xlovemusicalsx · 1 year
this poem is written about mourning ophelia from hamlet! i wrote it both from the perspective of laertes and hamlet, so i’d love if people would comment who they see more :)
The Wind is Gone Now
The flowers she once picked
Wilted beneath the ground
A grave the river digs
I hope her peace is found
When she gave her last breath
The wind sighed with her
The moon cried for her death
The sun made her voice heard
Like a vice, she grips me
Holds my soul prisoner
Gone are flowers and trees
They’re busy mourning her
Forgive me dear, I plead
For now I see her woe
I would fulfill her needs
But instead, there she goes
No more wooshing of wind
The world is silent now
My prospects now are dim
I must move on, but how?
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xlovemusicalsx · 2 years
i wrote this!!
Branwen (a short story)
this is the short story i wrote in class that inspired the play Branwen! the assignment was to write a tragedy, so i wanted to write a main character who was right, but her stubbornness and pride lead to her downfall. a lot of aspects get changed in the play version, but this is the original story :)
The full moon was shining in the sky, putting a harsh, cold light on the earth. Owls hooted from within the dark branches of trees that had just begun to shed their leaves. It was a perfect night for a witch to be lurking in the woods.
While the townspeople of Sanwilken were fast asleep, Branwen Bobbit had important things to do while the moon was still high in the sky. She walked the unpaved trail with practiced ease, dodging sharp tree branches, dangling spanish moss and glistening spiderwebs that blocked her path. Finally she arrived at the picturesque clearing, trees framing it in a perfect, almost unnatural, circle. It gave her a perfect view of the silver moon, casting its light on her and the basket she brought of all the materials she would need.
She sighed, extending her arms into the sky and closing her eyes. Her face was serene, like a cat sunbathing in an open window. An involuntary smile tugged at her lips.
“I’m back,” she whispered to the air around her. “Did you miss me?” A silent yes was spoken by the wind in the way it caressed her cheek. I missed you deeply, my dearest child.
“I know, but I am back now for the full moon. I must get to work, stay calm in this area for a little while. I have candles I would like to keep aflame and upright.”
She set to work, first laying out a green lace tablecloth on the bare dirt, a patch that hadn’t had grass growing in years. She lit candles of white, green, and brown atop ornate little candle dishes painted with pentacles. She drew runes in the dirt with her athame, a dainty red little dagger that was used for rituals.
Are you sure about this, my child?
“Why wouldn’t I be sure, friend?” She spoke a bit louder than before, her clear voice venturing above a whisper. She had laid everything perfectly in place and the air was charged with magical energy, it was time to utilize it.
The kind of spell you’re planning to do is loud, it will bring attention to you.
“Why do you think I came to the woods to do it? I know it’ll be loud, but I promise it will be fine. Nothing bad will happen,”
That is dangerous, young one. People will hear you and know there is a witch among them.
“Let them find out, it’s ridiculous I have to hide anyway! I’ve never done anything wrong or cruel, I didn’t make a deal with the devil, all I’ve ever done is use the gift I was born with to help other people! If they don’t want my help they can kill me!”
Those are bold words, Branwen. It would be a shame to see you buried so young. If you were to use some tact, you could perhaps usher in peace between humanity and witches such as yourself, but to frighten them is a horrible way of going about it.
“I don’t care what you think, wind. I will do this my own way. I will bring peace and understanding to Sanwilken and I will do it as loudly and abrasively as I so desire! There is nothing wrong with witchery, and I’m tired of people saying there is! My existence is not a sin, it is not a curse, and it is nothing to be ashamed of,” Despite the wind’s protests, she lit the candles. They burned hot and bright with her anger, their flames as tall as the candles themselves.
In the center of the circle Branwen stood, arms extended toward the moon, drawing its power to use as her own. She let her head fall back completely, silky black and purple hair tickling her back. She furrowed her brows, her thoughts racing with all she wanted to manifest this month. Good harvest, peace, financial prosperity, it all raced until she couldn’t catch a single thought in her head. Her arms began to tremble, her knees knocked each other, but nothing could break her focus.
