i think i’ve read every single gildarts fic on the internet
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rewatching the walking dead makes me want to write fics for the first time in like a year
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your reaction is the perfect response, thank you :))
What He Remembers {R. Lupin}
Summary: Remus Lupin has always made sure to remember the important things in life, so just what exactly does that entail?
Masterlist (currently unavailable)
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Grief, Pain, Language
Word Count: 1,600
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Remus Lupin was the first guy to ever say he loved Y/N L/N as well as the last. He had loved her so much that he believed each day that past was dedicated to her.
He had loved the way she smiled at even the darkest of hearts, no matter if it was only a display.
He loved how she knew the right thing to say, no matter the situation.
Most importantly, he loved how she was simply just herself.
It took him three years before he had even spoken his first words toward her, and another two before he worked up the courage to ask her out. But in all those years that he had known her, his heart never beat for another girl. It’s something that he and James Potter had been able to understand about each other much easier than the other two boys they found company in. That wasn’t to say that the pair were closer than the rest of the group, but the mutual understanding was nice.
James had been a huge source of support for Remus, and when the Lycanthrope had all but burst into the dorms cheeks red and a smile so bright James couldn’t help but take a small bit of that happiness and store it into his admiration for Lily Evans. It was at that moment he believed his friend, despite the hardships and pain he had in his life had found something that triumphed it all. After all, he had watched Remus go through this constant battle of self-doubt and had spent countless hours encouraging him that if Y/N was as kind as he spoke, then he didn’t need to worry. The energy that night has never been higher.
Remus remembered every little thing about the girl after that. He remembered the simple things, like how flustered her cheeks got when she first took his hand, or how each time she stepped outside, she’d take a deep breath of fresh air with a look of pure content on her face. It was simply just her.
He remembered the major details too, such as their first date. and thing like the shy smile that graced her lips the entire walk there before she had launched into a story on one of her classmates.
“Remus it was unbelievable, I swear I've never seen something just casually burst into flames that quick.” She laughed, “Poor Professor McGonagall had such a hard time trying to get us to pay attention after that.”
He watched her, adoring the smile that seemed to grow on her face as she told her story. “Sounds like something Peter would do. He almost flooded the classroom with a spell gone wrong, soaked half the students.”
They continued to share stories for the rest of their time together, ranging from Remus’ adventures with the Marauders to Y/N’s summers and working with her Muggle Aunt at a local bookshop. It was as if everything had suddenly become so much brighter to him, almost like the world was waiting for him to experience this moment.
The next year and a half had been the greatest moments in his life. He had finally found someone with who he never had to worry about the negativity of his mind, and to him, that was enough. It was as if he had found his definition of perfect. In fact, he had found it easy to ignore the rest of the world when he had his girl curled up next to him.
Perhaps he had been foolish to think he could ignore what truly went on around him, after all with each passing day in their seventh year the threat of the war seemed to grow higher and higher with each article of the Daily Prophet. Simply put, the war was approaching and there wasn’t anything that could truly block out the grief that everyone seemed to go through. He remembered the first time he had seen what grief had done to Y/N, and there was nothing more painful than watching the girl he loved so dearly cry herself to sleep for days on end.
Quiet knocks on his dorm door alerted Remus of her presence, who had patiently waited for her after Dumbledore himself had pulled her out of class. He stood, practically rushing over the door to find out just what had happened. He hadn’t been expecting the tear-soaked face that stared back at him. “Remus,” she choked out, throwing herself into the safety of his arms, “they killed them, my mother, my aunt, even my little brother.”
She cried, “He was only five, he didn’t deserve it, he didn’t deserve to-“ She wailed, unable to finish her sentence.
He had never seen her so heartbroken. This girl, the one who carried so much positivity and radiance around her was merely a hole of what had been. The pain had all but consumed her, and he couldn’t help but sob with her over the loss of a family that had welcomed him in with open arms. It was suddenly then they had both realized that they couldn’t hide from the war.
Remus watched her over weeks try to pull herself back together and mask just how much agony she felt, but he knew her, and he watched as she became a shell of herself. Y/N, the most comforting soul in Hogwarts was no longer there. She didn’t smile in the halls or laugh when someone had attempted, and all he could do was watch.
The closest thing Remus had seen of the girl he first fell in love with since the loss of Y/N’s family was when they had both been offered to be a part of the Order of the Phoenix. Her smile briefly came back, and it had brought him a little hope that maybe this was what she needed to heal. He didn’t know instead that this was simply her plan for revenge.
He cursed himself for ignoring the signs at the first glance of hope. Or maybe he just wanted to go back to when he was less experienced and the world didn’t seem to feel so depressing. Yet, due to his selfish mindset, he didn’t think to pay closer attention to the love of his life, or the fact that as talks of a traitor within the Order rose, they had also been betrayed.
“Remus,” She called out from the bedroom of their s haired flat, “I’ve got to go. This mission might just be the one chance I have.”
He sighed deep exhaustion in his body from the previous night’s transformation. “My love, I cannot stress this enough, please be careful, I can’t help but feel incredibly worried about this mission.”
Gathering her in his arms, he inhaled that sweet scent he had grown to seek comfort in when he found himself nervous, “I promise you I’ll do my best. Please don’t stress too much while I’m gone.”
“I just worry.”
“You have no need, I will come back to you.” She whispered, separating herself from his arms before looking towards their little clock on the wall, “I must be going now. I love you.”
He took a moment, taking in the sight of her before him, memorizing each detail as he had done each time before one of their missions, “Be safe out there. I love you my dearest.”
And with that, She apparated out of the place they called home.
He wondered later on that if he hadn’t been so tired would he have fought harder for her to stay.
It was two days later when an abrupt Order meeting was called, but he didn’t think that he could ever prepare for the news that he received, or that James Potter had been the one to tell him with tearful eyes and a grim face.
“Remus, sit down.” He asked, glancing towards Lily in a silent ask for privacy, “Remus I…”
He’s never forgotten the look James had given him that night, “James, what’s going on?”
He watched as his friend's eyes filled with tears, “I’m so sorry, Remus I truly am. I can’t even imagine.” He stumbled, trying to figure out exactly how to phrase what had needed to be said, “God I’m so sorry, Its- Its Y/N. Remus the intel we got was a trick, they-“
“They what James?” He cried out, heart aching at the idea of what James was getting at, “You’ve got to be fucking with me right? This is some sick fucking joke”
“Remus, I'm so sorry-“
“Stop apologizing and just say it!”
“She’s dead Remus, they killed her.”
Nothing at that moment could compare to what he felt as those words left James’ mouth, his knees buckled out from underneath him as he collapsed from the impact of what had been said. Sobs wracked his body, head-spinning because one of the only good things he had, had been taken away from him. The air was knocked from his lungs as he cried out to her, begging to no one to give her back to him. If he thought the world looked dull when he first met her, now every single bit of brightness had been sucked right out in front of him.
