witchgang · 4 years
if i saw a ring of mushrooms i would simply hop in it and chug the first beverage i see
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witchgang · 4 years
these are definitely what the goddesses wore on a daily basis
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Elie Saab ‘The Sacred Source’ Fall 2020 Haute Couture Collection
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witchgang · 4 years
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witchgang · 4 years
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Just another harvest of some herbs.
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witchgang · 4 years
Simply Covid-19 Magic!
I work in retail as I am going to school at the moment and as a person who does enjoy going out to get groceries and does enjoy interaction, i understand during these times it’s not good. I was laying in bed when this post finally hit me so i scrambled for my phone and just started going off! So here’s a few things to help you if you have to go out and want just a little bit of magic in your life!
Using sanitizer or washing your hands PROPERLY before touching anything on your altar
Blessing your face mask before using it
Making and outlining a sigil on your mask using your finger (Or draw the Sigil on it!!) for extra protection
 THANKING PEOPLE WHOSE JOB IT TO GIVE YOU SANITIZER AND ALWAYS TAKING THE SANITIZER IF OFFERED! (Do you know how many times people come into my store and avoid the sanitizer station like the plague?? Nearly everyone. I don’t care if you sanitized at another store, you’ve touched things there probably so your hands aren’t clean anymore )
 Having a certain scented cream on hand for when your hands start to dry out from the sanitizer, for rejuvenation
Spending more time outside or learning than in stores and in public
Carrying a crystal or two in your pocket, but make sure not to touch it with your nasty fingers! you don’t want to have to clean your hands And your crystal
A spritz of essential oil mix or a drop somewhere on your face mask before you go out so you have relaxing lavender or energizing orange to smell (aromatherapy) 
Make sure to throw out your used masks in the garbage! I’ve seen way too many of them littered and also try to rip the elastic parts (or snip them) so that animals and birds don’t get caught in them
If you can afford it, get reusable masks! Not only will it save you from throwing away a dozen and have them end up in the landfill or on the streets, but you’ll be able to reuse it and get them in cute colours. If you have some extra pocket money you can always order one from a person who makes them or to get on that has a fun witchy print on them.
You could pull a card from your deck before going out to see what you should keep in mind while in public.
 You could pull a rune before you go out in public and keep it on you depending on which rune it is.
This is all I have for now, and I will probably add to it!
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witchgang · 4 years
to the one person that unfollowed me because i decided to post after like 2 years:
why 🥺
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witchgang · 4 years
should i get back into witchcraft now that i’ve redownloaded tumblr yes or no
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witchgang · 5 years
kids who watched Gravity Falls are into witchcraft now
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witchgang · 6 years
The best time for:
Dark Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon
Waning Gibbous/Blue Moon
Waning Crescent/Third Quarter/Full Moon/Dark Moon
Waning Moon/Full Moon/Dark Moon
New Moon/Full Moon
Enhanced psychic power
Full Moon/Blue Moon
New Moon/Waxing Moon
Full Moon/Black Moon
Waxing Moon/Blue Moon
Waxing Moon/Blue Moon
Waxing Moon
Waning Crescent/New Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon
Waxing Moon/Full Moon/Waning Crescent
Spirit Work
Full Moon/Blue Moon
compiled from my personal collection of correspondences
updated on 5-29-17
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witchgang · 6 years
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50 Magical Uses for Roses
Roses are one of the most common flowers around. They are widely adored, gifted often and grown in many places.  If you’re anything like us - you might even have too much of them laying around. What to do with all these roses?