The sound exploded through the air, sending Branwen stumbling backward. Her head felt like it was full of lead, but in her foggy daze she could see that all her flames had been extinguished and had left behind thin lines of deep gray smoke, billowing up into the air.
She did it. Before she could celebrate her victory, she heard panicked voices far away.
“What on Earth was that?”
“We have to find out, what if it’s dangerous?!”
She jolted, going into a tizzy trying to collect everything she could. All she was able to grab in time was her basket and athame, everything else laid discarded at the scene as she fled back to the safety of her home.
“Branwen? Bran? Brannie? C’mon, wake up Bran,” She felt her body being shaken by two strong hands. She blinked away the exhaustion from her crystalline blue eyes, fixing them on a dark face in front of her. After a moment of confusion, she identified the face of her dear friend and roommate, Veronica Wiggs.
“Five more minutes,” Branwen grumbled pathetically, only to begin a coughing fit the moment the words left her mouth. Her throat felt as if she’d swallowed thorny cotton.
Her friend rushed to the other side of the bed, using one hand to feel her forehead for a fever, the second to grab a white mug with a little cartoon sun on it.
“I made you some tea, how are you feeling?”
“Like hell,” Branwen growled, sitting up to take the tea.
“You look like it. Was it maybe because you got caught performing a spell last night?” Veronica’s warm face shifted to a hard one, anger laced in every crevice.
“I did not get caught, no one knew it was me.”
“Yeah, well while you were getting your beauty sleep the entire town has been talking about it. People are scared, Branwen, that was really irresponsible to do.”
“It was not irresponsible of me! You don’t have any faith in me, do you?” Instead of a verbal answer, Branwen received a pointed look from her roommate. “It’s not my fault things exploded! I put a little too much energy into it, that’s all. It’ll all blow over in a week.”
“No. No it won’t. Search parties are assembling to find out who the witch is, I heard people are even going door to door.” The urgency in Veronica’s voice almost alarmed Branwen, but she shrugged it off. No one would suspect her of all people to be a witch.
“I’m not taking this right now, get out, I need to get dressed. Thanks for the tea.” She said dismissively, turning away to head towards her walk-in closet.
“We’re talking about this later. You go out and hear it for yourself, people are practically rioting. And I want to hear a very sincere apology when you realize how grave the danger you’re in is.” Veronica spoke slowly, from the deepest parts of her chest. If you listened closely you could hear the way her voice trembled and her lip wobbled as her eyes became glassy with anxious tears.
“Whatever you say Ronnie.”
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and to the outside eye it would seem like a lovely day. All sorts of people roamed the streets, from well-dressed businesspeople to sleepy teens in sweatpants. When you zoomed in on the idealistic picture however, you would hear the whispers of those people buzzing in the air. The same topic was on everyone’s lips.
There was a witch in town.
“Good morning Branwen, how are you this morning?” A teenaged girl dressed in her grocery store uniform chirped as she began scanning her items.
“Good. How are you?” Branwen responded. Her black hair, streaked with different shades of purple, from lavender to plum, was neatly curled into loose waves by her shoulders. She wore a long purple skirt that flowed when she walked, covered white and black lines that created dainty floral patterns. Her top was lacy and black, cropped at her stomach with lovely bell-sleeves, paired with velvet black heeled boots. She looked perfectly put together, and perfectly fashionable. Nobody could see the storm brewing underneath the pretty exterior, like a fizzing soda ready to explode all over your hands.
“I’m good, have you heard there’s a witch on the loose?” The younger girl asked with a smile.
“What kind of silly gossip is that?” Branwen asked, her breath catching in her throat. Was it possible that Veronica was right?
“No, it’s true! They found her whole setup for this weird ritual clearing in the woods. My friend sent me photos, it’s really creepy. Candles everywhere, tons of pentagrams, symbols drawn in the dirt. Cash or card?”
