yoitsyeau · 4 years
Untitled Action Scene
Yeah, I've been posting ALOT today after a, what was it, sixth month hiatus? Anyways, this is something I wrote half of a while ago, and the other half just now as an exercise into the dreaded action scene that plagues writers of every genre. I might do something more with it, I dunno. Probably not.
Marnie closes her eyes against the bright white light, covering her ears to block out the deafening sound of the explosion, curling her body away from the heat that devours the city street. The car she is in is thrown by the shockwave that shutters across the city. She pulls herself tighter and lets out a strangled scream, the majority of which gets trapped in the back of her throat. Her body ricochets against her restraints as the vehicle’s tumble is at last stopped abruptly by an encounter with a brick wall. Marnie is still crying, still curled into a ball, still waiting for someone to save her.
She’s just a little girl.
She doesn’t want to open her eyes but the sound of her baby brother crying doesn’t give her much of a choice. She twists her head to look into his car seat as best as she can. Her world is blurry, but there is no missing the red gash that slices across his forehead. She recognizes that he is upside down before knowing that she is. That the car is. That her world is. She whimpers again.
She reaches forward, for the place where her Dad sits at the wheel, where he had been telling her to quiet down seconds before. He’s too loose and he’s too still. The city is screaming outside of the car. Marnie shakes her head. She doesn’t want this. She doesn’t like it. 
Jacob is still wailing. Marnie had never liked him much. He was messy and loud and took all of Dad's attention but she was scared and she liked being alone much less.
She struggles against the seat belt, which has, at some point, transformed into a mangled monster which would not be happy until it has strangled her to death. Crawling along the roof of the car (now the floor) she reaches up and tries to free Jacob of his own monster.He looks her in her eyes. 
He has to see how scared she is. But instead of being helpful or kind or even quiet, his little face constricts and he screams louder than Marnie has ever heard him scream in her life.
She screams right back. If Jacob can, Marnie would too. There is no Dad around to tell her to set the example.
Finally, she gets him free. Her brother is by no means a small baby. He is big, and he is heavy, but Marnie feels strong. Her world has gone sharper. A voice is in her head now, familiar and comforting. It tells her what to do. 
Get out of the car.
Get to safety.
She wonders if the voice was god. She decides to pray. Holding Jacob close to her chest, his screams muffled by the tattered cotton of her T-shirt, she squeezes her eyes shut. Dear god, she begins, but can’t get much farther. She doesn’t know what to ask for.
Get out of the car, Marnie, goes the voice again.
She sniffs and nods. The prayer will have to wait.
Her window is still intact, but Jacob’s has been shattered to pieces. She crawls with one hand, using the other to keep Jacob in place, toward the broken window, whimpering as glass shards dig into her knees and the palm of her hand. Still she pushes forward. Marnie overheard her mom say that when god is trying to tell you something, you have to listen lots of times. There is another item on her to–do list now:
Get out of the car.
Get to safety.
Find Mommy.
Marnie likes god’s list. She would thank him for it later.
It is louder out here than it had been in the car. Hotter, too. Already her skin is slick with sweat, the fabric of her clothes sticking to her in that way she didn’t like. Emerging, Marnie puts a hand over her ear, squinting out into the chaos. The air is filled with black smoke and the streets with fire. 
Marnie remembers the firefighters coming to her school. They said that breathing in the black smoke could kill you. Marnie doesn’t want to die. She looks at her brother and feels like crying again. She doesn’t want Jacob to die. Staying low to the floor like the firefighters had told her to, she thinks of what her prayer is going to be for.
Dear god, she thinks, thank you for the list. Please don’t let me or my brother Jacob die. Amen.
Marnie doesn’t see anyone else, but she hears people. Behind her there is screaming, and ahead, around the corner, yelling.
“Help! Help me someone please!” 
The voice doesn’t even sound human anymore. It makes Marnie feel cold, feel sick. She shakes her head and keeps going forward. She doesn’t want any part of what was happening behind her. She is out of the car. Her next step is safety. She goes toward the shouting.
Jacob’s screaming turns to wet coughs. Marnie stops her slow crawl to safety to inspect him, frowning. She turns his head away from the street and into her shirt. 
“Don’t breathe in the smoke, Jacob. You’ll be sick.”
Another cough is his only reply.
Marnie keeps going forward. She has to be quick. She is almost to the sidewalk, almost around the corner, almost to safety? She doesn’t know. There will be people, though. Big people. Someone to take care of her, of Jacob. She doesn’t know how. It is all too hard.
She’s just a little girl. 
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
Love You
It is easy to lie
It is easy to speak three times
It is easy to meet your eye
It is easy to pantomime`
It is easy to say I love you
And I do and I do and I do and—
It is easy
Oh so easy
To lie
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
Light a fire
Watch it play with my skin
Watch it melt away my flesh
So that it reveals the heat inside
Show me how weak I am
Flesh is weak
It is soft and it is easy
It burns without notice
Make it burn
Show me how weak I am
Show me ice
Ice so cold it sizzles
Let it send shivers down my spine
Let me shake
Let me long for sun
Show me how weak I am
I am weak
I am hungry
I am a dog that begs
An empty that waits
A whisper yet to be breathed
So feed me
Fill me
Breathe me—
Burn me
I will show you how weak I am
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
Plastic Flowers
At petals that don’t move
At stems that round off with no roots
At a dry vase
The pattern isn’t hard
You could weave it in a day
Plastic–plastic thread in the shape of a bouquet
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
The Grand Romantic Gesture
Out–in and out–in and
Out goes the air from my
Lungs are working hard and I
Have arrived where you wait and we
For what comes next
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
There they were
I watched them fly
Watched them glean in the light
I can not move
Under the influence
Of the sight.
