yume-kotoba ¡ 5 years
An omegaverse FukuMori short story compilation where Dazai is their child.
It’s not a fully fleshed out story yet, but I’m still proud of what I’ve created so far, so why if Bungou and mostly fluffy stories are your thing, I hope you can enjoy my stories~
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
Perhaps it could be considered spineless to kill a person in such a way, but this creature posed a threat to his well being as well as Lancer’s.
Grabbing a broom and dustpan, he swept the metallic monster dust clean off the floor.
Turning to go dump the dustpan in the trash, he turned back to collect the empty vial also laying within the mess.
He made note to toss it out as well instead of reusing it, wouldn’t want any remnant poison to kill a loyal customer.
“You Lightners art too involved with thy prince. I couldntst sit by and watcheth thoust foolishe actions be of consequence to thy prince as well. Sleep well, worm...”
And with that, he only had one more to go.
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
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So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
In the narrow, dimly lit hallway, the K. Round stomped victoriously.
All three opponents had fallen, laid upon the ground motionless.
This shouldn’t be though, the K. Round’s crown was so easily removed. Why did they lose?
He’s purposefully picked one of the easier ‘strong’ enemies anticipating them to defeat it.
No no no, they couldn’t be dead, he engineered everything so they shouldn’t.
If only he was stronger, he wouldn’t have had to make this elaborate scheme.
He wouldn’t have to cower in fear of the King.
The three children would still be alive.
Swiftly knocking the crown off K. Round to demote it to C. Round, he quickly shuffled over to the fallen.
Pulling out a few vials, he poured some RouxlsRoux down the human’s throat.
Grunting in distaste, a second vial was emptied into Kris’ mouth.
“Thoust fool thee upon thou’s strength! For thou hast faced thy K. Round before and won swiftly! How coulde thee fall to somethinge once encounterthed?!”
He wept into his hands, knowing nothing would bring anyone back, most specially the pile of dust that once was the other Lightner.
“Thou were supposedst to win. Thee were supposedst to defeate thine King... Thoust were supposedst to freeth us all…
I’m sorry... Thou’s lack of courage, killed Innocente children... Thy pride as an adulte is tarnished.
R-rest... Rest well, heroes, thy duty ist over.”
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
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So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
Rouxls sat in the middle of the path, piles of dust blowing in the wind, littering the forest.
He gripped tightly onto the axe of his opponent, still taking in what had just happened.
So Lightners turn to dust when they pass?
The adrenaline still running hard through his veins made the memories hazy.
Why had he attacked?
He never attacked.
Oh wait.
It was self defense.
The monster had charged him, deciding since he belonged with the king, he needed to perish.
It was all too sudden, but perhaps par for the course for the brash, violent girl.
He was able to deflect some of the attacks with the small bits or magic he knew, but the axes swings shattered every defense he summoned.
It was a miracle he was the one to come out on top.
How did he come to be wielding the axe?
Why was she alone?
The memories couldn’t solve themselves out much more, so he finally got to his feet.
No matter what happened already, he knew for sure this Lightner was dead.
Still running off the fighting high, he felt nothing in his heart besides the amazement of survival.
“‘Twasn’t my intentions to kille.... I had no choice.”
Denial ebbed at his mind, sending excuses to calm himself.
“R-right.... ‘Tis your own faulte for chargething thee.”
“Thoust only defended thyself. You killeth yourself.”
Chuckling a bit maniacally, he anxiously combed his fingers through his hair.
“Nobody needeth know what happened. The Lightner merely disappeare!”
Feet began kicking the dust out of existence, erasing the evidence.
But he stopped. His heart ceased in his chest as he looked at the pale silvery dust.
Sniffling slightly, he gently put his hand in the middle of the largest pile and closed his eyes.
“I’m sorry... but this is for the best.
Susie the Lightner never existed.”
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
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So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
The small room filled with dust and debris, screams echoing off the walls at the calamity.