“Card. But I’m sure it’s not that bad. I don’t think witches are inherently evil,” Branwen said calmly, training her eyes intently on the card reader.
“They’re the devil’s spawn!” The cashier blurted, looking aghast, her hand pressed on her heart as if it would leap out from her ribcage.
“They’re just people,” Branwen scoffed, grabbing her bags.
“Miss Bobbit, you’re gonna ruin your good reputation if you keep talking like that. Witches are awful creatures. They only exist because the devil got his evil hands on easily corrupted people. I respect you a lot, don’t go interfering with witches,” The girl’s anger blazed in her eyes, but she shook her head and calmed herself. “Have a nice day ma’am, God be with you!”
Branwen looked down at the ground, her heart pounding in her ears. Could it be true? Could the town be ready to turn against her if she said so much as said a word defending her own kind? What kind of world was she living in?
“Death to all witches! Death to all witches!” A voice rang out. Branwen looked up, eyes wider than the moon. The beautiful town square, decorated with lush greenery surrounded by old fashioned brick buildings, was currently occupying a large crowd of people holding poster-board signs reading all sorts of heinous phrases. Death to all witches! Burn in hell! The Devil is in Georgia! Protect children, banish the witch! Burn her!
Bubbles of anger and fear rose in Branwen’s chest, threatening to burst through her throat and suffocate her. Her entire body felt hot and weak, like she would melt at any moment. Tears flooded her eyes, and in that moment she knew what she had to do. Straightening, she walked to the crowd as any human citizen would. She tapped someone on the shoulder, some middle aged woman she saw in the store with her children sometimes. The woman’s pale, unruly hair framed her face, which was twisted into an angry frown.
“Excuse me ma’am, what’s going on here?” She asked politely as she forced deep, even breaths. The woman looked startled for a moment, but her aging face settled into one of polite sympathy.
“Haven’t you heard, there’s a witch in town! We want to have her removed for the safety of our children,” She explained before turning back to the main speaker. A younger man, maybe around his mid-twenties. He held a megaphone and chanted into it, rallying the crowd that had gathered before him.
“Death to all witches! Death to all witches! This woman, whoever she is, is a threat to our children and our lives! Who knows what she could do, or has already done? Have any of our coincidental misfortunes ever been coincidences, or were they all planned by her? Wake up and take action. The police need to search every house in this town, they cannot rest until they find the witch! Nobody is safe in Sanwilken until every last witch is dead! Who’s with me?!” The crowd screamed and cheered, like drums battering Branwen’s ears.
All she wanted to do was protest, cry out that they were all wrong. The words were on the tip of her tongue, begging to be let out. Why would she be evil? What would she gain by hurting her beloved town? Why would any witch want to harm them? All she wanted was for Sanwilken to prosper. Month after month, year after year, she spent her full moons bringing about good fortune.
She stood, statuesque, for a moment. Deep down, it was a horrible idea. She’d die on the spot, no one would allow her to live until suppertime if they knew who she was, what she was.
Branwen, in the end, made the decision to turn heel and leave without a word, briskly pacing her way back home.
Breathe, my child. Breathe.
The familiar voice of the wind whispered to Branwen. She looked around wildly, her breath accelerating.
Shhh, my dearest, it is just me. Go home, you need to go home now. Stay safe now, I beg of you.
She looked at the sky for a moment, as if for reassurance. She nodded. Branwen needed to go home, she could feel it. Something bad was going to happen.
When she got home, Branwen saw an exemplary scene of serenity. Monarch butterflies resting on the flowers, the sun shining warmly on the house. It gave her a moment of peace, before she glanced toward the kitchen window and noticed Veronica pacing the floor.
Feeling her stomach drop, Branwen put on a phony smile and opened the door. When she reached the kitchen, setting the grocery bags on the counter, Veronica’s head snapped toward her.
“Where the hell have you been?!”
“Out getting groceries, why?” She asked carefully, grabbing some of the cold food to put in the fridge. Behind Branwen’s back, she could hear Veronica’s loud sigh.
