly, young beings with old souls. In Aquarius they saw the Child of Mother Earth who frolicked amongst the flowers and bought the rain clouds. They wondered if Aquarians had wings, because they seemed to teleport and bring back ideas from other realms, holding the nectar that cleansed, ascended, and illuminated their followers. They saw the Awakeners, the ones with the caduceus spine, the ones who had the indwelling knowledge of secret cosmic realms, the ones who materialised angelic ideas  
Pisces: In Pisces they saw the effeminate Divine Child who was mystical, a descendent of Atlantis, and had a life and afterlife with a special destiny who was a conduit of special and higher teachings from secret places and beings. They saw the energy that flowed through their bodies and evoked every sensory experience through dance and art as the great cosmic muse. They saw the Wanderer through temples, intoxicants, and invisible realms to find the path home, they saw the whole Spiritual Sea in a single drop, the Holy one capable of salvation. They saw the Healer, the Nurse who sourced the magic of nature, faith, and indwelling forces to cure. They worshiped Pisces as The Priestess who existed simultaneously in both worlds, the ones who carried the memories of heaven and stories of collective past lives along their feet.
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whatastrology · 8 years
The signs and flrting
Says they can't flirt but can flirt like a love God: LEO, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus
Can flirt without trying, but when they try, it's horrible: Virgo, Pisces, SCORPIO, Aries
Can't flirt for shit: Cancer, Aquarius
Always flirting whether they know it or not: LIBRA, Gemini
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whatastrology · 8 years
the sagittarian’s last breath would be a song. life is a masterpiece, a sketch of games and discovery, philosophical meaning and true joy. music never stops, there is a sort of colourful madness. their mutable quality gives an airy lightness, a cool duality and chameleon dynamic, the smell of sunshine pollen in the morning wind sagittarians possess the alchemy of far sighted intuition. there is sensible, reasoned, and righteous sagittarius who is adept with the laws of psychology, human nature, and the spirit. the individual understands they are the piece on the puzzle of god. then there is also the chaotic sagittarius, who gorges in excess and refuses to believe beyond eyesight. something can be explosive in sagittarius, a force to be reckoned with, one which can also be quite conservative and easily rattled. all mutable signs are hard to pin down in some way or another. sagittarius is capable of developing profound mystic riches. but they can also refuse to embody the duality of them that is pure spirit, and to be contained in human form is poisonous
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whatastrology · 8 years
pisces can have quite an avant garde expression and detour into the unusual or mysterious. pisceans have a great insight into hidden psychological dynamics and interpersonal complexes. they can immediately conceive the vibration of a room, job, or person. something that doesn’t feel right for the pisces will never be right. jupiter gives pisceans a tremendous ability to spot opportunity and follow their ‘gut’ feelings when following luck or favor
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whatastrology · 8 years
leos have such big hearts it can be impossible for them to give up on people. they will vehemently rally on behalf of those who are oppressed, because they see the greatness in everybody, and they want to see others succeed. their hearts can have holes burnt through them from abuses or betrayal, but the leo’s heart is made of the sun, and it illuminates eternity
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whatastrology · 8 years
best friends that turn into lovers
gemini/taurus scorpio/aries aquarius/cancer leo/virgo libra/capricorn sagittarius/pisces
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whatastrology · 8 years
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Sagittarius - Lady Luck The Jackpot of Jupiter
Jupiter’s child is the traditional sign of luck, favor and fortune. Sagittarian people have a kaleidoscope vision, a wicked intuition that easily recognises favorable opportunities and lucky breaks. The expansive Sagittarius mind travels far and wide, and naturally looks to the future with bright elation and enthusiasm. Most people delight in the company of cheerful Sagittarians, who are renowned for their tremendous sense of humor and contagious laughter. Esoteric astrologers have long associated good past life karma and mystic riches with a generous Jupiter themed chart, especially by Sun sign, Moon ascendant or chart ruler. There’s a glowing faith and bouncing beating heart that emanates from Sagittarius, and their golden glow opens a valley of fortune ready to be soak their spirit in pure gold. A life of luck awaits Sagittarians who laugh along with the universe and play the game of life with a smile on their face. 
