whumpblr-writes · 2 years
What Would You Like To See From Me Next?
I'm not sure what to post next. I usually post excerpts from WIPs to get them out there. Got any specific needs?
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whumpblr-writes · 2 years
This is my take on a whump prompt from @whumpitisthen; I instantly fell in love with it, and it got me out of a bad case of writer's block for an upcoming novel, "A Father's Love"
I was roaming through the halls where Jack kept his prisoners. I was hoping I could get out before Jack spotted me, but unfortunately, I was wrong. There he was blocking the corridor.
Jack viciously scowled at me—much like he wanted to rip me to shreds—which isn’t too far from the truth, anyway. Then, he lowered his voice to a deep, low, deadly growl.
“Do… it… now!”
“Jack, please—”
“Do I have to remind you why you’re here, do I?”
“Nah… no, sir,” I replied, defeated, but also scared, “I’ll do it.”
Now, Jack’s twisted scowl faded into a creepy, but approving grin while he placed a strong hand onto my shoulder, “I’m glad we’re on the same page now,” he agreed.
“Yes, sir.”
Then, as soon as I finally agreed to do as I was told, Jack walked out of the corridor. I was only a few feet from the room where the prisoner was kept. Once I was there, I walked over to the door, took the key ring off the wall, inserted the right key into the keyhole, opened the door, entered the dark, dank room, and softly closed the door behind me.
There she was.
Curled on the bed—well, it was more like a rundown, beaten cot—was a little ten-year-old girl. Her hair was a golden brunette matted mess, and her teal ocean eyes—so much like mine—were glued to me while her entire petite frame trembled with terror.
"Good morning, princess!” I cooed to her, “Have you taken your medicine?"
"Nh-, no, no, wait!"
"I hope you have, as you know what I have to do if you haven't."
There was a white plastic table next to the bed. I walked over to the table, and it had the same number of pills as yesterday, and the glass of water untouched, which definitely meant she didn’t.
My eyes swelled with tears while I rested my hands on the table. God, I didn’t want to do this. I seriously didn’t want to do this, but Jack was giving me no choice. Either I made her take her pills—even though I had no clue what the pills would even do to her, which scared me and made me even more guilty—or Jack would take his anger out on her—or worse.
Now, the little girl clambered away from the edge of the bed as far away as she could from me while I neared, her eyes wide and wild, painting the obvious all over her face. She was blabbering about something and begging, but I just tuned out her pleas and tried not to pay any attention to her.
"You must take your medicine,” I told her, sweetly, “I thought you surely would have learned by now…"
"I-I'm… I wanted… I was going t-"
This was the part I hated.
I tried to play nice, but now… now I had to play the bad cop. She was rambling protests and excuses as to why she hadn’t taken her medicine, but I cut off her soft trembling rambling with a swift strike onto the table, shaking it and sloshing the water out of its glass.
"But you didn't, did you?!"
If she wasn’t cowering before, she was now, as if the hit was aimed at directly at her. Her breathing was quickening, and even though she tried to open her mouth to make another protest, no sounds came out of her mouth.
My eyes soften for just a moment. I almost couldn’t do this, but I took the bottle of pills into my hands, shaking the pill bottle, anyway. The sound of which makes the little girl panic more.
"You know, people used to stuff their geese a similar way—maybe still do,” I shrugged, “I wouldn't know; I don't know anyone who keeps them."
I opened the bottle and took out two pills: one that was large and white, another that is a darker color and a little smaller. I never knew why the pills were kept in the same container, but Jack said that’s the way they had to be contained, and I always had to make sure the little girl always took both at the same time.
"They stuffed them, forced food down their throats to fatten them up for later,” I continued my goose story to scare her into taking the pills on her own to spare us both this every time, “Every single bite, meticulously massaged all the way down, by hand— no matter how full the birds were already, or if they were hungry at all."
I put the bottle down and sat down on the cot while she pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to inch away from me, but with one swift move of my arm, I pinned her down on the cot. One fist cradling the pills, the other squeezing her jaw on each side so painfully, that it doesn't take long for her to open her mouth—just like I wanted her to—to try to ease the pressure as tears slide down her face in waterfalls.
While tears were streaming freely down the little girl’s frightened face, I had my own tears swimming and clouding my own eyes. However, I had to keep my cool—I had to, so I let out a smirk.
“It's a good thing you don't have such a long neck, or maybe it isn't,” I said, “Maybe if I had to massage these down it every day the same way, you would've learned to take your medicine by yourself already."
