xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
part five
summary: you get to know task 141 better and a small sparring session with ghost
warnings: mentions of lost father
pronouns: she/her
"why didn't you listen to me, y/n?" price asked and you slouched on the edge of your bed, feeling like a kid being scolded by their parent.
"i heard someone say we had a soldier down, price, i can't just stand there and watch while being out of ammo!"
"look, i know you don't like taking orders, but how do you think im gonna explain to your mom that you died while under my watch?"
"there's no need to, i survived and i even saved ghost!" you argued and looked up to price. "i know you want to protect me, but im grown up now price.. i can handle myself, really."
"i know, i just.." he sighed and gave you a sad smile. "..i just dont want it to happen again"
you nodded, knowing what he meant and got up. "im not him, john.."
"yeah.. i know." his eyes softened and you smiled a little. "well, anyway, im gonna leave you to whatever you were about to do. don't forget that alejandro is cooking today"
"won't do" you smiled, taking a mental note to not come too late to dinner with the guys. price left your room, but turned around in the door. "i like your name. suits you." he closed the door before you could say thank you and left you to your own thoughts.
you pulled out some crystals and started putting them through the small room. the big orange salt rock on your nightstand, the smaller crystals around it and on your table. the room looked quite cold, you couldn't help but feel kinda uncomfortable here. you put up some polaroids on the side of your wardrobe, a picture of you and your sister on the wooden table and looked down at it. maybe one letter wouldn't hurt.. just so she'd know that you were alive.
your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock on your door. you gathered yourself for a second and opened it. ghost stood there in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, his mask over his face and his hands clasped behind his back.
"hello" you greeted him and made way to let him into your room.
"hello" he replied and went into your room. "i wanted to ask if you'd like to come to the common room? soap said that we had to work on our friendship to you or something like that, so we could understand each other better on the field."
"we understood each other perfectly" you joked and put your hands on your hips. "ah, sure why not, decorating can wait."
"that your sister?" ghost pointed to the picture on your table and you nodded.
"10 years ago, she's 7 here"
ghost just nodded and looked around in your room. you like crystals, as it seemed.
"oh wait!" you opened your wardrobe and took out the polaroid camera. "i still have a couple of pictures left, do you think we could take some?" you were excited. it was kinda.. cute.
"yes, sure." ghost said and made his way out of your room, you following him quickly.
"we know next to nothing about you rain and you know almost nothing about us!" gaz explained and you sat down between soap and him on the round black couch at the common room.
"what do you wanna know then?"
"everything!" soap put some potato crisps in his mouth and munched on them. "seems like you're gonna stay a while. my name's johnny."
"im kyle" gaz said and shook your hand jokingly.
"you know my name" alejandro said and winked. all eyes landed on ghost and he looked you straight in the eyes.
"its so nice to get to know you all!" you clapped your hands lightly. "im y/n"
"ohh thats a pretty name" soap commented and you nodded.
"thanks" you smiled and clasped your hands together. "so i heard alejandro is cooking today. do you all know how to cook or is it like a rarity here?"
"nah, he just wants to leave a good impression" gaz laughed and alejandro shot him a death glare.
"watch your mouth pendejo, it's my turn to cook anyway" he looked back at you. "soap can tell you about ghosts great cooking"
"mate!" soap almost immediately shot up. "he's trying to kill me, i swear! he puts way more spice in my portion, and i will die on that hill!" the more soap said, the stronger his accent peeked through. you could swear you could hear ghost chuckle and smiled a little. the group dynamic was really.. something.
"thats a lie, johnny" ghost said and you could practically see the smile from under the mask.
"but to come back to your question" gaz started and put a leg under himself. "we can cook more or less decently. except alejandro, he's a fucking chef or something"
"and what about you?" soap asked and popped some more crisps in his mouth.
"not to kiss my own ass yeah" you put your hands up slightly. "but i'd say im a pretty good cook."
"we're gonna need proof on that" alejandro said and crossed his arms.
"yeah yeah someday maybe" you brushed it off and gaz pointed to your camera.
"fucking love polaroids" he said and you shot a photo of him, making a peace sign and smiling brightly.
"i always take some photos of my squad, remembering the times we've had" you explained and put the developing photo on the coffee table. "if its okay with you i'd like to take a picture with you all"
soap and gaz quickly went to alejandros and ghosts side, sitting down and posing. ghost had his arm behind alejandro, one hand on his knee and the other showing a peace sign behind alejandros shoulder. soap and gaz made the 🤙🏼 sign and alejandro just had his thumb up. you shot the photo and gaz quickly stood up.
"your turn" he said and alejandro scootched over to make some room between him and ghost. you sat down, soap at your feet, doing the 'draw me like one of your french girls' pose and you made a heart with your index and middle finger from both hands. you noticed ghosts hand still staying on its place behind you and you smiled for the picture.
"guys" price came into the room, crashing the picture, as all of you turned around and gaz took the photo just in that moment. "oh, didn't notice you were taking pictures"
"rain has a polaroid camera, i've always wanted to use one" gaz said and sat down on the couch.
"whats wrong captain?" soap asked and you tapped his shoulder quickly.
"10 bucks i can make him say updog" you whispered and soap cocked an eyebrow.
"deal" he shook your hand and price just didn't question it. you young people had always something on your mind.
"nothing, i just wanted to check how rain is setting in" he crossed his arms. "and also someone shook the soda cans again, shit exploded right into my face"
"ohhh so thats why it smells like updog in here!" you said like it was the most casual thing.
