youngloveisdead · 2 years
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So many people wouldn’t have asthma in the first place if it wasn’t for these corporations…Shifting blame from actual culprits to people with asthma (and people who can’t help but use plastic straws at that) is peak capitalism.
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youngloveisdead · 2 years
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Dog owners please be aware.
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youngloveisdead · 2 years
has everyone seen the blog lowspoonsfood?
the blog is food that can be made without too much effort, with a ranking system by how much effort it takes to make it
they also have category options for gluten free, vegetarian/vegan, lactose free, etc.
if you’re disabled and have trouble cooking, this may be worth it to check out. if you’re not disabled or you don’t have trouble cooking, it’d be cool to signal boost it for those who do need it. for people with very few go to meals, food can be boring and repetitive, so this is pretty cool :*
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:
as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
some of the random marauders era headcanons from my notes app
note: i’m sick so if none of this makes sense and all of it is shit i’m sorry. i’m now gonna go take a nap and probably delete this when i wake up. bye.
mostly james, lily and remus on this list
- james is left handed
- lily is a total horror nerd
- remus was always high during his school years
- remus rolling joints for sirius but make it romantic
- dorcas rolling joints for marlene but make it romantic
- apparently the moral of the story is that rolling joints for your significant other is very romantic for gay, mentally ill, magical teenagers
- all of the marauders(+lily eventually) are extremely proficient in occulo repairo cause james broke his glasses so often(james’ glasses are pretty much just magic at this point)
- peter is really good at sneaking around, he’s the one who found like half of the secret passageways at hogwarts. without him the marauders would have been caught way more
- remus and dorcas get high together(only weed)
- lily definitely smoked, both cigs and weed, she’d get her weed from dorcas, she low-key didn’t trust the shit remus smoked
- lily and sirius would often smoke in the astronomy tower together when their home lives became too much. sometimes they’d talk and other times they’d just sit in each other’s company, cause while their situations may of been different they still felt camaraderie over their fucked up families
- remus curses more than the rest of them combined
- lily curses the most after remus
- lily has pretty dark humor
- lily’s hair is a dark, deep red that seems almost unnatural, it always made her stand out. it also became another thing that petunia called lily a freak for, so when lily met james and he remarked on her hair she thought he was making fun of her, when in reality he just thought it was really pretty and just really wanted to touch it
- remus has freckles.
- sirius likes to make constellations out of remus’ freckles. enough said.
- sirius has some flat moles scattered across his body, not a lot but still a good few
- remus loves to kiss sirius’ moles
- sirius is ticklish. like severely. not that he would EVER admit that
- james is very artistic. he’s the one that designed the marauders map. he will also doodle on everything, school work, skin(his own and his friends), jeans, shoes, books, walls, anything. it causes many issues. he often has to redo school work because of this. the amount of times he had to redraw the map because he absentmindedly started doodling on it is honestly ridiculous. when he and lily started dating she became his favorite canvas. lily loved it, but sometimes it became very inconveniencing
- lily annotates her books. a lot. and if she really loves a book she’ll do it so much that she has to get a new copy because the book becomes unreadable and starts to fall apart
- remus annotates his books too and him and lily will annotate books they read and exchange them with each other to annotate
- lily loves waffles.
- james eats a lot of spicy food. sirius absolutely can not handle spicy food. this caused a lot of problems, especially when sirius moved in with the potter’s. lily actually likes spicy food but can’t handle the same amount of heat as james.
- sirius could never fully shake the upperclass mannerisms that his parents ingrained into him and would sometimes comes off snobby, especially during first year. this caused a lot of issues between sirius and remus during first year(and sometimes for the rest of their lives, especially during arguments).
- mary wanted nothing to do with the war(tbh i don’t blame her)
- marlene was lily’s first kiss but lily wasn’t marlene’s.
- dorcas meadows was the baddest bitch to ever live. dorcas was an extremely good fighter and well versed in both light and dark magic and was willing to use that knowledge to her advantage.
- if it wasn’t for james the marauders probably wouldn’t have been friends. he was absolutely the glue that kept them together
- james was very charismatic, not in a suave way but he had a tendency to draw people to him.
- sirius is classically trained in the piano. he doesn’t play often but he’s actually very good
- lily is the one that introduces sirius to motorcycles and is the one to go with him to buy his. she also helped him charm it. they practically gave james a heart attack the first time they took it in the air
- james is very naturally gifted and talented when it came to magic but he still had to study for exams and assignments. he was very serious about it and had a very precise study regimen. it was one of the only times he’d actually snap at sirius(for interrupting him). sirius would often make himself scarce when james was studying and go hang out with someone else
- lily snuck into the restricted section more than the marauders ever did. nobody knew until the marauders finished the map. it was a whole fiasco, but in the end they both agreed to keep each others secrets(though that was more like a threat coming from lily).
- lily was often times very last minute when it came to studying and doing her assignments. she tends to get sidetracked with whatever side projects or extra curricular knowledge she seeks(which is often not school approved, or legal for that matter). she had a bad habit of waiting until the night before an assignment was do to do it and would stay up until the early morning to do it. the only people who knew that she did this was her dorm mates and the marauders. she would regularly sneak out and into the library at night/early morning cause of these reasons and the marauders and her ran into each other sneaking around during third year. also a random hufflepuff kid named dorian knew(dorian was a first year and lily was a fifth year when they ran into each other sneaking around)(dorian’s a sweetheart, the sweetest bean)(lily and dorian became besties after this and lily totally took him under her wing because i say so(someone write a fic)). the professors never knew.