Rouxls covered his mouth, coughing heavily as he shielded himself from the flying pieces of boxes.
It seemed the more elaborate box puzzle he set up, had gone terribly wrong. Boxes had fallen from great heights and scattered broken around the room.
Once the dust started to clear, he could make out two crouching silhouettes and one laid flat on the floor.
“RALSEI! RALSEI WAKE UP!” The pink girl shouted, shaking and jostling the young mage with all her might, tears being bit back as she forced herself to stay focused.
Rouxls heart dropped instantly. Both Lightners frantically tending to the motionless Darkner.
What had he done?
Stumbling towards them he kneeled down too and started examining the goat, but within seconds, his worst fear was confirmed.
It’s poor head was caved in at places and many bones were most definitely broken on his chest. No heartbeat.
He wasn’t coming back.
His breath became heavier, ragged with guilt as he pushed back the human’s hands still trying to find something to fix on Ralsei.
“He’s gone...” Rouxls whispered, forced grandiose speech void in his words. “There’s nothing we can do...”
“LIKE HELL HE’S GONE!! WE CAN BRING HIM BACK JUST GOTTA WAKE HIM UP!” Susie shouted loudly, denial laced in her tone.
The Duke shakily took the mage’s hat and pulled it over his face, closing his eyes in a short prayer before standing.
“He’s gone!” He repeated firmly.
“Do not kid thyself, worm! He is gone and willst never return! Death hast consumed him!”
His voice cracked on every other word, tears trickling down the corners of his eyes.
How could this happen?
Susie growled and tightened her grip on her axe, facing the Kaard ready to fight.
“...You killed him.... YOU KILLED RALSEI!”
Rouxls couldn’t find the words to respond. He dareth not verbally confirm it, but he knew she was right. A horrible accident, but still, it was his fault life had been lost.
He wrung his hands anxiously and took a shaky breath before looking the monster dead in the eye.
“‘Twas my fault, yes, and I feel miserably over it. I knoweth not what to speak. My intentions were never to harm you. Puzzles art meant for mental agilities, not bodily harm.”
“It was an accident.” His eyes only watered more and his body shook tremendously, but being the adult in this situation he had to keep it together.
“Accident or not, you fucking killed Ralsei and I can’t forgive you.” Susie’s lips parted as her teeth bared ferociously.
She raised her axe and stalked towards the Duke. That is ‘til a smaller pair of hands grasped her wrist.
“Kris.... FUCK OFF.” A growl so low and guttural escaped from her, shaking the human off by mean shock alone.
Resuming her advance, Rouxls steeled himself.
He deserved this.
He killed a child.
He was so bad at something as simple as puzzles, that it killed a child.
The sharp, curved blade raised right above his head, vengeful glint in the wielder’s eye.
The tears streamed more heavily now, soaking his face.
Perhaps it would be the best to close his own eyes now.
Shaking so much now, he fell to his knees.
“For Ralsei.”
The unusually calm voice was the last thing he remembered before everything went blank.
He really was only a useless card
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
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So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
The room was silent after the battle. Weapons strewn about, gouges taken out of the walls and floor.
“Good job, Kaard. Perhaps you aren’t worthless after all.”
The Spade King pat his shoulder before turning back, forcefully leading the young spade prince away.
Rouxls fell to his knees as the doors closed, panting and eyes permanently widened as he stared on in horror at the scene before him.
The scene of his handiwork.
He had finally been acknowledged by the king, but at what cost?
Slowly standing, he trudged toward the body. Kneeling once again, his fingers lightly brushed through the limp human’s hair.
“If only thou’d listened... mayhaps thee wouldst be able to walk another daye....”
Everything felt serene.
What was this emotion?
Looking back at the corpse for answers, he furrowed his brows.
“I feeleth no sorrow. I feeleth no disguste. ‘Twas thoust only decision, but can one say it truthfully was the only decision?” The Duke ran a hand through his hair irritably before standing to his feet again.
