wintervalewriter · 2 years
hidden painting - xavier thorpe
my first wednesday show fanfic!! i hope that it is not too out of character :) if you have any requests, they are open now!
wordcount: 898 warnings: written in second person, fem! reader
You have to finish your art homework for tomorrow, but it seems that you have left it at your friend's studio.
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You knock on the door, sighing as there is no reaction from the other side. It was late already, but you really, really needed your project.
The lights are on and you were certain that you also heard some rustling behind the doors, yet the voice of your friend could not be heard.
"Xavier, please! I need to get my project, you know that the teacher would kill me if I don't hand it in on time," you groan, your fist connecting with the wooden door yet again.
Maybe he just forgot to turn off the light or something. You also don't want to intrude, though. What if he is working on his own homework? Another groan leaves your lips before resting your hand on the door handle. He might be your best friend, but you really, really want to break open this door right now.
Right as you were about to open it, the door flings open by itself, revealing Xavier behind it.
"Y/N, hey," Xavier lets out a breathy laugh, paint splattered on his cheeks and his shirt stained with the same colors of paint. "I uh, I didn't expect you."
You let out a relieved sigh before smiling, entering the small shed once Xavier moves out of the way. He seems nervous, though you don't mention it. Maybe he still has to finish his project as well.
"I am so sorry to bother you, but I forgot to take my own sketchbook and I also left my big painting here, and I really can not have the teacher on my back again," you ramble, looking around you to try and find your sketchbook. "Last time she already got mad, even though I was nearly finished with it!"
Xavier shrugs, he had not seen any of your stuff. But, at the same time, he has not cleaned out the art shed in a while. Empty tubes of paint are laid on the table and some have even fallen on the ground. There are jars filled with dirty water and in the corner of the room is a pile of old food containers.
"I uh- I haven't seen it. I'll help you look? I mean, I have to finish mine still as well, but it is more fun to do that together, right?"
A smile forms on your face as you look up at him. Most of your art homework, or any homework for that matter, was made together with Xavier while hiding in the shed. There would be music in the background, some snacks, and from time to time, some talking and laughing.
"I would like that, actually," you then nod, looking away from Xavier yet again.
The new semester had started, and nothing felt quite the same as before. Everyone had to adjust to the fact that Principal Weems was gone, and everyone who had been at the fight still struggled with frequent nightmares and other issues. That is also when you got closer to your friends, talking to them more and making sure that everyone is okay. But still, Xavier was, and always has been, your favorite.
"Wow, Xavier," you gasp, taking in the painting that he had rested on the easel.
You take a step to get closer to it, not noticing the slippery fabric on the ground. With a hard thud, you fall, groaning as you grip your ankle.
"Ouch, why is there fabric on the ground? Hey, my sketchbook is right there-"
Xavier takes a shaky breath before looking away from you, but you are only focused on what was hiding behind the fabric. A big painting, possibly the biggest one in the room, and it was of you and Xavier. It was not something that you had seen before, though. Xavier in a neat, white suit and you in a white dress, standing side by side at the Rave'n dance.
Before you could even react to it, Xavier hurries over, taking the painting into his hands before turning it around and placing it against the wall.
"Are you okay?" He crouches down next to you. "You... You weren't supposed to see that."
He takes your sketchbook off the floor, handing it to you awkwardly. Somewhere in his mind, he hopes that you won't comment on the painting, but he knows you better than that. You slowly take your sketchbook back, silently thanking him.
"Was that us?"
"Uh," the boy clears his throat. "I guess the secret's out."
The painting gets revealed again as Xavier places it next to you before sitting down on the ground as well. He slowly waves his hand over it as the painted couple starts dancing.
"It's uh, it's not finished yet. But," he smiles. "would you maybe... Want to go to Rave'n with me?"
He looks at you nervously, his hands slightly shaking as the couple on the painting still moves, their figures dancing across the painting. You look away from the painting, a bright smile on your face as you fling yourself at him, your arms wrapped around his neck as he places his on the small of your back, pulling you just a bit closer.
"Of course! But, I can not dance as well as your painting depicts."
Did you get into trouble with your teacher because your art project wasn't finished yet? Totally.
But it was worth it.
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
birthday bash - xavier thorpe
requested: no, but requests are open!
word count: 1.551 warnings: use of y/n, she/her pronouns, talk about death and birthdays
check my masterlist for more work!
In which you, Wednesday's cousin, celebrate your first Nevermore birthday party organized by no one less than Xavier Thorpe.
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"Once again, Enid, Y/N never celebrates her birthday."
"But Wednesday," the blonde pouts, staring at her friend. "How can she not celebrate her birthday? Does she not like cake? Who doesn't like cake?"
You only look at her, a small smile on your face.
"After the incident at her ninth birthday, we never spoke of it ever again."
"No birthdays," you shrug.
"But- But!" Enid sputters. "But that was years ago! Please, we can go to Weathervane and get drinks! You like coffee, right?"
The poor girl blabbers on, trying to convince the Addams girl to celebrate a birthday here at Nevermore.
"Enid, I care about you, but I promise you, I do not miss celebrating a birthday. I have to go to Fencing class now, I will see you both later."
You leave your cousin and friend behind at the picnic tables as Enid still goes on about anything she could do for your birthday. It was in only a few days, but to be entirely fair, you did not mind skipping it again this year.
It is not like you despised it entirely, not at all actually. Your mother would place a bouquet of your favorite wilted flowers in your bedroom as your father made sure that the theme of your birthday cake was always on point. But, after your dearly loved black cat had passed away on your ninth birthday, you never celebrated it again, though your mom did always leave a single wilted flower, just in case you wanted to celebrate that day.
Another day of Enid suggesting different things to do on your birthday goes by. You had finished all your classes and had just grabbed your paintbrushes and paint, but you could barely leave your shared room with Yoko before you got jumped by your friend. It is hard to not notice her though, as she was one of the most colorful people to walk through Nevermore. Her bright pink shoes alone would catch anyone's attention.
"Okay, what if we go shopping for Rave'n dresses then?"
"I doubt if I will be going, Enid."
"What about getting a haircut? Or going out for dinner?"
You stop walking, facing your friend.
"Enid. You are one of my closest friends, but I simply do not celebrate my birthday. I am willing to just hang out with you, Wednesday, and some other very close friends, as long as the birthday is not at all discussed. Now, please excuse me, but I shall go for a small walk now. I will be back later, we planned to paint our nails, right?"
Enid's face lights up as she nods, quickly saying goodbye before walking off.
You would often spend a lot of time in the art studio, with or without Xavier. And that is exactly where you are heading now. He would let you use the studio if you needed a moment of quiet and calm, or if you just wanted to paint at any given time. Not a lot of people knew where the little shed was, which definitely was a good thing in some moments.
