yourmysticmami · 7 years
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
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i’m sure this has been done, BUT I WANTED TO DO IT TOO.
based off of this tweet! 
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
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Elly comes first!
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
Week 4: No Cowardice fic yet... I'm losing sanity as the days fly pass me like airplanes crashing down from the skies to the floors of what we call "Earth"...
So reason #1, I started it during Winter Break so things got super busy once I went back to school so I completely forgot about it
Reason #2, you see, I started this Yuri!!! on Ice ask blog, and I've been tending to that blog more recently and forgot about my three other blogs ^^; (just in case you were interested, I play as Sara Crispino and my account name is @ask-sara-crispyno )
Reason #3 in relation to #2, I'm super super terrible when it comes to handling multiple accounts I'm so sorry;;           
Reason #4, I didn’t think anybody actually cared about it tbh..
But! Now that you've alerted me, I will get started on it ASAP! 
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
does Driver Kim is gay
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
i need more angst of The Disappearance of MC becase of the angst. who's sari tho?
I will be working on Ch. 2 very very soon!
As for Sari, she was just an extra character I added to amplify the angst. Her relationship with MC in the story is far from romantic and is strictly platonic, BUT I am open to those who like to ship them together 。^‿^。
(I mean I am one of them.)
If people would like me to provide a detailed character description for Sari, I will gladly do so~
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
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Time for the last one! Okay but more like I finally drew V so yaayyy <3 So here’s a not blind V & just him w normal glasses!
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
[hc] RFA: If MC had a (dead) twin
Author’s Notes: this will referencing Eugene, who was MC’s twin brother in this fanfic. (I highly recommend you read it ಠ‿↼ )
“You have a twin brother?!”
million questions per second
“What’s his name?”
“What does he look like?”
“Is he as good-looking as you?”
^ ended up turning into a tomato bc of that comment ^
you tell him like five million stories of memories you’ve had with your brother
this boy is going crazy with excitement
“Yoosung please get off the coffee table”
“You should introduce him to me!”
i mean well, eventually, you would’ve had to tell him
you hand him a glass of water as you sat him down on the couch
“Eugene has passed away.”
this boy looks horrified
you try to explain but nope
too late
the boy is crying
the boy is bawling
you ended up comforting him instead of the other way around
oh well
well this boy didn’t know you had a twin brother, not twin sister so he’s kinda just drooling at the thought of there being two MCs
“Two of MC? That sounds like a fucking blessing!”
“Zen, I had a twin brother.”
“does zen is gay”
“Well, what’s he like?”
you tell him stories
including those of when your brother chased away all the guys that liked you in high school
this albino beach babe gets vietnam flashbacks
he had some old girlfriends whose brothers pretty much beat him up bc they were just that overprotective
and he couldn’t really fight back bc his girlfriend was r i g h t  t h e r e
he quickly asks you if he has to worry about Eugene coming and slaughtering his ass
you pause
how tf were you supposed to say this
“Zen, he’s not exactly here anymore so no, I’m pretty sure you don’t.
his facial expression spells o h  s h i t
hugs you super duper tightly
kisses you all over too
you can’t breathe
“I’m sorry for bringing it up, I won’t do it again.”
it’s a sensitive matter for you but you can handle talking about it now so you were honestly fine
but hey
you weren’t about to complain about all this affection (・ωー) ~♥
“Oh? Really?”
she didn’t really quite think of it as a possibility so she was quite surprised
she ended up asking a lot of questions but not as much as yoosung
and you answered all of them
but this observant son of a bitch noticed how sad you looked while you told the stories
and she wanted to ask but she felt like she shouldn’t??
maybe you weren’t in good terms with him or something
so she just
smiled and nodded
“Well, I hope I can get to meet him one day.”
she was trying to change the subject but
“Eugene’s dead, Jaehee.”
M O M   M O D E   A C T I V A T E D
comforting at its best
she treated you as if you were on your period
she made you some delicious food and some warm coffee
gave you some c h o c o l a t e
she wouldn’t even listen when you tried to tell her you were okay
“Shhhhhhhhhhh, MC, just accept my comfort.”
i n t r i g u e d
he looks at you like a cat that’s watching a mouse/bird
won’t even interrupt you, just lets you talk and talk
you tell him stories and he just sits there
and you were 100% sure he didn’t even hear a thing you said
but then
he asks you what country you came from again
“Uhhhh...[insert your country here]?”
and the next thing you know, he booked a flight to that country and has both your stuff packed up
“Jumin, what are you doing?”
