z-worlds-blog · 2 months
Pro @na secrets:
if not intrested block, dont report xx
1. Drink a lot and I mean A LOT of water. It keeps ur metabolism going on, makes u lose fat, clears ur skin and makes u less hungry. By drinking water and staying hydrated u prevent water weight (bcs when ur hydrated ur body has no need to store water).
2. Sprint, dont run. This helps u lose fat faster. Sprinting means, that u run as fast as u can for 2 minutes, and then walk for 5-10 minutes. Then repeat over and over again.
3. Porridge (ive been gatekeeping this one). Best thing ever. Makes ur stomach flat, makes metabolism fast, helps with digestion and bowel (aka helps u p00p) due to its high healthy fiber. Trust me.
Follow for more!
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z-worlds-blog · 6 months
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚◦ ☆ ˚ " A sensação se estômago cheio é tao nojenta quanto a pessoa que a sente " ˚◦ ☆˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
how I eat to feel full
I usually put a very small portion on a small plate, so it looks like it is more than it actually is
then I drink a full glass of water
I start eating in very small bites, so it'll take longer to eat (I recommend no distractions like watching something)
when I'm about halfway done, I drink another glass of water and take a 10min break from eating (usually by watching a YT video or something)
then I eat the rest of the meal (once again without distractions and in small bites)
if you are really hardcore, you can drink another glass of water, but I usually don't because it makes me feel way too full
wait at least 20 minutes before getting seconds, because it takes a while for your brain to process feeling full
I hope this hasn't been said a hundred times before, and I could help someone out 💕
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
here are my tips to stop binging <3
- when you feel as though you are going to binge or can’t help eating more just stop for one minute and ask yourself is it really worth it just take a step back and think is this what you want
- before you think you will binge clean your teeth or chew gum
-don’t set any boundaries, if you are in a binge don’t just think that oh i’ve already done it now it’s too late that’s not true just because you started doesn’t mean you have to continue try to regain control and remember your goal you will not get there by binging
-eat snacks not meals because if you eat meals you will finish it then think about what else can you eat or allow yourself to eat whereas if you snack on low cal foods like seaweed you won’t binge because you know that you will allow yourself to eat later
-i know it’s toxic but compare yourself to your friends who are skinnier than you think about how unfair it is that they don’t even have to diet and their skinny make them give you motivation to be skinner, be sicker
-throw away the food or ask your parents or whoever to not buy the foods that usually trigger your binge for example i threw away all chocolate all biscuits i like and cereal, eating dry cereal used to always set of my binges
-do not keep food in your room only extremely low cal food like seaweed, 10cal jelly ,rice cakes and gum. try avoid rice cakes because they’re not actually that low calorie but they’re a good substitute for bread
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
Some of my safe foods/meals just for myself to keep track of!
Popcorn! Air popped without any butter or salt is around 30 cals per cup! unseasoned popcorn just tastes better than popcorn with butter imo <3
Sugar free gum bc duh! I really like the watermelon flavored gums cuz they taste soso good and they fill my sweet tooth!
These low cal cookies! 50 cals each, love baking these and pairing them with black coffee <3
Cauliflower rice! 27 cals per cup, and super filling! I dont usually eat it by itself, I like to mix it with some protein or veggies!
Rice cakes bc you know the drill, 35 cals each yum yum, I usually pair plain rice cakes with greek yogurt and a few of these stevia-sweetened dark chocolate chips!
Diet Arizona Green Tea! Tbh just any diet drinks, but this ones a personal fan fav! 0 cals, as all drinks should be <3
Shirataki noodles! Tons of fiber, only 5 cals, and filling! Make sure to look up a good way to prep them! I usually boil and stir fry them before eating them!
Boiled eggs! 78 cals each, but still super good for you <3
Teas, teas, and more teas! Theres a tea for everything from metabolism speeding to sleep aid, drink some tea!