Ancient astrologers referred to Jupiter as the ‘greater benefic’ at work who uses his large auric field to encourage opportunities, pull the stars into reach, inject everyday novelty, and enrich the individual’s joyous experience of life. But Zeus could also be a trickster, and Jupiter can become too indulgent and reliant on sheer luck. Maybe the individual gambles too much, or adopts unhealthy habits because they believe side effects or health troubles will never effect them. Sagittarians enjoy the good things in life and of all the signs express joy most easily. Jupiter also guards the abstract and higher mind, so there is the ability to experience new states of consciousness that are exhilarating and merge an acute logic with a florid imagination. When Sagittarians express a positive internal monologue, they can literally create their reality and watch their dreams come to life. Sagittarius is the Scorpio who has swum to the surface, so the individual possesses that sorcery and spiritual nectar, but he can find a way to apply it to everyday affairs and become quite wise.  When we have Jupiter transiting natal planets, or through the ninth house we may find that suddenly life seems brighter and filled with more chances to be lucky and belief in the good will of the universe. There could be financial benefits and ascension in business. When the Sagittarius embodies the jubliant light of Jupiter - righteousness, philosophical perspectives, generosity, and charity than anything we could imagine can come true. Jupiter is our favourite aunt or uncle who secretly lets us get away with breaking Saturn’s rules and dance under the stars past curfew, charge headfirst into any experience that promises delight and cloud nine and scratch off the numbers that promotes the cosmic well of fortune and favour to stream through our lives.
The happy-go-lucky nature expressed by Sagittarius creates a positive and reciprocal reality. As they tend to be genuine, loyal and enjoyable company, their very nature attracts positive energy and strings of favorable fortune. They are also very aware and intuitive when it comes to opportunities - they are gifted in turning the wrong moment into the right and are typically very giving - Sagittarians are abundantly generous. A good hearted nature is infectious amongst their company and they attract good opportunities through their gifted social nature. This is a dream cruise of lucky lanterns. Just as Sagittarius throw their positive vibes into the universe, she responds accordingly, blessing bountifully with generous fortune and abounding love and opportunity.
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whatastrology · 8 years
Monthly Horoscopes: May 2016 May 1, 2016 Horoscopes
 Aries The month ahead is an excellent one for getting your bearings, dear Aries. You are encouraged to slow down, work things out, draw on patience, and build and develop – and the sooner you accept this kind of pace, the better the rewards!
With so much retrograde activity these days, Jupiter’s direct motion on the 9th can feel especially good. Motivation for work and health programs increases. Projects that had stalled or were left behind might now resume, pick up speed, or turn a corner. The next several months are excellent for benefits from work, services, and health. For now, you’re easing forward.
Overall this should be a calmer, less visible month for you, and it does you some good. There can be a stronger focus on personal finances, personal possessions, resources, and business. You are exploring different ways of building your sense of value and worthiness. Money issues or sources of income may change and there can be some reshuffling to do. Ultimately, you could be finding ways to increase your income or your earning potential.
You can be more productive than usual this month, particularly if you focus your energies on works in progress. Save big launches for later, but work at editing and revising – it can lead to great things. You might enjoy recognition for past work, and you can quite effectively work on or revive old projects that are likely to have long-term appeal and profitability. There can be important discoveries. You might experience renewed interest in a work project or a health and wellness program. For some of you, social and romantic opportunities may be found through business or work.
The Sun enters your communications sector on the 20th, and Venus follows suit on the 24th. This brings a busier, more connected theme to your life. The 21-22 can be complicated. Your ruler, Mars, is retrograde all month. It is only during its retrograde periods that Mars forms its opposition to the Sun, every two years or so. This happens on the 22nd, when Mercury stations and just after a Full Moon occurs. The temptation may be to push to have your way, when in fact this is an opportune moment to take the time to feel, learn about, and understand your desires and drives. Frustration can center on intellectual planes this time around, so watch for speaking prematurely or making too much of something said. Make safety an important priority, as impatience can lead to errors in judgment.
On the 26th, Jupiter and Saturn form their final square in a set that began last summer, and this serves as a reminder to pay attention to rules and limits. Think in terms of priorities and look for ways to cut back and simplify your life. Mars moves back into your solar eighth house on the 27th, where it will spend its final month in retrograde motion. There may be the need to revisit financial matters, issues of support, and debts. Ambiguity with finances, particularly debts and shared money or resources, could dominate now, or financial affairs require a second look. An old relationship that ended poorly may occupy your thoughts, or an old lover may return. There can be magnification of unexplored desires. This is a time for exploring anger and assertion over deeply buried matters, and finding better tools for managing your life on an emotional level.
