things to learn during the holidays
read music
play the guitar
play the piano
play the ukelele
play the drums
play a new instrument
play a duet
sing all the lyrics to a song
the entire discography of an artist
compose your own tune
write your own lyrics
using watercolour
using charcoal pencils
using new mediums
sketch people or portraits
sketch nature
sketch buildings
stop motion
make your own zine
start an art journal
start a bullet journal
start a scrapbook
editing photos
editing videos
making gifs
making gfx
make an interactive website
graphic design basics
programming basics
coding basics
HTML basics
use python
use excel
use photoshop
a new language
sign language
expand your vocab for a language you already know
read up about a subject you’re passionate about
your family ancestry
your country’s history
another country’s history
your culture and traditions
another culture and its traditions
all the flags of the world
all the capitals of the world
basic psychology
creative writing
ride a bicycle
play a new sport
play a new position in a game 
an entire choreography piece
choreograph your own dance
a new dance genre
brew your own coffee
brew your own tea
latte art
plating methods
blend your own juice
make a smoothie bowl
mix your own drinks (pls be legal sweeties)
cake icing
cook a simple meal
cook an extravagant meal
a new cooking method
fry the perfect egg
pancake art
public speaking
typing fast
reading fast
do your own makeup
fashion styles
flower arrangements
card trick
magic trick
throwing cards
recognise constellations
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this isn’t worded right but whatever.
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Yuri On Ice Fandom Again!
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Finished re-watching YOI for the 3rd/4th time. Still hit me in the feels. Beautiful story, amazing music and wonderful execution. Absolutely treasure the emotions of the characters.
Maybe I love the anime because Yuri’s emotions were so relatable, to me. His lack of confidence, the anxiety, his inability to express himself. He was ‘a dime a dozen’, yes. Yet he rose up to the challenges, armed with love - love from his coach, family and friends.
He though he was alone, yet he realised he wasn’t alone all along.
He found someone who could understand him. (p.s Victor is absolutely charming in the series. So Handsome haha)
Anyways, I am jealous that he has someone like that to him. The emotions portrayed on their animated faces felt so raw to me. It brought a whole new perspectives to the anime since I last saw it a few years ago. Kudos to the animator and illustrator for capturing their emotions so beautifully. I fell in love and I can’t climb out of the deep pit right now. You could show me a picture of them right now and I would instantly go ‘aw’ and my eyes would become two red pounding hearts. So cute.
I guess you can say Victor brought out the best in him. (Again, I’m so jealoussss) Life so far for me, felt like a wandering game, an RPG without any goals set. I have made great friends, absolutely amazing people, love them with all my heart, but as time past we had to part ways. The physical distance didn’t affect our friendships I would like to say (hopefully they feel the same too), but no matter they still have their own new lives, new people, new friends. And me on the other hand, I feel like Yuri at the start of the anime; completely alone, peerless.
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I feel like this review will turn into a frustrated rant if I continue. So after 10 minutes of crying in the toilet, I feel like I will end the text here. Everything feels so heavy and lonely to me. Hopefully I will find my Victor one day. Give me a support pilar. I will wait. I will hope. I will wish. I will pray. I stand on.
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attack on titan  season3 part2!!!!!
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Shower and pre-sleep thoughts
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Official Art Collection: Unique Collaboration Visuals with Titans (Part 1)
Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Colossal Titan: Pizza Hut (June-July 2013)
Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, Sasha, Colossal Titan: Lawson (July-August 2013)
Eren, Connie, Female Titan, Armored Titan, Colossal Titan: Japan Racing Assocation Part 1 (November 2013)
Everyone: Japan Racing Association Part 2 (December 2013)
Eren, Levi, Colossal Titan: Lotteria (March 2014)
Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Hanji, Colossal Titan: Schick (June 2014)
Eren, Jean, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: Lawson (August-September 2014)
Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: Seibu Rail Line "Attack on Chichibu” (August-November 2014)
Attack Titan, Mikasa, Levi: Aqua Clara “Rehydration Corps” (February-March 2015)
Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: 7-Eleven (May-June 2015)
Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: Tokyo Skytree “Attack on Skytree” (April-July 2017)
Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: Fuji-Q Highland (March-May 2018)
Eren, Mikasa, Levi, Colossal Titan: Nakau Fast Food “Cooking Corps” (June-July 2018)
Related News: Collections || Photos: Official Art
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You don’t know why you’re exhausted? You’re fighting a war inside your head every single day. If that’s not exhausting I don’t know what is.
HPLYRIKZ.COM (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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He who dares not grasp the thorn should never crave the rose.
Anne Brontë, The Narrow Way (via books-n-quotes)
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Another one 
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When you’re old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery. It’s so strange. I’ve never felt so peaceful before. Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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