As you arrive, you can see that the lights are already on. Xavier must be inside already. You knock on the door before opening it, seeing your friend splatter paint on his canvas, a paintbrush in his mouth as he looks at his work.
"Hello, Xavier."
A bright smile forms on his face as he takes the brush out of his mouth, placing it on the table next to him before sipping his drink.
"Hey! Want to paint?"
You hold up your own paint and paintbrushes with a small smile on your face as the boy gestures to the easel next to him. It still had your canvas resting on it, ready for you to start whenever you wanted. And so you did.
It was quiet for a while as the two of you were immersed in your own work, but then Xavier speaks up.
You nod, looking up at him.
"Why do you never celebrate your birthday?"
Enid must have told him. You hesitate to tell him. What if he will see you as weak? You are not like your cousin, you are not as good at masking your emotions as Wednesday.
"I uh... My cat died that day. Never celebrated it since."
"Oh, wow... Sorry," Xavier winces but you just shake your head.
"No worries," a small smile again. "You didn't know. And besides, I never quite had friends to celebrate it with. Though Wednesday does take me to the same place on my birthday before getting the strongest coffee we can."
"You celebrate it with Wednesday? What do you guys do?"
"Well, she always takes me to the closest funeral house to see who passed on my birthday. I bring flowers while Wednesday watches the corpses and crying people."
You let out a laugh. Though more outwardly emotional than her, you do not smile, laugh or cry nearly as much with others as you do with Xavier. He makes you feel safe. He does not judge.
Xavier looks at you blankly, furrowing his eyebrows before nodding.
"Sounds like an Addams."
A few classes had gone by already and no one had mentioned your birthday yet. Your nails had been painted a deep, bloody red, which was your color choice as Enid gave you a manicure. Speaking about Enid, she had also not said a word about your birthday yet. You did quite appreciate it.
At the end of the day, you could finally relax. You had nothing planned yet, except for hanging out with some others in the dorms, and you were on your way to your when you hear someone running up to you.
You stop, turning around to see Xavier walking closer to you, a smile on his face as he points behind him.
"I uh- I wanted to see if you wanted to go and pick up my canvas from the shed? It's uh, it's kinda big and I could use a pair of extra hands to take some materials back to my room?"
You agree, gripping your backpack as you walk with him. It is quiet, but not in an awkward way, but rather in a comfortable way. You could almost walk to the shed blindly, having gone there many times before already.
"Close your eyes," Xavier says, blocking the door to the shed with his arm.
"Close my eyes?"
"Please," he nods.
You give him a look before closing your eyes, feeling one of his hands covering them as well before the door creaks open. What is he hiding?
The sound of matches, some shuffling, and then the clearing of a throat.
"You can open your eyes."
You do as he says, rubbing them before looking around. The room is filled with candles, circling two pillows that are sitting on the ground. In front of those is a smaller canvas, hidden behind a thin rag that Xavier often used to wipe the paint off of his brushes. He nervously sits you down on the pillow before taking a deep breath.
"I uh- I wanted to give you a gift. Before everyone was here."
He had gotten you a gift?
"I know you don't like to celebrate your birthday, and I know you do not like gifts, but I hoped you would like this."
He lifts the rag off, revealing the painting hidden underneath it. Your shoulders relax and your eyes grow big once you see what it is.
The painting portrays a black kitten, sleeping on top of a bed which is very familiar to you. It starts moving as the kitten wakes up, stepping out of the painting before stopping in front of you, licking her paw before meowing and disappearing back onto the painted bed on the canvas.
"If it's too much, please tell me. I had to hunt down Wednesday for this and she said that she would kill me if it made you upset," Xavier laughs awkwardly before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small plushie that looked exactly like your cat.
You stare at the plushie that he had placed in your lap. Xavier nervously looks at you, did you like it? Did you hate it?
Your gaze moves from the plush animal to Xavier before crashing into him, your arms around his neck as a stray tear falls down. You whisper a 'thank you', unable to say anything more even though you would love nothing more than to say much more. Xavier just held you, a smile on his face as he looks at the flickering light of the candle. You did not often engage in any physical closeness, but for Xavier, you make an exception.
Time passes before Xavier his phone buzzes.
"Hey, Enid. Yeah, she is here. No, we didn't forget about the get-together. We'll be there in a bit. Yes, I bought the donuts with sprinkles."
Xavier slowly stands up, blowing out the candles before reaching his hand out to you.
"Ready to go?"
And so you celebrated your first birthday in years. Surrounded by your dearest friends, tons of snacks, and the gifts that you had gotten from Xavier.
Maybe birthdays aren't so bad after all.
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
wednesday masterlist
Xavier Thorpe:
Hidden Painting
Birthday bash
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
hidden painting - xavier thorpe
my first wednesday show fanfic!! i hope that it is not too out of character :) if you have any requests, they are open now!
wordcount: 898 warnings: written in second person, fem! reader
You have to finish your art homework for tomorrow, but it seems that you have left it at your friend's studio.
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You knock on the door, sighing as there is no reaction from the other side. It was late already, but you really, really needed your project.
The lights are on and you were certain that you also heard some rustling behind the doors, yet the voice of your friend could not be heard.
"Xavier, please! I need to get my project, you know that the teacher would kill me if I don't hand it in on time," you groan, your fist connecting with the wooden door yet again.
Maybe he just forgot to turn off the light or something. You also don't want to intrude, though. What if he is working on his own homework? Another groan leaves your lips before resting your hand on the door handle. He might be your best friend, but you really, really want to break open this door right now.
Right as you were about to open it, the door flings open by itself, revealing Xavier behind it.
"Y/N, hey," Xavier lets out a breathy laugh, paint splattered on his cheeks and his shirt stained with the same colors of paint. "I uh, I didn't expect you."
You let out a relieved sigh before smiling, entering the small shed once Xavier moves out of the way. He seems nervous, though you don't mention it. Maybe he still has to finish his project as well.
"I am so sorry to bother you, but I forgot to take my own sketchbook and I also left my big painting here, and I really can not have the teacher on my back again," you ramble, looking around you to try and find your sketchbook. "Last time she already got mad, even though I was nearly finished with it!"
Xavier shrugs, he had not seen any of your stuff. But, at the same time, he has not cleaned out the art shed in a while. Empty tubes of paint are laid on the table and some have even fallen on the ground. There are jars filled with dirty water and in the corner of the room is a pile of old food containers.
"I uh- I haven't seen it. I'll help you look? I mean, I have to finish mine still as well, but it is more fun to do that together, right?"
A smile forms on your face as you look up at him. Most of your art homework, or any homework for that matter, was made together with Xavier while hiding in the shed. There would be music in the background, some snacks, and from time to time, some talking and laughing.
"I would like that, actually," you then nod, looking away from Xavier yet again.
