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I found this lovely shrine to Aphrodite on pinterest!
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♀ Venus
Influences: Love, joy, pleasure, sexuality, beauty, luxury, the arts, partnership, desire, aesthetics, fertility, femininity, creativity, unity, indulgence Crystal: Rose quartz, emerald, amazonite, jade, celestite, turquoise Herb: Primrose, patchouli, cardamom, ylang-ylang, gerabium, lavender, rose, daffodil, violet, thyme, passion flower, strawberry, apple, raspberry, cypress, sandalwood, vanilla   Deities: Hathor, Aprohdite, Venus, Eros, Oceanus, Pan, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar  Animal: Dove, swan Element: Earth, water Metal: Copper Day of the Week: Friday Number: 6 Color: Green, lavender, rose Astrological Sign: Taurus, Libra Moon Phase: Full Tarot: The Empress Anatomy: Throat, neck, thyroid, tongue, loins, genitals Musical tone: A Venus sigil courtesy of @xenon-exe
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More about: Venus ✧ The other planets
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Small devotional acts. (Of self and platonic love)
Wear cozy/comfy clothes
Listen to music that makes you feel empowered
Sing along to your favorite songs
Give little gifts to your friends
Go for an evening walk
Sleep in when you can
Bring more gentle colors into your life
Clean your room and let some fresh air in
Drink tea with honey 
Visit the ocean or find some ways to be connected to it (sea salt, seashells, etc.)
Write a letter to your future self or one to her
Go to a store and try on some new clothing styles
Leave positive notes in random places
Change your look every once and a while
Treat a friend to some drinks/dinner
Don’t limit yourself and your style because of stereotypes
Support small businesses
Take a day off and do whatever you want
Watch some cute animal videos
Visit a garden
Go on a picnic
Stand up for those who need it
Buy yourself some flowers
Be there for your friends
Eat those extra sweets
Wear more makeup/jewelry if it makes you feel nice
Compliment people more
Try out some new face masks
Take more selfies and pictures (by yourself and with friends)
Enjoy floral scented things
Go to a movie by yourself
Many, many, many other things not said here
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Theoi and the Senses- Artemis
Artemis’s hand is the feeling of a sister’s embrace. It’s the reassuring feeling you need when you are alone. It’s the feeling of having a sister by your side.
Artemis’s eyes are the color of trees in bloom. They’re the color of Selene’s radiant light lighting the night. They are the sight of freedom and independence.
Artemis’s bow is the scent of worn leather and oak. It’s the heady scent of crisp pine and open skies. It’s the scent that unlocks the instincts you’ve long repressed.
Artemis’s voice is the baying of hounds on the hunt. It’s the whisper of soft breezes in the woods. It’s the sound of the promise of balanced ferocity and tranquility.
Artemis’s hunting cry tastes of rich berries in the moonlight. It’s the taste of clear streams undisturbed by man. It’s the taste of independence unconstrained by expectations.
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🌹My finished altar to Aphrodite🌹
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Spell Record Worksheet
For people who want to record their spells in a grimoire or elsewhere and enjoy having an outline like I do. This is designed to make it as easy as possible to look back and see what elements may have effected the outcome for better or worse.
✒️Name of Spell: Self-explanatory. ✒️Intent: What do you want to gain from this? What’s the goal? ✒️Time Cast: Date, day of week, moon phase, etc. ✒️Ingredients/Materials Used: Consider adding their relevant correspondences or WHY you chose them in particular. ✒️Actions: What did you do? What did you say? ✒️Notes: Did anything strange or interesting happen while casting? Relevant music come on? Were you interrupted? Are the candles acting weird? Make note. ✒️Outcome: Follow up with the results! Did it work in the way you expected, or do you need to tie up loopholes next time? If it didn’t work, what elements of the spell could be improved?
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Small devotional acts.
Be a loving and nurturing friend
Pamper yourself often
Get peacock-feather earrings
Be nice to any kids you run into 
Get some temporary tattoos
Fight for love and marriage equality
Plant fragrant flowers near your home
Smile at strangers
Get some metallic pens
Embrace being the mom friend - always have snacks at the ready
Buy a nice set of sheets
Donate to charities that help those without family support
Drink an herbal/floral tea
Add more sparkly things to your life
Eat an apple
Go cloud watching
Blast the AC then get cozy under some blankets
Wear that outfit you love that also scares you a little
Burn a scented candle
Support small artists and display their work in your home!
Strengthen your relationships - romantic or platonic
Go on more walks, take time to smell the flowers
Always notice little ones that seem a bit lost, and take a minute to make sure they’re okay
Support those in or escaping abusive situations
Listen to music that empowers you
Buy a succulent plant
Wear those sunglasses wherever you want
Buy yourself that extra goody you always think about while at the store
Get more iced drinks 
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Failed Spells: When one door closes, another one opens.
