yourlilkaiju · 2 days
A post I made a long time ago on an old account. A special little reminder to those who need to hear this. From an older sibling.
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yourlilkaiju · 8 days
I heard call girl and I have been summoned...without my crop.
What the hell do y'all want?
You mean final girl, not final call girl. A call girl is a hooker.
HAHAHA OOPS!!! Let me edit that!! That's so funny! 🤣🤣
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yourlilkaiju · 15 days
And this is just FFVII.
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Twitter timeline last days: "so hot, sexy, slay!!! the most sexy FF7 outfit. Finally a revealing costume for a male character!"
Me: Have you all forgotten about Nero's outfits?
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And Weiss' outfit?
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And Sephiroth's outfit?
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But anyway, we need more revealing outfits for a male character :)
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yourlilkaiju · 16 days
Rufus's Weird Excursion's Part 1:
A series-continuation from the scare house incident.
A couple of weeks after Halloween, Rufus Junior takes it upon himself to treat the SOLDIER'S and TURK's to a company dinner. But it's not just any dinner, it's Murder Mystery Dinner on the Shinra family yacht and Rufus is the "Murder Victim".
Cloud: Is not sure as to what is going on. He is honestly wondering why they were giving pamphlets to everyone and why he was put in the...*reads*...Doctor Smolders love affair position? Who the FUCK is Doctor Smolder? Why was he being shipped with that guy?!
Zack: is too busy reading through the material and crossing himself like a priest before going over to bless Rufus's supposedly dead body. He then goes over to consol the victims fiancée miss honeypot (Cloud), telling her that he is in a better place with Saint Peter.
Kunsel: Is listening to all of the names and is wondering why no one has noticed that they were all pulled from adult film. He is staring at the situation with food in his mouth and trying really hard not to laugh while also internally losing his shit.
Sephiroth: Has analyzed the situation from top to bottom and understands his role well. He has ruled out every possible suspect in the room. Even his lover, Miss Honeypot with her navy boa and doe eyed stare, who sits next to Father Johnson with his rosary in hand. But the most suspicious of all are General Hancock, and Lady Rocket. He cannot do anything as that would ruin all credibility as a doctor, but he knows....*squint* he knows....
Tseng: Has chosen to opt out of the game and watch everyone have their fun for the team building exercise. However, he's glad that he did, seeing how out of hand that things have already gotten thus far. A confused cloud, an over the top Zack and Sephiroth going so far off the deep end that he has very well missed the main piece of evidence. However, Kunsel seems to be having a good time....unless he's figured out that the names orchestrated are all p0rn names.
Genesis: Hasn't been paying attention enough to know that he's the murderer. In fact, when he hears that there was a murder mystery game going on and that he was the murderer he loudly quotes loveless at the top of his lungs and dives overboard.
Angeal: Has to go and fish Genesis out of the water and scold him for being an idiot for going swimming in deep waters at the end of November. (The dumbass.)
Cissnei: Takes her role as General Hancock very seriously and was getting on well with Lady Rocket....Until she leapt into the icy deep. For shame Lady Rocket, for shame.
Rude: Is playing the role of the coroner and starts talking about the need to dismantle the body and clean up the scene. While he knows what a coroner does, he just wants to get a kick out of scaring his boss while he has him.
Reno: is kind of thankful that they have such a good relationship with Rufus to even say shit like that. But then decides to play along by adding that there should be a thorough autopsy beforehand. Just to make sure that it really was poison that killed him.
Elena: is standing by Tseng and drinking as the chaos continues to unfold.
Rufus: Is really regretting not having a normal holiday party on the boat this year.
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yourlilkaiju · 16 days
👀 yo...
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must've said somethin' funny
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yourlilkaiju · 17 days
There are too many "F*ck your dad" jokes on the internet for this.
bro why tf is ff7 part of the final fantasy franchise i deal with an energy company destroying the earth everyday that shit is final reality
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yourlilkaiju · 18 days
I just want a whole bunch of Chinese food to distract myself from the destructive thoughts that ebb me into the chaotic nightmares that wake me up at night.
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yourlilkaiju · 18 days
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Spoiler: I already am.
Why waste my time earning the approval of the masses and folly about with those who don't accept me for living me or others like me for going about our days when I can just create psychological traps for them? I'm mentally ill. My favorite defense tool is my mind and I don't like resorting to physical violence or chaos unless I absolutely have to. It's all in good faith and fun at the end of the day. No one gets hurt...not physically. Egotistically? Most definitely. Physically or mentally to the point where there is permanent damage? Never unless necessary. I have a code, and I prefer to stick to it.