"whats updog?" price asked and you earned a gaped mouth from soap.
"nothing much, and you?" you smiled and price shook his head.
"very funny" he commented and started leaving the room. "i bet you shook the cans."
"i would never ever do something so cruel, i like my sodas with carbonation, thank you" you said defensively and were kinda offended that he'd think of you that way. "you owe me" you stood up and winked at soap.
"miss girl that wasn't a fair game!" he complained and you sat down next to gaz. you shrugged and flipped the developed photos. they turned out cute, not gonna lie. especially the last one, where price came into the room and all of you looked to the side to him.
"all right" alejandro slapped his thighs once. "im gonna go start cooking, it'll be done in maybe an hour?" he stood up and left the common room.
in that hour you talked with gaz, being the two youngest in the group you understood each other on a different level. and he was kinda the only one who understood your gen z language. imagine going up to ghost and calling him zesty. nah, mans would be confused as fuck.
you two were the only ones left in the common room, everyone else left to go train, rest or do something else.
"so wait you're telling me" gaz took a sip from his coke and rested his back against the couch opposite of you. "your neighbour broke into your apartement just to steal some tea on a sunday ?"
"dont ask me, maybe he had a really bad craving for it" you shrugged and laughed.
"you need to start locking your door with two locks or something" he suggested and you waved it off.
"i already moved out there, the entire building was kinda weird. every hallway felt like it led to the backrooms"
"guys the food is ready!" soap announced through the open door and poked his head into the room.
"good, im starving" you said and stretched.
on your way to the cafeteria soap and gaz were chatting, exchanging some gossip about other military soldiers.
you sat down next to ghost and alejandro put a plate in the middle of the table, he only cooked for the task force, thats why you were the only ones here right now. he made spaghetti and some sauce, obviously no three course meal, and the sauce seemed to be self made. the others put noodles on their plates, you did the same and light chatter filled the room.
"its good" you said to alejandro and he nodded in appreciation once.
"you down for sparring later?" ghost asked and looked into his plate.
"sure, but i will not be your wreckdoll again and demonstrate take down techniques!"
"we'll see" the corners of his mouth twitched up lightly and you huffed.
"i noticed your knife techniques needing some training." ghost said and took two practice knifes.
"i mean i'm a sniper, i never really needed knife skills." you shrugged and looked at the metal knife with a dull edge. they looked like they would hurt, not gonna lie.
"you love running into field apperently, if you're going to keep doing that, you need to be trained in basic hand to hand combat." he flipped the knife in his hand and got into position. the on-base gym was rather empty, some soldiers training here and there, but mostly you were alone.
"you'd probably be dead or shot without me, i handled my self pretty good back there, if i do say so myself." you took the knife in your dominant hand and took the same position in as him.
"is that so?" he asked and launched forward, pressing the knife against your throat.
"that wasn't very i'm-gonna-teach-you-how-to-defend-yourself of you!" you said and took a step back. "okay i get it, we need to work on my reaction time, who would've thought you're gonna launch at me like that!" you groaned at pushed the knife out of your face.
"look, you're gpnna attack the chest, shoulders, face, anywhere here" ghost motioned to the upper part of his body. "catch them off guard. we're gonna start slow. block my attacks like you usually would."
you took a breath and started blocking his attacks, by pushing his wrists away and ducking away from the knife.
"faster" he said and increased the speed, taking his second arm and immitating punches. "you're doing good, faster"
slowly you were getting problems with countering his attacks, you weren't really trained for stuff like that. your hands were steady, your movements always fluent and slow, no sudden reactions. the knife fight was completely different than what you were used to.
"no!" you gasped when his knife hit your chest and slit over it.
"two minutes, that's not enough" ghost sighed. "attack me."
you nodded and brushed the hair out of your face, raising your arms, mimicking the motions you'd usually use in combat, still those they teached in boot-camp.
"you gotta surprise me, hit me with something i wouldn't expect!"
you thought about it for a moment, what would really catch him off guard? you remembered your first training with him, using your smaller frame as an advantage and surprise attacking him. but that wouldn't work, he knew your tactic. but wait, maybe there was one thing you didn't try before.
you let out a small breath and took a step into his direction, faking an attack from the left side, throwing the knife into your less dominant hand and faking another attack with that hand. ghost was confused, not knowing where to block your attacks.
you tried to execute your plan in your head, if all went according to it, you could get ghost onto the ground. you took a few fast steps to him and jumped up, your right knee angled on his chest, the other wraping around his neck. you put the angled knee around his neck too and with the force of your spin you could throw him onto the ground and pin him to the ground.
you breathed heavily and put pressure with your knee onto his chest, putting the knife against his throat. ghosts eyes widened for a split second and he tapped your thigh.
"that's what i'm talking about." his mask shifted a little, as if he was smiling underneath it.
you noticed his glance fall onto your upper body and thighs for a second, before looking into your eyes again.
"you did good, i'm impressed."
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
summary: your first mission with the task 141!
warnings: death, violence, guns,
pronouns: she/her
a/n: we finally have a name for reader!
oh. oh. was the only thing that came to your mind as you opened the door for ghost and soap, who were picking you up to go to the plane.
they had their tactical gear on and looked even bigger than they already were. you also put on your black gear and grabbed the black mask from the nightstand.
"looking good in your gear" soap said and you let the door fall into the lock.