The new semester had started, and nothing felt quite the same as before. Everyone had to adjust to the fact that Principal Weems was gone, and everyone who had been at the fight still struggled with frequent nightmares and other issues. That is also when you got closer to your friends, talking to them more and making sure that everyone is okay. But still, Xavier was, and always has been, your favorite.
"Wow, Xavier," you gasp, taking in the painting that he had rested on the easel.
You take a step to get closer to it, not noticing the slippery fabric on the ground. With a hard thud, you fall, groaning as you grip your ankle.
"Ouch, why is there fabric on the ground? Hey, my sketchbook is right there-"
Xavier takes a shaky breath before looking away from you, but you are only focused on what was hiding behind the fabric. A big painting, possibly the biggest one in the room, and it was of you and Xavier. It was not something that you had seen before, though. Xavier in a neat, white suit and you in a white dress, standing side by side at the Rave'n dance.
Before you could even react to it, Xavier hurries over, taking the painting into his hands before turning it around and placing it against the wall.
"Are you okay?" He crouches down next to you. "You... You weren't supposed to see that."
He takes your sketchbook off the floor, handing it to you awkwardly. Somewhere in his mind, he hopes that you won't comment on the painting, but he knows you better than that. You slowly take your sketchbook back, silently thanking him.
"Was that us?"
"Uh," the boy clears his throat. "I guess the secret's out."
The painting gets revealed again as Xavier places it next to you before sitting down on the ground as well. He slowly waves his hand over it as the painted couple starts dancing.
"It's uh, it's not finished yet. But," he smiles. "would you maybe... Want to go to Rave'n with me?"
He looks at you nervously, his hands slightly shaking as the couple on the painting still moves, their figures dancing across the painting. You look away from the painting, a bright smile on your face as you fling yourself at him, your arms wrapped around his neck as he places his on the small of your back, pulling you just a bit closer.
"Of course! But, I can not dance as well as your painting depicts."
Did you get into trouble with your teacher because your art project wasn't finished yet? Totally.
But it was worth it.
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
hi! i am opening my requests yet again!
mainly for Wednesday as i am rewatching that right now, but also for past fandoms i have written for! you can check my masterlist to see who i write for :)
havent written in a while but i want to get back into it!
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
Hi can i request about jasper x reader, where the reader is sarcastic, but more kinder than her sister Jane, and she's also part of the volturi. A scene that happens in eclipse saga where the cullens met her for the first time, and with her sarcastic mouth she caught the attention of Jasper Cullen. Then everything follows. I'm fine with only fluff for this hehe. Only if you're not busy
it has probably been like a year since this got requested, but i still wrote it! i hope you like it!! <33 you can read it HERE
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
the volturi - jasper hale
slowly working my way through requests i have had for years :') better late than never??? requests still open <3 i am thinking of making a part 2 for this as it does not nearly have enough jasper in it :))
requested: yes! Hi can i request about jasper x reader, where the reader is sarcastic, but more kinder than her sister Jane, and she's also part of the volturi. A scene that happens in eclipse saga where the cullens met her for the first time, and with her sarcastic mouth she caught the attention of Jasper Cullen. Then everything follows. I'm fine with only fluff for this hehe. Only if you're not busy
wordcount: warnings: she/her pronouns,
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You take off your hood at the same time as your fellow members, revealing your face to the Cullen family that stands before you. Most of the time, you wouldn't bother to come to Forks, but after hearing about the created army, you just had to see it for yourself.
But, nothing was left. The only proof of it ever existing was the ice-cold bodies littering all over the snowy field.
"Well," you start. "This could have been cleaned up. Weren't expecting any guests, I assume?"
Alec looks over at you, sending you a glare as you put up your hands. No time for jokes when you are a member of the Volturi.
"Impressive," Jane says. Though the word itself has a positive meaning, your sister still finds a way to bring it with as few emotions as possible. "Never have I seen a coven escape with so much as a scratch after an attack this big."
"We were lucky," a man stiffly says, making your eyes float over to him. His eyes are golden, and though the color is warm and as soft as honey, he still glares at your sister.
"It appears that we have missed an entertaining fight," Alec smirks, looking over at his younger sister. "I am sure that we would have been of great help."
"Yes," you reply with a smile and a sigh. "It is not often that we are deemed... Unnecessary. Even the human has played her part."
The Cullen's eyes all narrow when you mention the human. Wow, tough crowd. How could they even bare to be so close to her? You are well known for your self-control, but they are almost hanging over the woman and still do not show any signs of hunger.
"What a pity," your older sister sneers, her eyes gliding over the crowd. You can feel the plan brewing in her head, your suspicions confirmed when you see the smallest smirk forming on her face.
"But, you missed one."
The blood-colored eyes jump out of the crowd, a big contrast against all the golden ones. A terrified younger girl, and weirdly enough, she reminded her of you. You remember how terrified you were when you first got turned, but luckily you weren't the only one in the situation. As the youngest one of the triplets, you had your older brother and sister to look up to. It was just pure luck that the Volturi saw potential in your powers.
One of the Cullens walked over to the girl, shielding her behind him as he stares at your sister. His hair is slightly wavy, and for some reason, his eyes are more beautiful than the rest. Surely they should all be the same color, but his eyes feel different.
"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender."
Jane scoffs as she fights the urge to cross her arms.
"Well. That wasn't yours to offer."
Red eyes dart around as the figure disappears more behind the pretty, blonde man, trying to shield herself from your sister more and more.
"Why did you come?"
You look over to Alec. Your sister was always better at interrogating. Dimitri and Felix are more strong, though Felix handles most, if not all, executions.
Before any response can be given, the girl falls to the ground, a blood-curdling scream leaving her body as she tries to grip onto the frozen grass.
"Who created you?" Your sister continues, no emotions evident on her face except for the slightest bit of amusement.
"You don't need to do that!" The brown-haired woman tries. "She will tell you all that you want to know!"
The entire situation does not affect you that much. Even though you can find yourself in the screaming girl, it isn't the first time that you have seen your sister use her power, and it definitely will not be the last time. Instead, you curiously watch the blonde man that stood in front of her. Maybe it is a good thing that you decided to come.
He has not said anything yet. His silence is almost inspiring, though strange. In your eyes, he seems quite careful, yet still intimidating. Truly something special. He seems to notice your stare as he looks back, your eyes connecting in a weird, but magical way.
"Isn't that right, Jane?"
You look from your sister to your brother. She does not look pleased with the answers she receives.
"Oh, of course." She looks back at the other members. "Felix."
"No! She did not know what she was doing! We will be responsible for all her actions, I promise."
"Well," Jane squints her eyes. "The Volturi doesn't give out second chances."
"Ah, yes. Caius asked me to bring a message," you smile, one that seems more genuine than your sister could ever muster up. "He would be delighted to know that you still have a human among you."
