witchyhippieavocado ยท 4 years
Pendulum Work
What is a Pendulum for?
A pendulum is used as a divination tool for spiritual healing and guidance. A pendulum can be pretty much anything. It can be a charm hanging from a necklace, or even the most commonly used crystal pendulums.
So first things first, you need to get a pendulum. If you have one already, great!
Selecting your Pendulum
When choosing a pendulum you're not going to want to pick the first thing you see on Amazon Prime. Although you CAN buy from online, I find that you'll have a better connection to the pendulum when you see it at first hand.
Now, as I mentioned, your pendulum can be anything. If you have a special connection to a necklace, use that! In my personal experience, I found that when you go looking for your pendulum and your only set intention is to find the divination tool, you'll have better luck finding the pendulum that's perfect and personal to you.
A little story about how I got my pendulum:
My roommate, who has been practicing witchcraft since she was 15, was having a conversation about angel numbers I have been seeing on a regular basis. We both agreed that I needed to dig into my spirituality and started talking to me about working with my pendulum and doing shadow work.
After a bit the conversation died down and she wandered off into her room. She came back with a pouch and said "I asked my guides if I should help in your learning and they told me yes." She then handed me the pouch with a beautiful 8 sided clear quartz pendulum and continued "I never had much of a connection to that pendulum. I hope it helps you with your spiritual growth".
After holding it for a minute my hand was just vibrating with energy.
So, your pendulum can also be a gift, just make sure you trust the person you receive it from.
Getting Started
So you shouldn't jump in right away and just start asking it questions. First, you should cleanse it to rid of any transferred energies from others as well as the negative energy. My pendulum is a 8 sided clear quartz so I cleansed mine by putting it in a jar of salt for 24 hours, then putting it in the sun for another few hours to charge it.
I will make another post after this about different types of cleansing.
For a few days you're going to want to have the pendulum on you as much as you can so it understands your energy. You can put it under your pillow when you sleep (if you find you can't sleep while doing so, remove it, some people are more sensitive to high vibrations especially those just starting their journey), keep it on you at work, while you're friends, and anywhere else.
After a few weeks I finally felt comfortable enough to ask my pendulum some questions. Some witches have boards that they use while working with pendulums. The good thing about witchcraft is you don't HAVE to do anything. I personally like using my hand as a board. You have your positive and negatives as well as your neutral. (See diagram below).
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How to Program Your Pendulum
You can use the diagram above for reference. Before asking your pendulum questions, you are going to want to program it how you want. Now keep in mind, when asking your pendulum questions, ask it yes or no questions. A pendulum can't give you an open ended answer.
To start programming, you'll want to find a nice quiet place to be alone with your pendulum. Feel it's energy and let it feel yours. Start by placing it closely above your index finger. Since this finger is positive, you're going to want to think about the word "YES". Close your eyes and picture your energy going to your finger. Open your eyes. Whichever way the pendulum is swinging, that will be the direction it swings when your pendulum answers "YES" to your question. Do the same with your ring finger.
Now move it over to middle finger, think about the word "NO". Again, close your eyes and imagine your energy going down your middle finger. Open your eyes. Whatever way the pendulum is swing, that will be which way your pendulum swings when your pendulum answers "NO" to your question. Do the same with your pinkie finger.
You can also place your pendulum on your thumb so it understands what neutral energy feels like.
Start Asking Your Pendulum Questions
Now that you're comfortable and your pendulum is comfortable with your energy, you're going to want to start asking it questions.
I would start by asking really simple questions to start, just so your pendulum warms up. Start by asking it if you'll have a good day or if the food in your pantry is spoiled.
Keep in mind, pendulums can lie to you. They lie to you in the sense of how biased you are with the questions you ask. For example, if you ask your pendulum "Does my crush also have a crush on me?" and you really really want your crush to admire you back, and you think they do admire you, your pendulum could lie to satisfy you.
My advice is always ask your pendulum questions when you have a clear mind and recognize that the answer could be anything.
Pendulums and Healing
Now, keep in mind I have my own ways to do healing work, so this won't be based on my opinion but based off of multiple articles I've read.
I would recommend using a crystal/stone/gemstone pendulum to do your pendulum healing due to many different healing properties you might not get with personal objects.
To start you're going to want to cleanse you pendulum. Always cleanse your pendulum before and after you use it.
You can balance chakras with a pendulum. It will be able to better connect you to which parts of the body needs healing by detecting subtle differences in the energy.
The pendulum can also help to relieve pain and emotional stress.
How to Heal Chakras with a Pendulum.
Before you start, CLEANSE. Always cleanse.
Place the pendulum above the chakra you want to start cleansing. Hold it still and wait for the pendulum to move. It will show you how much energy is coming from the chakra and the surface area of where the chakra needs healing.
The end result you will want to achieve, is to have the pendulum move the same direction and radius over each chakra.
You will simply rely on the pendulum to do the work after you ask the body to realign itself. The pendulum will harmonize your chakras with the help of the earth's energy. Make sure you have complete consent if you are working on someone else. They should also know the process so there isn't any unanswered questions.
I read a couple articles stating that you aren't doing anything while you do the pendulum healing. In my opinion that's wrong. I feel that it's wrong because even though you're allowing the pendulum to work, you are going to be putting your energy into the healing as well. You always use energy.
Closing your Session
Not many people talk about how they close their session. I would thank your pendulum for taking the time to work for you as well as thank any guides and deities you have protecting you. Cleanse all the tools you used so you don't have any negative energy hanging around your area.
I hope you guys will get some results from sharing my experiences from the past few days.
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witchyhippieavocado ยท 4 years
I am a relatively new witch with some experience. I have been suppressing my growth with my spirituality due to a manipulative predator.
I decided that I would share my spiritual growth as well as the techniques I will be using throughout this journey.
I decided that now would be the perfect day to get back on my path after seeing the angel numbers '666' and '6666' repeatedly.
Pendulum and Shadow work are going to be my main focuses to start. I don't identify myself under any category yet because my inheritance is Indigenous, so I cross reference different cultures/religions/spiritual beliefs.
I hope to see this account grow in many aspects and help new witches like myself.
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