xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
I don't know what to do anymore. Hailey came back and I'm broken. She hurt me more than anyone has. I was broken because she was full of her pride. I don't know what to do. She's telling me she misses me and everything but I don't know if I can believe her or not. Its killing me because......
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Ich bin fertig
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
"Depression is when you don't really are about anything.
Anxiety is when you care to much about everything.
and having both is just hell."
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
I hate those moments after I'm done crying and I just sit there emotionless.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Those days when you feel you have no purpose.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
That moment when you burst out crying alone in your room and you realize that no one truly knows how unhappy you are.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Person: "You are ugly."
Person: "You are fat."
Person: "Go kill yourself."
Person: "Or make yourself flat."
Me: "Okay."
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Maybe one day you will have the happiness you've been pretending to have.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
My parents warned me about drugs on the streets, but never about the one with big brown eyes and a heartbeat.-CT.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Do you ever just want to get up & go outside and just run, run as fast as you can just run that's all . Where ever your legs can take you just never stop running. Feeling the cool air run by you . You end up forgetting things that has happened and your mind just races along with you. You sortve  give up you know? You just let your mind roam the streets you run on.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
You left me with tears in my eyes, and my heart filled with lies.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Left behind.
It sucks... laying here at times with that one person on your mind... but then you realize that they are much happier now than they were when they met you....
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
You liked me, and then you didn't.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Do you ever just sit in silence. Wondering, what every other teenager is doing? Homework,eating,playing video games, texting,going out. Then you sit here longer and realize that ...... you just sit here and do nothing. Not that you do it intentionally but only because that's the only choice you have.
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xxelighxx-blog · 9 years
Something Erased.
Have you ever started typing something about how you feel. And you want to send it to someone but to the right person the one who will understand it more than others will? Like you type along paragraph only to end up deleting it....
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