The next few weeks were hell for him, yet he had finally understood just how bad Y/N hurt after the death of her family. By the time her funeral came around, he was simply numb, and the few people that tried to offer their condolences were met with a dazed look and a nod.
Remus had remembered what he thought was the worst pain of his life since the age of five, but nothing could have ever prepared him for the pain losing Y/N had caused him.
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Little side note now that i’m trying to get back into writing! I’m redoing my master list and wiping my tag lists! so if you want a tag in upcoming works you have to tell me! but writing that piece was so refreshing
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What He Remembers {R. Lupin}
Summary: Remus Lupin has always made sure to remember the important things in life, so just what exactly does that entail?
Masterlist (currently unavailable)
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Grief, Pain, Language
Word Count: 1,600
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Remus Lupin was the first guy to ever say he loved Y/N L/N as well as the last. He had loved her so much that he believed each day that past was dedicated to her.
He had loved the way she smiled at even the darkest of hearts, no matter if it was only a display.
He loved how she knew the right thing to say, no matter the situation.
Most importantly, he loved how she was simply just herself.
It took him three years before he had even spoken his first words toward her, and another two before he worked up the courage to ask her out. But in all those years that he had known her, his heart never beat for another girl. It’s something that he and James Potter had been able to understand about each other much easier than the other two boys they found company in. That wasn’t to say that the pair were closer than the rest of the group, but the mutual understanding was nice.
James had been a huge source of support for Remus, and when the Lycanthrope had all but burst into the dorms cheeks red and a smile so bright James couldn’t help but take a small bit of that happiness and store it into his admiration for Lily Evans. It was at that moment he believed his friend, despite the hardships and pain he had in his life had found something that triumphed it all. After all, he had watched Remus go through this constant battle of self-doubt and had spent countless hours encouraging him that if Y/N was as kind as he spoke, then he didn’t need to worry. The energy that night has never been higher.
Remus remembered every little thing about the girl after that. He remembered the simple things, like how flustered her cheeks got when she first took his hand, or how each time she stepped outside, she’d take a deep breath of fresh air with a look of pure content on her face. It was simply just her.
He remembered the major details too, such as their first date. and thing like the shy smile that graced her lips the entire walk there before she had launched into a story on one of her classmates.
“Remus it was unbelievable, I swear I've never seen something just casually burst into flames that quick.” She laughed, “Poor Professor McGonagall had such a hard time trying to get us to pay attention after that.”
He watched her, adoring the smile that seemed to grow on her face as she told her story. “Sounds like something Peter would do. He almost flooded the classroom with a spell gone wrong, soaked half the students.”
They continued to share stories for the rest of their time together, ranging from Remus’ adventures with the Marauders to Y/N’s summers and working with her Muggle Aunt at a local bookshop. It was as if everything had suddenly become so much brighter to him, almost like the world was waiting for him to experience this moment.
The next year and a half had been the greatest moments in his life. He had finally found someone with who he never had to worry about the negativity of his mind, and to him, that was enough. It was as if he had found his definition of perfect. In fact, he had found it easy to ignore the rest of the world when he had his girl curled up next to him.
Perhaps he had been foolish to think he could ignore what truly went on around him, after all with each passing day in their seventh year the threat of the war seemed to grow higher and higher with each article of the Daily Prophet. Simply put, the war was approaching and there wasn’t anything that could truly block out the grief that everyone seemed to go through. He remembered the first time he had seen what grief had done to Y/N, and there was nothing more painful than watching the girl he loved so dearly cry herself to sleep for days on end.
Quiet knocks on his dorm door alerted Remus of her presence, who had patiently waited for her after Dumbledore himself had pulled her out of class. He stood, practically rushing over the door to find out just what had happened. He hadn’t been expecting the tear-soaked face that stared back at him. “Remus,” she choked out, throwing herself into the safety of his arms, “they killed them, my mother, my aunt, even my little brother.”
She cried, “He was only five, he didn’t deserve it, he didn’t deserve to-“ She wailed, unable to finish her sentence.
He had never seen her so heartbroken. This girl, the one who carried so much positivity and radiance around her was merely a hole of what had been. The pain had all but consumed her, and he couldn’t help but sob with her over the loss of a family that had welcomed him in with open arms. It was suddenly then they had both realized that they couldn’t hide from the war.
Remus watched her over weeks try to pull herself back together and mask just how much agony she felt, but he knew her, and he watched as she became a shell of herself. Y/N, the most comforting soul in Hogwarts was no longer there. She didn’t smile in the halls or laugh when someone had attempted, and all he could do was watch.
The closest thing Remus had seen of the girl he first fell in love with since the loss of Y/N’s family was when they had both been offered to be a part of the Order of the Phoenix. Her smile briefly came back, and it had brought him a little hope that maybe this was what she needed to heal. He didn’t know instead that this was simply her plan for revenge.
He cursed himself for ignoring the signs at the first glance of hope. Or maybe he just wanted to go back to when he was less experienced and the world didn’t seem to feel so depressing. Yet, due to his selfish mindset, he didn’t think to pay closer attention to the love of his life, or the fact that as talks of a traitor within the Order rose, they had also been betrayed.
“Remus,” She called out from the bedroom of their s haired flat, “I’ve got to go. This mission might just be the one chance I have.”
He sighed deep exhaustion in his body from the previous night’s transformation. “My love, I cannot stress this enough, please be careful, I can’t help but feel incredibly worried about this mission.”
Gathering her in his arms, he inhaled that sweet scent he had grown to seek comfort in when he found himself nervous, “I promise you I’ll do my best. Please don’t stress too much while I’m gone.”
“I just worry.”
“You have no need, I will come back to you.” She whispered, separating herself from his arms before looking towards their little clock on the wall, “I must be going now. I love you.”
He took a moment, taking in the sight of her before him, memorizing each detail as he had done each time before one of their missions, “Be safe out there. I love you my dearest.”
And with that, She apparated out of the place they called home.
He wondered later on that if he hadn’t been so tired would he have fought harder for her to stay.
It was two days later when an abrupt Order meeting was called, but he didn’t think that he could ever prepare for the news that he received, or that James Potter had been the one to tell him with tearful eyes and a grim face.
“Remus, sit down.” He asked, glancing towards Lily in a silent ask for privacy, “Remus I…”
He’s never forgotten the look James had given him that night, “James, what’s going on?”
He watched as his friend's eyes filled with tears, “I’m so sorry, Remus I truly am. I can’t even imagine.” He stumbled, trying to figure out exactly how to phrase what had needed to be said, “God I’m so sorry, Its- Its Y/N. Remus the intel we got was a trick, they-“
“They what James?” He cried out, heart aching at the idea of what James was getting at, “You’ve got to be fucking with me right? This is some sick fucking joke”
“Remus, I'm so sorry-“
“Stop apologizing and just say it!”
“She’s dead Remus, they killed her.”