Anyway, I will leave this here for anyone who wishes to try it.
It's plenty fun.
Thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet 😊💚
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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feel free to play if you’d like :)
@buncha-angry-kids-with-no-money @thatoneandlonelyemo2005 @with-the-words-all-wrong
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yourlilkaiju · 18 days
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yourlilkaiju · 18 days
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The tags are everything I know. I am sharing this with every single one to try and spread the word.
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yourlilkaiju · 19 days
Reblog if
Trans ftm are valid
Trans mtf are valid
Enby peeps are valid
Intersex peeps are valid
Feminine enbys are valid
Masculine enbys are valid
Androgynous enbys are valid
Feminine trans men are valid
Feminine trans women are valid
Masculine trans men are valid
Masculine trans women are valid
Lesbians are valid
Gay people are valid
Bisexuals are valid
Trans people are valid
Queer people are valid
Asexual people are valid
Aromantic people are valid
Aroace people are valid
Pansexuals are valid
Omni peeps are valid
Genderfluid peeps are valid
Agender peeps are valid
Genderqueer peeps are valid
Demisexuals are valid
Demi boys are valid
Demigirl are valid
Aceflux are valid
Aroflux are valid
Acchileans are valid
Neptunic peeps are valid
Bigender peeps are valid
Demigender peeps are valid
Enbian peeps are valid
Fluid flux peeps are valid
Hypersexual peeps are valid
Peeps with autism are valid
Peeps with ADD/ADHD are valid
Neurodivergent peeps in general are valid
LGBT folks are valid
Aplatonic folks are valid
Agender folks are valid
Feminine agender folks are valid
Masculine agender folks are valid
Questioning people are valid
Xenogender peeps are valid
Therians are valid!
Furries are valid!
Otherkins are valid
Trigender peeps are valid
Pangender peeps are valid
Abrosexual peeps are valid
Demiromantic peeps are valid
Xenogender peeps are valid
Peeps who use neopronouns are valid
Please correct me on any wrong information or any flags you’d like to see in there
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yourlilkaiju · 24 days
AGSZ grow a rooftop garden? Angeal will love this
*Lazard checks in on the rooftop garden*
Lazard: How's the garden coming alo—WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
Zack, taming an aggressive malboro with a baseball bat: I got a monster plant! Don't worry, though, it's friendly.
*The malboro is eating Angeal*
Lazard: !
Zack: Aww, it's hugging him!
*Genesis is watering a beautiful green plant*
Genesis: Isn't it gorgeous? I bought it just this morning. I believe this is the first step towards acquiring a green thumb, as I have an innate affinity for plants and nurturing the earth.
Lazard: You do know that's plastic, right?
Genesis: Ȁ̡̛̼̝͎̩̪̦̠̪̬̫̞̘̒̄̾ͤ̂́ͤ̓ͭͫ̇̕͘̚͠SD̸̸̨͇͚̺̮͕̹͚̭̼̗͙̭̀̉͂̊̅̑ͭ́ͨ̔̀͢͞͠F̴̜̯̤͕̜̥͙͈̙͆̐ͪͥ̿̍ͤ̈́̓͊͂͠ͅG͕̖͗ͣ̀̓͋H̗͍̘̗͗̏͌͐́̽͘͞_̸̶̹̺̠̯͕̱ͩͫ̌ͤ̓̎͘͞J̡̳̠͕̱̔͐͘
Lazard: I can't believe this. I allowed you guys to build this specifically for therapeutic, de-stressing purposes.
*Sephiroth is hunched over a plant, tending to it*
Lazard: look at Sephiroth. He's the only one who understood the assignment. His plant looks healthy, it's real, and it's thriving. What did you plant, Sephiroth?
Sephiroth: Cannabis.
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yourlilkaiju · 25 days
I am not ace, but I love you🫡💖
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Source | Day 89
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yourlilkaiju · 25 days
Now...there's a reason why I am sharing this one.
And I love the subtlety of it.
I mean....
I really
The subtlety. ❤️‍🔥
What the fuck did he do
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Got in the "ketchup that makes you cry green" cabinet 😔
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yourlilkaiju · 29 days
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So this happened. I'm pretty sure this is a mood for most artists who love him.
