willow-y · 8 months
eating thats not very ugw of you 🤨
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willow-y · 9 months
- You FULLY support recovery and WANT people to recover.
- You think people should AVOID “@na coaches” AT ALL COSTS.
-You are against “f@t-sp0” . (becosue it’s just down right wrong.)
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willow-y · 10 months
Imagine the weight you are losing is going to the person you hate.
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willow-y · 1 year
whenever i feel hungry i imagine eating my own body fat and it usually does the trick
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willow-y · 1 year
hot weather has completely eradicated my appetite and i couldn't be happier about it.
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willow-y · 1 year
purging is the ONE thing i was happy i stopped doing, and now i cant stop doing it again.
it's so frustrating, because if i purge, that means im back in my "i can eat whatever because I'll throw it up" era, which in turn makes me feel so disgusting, literally inhaling food as fast as i can
its stupid, it's making me feel so ill, i cant even enjoy the food i ACTUALLY planned to keep down, i need my good days to come back
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willow-y · 1 year
my mind contradicts itself, i want to be buff and huge, but at the same time i want to be as small and thin as possible.
make that make sense.
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willow-y · 1 year
feeling yourself, thinking that you look really good right now and then looking into the mirror, realising you're just delusional and not in tune with reality at all is a battle i fight on the daily.
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willow-y · 1 year
Tumblr media
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willow-y · 1 year
BRO what the fuck was i doing eating only 800 kcals worth of PASTA with some tomato sauce per day??? no shit i didn't lose weight and binged at the end of the night, if you dont have problem with the what type of food part then godammit eat some high protein stuff, like eggs, chicken (ha) and other things that will actually help you exist, not binge and lose weight
like i am eating so good rn, eaten over 50 grams of protein today and i havent even exceeded 1000 kcals
feels like this is something thats so obvious but apparently not!
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willow-y · 1 year
slow progress is still progress
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willow-y · 1 year
You just wait til I'm skinny. I'm gone be in my female lead era.
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