yuyukan9kan9 · 9 years
Toue wasn’t a bad person.
He wasn’t a good person either. At least for Sei.
When Sei was little, Toue asked him; ‘do you have things you want?’
Sei answered 'I want to go out.’ Toue said he couldn’t grant that request, but as the substitute, he made a small carousel inside Sei’s room.
Toue asked him again, 'tell me what you wish.’ Sei answered 'I want to go out’ but Toue still said he couldn’t do that. So he gave him so many clothes and toys and colorful balloons.
'I want to go out,’ little Sei said, and the next day, Toue gave him small bird inside a cage.
The next day, Toue brought two boys with raunchy clothes and said they would be Sei’s friends.
Sei stopped asking. Yet Toue still sent him so many gifts, too many of them–Sei didn’t feel like unwrap them anymore.
And Toue still asked him. This time Sei answered, 'Please just end my life here.’
Sei didn’t surprise when again, Toue replied him with 'I can’t do that.’
Toue wasn’t a bad person. He just couldn’t grant Sei’s wish, so Sei should ask someone else instead.
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yuyukan9kan9 · 9 years
Try to visit the stage, Shu said, so maybe you’ll feel better.
And that’s why the stage was built, Tir agree about that, so the soldiers, who fight and tired and feeling down can have a little entertainment in their free time. Tir agree about that, yet, he always feel awkward to visit that place. But because he didn’t want to make Shu worry anymore, he said‘yeah, I’ll do that’ and that’s why he sit here.
Their famous dancer is dancing on the stage, and the audience just too excited to realized his presence here, on the corner (and Tir appreciate that fact). He just sit in silence, his eyes cling to the beautiful dancer who currently dancing tirelessly there. Her golden hair sway in the air, her scarf moving, following her dynamic dance. A soldier shout 'You’re the best, Mina!’ and without realize it, a faint smile lit on Tir’s lips. He likes this sight. Not only the dancer, but the soldiers, his soldiers, seeing their enthusiasm, their smile, their happy face make him feel a little relieve.
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yuyukan9kan9 · 10 years
Oh, kalo gitu bener chapter 12 berarti ya ................Hah you mean ITU UDAH DI BETAREAD? /nangis/ Samaaaa gw ga tahan sama typo/bahasa gaulnya karena ga gitu ngerti orz andai nggak pake itu bahasa gaul gw bisa tamatin kali (...)
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Ciri-ciri chara Ukang
ini semacam bunuh diri karena jadi kaya ngaku ninjaan, tapi well, why not lah. Gue juga belakangan ninja rata2 semi ninja alias males pure ninja, dan kayanya ga banyak juga yang bakal merhatiin segitunya?
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Ga paham kenapa jadi berakhir nulis ini
Impian Summary: Satu impian, satu keinginan. Slight RivaEre.
Shingeki no Kyojin/進撃の巨人 - Rated: K+ - Indonesian - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,169 - Eren Y., Levi - Complete
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Ceritanya, 2 semester lalu mata kuliah animasi di kampus nyuruh tugas kelompok bikin animasi pendek sekian menit. Terus kelompok gue bikin animasi dengan tokoh utama bernama ‘Bonis’, yang merupakan singkatan dari ‘Bocah Manis’.
Terus semester ini, mata kuliah Game Interaktif di kampus gue nyuruh bikin game sederhana, dan kelompok gue ini (yang isinya masih orang yang sama) ngusulin buat bikin game yang tokoh utamanya mahasiswa gitu. Terus ada yang nyeletuk ‘ceritanya ini Bonis udah gede, nih’. Terus gw mikir, ‘oh, kalau gitu namanya bukan Bonis lagi dong karena bukan bocah lagi. Tapi pemuda manis’.
Gue baru mau nyeletukin “Kalau gitu namanya pe—-“
…tapi ga jadi.
Tebak sendiri coba kenapa gue ga jadi nyeletuk orz
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Jadi barusan ada telpon. Malem-malem (atau pagi? Jam 1an gini) jelas bukan telpon biasa. Ternyata itu dari pak RT yang ngasih tau salah seorang tetangga kami ada yang meninggal.
Gue… jujur, shock. Tetangga ini namanya Moh. Noor, atau yang lebih akrab dikenal sebagai kak Tutut. Dia emang udah lama kena kanker. Emang itu penyakit yang udah parah, tapi denger secara langsung orang deket meninggal itu rasanya tetep aja… aneh.