“Is your safety never a concern for you? Do you not have a will to live?” Veronica demanded.
“I told you, it’s all going to blow over.”
“No it’s not! You can’t stay in denial any longer! You’re going to die if you don’t get your act together, Bobbit! Do you think I want to watch you die?”
“No need to be so dramatic, Ronnie,” Branwen chastised. She turned back, only to see Veronica hovering over her with more rage than she’d ever seen in her life.
“Dramatic? Dramatic!? Am I the only person with a brain in this house?!”
“Quit being so condescending. Nobody would ever suspect me of all people to be a witch. Besides, it’s so ridiculous having to hide so much anyway! Do you think I’m happy about having hidden who I am since I was four?!” Branwen retorted, raising her voice.
“I agree, it is ridiculous! But if you wanna survive, you can’t just play by your own stupid rules! People have been searching every house in this neighborhood, and this house is full of things that will pin one of us as a witch. And they’ll figure out it’s you pretty quickly once they find the stash of old potion bottles in your room. Go hide your things if you want any chance of living until tomorrow,”
“No! I will never, ever hide who I am in my own HOME! This isn't fair, I can’t do it! I am a witch and I am proud!”
“I DON’T CARE THAT YOU’RE PROUD, I CARE THAT YOU’RE ALIVE!” Veronica screamed, tears welling up in her deep brown eyes.
“I WOULD RATHER BE DEAD THAN HIDE A MINUTE LONGER!” Branwen hollered back. Tears started to cloud her vision, blurring everything to simple blobs of color.
Knock. Knock.
“That’s them. Go. Hide. Be a witch any other day of the week, but today I need you to be alive. That’s all I want, okay?” Veronica pleaded.
“I’m going for a walk,” Branwen declared with a glare, stalking out the backdoor. There was silence for a moment, then footsteps.
“Hi everyone, yes, you may come in. I’m sorry it’s so messy.”
The sun dappled the forest floor with warmth, streaming in through the trees overhead. Branwen was perched on a boulder she’d found, surrounded by moss and bushes. The air was clear and quiet, and she felt her shoulders slumping forward.
“What have I done?” She whispered, holding her head in her hands. “This is terrible. I’m going to die, the deed is done.”
I’m sorry, Branwen.
“Wind? Is that you?”
Yes, my child, it is just me. I wish I could have done more to protect you.
“No, it’s not your fault at all. I messed up, I messed up really bad. God, why am I so stubborn? Why couldn’t I just accept that I have to hide, that’s just the way things are.”
But you were right, it shouldn’t be. Humans fear what they do not understand, and they never tried to understand you.
“I can’t blame them, someone with magic powers does sound kinda scary.”
May I give you some advice, my child?
“Of course, I’ll do my best to listen, I promise.”
Hold your head high. Do not let them see that you’re frightened, or that they’ve hurt you. You are a very strong soul, and I believe you can do it. Go out with courage. If there’s anything I know you can do, it’s that.
“I will, for you. I’ll embrace death. At least then, I don’t have to hide anymore.”
Good. Thank you, dear friend, for keeping me company.
“Of course wind, thank you.” Branwen nodded, steeling her nerves. Her head knew what she had to do, if only someone could teach this bravery to her poor heart.
“Branwen Bobbit?” She whipped her head up. Her executioners, they were here. “Please come with us.”
It was a somber scene in Sanwilken, Georgia, that night. The sun had begun to set, and in front of the brilliant golden sky, stood the silhouette of a woman, and the noose that would kill her. Without so much as a trial, Branwen Bobbit had been sentenced to execution by hanging. She held her head high, her stony face unreadable to the large crowd before her. People were sprawled around the lush green ground on picnic blankets. After all, it was dinnertime.
The woman, the witch, the dead girl walking, looked around at the crowd. Toward the very back, she caught the gaze of a teary, horrified woman all on her own. Veronica. She was dressed head to toe in black, layers and layers of it despite the hot sun still beating on everyone. Her inky parasol cast shadows on her face, leaving only her mouth and chin visible, but anyone could see the tear-tracks that glistened in the golden sun. She mouthed “I’m sorry,”.
