Just a Eddie Munson appreciation post
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I love u Alice, I hope you feel better soon <3
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My Virtual Diary #3
Hi again! Welcome to My Virtual Diary.
Here's what's happening in my life today.
I'm staying home from school today because of my allergies. It sucks. I'm sitting in my bed blowing my nose and writing a tumblr blog that nobody will ever read. I sort of feel like I'm in a movie right now. Even though it sucks for me this feels like a very movie-esque thing to do. Anyways, I just wanted to say how much I love blogging. I'm hoping a few people find this blog so that I'm really talking to someone. My dream for this blog is to have around 5 people who enjoy reading about my life. That would be perfect.
Nothing is really happening right now but I will write another entry later.
Hope you have a great day,
Andie <3
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My Virtual Diary #2
Hello again! Welcome to My Virtual Diary.
Here's what is going on in my life today.
First of all, today was great. I got to talk to Tommy a lot so that was nice. I'm really happy for him and Ciara, they're adorable. They get so nervous when they're together and every time they talk they start to blush and stutter. I love it. I swear to god at this point I'm practically part of their relationship. I'm the reason they started dating, I have planned most of their dates and I act as some sort of emotional support dummy for them whenever they need to talk about their relationship. Ciara is pretty shy so I'm glad she finally worked up the courage to admit she is into him. Even though I've only known her for a few years I feel really close to her. She is so sweet. Tommy is the exact opposite, he's got tons of friends, he's loud and can be a bit of a bitch at times. But I still think he is alright.
Recently my best friend Erica stopped talking to me, which sucks. I don't even know if I can technically call her my bestfriend anymore but whatever. The worst part about it is nothing happened between us. The reason that the fact that nothing happened sucks is because it means she is doing it because she wants to, not because according to the mind of a teenaged girl she has to. Basically, it means that she doesn't like me anymore. Another bad thing is that I don't really care. Dont get me wrong, losing your friend sucks no matter what, but recently she has been changing a lot and I'm not sure I'd want to keep on putting up with her anymore. I dont mean to sound like some crazy "Regina George" wannabe bitch, but Erica has been a real bitch recently and I just cant take it for much longer.
Anyways, I hope you liked reading the first official blog entry of My Virtual Diary,
Andie. <3
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My Virtual Diary #1
Hi everyone! Welcome to my virtual diary. I created this blog because I just needed a place to talk about the shit going on in my life, free from the judgement of my friends.
So, lets get to know me.
My name is Andie, I'm 15, I was born in Poland but I live in the US, my birthday is October 14th, I don't have a boyfriend, my favorite movie is The Crow, my favorite album is Ziggy Stardust and my favorite planet is Saturn.
I hope that this helps you get to know me a bit better. Usually I will be posting blogs about my life, but I thought it would be better if you guys got to know me first.
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