“Nay. ‘Twas the only decision after all. Theest learned thy own abilities and overcome thy enemy. I hast gained the respect of thee commander. Lightners art thou enemy of the land and of Rouxls Kaard. I shalt use my newfounde weapon for thy king and his will.”
He scoffed and kicked up dirt onto the body.
“Thou were never meant to be here and your deathe means nothing. Merely an obstruction to distracteth us from our goale. Good bye, worm. Sinketh to thy pits of hell, never to return.”
The card turned to walk away from the scene, stride filled with such confidence and determination from his revelation.
This was the right choice.
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
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So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
8 notes ¡ View notes
yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
Rouxls Kaard Death Reaction Drabbles
So on Twitter I have a Rouxls RP account and this game has been going around *points down to picture*
Tumblr media
So I thought I’d post the responses I did here as well cause I’m proud of them~
I wouldn’t call them masterpieces or meticulously pieced together, but for storyline written on the fly, I’m quite happy with them~
Each response will be its own reblog off of this post to form a thread. There’s also some duplicates since there’s more than one Kris or Susie role player in the world.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
~A RenMasa Angel/Demon AU Oneshot~
~ ~ ~
Masa laid curled up in bed, his eyes squeezed shut and his hands covering his ears. The thumping on the door didn’t exist. The shouting was merely a hallucination. There was no one there.
A splintering crash came from the entrance. It seemed the hallucination broke the door down. But it isn’t real. He wasn’t something to worry about. He doesn’t exist.
Heavy footfalls approached his bed, but the fallen angel didn’t move or say anything to acknowledge its presence, continuing to stay in his curled position.
“What’s wrong with you?! You shout and berate me, then disappear off the face of the earth?! Are you gonna keep ignoring me??? I can’t help this shit, y'know! I don’t know why I’m physically drawn to an asshat like you. You’re honestly the worst fallen angel I’ve ever met, you could at least act like one. It’s not like you’ve got a place back up those pearly stairs.”
The lump under the covers shifted for the first time since the other’s entrance. His hands fell off his ears and his eyes didn’t open, but lost the intensity of their close. His lips parted gently.
“What’s wrong with me?” Masato whispered, “You’re what’s wrong with me, Jinguji... My life is in toil from what you did in your previous life. If I forget you... Maybe my heart will heal...”
Ren paused, the anger wavering for a moment.
His heart? Did he seduce this guy in his previous life? No matter, the kid’ll get over it, he seduces everyone he takes a slight interest in.
“You don’t have to be an ass if you just have a crush on me. I’ll give you some good loving if you ask politely~”
He, of course, still felt an irritation inside him, but if fucking this angel got the guy to be civil, why not?
A bit miffed by the thought, Masato pulled the covers above his head.
“Sex is not the answer to this. Don’t think something as complex as my emotions can be written off as a ‘crush’ and can be resolved with sex. If I’m honest with myself, I’d rather forget all of our encounters in its entirety, yet you show up to my door everyday without missing a beat. You force yourself into my life as you did in our original encounter. Did you know history repeats itself? So I personally recommend leaving and forcing yourself to ‘suffer’ from my absence because I offer you nothing more than calamity. So PLEASE leave my house.”
Ren sat on the bed and rested a hand atop the covers on the other’s leg. Of course, the leg instantly recoiled in disgust.
“Fine, if you want me gone, you have to explain to me why you want me gone. If it’s a valid reason, I’ll suffer alone. Deal?”
The covers dropped down just below his eyes and exhausted azure orbs gazed up at the demon.
“I’ve never heard a good ending to someone making a deal with a devil...”
Ren couldn’t help but let out a short laugh and placed his hand more firmly on Masa’s thigh again.
“Well I’m not asking for your soul in return am I? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“You would still be pestering me.”
“But wouldn’t I still be pestering you if you didn’t take the deal? You honestly have nothing to lose and an opportunity for gain as I see it.”