 Taurus This is a powerful month for you, dear Taurus. There is strong focus on your personality and your personal plans, and support for these is forthcoming. Granted, Mercury is retrograde in your sign and Mars is retrograde as well – the latter being a fairly infrequent occurrence that can slow things down. Navigating the waters can be a little tricky, but you have plenty of help from Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, and Chiron. In fact, there are some rather magical influences with you in May, particularly in the first half of the month.
Opportunities for cooperation, loving and personal gestures, and shared happiness emerge particularly on the 2-3, 10th, and 13th. Creative matters can blossom. Energy is so easy right now that you might even be feeling a little lazy. It’s an indulgent time, and a time for sharing and opening yourself up to others. You might find that new avenues open up to you for exploring different ways of having fun. You are likely to feel as if the busy pace of your life is letting up and you can more easily tend to more pleasant matters.
The New Moon on the 6th is in your sign and frames you wonderfully. It’s strong for personal reinvention, making a positive impact, friendships, education, and relationships with extended family. There can be a strong attraction to cultural events and exotic places or activities that take you to new places or that expand your mind.
Jupiter’s direct motion on the 9th is very welcome as it ushers in a sense of hope and feelings of optimism, particularly about a creative project or romantic relationship. Going forward and in the next several months, you’re likely to see some exciting forward movement in love, creative pursuits, recreation, hobbies, relationships with children, and self-expression. Your spirit to enjoy life is building, even if it’s not the time to push forward plans.
The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your sign will take turns harmonizing with Pluto in May, and these influences strengthen your resolve, help you to gain support, and offer up opportunities related to travel, education, publishing, and legal matters. Your personal belief system continues to deepen. This is a powerful time for reworking and refining old methods and procedures. Your patience with others will go a long way towards enhancing your connections. Your powers of attraction are even stronger than usual.
The second half of the month is a little more discordant than the first, but nevertheless brings opportunities to sort out matters related to intimacy and finances.
The Full Moon on the 21st aligns with retrograde Mars and can awaken a need to reorganize your finances, or stir up feelings about a past relationship. Mercury turns direct in your sign on the 22nd, and this can point to turnarounds with your personal plans. Even so, a Sun-Mars opposition occurring now can force a confrontation or it can put the spotlight on opposing forces related to money, possessions, debts, and ownership. Try not to feel threatened by others’ assertion of their desires. Aim to take a lesson from any issues that become inflamed now.
Jupiter and Saturn form their last square on the 26th, and you may be attempting to sort out your relationships and commitments. Whether or not to make changes or to stick with traditional or familiar patterns can be an issue now. Fears of closeness or intimacy, or the demands of money owed/due, can challenge you. You may want to expand but excesses in other areas of your life need to be tamed. For some of you, there can be challenges in relationships, where the level of intimacy can be an issue or dilemma. The trick to handling this energy well is to look for areas of your life that can be simplified or strengthened and work on those, one step at a time. You’ll end up in an improved frame of mind.
Retrograde Mars moves into your partnership sector for the last month of its retrograde period starting on the 27th. This stimulates a need to reorganize your energy with regards to people and partnerships. You could be re-assessing the ways in which you approach relationships, as well as what it is you want from your connections. Looking to the past in order to improve the present and your future is what this is about. The last week of May brings stronger attention to money matters, personal possessions, and issues of comfort and security. You’re likely to feel in a stronger position in terms of outlook and knowledge on the 30th.
Part 1
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whatastrology · 8 years
 Gemini There continues to be a strong focus on the past, healing, processing, and digesting this month, dear Gemini. There is very little pressure to venture out, although you’re not one to keep still for too long.
Planetary shifts this month turn your attention back to home and family. There can be renewed relationships, and projects around the home can resume, from the 9th forward. Motivation to make happy changes in your domestic life increases now and in the next several months.
In the meantime, you have a lot of inner work to do, and you have plenty of help in this regard! In fact, this can be a month of big emotional breakthroughs. The 1, 2, 10, 13, and 30 are particularly strong for making improvements, gaining new insights, and strengthening your resolve. You are bringing fresh energy and an open mind and heart to past problems and to your personal relationships. Family is more cooperative or home life is shaping up in pleasing ways. Good feelings in a partnership, or about relationships in general, can figure strongly now. There can be some tendency to indulge and possibly go over the top when it comes to spending, comfort foods, expressing affection, and pleasures. This is a time for learning more about yourself, your heart, and the people closest to you. If you have resisted taking time for reflection or dealing with the past, the New Moon on the 6th will prompt you to take charge.