You take a few steps closer to the human girl, her vampire boyfriend guarding her like a guard dog. Before you can even lift a finger, the attractive blonde man stops you.
"The date is set."
His hand is around your wrist, stopping it from going up. You look him in the eyes as he looks down at yours, your bodies closer than you would have imagined. After a blink and a nod, he releases you, but still stands between you and the human.
"I will make sure Caius receives your word," you mumble, looking at the rest of the Volturi.
"Felix, take care of that, will you? I would like to go home."
Boredom laces Jane her voice. Situations never interested your sister for that long, especially not if it was only about one other being. Felix only nods, stepping forward as he towers over the small girl who is still laying on the floor.
Golden eyes glare at him, but they know they can not do anything against it. What the Volturi says, is what should be done. You glance back up at the blonde man.
Your sister and brother have already put on their hoods, ready to turn around and leave as Felix and Dimitri pull the girl up by her arms. Screams leave her mouth as she trashes to get out of their grips. Felix tightens his arm around her throat, ready to rip the girl apart before you lift your hand.
With your right hand up, they all freeze in their tracks. Everything from their head down is frozen in time, almost as if you paused a scene in the movie.
"I do not recall the girl ever having one chance. So, to give her a chance now would be her first," you say.
Jane raises her eyebrow, curiosity filling her eyes, but her face staying stoic.
"I propose that she gets one chance. I shall stay as a guest with the Cullens, if you shall have me," you look at the man who you guessed was their leader. "We shall give them thirty days. Has she not been able to adapt to their lifestyle, or if she does seem to be a threat to either the Cullens or the Volturi, she shall be executed the minute the it is discovered."
The fire burns beside you, ready to engulf the girl. Your brother stares at you blankly. You have never been so interested in any other group than the Volturi, nevertheless, stand with them.
"I can not give you an answer if you do not unfreeze me, Y/N."
You lower your hands, and everyone stands back up straight, though Dimitri and Felix still have a tight grip on the young vampire.
"Just know that you will be responsible if this gets out of hand. One wrong move and you shall have to kill her with your own hands."
The Cullens are at a loss for words but do not dare to show any of their surprise to the Volturi at this time.
"If I may," the leader starts. "Our house will be open to Y/N, if she wishes. We will obey all that the Volturi will tell us."
It is silent for a few seconds before Jane gestures for Dimitri and Felix to loosen their grip.
"Which is exactly how it should be," Jane says, raising her head. "I shall let Aro know of your decision. If you come back with even so much as a scratch, all of the Cullens shall be executed."
"I can not believe you would think of me that lowly," you smirk. "As if they stand a chance against me."
Felix looks almost disappointed at the fact that he was not able to murder the girl, but he still pulls his arms back before putting his hood back on, Dimitri following his actions.
So there you stood, your full black outfit contrasting against the slightly more colorful ones of the Cullens. You help the young vampire up before facing the family.
"Well. Lead the way."
Though sarcastic and slightly stoic, Jasper can see right through you. He could feel the way nervousness filled you up as Bree screamed, the feeling of accomplishment when the rest of the Volturi agreed with your idea, the way your heart would have jumped the second the two of you looked in each other's eyes.
Edward looks over at his blonde brother. With only a nod he confirms Jasper his suspicions; his mate is in the Volturi.
You sat on their couch, perfectly straight and just observing your surroundings. Jasper clears his throat, catching your attention as he sits down next to you, but not close enough to touch.
"I think I speak for all of us," he gestures to the rest of his family. "When I say that I am thankful for your actions earlier today."
"Well," you nod. "Bree should be lucky that I joined my brother and sister today. Surely she would not be here now if it went their way. One chance."
"I will make sure that it works out. I believe in the girl," Jasper nods, holding out his hand to you. "It might be smart to get to know you, after all, you are our guest. Jasper Hale."
And with a smile, you take his hand.
"Y/N Volturi."
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wintervalewriter · 2 years
what once was - eddie munson
my first eddie-ish fic! :) requests are still open <3 though i wholeheartedly hope that the kas theory is right, in this story, it doesn't quite exist :')
wordcount: 1.307 warnings: the timeline is very wrong, angst, V2 spoilers
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It had finally ended.
For once, Hawkins seemed normal again. For however much that was possible after the entire town was split in half after the earthquake. You and your parents chose to leave Hawkins to live with family members, just until it was safe again. You had to leave people behind, including one of your boyfriend's best friends, Dustin Henderson.
Though you did not play with the Hellfire club themselves, you were still quick to befriend them and often would help Eddie with the storyline of the game he was planning. You would hang out in their lair, listening to the story unfold and seeing the reactions of everyone when they hear a dangerous villain was revived. That is how you also met Dustin.
Right after the earthquake, he had found you. He quickly limped over to you, his fists trembling and his eyes red.
"Dustin?" You quickly wrap your arms around him, grasping his shirt. "Oh my goodness, you're alright! So many people are missing, Henderson, have you seen the lists-"
Your rambling quickly stops as you see Eddie's uncle remove the clean poster off of the board. Has he been found? Is he here now? You pull back from Dustin.
"Is Eddie back? Did you find him?"
With trembling hands, Dustin reaches down into his pockets. When he opens his hand back up, you see the familiar silver rings resting on his palm. You look from his hands up to his face, and though you would love to believe otherwise, the tears on his face said enough.
"I was with him... When the earthquake hit."
"Was?" Your breath hitches. "Where is he, Dustin?"
It was like your world stopped turning. The poor boy started breaking down, sobbing in your arms as you both consoled each other. Mr. Munson had slowly made his way to the two of you, holding one of the posters in his hand. One that had not been vandalized.
"I do not have a lot left of him," he mumbled. "This is one of the only pictures that I was able to retrieve from the house."
And there you sat. In one hand, the small collection of rings. In the other, the paper with Eddie's face on it.
But now, you were on your way back. You had not been gone for long, just long enough to make sure everything was safe.
The rings on your necklace make a clinking noise with every step you take. Yesterday, you moved back into your home. And today, it was time for you to pick up your diploma. All on your own.
"'86, baby," you whisper to yourself before entering Hawkins High School for the last time.
Everyone was happy, holding their diplomas and smiling for pictures with their family. The school even had a small memorial for Chrissy, Jason, and everyone else that had fallen victim to the earthquake. Everything was fine, some tears had fallen, all until Eddie his picture showed up. If there were any tomatoes present, then this would be the moment that they would have been thrown on stage. People shouted for his picture to be removed, screamed insults, and called him a killer, a murderer.
After you had said goodbye to classmates, you excused yourself. And that is how you ended up here.
Walking through the woods in your gown and cap, almost blending in into the green of the bushes. The path is familiar, one that you have taken more times than you can count. You could not bear to sit in your bedroom now. He had promised you. Once the two of you had graduated, you would spend the entire night doing whatever you both wanted. Movies, music, food, all of it. There was even a promise made that included matching tattoos.