Even though I would’ve rather not have done this in the first place, I plopped the pills into her mouth, quickly drowned them in water from the glass, and forced her mouth tightly shut with my hand clamped over her lips and nose, making her choke, and I didn't let go until I heard her swallow and feels the water disappear from her throat.
Although, just like me, the little girl had her own tricks up her sleeve. The first couple times we had to do this, she would move the pills underneath her tongue—faking that she swallowed them—only to have her spit them back out once I released my hand.
"If I remove my hands and those pills come right back out, I swear you're getting them through an IV bag from today onwards,” I snarled at her, even though the truth was that the IV method would be easier on both of us.
She squirmed soundlessly, vigorously shaking her head as much as she could, terrified from the lack of air, and finally, I let go to wheeze and sob freely, water dripping out of all holes. Still coughing up water, she tried to pull on the mattress to move away, but to no avail.
This was another part I hated doing.
Lightning quick, I grabbed her by the jaw again to check, and luckily, this time, the pills were gone. I sighe, looking at my hand coated in spit and water, and the prisoner crying under me.
“I could really do without having to do this every day."
I was expecting her to just ignore me, but then the little girl slowly glanced up at me. Her ocean eyes sparkled with defiance and determination—so much like her mother’s—but I just couldn’t stand looking at her anymore, so I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me.
Although, I didn’t walk away. I just leaned against the door as the burning tears I’ve been holding inside for the last twenty minutes streamed down my face. I hated doing that, but that little girl wasn’t just anyone. No, she was someone much more special to me.
My baby girl.
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whumpblr-writes · 2 years
"Her Forgotten Destiny" Prologue
Hey! I guess if you're reading this, you've stumbled across my little post! This is an excerpt from my original novel, "Her Forgotten Destiny".
Do you believe there are superheroes? Ordinarily, I would agree with you that they do not exist. Well, at least not in the way people imagine them. I'm not talking about the kind in the movies, but the kind who are ordinary people like me.
I used to believe superheroes were like fairy tales. They never existed and never will. However, I was wrong. My story was just a reminder of that. My name is Talida Hurst. I am a teenager who received superpowers to fulfill the destiny I was always meant to have. Although it took me a while, because once upon a time, I knew about my fate, but then I forgot about it. Although, I guess everything happens when it's supposed to.
This is my origin story. It wasn't about what I got in the end. It was about the climb I had to take to get to where I am today. The journey was absolutely crazy, but looking back, I wouldn't trade what happened for anything in the world.
The time had come, and the end was near. I could feel it, but I wasn't scared. Not anymore. I wasn’t afraid to die because they were with me.
My Guardian and my angel.
No one could see them but me. My angel was a girl only a little older than I was. She had pure long wavy blonde hair and pastel blue eyes. She was sent because she was taking me home once I completed my task. My Guardian was a boy who was also just a little older than me. He had messy jet-black hair and gray eyes. He was to protect me until it was time for my angel to take me home, and he was also going to be one of the new Guardians who would take my place once I was gone.
At first, when I discovered what my fate was, I was angry. I wasn't going to measure up, but then I had come to realize that I did all I could. Now, I could only hope she could finish the job when it was her time to do so.
Now, I was chained up against a wall. My enemies gave me twenty-four hours to give in before my time was up, but I wasn't going to budge. I needed to protect the items I was guarding, no matter what the cost was.
Even if that cost was my life.
I hadn't slept for days, which felt like years. I couldn't sleep, not when the men I was fighting wanted to steal the very things I vowed to protect. For a while, I thought I was winning the battle. That is until I was kidnapped.
Fortunately, I hid the items across the country in case of an emergency, just like this one. Only the people they were entrusted with knew each item's location. The only two exceptions to that rule were me and the one who was destined to finish the job and do what I couldn't.
If I refused to surrender the items within the next few hours, my captors were going to torture me until I caved. Even though they didn't say what they had planned, I knew exactly what they were going to do to me.
They were going to electrocute me, which wouldn't be horrible, except that was how I received my superpowers. It was not only the way I received them, but it was also the way I could die.
If the blasts were challenging enough and in the right places, I wouldn't survive longer than a few minutes. Ordinarily, I should have been scared out of my mind, but in some weird way, I'm not.
Anyway, before I could think about anything else, the door opened. At first, I expected to see my captors coming to tell me that my time was up, but shockingly, it wasn't.
"Kara, are you okay?"
I looked up to see my brother standing in the doorway. How could he get in here without the bad guys noticing? "How'd you get in here?" I inquired.
"Easy, superpowers," he replied as he disappeared into thin air.