Dia ini seumuran kakak gue, tapi temen maen gw juga waktu kecil. Di lingkungan rumah gue ini, bisa dibilang waktu kecil temen mainnya dari berbagai umur banget. Gue masih inget, waktu kecil kita bareng-bareng maen ular tangga, petak umpet, tak jongkok… sampe maen barbie bareng. Dia ini udah kayak sosok temen sekaligus kakak buat gue. Dia juga pernah nganterin nyokap ke rumah sakit waktu nyokap lagi sakit, etc, etc…
Yang paling bikin gue nyesel adalah, gue udah lama banget ga jenguk. Terakhir jenguk itu waktu lebaran, itu pun sekalian muter-muter lebaran waktu itu. Nyesel, gue nyesel. padahal tetangga, padahal rumah deket, tapi kenapa juga gue ga sempetin jenguk gegara mager gini. 
Jujur gue masih shock.
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Requested from here
carmenmcs asked: Kirkis! >W> You can tag me as CarmenMCS ^^
"Hey, why are your ears so long? Why elves’ ears longer than human’s ear?"
The little girl in green outfit, Meg, asked this to Kirkis one day, and the said elf, who was busy with his own thought about his homeland, blinked his eyes in surprised before he responded, “Huh?”
"Why are your ears longer than ordinary human’s ears?" The girl repeated her question with chin on her palm, wide eyes stared straight to Kirkis, waited for her question to be answered.
"Well," Kirkis smiled nervously, "It’s the same question with ‘why human have different kind of body with animal’, that kind of question… so I think I can’t really answer that."
"So it’s because elves are animals? That’s why their ears different with us?"
That question made the orange-haired elf choked, that was unexpected follow-up. “I didn’t say that—,” he tried his best to hold his emotion, he dislike that kind of comparison.
"But you said that," Meg retorted, "If you’re not animal, then why your ears longer than mine?" She streched her left hand, her finger touch Kirkis’ right ear, made him flinched,
"H-hey… can you stop that?" He still tried his best to act polite, he didn’t want to make a scene in lord McDohl’s castle. "Well," he moved back his head so Meg’s small fingers can’t touch his ear again, "let’s see…,"
"—Because with longer ears, we can put more earrings on our ears." A green haired elf, with an eyepatch on his left eye suddenly spoke between his yawn, "That’s why our ears longer. Because we likes to put earrings on them, got it?"
Kirkis didn’t sure Rubi’s answer would satisfied Meg’s curiosity, because for the sake of elves’ ancestor, that answer really stupid and random. But then he surprised when Meg smiled, “I see! So that’s why!” Meg clasped her hand once, “I get it now, thanks!” And like she already get an answer from a very important question, she smiled wider, wave her hand, and left the place.
"You owe me one," Rubi said when glanced at Kirkis with smirk on his lips. Kirkis smiled back, "Haha, yeah… thanks." He sighed in relieved, touched his right ear, felt the weird sensation from Meg’s touch before. He never get used to be touched by someone unfamiliar.
"Ah!" then his eyes widened in realization, "I think it’s because we can hear better than human, I must say that instead!"
Rubi sighed, “Is that really important now…?”
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Gegara post Dodol di sini terus gue jadi inget, waktu SD gue sama temen2 tetangga juga punya geng2an dong. Namanya Dichoselviyul (………….) alias gabungan dari nama depan kami semua /nangis/
Terus jadi inget, saking demennya baca Conan waktu SD gue sama temen2 gw itu bagi2 peran. Terus kita jadi saling manggil nama masing2 pake nama ‘peran’ itu. Gue dulu Ai Haibara. Temen gw ada yang Heiji, ada yang Ran… kakak gw Shinichi, terus gw manggil dia Shin. Gw manggil temen gw yg Heiji itu Hei-kun… najis kalo inget alaynya masa kecil itu bikin monang dan fespalm parah ya orz
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
So because of this ‘fanart’ I made yesterday, I traced the tags from people who reblog it (I’m such a curious bastard) and suddenly this idea come to my head. Enjoy.
p.s: English is not my first language and I’m still studying, so please bear the grammatical mistakes orz
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My God is Gone Tennis no Oujisama (c) Takeshi Konomi ———
"Naa, Choutarou."
"Congrats for your marriage next week."
"…Thank you."
They stood side by side, the river below the bridge glowing the orange color from the beautiful sunset. Shishido leaned toward the bridge’s side, looked up to the taller man beside him, who was smiled his usual sheepish smile, his head down. It was supposed to be his usual smile, yet, there was a little sad gleam in his eyes.
"Shishido-san…," he whispered with very, very soft voice, "I love you…"
Shishido clenched his hand,
"I know."
"Shishido-san, I," his voice started to tremble—he choked, "Thank you for all of this time. Thank you."
"What are you saying, Choutarou," Shishido punched his partner’s belly lightly, make sure it won’t hurt the younger man, "That’s suppose to be my words."
And with that, he burst out his tears. He embraced the shorter man tightly, drowned his face to the older man’s shoulder, who standing on tiptoed to support Choutarou’s tall build. “There, there, Choutarou, just how old are you now…,” Shishido smiled a bit, patted Choutarou’s head slightly, and murmured softly on the younger man’s ear, “You know I love you too, right?”