Greek Yogurt! This isn't a revelation I've figured out by myself ofc but still! 100 cals per cup, and super healthy! Plus its a great substitute in a lot of cooking!!!!
Canaloupe! 19 calories for a WHOLE wedge! A whole medium sized canaloupe is 180 cals!
Pickles! 7 cals each and suuuuper yummy imo <3 cucumbers are also a major safe food of mine I have them almost every day for a snack!
Soup!!!!! Tomato soup has around 80-100 cals for a whole bowl and its so yummy imo!!!!
Casabella peppers! (yall know those little peppers at in-n-out?) 10 cals each, literally any peppers are my favs, but my friends love to go to in-n-out together with me and I always love getting a diet coke and some casabellas to munch on <3
Chicken! Just in general! 120 for a whole chicken breast is the best thing ever <3
Almond milk! I've always been lactose sensitive so I've never genuinely had regular milk, plus almond milk is 30 cals per cup and full of calcium which is super important for hair and nails!
Miso Soup! My dad's made this stuff for me since I was a wee little kid, its just one of my favorite foods, period! When i found out it was only 50 cals per cup I was absolutely THRILLED
Healthy Choice power bowl microwaved meals. Oh my goodness absolute godsend! 170 for a whole DINNER!!!! Super filling, high protein, literally just put it in the microwave and bam omgggg its so nice to have these when I need them <3
Strawberries, Watermelon, blueberries! Oh my! <3
Low cal versions of my favorite meals! I've been experimenting with a bunch of low calorie recipes of different stuff and they've all been great! If you like cooking, it can be a great way to keep busy and keep with your goals! My favs so far are low cal pancakes, low cal tortilla wraps, low cal margarita pizza, etc!
I'll add more as I discover more! Stay safe <3
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
My safe foods
Broccoli - low cal and GREAT to get some fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, and potassium.
Cauliflower - low cal, and provides a great substitute for rice when making chicken teriyaki.
Strawberries - very low cal, healthy, and sweet
Watermelon- great to binge on! Low cal, a natural laxative, and sweet
Vanilla ice cream - 1/4th a cup is only 70 cal. Put it on top of strawberries with ≈ 1/2 a teaspoon of sweetener on the strawberries
Soup - can always avoid soup with noodles (or just avoid the noodles) broth and veggies with some chicken is godly fr
Ice pops - like 12-15 cal a pop, great for a sugar craving
Eggs - filling and a good source of protein. I prefer boiled, as I don’t have to add oil/butter to cook the eggs.
Strawberry awake cereal- 110 cal for a cup, it’s like frosted flakes with dried strawberries in it, but with only 10g added sugar. And it’s a good source of iron, and other vitamins bc cereal is reinforced with lots of nutrients (at least in the US bc it’s what most people give kids for breakfast)
My fear foods
Canola oil - 124 cal in tbsp?! No thanks
Olive oil - (really any oil) 119 cal in a tbsp, ugh.
Anything fried - oils, need I say more?
Hamburger buns - I feel like there is an unnecessary amount of bread.
Brownies - not bc they are high cal, but rather bc I have NO self control with brownies, and with brownies I “have to have” milk.
Oreos - same as brownies… I will eat a whole package in like 4 days and will also start guzzling milk.
Milk - in my house we only have whole milk… so one glass of milk is usually more cal then I eat in a meal… sad bc milk used to be my favourite drink, but whatever.
Pop-tarts - really high cal, and again I always want milk with them so… (this is another good that I used to love)
Neutral foods
Banana- I don’t really track macros, it’s low enough in calories that I eat them pretty often
Apple - same as above, its more than 50 cal, so I don’t eat them every day, but pretty often
Grapes - more calories than I would like, but few enough that I don’t feel guilty after eating them, usually use them as a treat, or to avoid eating sweet junk food.
Peaches and cream or strawberry and cream oatmeal- 110 cal for a package, and it’s pretty filling. A good low cal breakfast, i Just prefer to make it with milk rather than water, and that bumps the cals up, so i don’t eat it much.