One last step, and there it is. The Munson trailer is still standing there, the part of the living room split in half. Only the bathroom and the bedrooms were still intact, Mr. Munson said. But he couldn't bear to go back. Not on his own. You promised him to visit after your graduation, to get all of his old stuff out before he moved into a different trailer. But he is still at work, and would not get off for another hour. You just had to see it, just once more.
The door is open and all the windows are cracked. The earthquake really took a toll on the poor trailer. The door creaks as you step in, being careful to not step on any glass.
With trembling hands, you push open his bedroom door. Tears pool in your eyes as you take in the sight in front of you. Things have fallen onto the floor, yet it almost looks exactly the same as you remember. Every single poster is still hanging on the wall, accompanied by the guitar that Eddie loves so much. You would often joke that he should get married to it, but he was quick to promise you that you were the one true love in his life.
You carefully sit down on his bed, hearing the creaks as you put your weight onto it. Some tears fall, and you just let them. You could wipe them away, but something inside of you told you that they would just be coming back.
On his nightstand is a picture of the two of you, just before disaster hit. It was your anniversary and he had treated you to a small picnic.
"Hey, asshole," you smile through the tears. "I thought we were going to do this together."
You take the cap off of your head, looking at it for a second before placing it onto his pillow. It smells so much like him here, it drives you crazy. You miss him, so much.
"Dustin told me what happened," you whisper, looking out in front of you. "I don't know what I will do without you, Eddie. And people- people are so mean."
A sob escapes your throat as your hands are shaking, grasping the blanket as you pull it closer to you. You would do anything, just to feel even the slightest bit closer to him. In your heart, you wish that he would just walk through the door right now, dressed in a cap and gown, holding a joint, and screaming about how he finally made it. But in your head, you knew that that couldn't be.
It almost feels like the bed dimples in behind you, a warm feeling on your arm and shoulders. It is like he is here. You lean your back against the wall, tears still running down your cheeks, but with a smile. You mourn him, you wish for nothing more than Eddie to return, but yet, you feel grateful. Not that he has passed, of course, but for the fact that you were able to know him. To know who he really is. No freak, no murderer, just... Eddie.
"It was supposed to be our year, Munson."
Outside stands Mr. Munson, still in his work clothes, mustering up the courage to enter his old house. Where were you? You were supposed to be here.
He takes a deep breath before opening the door, entering the familiar house that he has avoided for the last weeks. He does not even dare to look towards the living room. His hand rests on the door handle that leads towards Eddie his bedroom, though he does not remember it being open the last time he left. He opens it slightly, looking inside of the room, his eyes falling on your sleeping figure, the robe covering you as you lay there, clutching the pillow.
A painful smile is on his face. Young love. Something that once was.
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
Why you gotta make me cry like that? Q-Q
SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE!!! but im guessing its about 'honey, honey'
i'm so sorry!! to be very honest, this is one of the first series i have ever written and i am quite happy that i have finished it in this way. its probably the most realistic setting, but im happy that you (hopefully) liked it!
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
new requests and return!!
Happy 2022 everyone <3
I haven't posted in a while, but I definitely want to start writing again. I do have some requests still in my inbox, but I thought that maybe more people had some requests or ideas <3
So if you have any requests, check out my character list to see who I write for! Do you not see the character? Maybe I do write for them, so feel free to ask! :)
I am also thinking of making a fic rec masterlist to show off my favorite stories that I have found, would you guys like that? :)
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
Just letting you know that I am enjoying 'Honey Honey' so much, especially the recent one! It's so good and I love the reveal. I cannot wait for the next parts of the series, I can't wait to see how it all unravels!
hi love, i just poster it. you can read it here! i hope you guys like it and also find it as emotional as i did. i hope you enjoy <3
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
honey honey V ending one 1.0
i HOPE that this is easy to see what chapter fits where. this is where honey honey officially splits up. the beginning of this chapter will be the same as the next one. i will put triangles at where the new part starts in this chapter and the next!
word count: 2644 warnings: same as squid game, major character death, cursing
honey honey masterlist
tags: @dorizone
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Triangle pushes open the door that you were in front of. It matches perfectly with the decor, no one would know that it was a real door unless you had been told. But Triangle knows.
All that he has to do is take you through the halls and get to the room of the Frontman. He has to get you inside of the office, only then he can assure your safety.
"Don't make a sound."
You look up at him with a scared look. Just seconds ago you had said goodbye to Gi-Hun, ready to give your life in return for his safety, but now you are being dragged through the halls. He breathes in deeply before gripping his gun.
"I talked to the Frontman. We only have to reach the office and I promise you," he whispers. "I promise you that we will make it."
Frontman? That must be the person that is running all of these games. But how could Jun-Ho talk to him? He isn't even allowed to talk to the Squares without permission, so how could he have gotten to the Frontman all on his own?
Triangle slowly opens all the doors, making sure that no one can see them. They are far away from where the players normally walk, and all he can do is pray that no one spots them. You carefully follow him, making sure to walk as softly as you can. You have been pronounced dead during the Marble Game already, so if they would spot you it would not be good. Especially not if you are together with Jun-Ho.
Your heartbeat gets faster with every door you open. Especially when you hear movements behind the door next to you. 'Please, if we run into someone, let it be a Circle,' Jun-Ho thinks. The Circle wouldn't even be able to say anything, as they are the lowest in this game. He wouldn't even be able to talk to the Triangle.
But your luck seems to be running out as the door opens.
Triangle pushes you behind him, shielding you from whatever lays behind the door. The heavy footsteps get closer, stopping right in front of the two of you. You can hear the sound of the scanner as it scans Triangle his mask.
"Number 29," you hear.
You got to be kidding.
The fact that he has the scanner and speaks up first only confirms that it is a Square.
"Aren't you supposed to be working in the game?"
Triangle nods, gripping his gun tightly. Hopefully, he is covering you enough. Seconds seem like hours as the Square looks at him.
"The game just ended, sir."
The other man hums, his eyes not leaving Triangle. He is about to turn away when he sees the familiar greenish-blue fabric trembling behind the soldier.
"Number 29, step away."
Triangle firmly stands as he grips his gun tighter. He will not- He can not step away. it would be too dangerous to reveal the person behind him. Square groans when Triangle doesn't move.
"I said, step away."
When he still doesn't move, Square grips your arm, pulling you away from behind Triangle. He looks down at the number on your shirt before leaning down, only centimeters away from your face.
"Player 074," he mumbles, "So you have survived the marble game."
You nervously nod, too scared to speak.
"Not without help, did you?"
Triangle flinches as he keeps his eyes on you. No one except for the Frontman knew about how he has helped you. He grips his gun tightly, holding it ready just in case he has to shoot.