The second half of the month is trickier than the first, but quite manageable. The Sun enters your sign on the 20th, kicking off a month-long cycle in which personal influence is strong and personal plans are on the front burner. The Full Moon on the 21st, however, is a quick reminder of others’ needs and perhaps a rather abrupt one, as it aligns with retrograde Mars and the relatively rare Sun-Mars opposition occurs on the 22nd, pitting will and against desire. You may need to take a look at the hard issues in a partnership so that you can later take action to make some important changes.
The final Jupiter-Saturn square in a set that began last summer occurs on the 26th, and you can feel some pressures if you’ve been overly dependent or reclusive – you’ll need to reach a better state of balance. There may be tensions in a partnership, and stubbornness can be a real problem, even if you know that peace is more easily achieved by letting go of the desire to be right. Problems may run more deeply, and that could be why tensions are mounting. Clashes between a partner and home life or family are possible. You have all the needed emotional tools at your disposal to work through differences, however, and you might find that this is simply about recognizing your limits.
Mars leaves your partnership sector and dips back into your work and health sector for the final month of its retrograde on the 27th. There may be hidden treasure to be found in old programs, methods, and work projects. However, if you decide to revive something now, it’s best to come at it in new ways rather than repeating past mistakes. This portion of the Mars retrograde cycle emphasizes practical and work matters. How you organize your time is in question now.
 Cancer This is a strong month for your social life, dear Cancer, even if there are some complications to deal with. Relationships, in general, are in focus, and for the most part, people are helpful and supportive of you.
There are plenty of wonderful spots this month, although they seem to be concentrated in the first half of May. There are many opportunities for good conversations particularly about past matters, resolving problems, forgiving, connecting, and giving others the benefit of the doubt. There are also treasures to be found in old projects, studies, and interests. Old friendships might be revisited. Travel plans may need some time to come together, but can be in strong focus. Rethinking some details of recent plans can work to your benefit in the long run. Partnerships are supportive and there can be good energy for legal and educational matters. Special dates for such opportunities are the 1-3, 9-10, 12-13, and 30th. The New Moon on the 6th can herald new beginnings related to friends, group associations, and important ideas and dreams. Your appetite for pleasure is also very strong in the first half of the month. Control this while still enjoying yourself, and life is good.
From the 9th forward, motivation to pursue personal interests or studies increases, and this will get even better in the next several months. Work and health matters can turn a corner as well, although there may be some hurdles to get over around the 21-22.
Your generosity and openness tend to attract friends and positive attention in general. While friends can enter or leave your life now, you’re in a better position to learn who is truly on your side. There can be an increase in your personal influence in groups, with friends, and with a partner. You might especially enjoy coming to someone’s aid. An overdue conversation might occur, and relationships can subtly improve. You may return to old or abandoned dreams and plans with new excitement.
The second half of the month is trickier than the first, but manageable. The 21-22 brings sudden awareness of something that’s not working in the world of your work, daily routines, or health, or the need to make adjustments and meet deadlines. The 26th finds the final perfection of a Jupiter-Saturn square that serves as an important reminder of the limits of time and energy. If you have taken on too many personal projects or interests, you could find that this impacts your attention to responsibilities or professional goals. Look for ways to divide your attention in a more balanced way, even if this means cutting back on certain activities. Otherwise, the activities that you enjoy most can eventually feel burdensome. Frustrations aside, this is good time for structuring and simplifying your life in key ways.
Mars moves back into your romance and creativity sector on the 27th for the final month of its retrograde cycle, after which it will turn direct and spend even more time in this part of your solar chart. This can be a time for rediscovering old passions. There may be some delays in a creative project or even a romance, possibly due to setbacks, indecision, or stalling. However, you’ll have plenty of time for sorting out your desires, needs, and goals in the coming months.
 Leo There is strong focus on your life direction, career, and/or reputation this month, dear Leo. You could be mulling over some major decisions about where you’re headed. There is at least one planet and often several bodies in your career sector in May.
There are beautiful aspects connecting cosmic bodies in your career and life path sector with your sectors of support and backing, work, health, routines, research, and finances, setting up important opportunities to improve your life, particularly in these areas. You’ll also more easily find satisfying channels for expressing yourself and pursuing your goals. Past projects or goals may deserve, or require, a second look. There are treasures to be found in the past, but you’ll likely need to approach them in new ways in order to really get them off the ground this time around. This can be a strong time for recognition of work you’ve done in the past. Health matters can benefit from some research, and old approaches might be revived now.