White Rice - its not really low cal, but adding it as a filler instead of eating more of a higher cal thing is okay sometimes.
Potatoes- low cal and filling, but kinda bland with minimal toppings, so I don’t eat them much.
Asparagus - very low cal with some good nutrients, but tends to be expensive, so I don’t buy it much.
Toaster waffles - not TOO high cal, good to beat a carb craving, great to make as a sweet treat
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
rules of ana because everyone must be reminded 🤍 & some thinspo + extra tips
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1. Do not eat unless you are physically hungry. Learn the difference and stop yourself if eating for the wrong reasons.
2. Never eat just to finish a meal. ONLY EAT UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED!
3. If you binge, stop yourself as soon as possible. DON’T COMPOUND YOUR MISTAKE!
4. If you binge, punish yourself after.
5. Exercise 30-45 minutes at least 4 times a week.
6. If you gain weight from one day to the next, fast the whole day.
7. Substitute low cal or diet versions wherever possible to cut back on calories.
9. Get rid of all your temptations. Pack it up and take it to a local food bank. You don’t need it.
10. Eat slow. Appreciate every bite. Then when everyone is finished and you’re only halfway through your meal, you can leave with everyone else having eaten half the calories.
11. Drink water before and during meals. The more you drink, the less you eat.
12. Chew each bite of food 30 times before swallowing.
13. Cut you’re food into small pieces. It’ll make others think you’re eating more than you are.
14. Don’t eat anything white.
15. When you look at your food, think of what it becomes. Ice cream= saturated fat. Bread=carbs. Juice=sugar. You don’t want that crap in your body so DON’T EAT IT!
16. Decide before cooking how much you are going to eat. Cook only that amount so you can’t eat more.
17. Delay any eating. Tell yourself that you can eat after completing a task (ie. 30 minutes of exercise). Complete the task then reassess.
18. If a food has more than 3 grams of fat per serving and/or more than 3 types of sugar listed in the ingredients list, don’t eat it.
19. Do not eat before 7am or after 7pm. This guarantees you a 12 hour fast every day.
20. Stop all eating at least 3 hours before bed.
Get Strong. Stay Strong. Get Skinny. Stay Skinny.
remember hunger is always temporary
get your vitamins
there’s ALWAYS a low cal option
space out your exercise if you hate working out for long periods
study, watch tv, sleep, find excuses not to go to the kitchen
don’t deprive yourself because truly, yolo. have fun every now but when you’re done going out, remember the goal you have: being skinny, being pretty
watching videos of models- super triggering but not in a bad way
use fasting apps- fastic & life are my favs
get rid of social media. helped me get rid of my first 20lbs. i only followed ed related accounts on tumblr & twitter
go out but don’t go out to eat . having fun distracts us from food and gets us moving which means more calories burned
hopefully this helps. Love,
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166 notes · View notes
z-worlds-blog · 7 months
rules of ana because everyone must be reminded 🤍 & some thinspo + extra tips
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1. Do not eat unless you are physically hungry. Learn the difference and stop yourself if eating for the wrong reasons.
2. Never eat just to finish a meal. ONLY EAT UNTIL YOU ARE SATISFIED!
3. If you binge, stop yourself as soon as possible. DON’T COMPOUND YOUR MISTAKE!
4. If you binge, punish yourself after.
5. Exercise 30-45 minutes at least 4 times a week.
6. If you gain weight from one day to the next, fast the whole day.
7. Substitute low cal or diet versions wherever possible to cut back on calories.
9. Get rid of all your temptations. Pack it up and take it to a local food bank. You don’t need it.
10. Eat slow. Appreciate every bite. Then when everyone is finished and you’re only halfway through your meal, you can leave with everyone else having eaten half the calories.
11. Drink water before and during meals. The more you drink, the less you eat.
12. Chew each bite of food 30 times before swallowing.
13. Cut you’re food into small pieces. It’ll make others think you’re eating more than you are.
14. Don’t eat anything white.
15. When you look at your food, think of what it becomes. Ice cream= saturated fat. Bread=carbs. Juice=sugar. You don’t want that crap in your body so DON’T EAT IT!
