yuibloodykimura · 3 years
It was... calming. The serenity of the moment. The crackling of the fire. She focused on Anna's breathing; Yui felt like crying but she was stronger than that.
This experience, this act of kindness, was almost enough to break her. No matter what happened to Yui in the Trials, no matter the atrocities that The Entity put her and everyone else through, they would never break. Yet a simple embrace practically chipped away at her facade until the real Yui Kimura was out in the open.
She dropped back down onto her feet, looking up at Anna with slightly teary eyes; with a quivering smile, Yui managed to get out those two endearing words that everyone wants to hear.
" Thank you. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
Yui was lifted at least 2 foot off the ground by Anna, the chains on her belt jingling as she went up. At first it was a tad bit uncomfy but, as she let herself loosen up, she returned the hug by putting her arms around the caring mother's neck.
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It was nice having a maternal figure around. Given the fact that Yui herself doesn't have any vivid memories of her own mother, (this due to her sudden disappearance early on in Yui's childhood) this was something that she'd been missing out on. Just this one moment.
The bond between a mother and her daughter are what some would call unbreakable. 'Course Anna wasn't actually Yui's mom but now she had a maternal figure to look up to. It was quite a heartfelt scene really.
" Thank you so much, truly.. You don't know just how much I needed this.. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
You get no context for this one
@yuibloodykimura @legion-nea
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
" Yeah well, when it's all done up with a nice fresh coat of paint, I'll roll down to the forest. Oh and don't worry, I'll try my best not to disturb the animals too much. "
Gifts held a lot of sentimental value for Yui, like the hachimaki from her grandfather. The small pouch of herbs may not be much but she would cherish them for the rest of their usage. Anna may not have been the first Killer she'd befriended but she was certainly one of her favourites.
" Of course! And if you're ever near the Campfire or just wanna have a little chit-chat, I'm always here. Nice to know that at least one of the killers has a heart. "
Yui opened her arms for a hug before the Huntress had to leave, just to savour the moment for a little longer.
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
" A bike is... Hmm.. Imagine a horse, made out of metal, and instead of legs it has wheels. I'll show you when it's finished, as long as no one breaks it in the meantime. "
As her coat was pulled up her shoulder, Yui gave Anna a soft smile and bowed her head. The herbs she'd used smelled pretty good, better than the constant smell of smoke at least. Part of her wanted to ask how she was so tall but didn't really want to offend her. Not nice to ask a girl about her body, learned that the hard way with a good ol' smack to the cheek.
" Anna? Pretty name, mine's Yui. Yui Kimura. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
ooc:// I have been EXTREMELY preoccupied with stuff these past few days so I am very very very sorry for not replying to those RPs, I'll try and get to them tomorrow since I work all day today
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
Gritting her teeth, Yui winced slightly from the pain. The wound stung but the herbs eased it slightly.
" Not building.. more so fixing. Entity dragged me in here with my bike so I'm trying my best to tune it back up. Even if I can't use it, it'll give me something to do. "
Speaking of, she slid her goggles over her head and fixed her hair. Another wince as she moved her wounded shoulder trying to put her coat on. Yui stared into the crackling fire, reminding herself of a simpler time when the Sakura 7 was first formed, but that's a story for another day.
" Thanks for the help Ms... I'll be honest I only know you as Huntress, and since you just fixed me up it's only right that ya' tell me your name! ... If that's okay of course! I know what you Killers are like with all your secrets but you.. You're different. Kinder. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
A few moments later, the blonde biker herself would appear in a bush just across from him. Some leaves and twigs stuck in her hair along with a few scrapes and bruises. She managed to shake a few of them out, picking out the rest on her way toward Feng.
" See? Perfectly fine! Nothing bad can happen around here, so relaaaax. "
With a slight grunt, she planted herself down next to the campfire and let out a deep sigh. Tired from all that running, it was nice to just sit down and enjoy the peace.
cont. @yuibloodykimura
" Well, the longer we stay alive the more that Entity bastard likes us. In layman's terms, don't die and get rewarded. Soooo just keep your eyes ope-gah! Open.. just a little longer.. "
To be honest, Yui was struggling to stay awake too. Even with her high pain threshold it was hurting an absolute metric shit ton. ‘Course she wasn’t gonna say that to him, best to just keep talking in the hopes that would someone come for ‘em.
The “stars” were disappearing; they were all blending together amidst the Entity’s fog. Maybe it was just her blurry vision kicking in but she swears that she could make out a grinning face from the remaining beacons before the fog shrouded them, as if that asshole Entity was watching them. Laughing at them.