"Connor?" I asked, but it was no use. He was already gone. I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. He always did that. He would answer me but then disappear, "C'mon, this isn't funny, and I don't have time to play games."
A few seconds later, he reappeared. This time, he had a key in his hands. "Who said I was playing games?" he replied, "I was getting the key so I could free you."
"Thanks!" I exclaimed.
"Hold still," he told me as he walked over to my chains, "this will only take a second."
Once Connor had freed me, we began to try to sneak out of the room my captors were holding me hostage in. We could see the exit, but something was blocking it.
"Going somewhere?"
Shoot. I knew who was behind us. I slowly turned around to see one of my captors, and he didn't look happy, because he looked like steam was coming out of his head.
"Run!" Connor told me, but I didn't move. He noticed I wasn't following, "What are you doing?!" He tried to grab my wrist and pull me away, but I wasn't going to move, "We have to go now!"
"No, I can't run, not this time," I protested.
"Oh, what a good girl," my captor said as he approached me and took ahold of my arm.
"Kara!" I heard my brother call out as we disappeared around a corner.
My captor took me into a different room. It had a table with gadgets and tools laid out. The setup kinda reminded me of a science lab from any sci-fi movie. The guy led me to a ledge, which had chains. Now, I was almost out of time, and I wouldn't survive what was next.
"Have you decided what you're doing?" he asked me.
"I'll never tell you!" I spat.
"Then, I guess you know what's next."
He hooked me up to the chains on the wall. He thought I was dumb enough not to know the chains I was being hooked up to were connected to a generator, which was the source of the electricity he would shock me with.
"Now, this is your last chance," he said. "Where are the items?"
"Somewhere where you will never find them."
"Then, if you won't tell me, I hope you said goodbye to your family," he sneered as he neared the generator's controls. He was about to start the machine when someone else spoke up.
"Let her go!"
The man turned to see my brother. He laughed, "And if I don't?" he asked, mocking Connor.
My brother stayed quiet as he didn't have a strong comeback. Once again, the man began to laugh at him. "That's what I thought," he said as he began to fire up the machine once more, "Say goodbye to your sister."
"No!" I heard Connor cry out.
All at once, I felt enormous surges of shock jolt through my body. The first hit wasn't bad, but each one was worse than the last. I knew I couldn't survive much more of this pain. Even though I was beginning to grow weak, I could see Connor trying to reach me.
"Kara, hang on!" he begged, his voice choking with sobs. "Please…"
I tried. I really wanted to hang on for him, but I couldn't. It wasn't in the cards for me to stay alive. I just hated that this was how I had to spend my final moments and for this to be the way that we had to say goodbye.
I felt my eyes fill with lightning; it's light crackling along with the blue of my irises. Sweat dripped off my forehead as I grimaced painfully. Darkened blood pooled in the palms of my hands as the chains dug into my skin. 
It was building. The pressure. It was just too much, even for me. I knew I needed to set it free. The thunder and lightning coursing through my veins were wrecking me from the inside. 
However, I couldn’t allow my powers to run free. Those arches of lightning and thunder emanating from my core would tear this place to the ground and kill anyone within miles. 
If it didn’t destroy me first. 
I gasped, completely out of breath and weak. The energy inside me was rumbling in the back of my throat, threatening to roar like a caged lion in the form of a thunderclap. I needed to hold and keep all this power… 
I could hear the thunder roaring overhead like a twister was going to rip this place to shreds at any moment, but it wasn’t a twister. It was me, and I needed to keep all of my powers under control. 
However, then I felt another surge of electricity course through my veins, and this time, it was worse than the previous times. I tried to clench my jaw and not scream, but it was no use. I let out an ear-piercing wail as I felt my body collapse, which actually ripped the chains out of the wall, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air as pain coursed through every inch of my body. 
My angel was now by my side, but she was only visible to me just like before. She comforted me, telling me that my job was done, and I would soon be rewarded. After she said that, I wasn’t in any more pain, and I knew my job was done and that I was going to a better place where I would never feel pain ever again.
Connor was now by my side. He was able to disconnect me from the chains, but it didn't matter. The damage was done, and it was irreversible. I fell onto the floor under me, and while I was lying there, I began to see a vision.
"Kara… no… please stay with me…." I could hear my brother crying over me.
"It's okay," I whispered, trying to comfort him, "There is another…."
"Another what?" he inquired, clearly confused by my wording.
"There is a girl who will accomplish what I failed to do…." I whispered once more. I could feel some of the last bit of life slipping away. I wasn't fighting it, but I needed to tell Connor what I knew before I died, "Her name is… Talida Hurst."
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