yusoraume · 2 years
This is exactly what I wanted to tell many people.
Okey, it’s quite Ironic how Nora says she just for dumb jokes and smashing things with hammer, a comic relief. When in fact she was the one who was giving out ideas and comments and advices  that helped out the team a lot.
First was during the train when they were headed in Argus.
Second was in the rally, when Ruby said Salem can’t be defeated, and nora stated maybe somebody else could.
Third was when calming penny down
and the most current one is this
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She speaks ideas in the heat of the moment that no one  thinks of neither she had though would benefit the team cause she thinks her ideas are nonsense and dumb, but if she realized it only , she is one of the most brainy person in their team - one that could par with jaune  ( Though not in strategical way , but more in advice related and kicking in some senses way. ) 
And that’s what makes nora makes nora, she can be the most level headed than everyone else, her optimism isn’t like rwby, her way of optimism is what should we do even if we fail,  she acknowledges that she fails as a team and win as a team as well.   She isn’t dumb,  she doesn’t spew nonsense. 
If this scene doesn’t explain enough how smart nora is then, look here for another one. 
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She is dropping ideas , after ideas that helped make the team create bigger ideas lol.
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yusoraume · 4 years
3 years ago, I drew this.
And now, V8 E11...
I am overwhelmed with emotion.
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yusoraume · 4 years
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What more should I lose?
I don't have anything more...
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yusoraume · 4 years
About Juniper and Ren
Many people know origin of name of JNPR is “Juniper berry” . And some people say/thinking “The motif of Ren’s semblance is Lotus”.
But, pleas watch this.
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To summarize this,
The first property of Juniper is “purification”. Juniper wash negative feelings away, and there is power to purify. It can obtain a calm intellectual power. In addition, there is power to make a heart strong. That remove fear and jitters and make will strong and keep confidence. And Juniper give the strength of the heart to confront difficulty.
Maybe...You have already understood, haven't you?
I think Ren’s semblance represents Juniper(JNPR) itself.
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yusoraume · 4 years
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Ren's 8th year claim. 
I believe he’ll play a part in the high point with his music theme...
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yusoraume · 4 years
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RWBY Volume8 Chapter4  Fault
I try BLEACH cover art style.
BLEACHの表紙っぽく。 色塗りは台無しにしそうなので諦めました…。
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yusoraume · 4 years
最近JNRがボロボロで… これを見越してJNPRってネーミングなら最高に皮肉が効いてて好き(辛い)。
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Watch this, JNPR fans.
In summary…  (sorry, this is machine translation.)
image 1
 Juniper’s  language of flower  ➡  longevity
image 2
 others :  “fertile” “memory” “help”
 ( On investigation there was “the protection”.)
image 3
It is a person suitable for the leader of every group. You toe the mark so that a group functions smoothly, and it is proud to think that it leads to profit. You act rationally and do not show weaknesses all the time.
(That like say member of JNPR.)
image 4
The first property of Juniper is “purification”. Juniper wash negative feelings away, and there is power to purify. It can obtain a calm intellectual power. In addition, there is power to make a heart strong. That remove fear and jitters and make will strong and keep confidence. And Juniper give the strength of the heart to confront difficulty.
(↑ It looks like Ren’s semblance.)
  And I ↓
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What is longevity..?.
How ironic it is…
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yusoraume · 4 years
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How can Ren and Nora be happy...? Are JNPR even cursed to be unhappy...?
どうしたらレンとノーラは幸せになれるんですか… JNPRは幸せになれない呪いにでもかかってるんですか… (まだ何も始まって無いのに色々察して辛くなってる人)
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yusoraume · 5 years
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I was really moved.  Her weapon is very cool! I like this. I support you, Mark.
本当に感動しました。初めてRWBYに出会ったときに近い何か。 何より武器のデザイン、キャラデザインがRWBYしててすごい。 世界観が全く崩れていない。そしてカッコいい。
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yusoraume · 5 years
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Though the sword is good, the straight sword is good too.
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yusoraume · 5 years
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I want to do parody labeled as "Semi-Japanese style fantasy".
Let's do it.
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yusoraume · 6 years
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Previous continuation
When I tried to upload by image, it was over the number.
but I wanted to upload it all at once.
So I decided to post with gif.
I want to produce animation  before I’d make gif like this.
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yusoraume · 6 years
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gen:lock  X  RWBY
Sword dance by Va”Ren”tina and Nora.
” Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. . ”
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yusoraume · 6 years
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gen:lock  X  RWBY
Sword dance by Va”Ren”tina and Nora.
” Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. . ”
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yusoraume · 6 years
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I made Pyrrha!
I think I went pretty well.
So, what do you think?
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yusoraume · 6 years
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yusoraume · 6 years
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When I watched Volume 6 chapter 1, I drawn it.
But this Illust is 1 hour quality...
volume6 chapter1 視聴後に描いた一発描き。
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