Masa’s eyebrows dropped irritably as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
“What do you want to know? The list could go on and on for reasons I wish to disassociate from you.”
“Perhaps we could start with who I mean to you... or at least meant to you...” His hand released the pressure on the angel’s thigh and slowly stroked it. “I obviously meant a lot to you if you’re going to have a reaction like you did earlier. So I was more than a crush? Were we lovers?”
The fallen’s cheeks burned a bright red and he clung tightly to his blanket.
“I suppose lovers could be an accurate description... You’re the reason I fell....” The last line escaped barely louder than a whisper.
“So you want to forget me because I made you fall?”
“No... Not entirely... I...” He paused, unable to find the words to continue. His eyes welled with tears upon the memories flooding though his head and his throat closed up due to his sorrow.
“I killed you... So... I want you to leave... So I don’t kill you again...” Masato clutched a hand over his mouth and buried himself deeper into the covers to hide his suddenly violent wave of emotions.
“Hey, chill out. I’m here now and I’m alright. It’s not like I really died.” Ren scooted closer and moved his hand from the thigh to Masa’s hair.
Masato instantly swatted it away, letting out a couple hiccuping sobs before covering his mouth again.
“That’s not the point!”
Ignoring his protests, Ren continued stroking through the silky navy locks.
“Then did you fire the arrow through my body? Did you rip me to shreds? Were you the one who physically ended my ability to live? I quite doubt it since you’re still a welcome guest amongst my brethren.”
“That’s not the point...” He repeated again, this time with less vigor. “You went on a suicide mission for me. Something only a brainless idiot would do, but still something I could’ve prevented... I could’ve been more clear... it’s my fault for not being clear.”
Ren sighed and shook his head. “I think I see why you fell now. Was it because of selfishness? Was that your sin? ‘Cause man, all you seem to talk about is ‘me me me’. I didn’t realize angels could become narcissists.”
Masa’s crying halted and he looked up in confusion.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Yeah! You keep saying, ‘It’s my fault’ or ‘if only I did something’. Hate to break it to ya, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. Suck it up, kid, that’s the worst excuse you could use to want to ignore me and forget about me.”
The fallen angel was beyond words. He could only continue to stare, confused.
“And it sounds to me that I liked you a lot and you liked me a lot. Plus you’re the angel type so you’re probably telling the truth, yeah? If that’s all true, then you still seem to love me a lot. So, don’t expect me leaving you alone anytime soon. I will say though, if you want my heart back, you’ve gotta earn it. All those insults hurts a guy, y'know? I’ll see ya around sometime.” He stood from the bed and ran a hand through his hair before heading to the exit.
“Hey, wait a second...!” The covers flew off of the bed as Masa came to his feet, small soft grey wings fluttering about, flustered. “You never leave me alone, why leave now??!”
“‘Cause I’ve decided you love me and it’s funny to see you try to come after me. Maybe I should start ignoring you now!” He let out a small chuckle before stepping through the rubble that used to be the door.
“Bye bye, Angel-Chan~ See you later~”
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
No Longer Flawless
A companion piece to The Sheep’s Sorrow
One bullet could change everything.
Sat upon the ground, my vision blurred,
Hands wet from - was it tears?
Was it blood?
The world was finally silent.
Dead silent.
Yet an echoing ring hauntingly played in the background of my mind.
How long have I been sitting here?
Everything spun around me.
Was this even reality anymore?
My gaze traveled the room, unable to distinguish my surroundings with haze plaguing my sight.
‘Til it dropped to the form in my lap.
Everything was suddenly crystal clear. The truth hit me like a freight train in that instant. I could no longer deny what I witnessed.
I had a feeling I knew before I even saw you. I could feel my soul fracturing before I had even stepped foot into the room.
You were gone.
Chest soaked crimson, face expressionless;
your hand still clutching the bandages taken from my head.
The agony I’d momentarily pushed aside re-seized my heart, making it near impossible to breathe.