The knife–like–words
Dig into my chest
And when had the blade been honed?
Just before it had been so dull
Now it’s point burns like ice
Double edged, I feel it twice
Now it dives deeper still
And now it is twisted
And now it cracks me open
And now I am fading
And still it dives deeper
Still it dives
I do not mind it
I do not mind
I don’t mind the thrower of the knife
I don’t mind the words
That cut and cut and cut
I do not mind that one is not enough
I do not mind
I do not mind
I do not mind
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yoitsyeau · 4 years
Slick cheeks under cold hands
Cold wrists inside wet vise grips
Shoulders out of time
Out of breath out of time
Closed eyes
But they find each other still
Skin to skin but it’s deeper
Behind them the reaper
Between them only breath,
Out of breath out of time and here’s death,
Can I can I can I?
And they find that all that’s left’s
Yes yes yes
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
I don’t know if I really have an opinion about this whole season so far because I think I’m still in shock that there was a whole hate crime in season three of the Belgian Skam remake and I haven’t fully processed that yet, so lately a lot has just been washing over my head. But in my moments of clarity, I’ve had some pretty strong thoughts about Sander.
They are mostly negative and cynical, because it amuses me to scream out my thoughts at my computer screen periodically, so here are my theories.
1. He never broke up with Britt.
2. He didn’t want to go to the police because his girlfriend would find out.
3. He was really just planning on going on like this indefinitely.
All in all, I’m just not sure how we get from
a. hate crime
b. ‘I luv you bb’
c. now commencing with the girl kisses in a public space and yes you can post that picture online and no I don’t think this boy I said I love you to a couple of hours before needs to be notified about our status change.
I don’t think the writers will take this route (I don’t know if they are even taking a route. It seems lately like they’ve been meandering lost in the woods. Or maybe I’m the one that’s been lost in the woods?) but I am sure that it makes more sense than whatever nonsensical excuse Sander will scrounge from his pockets.
How are we only on episode six??
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
At this point, I’m 1000% sure that beleven doesn’t exist and also 1000% sure that he will be arriving as soon as I wake up in the morning as a gift for all my suffering. I’ve also got some other theories that I’m not as convinced of, but I found them amusing.
1. Robbe’s in purgatory
The reason that it seems like the episodes are just repeating themselves at this point is because they actually are! Robbe got hit by a bus or something, and he’s stuck in a time loop of the same tramatic week. This will be revealed on the last episode and it will have no resolution.
2. Beleven’s in purgatory
Not really sure what this one means, but I definitely connect with it on a spiritual level
3. Beleven as the finale
Robbe will go through his life sad and stuff because his friends are mean and his girlfriend who is a girl keeps making unwanted sexual advances on him and also something with his parents but in some disorganized and hasty way he will accept his homosexuality and in the very last clip of the last episode he will meet Beleven and that will be the end and we will have all truly ascended to clowndom
4. The writers forgot what a plot was
Its an easy mistake that can happen to anyone. I’ll try to explain. See, a plot is a series of events in which certain actions lead to another, which leads to a climax, and then a resolution. I think they may have gotten stuck in the exposition part, as thus far, I’ve only identified two actual plot points. Again, I completely understand. It can happen to anyone. I’d just try to do better, okay?
5. Robbe enters a street racing competition
Not really an actual theory, but a suggestion. Because Beleven is obviously not high on their list of priorities, some sort of surrogate plot must be added. I think that street racing would be the best because its fun and cool. Imagine Robbe speed racing! Imagine him having a hobby! Imagine him doing something!
6. Beleven will show up at breakfast
and I have just wasted my time and look kind of silly to those who are seeing it the morning after. A risk I'm willing to take.
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
Somebody needs to tell the boy squad that being heterosexual is not a personality trait.
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
Broerrrs doesn’t have anything on Clout from Grandma’s Closet
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
Is a time
I wait patiently for
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
how to deal with spiders
The room is fuzzy But still I see it move I squint A black something Alive? I blink Turn back and grasp Splayed fingers searching They would find it before my eyes would Crinkle A bag of pretzels I wasn't supposed to have in my room I lifted my jacket I had taken it off earlier It had been too hot Of course It was August There Panic dies down Glasses are unfolded and on my eyes in seconds And the world has edges Back to the black something Moving now Alive, then I count the legs One, two, three... Enough to be unacceptable Again my hands are grasping the air Then sheets Then paper The black something is still She's been caught She knows this She performs the ritual of freezing in an attempt to disappear I place the paper in front of her I wait Five minutes, I give her If she's on the paper she dies If not, she lives This felt fair Thirty seconds pass And I stare And she moves And I sighed And she froze And she's dead
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
the lady on the couch.
Totally forgot I wrote this one. Makes me laugh and feel like crying at the same time. 
I want to talk to the lady on the couch tell her the things I'm too afraid to let out its a waste of money but I wouldn't use it properly I have no friends but the lady on the couch but she is not legally allowed to call me her friend but I think she likes me or at least probably I need another lady on the couch to figure this thing I have with the lady out are we friends or am I just a paycheck to her am I not special to her or anyone I can waste my money in other places Buy another pack of chewing gum
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
It's three am And I know I shouldn't be up But I am And believe me I want to sleep But there are dishes in the sink And I just don't wanna wash them today Sadly it is currently the next day So now or tomorrow Is the same thing I'm up And it's three am
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yoitsyeau · 5 years
I’m yoitsyeau
Hey writeblr I’m trying to follow everyone on wattpad esp if you have a wip posted so reblog with your username pls 💕
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