From the 9th forward, business and financial matters can turn a corner. Interest and motivation are renewed in certain projects and endeavors, and you feel more confident about pursuing your interests.
The second half of the month is a little trickier, but can also be a call to action. A Full Moon occurs on the 21st, and it aligns with retrograde Mars. The Sun and Mars oppose one another on the 22nd and Mercury stations direct. This can bring a social or romantic issue to emotional heights. A matter from your past can emerge and frustrate you, but can be very revealing, and you might begin to figure out the root of recent aggravations. Tensions now can come from pushing something that shouldn’t be accelerated. Matters can be inflamed now, but this brings them strongly to your attention.
The Sun moving into your solar eleventh house on the 20th brings new energy into your life that pulls your attention to happiness goals, friendships, and networking. Venus moves into this same sector on the 24th, stimulating more joy and pleasure in reaching out and making connections.
The final perfection of a Jupiter-Saturn square that first occurred last summer happens on the 26th, and simplifying or leaning up your projects, working harder, improving self-discipline, cutting out some of your more frivolous activities, or putting better schedules and structures into place may be necessary. This can also be about balancing practical application and experimentation, as you can be excited about learning new things but this can eat a lot of your time and you also need to put food on the table. The good news is that events occurring now tend to point you in the direction of a more simplified, streamlined, and improved way of life.
Mars moves back into your sector of home and family on the 27th, where it will spend its last month of retrograde motion. You may be reviewing your living situation or conditions. Old family issues or household projects may be revisited.
Part 2
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whatastrology · 8 years
 Libra You continue to be drawn to your inner world this month, dear Libra, and to making inner changes that have strong impact on your life. You are tuned in to the deeper issues and looking beyond the surface of matters for answers. We are encouraged to slow down and possibly back up in some areas of life this month with Mars retrograde all month and Mercury until the 22nd. You may tune in to this pace faster than most with the help of the concentration of planetary energy in your succedent and cadent houses, as you’re naturally inclined to adjust, build, and observe in May.
There is plenty of planetary support for your ruminations and discoveries, particularly in the first half of the month. Things, ideas, and people tend to surface from your past and draw your attention back to projects and endeavors that might benefit from a new perspective. There can be a healing process going on now – you are building your inner faith. Charity, giving/donating anonymously, volunteering, and helping others without expectation of reward can be especially fulfilling as well. Self-improvement endeavors are highly favored, and you may be striking up conversations about private or personal matters, purging, and unburdening.
This is also an excellent time for researching, editing, or otherwise going over business, health, and financial matters. There may be a need to redo or revise finances and pay stronger attention to what’s owed. Financial support matters may need sorting. You are likely to feel especially motivated to do things that you’ve been letting slide. The trick now is to avoid pushing things that need some more time. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground, but work in progress can benefit greatly from your attention now.
Jupiter turns direct after several months of retrograde motion on the 9th, and this can feel quite refreshing. There can be a rekindling of interest in studies or other communications projects. You are nevertheless in a development stage as Jupiter finishes up in your privacy sector until September, when this happy planet enters your own sign. The need for some privacy and down time is natural now as you prepare for more outgoing and visible times. Jupiter’s direct motion can help you let go of resentment and difficult problems of the past.
The 21-22 can be tricky with the Sun and retrograde Mars in opposition at the time of a Full Moon and Mercury at its direct station. Disorder in your daily affairs, as well as with communications and transportation, can be disruptive now. Watch for impatience that can lead you to trip over yourself. Minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root. Consciously try to slow down and to tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may not seem as important later on.
While time spent behind the scenes has been encouraged and beneficial, the Jupiter-Saturn square in the last week of May reminds you that too much time spent in this manner will cause you to miss out in other areas of life. Look for ways to better balance your life. While your tendency is to play a supportive role to others and this is mostly without incident, you can feel the need to draw the line as you become aware of the limits on your time and energy. The key now is to simplify as much as possible.
From May 27th, Mars spends its last month of retrograde motion in your sector of money and resources, and this points to further need to focus on sorting out your finances. Money and security matters require some revising and reorganizing. This period involves coming to a greater understanding of how the way you manage your resources impacts your confidence.
