zuzajic · 4 years
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New semester is going kind of well, but I'm not very excited about most of the classes we had to take. However I didn't expect to find assemblers fun, so that's a pretty good thing🌸
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zuzajic · 4 years
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the computer science students
as requested by @a-vintage-soul
pacing around your room, trying to work out a difficult bug
messy hair tucked back behind your ears
thick textbooks and multicolored highlighters
a battered old computer bag that holds everything you need
loving puzzles, the moment of understanding when it all fits together
late nights with your face illuminated by the glow of a computer screen
redoing the same problem again and again until it’s efficient as possible
the soft click of computer keys
pride in what you’ve created, the thousands of lines of code a testament to your hard work
ideas scribbled in blue pen
your favorite mug, tea-stained and always on your desk
colored LED lights decorating your room with a soft glow
being frustrated by bad web design because you know you could do better
getting sucked in by a challenge and losing track of time
a photo of Ada Lovelace, framed on your desk
wrapping yourself in your favorite blanket
learning as many programming languages as possible, loving the versatility of your skill-set
background music playing through headphones
seeing the impact of your work on the real world
glasses slipping down your nose as you work
the satisfaction of figuring out something particularly complex
deep, intent focus
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zuzajic · 4 years
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I’m so excited for the new semester to start!!💚💚 I’ve been playing in Canva and making cute organizers for hours now lol
I had my last exam today and I think I did good...not like really well but I’m pretty sure I passed it and that’s what really matters. My goal for my first semester of college was to get used to a new system and figure out what works for me and what doesn’t rather than focus on my grades too much.
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zuzajic · 4 years
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I would say this was a good first week🍄
I had two exams, one on tuesday, second on friday, and was honestly exhausted. I still have two more exams to go, but I’m feeling better about them that I did about the previous ones☀️ or maybe I’m just too tired to care, lol
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zuzajic · 4 years
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A tiny section of today’s programming notes🍄
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zuzajic · 4 years
🌲Forest 🌳
Recently I've decided to start using the app Forest (I knew about it for a long time, but didn't really have a use for it) and I'm really pleasantly suprised by it ❤️
My two close friends and boyfriend are using it too and I just love that I can see how hard they are working and cheer on them even when we're not together.
I don't have any problem with concentration plus I take notes on my ipad so I don't really use the 'Deep Focus' feature, but I think the app as a whole is such a cute idea🌸
Also I love how I can look back at my week and see how much effort i put into my exams, it feels very rewarding.
So I'm thinking that I'll start posting a summary of my forest logs at the end of the week 😌
If you are using the app feel free to give me any tips or share your favorite kind of tree, or even share another app that helps you focus on your studies 🌱
Have a lovely weekend y'all!
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zuzajic · 4 years
17 questions, 17 people
@a-study-in-dante thanks for tagging me ❤️
Nickname: I don't really have one, mom calls me Zu sometimes, dad used to call me zuzajíc (yes, it is my username everywhere 😅) when i was like 6
Zodiac: scorpio
Height: 166cm (i think that's 5'5? Not sure)
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
Last thing I googled: ....Pottermore sorting test....I took it a long time ago and wanted to make sure i remember it right 😂
Song stuck in my head: Red Lipstick, Speed Gang
Number of followers: 88 (god I love multiples of 11)
Amount of sleep: 8 hours something
Lucky number: 13
Dream job: I have too many, so I can't really pick one...so I'll pick two - I'd love to make software for car companies and teach highschool Physics (I love sharing knowledge and helping people realise how smart they are ❤️)
Wearing: black sweatpants and a very bright pink hoodie that says 'need money not friends' (which is a fat lie lol...i need both, although i do currently have more friends than money)
Favorite song: Young Volcanoes, Fall Out Boy (but on my graduation ball I had Horns by Bryce Fox play🤷🏼‍♀️)
Favorite instrument: this one is hard... probably flute cause I played it for a very long time, but I really like the sound of all stringed instruments too
Aesthetic: car radio playing 2000's hits, iced coffee, holding pinkies, matching hoodies, nose kisses, icy blue sky
Favorite animal sounds: the one my cat makes when she wakes up ❤️❤️
Favorite author(s): Rick Riordan
Random: I am kinda passionate about women's rights and sex education (and of course positivity)
Again thank you for tagging me ❤️ i took a long time to post this because I had no idea who to tag....i still have no idea 😂 so I'm just gonna put this out here and if you relate to me in any way, let me know!!💫
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zuzajic · 4 years
So I tend to stay away from politics and related topics...but I saw a comment under this post that really made me want to comment too. It said that you're the only one responsible for your life and only your work ethics affect where you end up in life.