Nothing at that moment could compare to what he felt as those words left James’ mouth, his knees buckled out from underneath him as he collapsed from the impact of what had been said. Sobs wracked his body, head-spinning because one of the only good things he had, had been taken away from him. The air was knocked from his lungs as he cried out to her, begging to no one to give her back to him. If he thought the world looked dull when he first met her, now every single bit of brightness had been sucked right out in front of him.
The next few weeks were hell for him, yet he had finally understood just how bad Y/N hurt after the death of her family. By the time her funeral came around, he was simply numb, and the few people that tried to offer their condolences were met with a dazed look and a nod.
Remus had remembered what he thought was the worst pain of his life since the age of five, but nothing could have ever prepared him for the pain losing Y/N had caused him.
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considering i only wrote like two chapters for SOTS i’m thinking of giving it a complete rewrite
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fuck i love him so much
pairing(s): kazuha x reader
warning(s): established relationship, fluff, ooc kazuha? jealous kazuha, slight cursing
word count: 2.3k
a/n: english is not my first language so do expect errors, but i'm trying. also, proof read! i hope kazuha isn't too out of character here :')
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"why is kazuha's aura screaming bloody murder?" paimon whispered near lumine's ear, though the girl was too busy stifling her laugh at the scene laid out before her to answer.
"you and i shall have our wedding tomorrow—"
"no," kazuha deadpanned.
"then the day after tomorrow—"
you sighed as you watched the two banter back and forth, a child and a fugitive from inazuma. li zhang, the said boy lumine was commissioned to take care of for the day, had randomly taken a liking to you. it so happens that the alcor has business in liyue that requires a few days to settle.
thus, here you are, stuck in a prickly situation.
"but you're not married!" the boy's arms clinging around your torso tightened. he puffed his round cheeks upon seeing kazuha smile unnervingly.
"who says we aren't?"
"what?!" both you and the child screamed in shock but the smile on kazuha's face only seemed to widen.
your cheeks warmed at the thought of marriage, with kazuha nonetheless! and as if sensing your flustered state, li zhang tightened his grip around your torso to the point of suffocation. a pout made its way to his lips and he stared at you with puppy doe eyes, so bright that it looked like he was sparkling in your vision.
"you and that mister there aren't married, right? you don't like him that much, right?" he bombarded, eyes pleading and it tugged at your heartstrings. you didn't need to feel guilty so why?
"oh? how about you answer the lad, dearest?" kazuha urged, his smile turning into a grin.
why you little shit.
he was enjoying this: your flustered state and your answer of confirmation that he wanted to hear. still, your mind short-circuited and no answer was given by you much to li zhang dismay.
your samurai lover only teased the little boy, finding the situation amusing. he's proud of the fact that nobody can resist your charms, you are his after all. though, he wondered when it will last, hopefully not until he snaps.
li zhang reached the height around your torso, sporting messy jet black hair that reminded kazuha of gorou minus the ears. kazuha admits that the child is cute, with his chubby cheeks sprinkled with the color of roses and his big-doe eyes the color of the ocean. li zhang certainly knew his charms, and he certainly knew how to use them on you.
though the smile never faltered, kazuha felt his brows twitch as li zhang moved his arms to link arms with you, his other hand intertwining with yours—or at least he attempted to as you scooted away awkwardly.
"my my, where did a child such as you learn to make a lady uncomfortable?"
you gulped as li zhang's glare was returned by kazuha's intense stare. still, the boy did not separate from you and lumine could only apologize to you for the kid was supposed to be her responsibility for the day. you could only hope this wouldn't last throughout the day, and so does kazuha, choosing to humor the young lass.
alas, he could only hope for li zhang was not about to give up on you that easily.
"please crouch down!" the boy pleaded and you complied, lost about what to do. he beckoned you closer and you lent him your ear.
"what is it?" you whispered, only to be met with moist lips on your cheek.
"gah!" paimon shrieked as poor lumine covered her ears. "what is wrong with you kid?! where did you learn that—oh no kazuha..." the floating pixie stopped midway as she felt the ominous presence of none other than the fugitive samurai.
"it's alright," kazuha said before anyone could question him. still, the tight smile on his lips betrayed the calmness of his statement. "he's just a little boy."
or so he reminds himself. it's just a kiss on your cheek, surely kazuha isn't petty right?
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"you have competition now kazuha?" beidou teased, a boisterous laugh lost in the vast seas.
kazuha, however, wasn't up for the teasings the captain and his crew were throwing his way. li zhang had taken up most of your time, a time you both rarely got and the child managed to hog you.
when you ate, the ravinette wanted to sit beside you. when you walked across liyue harbor, he held your hand tightly in his tiny ones—something that kazuha was supposed to do. and he stole one kiss from you—thankfully, only on the cheek. he was basically replacing kazuha's spot beside you, his little smirk and side-glance irritating kazuha to no end.
the sun was about to set, indicating the day's almost over, and so was lumine's commission. you were glad the traveler's only commission was to watch over the child, which wasn't hard to begin with, so she got her well-deserved rest. li zhang followed only you anyway.
"hey li zhang, that mister over there," you started as a shiver ran down your spine. kazuha certainly wasn't happy and you wished he would yell rather than smile unnervingly in your direction. you never thought your lover, whose patience knows no bounds, would have his tolerance thinning out by a kid. "i really really like him, so i can't marry you."
you bit your lip as you watched the child turned crestfallen, still he was so young and had a lot more to learn. but just when you thought he'd give up, his head snapped back up, eyes more determined than ever.
"but you aren't married? i will make you really really like me instead of him!" li zhang declared.
before you could answer, you felt a tug on your wrist, gently guiding you towards a warm embrace from behind. kazuha. it seems like the samurai had enough of letting the child do as he pleases.
"yes we are, right wifey?"
your mouth hung open as the man before you smiled, having no shame for the blatant lie he just told. your mind short-circuited and paimon swore she saw smoke coming out of your head. lumine whistled as beidou laughed obnoxiously as if the scene were some skit playing out in front of her.
your thinking reduced to the endearment he just uttered. wifey. was kazuha well-versed in such things?
"no!" li zhang protested and charged straight for you but kazuha only held him at arm's length with little to no effort.
"will you look at that, it's nighttime!" lumine chimed before a full-blown fight between a childe and a samurai could commence, although kazuha was too mature for that. still, lumine won't take any chances.
"let's go home li zhang." lumine offered her hand but the boy only shook his head stubbornly.
"no! i still want to be with Y/N!"
you could hear some of the crew sighing, no doubt finding the child annoying and stubborn. though as tears started to well up in his eyes, lumine was left speechless. it had been too long since she dealt with kids and is now at a loss of what to do.
in the end, beidou allowed li zhang a cabin of his own only because she find it all amusing, and lumine's commission extended until the first light of dawn. though the ravinette insisted he be in the same room with you. no matter how much kazuha pries him off you, the kid clung to you like an onikabuto on a tree.
