xxrelixx · 3 years
So I just started practicing craft not too long ago and I’m still learning, but I have a question for my more educated witches. I had a dream last night about baphomet that I need some clarity on. In my dream, I remember being in a white white home with white and grey furniture and white walls. I’ve never seen something like this before in my life so I was confused. In the dining area of this house was baphomet. He was criss cross floating in mid air. When I entered the room it took him a few seconds to notice that I was there but when he did he wouldn’t take his eyes off me, no matter the direction I went. After a few minutes he approaches me pins me down it seems? He then began to feed me this black liquid, it tasted horrible. It was like hand sanitizer. I got up and threw up most of it but afterwards he just stared at me for what it seemed like forever. I don’t really remember anything else happening and then I woke up. Can this mean something? Or is this just a dream? Someone help me out.
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