"y'all look.." scrumdiliamptious "intimidating" you nodded at them and cleared your throat. especially ghost gave you a silly little feeling rn.
"here" ghost gave you a little ear piece and you saw his gloved hands. damn. you didn't wanna sound down bad, but.. you kinda were down bad.
"thanks" you smiled at him, taking your helmet in your left hand and following the two men after putting the ear piece in. your boots left heavy sounds on the floor.
"whats your weapon newbie?" soap asked and you caught up a little with them, walking next to him.
"M24 mostly" you stepped out into the setting sun and took a deep breath of the evening air. the mission was in somewhere between new mexico and texas, you'd be flying for a maximum of two hours.
"we have one on the plane!" soap said kinda excited and ghost raised his eyebrows for a second. "told you someone would need it"
"why, don't you like it?" you asked and saw the plane on the runway.
"no we just didn't have a competent sniper for a long time." soap joked and you noticed that you were the first one arriving at the plane. "im gonna gather the others, you stay here"
the pilots opened the door and ghost and you stepped into the plane. it wasnt a very big one, enough to fit maybe 20 people. there were seats on each side, a bench in the middle and a lot of weapons on the walls.
ghost went to the far back and pointed to the M24. "ammo and the rest is above your head" he pointed up and you nodded, taking a seat. you put your helmet in your lap and put the gloves on, simple black ones, unlike ghosts, which had some skeleton fingers printed on them. you tapped lightly on your helmet and sighed.
"nervous?" ghost asked and you looked down at you. god damn.
"no-" you choked and quickly looked down. why are you flustered all of the sudden? mask kink much? "no. im excited for our first mission together. i've been longer on the field than you might think, lieutenant."
you got up and started putting ammo in your vest pockets before the plane got too cramped up. ghost had to slouch a bit, the plane being a little too short for him.
"we're allowed to listen to music on the flight?" you asked and saw soap and other men come from the distance. the only one you recognised was gaz and price, the others were unknown to you.
"yes" ghost said and sat down next to you, his thigh almost touching yours. you pulled out a little sony walkman out and let it sit in your hands until the plane would take off.
"here" ghost held a parachute rig and you slipped your legs through. the rig was kinda hanging at your butt, not wanting to do the cringe jumping and pulling you turned around to ghost and he pulled it up, holding it until your arms were through. you fastened the clippers in the front.
"alright, everyone ready?" price asked and the others started putting their rigs on.
"yessir" you said with everyone and leaned your head against the wall behind you. maybe you could get a little sleep in.
you did indeed fall asleep until like twenty minutes before jumping. you rubbed your eyes and put your helmet on, looking through the plane. the others were either talking to each other or sitting quietly in their seats.
"jump off in 10 minutes" the pilot announced and the men stood up. you stretched lightly, your arms reaching the ceiling and you saw the sniper rifle in your sight field. ghost took it off for you and you gave him a tired smile.
"jump off in five"
you started to get nervous now. not because of your life being in danger or anything, you were quite good at what you were doing, but because of this stupid jump. and at nighttime. where you couldn't see shit.
you fidgeted with your gloves and checked all of your straps, pockets, everything there was. there was no chance you'd jump first, so you moved to the pilots direction and saw price open the slide door.
"jump off in three"
deep breath in.
deep breath out.
you saw the others jump and you gulped your fear down. it wasn't the first time you've jumped and it definitely wont be the last. you shook your hands and stepped to the ledge, putting your night vision goggles on. you took a step into the darkness and saw the others a couple of meters away from you. the wind was cold and you put your hands to your sides, following the others.
after a few minutes, you pulled the parachute and the air got taken out from our lungs for a split second. not even 10 minutes later you landed on the ground and took off the rig, looking at the scenery in front of you. a couple of houses scattered through the dried up ground and your team landed maybe a hundred meters away from them. you took your sniper off your shoulder and laid on the ground, looking through the scope. three men on the roof of house one, three and four and four men on house six.
"newbie, how copy?" ghost asked and you saw him looking up to you.
"there are snipers on the roofs, three on house one, house three and four, four on house six. maybe there's four on each building, i cant see all angles" you said and waited for further instructions.
"take them out"
you shot the first guy and saw the others hurrying to see where your bullet came from. two men stood above the body, giving you clear sight on them and firing two bullets relatively close after another. the men fell down, giving you clear sight on the forth, who looked into your direction, but was taken out before he could see you.
"roof one clear" you said over comms and saw your squad moving towards it. "clear out the other roofs" price said and you reloaded your magazine.
target. aim. shoot. that's all you had in mind.
"roof three clear" you announced, reloading once again. too bad this weapon only had five shots, you would've gone through swiping the roofs way quicker.
"house one clear, no laptops" alejandro said and you saw three people running to the second house for support. ghost and soap were in there and you looked at the other two houses.
"fuck" you said and zoomed in a little more "you have to watch out, they have a lot of back up"
"how many?" price asked and you started counting.
"shi, like twenty?" you answered and looked at your bullets. "i only have 15 bullets left"
"i told y'all we should restock them M24 bullets" soap scoffed and sounded bitter.
"just push forward, we're 20 and they're 20, one on one" alejandro said and you shot a bullet onto three man standing close to each other.
"gah damn, three for one, i'll take it!" you sounded happy, been a couple of weeks since you had such a lucky shot.
"newbie how copy?" ghost asked again and you searched him in the field for a second, seeing his mask almost immediately.