16. Decide before cooking how much you are going to eat. Cook only that amount so you can’t eat more.
17. Delay any eating. Tell yourself that you can eat after completing a task (ie. 30 minutes of exercise). Complete the task then reassess.
18. If a food has more than 3 grams of fat per serving and/or more than 3 types of sugar listed in the ingredients list, don’t eat it.
19. Do not eat before 7am or after 7pm. This guarantees you a 12 hour fast every day.
20. Stop all eating at least 3 hours before bed.
Get Strong. Stay Strong. Get Skinny. Stay Skinny.
remember hunger is always temporary
get your vitamins
there’s ALWAYS a low cal option
space out your exercise if you hate working out for long periods
study, watch tv, sleep, find excuses not to go to the kitchen
don’t deprive yourself because truly, yolo. have fun every now but when you’re done going out, remember the goal you have: being skinny, being pretty
watching videos of models- super triggering but not in a bad way
use fasting apps- fastic & life are my favs
get rid of social media. helped me get rid of my first 20lbs. i only followed ed related accounts on tumblr & twitter
go out but don’t go out to eat . having fun distracts us from food and gets us moving which means more calories burned
hopefully this helps. Love,
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z-worlds-blog · 7 months
My safe foods and why:
Cucumber: 10 kcal per 100 g yessplease
Coffee: like no calories, good if you’re constipated
Sugar free drinks (in general): so sweet and lovely, satisfies my sweet tooth
Apple: rich in fiber, low in calories, satisfies me
Yoghurt: high in protein, low in calories, satisfies me
Broccoli: high in iron, low in calories
Scampi: high in protein, low in calories
Salmon: high in protein, not too many calories, makes me full
Instant noodles: I know an off-brand kind that is 64 kcal per 100 g
Broth (in general): when I crave something salty I drink it, and it satisfies my cravings. My fav is veggie broth. Like 3 calories per cup
Clementines: low in calories, vitamin C
Carrots: low in calories, vitamin C
Rice cakes: great substitute for bread: low calorie
Tomatoes: very low calorie
Tea: very low calorie
Lettuce (any kind): love them, super healthy, super low in calories
Sushi: my favourite food, I love it so much, but I could never eat the fried stuff
Dumplings: love it, but hate the fried stuff
Unsweetened almond milk: tastes like dairy (almost), low in calories
Low calorie ice cream: I love ice cream, so sweet, those low cal ice creams are lifesavers fr
Nori seaweed: super low in calories
Egg whites: almost only protein, low in calories
Berries: sweet, low cal
Chicken breast: lean protein, not too low cal
Pickles: low cal
Egg whites: so much protein for so little calories
Peach: tastes so good and low calorie
Happy to share these foods with you, angels<3
Hope you get inspired:)
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z-worlds-blog · 8 months
I've got a brand new scale and I weight 49,3 kg, not 50! That's huge!
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z-worlds-blog · 9 months
tw for transphobia and disgusting shit in general.
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z-worlds-blog · 9 months
Pinterest Key Words:
Portion control
Small portion
Small meal
Rice cake aesthetic
Coke Zero inspo
Low cal meal
Zero calorie foods
Low cal aesthetic
Petite aesthetic (also works for mealspo)
Body aesthetics goals
Thin body goals
Heroin chic
Her0in chic
90s thin
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z-worlds-blog · 10 months
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z-worlds-blog · 11 months
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Little does she know, it's partially because of her lol
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z-worlds-blog · 11 months
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The best feeling ngl
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z-worlds-blog · 11 months
Do your metabolism days!
You don't wanna have a crashed metabolism:
- You will gain weight at low calories
- you will stop losing weight or lose it very very slow (plateau)
- after your gw or ugw you will gain weight very fast
Do. Your. Metabolism. Days.
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