Bathe in them to encourage beauty
Carry them to attract love
Add them to a sleep sachet to promote sweet dreams
Make a rose massage bar to encourage love through touch
Make magical rose water
Candy the rose petals to give to a lover
Use them to honor the Goddess Aphrodite
Use them to honor the Goddess Isis
Let them rot in spells to break up couples
Use them to represent the planet Venus
Use them to honor the Virgin Mary
Use them as offerings to spirits of the dead
Use them to represent The Goddess
Use in a spell jar for attracting romance
Use their thorns to curse an ex-lover
Make rose oil
Use them to represent the 5 Wounds of Christ
Use them in dream pillows to cause romantic dreams
Uses yellow roses for spells involving friendship
Substitute them for any flower in a spell
Use them in spells for healing
Use them in glamour spells
Make a glamour-charged rosewater spray
Make magical perfume with their sweet fragrance
Preserve them in candles for love spells
Make a romance-attracting bath melt
Make a Sabbat Rose Garland
Make a Rose Petal Salve
Dry the Petals and make Flameless Rose Lights
Make Rose Potpourri
Use them in a Goddess Glamour bath
Make a love attracting rose and baby oil sugar scrub
Make a rose oil infusion for future spells
Make a charged rose lip balm to bring on kisses
Make a magical tea to encourage sexy times
Preserve them for the altar using borax
Use them in romance divination
Use the petals as altar confetti
Use them to honor Sappho
Burn them and use the ashes to break off ties with ex-lovers
Freeze them in ice bowls for seasonal spells
Apply them to the skin to wear on Sabbats
Use the petals as confetti for celebrations & Sabbats
Make a rose glamour shower steamer
Use the petals to cast circles
Make rose tinctures
Use the stems to make a Brigid’s Cross
Make a sabbat flower crown
Make a rose wreath for your front door to bring on relationships
Propagate the stems for even more roses!
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witchgang · 6 years
how to charge your crystals: 6 ways
bury them in the Earth. your crystals will receive so much of the Earth’s energy. every plant, every rock, every vibration is going straight to your crystals. be careful not to lose them, though.
place them in a potted plant. this gives your crystals similar effects from burying them in the Earth, but there’s a guarantee that you won’t lose them.
set them out in sunlight, whether it’s outside, at a windowsill, etc. the sun is literally a ball full of energy, and will be generous enough to lend your crystals a lot of its energy, too. i usually set them out all day, but any amount of time in the sun is so healthy for them. do your research on your crystals beforehand, though. some crystals will fade when exposed to sunlight.
set them out in moonlight, especially during a full moon. the moon’s energy is much more active during a full moon. it will really increase the effects of your crystals. if you choose to set them outside (this applies to the sunlight tip as well), make sure there is no wind that will blow them away or rain that will damage them (some crystals can crack or fizz away if wet!).
play high-vibration music with them in the room. this really energizes your crystals. there are some great tracks on youtube or spotify!
meditate with them. your body is a vessel for energy. if you are holding your crystals during meditation or other spiritual practices, both you and your crystals’ energies are flowing in sync, which raises both of yours’ vibrations.
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witchgang · 6 years
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witchgang · 6 years
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These are my Elemental representations 
The four tea light candle holders are colored red ( fire/ candle) green( earth/ salt) , blue( water), yellow ( air/ incense) ,
The small bottles have inside them dragons blood ( fire) , seaweed ( water,feather ( air), salt( earth).
The mirror elements I made by cutting the symbols out of glass then soldering them to gather making the fore alchemical elemental symbols.
The crystals also correspond with the elements citrine ( fire), amethyst ( air), fluorite ( water), moss agate ( earth).
These are all options for your elemental representations for your altar , travel altar, or closet witch altar. If these any questions feel free to ask :)
~ Darkest of Lights
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witchgang · 6 years
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a closer look - carnelian, rose quartz, amber, opalite
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witchgang · 6 years
Crystal Terminology
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Below is a list of helpful terms to know when working with gems and minerals. It includes terminology on various crystal shapes and forms. Terms specific to mineral shapes have “(form)” next to them for ease of reference.
Abundance (form): An abundance crystal consists of one long quartz crystal with many small crystals clustered around its base. Its function is to attract wealth and abundance.  
Adamantine Luster: A particularly brilliant shine as shown by a specimen such as a diamond.
Amorphous (form): Amorphous crystals, such as obsidian, have no particular shape. Energy flows rapidly through and amorphous crystal as it has no rigid internal organization.
Aura: The subtle bio-magnetic sheath that surrounds the physical body, providing a protective zone that extends for about 18 inches to 3 feet from the body and contains information about a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of being. 
Aura Crystal: A crystal specimen, usually of the quartz variety, that has been coated with metal (i.e. gold, titanium) in a vacuum chamber resulting in an iridescent sheen.