Choutarou nodded.
They stayed like that for some minutes later.
"There, Choutarou. You must see your own face—it’s totally lame." Shishido laughed, "Geki dasa daze…”
"I’m—hic, sorry.”
Shishido sighed, took off his cap and put it on Choutarou’s head. “Bring that home so your face won’t looks too pathetic. You don’t want to make your family worry, hmm?”
"I love you…"
Shishido closed his eyes, three seconds, five seconds, before opened it again.
"Let me say it again and again. For now, only for now."
"promise me," Shishido patted the blue cap on the younger’s man head, "Only for now. Because you may not make your fiancee sad, ok?"
Choutarou nodded again. “I promised.”
Ohtori Choutarou opened his eyes, looked at his own reflection through the mirror who looked him back. He traced the cross necklace on his neck slowly, before then took it off and put it on the desk, beside his most important item—a blue cap.
"My God is gone," he muttered to himself, "He is gone."
—Err, fin?—
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
isumiilde replied to your post: So because of this ‘fanart’ I made yesterday, I…
Ohtori Choutarou opened his eyes, looked at his own reflection through the mirror who looked him back. He traced the cross necklace on his neck slowly, before then took it off and put it on the desk, beside his most important item—a blue cap.
"My God is gone," he muttered to himself, "He is gone."
The door suddenly slammed open, and there, Shishido Ryou stood, white tuxedo gleamed to the lamp’s light and a bucket of red roses in his hands. He shove the said roses to his boyfriend’s arm, “So suddenly I decided to to take back my words and I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR FIANCEE OK MARRY ME NOW WE WILL ELOpE FORGET YOUR FUCKING FIANCEE  AND LET’S GO CHOUTAROU!”
Choutarou blinked, couldn’t believe his own sight, and a wide smile curved on his lips, “Yes, Shishido-san!”
—And they live happily ever after—
Is that make you better Isu? :>
/run away with the Silver pair/
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Shu please? :)
requested from here
Lord Riou still young, that was to be sure. And for someone who wasn’t really young anymore, sometimes Shu unable to really understand about what his young leader thought.
Once, there was that moment when they finally success to take over Radat, lord Riou looks really happy, humming random song all the day. Shu thought he must be really glad that they can take back that town (especially, that’s a town where Shu lives, so he also feel relieved too) but when he randomly asked why Lord Riou looks pretty happy, he said he just helped Haiyo win a cooking contest against  a random cook that appear from nowhere and challenge them to do a cook off, and they were able to win.
The other moment, he looks pretty depressed when they succeeded to bring back Theresa, but unable to take over Greenhill  (yet), and Shu thought he was sad because he heard he just met Jowy, his old friend there. Shu patted Lord Riou’s shoulder that time, said that everything will be okay, and Lord Riou just nodded, muttering something like ‘yes, thank you, Shu , I sure we’ll win the next cook off…,” and something like that.
Shu really couldn’t understand the young people’s thought, but one thing he was sure; Haiyo’s presence in their army could mean bad and good thing.
He would be hope they win the next cook off so he won’t see Lord Riou sulking all the day ever again.
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
What’s the best aspect of the Libra-Aquarius relationship? Their ability to work together as a team. Together they can learn much more than either Sign would alone. Their accomplishments and love of socializing and new projects make theirs a highly successful relationship.
From here.
And from here: you can say that B bloodtype and O bloodtype is works well together. They’re not ‘ideal couple’ or ‘perfect’ or something like that, but they wil work well together. As in a team.
Shishido is a Libra with B bloodtype and Choutarou is an Aquarius with O bloodtype. They’re born to be a team, I can say. And as a B-type one, I can say my compatibility with O-type ppls are very high (mostly my best friends are O type).
I mean, Konomi, did you decided the bloodtypes and born dates of your characters randomly, or you really do some character research? Because they’re really canon.
Hahaha I’m very high tonight. I really miss silver pair huhuhuhuhu
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
promosi: Buku Tutorial Menggambar Manga
Lagi-lagi, (walau telat sekali tapi ya sudahlah) saya mau promosi buku yang dibuat oleh saya dan teman-teman saya (Zakuro, Ancha, Fudou, Kai (saya) dengan bantuan Aiko dan putri) dengan nama ‘Ginko Team’.
Judulnya Mudah & Cepat Belajar Menggambar Manga. Buku ini sudah cetak ulang sebanyak 9 kali terakhir kali saya cek. Best Sellernya bukan cuma asal nampang, tapi Alhamdulillah emang lumayan laku terjual dan banyak yang beli :D
Jumlah halamannya 123 halaman dengan ukuran 21x28 cm, kertasnya juga mayan bagus dan ga ketipisan atau mudah robek. Isinya… yah, memang diperuntukkan buat pemula karena penjelasannya berusaha sedetil mungkin soal proses gambar manga dari awal banget. Yang membuat buku ini (mungkin) cukup disukai, kalau yang saya tanya dari yang beli, adalah adanya banyak gambar-gambar contoh untuk referensi, seperti contoh berbagai bentuk mata, wajah, hidung, mulut, rambut, dan model-model baju dan karakter.