How can it feel like a distant memory yet also a fresh wound?
What can one do when their reason for living perishes before their eyes?
It’s sorrowful to realize the truths of your life when it’s too late.
I should’ve tried harder to stop you.
I should’ve listened to the incessant tugging in my heart pulling me to you.
Our stringed destiny was severed the instant the bullet left the barrel, leaving me with an ugly, burnt, frayed end as you unraveled into the dark beyond.
Perhaps this too could also be hidden beneath my bandages...
How funny that the world can keep spinning when your own comes crashing down.
But you entrusted me with something important.
Your precious, final words.
My world couldn’t completely cave in yet.
I stand, woefully eyeing the limp husk of a man before me. I can’t hesitate now.
Is it really possible to save other lives, when you can’t even save the most important one?
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
The Sheep’s Sorrow
I see the way you look at him.
How you touch his shirt.
How you hold his hand.
How you crave his physical affections.
How you voice strange remarks to keep his attention.
How your eyes glimmer at the mere mention of him.
How the whiskey only strengthens your adoration...
How I wish I could be so loved.
How I wish I could be a topic to make your eyes glimmer.
How I wish I could have your physical affections moreso than the dutiful obligations you fulfill to keep me alive...
I can see it.
My future and yours are simply parallel;
We work side by side,
Never meant to intersect.
Your red string does not connect to mine.
I pull mine, winding it up into my palm,
One end connected to my pinky, the other loosely blowing in the wind.
I have no destined fate,
I’m only but an anomaly in this world.
Something never meant to exist.
Ha, how foolish of me to even wish for such frivolities.
I am only a tool of destruction.
I am but a stray dog awaiting orders.
I am not even human.
I do not need someone to connect to my thread.
I don’t deserve to have someone destined.
After all,
Who would want to be fated to a monster?
48 notes ¡ View notes
yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
Cold Days
Cold days were the worst. The cool air bit at your cheeks and snuck through the gaps in the blankets making you shiver. Takemichi hated winter. Being of small stature, he'd never get warm during the snowy months. Spring couldn't come soon enough.
He groggily awoke to the morning light streaming through the curtains, curling up tightly on himself and pulling the covers up to his eyes. Even with three layers of blankets, he still felt chilled to the bone.
Closing his eyes again, he rolled over, coming into contact with something warm.
Something hot.
Bare skin to skin contact with this heater was the dream Michi had wished for. Moaning softly at the comfort, he edged closer, laying his bare chest on the other’s bare chest and nuzzled his head up under their chin.
How could he forget.
The older opened his eyes slowly and clutched Takemichi close, kissing the top of his head before closing his eyes once again, letting slumber whisk him away.
Even with a domestic situation, their love showed in little ways, such as the way their legs subconsciously intertwined and the tender smiles of complete adoration adorned on their faces.
Takemichi situated himself within Daiya’s hold and sighed happily as he let his eyelids droop.
Perhaps cold days weren't the worst.
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yume-kotoba ¡ 6 years
The cool fall breeze blew through the apartment as the young omega tidily prepared lunch. His yukata tied back in its tasuki and covered with an apron as he diligently cut the remaining vegetables to add to the pan of crackling beef on the stovetop. It simmered subtly, simply adding ambiance to the quiet day. Birds chirping out the propped window, the rustle of leaves on the cool autumn day and of course the soft giggles and noises of his most precious belonging.
A pup, no more than around 5 years of age, played hushed with his small pile of toys, making them fly or drive as needed for the particular toy's purpose. Fukuzawa paused his cooking to admire his young, filled with mirth upon seeing the liveliness of the pup. He quickly finished up the meal, dishing out a bowl of rice and soup for each of them, before lastly setting all the seared vegetables and meat onto a large platter for the two of them to share. Bussing them out of the kitchenette, he set the table artfully before turning his attention back to the child.
"Osamu, lunch is ready."
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