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yourlilkaiju · 1 month
-Smiling with a soft undertone of malice as the character leans back with a pointed gaze, ensuring that their words are enunciated as they speak while observing the other character(s) in question.
-Slowly walking behind a panicked character who has lost their footing with a palad expression as they are waiting for them to get up. The other character is no less than a bug to them.
-Staring across the room as they run their thumb across one of their digits in deep contemplation.
-Setting their jaw as tears well into their eyes. (This can also be used for mourning)
There are numerous ways to write anger. One just has to think of a scenario and get creative.
Showing anger in characters
Get ‘em riled up
Interacting with objects in the setting
—gripping them tightly enough to break
—taking them apart
—Holding something of emotional value, gripping it until they have tears in their eyes
—Kicking the wall
—Pounding their fist against the nearest surface
—Pacing around as their stomps thunder in the air
You now have a destroyed room, and once they finally calm down, they are forced to stare into space as their surroundings are laid to waste.
—Describe how their throat breaks and their voice becomes hoarse
—Think about how clear the words are that they’re saying, if anything at all. Can they be understood perfectly by the MC, much to their horror? Or do they only catch bits and pieces?
—Breathing heavily and erratically until their face turns red
—How does their voice pitch change? Does it become a low, rattling sound of a caged monster, or does it resemble a banshee’s shriek? Think of the pitch you have in mind for the character, and throw some more angry descriptive words in front of it.
(yes this really only works if you’re writing from the perspective of the angry person)
—Wild, rampant thoughts of a thousand things flying through their head
—Darting their eyes between people, objects, etc as they don’t know what to focus on
—Repetition of the same phrase over and over again
—Unable to hear or understand those around them
—Describe how they just start spilling out their words, slurring them together, clumping confessions of horrible things with personal attacks to whoever’s nearby
—Replaying previous scenes with a brand new context
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yourlilkaiju · 1 month
Wait, shit, I didn't realize I was being harmful by reposting these? I was actually trying to repost them for myself. Which is why I refrained from putting tags on them. I am genuinely sorry for any harm that I caused.
Writing Tips - Character Tone VS Narrative Tone
Sometimes characters will do things that they believe are good or bad, but the narrative tone tells you otherwise. It can be hard for some people to separate the character’s feelings and actions with what the writer is personally agrees with, so let’s look into how we can make that happen - which also works as a media literacy guide of what to look for when theorising - and only theorising - if a writer does or doesn’t agree with a character;
1. Tonal dissonance. If a character’s mood doesn’t pass the scene’s vibe check, chances are that the character is about to do something the narrative isn’t framing as a good thing. Say Character A is telling Character B a secret they learned from Character C. B’s response might be to be confused or concerned about the situation and ask why A would tell them. Mixing in other bad vibes, such as the weather or setting or lighting of the scene, can additionally make the audience question whether the action was right - and bonus points if they also have the offending character acting poorly in other ways or getting called out for previous wrongdoings in the same scene
2. Karma’s a writer. Actions have consequences both in and out of your story, and using them to reward or punish choices your characters make can indicate whether or not they were the right thing to do. Expand on that through character interactions if you want more nuance
3. Hide away. A character hiding their actions for whatever reason can indicate that, even subconsciously, they’re aware that it wasn’t something others would approve of. Make them sweat, have them struggle to keep it secret. Let it lead to more wrong moves in future to cover up for the original issue, such as one lie covering for another lie. Let it become more trouble than it’s worth until they have to accept that they messed up, even if a bit of stress was the only karma they get for it in the end
4. Pick a theme. Between overarching themes and individual character themes, you can potentially come up with some pretty good long term lessons; if the character acts against the themes and the lesson they’re going to amount to, punish them for straying in a way that’s appropriate and proportional to the act, then work it into some sort of lesson for the character to learn. For example, if the theme is nature vs nurture and you want the lesson to be being true to yourself rather than what others make you into, a character acting on nurtured traits rather than natural traits might be punished through pressures to conform and the act getting amped up as further conflicts between the two sides of themselves present
5. Recruit a mouthpiece. Which character would be the most likely to call out the offending party’s BS? See if you can come to a scenario where they’d do so - albeit making sure it all stays natural and in-character. Maybe they go about it in a way that doesn’t even hit the mark, but at least it’s been said so your audience has had it addressed. Remember; don’t just insert X random character and have them be uncharacteristically analytical, have it be someone who would already do that and word it in a way that fits their character voice. Above all the interaction needs to feel natural rather than forced
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