"Just like the doctor. He was helped too," Square starts, gripping your chin. "He knew what the next games would be. Which made these games unfair. The only place where everyone has an equal chance, yet he had decided to take it for granted."
Both you and Triangle are shocked when he grabs your chin, getting a little too close for your comfort.
"We thought that it would only be him. Harvesting the organs of each and every deceased player just to know what game will be next. It's what people do for money, in hopes to get back to their families or... Loved ones."
You look from Square to Triangle, panic settling in.
He knows.
It's almost like you can see the grin underneath the mask of the Square. The harsh reality of the games. Not everyone is like Jun-Ho. Not everyone cares about you, not everyone wants you to succeed. Especially not the man in front of you.
Square steps closer to you, almost squishing you in between the wall and his chest. Triangle clenches his jaw before pointing his gun at his superior. He is not supposed to do this, but there is only so much he can do. And at this moment, the only way for you to survive is to kill his boss. Square just scoffs, standing straight up.
"We have to go to the Frontman," Triangle says, his voice clear and strong.
But the Square doesn't listen. He just bursts out laughing.
"As if the Frontman will listen to a soldier," he spits out. "These games are designed and created for people to have a fair chance to win! We can't just let everyone survive just because we like them. Did you not see what happened to the doctor?"
Triangle doesn't move, his gun still aimed at the Square. You don't know what to do. You gave up your life for Gi-Hun, but this isn't what you had expected. Something seems to click in the Square's head before he steps back.
"Alright," you can hear his grin. "If you don't want me to do it, then you can go ahead."
Jun-Ho his heart almost stops as he looks at the Square. He has to be fucking kidding.
"You're already holding the gun," Square shrugs. "Fire it."
Tears fill your eyes yet again as you look up at Triangle. This can't be real, right? Triangle looks at his superior, a shocked face behind his mask as his hands start trembling. His breathing becomes uneven as he tries to understand it all.
"Didn't you hear me? Fire it."
Triangle grits his teeth. Normally, he would obey whatever one of the Squares would tell him. But now, he wishes he had picked the job to be a manager. Everything he has done in the games he now regrets. He's so close to the office, if he picks you up he might be able to get there if he runs fast.
"Don't even think about it."
In the time where Triangle was zoning out, the Square had grabbed you by your shoulders. The small revolver that is normally in the waistband of the Squares, is now resting on your temple. You are shaking, frozen in your place as your eyes have filled with tears.
"Either you do it, or I will. You know that you can't cheat at this game!" The Square yells, pushing the gun further into the side of your head. "So I give you a fucking choice. Either you do it, or I will."
"Just give me a second!" Jun-Ho screams back, the gun shaking in his hands. "I-I can't just... How do you fucking expect me to do this?"
The Square huffs, swinging around the gun as he talks.
"You know full well that this game is supposed to be fair. Do you not fucking get it? You will end up like that doctor and his little friends. Is that what you want? Because that is your last choice," he groans. "This is your last fucking chance. Either you do it, or I will. And I won't be nice about it."
Then something clicks in his head. He can't get around. There is no way that he can get out of this right now. In his head, he starts praying, praying that his brother would walk through the door right this second and then he could leave, together with you. But that wouldn't happen. So he starts praying again, this time asking for forgiveness from his brother, his parents, you.
"Jun-Ho," you whisper as you look up at him. "Is this it?"
Your voice breaks in the last sentence as tears start streaming down your face. All you wanted was for you and your friends to get out, restart your lives. Go back to school, show your parents what you had accomplished, maybe even meet up with Jun-Ho and never think about the games again. But this was it.
It was too good to be true.
This game isn't meant for love. It isn't to find friends.
You either win or lose.
Cheaters never win.
"You know what," The Square grins. "I will make the choice for you. You'll be the one to do it."
The tone of his voice is almost playful as if he completely enjoys seeing the couple in front of them in this situation.
"How romantic is that?" He pushes you against Triangle, clapping his hands. "You already knew that this would never work out. So, why not clean up your own mistakes?"
Jun-Ho knows that he will not be able to live with himself if he would be the one that pulls the trigger.
"We just need to get to the Frontman-"
"And what will he do for you, huh?!" Square screams. "That fucker cares about no one, especially not about a soldier like you."
"It's okay."
Your soft voice stops the screaming match between the two. You had accepted your fate, even if it was not what you were dreaming of. You gave up your life for Gi-Hun, fully expecting to die. If someone were to pull the trigger, you would rather have it be Jun-Ho. Even if you were only to feel his touch for a second more.
The Square smirks behind his mask, stepping back one step before gesturing for Jun-Ho to do what he has to do.
But Jun-Ho knows that he can not do this. Not if he can walk away without any physical scratches. So, he would break a rule one last time.
'Always wear your mask outside your room.'
He pushes off the hood of his jacket before ripping his mask off, throwing it to the ground. You gasp, looking up into his eyes. You can't believe that this is only the second, but also the last time you would ever see him. And he broke a rule yet again. Even the Square seems shocked, or at the very least confused.
But Jun-Ho knows the consequence of the rule he had broken. He would not leave this room alive. He looks down at you with teary eyes as he quickly pulls you against him, tightly wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice cracking as tears flow down his cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
You shake your head, tightly grabbing onto him as you only wish to feel his touch once more. He takes off his gloves before putting his hands on your cheeks. Jun-Ho presses a kiss on your forehead before leaning down to give you a kiss on your lips. In any other situation, this could be romantic. Any but this one.
"It's okay," you whisper, leaning into his touch. "I hope my friends win."
Even in your last moments, you still find a way to prioritize the others. But you do. You hope they win, and you hope that they get to live on. And hopefully, you will live on in their memory. You take one last look at Jun-Ho's face before sobbing, clinging on to him for the time you still have.
Jun-Ho tightly wraps his arms back around you, whispering sweet words in your ears.
"Don't worry, okay?" His voice trembles. "You will be fine. After this, we will return to our normal lives. You go to school, right? I can visit you every break you have. Bring you lunch."
You smile through your tears before nodding.
"We can go to this cute cafe, it's right next to my school," you whisper. "Although I might be too nervous to call it a date."
Jun-Ho nods, pressing a kiss on your forehead again.
"I will surprise you with flowers every chance I get. I will wear my nicest suit to meet your parents."
You let out a gasp when he mentions your parents. You would never see them again. You grip him even tighter than before, burying your face in his neck.
"We can even live together. Invite your friends over."
"I would love to," you say, "I'm a good cook."
Jun-Ho lets out a sob when he reaches for the gun in his belt, his trembling hands grabbing it before looking up.
"It's okay," you whisper, a small smile on your face. "I trust you. We will see each other again, right?"
"I will be waiting for you. At the cafe, next to your school."