Too late.
“People of Georgia, today we witness the execution of Branwen Bobbit, for charges of witchcraft and consorting with the devil. Any last words, Bobbit?”
Branwen took a deep, shaky breath. She closed her cloudy blue eyes, feeling the pit grow in her stomach. Her voice came out faint, barely a whisper.
“I love you all.”
With that, she stepped onto the platform, where an executioner situated a scratchy rope around her throat. She fixed her eyes on the crying Veronica, willing her to keep it together, to carry on without her.
I’m so sorry, child.
The wind blew the hanging woman’s hair in front of her face, as if to shield her from the watchful eyes of the people below. The hill that was silent only moments before, anticipation hanging like a thick fog in the air, erupted in raucous cheers and laughter. Few stayed silent to mourn their all dear friend, wallowing in what, to most, was a joyous scene.
“YOU MONSTERS!” A rough voice rang out from the back. “YOU MONSTERS! YOU MONSTERS! YOU HORRIBLE MONSTERS!” The shrieking shocked the crowd to silence, as people turned to the grieving woman. Veronica Wiggs. She stormed up to the stand where the body of her dearest friend hung in the air.
Veronica choked on her sobs, feeling her throat closing in on itself. Her chest felt like it was a black hole, the horrible emptiness growing by the moment until it drowned her.
Something about her agony and the words she screamed struck a chord within the people of the town. Perhaps she was right, perhaps witches were nothing but people with a beautiful gift.
But if that were the case, they had committed a horrible atrocity, hadn’t they? Watching an innocent girl executed, ignoring her plight in favor of watching, eating picnics at the death place of a kind person? If that was the case, they watched an innocent life be taken and looked on with glee.
And nothing could be worse than watching a horrible thing happen whilst doing nothing to stop it, could it?
Branwen’s books were buried with her in the clearing she had used on the night that brought on her fate. And soon, Veronica would be buried right next to her. No one may be righteous and loud without paying the price.
After all, who would tell the tale of the kind witch who was wrongfully murdered, if no one was alive to do it?
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xlovemusicalsx · 2 years
hi y’all it’s been years since i’ve been on here, but i’ve been writing original stuff recently instead of fanfiction :) if anyone wants to follow my progress or read what i write, you can follow @just-gonna-write
i’ll try my best to write frequently and put out content :) i would love for people to see my work
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xlovemusicalsx · 4 years
I really enjoy reading your story's that you put so much work into.💙💚💜
thank you!!
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Tumblr media
Source: This
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Love at First Sight With Anne Boleyn Hc’s
you two are in high school together
and you’re in her Creative Writing class
never has she been so happy that guidance stuck her in a class she didn’t want
when she sees you sitting there, doodling at your desk, she’s SHOOK
when the teacher assigns her to sit next to you she almost has a heart attack
the class is great just bc if you
she befriends you eventually
the queens all know and are begging to meet you
she hadn’t admitted that she likes you but she brings you up in every conversation and texts you a lot
and whenever your name gets brought up she chokes
so eventually she invites you out to hang with them at Anne’s place
you accept (you have a crush on her too)
so you all hang out and the queens LOVE you
you balance out with Anne really well
she calms down and you help her think things through a bit more
and she encouraged you to walk on the wild side every once in a while and makes you way more chaotic than you were before
eventually she asks you to homecoming
you KNOW it was a cheesy ask
you accept and have a great night
you get a wonderful evening, bomb ass pictures, and a girlfriend out of it
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Emmett Forrest takes care of his gf on her period
he’s the sweetest man on this earth okay
a little spooked when you first mention it
since he asks why you look like you’re in pain and you’re like “...lady problems”
def asks Elle what would help
gets you a care package FULL of chocolate, ice cream, and pads/tampons (whatever you prefer boo)
also will conveniently leave his very warm and cozy hoodie around for you
it’s super oversized and ♥️♥️♥️ he loves when you wear it just gonna put it out there
if you need snuggles, you got it
if you need to be left alone, he can go back to his dorm and leave anything you may need or want
cuddles and a cheesy movie is his favorite way to fall asleep
get blood on his clothes that you steal? it’s fine, just wash it and return it, he understands
will cook for you
he isn’t great but he tries
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Updated: these plus Legally Blonde and Falsettos. Feel free to request!