“We’re visiting your brother, of course. I must pay my respects. I want to meet my soon-to-be brother-in-law.”
how awkward
how are you supposed to tell him
gosh you feel so bad
“Jumin, Eugene’s been deceased for years now...”
he looks at you with a sympathetic look
and before you know it, you’re in the warmth of his arms
“My apologies for rushing things, MC...I didn’t know that was the case.”
he’s stroking your hair so lovingly
you feel so at peace
before you know it, both of you are asleep
boi what’s the point
he already knew
so when you tell him he doesn’t even let you finish
“I know, MC.”
you were confused until you remembered who this boy even is
of course he’d know
so you just smile and skip right to the stories
that’s when this boy gets excited AF
only bc he remembers he has a twin too
even tho saeran is literally right tHERE
how ironic
y’all just exchange fun memories
saeran is totally not dying from nostalgia while watching tv and claiming he doesn’t care
“It’s a shame we can’t meet him though...”
oh right
saeyoung knows about that too
you get pretty emotional
so he pulls you in for a cuddle and started reciting the bee movie script
usually saeran would be making gagging noises
but he didn’t make a single protest this time
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
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Based on this text post.
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
MC: I have problems with a boy//
Saeran: Like “his dead body won’t fit in your trunk” problems or “you like him” problems?
MC: ...“I like him” problems.
Saeran: Too bad, I could have helped with the other one.
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yourmysticmami · 8 years
[ff] Cowardice (Ch. 1)
Theme: The disappearance of MC, and the return of Rika.
Pairing(s): MC x Sari (only if you ship it bc I do)
Inspired by: this and this.
Author’s Notes: I’m not sure whether to make this end badly or happily, but either way, I promise to put my heart and soul into this for all of you 。^‿^。 I love you, sincerely. Even if there’s only one person on the other side of the screen supporting me, and even if there’s no one at all. That’s okay too. I’m just glad to have someone there, somewhere. Each and every reblog means the world, really. Thank you. ♡^▽^♡
The pitter patter of the rain and the whirring of the coffee machine simultaneously echoed through my ears. I was curled up on my favorite loveseat that rested in the corner of Sari’s coffee shop, watching the raindrops race each other to the very bottom of the window. I think my tears beat them again this time.
Being here is torture. The smell of Arabica coffee being brewed reminded me of Yoosung and his club. The busy cafe environment reminded me of Jaehee and her dream to own one someday. The silent “ka-ching!” of the cash register every time a customer orders something reminded me of Jumin and his astute business tactics. Sari, with her red, curly hair and black rimmed glasses reminded me of Saeyoung. It doesn’t really help that V literally has his own wall where he displayed his beautifully taken photographs. The posters of a particular male model who loved wearing incredibly tight pants hung on the walls surrounding V’s corner. Who would that be? Yeah, you guessed it. Our favorite narcissist, Zen. It’s pretty obvious that this was a popular hangout venue for the RFA. It was a place of comfort for all of us…how can something so nostalgic and precious only give me pain now?
One week ago…
Rika: It was quite funny, but I’m glad I didn’t have to go through it again haha~
- MC entered the chatroom -
MC: Hey, guys..
Yoosung: Gosh, I’m just glad you’re okay!;;
Zen: He’s right, something could’ve gone terribly wrong y’know
707: lololol what are you talking about
707: it’s RIKA!!!
707: she’d be fine lololol
Rika: omg that’s true~ lolol
MC: Guys…
Jumin: I think it’s foolish to assume someone would we okay simply based on them being “them”.
Jaehee: I would have to agree with Mr. Han on this matter;;;;
707: omg loosen up, both of you! lol
V: Haha, I see the chat’s lively again ^^
MC: Notice me, dammit! Ever since she’s gotten back, she’s all you ever talk about, the only one you ever talk to! I exist, you know…I’m here too!
Rika: Oh…MC…is that how you feel…I’m sorry…
Yoosung: Wait, Rika, are you okay?
Rika: No…I think I need to go for a bit.
- Rika has left the chatrrom -
Yoosung: What the heck, MC…
Yoosung: Why would you say something like that?!
Jumin: That was a bit uncalled for, but I think you need to calm down, Yoosung.
Zen: I kinda agree with trust fund kid…
Zen: But Yoosung’s right too.
Zen: What the hell was that all about, MC?!
MC: …huh. Whatever. You don’t even care, do you?
MC: …fine.
