whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
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We don't talk enough about how Dionysus from the Parthenon is reclining with his legs open like that. Is that an invitation.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
If this doesn't encompass Apollo, I don't know what does.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
What are some unsung deities you worship or are a devotee of? By unsung I do mean minor deities but that often gets confused by people think we are saying they are lesser and less powerful and such but all it means is they are not known about as much. So I use unsung instead to try and stop the confusion.
I personally am a devotee of Aristaeus the unsung Greek god of beekeeping, olive cultivating, cheese making, and much more.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
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And then there was this
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
"Apollo is just a uwu soft sunshine boy!" Apollo, the God who guarantees freedom?
Apollo, bringer of disease as well as health?
Apollo, who without his light, all life would cease to exist?
Apollo, God of the heatwaves, blinding lights, the chemical compounds that birthed and maintain a star you can't even look upon without hurting yourself?
Apollo, God of music and poetry, raw emotion made physical through melodies and words sewn together, compositions and words that remain timeless?
That Apollo?
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
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Hail Shining Apollo,
Blessed is your touch upon my spirit. You who knows me and has been with me, who walks the long road with me, who gifts me with your love.
Guide me back to you. Guide me to feel close to you again. I'm asking you, Lord, with reverence and love in my heart.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
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I need to see them interact
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
Me when I see Apollo's red ball.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
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As an Apollo devotee I find it fucking hilarious that I can't keep hyacinths alive.
I've bought at least three of them and they die within days of bringing them home.
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whispers-of-delphi · 1 month
As an Apollo devotee I find it fucking hilarious that I can't keep hyacinths alive.
I've bought at least three of them and they die within days of bringing them home.
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whispers-of-delphi · 2 months
Achilles: Agamemnon, do you believe in reading omens by watching the birds?
Agamemnon: yes of course
Achilles: watch out
*hits him with a seagull*
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whispers-of-delphi · 2 months
So one thing I've learned about hero worship is that they did have feasts and banquet rituals in their honor in which participants shared the food! They would invite the hero as an honored guest and in some cases have an open seat for them at the table.
For Achilles, I like to offer him a portion of my meal before I eat.
I offer him milk and honey too!
I also dedicate certain acts to him, too, that I feel fall under things I associate him with!
I know the scholarship is slim for Hero worship amd I haven't really talked to a lot of people who practice so feel free to message me if you'd like!
I should also note my experience with Achilles has been that he does infact hear me! I'm sure Odysseus hears you as well and greatly appreciates your worship/devition!
How does one worship a hero, such as Odysseus? Is it different from Theoi? If I speak to him, will he hear me like Apollon does, or is it like admiring him without him being able to receive it?
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whispers-of-delphi · 2 months
I love seeing people’s passion for their deities
I love seeing people’s eyes light up when their deities come up in conversation
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whispers-of-delphi · 3 months
This is the dumbest thing ever but on Wednesday I dreamt of Apollo's red dodge ball.
You know, this thing?
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It was sitting in my sofa. Just there. Chilling.
I woke up like what TF did that mean
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whispers-of-delphi · 3 months
Honestly, every time I see or think about how Dionysus is also called Bromius, all I can hear in my head is
"Bromio, Bromio, wherefore art thou Bromio"
And I dont know if I should laugh because it's such a Dionysian theater kid thing to do or if I should face palm because my mind is just off the wall sometimes.
Anyway, I refuse to live alone with that.
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whispers-of-delphi · 3 months
What do you guys do when you just want nothing more than your diety to be with you physically. Comforting and holding you?
It's been a rough week, and I just keep thinking I wish Apollo and Dionysus could really be here.
Dionysus is here a lot, walking with me while I'm in my head, but I'm struggling.
I wish it was as simple as visiting their temples. I long to visit them lately, and it's not just a want or interest. It's a burning desire to feel close with them, to commune with them .ore intimately in their sacred places.
Their temple ruins come up a lot lately, and I just keep thinking how despite all the destruction and time that's passed, they're still there. Still standing, still speaking. A perseverance that's also settled deep inside myself.
I wish I could put it all into better words of how I feel, what I'm thinking...I've never been able to be open about them and what they've done for me and in my life so it's lonely sometimes.
Despite all this, I just wish there was a way to feel them, to see them - now more than ever.
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whispers-of-delphi · 3 months
Me 2 years later, realizing both of them are about to put me through some lessons:
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Apollo: You should research Achilles.
Me: why?
Apollo: You were interested in him as a child right? Why not?
Me: *reading about how you can work with him for healing among other things*
Apollo: You're welcome.
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