Ball (form): Balls are usually shaped from a larger piece of crystal and may have planes or flaws within them. They emit energy in all directions equally. 
Barnacle (form): A barnacle crystal has many small crystals covering a larger crystal. 
Bridge (form): A bridge crystal grows out of another larger crystal. It assists in bridging gaps and bringing things together.
Carat: The standard measure of weight for precious stones and metals. A carat is equal to 0.007 oz (0.2g).
Cathedral Quartz (form): Cathedral quartz may appear to be composed of several convoluted pieces, but these are in fact all part of the main crystal which has multiple terminations with at least one point at the apex.
Channeler (form): A channeling crystal has a 7 sided facet at the front of the termination and a triangular face on the opposite side. It channels healing energy or information from higher sources. 
Cleavage: The way a mineral or rock breaks along a certain plane, or in a certain direction.
Cluster (form): A cluster has many points bedded, but not necessarily fixed, into a base. The crystals may be small or large. 
Companion (form): A companion crystal has two crystals entwined and partly growing in each other, or a small crystal that grows out of the main crystal. 
Cross (form): A cross formation has one crystal at right angles to another, usually larger crystal. 
Crystal: A naturally occurring substance whose atoms are arranged in a regular manner. 
Crystal System: The systems in which crystals are grouped based on their symmetry. There are 6 crystal systems: cubic, monoclinic, triclinic, trigonal/hexagonal, orthorhombic, and tetragonal. 
Diamond Window (form): Flat faces at the top of crystals are called windows. A diamond window is large and connected to the apex and the base.
Double Terminated (form): A crystal with two naturally faceted ends. 
Dull Luster: A shine that reflects very little.
Earthy Luster: A non-reflective mineral luster.
Egg (form): A crystal cut in the shape of an egg. 
Elestial (form): An elestial has many natural terminations and folds over a multilayered crystal. 
Etched (form): An etched crystal that looks as though hieroglyphs or cuneiform writing has been inscribed on its faces. 
Faces: The External flat surface that make up a crystal’s shape.
Fault Line: An inner flaw or break in a crystal that refracts light and appears to divide the crystal into sections. 
Fluorescence: The optical effect whereby a mineral appears a different color in ultraviolet light than in ordinary daylight. 
Fracture: The distinctive way a mineral breaks.
Friable: Minerals that easily crumble are referred to as friable.
Gemstone: A mineral, usually crystal-like, which is valued for its color, rarity, and hardness.
Generator (form): A generator crystal has six facets meeting equally in a sharp point. 
Geode (form): A geode is contained within an outer form. When opened, it is hollow with many crystals pointing inward. 
Geologist: A scientist who studies the Earth and its structure and composition.
Gridding: The placing of crystals around a building, person, or room for protection or enhancement energies.
Habit: The general shape of a mineral.
Inclusion: Any material that is trapped inside a mineral during its formation, often producing a rainbow.
Iridescence: A play of colors that looks like oil on water that occurs when light reflects off internal elements of a rock or mineral. 
Layered (form): Plate-like crystals such as lepidolite are referred to as layered. 
Luster: The way in which light reflects of the surface of a mineral.
Manifestation (form): One or more small crystals are totally enclosed by a larger crystal. 
Matrix: The bedrock on which crystals are formed.
Metallic Luster: A shine like that of polished metal.
Mineral: A naturally occurring solid with specific characteristics, such as a particular chemical composition and crystal shape.
Mineralogist: A scientist who studies minerals.
Mohs Scale: A scale of hardness used in classifying minerals. It runs from 1 to 10 using a series of reference minerals, and a position on the scale depends on the ability to scratch minerals rated lower.
Occlusion: A mineral deposit within a crystal, which usually shows up as cloudy patches, spots, or a ghostlike image depending on the color of the material.
Opaque: A substance or material that does not let light pass through it.
Ore: A rock or mineral from which metal can be extracted
Phantom (form): A phantom crystal appears ghostlike within the body of a larger crystal. 
Pleochroic: In a crystal, appearing to have two or more different colors or shades of color, depending on the angle from which it is viewed. 