A hard reality to face is that sometimes, spells do not work and wishes are not granted. It doesn’t mean you did the spell wrong, you didn’t try hard enough, didn’t have enough materials or the right tools - instead, it means it wasn’t in the cards for you. Controversially, everyone has a path. I am one of those witches who believes that we have free will, but also a fate. In my experience of spellworking, I have had several spells fail or resulted in harmful results (see my Binding post). My most recent spell was to get a particular job. I didn’t get the job, sadly, but I saw it wasn’t meant to be as the same day I got rejected, I was offered another interview… one for a position that I believe it is far better for me in the long-term. This is a constant in our lives with spellworking and failed spells: when one fails, there will always be an opportunity to do it again, but for a different goal.
Always remember to stay positive even in times of failure, especially with spellworking. Do look into your methods, your materials, your tools, and yourself when reviewing your failed spells, but do not obsess over it. Do not fall into the pit of despair when a spell fails. A failed spell simply means that door has either closed, it was never meant for you to open it (whether for your own good or it’s not the “right” one for your path), and there’s another door to open. Failure also leads to growth and learning. Learn from your mistakes, whether it was in yourself, your methods, or other parts of the spell.
While we can never know truly why a spell fails, we can take solace and control ourselves and our mindset. Mindfulness with spellworking and witchcraft is very important. Remembering and acknowledging there are factors beyond our control is a crucial step in strengthening yourself as a practitioner of magic.
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Long Distance Friendship/Relationship Spell
A spell to help maintain a long distance friendship or relationship between consenting people.
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You Will Need:
💕 Aventurine (friendship, bonds) 💕 Aquamarine (ease communication) 💕 Chrysocolla (communication, connections) 💕  Ametrine (improve communication) 💕 Clear Quartz (power up spell) 💕 Salt (protection, purifying, honesty) 💕 Basil (friendships) 💕 Rose Buds (or petals) (close friendships, love, relationships) 💕 2 Blue Candles or tealights (communication, trust) 💕 Your Cellphone
💕 On your cellphone open the contact to the person or the chat you communicate with them through, place it on the floor or a table. To the right and left of it place your candles and light them.
💕 In a small bowl or container place your herbs and place it above your phone
💕 In a circle around your phone and the bowl of herbs place your crystals. If they are point crystals have them pointing at your phone.
💕 Using your salt make a small circle around your phone.
💕 Hover your hands over your phone and close your eyes, feel the energies of your candles, herbs and crystals radiating from them, how they pass through your body and your phone. Focus your own energy in your hands and imagine it emit in gentle waves down into your phone as well.
💕 “No distance can keep us apart, I connect to you and you connect to me, over mountains and seas we will still be in touch, we shall remain together for communication is key.” Repeat the last line (bold) as many times as you feel is necessary.
💕 Finish spell by blowing out your candles and letting the smoke trail off imagining it traveling far off to where the other is. 
Notes: If both you and the other person do this spell it will be more powerful but it is not necessary. Also, this is to help you keep communication, you still have to put effort into keeping the communication going for a successful LDR. If you are missing one or two of the crystals that is fine, just try to have as many of each as you can. 
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So I’m going to share something very personal with you guys, and if you can click the above link and give it a read that would mean a lot to me. Today I’m sharing a bit of my story, my daily struggle, and sharing a part of my identity with you.
I’m not usually open about who I am, and I don’t like asking people for money, but in this case any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. This is a big step I’m taking in my life and I won’t be able to do it alone
And even if you can’t donate spreading the word would help a lot too!
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World Shaking Curse (Sailor Uranus Inspired)
A curse to emotionally shake up and collapse a person who has been purposely trying to anger and insult you.
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You Will Need:
👊 A Poppet (if possible a taglock with it) 👊 Large jar or container 👊 Nails or other sharp things 👊 Dirty Water 👊 Black Candle
👊 Light your candle. In your jar add the poppet and nails
👊 Pour the dirty water over the top of them, being sure to soak the poppet as you do so, try to pour it on their head, half fill the jar.
👊 “You have angered me for the last time, so now I will shake up your world, shake up your foundation, and you will crumble.”
👊 Close the jar tightly and shake it viciously repeating “you will crumble”. focus all of your rage and energy into the jar and focus on how the nails smash into and poke at the poppet shaking about inside. Watch how the poppet hits the lid and the sides of the jar. Imagine that being the persons emotions and ego. 
👊 Pour wax over the lid of the jar. Place jar somewhere no one will see it. 
To break the curse smash open the jar (somewhere safe) and state they are free and then properly clean up the mess and dispose of it properly.
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