the-ghost-face · 3 years
Closed RP: “Into the Lion’s Den”
Feng Min often wandered away from the campfire—he preferred to be by himself rather than deal with any of the other survivors. But this time, as he wandered deeper into the endless forest that seemed to be the survivor’s home in the Entity’s realm, something strange and altogether unexpected happened: the Fog began to roll in around him, sending a chill down his spine. Was he being taken to a Trial?
When the Fog lifted, he found that he wasn’t in any of the familiar locales that he knew from Trials. The air was hot and muggy, so much so that it would make you sweat the moment you stepped out into it. The survivor could hear the buzzing of insects in the trees and underbrush, and every now and again a firefly buzzed lazily past. And plopped down right in the middle of it all was a rather plain-looking white wooden house. An electric bug-zapper hung next to the screened-in front door, and Feng could see light peeking out through the curtains in the nearest window.
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askgogglessteve · 3 years
[ quicksharpandclever ]
Feng Min came limping back to the campfire and sat down next to Steve with a pained groan.
“You have experience with that… gorgon… dog… thing? Right? How the hell do you survive?”
Steve looked at Feng, "Oh damn had a rough one huh?" "Well I guess one way to think about is that the Demo is more of an animal ... It's more primal, that doesn't mean it's not smart. Smarter than a lot of regular animals." Steve started "But it's more likely to act in instinct, so it's easier to trick him."
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rxdpyramidthxng · 3 years
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He is now standing in what seems to be a 4ft pool of water which is changing to a dingy brown at a alarming rate.
There are complaints to be made.
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cursed-legacy · 3 years
Leaves fell in a endless autumn in this realm but they never stayed for long, disintegrating as soon as they came within a foot of the cold ground. Piles of leaves that did exist were static and only for decoration or; there was no satisfaction of crunching said leaves, the crunch was dangerous, alerting the killer who roamed there to your position.
However, the statues in mock smiles, flickering lanterns, cobblestone paths overgrown with grass and weeds that lead up to the ruined temple; where, within it’s confines of broken shoji screens and rotting wood...was said killer who resided there, meditating at the desecrated headless statue.
Meditating, meditating for what? Surely not to fix his supernaturally charged temper and literal bloodlust? No, nothing of the sort. To reflect upon the events that caught the Entity’s attention and whisked him away to this zoo? Perhaps, but he did not regret the actions that took him here.
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foppishmuses · 3 years
[ quicksharpandclever ] “OBSERVE”
He looked so focused when he played a game, even a silly one like tic-tac-toe. It was like everything else faded away for him and the competition became all that mattered.
"It's called quān quān chā chā in China," he said. "I could beat anyone at it when I was a kid." Dwight watched Min decimate Meg in a few easy turns. Even in a board scribbled in the dirt, it was like he had optimized how to play the game. It was similar to how he ran generators: like it was the only goal in sight. Nothing and no one else mattered.
Dwight admired him. He wished he could be so focused and precise. Min walked on the razor's edge of perfection. Dwight was always stumbling to do anything right.
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fogrealmradio · 3 years
🔒 [ quicksharpandclever ]
Kidnapping time~! @quicksharpandclever
Was it a surprise when it happened? Danny hoped not. He'd thought he'd telegraphed his intentions to the younger male pretty well. Maybe he could've been less symbolic about it. Cryptic words about 'alone time' before stabbing him on the hook - a crudely made effigy of the man in a plastic bag - photos of Feng Min, asleep, with ropes and chains drawn over him in black ink... C'mon. He had to have guessed what the Ghostface was planning.
Well, he'll find out when the guy wakes up. He's got Feng Min tied to a chair in one of his many safehouses in the fog. Hard to find these places unless you knew where to look or just got really fucking lucky. The only light comes from a flashlight pointed into a clear jug of water. It's the same flashlight Feng Min had before Danny knocked him out. In the light, the walls show dozens of pictures stuck to them - all of the captive man. And behind the chair, on the floor, is Danny himself.
He's waiting.
He's getting bored.
He's wondering if his new toy will wake up quicker if he cuts him up a bit. He's wondering what face the guy will make if he lifts his mask up to taste the blood oozing from his soft flesh.
He smiles.
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hermancarcter-moved · 3 years
@quicksharpandclever said: “I’m not going to break that easy.”
The  tips  of  his  fingers  tingle  with  anticipation,  charging  his  next  round  of  treatment.  The  patient  is  manipulative,  often  cunning,  outwitting  other  ‘survivors’.  On  more  than  one  occasion,  this  has  worked  to  his  advantage.  Turning  the  others  against  Feng  is  a  simple  task...whispers  of  corruption.  
He  cannot  fool  HIM.  
Positioning  himself  in  the  doorway  to  the  ‘shack’,  Herman  gives  an  airy  chuckle,  saliva  dripping  from  one  corner  of  his  mouth.  Another  shock  is  administered,  his  body  vibrating  with  it,  eyes  wide.  Carter’s  low  hiss  of  a  voice  is  louder  than  ever,  trapped  within  the  confines  of  Feng’s  mind.  The  others  can  hear  it  too...he’s  made  certain  of  that.  They  can  cower  in  fear  out  of  his  reach  all  they  please,  paralyzed  with  FEAR.  