 Scorpio A major focus this month is your relationships, dear Scorpio, and it’s an important one. Sorting out problems and enjoying special moments with people in your life are satisfying activities in their own right, but can affect many different life departments as well. Mercury is retrograde until the 22nd in your partnership sector, and Mars is retrograde all month, so there can be some complications and challenges to overcome, but overall, this is a strong time for exploring feelings and attitudes. The New Moon on the 6th tends to get the ball rolling, but most of the first half of May is strong for re-defining relationships and relationship needs.
Jupiter’s direct motion on the 9th contributes to hopefulness about your connections as well as long-term plans. Essentially, it’s bringing your social life to life! This will be more obvious in coming months, but for now, you’re finding more joy in connecting. More and more, group activities and associations reveal themselves as avenues for fulfilling your own goals. Jupiter turns direct at the same time that Mercury forms its inferior conjunction the Sun in your partnership zone, pointing to a whole new perspective of one-on-one relationships.
Love is gracious at this time, and special dates for building faith include the 2-3, 9-10, 12-13, and 30th. Some of you might reconnect with an old friend or partner, or reach a new understanding of a past relationship. Increased clarity comes not only from willingness to learn from others but also helping them to express themselves. Willingness to let someone else take the stage opens up new levels in personal relationships right now, which have a chance to grow. Editing and revising work are strongly favored this month as well.
The 21-22 is a trickier period of May that can bring revelations and possible conflicts to the foreground. Money matters can be a big theme now. There can be a tug of war going on with someone or within yourself over money, possessions, and matters of control. Whatever emerges now can force a needed change.
In the last week of May, do a reality check with money and resources before putting more of these things into your projects. Rules and limits can need some attention. This is a time for dealing with recent excesses with activities that have taken you away from your practical responsibilities too often. Simplifying your life should be the focus for best results.
From May 27th, Mars spends the last month of its retrograde in your sign. The usual channels for asserting yourself, pursuing your desires, and expressing anger are not available or seem blocked or inappropriate now. Until you find new ones, you could feel a little frustrated. Watch that you don’t allow unacknowledged or buried desires drive your behavior. You may not be as quick to take action. Examine the ways anger has helped or impaired your life so that you can find better ways of managing it. Focusing on review, editing, and digesting rather than new initiatives is your best bet now, and may very well lead to better results down the road. Slow down, rethink, and regroup.
 Sagittarius The month ahead is a strong one for making important adjustments, getting your daily routines and self-care problems into order, and doing editing or revision in your work, dear Sagittarius. You have plenty of support for these activities, thankfully. Attempting to push ahead new initiatives is not advised for now.
This is a time for handling details that may have been missed in the past, reorganizing, clearing up clutter, and attempting to bring more or better structure to your daily life. The New Moon on the 6th motivates you to take charge of your health, self-care initiatives, and work, although much of the month is strong for these things, particularly the first half. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to a difficult work situation or job, then the matter may come to a head.
With Jupiter’s direct motion from the 9th, you are easing back into a power period for work, recognition, and promotion that lasts until September. Professional and reputation matters gain more clarity. Although it can take a bit of time to get back on track, you are likely to see gradual improvements in these areas. Motivation to pursue a particular course or path, and possibly a business venture, increases in the coming months. Because Jupiter is your ruler, as it begins its slow but sure movement in direct motion, your own confidence and faith build. You become clearer about what you want and by extension, the signals you give off to others are more effective. As well, Jupiter forms some happy aspects this month. You are solving problems or rising above them when it comes to practical matters. You are especially open to new insights and understanding, and you might also lend a sensitive ear to other people’s problems. You could feel especially reinforced and uplifted when you discover someone who truly understands your perspective. A sense of inner joy and peace can be with you, which quietly yet effectively boosts your personal magnetism. Stronger conviction is with you as you discover more meaning in what you are doing. You can make significant headway in business or other projects already in progress.
A tricky period of the month occurs on the 21-22 when the Full Moon aligns with retrograde Mars in your sign. There can be difficulties keeping your cool, and you may be feeling blocked. You can discover strong feelings and desires now that urge you to make changes. Avoid pushing matters, but pay attention to the emotional slush that emerges.
Your ruler also makes a difficult aspect with Saturn in the last week of May. This has come up before, but now forms for the last time for some time. If you’ve been taking on too much, you’ll feel it now. Even exciting projects, if overdone, can become overwhelming and burdensome if they’re overdone. Some of you could be wrestling with problems being seen and heard the way you want on a personal level – you could feel that people are looking to you for what you are able to do for them rather than concerning themselves with your personal needs. Personal responsibilities or self-restrictions can be challenging, affecting your growth in the outside world or career. A business or pursuit may need adjustments and some restructuring in order to better meet the demands of reality. Look for ways to simplify your life and draw some boundaries if you feel others are overstepping them.