The last thing he does is take off his hair tie, slipping it onto your wrist before looking at the Square on his right. The Square raises the gun he was holding, aiming it at the head of Jun-Ho.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
Jun-Ho breathes in deeply as you tighten your grip on him. He rests the barrel of the gun on your head, kidding your forehead once more before putting his finger on the trigger.
"I will see you there."
And as he pulls the trigger, so does the Square.
"Player 074, eliminated." The robotic voice says for everyone in the sleeping quarters to hear.
Gi-Hun had already explained to the rest of his team what you had done for him, how you had sacrificed yourself to let Gi-Hun live. But why would they only say your name now? Maybe the system was slow. 001 rests his hands on Gi-Hun his shoulder with a smile.
"She will be fine," he says with a knowing tone.
The Square looks down at the two bodies in front of him, still clinging onto each other even when death. Rules are rules, and they are not meant to be broken. Soon enough some Circles arrive, placing both you and Jun-Ho in the black boxes, decorated with a bow.
It's morning, and the Triangles and Squares walk into the sleeping quarters.
"Players, we are very sorry to announce that these games have been unfair."
A couple of the players raise their eyebrows, looking at the Square who is talking.
"As we mentioned before, these games are to create an equal chance for everyone, no matter their background or history. These games have to be equal for everyone, no matter what connection they have to our workers. Be it as family, friends, or lovers."
The doors behind the masked people open back up, revealing Circles and the familiar black boxes with the contrasting pink bows.
Did someone die throughout the night?
The Circles stop in the middle of the room before lifting up the lid.
Everyone looks around, who had died? Some people take a step closer to the boxes when they notice that they were occupied already. Gi-Hun gasps when he spots the number on the jacket before running towards the box.
He doesn't care about your relationship with the soldier, all he cares about is that you had to die like this. He sees you as a daughter, as a friend.
"We sincerely apologize that we have allowed this to happen. We have taken the appropriate actions. Let this be another warning."
Gi-Hun lets out a loud scream, grabbing your cold hands as he hopes that you will just wake up, that all of this is a stupid dream, and that you would return.
But you never did.
And you never will.
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
honey honey update
hi loves!! i have been quite sick for a while, but honey honey ending one is ALMOST FINISHED!!! i might even post it later today.... ;)
if i can say one thing; get some tissues
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
honey honey V ending one - pink soldier
for clarification, this is the first ending to pink soldier! this one will split up in two seperate endings, so i hope its not going to be too confusing. i hope you enjoy (or maybe cry) ;D
word count: warnings: same as squid game, episode 6 in general
honey honey masterlist
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A loud alarm rings, waking you and the rest up. You groan, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. What's going on? Two soldiers break through the wall that your team had build, their guns pointed at you. You immediately raise your hands above your head before climbing out of the fort. What time is it? It would be nice if they had a clock. Everyone stands in a line, triangle soldiers inspecting everyone. You raise your eyebrows, what is going on?
"Attention," the voice says. "The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall."
A game this early? The fact that there isn't any breakfast doesn't really surprise you.
"Let me repeat the instructions. The fourth game is about to begin. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall."
The door towards the hall opens and the first soldier walks through. You give Gi-Hun a look but he also seems confused. You follow the line of people and you can hear the same song playing in the distance. The pink walls around you feel like they are becoming smaller and smaller.
You can already see people looking up, to which you follow their gaze. Oh, how you wish that you wouldn't have done that. Above you are different bodies hanging from the ceilings. Including a triangle.
"Players, what you witness before you is what remains of those who broke the rules for their own benefit," your breath hitches in your throat as the manager speaks up. "They tainted the pure and fair ideology everything here has been built upon."
Did they find out? Is the Triangle hanging there... Yours? You see the doctor hanging there too, standing out in between all of the pink suits. You could have ended like that. The bodies are too far away to even slightly see who it could be.
"You must all be guaranteed the same opportunities without being disadvantaged or facing any kind of discrimination. We truly apologize for allowing such an unacceptable incident to occur."
What is going on? Where is your soldier? Will you end up hanging on the ceiling? The soldier behind you ushers you to keep walking, but the shock is almost keeping you from moving. You would think that bodies do not bother you anymore. Everyone ends up in another room, looking like the one that you were in before Tug of War.
You nervously look around, trying to inspect every single triangle that is in the room with you. Surely he wasn't the one hanging at the stairs... Right? Your eyes fall on the triangle standing in the corner. His grip on his gun is still tight, but the slight movement of his shoulder lifts up the fabric of his sleeve. You can see his wrist, and even though you can't see if it has the hair tie around it, it must be your Triangle. The thought of him still being alive makes a weight lift off of your shoulders, but it quickly becomes just as heavy when you hear the voice announce the next game.
"Players, welcome to the fourth game. For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Please look around and find someone you wish to play with. When two people agree to play together, shake hands to show you have become partners."
Only a team of two? What game could this be? Maybe it would be hide and seek this time. You look at your team who are all thinking deeply about what the game could be.
"I don't want to team up with a girl," one of the players grimaces while looking at you.
You raise your eyebrows, slightly offended. Sae-Byeok and 240 also look at each other before giving the man a look. They then shake hands, becoming a duo for the next game. After a while, everyone has a partner, even player 001.
"Want to team up?"
A hand appears in front of your face. You follow the arm, seeing Gi-Hun standing tall with a big smile on his face. You smile too, shaking his hand before standing up. Just a minute after, the clock runs out of time.
"The time for finding a partner is now over."
"You guys, you’re all making a big mistake," 212 screams. "Do you really think you can win without me on your team?"
While everyone is standing in their duo, 212 is standing in the middle of the room, all on her own. You thought that she would have gone back to 101. She frantically looks around, clinging onto random people to try and get into their group. The door to the next room opens, revealing the place for the next game. You look back, seeing 212 being dragged away by the guards. Hopefully, she will be safe.
You can still hear 212 screaming once the doors close behind you. In front of you is a big group of guards. They all stand in the exact same position until the voice appears again/
"Attention. All players, please follow the staff to your designated positions for the game."
A soldier walks up to Gi-Hun and you, briefly looking at you before turning back around and walking away. You nervously follow him, looking up at Gi-Hun. Even though you still don't know what you are going to do here, at least the room looks impressive. You don't realize that the guard has stopped walking, making you walk right into him. You gasp, looking up at him. Are you going to get killed before you even start?
"I'm sorry," you mumble before looking at the ground.
"No need to worry, player 074."
The voice. It's Jun-Ho. You nod as he sticks out his arms, holding up two small bags.
"Players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you. There should be a set of ten marbles in each bag. Please check to confirm the number."
You open the bag, counting the marbles in the bag. 8, 9, 10. Gi-Hun smiles, looking down at you.