"just this once, kazu," you pleaded to your lover knowing he can't say no to you nor would he be too immature to let a kid be on his own.
reluctantly, the platinum blonde agreed but only under one condition: you both sleep in his cabin. you happily obliged before the child clinging to you could let out a protest.
truth be told, you've been feeling down with how the situation turned out. you looked forward to finally spend time with kazuha. though you blamed no one but yourself for it, you just wished li zhang wasn't so stubborn and spoiled but you really can't leave him either, not with him constantly clinging to you no matter what.
"only one bed?" li zhang questioned before his eyes sparkled, only to dim once more as kazuha taunted him with a smile.
"yes, married couples share beds, you see," kazuha chuckled and you wanted to smack him for being unfazed. admittedly, you couldn't help but feel giddy at the way he acted, something you've never seen him do before.
alas, you can't bask in a jealous kazuha as li zhang pulled you in bed, climbing on top and demanding that you sleep beside him while kazuha can nod off on the floor.
not this time, kazuha thought and scooted beside you, his arms boldly trapping you against his body. now you are sandwiched between a literal child and a child at heart.
in response, li zhang placed himself on your lap, making sure to send a smug grin towards the samurai behind you.
"do i have no say in this?" you muttered but the two commenced an intense staring—or rather glaring—contest, completely ignoring your exasperated sigh.
"youths such as you should be slumbering," kazuha teased and as if to add his finishing blow, you felt something warm land on your cheek.
li zhang almost fell off your lap as you jumped in surprise. you turned to the playful man behind you to find him smiling cheekily, hints of pink dusting his adorable cheeks. for a moment, you forgot about the existence of the kid in front of you, too charmed by the uncharacteristic approach kazuha had chosen to deal with his growing irritation towards the child.
"no fair!" the boy screamed and only when he pulled you to face him were you brought out of your trance.
no sooner had you faced him, a tiny peck landed on your lips.
your brain is muddled because no, li zhang did not just steal a kiss from you, but the way you shivered at the growing tension in the room said otherwise. the arms that snaked around your torso tightened and you found yourself being turned around by none other than kazuha.
the smile he had on his face widened but you can tell he was far from joyful. this was no longer an angel in front of you, this was kazuha whose patience was no more.
he raised his bandaged hand, swiftly covering the child's vision.
his protests turned deaf in your ears as kazuha lovingly caressed your cheek with his friend. entranced, you sighed dreamily, sinking further into the warmth his palm offered. without saying anything, the samurai moved closer until his lips were hairsbreadth away from your own.
staring at you silently, kazuha waited for your consent. you nodded eagerly, moving closer on your own and your lover couldn't help but chuckle.
his lips were warm and soft, full of love and you wanted nothing other than to drown in it. the smell of the sea that became his perfume wafted in your nose, dizzying but not unpleasant. you kissed back eagerly, reciprocating the love he relayed to you.
alas, your lungs begged for air and you both parted with a quiet sigh. pink dusted kazuha's pale cheeks and the silly smile on his face made him even more stunning in your eyes. you didn't think you could fall harder but here you are.
only when there was distance again between you two did kazuha take his hand off from a struggling li zhang.
with his vision back, the child squinted at you both, aware of the tender look you sent towards his rival's way.
"what did you do?" he asked accusingly to kazuha but the man in question only laughed. apparently, the samurai now felt better.
"that's a secret between me and my wife."
and despite the noisy protest and kazuha's amused smile, your mind still whirled as butterflies continued to erupt in your stomach. a jealous kazuha is a petty kazuha, and you were glad to see a side of him you don't see often.
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end note: i don't know what this is but i was having kazuha brainriot.
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Okay, so smitten over the sun is getting a full fix up and I'm actually going to delete the two chapters that are up. Before i can work on the series I'm gonna need a bit of writing practice so god please help i need requests. I’m gonna make a request form and fandoms i write for so beware of that.
they are gonna be pretty shitty though as i took a year long break to,,, well,, let’s just say i made some interesting choices.
So please be patient with me, y’all deserve the world and i just wanna give you a piece of the fictional one i can create.
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Hey there, can’t say I've been active but god I'm gonna try again.
I actually stopped writing for a while but i really wanna rewrite SOTS So you bet for sure I'm making a comeback
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Also I never realized this, but i am so sorry to everyone that ever requested something that I said i’d get to and didn’t. I’m horrible at keeping track of things and well, i never got to your request; So once again i’m sorry.
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Okay okay okay, so I haven’t done this before so bear with me. It’s also 4:00am.
This right here is a masterpiece. Everything flows so well and I think it’s one of my favourites. The three Marauders fit so well into place.
Remus: Being the best friend and safe stress reliever she needed in the beginning, it’s a great tone to start of, leaving you in prepared for the emotional state that you will end up in. He’s this cheeky little shit which not many are able to fully grasp that concept.
Sirius: He flirts with her, he does what she asks. But he is a heartbreaker, and that’s what he does best. So during the last few chapters it will leave you in heart ache, but there is nothing more I could ask for.
And James: He takes her verginity as well as her heart. Leaving her to pick herself up with Lily being in the way. The iconic nickname is so precious, and I think it’s one of the reasons I fell for James in this story. They both want to reach out but can’t. And I couldn’t be more presently surprised with their ending.
Not to mention when her Obliviates them. I believe that was right when I started crying. And my tears carried out during James’ letter. The emotion was so raw and I hope you can see that this is potentially one of the best ficus on her.
So to end this off thank you for taking the time to writing this. You are talented and I’m extremely amazed and honestly kind of intimidated by your writing. I highly recommend reading
Lots of love and apperception,
Schemes ~ Letter to Sirius
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A/N: Finishing this and saying goodbye to my masterpiece of a work. I love this part so much. L.O.V.E. I just- WOW.
‘ Dear Sirius,
Courtyard; place where we crashed, shared a first kiss and found each other. But we found each other broken and lost, bad timing and toxic surroundings.
Every choice I made before us, ruined us. And for such a long time I blamed myself for something that wasn’t even my fault. The reason for our breakup wasn’t my choices before us. Me sleeping with James before we happened wasn’t the problem for everything to turn out as badly as it did.
I loved you. Once.
I cared for you. Since always.
But we were never meant to be.
I wish you everything you dreamt to have, everything you told me about your future and everything I never gave you.
Love, (y/n). ‘
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My  Escape {S. Black}
Summary:   Request💟Sirius is wandering around in dog form(for some reason) only to find Slytherin!reader crying near the forest. He hated her her out of association with Mulciber, who is a family friend of the reader. He approaches her in dog form which ends up with her venting about how she hates everything Mulciber does and only stays around him because shes scared of him. Blah blah Sirius realizes shes not a bad person and later tries to coax her into hanging out with him to get her away from Mulciber. (Dear Nonnie: I had to change it up a bit due to me not liking my first draft. But I’m super happy with this so I hope you also are)
Masterlist (ALL)
Requested?: Yes!
Warnings: Language, set SLYTHERIN!Reader, it’s kinda sad. 
Words: 1,446
Feel free to reach out if you want to be tagged.