On May 27th, retrograde Mars leaves your sign and enters Scorpio, where it will transit for the final month of its retrograde. Once direct, Mars will work its way back through Scorpio until early August, when it re-enters your sign. Now and until June 29th, you’ll be reassessing your approach to your spiritual and emotional worlds and how you go about satisfying these needs. While some obsession with private matters or concerns about the past may need attention, this is a time for better understanding your more complicated, buried drives and desires.
Part 3
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whatastrology · 8 years
 Capricorn This is a strong month for exploring creative urges, dear Capricorn, and for sharing your affection, joy, and experiences with others. Reconnecting with old passions and hobbies can be in strong focus.
Romantic inclinations are highlighted this month, and take-charge energy is with you from the 6th, although you’re in good shape for pursuing playful and celebratory activities much of May, and especially in the first half. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to people or projects that have been keeping you from expressing your true self, you’ll be feeling the restriction and looking for ways to make changes. Expressing yourself creatively is in focus. With Mercury retrograde until the 22nd, you may not always get the words right, but you’re bound to find different channels for expressing yourself, and creative mediums seem your best bet. This is a time for patience – working on building lasting connections and projects is highly favored. Brand-new endeavors may not get off the ground.
With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus connecting wonderfully to Pluto in your sign, there are plenty of ways to get your message across. Others see you as especially unique and valuable. This is a good time for rediscovering old interests and possibly even old romances or friendships, and for reviving or editing creative and publishing projects, particularly on the 2-3 and 8-10. Some freedom of movement is especially important to you right now, as any feeling of being tied to a particular place or routine can leave you feeling stifled. Teaching and learning are favored.
From the 9th forward, Jupiter in your solar ninth house is direct after several months of retrograde motion. This can point to increasing motivation to pursue your studies, travels, and interests. You may be wanting to develop skills. Matters related to publishing, higher education, law, and travel can turn a corner, and are in strong favor once again until September.
The 20th brings the Sun into your work and health sector, stimulating more attention to the functional side of your life. The 21-22 can be tricky with a Full Moon occurring in alignment with retrograde Mars. This pushes trouble areas to the foreground for handling. Desires and feelings are intense now. Restlessness with your current routines can be stimulated. Focus on doing your best instead of allowing a lack of direction interfere with productivity. In time, direction and purpose will be revealed. Tame impatience, which can lead to messy situations.
On the 26th, Jupiter forms a final square to Saturn, your ruler, sending a reminder to tame excesses. If you’ve lined up too many potential projects or if you’re faced with too many choices, you could reach a point of feeling overwhelmed.
From the 27th, Mars spends its final month of retrograde motion in your solar eleventh house, stirring up friendships, group associations, and long-term goals. Some of you could be dealing with frustrations and buried anger with friends. Ambiguity in these areas of life may lead you to reassess these matters. There may be frustration with goals or dreams not manifesting soon enough, when in fact this retrograde period is strong for making important edits to your plans. Certain projects may need further attention before pushing them forward. Some of you could be reconnecting with old friendships, groups, dreams, and plans.
 Aquarius There is powerful focus on home, family, and personal matters this month, dear Aquarius. This is a time for rediscovering old projects, reorganizing the home, and dealing with past problems in new, empowering ways. This is about your own support system and the support you give to others. There can be vivid memories and important discoveries. You may be facing up to a neglected area of your life that now seems quite important to revisit – and you have much to gain in the process.
Particularly in the first half of May, there can be good opportunities to expand, strengthen, and enhance family relationships, and on some level, you may very well find peace with your past. There can be some intense emotions in the process, but they lead to growth and satisfaction. There are treasures to be found in the past – you could be finding lost items, uncovering untapped resources, and remembering things that have long been forgotten. Financial matters are in strong shape as well, although with Mercury retrograde in the financial sign of Taurus until the 22nd, you are probably better off working on projects already in progress. You could gain new insight into business, financial, and other practical matters or advice about same. There can be purging, healing moments as you share things that you kept to yourself. You may be connecting more deeply with a partner, or gaining new understanding of an important person in your life.
