wooskelisia · 4 years
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Die Mitte der Welt (2016)
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wooskelisia · 4 years
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The American Gothic house in Ohio.
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wooskelisia · 4 years
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Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering...
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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wooskelisia · 4 years
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wooskelisia · 4 years
my new roommate said that her last roommate had an eating disorder and then talked to me about her clean eating and weight loss goals and how she buys clothes that are a little snug to motivate her to lose more
and like honestly? i have anorexia but this is why i constantly talk about the dangers of the “health and fitness” industry and diet culture bc we have essentially normalized certain symptoms of disordered eating but it’s ok if it’s under the guise of health i guess???
like how is calling it “clean” eating NOT a way to moralize food
how is intermittent fasting NOT the same thing as skipping meals
how come when i buy clothes that don’t fit, it’s something i have to tell my therapist about because it means i am putting pressure on myself to fit into them, but if a “normal” person does it then it’s just motivation for them?
where is the fucking line???
and more importantly when are we going to start acknowledging that the entire world is pro-ana but that’s too harsh of a description so we slap some health buzzwords on it to make it palatable
when are we going to take responsibility for encouraging disordered behavior instead of labeling those of us with EDs as the crazy/imbalanced ones
your fucking Whole30 or keto or whatever “clean” diet you’re on is just as restrictive as the diets we create for ourselves due to our disorders. but we are the crazy ones, right
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wooskelisia · 4 years
Maladaptive daydreaming is so weird dude sometimes I realize I spent 10 minutes walking in circles having a full conversation with people who don’t exist, in situations that didn’t happen. Yet, I’m still emotionally connected to all of it and I even cry or get legitimately upset over these fake realities.
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wooskelisia · 4 years
Did anyone else have stages of discovering that they had maladaptive daydreaming? Like:
STAGE ONE: oh shit I daydream a lot
STAGE TWO: *online* oh shit it’s a real thing
STAGE THREE: oh shit I’ve had it for years
STAGE FOUR: but at least it doesn’t interact with my social life *remembering all the times I canceled plans just because I wanted to “sit around”* EXCEPT THAT IT DOES
STAGE FIVE: but at least I don’t pace EXCEPT THAT I DO and didn’t realize that was what I was doing/it was disguised in another physical activity
STAGE SIX: but at least I don’t dissociate *googling symptoms of dissociation* EXCEPT THAT I DO
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wooskelisia · 4 years
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I was asked to make a masterpost on websites like Codecademy, so I’ve tried to compile a list of the best (and mostly free!!). In no particular order: 
1. Codecademy [x]
I couldn’t not include Codecademy! Just in case you haven’t checked it out, it’s pretty neat. It has courses for learning languages and web developer skills.
Languages: Python, Ruby, Java, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
Extras: Git, SQL, Command Line, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails
2. Code School [x]
This is pretty similar to Codecademy with the in-browser coding and such. It also has additional features like teaching videos. A good introduction to programming languages.
Languages: Python, Ruby, Javascript, HTML/CSS
Extra: iOS development with Objective-C or Swift, Git, SQL
3. Learnaroo [x]
Has tutorials followed by mini challenges based on the concepts you’ve just learnt! It also has some reference pages called “Learn x by Example”. Looks pretty good.
Languages: Python, Java, Ruby, HTML/CSS
Extra: Algorithms, Mathematics, + a bunch of premium membership stuff
4. Learn … 
A set of related websites (see below) which have mini tutorials on language concepts followed by mini challenges, similar to Learnaroo.
Languages: Python, Java, C, C#,  JavaScipt, PHP, Shell
5. Code Combat [x]
Basically, it turns learning to code into a game! As you move through the levels, new concepts are introduced, so the code you need to write to play the game gets harder. 
Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Clojure, Lua
6. Codingame [x]
Similar idea to Code Combat, but a little more advanced. 
Languages: Python, Java, Ruby, C, C++, C#, Haskell, VB … there’s actually loads it supports.
7. Code Wars [x]
This is more for ‘training’ with a language you already know. It offers plenty of practice through challenges, so it’s really good for improving your coding skills. 
Languages: Python, Ruby, Java, C#, Haskell, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Clojure
8. Coderbyte [x]
This offers some video tutorials and challenges for a few languages, plus special courses on specific algorithms and bootcamp/interview prep. You need a premium membership for quite a lot of things, though (e.g. I don’t think you can watch any of the videos with a free membership).
Languages: Python, Ruby, JavaScript
Extras: Algorithms, Bootcamp Prep, Job Interview Prep
9. Free Code Camp [x]
Mini tutorials followed by mini challenges. Has a number of courses on the languages below!
Languages: HTML/CSS, jQuery, JavaScript
Extras: Git, Algorithms, + a bunch of projects to complete
10. Programmr [x]
Has courses to learn various languages through doing little exercises/challenges in the browser, similar to previous examples. Also has ‘zones’ for more languages, where you can find challenges, example code and projects people have shared. 
Languages: Python, Java, C++, C#, PHP, jQuery
11. CheckIO [x]
Only offers Python, but I still think it’s really great. You move from level to level, getting challenges which are gradually trickier. Learn by doing!
12. Rails for Zombies [x]
For people who already know a bit of Ruby, but nothing about Ruby on Rails!  Each level begins with a short video followed by interactive challenges where you program Rails in the browser.
That’s all (for now!) Hope this is helpful! (ノ^∇^)ノ゚
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wooskelisia · 5 years
stop living in ur fuckin head and start making shit happen
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wooskelisia · 5 years
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The End of the Fucking World (2017-)
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wooskelisia · 5 years
I started this tumblr for my drepressed self, the part of me who want to cry, who want to eat nothing as self-punishment. Who want to stay in my bed forever and ever.
But there is this beautiful self, the one who want to draw, to sing, to dance and study new stuffs. To travel as far as she can, to do everything because i don't want to be old one day and think about my past as a regret, thinking "i should have done that".
Fuck it, i don't have time for this bullshit, for my anxieties, my insecurities, for all of it. But they're gonna get stuck with me for a long time, so well... guess we gonna start the 'healing-fucking-trip' together cause dude I wANt To bE & FEel BeTtER GoDDamIt!
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wooskelisia · 5 years
y a s p l e a s e
reblog this to lose 10 kg this month
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wooskelisia · 5 years
🏳️‍🌈This blog supports all sexual orientations and gender identities
Reblog if yours does too.
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wooskelisia · 5 years
welcome to the 9th episode of "im a dumb btch & my life is a joke", please take a seat
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wooskelisia · 5 years
no one:
me: hi my name is wooskelisia, my life is kind of falling apart but I gonna fool myself on creating and organised this blog for no reasons instead of finding realistic solutions to solve my problems but hey did you think dogs are texting through their piss??! damn ok that's gross never mind *laugh hysterically*
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wooskelisia · 6 years
plot twist: I’m a fat piece of shiet (:
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