Taking Requests
Hi, I just made this account as a writing side blog. On here I’ll be doing ships, imagines, and headcanons. This blog wil also be used to repost/promote my wattpad stories of the same name.
I will write for these musicals:
Be More Chill
Dear Evan Hansen
Mean Girls
Bonnie and Clyde
Thank you!
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Free card with Emmett, because everybody needs a little Emmett. -🥀
Emmett loves if you wear his Harvard hoodie.
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Emmett Forrest with a Crush hc’s
a very helpful boy!
whatever you need, he wants to help you do it
stressed about a B in a class? he gonna help you study to get an A
gotta go grocery shopping because you only have single serving mac n cheese and a single apple? he’ll go with you and keep you company
he likes ALL of you, and even parts that may kinda annoy him are still you sooo
also will high key stare at you with this mushy little face
Elle, you guys’ best friend, teased him constantly
“Just ask them out, Emmett!”
“But no :(”
since you’re probably not a lawyer, he thinks it really refreshing to be around you
you’re not as competitive for success
you’re a hard worker and incredibly smart, and you’d rather improve yourself than tear other people down and he respects you for it
expect him to let you wear any jacket he owns
and sometimes he’ll steal stuff of yours
literally everyone is convinced you’re a couple
he’ll ask you out one day!! but not yet
he’s so shy and happy around you
always trying to show off a bit
whether it’s a nice outfit Elle helped him pick out
or a successful case
he wants you to NOTICE
and you do shhh
sappy man
he has so much love to give okay
A/N: it’s short but I haven’t posted in ages so here!
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
ghost prompts
anonymous asks: Do you have any awkward ghost prompts?
1) “I’m technically dead!” The ghost said. “I hope, um, that’s your type.” 
2) The ghost had always stalked the human, not ever really approaching. Maybe they knocked over a plate, maybe they rippled the water, but they never directly interacted. So when the human found them out, well… they could barely keep up a conversation.
3) “Why do you haunt me?” The human asked. The graveyard mist coiled around their ankles. 
The ghost scratched the back of their head. “I don’t know why.” 
“Then how about… you don’t haunt me?”
“But every human is haunted!” The ghost, despite the lack of a body, felt a sensation of heat rising in their cheeks. They knew that wasn’t true. “So I… I have to follow–I mean haunt–you.” 
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
asks for fanfic writers
drop a number and a fandom in my askbox and I’ll answer:
things that inspire you
things that motivate you
name three favorite writers
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
since how long do you write?
how did writing change you?
early influences on your writing
what time are you most productive?
do you set yourself deadlines?
how do you do your researches?
do you listen to music when writing?
favorite place to write
hardest character to write
easiest character to write
hardest verse to write
easiest verse to write
favorite AU to write
favorite pairing to write
favorite fandom to write
favorite character to write
least favorite character to write
favorite story you’ve ever written
least favorite story you’ve ever written
favorite scene you’ve ever written
favorite line you’ve ever written
story you’re most proud of
best review you ever got
worst review you ever got
favorite story/poem of another author
hardest part of writing
easiest part of writing
alternate title for (insert story title)
alternate ending for (insert story title)
alternate pairing for (insert story title)
single story or multi-part story?
one-shot or multi-chaptered story?
canon or AU?
do you reread your own stories?
do you want to be published some day?
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
one song that captures (insert story title)
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
three spoilers for (insert story title)
writing advice
open question to the writer
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
New Fandoms I’ll Write For
Falsettos and Legally Blonde
Send in a request for any character from these, but if they’re minors (Jason) I’ll only write them with a reader his age.