An important change occurs on the 9th when Jupiter turns direct. Gradually, you’ll see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances. You’re more confident about dealing with tricky emotions or complicated problems. Personal charisma increases. This can be a good time for leaving a bad habit behind. While friendships are also set to move forward, you’re likely to deal with problem areas later this month first.
There can be joys experienced through an intimate relationship or with more honesty with yourself. It can be easier to attract support if needed. A loan or support could come through. There can be a fresh approach taken to money matters or resources, and you could be finding ways to make more of what you have. Some of you may revive an old friendship.
The Sun moves into a creative, romantic, and playful sector of your chart on the 20th, where it will awaken your feelings and desire to share – an influence that lasts a month. Venus will move into the same sector on the 24th, and this is great news for personal attraction.
The 21-22 is tricky for all of us, and for you, this can bring some drama to your social life. Unrest with friends and lovers may be pushed to the surface, but you’ll be in a better position to understand what and who you want once the impatience of the moment passes.
A Jupiter-Saturn influence that has had an on-and-off influence on our lives since last summer perfects for the last time on the 26th. Intimate relationships or increased need for privacy or exclusiveness can be impacting friendships and goals, and this is the time for cutting back, simplifying, and coming to a better balance. For some, financial excesses require some attention.
From May 27th, retrograde Mars moves back into your career and reputation sector where it will spend the last month of its retrograde. There can be some second-guessing or reassessing of your goals now, and part of the process can involve taking a second look at old goals, projects, and plans.
 Pisces There are wonderful aspects made from your communications sector to planets in your sign this month, dear Pisces. So, while a retrograde Mercury may lead to some misunderstandings, you’re nevertheless expressing yourself with special flair. If you focus on slowing yourself down, this can be a very rewarding month. You may be turning to past projects and interests rather than embarking on all-new endeavors, but there is a lot of good energy with you for devotion and dedication. It’s a great time for editing, revising, and reviving. You can have much success with designing, writing, and teaching as well.
There can be discoveries of different ways to connect, whether this is about communicating or commuting, perhaps because current ones are not working well. You might rediscover old interests or revisit past studies with success. Personal influence and powers of persuasion are especially strong. Ideas shared with friends or in group settings can be healing and helpful. You can find yourself in the position of guide or coach, and doing very well at it. There can be the strengthening of a friendship or a group involvement. While there can be some problems with misunderstandings as Mercury retrogrades until the 22nd and Mars does so all month, your concern and care can help strengthen close relationships.
Jupiter turns direct in your partnership sector on the 9th, and as your co-ruler, this helps build your faith and optimism. You’re in a better position to see the benefits of partnering going forward, or there could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (back) into your life. Even with increased family focus starting near the end of May, your social life is set to increase. Moods are lifted. Career matters can also begin more forward momentum. There will be a few matters to iron out before everything is running up to par again (the 21-22 could bring a problem to a head), but you are certainly feeling more hopeful and spirited. You can find much joy in feeling part of a partnership or close friendship, There can be a nice spirit of forgiveness.
The Sun moves into your home and family sector on the 20th, and then Venus begins its transit of the same house on the 24th. You are moving towards a strong period for enjoying and improving family and home life. The 21-22 is tricky, but eye-opening. A Full Moon occurs and aligns with an opposition between the Sun and retrograde Mars. Both events promote new awareness, and both in initially disruptive or dramatic ways! Be cautious when it comes to mixing personal and professional arenas. Misunderstandings can be plenty, and you’ll want to avoid “bad press”. Impatience won’t move things forward if they’re not ready to go in that direction, so take some time before making needed changes.
On the 26th, the final Jupiter-Saturn square in a set occurs, stimulating tensions revolving around long-term ambitions, goals, career, and partnerships. You can get yourself all wound up about others’ expectations of you – you can be frustrated with critical observations and limits imposed by others, particularly related to performance and responsibilities. It can be difficult to find balance in your life right now with people pulling you in different directions, but every effort should be made towards simplifying things so that you can get as close to balance as possible.
From May 27th, Mars moves back into your solar ninth house, and will spend its final month of retrograde motion in this area of your chart. You may be dealing with waning energy or enthusiasm levels until you recognize that it’s about redirecting these things to the right channels. Legal or publishing matters can require a second look. Watch that you don’t focus too much on the frustrations of differing belief systems and opinions. Look for old studies, interests, and passions that may spark a new interest, but be sure to approach them in fresh ways so that they aren’t left unfinished this time around.
Source, astrology cafe.com
Posted by, Phynxrizng
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