"i've got my eye on you, lieutenant." you said and moved your scope behind him. "but there's back up from behind!" you started taking out the men on the roof of the last two houses. "out of ammo! but those guys are 10 less" you thought what you could do to help..
"delta 1-4 down!" came from comms and you decided short handed.
"coming down" you said and got up, leaving your weapon on the ground. you'd probably find one on field anyway.
"no" price said sharply. "stay put"
"captain, with all due respect, im not gonna watch as more die" you said firmly and made your way down the hill.
"its an order kid" price sounded a little softer but still very stern. you ignored his call and picked up a shotgun, which probably fell down from the roof as you took someone down, because it wasn't a weapon that your squad had on them. you just hoped it had enough ammo.
you quietly followed the men and saw ghost hiding behind a corner. not wanting to reveal his spot, you went into the second house and grabbed some ammo on your way.
"newbie, where you at?" soap asked and just in that moment you looked through the window and saw someone coming into ghosts direction. you shot them two times and put your index finger on the little ear piece. "house two, they almost had ghost"
you jumped out of the first story window and quickly made your way to the fourth house, where ghost was. you shot some men on your way there and picked up a small pistol from the ground. if all hell broke loose, you'd still have your knife, you told yourself.
"i've been shot!" you heard someone say through comms and heard price sound strained.
"stay put, cover the wound and try to survive until we're clear, alright?"
you reached ghost and stood next to him. he looked at you and pointed at the door.
"six in there" he whispered and you nodded. "im gonna kick the door in"
you took a step back and got ready for the fight. with one heavy kick ghost ripped the door out of its hinges and immediately started shooting. you followed short behind and killed the remaining men together. you stood back to back, you watching the windows and the room to your right, ghost watched the stairs and the room to your left.
you saw an enemy and shot, turning to the room, where a light blue light was shining through and you started moving slowly to the room.
"dont go alone" ghost followed you backwards, practically being your second set of eyes.
"got it" you turned into the room and saw two guys crawling to the far back. you shot them, watching to the laptop. "lock the door"
"it wont hold back bullets-"
"but it'll hold them back for a second" you pulled out the USB drive and put it into the laptop, hearing ghost lock the door. "c'mon, c'mon, c'mon" you tapped against the laptop as the download of all files was moving on slowly.
"soap, how copy?" ghost asked meanwhile and soap grunted.
"been better lieutenant, they're not dying! standing here like fuckin' roaches"
"skill issue" you whispered and watched the last few percent load. "almost done ghost"
right then there were shots through the door and someone shot the lock open. ghost took them down immediately and you drew your pistol. the laptop made a sound and you just wanted to finish those guys off as fast as possible. you shot past ghost and he gave you a quick glare.
"retrieve the fucking USB stick and dont stand in my way"
you just wanted to help. furrowing your brows, you got behind the wall and pulled the stick out, putting it in your vest pocket. "USB-stick bravo retrieved" you said over comms.
"USB-stick delta in work" soap said and you heard some gunshots from his side, just as ghost was shooting the last couple of guys. he signalled you to follow him, his gun at his shoulder, looking through the scope. "im gonna head upstairs, you stay here"
"but what if-"
"you stay here." he repeated and you let out a defeated huff.
"house is clear" he came downstairs and looked at you. "you have the stick?"
"yup yup, right here" you gave it to ghost and he put it in his own pocket. as if it wasn't safe with you..
"soap, how-" ghost started but you yelped as you saw someone climbing through the window and had their pistol on ghost. you pushed him to the side and before the man could shoot you almost emptied your magazine on that dude.
"what the fuck" ghost said and looked at you.
"that was so fucking close" you breathed and gave the man one last shot, even if he was already on the floor. "thats for making me almost pee myself"
"you could've gotten hurt, bloody hell!" soap pushed and you shrugged.
"i'd rather have me injured, than someone dead" you looked him into the eyes and cocked your head.
"ghost??" soaps voice sounded concerned. "we're alright. just a little.. surprise attack. can't say newbie didn't save my ass right now." ghost answered and gave you a nod.
"well, glad she was your umbrella in that bullet rain" gaz joked and soap gasped loudly.
"thats it!!" he almost shouted and pointed at you.
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
Ghost MW2
Meeting Task Force 141 Newbie Late nights
-------------------------------------------------------- One Shots:
soon to come!
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
late nights
part 3 to meeting task 141!
summary: a late night talk with ghost
warnings: mentions of human trafficking, death, reader smokes, mentions of 9/11
pronouns: she/her
a/n: a rather short one today, kinda like a filler episode lmao, but i'll post the fourth part later today too!
you groaned and pulled the blanket from your face. the red clock showed 1:12am, which meant you've been tossing and turning since almost two hours, not falling asleep at all. you sat up and rubbed your eyes. you were tired, but you just couldn't sleep. normal case of your insomnia. you took your cigarettes, put some fluffy slippers and your coat on. you checked your pockets, key card, lighter, phone and gum, you had everything.
stepping onto the roof your eyes had to adjust to the dark for a second before you sat down at the edge and looked down. the roof wasnt very high, you let your feet dangle off and slouched. not wanting your intrusive thoughts of throwing your phone down win, you held it with both hands and opened tik tok, the quiet sounds filling the darkness. the light from the lamps on the ground didn't really reach you, but that wasn't your problem, you were safe up here and everyone was probably sleeping anyway.