                          “And  yet  you  DO  break,  don’t  you?  It  is  inevitable.”
The  doctor  watches  keenly,  searching  for  a  reaction  to  the  stimulus  he  sends  his  way.  “No  one  can  hold  onto  their  senses  forever...  even  YOU.”  Comparing  Feng  to  some  sort  of  innate  greatness...  it  drips  with  sarcasm.  
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ask-ph-cheryl · 3 years
📜 For Cheryl and Pyramid Head (quicksharpandclever)
Feng Min: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Cheryl: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Pyramid Head: Smad.
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askviperface · 3 years
📜 (quicksharpandclever)
Feng Min: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Danny: Only if you also don't ask why Danny: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick. Feng Min: Danny: Feng Min: This one is fine
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midnight-radio-host · 3 years
[ Maze ] for our muses to get lost in the garden maze
“Shiiiit… I coul’ have sworn it was this way.” Feng Min groaned, stumbling on his high heels as he attempted to keep himself straight. The alcohol was strong and he was feeling it.
“I’m… so sooorry.. I just got us lost…”
Wanting to mingle with more survivors since it seemed he mostly only spoke with killers now-a-days Jude had happily agreed to go with one of the others to the maze. It was only after the two had gotten very deep in and very lost that he’d started to become a bit worried. Seeing the other stumble, he moves, ready to be support if he needs it.
“It’s alright, it's not like it’ll go on forever.. We’ll find the way out soon. I’m sure.” Jude wasn't actually confident in that statement. With how weird the realms already were, this thing might just go on forever.
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yuibloodykimura · 3 years
(quicksharpandclever) “If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
" Ha.. Yep.. See this is why I miss riding my bike! Who needs to run around when you can just rev up your motorcycle and ride off into the night!- Ouch! ... That's a broken rib.. "
The two lay there staring up at the eternal night sky; the campfire's embers rising high as it crackled. Yui closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of this nightmarish forest.
" One day.. We're all getting out of here.. We'll find a way to kill the damn Entity or just straight up escape... huff... Either way, I really need a day off.. Too much running..
She looked over at him and smiled, they were really up shit creek right now but it's best not to focus on all that. All everyone needs is a little hope.
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razorwiires · 3 years
Sunday fun for @quicksharpandclever
When everything goes the way the entity intends, the players in it's game remain sequestered outside of trials; survivors at their campsite, killers in their respective realms. But, there's always loopholes. The campsite is protected; killers can't enter. But, survivors can leave, if they're willing to take the associated risks.
Amanda's last trial was eventful. Not because she performed particularly well (she didn't,) but because a survivor did. Feng Min got over confident. But, was it really excessive when it was so well deserved? Between pallet stuns and near hits that were, ultimately, misses, tension built. Close calls turned flirtatious and daring. The man was distracted from gens and the woman laser focused on only one survivor.
She never went easy on him. He simply played the cards he was given and played them well. Only at the end could she have hooked him, tearing him out of a locker once the other survivors were long gone. She chose mercy instead, a gift earned by his behavior throughout the trial.
End game collapse left her with few options to continue their game of cat and mouse but, dropping him into the hatch, she made her offer, "Finish what you started. You know where to find me."
Later, when she hears the movement of a survivor within the Gideon Meat Factory despite not being in a trial, she isn't surprised. She leaves her mask where it resides beside her bed, pulling long brunette hair back into a ponytail instead, and begins her search for the survivor.
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rxdpyramidthxng · 3 years
@quicksharpandclever​ replied here
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There was a immediate snarl when he felt Feng try to grab his tongue and it quickly withdrew back into the helmet, but he never stopped rutting against him. He didn’t care that the survivor wanted to escape, he needed to have his release and he needed it now. If the small cub was able to move when he was finished with him then he could do as he wished.
For now though there were too many barriers between his cock and a hole to sink it into. Even though it meant having to stop his grinding he had to get rid of Feng’s pants and quickly. A gloved hand reached down to do just that, yanking harshly at the fabric and already causing a few tearing sounds to come from them.
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evilwithiin · 3 years
[ quicksharpandclever] Feng Min, let's go! 4'11
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dexdbydxylight · 3 years
[ quicksharpandclever ] "Hey, I'm running low on the T. What do I have to do to get more?"
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“Survive your next trial with the condition of betraying one of your allies. That seems fair wouldn’t you think?”
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foppishmuses · 3 years
(quicksharpandclever) “you’re not coming with me, end of discussion.”
Dwight rubbed his arm, unable to direct the anxious energy welling up inside him. He was used to not being listened to, but it never ceased to stress him out. He never did well in trials where everyone insisted on splitting up. "No, I-I think there should be a discussion."
Dwight caught Feng's wrist before letting go just as quickly. "Sorry. The, the generators go faster if we're together, and the killer can only chase one of us at a time. You shouldn't go off on your own. I'm telling you, it's a bad idea."
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