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Heather Chandler x Reader (Modern)
very protective of you
calls you every night to ask about your day
is cool with just a minute long call saying hey, but really prefers talking for hours on end
gets you gifts
just randomly, and puts them on your desk or in your locker
you write her love notes
bc lets be honest, she needs to feel loved too
she m e l t s at them
sometimes writes lil notes back
cuddle sessions are a must
she just wants to hold you
she’s big spoon
you play with her hair, she’s yours forever
you have study dates a lot
she’s smarter than she lets on
literally distraught over a B
but you’re the same way so :/
sometimes you stay the night at her place
her parents are hardly home anyway
and when they are they don’t care what you do
you def use this to your advantage ;)
she’s much softer than you expect
and everyone knows not to mess with you
you guys are The Cutest Couple (probably ever)
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
you are not wrong
Katherine Pulitzer x Reader Headcanons
You met during the strike
You were a cute girlsie who caught her eye at Jacobi’s, and she caught yours the moment she strolled by and Jack flirted with her
The newsies support your identity
Many being queer themselves helped
She saved you from Morris during the big fight, when she pushed him off you and pulled you behind the Lodging House
You got to talking when she patched up your many wounds
And you mentioned you can’t read and rely off of JoJo and Elmer to read headlines for you
She’s like :(((
And immediately is d e t e r m i n e d to teach you
After the strike ends, she starts lessons and little by little, you start getting it
And you can finally afford food other than a piece of bread every two days and leftover papes you couldn’t sell
She buys you expensive gifts
She’s convinced you deserve it
You always refuse to take such nice things, but she insists
You go to balls and important dinners for her father together
And when you’re out with Darcy and Bill, you pretend to date Bill while Katherine and Darcy pretend to be together
Since they’re also gay and in love 💕
Random men hit on you when you wear Katherine’s nice dresses and skirts
And she’s irrationally angry, but you tell her it’s fine and you’re hers
She melts after that
You eventually move in together
Her father complains of her not marrying, but little does he know you got illegally married when you were 17
Historians nickname you “The Lesbians of Manhattan”
Happy gay wives, what more could you ask for?
A/N: it’s short, but I haven’t posted something here in a while so I figured I should.
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
Katherine Pulitzer x Reader Headcanons
You met during the strike
You were a cute girlsie who caught her eye at Jacobi’s, and she caught yours the moment she strolled by and Jack flirted with her
The newsies support your identity
Many being queer themselves helped
She saved you from Morris during the big fight, when she pushed him off you and pulled you behind the Lodging House
You got to talking when she patched up your many wounds
And you mentioned you can’t read and rely off of JoJo and Elmer to read headlines for you
She’s like :(((
And immediately is d e t e r m i n e d to teach you
After the strike ends, she starts lessons and little by little, you start getting it
And you can finally afford food other than a piece of bread every two days and leftover papes you couldn’t sell
She buys you expensive gifts
She’s convinced you deserve it
You always refuse to take such nice things, but she insists
You go to balls and important dinners for her father together
And when you’re out with Darcy and Bill, you pretend to date Bill while Katherine and Darcy pretend to be together
Since they’re also gay and in love 💕
Random men hit on you when you wear Katherine’s nice dresses and skirts
And she’s irrationally angry, but you tell her it’s fine and you’re hers
She melts after that
You eventually move in together
Her father complains of her not marrying, but little does he know you got illegally married when you were 17
Historians nickname you “The Lesbians of Manhattan”
Happy gay wives, what more could you ask for?
A/N: it’s short, but I haven’t posted something here in a while so I figured I should.
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xlovemusicalsx · 5 years
If you can’t think of anything to say about a fic, writers also like to know:
- what time it is
- how long you’ve been reading
- how many chapters you’ve covered in the last 24 hours
- what you were late for because you were reading
- the woeful few hours you have left to sleep
- the emotional outbreaks you’re experiencing
- the inappropriate place you’re having said outbreak
- the general public’s reaction to your outbreak
- how much phone battery you have left
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