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The day had been filled with too much sorrow for Y/N to enjoy even with the sun outside as she walked around, kicking the grass. Her legs felt tired, but her mind felt exhausted. She huffed at herself, feeling tears slowly build upon her lower eyelids. 
    It was just too much.
    Too much pain she felt. She was trapped with no sign of escape all thanks to her stupid pureblood parents and their ideologies. She resented it all, but the worst was being forced around Mulciber. He was a good-for-nothing blood purist and an asshole. Her parents had told her that they expected a friendship from them, meaning she was forced to be around him for whatever reason there was. Yet Mulciber was cruel, constantly being harsh towards her, pulling on her arms, calling her disrespectful terms, and forcing her to be a snobby uptight snake. 
    Her parents were his worst weapon, the way he used them against her, saying things like “If you don’t act right I’ll make sure your summer is spent in a cage.” It scared her. She wasn’t safe, her tormentors followed her everywhere.
    The coating of wet tears fell down her cheeks, and she cried, whimpers fell past her lips as her hands clenched in the cool blade of the grass. Surely she would get reprimanded for skipping dinner, yet there was so much build-up she needed an escape. Her mind was an endless pit, and she hated each and every second. The crunching of grass was able to distract her, thinking someone had found her, but instead the source of the sound was a… dog? Yet there were no dogs allowed in Hogwarts. She stared at it with swollen eyes, watching as it approached her before sitting down by her legs. 
    The dog was definitely furry, and there was no collar or marking to tell her it had an owner, so she guessed it was a stray. She smiled lightly, sticking out her hand for it to sniff, but it didn’t like any normal dog. I just shoved its head into her hand and came closer, leaning against her side. Y/N was impressed, for a stray, the fur was incredibly soft, each touch of it felt like heaven. She hugged the dog, deciding to call it a male for now, “I don’t know why you’re here, but I am thankful.” She whimpers into his fur, the tears coming again, to which the dog pulled back and licked her face, “Oh, I.. I’m sorry, you see things aren’t going well for me here, but I can't tell my parents.” She sighed, laying down in the grass.
    The dog did the same, laying against her with his head resting on her body, “A lot of people see me as a bad person due to who I hang out with also. I’d like to think that maybe if I wasn’t in Slytherin, or raised by blood purists, or had other people around me, then I would have been better.” She smiles, lazily stroking the dog's fur, “I think I’d like to be in Gryffindor if I could change. There are many talented people there. Many I’d like to be friends with, especially Sirius Black.” She suddenly sits up and giggles to herself, “You kinda look like him. That's what I’ll call you. Sirius.” The dog wagged its tail in response and she couldn’t help but laugh. Hugging it tightly, she smiled, “Y’know, I should be in there right now,” she pointed at the castle, “Mulciber, one of the git’s that haven’t made my time here easy probably expects me. I’m forced to be around him because of our parents, both are pureblood snobs, and they want me to associate with them. So now people hate me without even knowing me.” She sighed.
    Sirius watched, with sad eyes, she didn’t know that the dog named Sirius was actually him, or that every opinion he had on her had changed, but worst off all she didn’t know that she understood the pain of parents who held expectation, ones that though they weren’t good enough, ones that caused more pain than resolved, and without even knowing, he let out a whine. Y/N looked over, worried as she tries to figure out why the sudden noise, “Are you alright Sirius?” She panicked, checking over anything she could find, but the only response was him pulling away, and running off. Probably not his best choice but he needed to figure out what to do. The emotions he tried to hide were matched and amplified by a Slytherin girl that was used. He had left her, in the field, panicking over a noise he didn’t mean to make. 
    Yet, he didn’t want to return, so his only hope was to go back tomorrow with something that only he would have. It was apart of his muggle collection against his own parents. Tomorrow he would bring it. 
Y/N had hoped to see her new companion, this time bringing some food so both could snack on if he came. To her surprise, he had beat her, while he had something dangling in his mouth. It seemed familiar, yet she could only distinguish it as the precious leather jacket that Sirius wore. ‘Shit! He’s gonna think I stole’ she considered, sliding over to the dog and taking hold of the cool material, “Hey, Sirius. Mind letting go?” She hushed her tone, giving a slight tug on the sleeve she had grasped in her hand. The dog eased up a bit but didn’t let go, “You don’t understand how much trouble this will cause, please.” She hissed slightly, surprising herself at her own tone, “Sorry, it happens when I get worked up.” She sighed, letting go and sitting on the ground. In her distressed state, she looked forward, the grasp on her mind loosening until the Jacket was placed on her lap and the dog ran out of sight. Confused, she got up, taking the jacket and trying to chase after the dog, only to run into… human Sirius. 
“Hey, what’s got you crashing into me like that?” He smirked, looking at her with a glint in his eyes. He watched her flustered state, which was much different than her inside the school, but that wasn’t her, “You seemed in a hurry.”
“Out of my way Black,” She hissed, her mask back on, “I need to find this dog. It had black fur that was mangy, kinda looks like you.”
He laughed, “It looked like me? Now that’s quite the observation love.” He smiled at her, “Also is that my jacket?” He played off.
She looked down actions panicked as she slammed it into his chest, “That stupid dog somehow got ahold of it and brought it to me.” She growled, shaking his hands off of her in an angered manor, “You name one dog after you and they suddenly bring me your possessions.” She huffed, pointing a finger at him, “I swear if you had something to do with it ill shove my-”
“I did.” He shrugs, shoving his hands in his robe pockets, “I was there the entire time.”
She looked at him, clearly puzzled, “What do you mean? I made sure no one was around. It was only me and Siriu- You spied on me as a fucking  dog!” She yelled, “I told you things that could fucking get me disowned. Things I haven’t told anyone. You…” she faltered, sitting on her knees, tears collected again, “You made me think I finally had a friend.” She spoke, her voice cracking on the last word.
Sirius didn’t think, instead, he just hugged her shaking body, pulling her into his lap as she cried, “You do.” He whispered into her hair, pressing soft kisses to her hairline, “You still do.”
She smiled, hugging him, “I’m scared, Sirius.” She spoke, “My family, here. It’s all so dangerous for me.” She spoke, “I’m scared of what they’ll do.”
Sirius pulled her as close as he could, resting his chin on the top of her head, “I know. My family is the same way. It got to the point where I’ve been disowned.” He whispered, “But it turned out good for me. It meant I was no longer chained down.” His voice carried out softly, and he could feel her trembles lessen, “We’ll figure this out.”
So they sat there on the ground, Y/N not worrying about who saw. She finally had an escape, an adorable escape who just happened to disguise himself as her dog friend, but it was a  safe friend, one she felt comfortable in his arms.
A/N: So ill be releasing a new series prologue soon as like a ‘Hey! New Series is in the making’ and honestly i’m extremely happy about it. The planning was so good and it’s going to be a series, The Series is called ‘The Night, Dusk, and The Day.’ and honestly i’m unbelievable happy with it.