everyone except one. you heard the metal door creek and turned around instantly, recognising ghosts statue. he froze in his tracks after spotting you and almost immediately turned around. "you don't have to go" you said, not sure if it was loud enough but he heard you and after thinking for a moment he came towards you and sat down next to you. but like.. a meter away. "cant sleep too?" you asked and put your phone in your pocket, taking the cigarettes and lighter out. ghost did the same and hummed in response. "sorry i took your spot" "its fine, didn't expect you to be up here" he said and lit his cigarette. you didn't look at him out of respect, even tho you were kinda curious how he looked under the mask. "yeah" you nodded and the comfortable silence fell over you. "was a name chosen for you?" ghost started a conversation. a reasonable question, you had your first mission in the task force in two days. "nah," you inhaled the smoke and looked down. "flower was a pretty cool name if i do say so myself, kinda sad to let it go" "is that why there are flowers on your zippo?" he asked and you chuckled lightly. "not really, my sister gifted it to me. she said i'd always be her prettiest flower, that's why i took the name in the other task force." you smiled down at it. "i miss her, haven't seen her in a long time" you had no problem sharing some information from your past, it's not like ghost was the trash talk queen here. "yeah" he said and looked into the distance. "haven't seen my family in years either" you didn't ask why that was, knowing ghost was a very private man and you've only known each other for a couple of days. but it was your first real conversation that didn't have to do with anything like training or tactics. "i dunno" you sighed and took another inhale. "she's all grown up now.." you missed some significant years in her life. like her sweet sixteen, her first car, her first break up and all that. you couldn't even call her, if your phone got hacked you sure as hell wont even forgive yourself for putting her and your mom in danger. night time was always your sentimental time. you spent it alone mostly but it was good to talk to someone about it, too. "how old is she?" "she's turning 17 next month" you answered and let out a long breath. "we wanted to get matching tattoos on her 18th" "one more reason to survive" ghost mentioned and you nodded slightly. "still living and breathing, not planning on changing that soon" you put out your cigarettes on the cement next to you and put your hands in your lap. "how come you've joined the military? it seems like you have a close bond with your family, why choose such a dangerous job?" ghost sounded genuinely curious. "hm" you thought back to your teen years. "my dad was in the army. i was so inspired by him, i've always wanted to become like him. and i wanted to help people, my first mission was freeing five women from human trafficking. i dont know how they would've reacted if i was a man.." you said honestly and noticed it was your first time in years talking about your dad. you didn't know if you should regret telling ghost some things about your past, but it was too late now. "why did you join, lieutenant?" "9/11." he said simply and you nodded in response.
your talk with ghost yesterday was nice. but you couldn't help but feel like you've been run over by a truck in the morning. the briefing room was filled with the task force, you sitting in the back between ghost and soap, while price explained the mission. your eyelids started becoming heavier and heavier and you almost fell down on the table, but caught yourself right in time. "someone sleep deprived?" soap asked and you leaned back in the chair. "couldn't sleep at all yesterday. i even took melatonin, shit wasnt working" you rubbed your eyes and put your hand over your mouth to yawn. "you need to infiltrate building one, three, four and six," price showed the buildings on the map. "there's information on the laptops, retrieve it and get back. dont make a scene." you drank the last bit of your 4th energy drink and started bouncing your leg to hopefully keep you awake. the briefing could've been over at this point but price was nowhere near done. you couldn't even take a nap later because you'd be training all day to 'strengthen your team compability' you didn't have enough time for a breakfast (bc you actually managed to fall asleep for an hour or so) so you started peeling an orange and soap immediately turned around to look at you. "the whole room smells like oranges" you heard gaz whisper and quickly hid the orange under the table, offering soap a slice. you tapped ghosts thigh and he looked at you, seeing the three slices in your hand. he took them and pushed a slice in his mouth under the mask. you hated the white strings on oranges, so you started peeling them off carefully. ghost leaned his head to the side, thinking it was quite weird why you just didnt eat the orange as it was, those strings didn't taste like anything. he took the other half and started peeling them too, leaving the clean slices next to your hand. you smiled and mouthed a quiet 'thank you' to him, popping a slice in your mouth. maybe you could actually warm up to ghost, it seemed like he wasn't as cold and distant as you thought he was…
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
part 2 to meeting task 141! 
summary: you have a sparring session with ghost, soap and könig 
warnings: reader smokes, has tattoos/piercings, mentions of guns, violence content warning: none 
pronouns: she/her
a/n: thanks for the support on the last post, im happy you liked it ehe~ well, back at it it again with a new post, enjoy! 
"sparring session!" price announced loudly and you looked up from your breakfast. "you too, newbie" 
"yessir" you said and started gathering some stuff from the other guys and put the trays in the cart. "thank you!" soap shouted from across the cantine and put the straw of his apple juice between his lips. you were glad that you were already in your sportswear, because the men left almost immediately after the call from price. you quickly followed them because the sparring sessions weren't in the gym, but in a hall, which you could've never found by yourself.