I think that where I live it is true, but bear with me - we have free education and free healthcare (almost free, every month a small amount is deducted from your paycheck and goes to health and social insurance). Great thing about this is that everybody can get a good education, no matter how much money their family has. And with good education you can get a good paying job, therefore you end up in the place you've worked for.
But I don't think this could work for example in the US. I might be wrong so feel free to correct me, but what if for example your family can afford your education now, but then a health crisis happens and that comes before school? Now your family still has the same income and therefore you're not qualified for scholarships, but they can't pay for your education anymore.
You can get a student loan, but then for the first few years of your career you will be repaying this debt...
I am very very happy with my living conditions, so I don't usually express my opinion about these things because I've simply never experienced any major problems, but if you're in the same situation as I am, please think twice, or you know think 10 times before you form an opinion about how "hard" someone else has it.
That's it, happy Sunday y'all☀️
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zuzajic · 4 years
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zuzajic · 4 years
Microsoft Excel?
No thank you, I'd rather Macrohard Disapppoint™.
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zuzajic · 4 years
yes i am smart. yes i am stupid. it’s called being flexible.
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zuzajic · 4 years
Hello ! What are your pronouns ? :) I don't want to make mistakes
Hi! I'm a girl and use the usual she/her ❤️ but any mistakes don't offend me❤️
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zuzajic · 4 years
A vibe
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Mazda RX7 (FC)
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zuzajic · 4 years
I've spent so much time during Christmas preparing for my exams, so here are some notes I took (feat my inconsistent handwriting)✌️💌
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zuzajic · 4 years
I just need pretty little coffee shop dates and plenty of adventures that involve holding hands.
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zuzajic · 4 years
My goals for 2021🌱
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Personal 🌸
go on more trips with my bf
spend more time with friends (outside if possible, otherwise on discord or texting)
Health 👣
make excercise a habit again, maybe start running
cook more healthy and nutritious meals and try to eat more protein
buy a few eco-friendly straws and make some breakfast smoothies to drink with them (i don't use straws now, but my bf fell in love with the bamboo ones and so did I😭❤️)
if pools open up, start improving my swim times again 🌊
work on my programming skills (I'm thinking of taking an extra C course and picking up PHP, any tips?☺️)
try to get good enough grades in the summer semester to get into the top 2%
read more and about various topics (my goal is to read at least 10 books that aren't my study books, but I'm not really set on the number, more on the habit)
practice my languages more often, maybe pick up another one next autumn
*Picture was taken in the High Tatras in Slovakia in june 2019
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zuzajic · 4 years
What 2020 taught me 🌤️
Finding a job you love is very important. (When schools in my country closed, I spent 5 months working at a metal processing company with my bf and it opened my mind to a lot of things.)
Support your supportive friends. Love them and try to help them as much as they help you. Reach out to friends you haven't heard from for a while, if you think about how they are doing. Making someone feel appreciated and loved is a beautiful thing to do ❤️
It's okay to not love your major every day. You don't have to be obsessed with it all the time. You can and should be interested in other things too.
People who work less than you do, will get the same Bachelor's degree as you will, but they won't know what you know. They will not have your experience and your confidence gained through knowledge.
If you like something you don't know much about/have much experience with, you are not a poser for liking it! Your interest is always valid.
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