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I just learnt that Sirius actually dismissed woman instead of perusing them, and that’s one of the reasons girls likes him. So writing his character any other way just completely changed.
Now I’m not sure if this is completely true but... though he did have photos of bikini models in his room so that’s still fun.
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If someone were to ask me what bees make I’d say ‘Margarine” because I can’t remember what it’s actually called.
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The End of the Line {S.Rogers, B.Barnes}
Summary:  Steve Rogers has come to a decision, but now it’s all about how Bucky and their girlfriend Y/N will react to all of it. 
Masterlist (ALL)
Requested?: No
Warnings: Language, mention of loss, angst, and of course
Words: 3,000
Feel free to reach out if you want to be tagged.
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After Thanos was gone, everyone seemed to be glad to be reunited with the ones that had fallen, Tony with Peter. Rocket with his guardians, and of course Steve, with Bucky and their girlfriend. But as soon as they embraced, both Bucky and Y/N knew something wasn’t quite right with Steve. She planted a light kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear, “We’ll talk later.” Grinning back at Bucky before joining in to fight alongside him. She occasionally offered Steve reassuring smiles that they both are okay when he caught her eye. As Thanos slowly faded into dust, she couldn’t help but be slightly afraid of what words were going to be shared when they had a chance. Something was going to happen with Steve, and whether Y/N was to like it or not, she was clearly unsure. Bucky seemed to have noticed this too, sending him questionable looks his way whenever he found a rightful time to do so. Now, as the Battlefield was no longer, and the familiar were reunited, there seemed to be a wall between Steve and the two people that meant the most to him. He knew he would have to tell them, in the end, no matter the pain it caused, he knew where a piece of his heart belonged, and now that he had the chance, in no way was he going to give that up, even if it meant there would be a negative on both sides of his choice. Telling Y/N the reason why would be hard, explaining his decision to let her go, and to leave her alone in the hands of Bucky was painful, though he knew it was the right choice, for his heart was divided between the two, and part of him knew it always would be, but you can never forget your first love. Y/N looked to Steve, giving him a knowing look that eventually, things will be discussed sorted out. He walked over to the pair, wrapping Y/N in his arms, finally able to cherish a moment with her without worrying about what was going to happen next. The sorrows of losing people forever were there, and he saw the saddened sparkle in her eyes after finding out about both Tony and Natasha. He released her from his arms, before hugging his pest pal. They both smiled at him, Bucky’s slightly strained, but hidden within was honest gratitude. While Y/N’s was harder to read, he could see the burden in her eyes, the blame, the sadness, but he could also see the relief, the resolved longing, and the love. In both ways, it made his chest flutter and a deep pang to bury itself inside. She leaned into him when he released Bucky, kicking at the dirt, “Y’know even though we won, in some ways, I still feel like we lost.”  She whispered, looking up to the duo slightly. They both knew what she felt, the grief of losing their friends laid in their hearts also, only to be masked with the relief of having those they had previously been dusted around them finally in person. Steve was the first to respond to her statement, meeting her eyes before speaking, “They did it for a good cause, we all would have.” Nodding in agreement, his ice blue eyes scanned the area, taking in the damage that had been done, “Doll, don’t let it upset you.” Grasping Bucky’s flesh hand and one of Steve's, she sighed, “I can’t help it. Tony and Nat are dead and I either wasn’t there to stop in or was to busy myself.” Steve wrapped his arms around her causing her to let go of their hands, stifling her sobs as she buried herself into his chest. They both knew things were going to change, they had lost two of their friends, and while Bucky had only known them for a shorter amount of time, he still felt the pain of their deaths.   The males looked at each other, both knowing about what they would have to discuss, but neither of them having the heart to do so now.
Tony’s funeral was hard on everyone that attended, deciding to stay with Steve during the ceremonial part of it, holding herself close to him. Shedding many more tears, she said her final goodbyes to the man that had taught her so much, though there was always the slight reassurance now that he no longer had to deal with the burden of saving the world.   When everyone began to separate, branching off into small groups she stayed with Steve. She smiled a sorrowful smile to her lover, facing him, “I’m going to miss him. No matter how many times he pissed me off.” She spoke. “Yeah, he was a good man at heart.” Glancing over to Bucky, Steve gestured, to join them, in which he happily (as much as he could be) made his presence known by wrapping his girl in his arms from behind, “We all miss him.” Bucky looked to his girlfriend, stunned by how strong she truly was. In the past few years, she dealing with losing five years of her life, losing her two best friends, fighting the titan that had either killed them or force them to die, yet she still stood there, holding a fragile smile on her face as she watched the water. He watched as she sat down on the grass, fidgeting till she found a comfortable placement where the grass didn’t irritate her legs. Bucky did the same, sitting behind her and letting her lean into him, her head placed on his lap. Steve was the last to sit down, taking her hand in his calloused one and pressing it to his lips multiple times. He knew the loss was still heavy in her heart, and his decision would only worsen that, so for now, he would stick with her, letting her heal before throwing one more life-changing event her way, “I love you, with almost everything.” he whispered, like he had done many times previously. To which she hummed in response, Leaning over to place a kiss on her golden boy's lips.