you were four people, ghost, soap, könig and you. even though könig was part of KorTac he still trained with the 141 sometimes, soap explained to you earlier. ghost opened the door to the hall and you were apparently the first group to enter a session. you just kinda hoped that the guys would go easy on you. and you hoped that you wouldn't be partnered up with könig, he's taller than ghost and you don't want to underestimate any of them. "how do your sparring sessions work?" you asked as the guys started taking off their jackets, vests, whatever they had on, leaving them in tank tops and ghost and könig wearing their masks. "we usually train all at once, but we didn't want to overwhelm you the first time you're here. basically we just 'fight' against each other and thats it, last one standing wins." könig said and crossed his arms. you nodded and put your hair up in a ponytail. "no music?" you looked at the ceiling of the hall, which reminded you of your high school P.E. hall but with softer floors, and spotted a few speakers. "you dont need concentration?" ghost seemed to be raising an eyebrow and you shrugged. "multitasking i guess, lieutenant" you almost never trained without music, gave you main character vibes. "we can try, im open to something new" soap said and pulled out his phone. "any recommendations?" "dunno" you said seriously, forgetting every song you've ever listened to. "just put something on" ghost grew impatient. he hated wasting time if there was clearly something to do. soap handed you his phone and you put your gym playlist on, knowing there were no embarrassing songs in it. "five laps." ghost said and started running, followed by the other two. you hated running with your entire heart and pulled a grimace. you may be strong, but your stamina wasn't the best. as a sniper you didn't need to have it, after all. you noticed falling behind the guys with your short legs and picked up speed. their jog was a full on sprint, but you knew that you had a significant advantage in combat. you finished your lap last and put your arms on your knees, catching your breath. 'i need to stop smoking' you thought and took a deep breath. "you alright?" soap asked, dude didn't even look like he was full on sprinting the last three laps. "yeah yeah im not used to running at full speed for so long" you inhaled and pulled your ponytail tighter. "that was full speed?" he joked and you shot him a death glare. "you two" ghost pointed between könig and you. "partner up, soap and i will be the other team" you looked at könig, who gave you an apologetic look and you nodded before taking your hoodie off, leaving you in an oversized black t-shirt. "i'll be gentle." könig promised and you chuckled. "no need dude, i can handle myself." you just didn't expect ghost and soap to be watching for a moment. "we'll see" könig got into position and you did the same. ok maybe you did underestimate his height. mans was towering over you like almost two entire heads. 'i can handle myself' you repeated in your head. ghost looked at your arms, noticing the patchwork style tattoos. some butterflies, flowers, those famous hands from some portrait. you looked like you escaped a pinterest picture. not that he knew what pinterest was. obviously. "oh god" you yelped as könig launched at you and you put your hands up right in time. you heard escapism playing faintly in the background and you looked at könig. think of it as a game. you had the advantage of being small, you could easily climb on his back. you just needed to know what the best tactic would be. könig launched at you once again, but this time you used his calf as a 'ladder' typa deal and jumped on his back, motioning a knife with your thumb against his throat and jumping off. "i can handle myself" you said and smiled at him. "not bad" he nodded and you bowed a little. "thank you, thank you" ghost looked indifferent, thinking könig just went light on you. "pair up" he said to könig and soap, wanting to test your skills himself. 'yeah no fuck that' you thought. königs statue was slimmer than ghosts, and you didn't really feel like taking ghost on. grave started playing and you put your fists up, signing that you were ready. no, ghost looked intimidating, for sure. but you looked death right into the eyes, one little ghost isn't gonna hurt you. "it's about to get interesting" soap said to könig and you asked if he could turn the music up a bit. you launched first this time and ghost duck under your fist, ready to strike back. you jumped back, no time planning your next step because ghost was already on his way to throw you onto the floor. you wanted to step aside gracefully, but tripped over his feet and almost face planted the floor. he held your arm, holding you back from the floor and you looked back. "you'd be dead" "no! that wasn't fair! your shoe laces are too long, i tripped!" you gasped and ghost let you go. "könig said last one standing wins and im clearly standing." soap shook his head with a chuckle and könig leaned against the wall. you felt like it was just some kind of setup to see how good you really were. "all right then." ghost shrugged and grabbed your arm, kicking your leg from under you. you reacted quickly, standing on your other leg for support, freeing yourself from his grip. you tried to use the same tactic on him as you did on könig, but ghost reacted way quicker than you anticipated. you stepped into air instead of his thigh and were a little wobbly for a second. this would go on for ever if you wouldn't come up with a plan. 'if you cant beat them, confuse them. and then beat them.' the words of your mom sounded through your head and a light bulb went off on your head. "i bet you like crushing girls with them thicc daddy thighs" ghost stopped in his motion, giving you the perfect moment to jump and kick his knee in, making him kneel onto the floor. just as you were about to celebrate your victory, you felt a hand swiping both your feet from the ground, making you fall. "what the fuck" you gasped and ghost came into your field or vision. "never heard my thighs being described that way" he said in a monotone voice and held a hand out to you. you grabbed it and got pulled up, nodding admiringly. "i was this close" you put your index finger and thumb as close as possible together without touching them "to winning. they are my witnesses." you pointed to where soap and könig were, but they started their own sparring session. "fuck." "i've won."