Point (form): Points may be natural or artificially shaped. A single crystal point has a faceted pointed end and the other end tends to look ragged where it has been separated from a cluster base. 
Prism: A solid geometric figure with a set of faces parallel to one another.
Pyramid (form): A crystal with four sides on a base, but the base itself may be squared off if the crystal is natural (i.e. apophyllite) rather than artificially shaped.
Record Keeper (form): A record keeper crystal has clearly etched pyramid shapes on its side or sides. 
Resinous Luster: A shine like that of resin.
Scepter Quartz (form): A scepter quartz is a large central rod around one end of which another crystal is formed. 
Seer Stone (form): A seer stone is a natural, water polished stone that is cut to reveal an inner world. 
Specific Gravity: The ratio of a mineral’s weight compared to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Square (form): A square crystal consolidates energy within its form. It’s useful for anchoring intention and grounding. 
Streak: The color of a mineral’s powder. It is less variable than the color of the mineral, so is a more reliable identification tool.
Striation: One of multiple, usually parallel grooves or scratches on a rock surface, produced by abrasion associated with glacial movement, stream flow, a geologic fault, or meteoric impact.
Tabular (form): A tabular crystal has two wide sides resulting in a flat crystal which may be double terminated. 
Transmitter (form): A transmitter crystal has two seven-sided facets with two perfect triangles between them. 
Tumbled (form): Refers to stones that have been polished in a large drum with grit, resulting in a smooth and often shiny stone.
Vitreous Luster: A shine like that of glass.
Vogal Wand (form): A crystal with specially created, indented facets with specific angles down the sides of a quartz wand. 
Wand (form): A crystal in the shape of a wand, either naturally occurring or artificially cut. 
(( source | source | source ))
Revised 30 September 2017
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witchgang · 6 years
14. if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
probably spain because i like spanish and i’ve always wanted to go cause it seems gorgeous
94. favorite lyrics right now
do they have head and shoulders for inside your head and your soul? -Soap by Riz La Vie
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witchgang · 6 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
is your room messy or clean?
what color are your eyes?
do you like your name? why?
what is your relationship status? 
describe your personality in 3 words or less
what color hair do you have?
what kind of car do you drive? color?
where do you shop?
how would you describe your style?
favorite social media account
what size bed do you have? 
any siblings?
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
favorite snapchat filter? 
favorite makeup brand(s)
how many times a week do you shower?
favorite tv show?
shoe size?
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers? 
do you go to the gym? 
describe your dream date
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
what color socks are you wearing? 
how many pillows do you sleep with?
do you have a job? what do you do? 
how many friends do you have? 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
whats your favorite candle scent? 
3 favorite boy names
3 favorite girl names
favorite actor? 
favorite actress? 
who is your celebrity crush?
favorite movie? 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
money or brains? 
do you have a nickname? what is it? 
how many times have you been to the hospital?
top 10 favorite songs
do you take any medications daily? 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
what is your biggest fear? 
how many kids do you want? 
whats your go to hair style?
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) 
who is your role model? 
what was the last compliment you received?
what was the last text you sent?
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
what is your dream car? 
opinion on smoking?
do you go to college? 
what is your dream job? 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
do you have freckles? 
do you smile for pictures?
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 
have you ever peed in the woods? 
do you still watch cartoons? 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce? 
what do you wear to bed? 
have you ever won a spelling bee?
 what are your hobbies?
can you draw? 
do you play an instrument?
what was the last concert you saw? 
tea or coffee?
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
do you want to get married?
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
what color looks best on you? 
do you miss anyone right now? 
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
do you believe in ghosts?
what is your biggest pet peeve? 
last person you called`
favorite ice cream flavor? 
regular oreos or golden oreos? 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
what shirt are you wearing? 
what is your phone background?
are you outgoing or shy?
do you like it when people play with your hair?
do you like your neighbors? 
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
have you ever been high? 
have you ever been drunk? 
last thing you ate? 
favorite lyrics right now
summer or winter? 
day or night? 
dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
favorite month? 
what is your zodiac sign
 who was the last person you cried in front of? 
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