- MC has left the chatroom -
“Sorry,” screamed my mind as the scene replayed over and over again. “I’m so sorry.” My mind was buzzing with incoherent thoughts and regrets that resonated just from that brief memory. That one conversation was the last I’ve ever had with the rest of the RFA. I deleted the app, their contacts, and email addresses, everything. I mean, what’s the point? My position compared to hers was already made clear. They just love her too much. Even now, I’m sure they’re all furious…although I don’t blame them. Rika was the original. Her name is the R in RFA, for fuck’s sake. I can’t change that, and I was foolish for thinking I could.
…but what do I do now? They were the only family I had.
“Hey,” said Sari in a hushed voice as she sat right next to me, a mug of my favorite vanilla caramel latte in her grasp. Usually, I would be drooling to have my hands on that drink from miles away, but now, the sight of it made me sick to my stomach. I turned my head away the moment she tried to give it to me, and thankfully, she got the hint. “Not today either, huh?” She sighs. I’m sure I’m a burden, but it’s not like I really have anyone else to go to.
“So…what now?” she asked with that same concerned tone that she’s had ever since she found me crying on her doorstep nights ago. “Are you going to fly back home?”
“I don’t know,” I muttered, gulping down the lump that’s forming in my throat. “I have no one to come home to.” Vivid memories of the terrorist attack came back to me, and tears rose to the corners of my eyes.
“We’re sorry, MC,” cried the nurses and doctors. “We really are.” And they were, but I simply ignored their concern. I refused to accept it…believe it, even. If they meant it, they would’ve tried harder. So, I booted it. Ran. Ran faster than I thought I was even capable of. My feet took me to our car, the very car that my dad has been driving for over 10 years. The very car he used to take our pregnant mother to the hospital with. The very car she ended up giving birth to us in. The very car I slumped their dying bodies into and drove to the hospital with, just for them to not make it either way.
I remembered how my dad always drove, and how my mom was always in charge of the music, and we were in charge of being those annoying siblings who always fought. I, being the older sister of only three minutes, always ended up apologizing even if it wasn’t my fault. It was because, despite all the arguments, I loved my brother. And now, a million apologies wouldn’t even be able to make up for not being able to save all of them, for living instead of dying with them.
I took the car and drove. Drove until it ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere. I ended up sleeping in it for multiple nights until someone came and offered to help, and when I refused to leave the car, they slept with me until the tow truck came. Even now, their face was a blur, but I remembered them to have particularly reddish hair. It wasn’t Saeyoung, by any chance, it couldn’t have been…but this time, I saw his face in place of the guy. In fact, I saw all of the RFA members there with me.
After all, the roles of the kind guy and the RFA were pretty similar. They rescued me when I was left at rock bottom, all alone.
But like that guy, they’re gone.
“I’m going for a drive,” I told Sari as I began to stand up. “And I”m not coming back.” Her eyes met mine, and her deep concern for me was rising up in the form of tears; however, before I commented on it, she fluttered them away with her long eyelashes. “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice cracking a bit in the process. I pretended not to notice as I pulled her in for a tight embrace. “I’m sure.” I paused for a bit as she returned with a tighter hug. She was trembling.
“Thank you for everything,” I whispered as she burst into sobs as I held her in my arms.
I asked Sari to hold onto my phone and other belongings before I took off. The only thing I had on me was a backpack filled with enough clothes to last me a while, and a wallet with sufficient money to last me until I get settled down and find a job. I wasn’t sure where I was going, just like the night I lost my parents, but I know I’ll find it along the way. After all, my family’s watching over me…
I also told Sari not to tell the RFA I left, but knowing her, she’s just going to be giving me a headstart before she eventually spills the beans. With that in mind, I stepped on the gas pedal until the speed meter reached a little over 120 mph. I don’t want them to find me. I don’t want them to find out I’m this much of a coward. As those thoughts swirled in my mind, tears began to spill down my cheeks and onto the wheel. I wanted to scream.
140 mph.
I couldn’t take it anymore…
160 mph.
Mom…Dad…Eugene…the RFA…Sari…
180 mph.
I’m sorry for being such a disappointment…
2 0 0  m p h.
The last thing I saw were the headlights of a massive truck. There was a deafening ringing in my ear as I closed my eyes. Ah…is this it? Is this how I die? How pathetic.
The last thing I wanted was to die alone…but look at me now.
“Eh?” Sari turned around to find the MC’s mug filled with vanilla caramel latte in pieces all over her kitchen floor. Her eyes widened as her trembling fingers dialed Jumin’s number.
“Sari? Hello. Is something wrong?”
[To be continued…]
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