könig left a little detail out. it wasnt "last one standing wins". it was more of a "looser plays the wrecking doll for takedown combat techniques”
and obviously, it was you. you stiffly stood next to ghost, looking at the men who you didn't know and who were definitely not in the 141 task force. day four on this base and you'll already loose all dignity those men had for you. if there was any to start with. some of them had a pitiful look in their eyes, some were literally looking at you like they didn't expect any less from a woman. "alright" prices voice was loud and clear, the chatter immediately stopped. "we'll go through three techniques today, i want to see them perfected by the end of the week." "yessir" came back and you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment that was about to come. "before you begin, it's important to know how to take down your enemy without any weapons. your body is your weapon, your mind its strongest component." price continued and gave ghost a slight nod. "ghost will demonstrate with newbie. watch closely." oh god, this is the end there was literally nothing to worry about tho, ghost is just gonna throw you against the floor. nothing more, nothing less. "-to catch your enemy off guard" you heard price say before ghost grabbed you firmly, twisted your arm and lowered you to the ground forcefully. his knee was on the small of your back, his right hand holding a pistol immitat and his left both of your wrists. "wasn't ready" you mumbled and tapped the floor. you got up after ghost took his knee away from your back. "you alright?" he whispered and shot you a side glance. "no worries, im tuff" you whispered back and looked at price, who signed to get on to the next technique. this time, ghost faked attacking your right leg, grabbed your left one and pushed you on the floor, putting his knee on your belly. you noticed that he tried not to put too much weight on you and you met his eyes. your felt your cheeks flush up, its been a while since someone pinned you down. the men starred at you after ghost helped you up and got ready for the next strike down. he grabbed your arm, turned around and threw you over his shoulder, trying to throw you on the floor as carefully as possible. you left out a defeated sigh and sat up, legs crossed. "nice work" you commented and looked up at him. "start training!" price said loudly and the men started pairing up and repeating the techniques ghost showed them. "im going out for a smoke" soap announced and your arm shot up. "i'll go too!"
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
meeting task 141
summary: you were transferred from your other task force to the 141 and meet the members. 
warnings: reader smokes, has piercings and tattoos  content warning: none
pronouns: she/her
a/n: this will be a multiple part story, maybe with some of your ideas ^^ english is not my first language, if you find any mistakes pls let me know!
disclaimer: i do not own call of duty or any of the mentioned characters
ghost didn't know how you landed a place in the 141 task force. not that you weren't good. you were probably one of the best snipers he's encountered.
he didn't see you in action yet, but your killcount is speaking for you. his opinion tho, it was...purely based off appearance. you just didn't look like you'd belong here, your bubbly personality not matching the dark hues of the base and the men, who lived there. 
you weren't the only female member that got transferred from another location. but the only one who stood out to ghost. it wasn't every day that he met someone, who could withstand his gaze and not blurt their whole backstory out once he asked one simple question. you're still pretty mysterious, even after he made a background check, he couldn't find anything on your records. to the public, you were living in santa monica, had three children and a husband named arthur hales. you were a completely normal human being, working an office job before becoming a house wife. and no one would assume that someone like you, always smiling, always trying your best to get warmed up to the men in the past three days you've been here, wearing the light blue oversized hoodie and grey sweatpants were a killer. lost in his thoughts, ghost trailed his gaze through the cantine. you were talking to soap and gaz as you held your cup of tea between your hands. 
"so, we know that you're good at sniping. what about on the field. and experience?" soap asked, his scottish accent peaking through heavily. "actually yeah. i wasn't on the field often, but i know a trick or two when it comes to fighting." you gave a small smile and turned the white mug slightly. "how come you've been transferred here?" gaz asked, being the only one in the past days who's asked yet. you didn't mind the question, you had a long time to think about your answer after all. they didn't need to know the whole truth. not yet, at least. "my task force just got a few new recruits and everyone was occupied with two, except me. and since y'all needed backup, Lt. sent me here to help you from above" you left out the teeny tiny fact that you've known price for a long long time (since you were two, to be exact) and had quite the bond with him, which is why price told general shepherd he'd like to have you on his squad. "who said we needed backup?" soap sounded kinda offended. "giving some of us almost died last time we were out, it does sound like we needed backup." alejandro mentioned and shrugged. you were surprised how fast the men actually accepted you in their circle and how easy it was to communicate. there were no uncomfortable silences or inappropriate jokes, which were almost always there with your other team, and you actually felt quite comfortable here. the only one who hasn't spoken more than two words (which were a simple 'good morning') with you, was ghost. you felt his gaze lingering on your back and you asked yourself why he didn't join the table. maybe he was cautious of you? or in general just a little socially awkward? you didn't know and quite frankly didnt care a lot, there's always that one person in the team. you let your snake bite piercing graze against the back of your teeth and enjoy the silent moment. "whats this?" soap pointed to your left wrist, where your tattoo peeked through. "an angel number. stands for protection and the right path." you explained and looked down at the three small numbers on your wrist. you got it done a few years ago after joining the military, you didnt believe in a "higher power" or anything like that, you just kept remembering your mother, who always said that 4 was your lucky number. you've always been protected in your life, she said. ghost started getting closer to the table, not wanting to come of as weird or anything, and sat down next to alejandro, who was sitting opposite of you. "look who joined us, if it isnt the most handsome man!" soap smiled and put his arms slightly up. you looked at ghost, his dark eyes shooting a quick glance in your direction and looking at soap after that. it was the first time you could really look at him, giving that he either wasn't there or hiding somewhere in the shadows. he had a black balaclava with a skull print on and a black t-shirt. you were wondering why he wore the balaclava inside. it looked very cool (and kinda intimidating), but it left you asking yourself if it was because of you. maybe he had some trust issues and wanted to conceal his identity. 
