found this and i think it's the perfect character meme
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So, my headcanon is that after Greta gets a human body again and has enough time to process everything, she’d be a complete emotional mess. Like, a total depression conga line.
Think about it, over the course of a year or two she was:
Killed by her adoptive brother
Brought back to life as a warder, with amnesia
Caught by the DEO, and probably experimented on
Was taken in by YJ (one of the few not terrible things to happen to her)
Fought against her murderous brother (she didn’t know at the time)
Taken back by the DEO
Had to deal with her traumatic memories gradually coming back
Found out she has no family to go back to (dad killed her brother and went to jail, mom went crazy)
Formed a slightly unhealthy attachment to Tim, which didn’t exactly go well
Forcefully aged up and down again
Used to help with supernatural problems, because she was the only one available at the time
Found out her dad is on death row
Busted him out, and felt abandoned by her only friends in the world
Her dad (possessed by her dead brother) threw himself into an Apokoliptian Firepit
Was taken in by Darkseid, and made into his pawn
Was turned back to normal-ish
Has to live with the knowledge that, when she dies again, she’ll probably have to go back to being a warder
Like damn, she’d be a total wreck. Give this girl some ice cream, a support group, and probably a therapy animal. She needs it.
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“They’re the Young Justice League of America!”
“No… We’re young, but just us.”
“Oh, okay! Young Justice!”
“No, young, just us!”
Young Justice 1998, DC Comics
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Hot take: 90s Young Justice Cassie looks better than Prime Earth Cassie.
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Honestly, I’m not a fan of the fact that Cassie has been retroactively made into this generic blonde pretty girl, when her entire original design was a mix of “cool tomboy” and “kinda nerdy 14 year old”. To the point where even finding image references for her 90s incarnation is unbearably difficult (I keep getting N52 and Rebirth Cassie, which is the opposite of what I want).
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(All the ones with black hair are just wigs, before anyone asks).
Hell, she doesn’t even like wearing dresses, as seen in Young Justice 80-Page Giant. Which means her Rebirth design (which features a skirt) makes less sense to me.
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All in all, I want to see more of tomboy Cassie, as opposed to the generic supermodel Cassie we’ve been seeing since the early 2000s.
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Based on this
The idea is that, not long after his training with Shiva, Tim went to train his skills and mind with ninja practices. Because while martial arts skills are important in vigilante work, his main skill is his mind.
The main focus was both maneuverability and creativity. The former is important, honing both agility and stealth. And while Tim did have some basic training for this, it doesn’t hurt to improve them. (Also, while his smaller stature is a point of annoyance normally, it makes him the perfect ninja. They are typically short, thin, and light, all perfect for stealth.)
Creativity is definitely his strong suit. Training to craft weapons, use them in new and unique ways, and work without them. Adding onto his existing affinity for gadgets, it just added to his existing flexibility.
His training with the bo staff was already a great start, not only giving him more physical resilience (bo staff training leads to bruising/building upper arm and leg muscles, you hit yourself a lot), but also a signature weapon that’s not difficult to recreate in a pinch.
Final point, the YJ 2019 costume already has some ninja elements to it, but I see Tim designing a suit that takes his training into account, making him the definitive ninja Robin. Tabi boots, shuko/ashuko built into his hands and feet, hidden pouches for weapons, even a breakaway cape for emergencies. The possibilities are fascinating. 
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Impulse: Hey Robin, so you know how Batman is super paranoid?
Robin: yea...
Impulse: if I sent him a cryptic note in the mail saying ‘I’m living in your walls’ do you think he check all the walls?
Robin: Bart. Plz don’t.
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Tim and Greta could have been so cute together if they just toned her obsession with the Boy Wonder WAY the hell down, and I will die on that hill.
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"Evil Young Justice"
I've had this idea for a team of evil counterparts to the original comic Young Justice team, something that could work for an animated series or the like. Here's my idea.
The evil Robin from Wrath and Scorn (like the guys from The Batman)
Has person beef with both Batman and Tim Drake, finds his (onesided, at first) rivalry with Robin highly convenient
Uses sai, exclusively to counter Tim's bo staff
Giving him the prototype name 'Alvin Drapier', because reference
Using his original comic version, where he's just Kon, but with stronger psychic powers and less of an ego
Suffers from the same cellular deterioration as his TT2003 version, is only on the team because Thad is giving him regular treatment to prevent this (read: blackmail)
Started the team out of his resentment for Bart
Leads the team, and gives them future tech upgrades
Really only doing this out if the Thawne family grudge, could probably be talked out of it with enough persistence
I have this convoluted idea where original Cheetah (Priscilla Rich) manipulates the second canonical Cheetah (Deborah Domaine) into going full evil to get revenge on both WW and Wonder Girl
Was friends with Cassie, before basically being brainwashed indu wanting her dead
She gets better (eventually)
Completely rewriting Artemis Crock here, making her almost an exact reflection of Cissie and her mother
Basically, her mother pushed her into supervillainy, didn't get a choice, doesn't want to be here
First of the team to willingly quit, before the team eventually disbands (because of course it will, there's very little holding these guys together)
Really just here as a counterpart to Greta
Does not care about the others, only wants to further his own goal of being the greatest villain/murderer ever
Has actual demon powers
(Initially wanted Bedlam as the Greta counterpart, but he's a casual reality warper, he'd never listen to orders from anyone. (There really aren't any good counterparts for her in the greater DC universe))
Tell me what you guys think.
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Young Justice, but it’s all the their questionable, yet canon, costume choices (there really isn’t one for Greta):
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Bart and Cissie didn’t have a lot of options, but Cassie had a bit too many. (I actually like the Miss Arrowette costume, I just know red/magenta fits her better).
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Headcanon: Pets the Young Justice crew would have.
Bart: Already has a dog, Dox.
Kon: Claimed by Krypto, but strikes me as a cat person. Or would have a Husky, he’s just as dramatic as one.
Tim: One of those overly energetic Border Collies, as his Bathound. Parkour dog, lovable.
Cassie: Cat person. Also has one of those Themysciran Kangas, as per tradition.
Cissie: Can’t have a pet (she lives in a school dorm), but she’d love a hedgehog. They’re just little guys.
Greta: Service dog. One of the big fluffy ones.
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Tim: Okay, help me please!
Kon: Got two words for you.
Tim: I bet they won't be helpful.
Kon: Your problem.
Tim: I was right
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Cassie: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Cissie: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
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Tim: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes.
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Bart: Today is a day of running through hurdles.
Naomi: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles?
Bart: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
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Tim: God, give me patience.
Kon: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Tim: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead.
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Jinny: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer.
Kon: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Jinny: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
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