- peter was often times unintentionally hilarious, he could always make someone crack up and he loved that
- lily is generally a very chill person, however some people just have a special talent in knowing what buttons to push *cough*james*cough*
- remus is the most sarcastic person you will ever meet
- remus came up with a good chunk of their pranks
- lily actually found the marauders pranks amusing and interesting, when they weren’t used to bully someone. unless that person was someone who was a shitty person, then she wouldn’t care but didn’t want anything to do with it. unless said shitty person went after someone she cared about, then she became very vindictive and the marauders learned early on to get out of her way. when the marauders went after someone she cared about(snape) or someone innocent she would become extremely furious, which would quickly lead to confrontation between them, james and lily mostly
- lily had a very sharp tongue and would often make very quick witted, cutting remarks
- lily knew a lot of hexes, jinxes and (not that many people knew this) curses. like she knew some pretty dark and dangerous stuff. don’t even get me started on some of the potions she knew.
- the james, sirius and remus were all very naturally strong and talented wizards and they would use their spell repertoires in very creative and unique ways, which made them formidable foes, however one of the reasons that peter was able to keep up with thin was because while he might not be as physically or magically strong and more average, he was a quick thinker and quick reacting, which helped him stay ahead of people who could overpower him
- james potter: the helicopter parent
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
season 2 of jatp except the cast and crew just make it themselves–the whole thing is filmed on a shaky phone camera and the boys poofing in and out is just them awkwardly running out of the frame. possessed!nick is sacha doing a really bad posh british accent even though caleb is american
also willie wears heelys now instead of riding a skateboard, he looks Alex dead in the eyes and says “babe I’m head over heelys for you” (thank you @willexx for this lol)
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
Julie and the Phantoms is not getting a season 2.
what the actual fuck.
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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American Terrorism… Lynching Postcards
Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.” Western media likes to paint terrorists with a brown face, but one of the most horrific campaigns of terror happened in the past century on American soil – the estimated 3,436 lynchings of black American men and women between 1882 and 1950, intended to control and intimidate the recently freed black population. There is nothing more disturbing than being confronted with visual evidence of humanity’s dark heart, especially when it is evidence of a widespread, mainstream hatred for and violence towards one another. Hatred that stems from fear, and is driven by religion and a belief that murder is morality made distorted flesh; violence that aims to cow and suppress any aspirations a community might have for equality and a brighter future.
When I came across this collection of American postcards from James Allen and John Littlefield, published in a book entitled Without Sanctuary, I saw how important it is to look at these images, today more than ever. These postcards were made to commemorate events that made many American white people feel proud – of their race, of their superiority, of their civilization and their intelligence. They took photos of their disgusting, cowardly accomplishments and memorialized them for future generations, to be found and collected and remembered by their descendents. On the backs, they wrote to friends and family in sociopathic excitement about the mob the participated in. These postcards capture the mobs witnessing with glee the murder of young men and women, whose most serious crime was the color of their skin. The corpses hanging and charred in these postcards lived in a world that counted down the days until their murder from the second they drew air into their infant lungs. This history is potent, stomach-churning and of essential importance to the America of today, and to the world of today. And the most striking thing about these photographs is that they don’t erase the perpetrators like many histories and memorials do today, preferring to focus on who was victimized rather than on those who proudly – and with government backing – tortured, raped and murdered people. The murderers in these photos stand proud, grown men looking at the camera with the smiling conviction that the teenage boy they just killed, one against a hundred, was deserving of their hatred, fear and frustration. No grand jury needed; the law was in the hands of the murderers.
History is not linear; history is happening all around us, all the time. These photos are context, they are reality, they are pictures of American terrorism. Read James Allen’s commentary below and be aware that these photos are sickening, and all too real.
Africans in America mounted resistance to white people lynchings in numerous ways. Intellectuals and journalists encouraged public education, actively protesting and lobbying against lynch mob violence and government complicity in that violence. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), as well as numerous other organizations, organized support from white and black Americans alike and conducted a national campaign to get a federal anti-lynching law passed. African American women’s clubs raised funds to support the work of public campaigns, including anti-lynching plays. Their petition drives, letter campaigns, meetings and demonstrations helped to highlight the issues and combat lynching.[4] In the Great Migration, extending in two waves from 1910 to 1970, 6.5 million African Americans left the South, primarily for destinations in northern and mid-western cities, both to gain better jobs and education and to escape the high rate of violence.
From 1882 to 1968, “…nearly 200 anti-lynching bills were introduced in Congress, and three passed the House. Seven presidents between 1890 and 1952 petitioned Congress to pass a federal law.”[5] In 1920 theRepublican Party promised at its national convention to support passage of such a law. In 1921 Leonidas C. Dyer from Saint Louissponsored an anti-lynching bill; it was passed in January 1922 in the United States House of Representatives, but a Senate filibuster by the Southern white Democratic block defeated it in December 1922. With the NAACP, Representative Dyer spoke across the country in support of his bill in 1923 and tried to gain passage that year and the next, but was defeated by the Southern Democratic block.
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
Listen, I think Joseph Morgan did a good job as Klaus and I genuinely can’t imagine anyone else playing him, but the fact that Klaus isn’t half Native American makes no fucking sense. And don’t get me wrong, i’m aware how rooted in racism the TVDU is, but still. Make it makes sense. You can’t.
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
Trying to prove a point to hate anon(s?)
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
Are fedoras really that bad?
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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Transgender Day of Visibility.
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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youngloveisdead · 3 years
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