"i didn't catch your name yet" ghost looked at you. god damn. his voice was deeper than expected. or.. you didnt really know what you were expecting, but definitely not a british accent. "oh, i was called flower. but my Lt. said i had to change my before going out in the field to eliminate any connections to the other task force, im kinda nameless now" you knew you couldn't really pick your own call sign, which would leave you with something like newbie for a couple of days (or weeks, or how ever long it took until you'd figure out your name) ghost gave you a short nod, understanding that you didnt want to say your real name. you didn't know his after all, that only seemed fair. in fact, you didnt know any of the guys names except for alejandro. you made a mental note, you'd remind yourself some day to ask for their real names, maybe it was just too early for that.
"newbie!" yup, it was like you've expected. soaps voice echoed through the gym and you pulled out your headphones. you were mid rep and raised an eyebrow at his call for you. behind him was ghost in a tank top and some black sweatpants. gah damn his arms were big. "yeah?" you asked and pulled off your gym gloves and took your water bottle. you were still in a hoodie and sweatpants, not wanting to show your body because of some.. events that happened back at your old base.
"we wanted to ask if you'd be down for a smoke? well, if you smoke at all" soap started but looked at the bar bell on the floor. "but you probably wanna finish training, right?"
"oh no i was on my last rep for today anyway, soo yeah sure." you gave them a quick smile and turned around, unscrewing the bar bell and putting the black heavy plates where you got them from. soap nudged ghost slightly, pointing at the weights and gave an admiring nod after counting the weight in total. you were strong, no questions asked, but you were also kinda.. he didn't know.. short ? or it just seemed like it, because all of them were tall and you just stood out because you were a lot of inches smaller.
you noticed the look and quickly gathered your stuff, phone, headphones and your water bottle. you'd be passing the sleeping quarters anyways, so you didn't have to ask the men to lend you a cig.
"i just need to get my cigarettes out of the room, i'll be right back" you gave the little announcement and quickly disappeared behind the door, after unlocking it with your card.
"do you think she was deadlifting or squatting with that weight?" soap crossed his arms and looked at ghost.
"dunno. but she sure as hell is strong" he admitted and earned a chuckle from soap.
"gave you a little competition aye?"
while they we're talking, you were on the search for your coolest lighter (a black clipper with a white ace of spades and blood spluttered on it). 'that'll do' you thought, pulling a light pink zippo out of your bag. it had flowers on it and a small engraving, which said 'you're the prettiest flower'. you smiled down at it, memories of your little sister gifting it to after you've been away on a mission for several months flooded your mind. it's already been years in which you haven't seen her, the zippo was a nice reminder that she'd always be waiting for you to come back.
you opened the door to your room and let out a sigh, putting the cigarettes and zippo in the pocket of your hoodie. the men looked down at you and you put your arm out, as a gesture of saying 'lead the way'.
soap and ghost were talking (well, it was mostly soap telling ghost some gossip and ghost giving a hum in response) and you listened to their conversation on the way to the smoking area. it was in the back of the base, some benches and tables scattered here and there. it wasn't very cold outside, the spring air filling your lungs and you took a deep breath in. birds were flying over your head, the trees started to blossom and you were genuinely happy that winter was over and it'd be summer soon.
you sat down at a round table, ghost opposite of you and soap between you and him. you pulled your sealed cigarette package out and removed the plastic wrap.
"didn't think you were a marlboro typa gal" soap mentioned and you flicked against the bottom of the package. "whats that for?"
"the highest cigarette, that comes out, is my lucky cigarette. im smoking it last one, and always wish something." you explained your little ritual and put the cigarette upside down back in the package before offering the two of them one. you put one between your lips and pulled out the lighter.
"we were the ones asking you to come out and now we're smoking your cigarettes" soap commented and you passed the lighter to him.
"pff dont worry about it, i'm not greedy" you smiled and inhaled the smoke. ghost took the lighter and inspected it for a quick second. it was kinda cute, seeing the all so serious man holding a pink lighter. he gave it back and turned around, leaning on his elbows on the table.
you didn't even question it, he didn't want you (or anyone) to see his face and smoking meant pulling his mask over his lips.
"so" you started as you tapped the ash off. "how long have you two known each other?"
"way too long" ghost answered almost immediately and you looked at soap, who just nodded.
"i've seen this man almost die more often than i saw me mum" soap took a deep inhale and blew the smoke out. "anyway, why did you join the military?"
"eh, thats a story for another day" you winked and soap mouthed a 'got it' and stared off into distance.
"we gotta start thinking about a name for you" soap mentioned and you quickly nodded.
"i dont wanna be called newbie again" you kinda whined and put your head onto your free hand. "it took sooo impossibly long to get my other team to pick a name because nothing really fit and 'wasn't screaming me'" you quoted your friend and soap smiled a little.
"well we have to see you in action and pick out a name then huh?"
and just like that, a new era in your life began.
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
helloo, my name's sunny and this is my first time posting on any social media in almost 4 years. i've written some stuff a couple of years ago and kinda stopped someday, but now that i've picked it up again i thought, why not publish it and share my ideas ^^
i've been playing COD for a couple years now (not very good at it, but im having fun) and always took some interest in ghost and his backstory. i'd probably write only for him and könig, both being my favorite characters in the game.
im just gonna put it out here and say that english isnt my first language and im probably gonna have some mistakes! this is either gonna be a big flop or a pleasant surprise, im fine with both lmao
a little more to me, im 19 years old, socially awkward in person, but im rather open online and have no problems talking in, for example, voice chats or something. i've always been a quiet reader on tumblr, im just getting used to posting here!
alright that should be it, im very excited to see where this all will lead to ^^
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