Feng Min continued to watch the sky, staring at the circling clouds as they seemed to blend with the way the Entity’s cells formed into the trees around them. He even reached out to touch the swirls, disappointed when his fingers met nothing.
His arm flopped back down with a loud squish and a very noticeable pain. Whatever his arm fell into was warm, wet, squishy, and fucking hurt.
“Ow… I think I just sped up my death.” Feng Min managed, choking a bit as he struggled to stay awake, “I think I’ll be seeing the campfire soon…” His eyes fluttered as he spoke, trying to keep them open but to no avail, or so he thought. The last breath left his body. He had a slight smile on his face with his gaze fixated to the clouds and the treetops.
Suddenly he gasped, waking up once again to the crackle of the campfire and murmurs of the other survivors.
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
" Much appreciaTED! .. Fffff- Ouch.. That's gonna leave a mark.. Maybe? Might not, who knows down here! "
Yui slipped her jacket off and sat down on a nearby fallen tree, an occasional cough escaping her lips.
" Fancy bandaging me up luv? I.. can't reach.. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
ooc:// Off work tomorrow so gonna do replies all day, got nothing better to do
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
" Oh, y'know it's nothing major, nothing important... It's just.. Well..- "
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" -It's stuck. "
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
" Well, the longer we stay alive the more that Entity bastard likes us. In layman's terms, don't die and get rewarded. Soooo just keep your eyes ope-gah! Open.. just a little longer.. "
To be honest, Yui was struggling to stay awake too. Even with her high pain threshold it was hurting an absolute metric shit ton. 'Course she wasn't gonna say that to him, best to just keep talking in the hopes that would someone come for 'em. The "stars" were disappearing; they were all blending together amidst the Entity's fog. Maybe it was just her blurry vision kicking in but she swears that she could make out a grinning face from the remaining beacons before the fog shrouded them, as if that asshole Entity was watching them. Laughing at them.
(quicksharpandclever) “If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
" Ha.. Yep.. See this is why I miss riding my bike! Who needs to run around when you can just rev up your motorcycle and ride off into the night!- Ouch! ... That's a broken rib.. "
The two lay there staring up at the eternal night sky; the campfire's embers rising high as it crackled. Yui closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of this nightmarish forest.
" One day.. We're all getting out of here.. We'll find a way to kill the damn Entity or just straight up escape... huff... Either way, I really need a day off.. Too much running..
She looked over at him and smiled, they were really up shit creek right now but it's best not to focus on all that. All everyone needs is a little hope.
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
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What is this?
This is a roleplaying event themed as a gala. Everyone in the realm will be given new fancy cosmetics and set out to mingle, dance, and generally have a good time at an Entity organized gala.
When will this event run for?
It will run for all of September.
How do I participate?
A post will be made at the event’s start and after that you can make rp starters, post art, or send ask that have to do with the gala. Please tag all these things with #bloogala2021
Can I participate?
If you are within the Dead by Daylight roleplaying community you can participate. Just be sure you have reblogged this post so that I can follow you.
Is there a discord?
The discord link will be posted September 1st. Everyone is free to join to plot and share in the fun.
I have further questions.
If you have other questions that were not answered here feel free to send an ask to @bloodgala​
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
#ooc:// Writing replies tomorrow!! Had barely any sleep for the past two days plus I worked today so I'm super duper tired.
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
Headcanon Meme
🛒- how often does my muse go shopping for groceries?
Well I guess in this instance, how often does she scavenge for items and stuff?
Practically in every trial! Yui can most commonly be found rummaging through chests and junk piles looking for spare parts or tools to fix up her motorcycle with. The Oni did a number on it during their first encounter so she's been trying her best to get it tuned up again, Azarov's Resting Place is the go-to Killer area since there's so much scrap to steal. Food-wise, she loves to sneak around the Red Forest and Mother's Dwelling to grab some carrots, cabbages, pretty much whatever she can get her oil-covered hands on. Just don't tell Philip. Or Anna. Or anyone else for that matter. Strictly confidential. Very hush hush. Sssshhhhh.
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
Oh yeah say hi to my custom Yui! Not much changed other than the prestige goggles, the pants, and the backpack!
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
Anna approaches Yui slowly. "You are girl who has pink eye...things?" She holds up Yui's goggles in her hand. "You leave this at my home from last hunt, I bring back for you!" (talk-to-mama-huntress)
" Oh! Heh.. Yea I must've dropped them when I blew that generator. Thanks for bringing them back though! I need 'em to fix my gear. Oh and uh.. I think you um.. left something too. "
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