Harganya pun cukup terjangkau buat ukuran buku yang mayan tebal dan kertasnya nggak jelek, cuma Rp. 37.000. Terakhir saya cek ke toko buku masih ada, jadi buat yang minat, boleh yuk mari dibeli bukunya di Gramedia kakak-kakak sekalian :D
#promosi #tak #kenal #malu
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
requested from here
itssmallerontheoutsideyouassbutt asked you: JOWY!
"You called me?"
That was Jillia’s voice, followed by knock sounds on the door. “Yes. Please enter,” he answered, and the raven haired princess—her wife, entered the room.
"Listen, Jillia." Jowy gestured his hand to the chair in front of him, his face looked dejected, eyes locked with his wife’s. Jillia Blight sat on the chair, nodded, said nothing.
"I must kill you." 
That words was sudden, Jillia’s eyes widened, surprised, but she said nothing. She still kept in silent, waiting for the next sentence from her husband. But Jowy also said nothing more, both of his palm covered his mouth, tried his best to phrase the best words.
"You won’t say something? You won’t ask why?"
But it was questions. Jillia shook her head, “If that’s what my King demand, I know he has the best reason for that.”
"You won’t decline?"
"If that is for the best, I won’t."
A small smile lit on Jowy’s lips, and he sighed. “It’s not that I will really kill you, what I need to kill is your existence.” Jillia still listening. “Next week. I’ll kill a doll resemble you in front of the soldiers of Highland as the sacrifice. I must kill you… and if that’s happen, your existence as Highland’s princess must be discarded, and you won’t live as Jillia Blight anymore. Is that okay for you?”
"If that is for the best."
"Why you didn’t ask the reason?" 
"I…," Jillia paused, she closed her eyes, and opened it again, "I guess why…," and she smiled. "I don’t know. I just know that if it’s your request, if it’s you who ask me… it will be the best for us. For everyone."
The next thing felt in Jowy’s chest is a weird, warm sensation. He was ready for a rejection, or anger, but in the same time, Jillia’s answers for his request and question was not unexpected.
"Thank you, Jillia…,"
Why, he guessed?
"Thank you."
He didn’t know why. But there is one thing he believe and know; and that was the reason why he loves Jillia.
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
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yuyukan9kan9 · 11 years
Some good (long) fanfic I think maybe you must read if you have time
I rarely read fanfics, to be honest. Nowadays I just read some fanfics when I’ m mobile (I’m suck at read on laptop or computer) and really don’t have things to do, usually I read in train since angkot (what is it in English… it’s an ordinary car, except it’s for public transportation) and bus make me dizzy while reading my mobile phone. 
So usually I just read short fanfic, and if there are some long fanfic I read, then that’s mean it’s really a good fic for me. Well I’ll just put some long fanfic, since I can’t really remember all the (short) fic I’ve read. Read it mobile make me can’t review and fave, and usually I forgot to do it when I’m home orz such a bad reader I am.
Never Look Back So bad it’s unfinished. Well there was a slash part between Yuber and pesmerga, I think this story really possible (since they are not lover in this one). I really crave for some Yuber/pesmerga story when read this because… who don’t want to know about pesmerga?
To be honest there is one other Suikoden long fic I want to recommended, so bad it’s deleted…
Hikaru no Go
desynchronization This is really good! TuT An Ogata x Sai fic, and the story really flow well and I really do nothing all day because of read it lol. It’s about Sai suddenly turned to a human, but he can’t remember anything except go. I really like the rivalry relationship between Sai and Touya Koyo in this piece (and in this author’s other piece too) even like it more than HIkaru and Akira’s.
 Lolita This is an AU, a crossover between Loveless x Lolita novel by Vladimir Nobokov. Ritsuka is a little boy who live alone in a big manor, his precious brother just dead and leave a death will to leave his house and brother in his best friend’s hand, Agatsuma Soubi. Contain pedophilia, I think, but I always love this author’s diction and description, they’re beautiful. And since I read it when Loveless manga still in volume 5 or 6, I can associate the story much, but maybe it’s not if you’ve read it until the last scanlation… Oh and since it’s AU, I think you still can read it even though you never read Loveless. 
Shakespeare Lives A humor fic. Tsunade decided to hold a Shakespeare play and forced Sasuke to be the Romeo. Well it’s a veery old fic, and there were so many things different since Naruto already running for years than the first time this fic published, but it’s still fun to read.
There are more, but I can’t really remember them… Maybe next time I’ll recommended some short fic too. I really must bookmark them orz
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