Three days it took for Steve to finally feel the absolute need to tell her, now that the time heist replica had been made, it must be done. “Darling, Buck.” Steve spoke up, taking in a deep breath as he saw Y/N look up from whatever book that currently rest in her hand, and Bucky perks up from his conversation with Wanda, “We should talk.” Y/N’s stomach dropped. The feeling she got from Steve was finally being addressed, and she couldn’t help but be slightly scared as to what was coming. Being the incredible Super Soldier boyfriend that he was, Bucky sensed the nerves and wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a sign of comfort. The silence between the three was off-putting as they walked through Peppers home, heading to the bedroom the three was currently set to live in for the time. The light click of there shoes and the sounds of breathing were all that heard until they reached the room, to which Steve let them enter first. And as he placed his hand on the small dip in her back, it was obvious she was tense about what was to happen. Bucky threw himself onto the bed, using the headboard to prop himself upwards as he waited for the other two to do the same. So when Steve saw Y/N's hesitation, he lightly seized her hand, leading her onto the bed, making it so she was to get comfortable between her boyfriends. Steve had her head rest on his chest with a hand linked within his own, much like how they used to when watching movies at the compound; while her back was turned to Bucky, who had adjusted to not be on the headboard, had their legs tangled and an arm was thrown across her stomach. They all laid there for a while, taking in each others company. Growing more anxious with each stroke of Steve’s thumb, she was the first to speak up, “Stevie?” Her voice was soft, breaking any sense of silence that rest in the air, “What’s on your mind?” It was now or never, and with a deep breath, he explained it, “Someone had to volunteer to put all the infinity stones back.” Steve spoke, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, trying to take in the scent of her shampoo, “so I did.” He looked over to Bucky, who eyes watched him in curiosity. Taking in a deep breath, he continues, “And with this, I have a potential to have the life I was never given.” He looked down at Y/N, noticing the sad look in your eyes, “So you’re taking it?” She asked, tone soft, and in no way angered, only saddened. “Yes.” He sighed, “I’m going back to my-,” a quick glance at Bucky, “No- our timeline, the one that makes sense. I’m going back to the time that was taken from me. I'm going back to…” His voice cut out, clearly unsure if he should say. He didn’t have to, Y/N always knew that one piece, if not more, of Steve’s heart, that belonged to his Peggy. There was nothing to be jealous of, he had told her all the wonderful things about the old SHIELD founder, and if that’s who Steve was meant to be with in the end, then she would never tell her lover that she should stay with her instead. She pressed a kiss to his chin, sitting up slightly to look at him, “After everything you’ve done, I think you deserve your happy ending.” She felt the tears build up, but for now, he wasn’t going to see them, “When do you leave?” “Tomorrow.” Bucky spoke up, sitting up, he looked at the pair, “Heard from Scott that it should be good to go.” She nodded, “Then we have one last night together, all of us.” Giving Steve a sad smile, she cuddled into him, wrapping her arms around his torso, “Let’s save the goodbyes till tomorrow.” “Hey, Buck?” Steve spoke up suddenly with an idea, “The world’s going to need a new Captain, what do you say?” He proposed. “The offer sounds nice” He looked between you and Steve, “But I think Sam is a better fit.” He shrugged, standing up to change into a pair of sweatpants, before climbing back into bed. They laid there for a while, just enjoying the last bit of time they would get together, and as Y/N fell asleep in their arms, Steve spoke up in a quiet tone, “Hey buck?” “Yeah Stevie?” He responded voice laced with tiredness. “Make sure to look out for our girl okay. You’ve got a big job on your hands when I’m gone.” He smiled at her sleeping form, placing one last kiss to the top of her head before falling asleep into his own slumber.
The Next day, everything seemed to be harder, Steve could tell she was holding back many deep emotions, noticing it through the way her smiles didn’t fully reach the usual brightness, or how she always cascaded her eyes to the ground after a conversation. He tried to do everything in her power to cheer her up, but the sudden events were too gloomy to lift her spirit.   So as she stood with Sam, Bruce/Hulk, Bucky, and the man she was to soon say goodbye to, her sadness had only worsened. “Remember,” Bruce spoke, opening up the case the infinity stones were stored in, “You have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them or otherwise you’re going to open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities.” He spoke, the usual cheerful tone in his voice long gone. “Don’t Worry Bruce,” Steve spoke, closing the case, “I’ll get all the branches.” Steve looked towards his friend, talking about  Natasha. As the two men spoke, Y/N couldn’t help but feel the small tears try and escape the bridge of her eyelids. Taking the case, he walked with Sam, “You know if you want,” Sam paused for a second, walking alongside him, “I could come with you.” Steve cast a glance at Y/N and Bucky, in which both had a knowing expression on their faces. Steve halted his steps, making direct eye contact with one of his closest friends, “You’re a good man, but this one’s on me though.” Leaning into Bucky, Y/N felt him wrap his arm around her, he looked down at her, rubbing her shoulder before kissing the top of Y/N’s head, “Hey Steve?” She spoke, stepping from Bucky, “As much as I hate to say goodbye, you deserve this.” She finally broke slightly, letting a tear run down her face. Pressing a hand to her cheek, Steve used the pad of his thumb to wipe it away, “Don’t cry doll, I promise that Bucky will take good care of you.” He whispered, hugging her close, pressing short kisses to her hairline. “It’s never going to be the same” She whispered, “I’ll miss you.” Part of him wondered if he was doing the right thing, but she’d never let him give up for her, and with that thought, he smiled, a sad, slightly tearful smile that he’d only ever have reserved for her, “I’ll miss you, but don’t let that get you down okay?” She nodded against him, sniffling slightly before pulling away, “I love you, always.” She spoke. He smiled, “I love you with almost everything I have.” She smiled slightly, leaning forward to press a shaky kiss to his lips, and another to his cheek. She lingered on the second one, and that was it. Their final kiss, “Promise me this isn’t the end of the line.” With that she nodded, drawing herself from him and letting Bucky have his last few moments. There was another smile, full of emotion towards his best friend, “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back?” Letting out a small chuckle, responding in the very same words they had exchanged many years prior, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” Only the two could hear the slight crack in his voice as he spoke. Y/N let the two embraces, before returning to Bucky’s side, tucking herself into him for any sort of comfort. He frowned before smiling again, “I’m gonna miss you, buddy.” “It’s gonna be okay punk.” And with that, he stepped away, stepping onto the platform with both emotions of sorrow and excitement as to what was going to happen. Steve watched as Bruce counted down, sending one last smile at the pairs way before he could no longer be together. He watched as Y/N mouthed ‘goodbye’ to him before another tear ran down her cheek, but she held a small smile on her face. This was the right decision. And then he was gone, no matter how hard Bruce tried, he wouldn’t appear, and all it took was for Bucky to notice the older man at the bench to gain their attention. Taking a few steps towards him with Sam at their side, she looked at her partner, a delicate smile on her face. She looked to him, giving a slight nod, “Go ahead.” He spoke to Sam. They watched them talk, holding each other close, and when Steve handed off his shield, their smiles only grew. So when Steve raised his hand to put on top of Sam’s, the biggest smile broke out across Y/N’s face. She knew that he had gotten his happy ending. Though she may not be the one linked to the wedding band, no one but Peggy had the right to do so.
The first while was hard without Steve around. She would wake up only to find one half of the bed empty and cold, but when snuggling in closer to Bucky, it was a reminder that she wasn’t alone. There were still times where something reminded her of Steve, especially when she saw it online, but it got easier over time. No longer did she cry when his name was mentioned, and the pang in her heart lessened, but was never truly gone. Part of her heart still stayed with him, and she was proud. The leather jacket Steve always use to wear became hers, and she wore it proud. It was always a lot easier with Bucky around also, he fulfilled what Steve had asked, feeling that in its own way, he got closure from it.
“Do you miss him?” She asked with a smile, curling into him on their patio swing they had gotten when they moved into their new home. It was something Steve wanted, to live a calmer life, and he had done that, so they decided to follow at their own pace, “Always.” She smiled at him, looking up and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Bucky smiled into the kiss, applying little force of his own as they continued on, letting the world live around them for the time being. Sure, not everything got to go as plan, and the pain of their lost ones never fully left, but now. Life felt at peace, the world was back to normal, and those lost were never forgotten.    Of course, they Never forgot Steve, who got to marry the girl that had almost all of his heart, because, at some point, there was no denying that Steve still loved Y/N. She would never deny it.
When Steve got home to Peggy from a day at work in their time, he always made sure to speak to her if something reminded him of Y/N. And much like the previous girl, she was glad that someone made her husband as happy as he could have been.
Both pairs had in the end, got what they wanted, and no one could ask for anything more.