"Don't worry, we got this! I used to play marbles all the time when I was younger. We will win," he sticks out his pinkie. "I promise."
The action makes you laugh before linking your pinkie with his, nodding in agreement.
"In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner. The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins."
The smile that you had on your face is long gone as you stare up at Gi-Hun with big eyes. Do you have to play against each other? Gi-hun looks as confused as you do as the voice repeats the rules.
"You will have 30 minutes for this game. Let the game begin."
The timer starts counting down as you still stand frozen in your spot. You look up at Triangle, this can't be true, right? Either you die, or you have to see Gi-Hun die. Both choices are a bad outcome.
"I can't play," you whisper, clutching the bag of marbles in your hands. "One of us is going to die."
Gi-Hun breathes in deeply as he drops down to the floor, leaning against the fake wall behind him. He can't play with you, he can't fight you. In only a short amount of time, he almost feels like a father to you. You are only a student, your life has barely started yet.
"Can't we vote to stop it?"
You breathe in shakily, looking at Gi-Hun before also sitting down.
"We have to play," you whisper, opening the small bag before taking out a marble.
"I don't know a game."
Gi-Hun looks up at you in disbelief. Your voice is filled with determination, almost as if you have accepted death already. Your face even has a small smile on it as you look at the marble in your hands.
"We can always wait before we start," you shrug. "We have half an hour. We will just play a game before the timer ends."
"Y/N, you can't just-"
"One of us is going to die, Gi-Hun. And I will not let it be you."
Gi-Hun decides to not answer, as he knows that he will not let you die. He feels that he has disappointed so many people already, and he will not let you down. He breathes in deeply before patting the floor next to him, gesturing for you to sit down. You take his offer, looking up at Triangle before looking at Gi-Hun.
"I guess we can talk about everything then."
Minutes pass and it feels like you have spilled your deepest secrets to each other. How you failed school, how he feels about disappointing his family, what you would do with all the money.
"A vacation maybe," you mumble. "I would first pay for school. Then, maybe meet up with some people."
You give a quick glance to Triangle as he just looks down at the two of you.
"Maybe I'll treat you to a nice dinner," you giggle, elbowing Gi-Hun.
He truly does feel like a parent to you in this unknown country. You have only been here for a month or two, but it feels nice to have someone that you can lean on, even in a situation like this. When you look at the clock you see that half of the time has left already.
"I would visit my daughter. She just moved to the United States, I would love to visit her again. And my mother, I would treat her to a big feast, and pay off my debts-"
Just as Gi-Hun wants to finish his sentence, a loud bang can be heard from the corner of the room. You slightly jump as the player number gets called out. No one you know.
"Time for us to play," you mumble, grabbing your pouch of marbles again. "One last walk? To find a pretty place?"
The tears in your eyes are evident as you stand up, wiping your pants to get rid of the sand. You smile at the older man, slowly blinking to try and get your vision sharp again.
"Can we?"
Triangle looks at you, a pained face behind his mask.
"Request accepted."
You look at Gi-Hun before you start to walk. If you will die, at least let it be somewhere nice. The two of you stop when you reach a type of backyard. You look at Gi-Hun who just nods before walking through the small gate.
You dig a hole in the ground with your heel on one side of the small backyard before standing at the other side.
"Whoever can get the most marbles in wins. Or whoever gets it closest to the hole," you say before breathing in deeply.
The older man looks down at you, blinking quickly before nodding.
"You start," you smile, tears filling up your eyes.
Gi-Hun sighs, taking his marbles before flinging them towards the small dent in the ground. One marble made it in. He steps back before looking at you as you just stare at the marbles. Your hands are trembling as you roll marble after marble. Before you know it, you only have one left.
You hold the marble in between your fingers before holding it up to the light, admiring the pattern in the small orb.
Gi-Hun hums, looking at you. Your eyes are filled with tears as you look back at him, a smile on your face.
"Remember how we said that this is the perfect time to admit... Everything?"
He carefully nods, not knowing what you are trying to get at.
"I just want to thank you," you shake your head, "For being someone I can admire. Someone like a parent."
You breathe in shakily before dropping your last marble to the ground. It falls right next to your feet, not even close to the hole in the sand. Gi-Hun gasps, grabbing your shoulders tightly.
"What-What are you doing?!"
He tightly wraps his arms around you, as if he is trying to protect you from the bullet that will come. Tears stream down his face as he only holds you tighter. The tears in your eyes also flow freely as you tightly cling onto him.
"Player 456, please step back from player 074."
Gi-Hun violently shakes his head as he sobs. Breathing gets harder and harder the more you cry.
"Player 456, please step back."
With a lot of pain, you slowly let go of Gi-Hun. You stare up at him with teary eyes but a big smile on your face.
"Tell your daughter I said hi. And that I am the coolest friend you have ever had."
Gi-Hun frowns before nodding, pressing a kiss on your forehead before glaring at the soldier. You collect all the marbles from the floor before handing them to him, making his victory official.
"Player 456, pass."
You send each other one last smile before Gi-Hun has to turn away, ready to exit the room. All the tears that you tried so hard to keep in start flowing out as you look at Triangle. It's like it is all starting to feel real. In a few seconds, you won't even be here anymore.
Triangle even has tears flowing down his cheeks, not visible due to his mask. He can't let you die, he won't.
"Player 074," He whispers. "Come with me."
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
hmm for honey honey, if chapter 5 is gonna be the last one maybe it would be better to just title it as "honey honey: final/last chapter (ending one)
and have the next chapters split into a, b, c, etc, so if someone only wanted to read ending B it would go something like:
honey honey final [ending one] ->
honey honey final [ending one] (option B) ->
honey honey final [ending one] (option B pt 1 or 2 -depending on how you like to enumerate them heh-)
But obviously that depends on what's easier for you! what you suggested also seems easy to follow for us readers :)
ah that sounds good! i don't want it to be too confusing but this sounds perfect! i will also put it in the authors note at the start so i can clear it up! thank you so much <333
i hope that a new honey honey chapter is a good gift in return for your help! <3 read the new chapter here!
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
honey honey question
so right now i am writing ending one, which splits up in different chapters. the titles will look like this:
honey honey V ending one
honey honey V ending one 0.0
honey honey V ending one 1.0 / 1.1 / etc
honey honey V ending one 2.0 / 2.1 / etc
is this confusing? ending one is the beginning, 0.0 is where it splits up but still has the same text to start and then it splits up into 1.0 and 2.0
i can also get rid of 'honey honey V ending one 0.0' and have the same text at the beginning of 1.0 and 2.0 but then i can tell you to skip to a specific part to see the other ending?
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wintervalewriter · 3 years
HI LOVES!!! i’m so sorry for not posting as much as i used to. i have had it busy, but i’m almost done with the first ending of Honey Honey and i will post that as soon as its finished <3
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