A/N; PLEASE give feedback as this fic is truthfully really important. I don’t normally write angst but after watching endgame it just seemed right. I also have to say some dialogue towards the end isn’t mine and is taken out from the movie.
Taglist:  @icameforthefanfiction @fuckthatfeeling @lokilvrr @onlybuckyb  @redfoxwritesstuff
Bucky Taglist:  @bambamwolf87
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Accidental Red
Summary:  Y/N always prepares for when Remus comes into the medical wing after his rough nights, yet her loving but clingy boyfriend wants to come spend time with her, she has no choice but to bring him. So what events will come now that Sirius has tagged along.
Masterlist (ALL)
Requested?: No
Warnings: Language, mention of blood.
Words: 1,263
Feel free to reach out if you want to be tagged.
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Long arms wrapped around Y/N’s waist, stopping her in her tracks. She didn’t need to look behind her to know it was her boyfriend, Sirius Black, and his voice only confirmed it, “Hello love,” He spoke lips brushing against her ear, bringing her as close to him as possible, “Think you can skip wherever you’re heading to and come hang out with me.”
“Oh, sod off,” She spoke, squirming out of his grip and turning to face him, noticing the gleeful smile on his face, “I’m heading to the hospital wing because I promised both Madam Pomfrey and Moony that I could help set up for when he comes back from his next transformation.” She smiled at him slightly, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek, “And what kind of friend could I be if I skipped out.”
“You’re always busy Y/N, I’m beginning to think you like your other activities more than me.” He joked, watching you pretend to gasp in response, “It just feels like I haven’t seen you in ages.”
She turned, taking his hand and walking in the direction, “I was with you all day yesterday. And don’t you think you should give the guys some time?” She questioned, smirking at him, “I’m quite sure they are the ones that feel abandoned.”
He let out a playful huff before lifting Y/N’s hand to his lips, giving it a small kiss, “I can assure you, my dear, they are not as deprived as attention as I am.” He spoke. Showing her his puppy dog eyes that for the most part, she almost couldn’t resist.
She sighed, shaking her head as she observed the floor. Sirius released her hand, choosing to wrap an arm around her shoulders instead. She looked up at him, “How about this,” She proposed, “You come to keep me company, as long as you sit and stay.”
He frowned but agreed without argument,  knowing that he was going to find a way to get his love’s full attention. The walk wasn’t much longer, and when the door to the large area came into view, Sirius rushed forwards to hold the door open, being the gentleman that he was.
She laughed, entering, “Please sit here and behave if you broke something Madam Pomfrey would have my head.” She smiled lightly, slowly walking away to do her her thing.
He frowned, sitting in his designated chair, “Just cause I can turn into one doesn’t mean I’m a full-time dog.”
She giggled, turning to face him and sending a wink in his direction, “careful Pads, I can and will put you back in the dog house.” She smirked.
Staring her dead in the eyes with the straightest face he could muster, he spoke, “Woof.” Sending her in a fit of laughter. It took a few moments for her to calm down after that, but once more, she was back to taking out the appropriate amount of bandages and other remedies. Coming across the certain thing to lessen pain, she reached up, struggling to grab it no matter how tall she tried to make herself, it was no use and Sirius had noticed, “Darling, are you sure you don’t want help?”
She smiled at him, “Don’t worry, I got it.” Reaching up again, she was able to nudge it off the shelf, but not being able to catch it in time as the glass vial came plummeting to the ground. She huffed, looking towards her boyfriend, who held a ‘You should have accepted my offer’ look. Kneeling down, she began picking up the larger shards of glass, not minding the sharp edges. One particular piece had quite a sharp edge, and as she went to throw it out, a piece slipped down her hand, cutting open the delicate skin. “Shit” She cussed, pulling her hand away from the trash.
Sirius was by her side in an instant, gently taking Y/N’s hand and leading her to a bed, assessing the cut. He smiled lightly, taking off his tie, he wrapped it around her hand, using the extra bit to wipe the blood that ran down her arm off. She smiled at him, looking into his eyes before he tended to her wound, “Hold this.” He spoke, pressing her good hand on the tie before grabbing a few bandages, a bowl of warm water and a cloth. He came back, setting them on the side before slowly unwrapping the tie from Y/N’s hand. The bleeding had lessened, and was no longer quite as heavy, giving Sirius time to clean the wound, “it’s not that bad thankfully, so there is no need to use magic,” He spoke, taking the cloth and soaking it in the water, “Just let me clean the area and wrap it. Don’t worry love, you’re in good hands.” He winked.
Y/N watched her boyfriend carefully dab at the cut, applying light pressure to certain areas, before bandaging it, making sure it’s not too tight. He then brought the hand to his lips, kissing it. She blushed, the smallest of actions were always able to arise butterflies in her stomach, or make a light crimson cross her cheeks. He just had that effect on her, and of course, he knew that. So instead she smiled, “Thank you.” She whispered.
He looked at her, leaning in to quickly capture his lips with hers, “Anything for you my love.”
She smiled, standing up and using her wand to clean up the remaining mess, while Sirius just sat and watched her, truly amazed. He always wondered how he got this beautiful, smart, all around caring beauty to fall for his laid back, cocky self, especially due to his playboy past. Y/N turned to him, noticing his stare and smiled, “The gears in your head are turning, I can tell.” She spoke, walking up to him, taking both his hands in hers, “What’s on your mind darling?”
“It’s just-” He started, unsure of what to fully say, “How did you end up to be mine?” Sirius spoke, pulling his girl onto his lap.
She laughed, snuggling into him, “I could ask myself the same thing. Out of all the girls in this school, you picked me.”
He kissed the top of her head, listening to her words as she spoke, “You’re it for me, my everything. I’d pick you out of a crowd.”
She smiled, looking up and kissed his chin, considering he had a significant amount of height compared to him. He was hers, he didn’t care about her flaws, he didn’t care about the other that he had been with, or that had wanted to be with him. He only cared for the girl in his arms now. His true beauty. She noticed his look, it was of pure admiration, and she mirrored it perfectly in a look of her own. She kissed him once more, bringing him out of his thoughts, “How about I finish up, then we’ll head back to your dorm, alright?” She smiled, lightly pecking his lips and cheeks.He nodded, pressing small kisses from her lips to the neck, trying no was too lustful, just to hold onto the affection, showing her how much he truly loved her. She sighed, slowly sliding off his lap and counting out the bandages in a much more hurried pace than how she was going before.
Sirius loved her, more then she would ever know. And for him, the Gryffindor planned to show his love, for as long as he were to live.
A/N: I haven’t written anything for the Harry Potter fandom for a while, so Sirius may be OOC as I try to get back in. 
Feedback is appreciated and if you want to be tagged next time let me know! 
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So apparently I wrote something a long while back and never posted it, so I guess it’ll be coming out soon.
Also it’s probably gonna be really bad so imma try and edit it heavily.
But it’s a Sirius Black X Reader soooo
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