peachkkuma Ā· 9 days
that feeling when u finally stop caring about the 3D >>>
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peachkkuma Ā· 17 days
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 12.5ļø“JUNE 5, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
tumblr cut me off so this is actually a second part to an already existing diary entry. pls pls pls read the first part before this one (click here to read).
ā€” andddd that brings me to yet another point (the yapping isnā€™t over yet yā€™all), I am the god of my reality. let that sink in, the sole creator. and Iā€™m thinking so so so SO small. literally, go look at my list of desires on a previous tumblr post and youā€™ll see Iā€™m not asking for anything out of the ordinary, my dreams arenā€™t big in the slightest. yet I feel like Iā€™m asking for so much?? ppl are manifesting ginormous mansions, private islands, stardom, supernatural abilities, bringing ppl back from the dead, and all the wealth you could ever imagine and I think a normal life is reaching too high?šŸ˜­ Iā€™m not sure what this is, maybe itā€™s my self concept? but itā€™s definitely the biggest and dare I say the only actual ā€œobstacleā€ in my road. I need to rlly get it in my head that this is nothing, and that I can actually achieve so much more.
note to future self: youā€™re the god, so itā€™s not possible for a single desire to be unattainable or above you. and desires, regardless if itā€™s a new pair of shoes or becoming royalty, are all the same. youā€™re the one that places the value on them, youā€™re the one that says one is ā€œbiggerā€ than the other, at the end of the day theyā€™re all just things you want. and theyā€™re all attainable. it IS possible for you to be what you want, the fact that you want it is proof that you can conceptualize it, which is cold hard evidence that you can have it, be it.
sometimes I get a little tired of this though. how many times do I have to go through this cycle of feeling worried and then realizing I have nothing to worry about? why canā€™t I break the cycle? itā€™s like I have to remind myself sooooo often about the same old things. when will I not need reassurance anymore? but maybe I should have a little more grace for myself. even if Iā€™m confident in my knowledge of the law and even if weā€™ve been through this before, I am both god and human. and so doubt and dread come natural to me. and who doesnā€™t need a reminder every once in a while? who doesnā€™t lose sight of the goal occasionally? maybe me being anxious isnā€™t the problem and maybe I should stop treating it like it is a problem. because if I go back to what I know at the end of the day, isnā€™t that what matters? I shouldnā€™t beat myself up for being worried, because if I was my desired self would I even care that I was? I wouldnā€™t. sure doubts donā€™t feel nice, but they donā€™t get rid of my desires or ā€œprogressā€ unless I decide they do. they donā€™t do or mean anything unless I decide that they do. okay, Iā€™m getting tired of writing now and Iā€™m trying to quit thinking about manifestation and instead spend that time actually manifesting so, see ya soon!!
kisses, Tiffany
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peachkkuma Ā· 17 days
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 12ļø“JUNE 5, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
this couldnā€™t have happened any longer than ten minutes ago but Iā€™ve finally felt what itā€™s like to be nailed to a state. and let me tell u this, it wasnā€™t the state I wanted. Iā€™m sitting here on my bedroom floor rn, my actual diary laid out in front of me along with some pens. I was about to journal, mainly because I was feeling anxious about my circumstances, but hereā€™s the thing. Yesterday, I made the goal to really live in imagination and try to be in it as much as I can. I wanted to know what it was like to be completely nailed to a state. Not even to get anything but because I want to and because it feels nice. anyways, back to that anxious feelingā€” I was thinking to myself ā€œwait why am I feeling anxious? this doesnā€™t even make any sense I was happy with my state and my imagination yesterday-ā€ until it hit me that I already was nailed to a state, the one I was trying to let die. the one that was home to my ā€œcircumstancesā€. the way I saw myself, saw my life, the thoughts running through my head, the plans I had for myself, the way I felt about my reality was all a perfect match for the state I didnā€™t want. and it was at that moment where I really felt the realization hit me. yk, the 3D can feel so real at times with all of its five senses and stuff that sometimes, I forget itā€™s a state. and Iā€™ve always wanted to know what it was like to completely bask in a state, so to have realized that Iā€™ve already been capable of doing thatā€” that Iā€™ve already been doing that, was just soā€¦eye opening? and it kinda answers my annoyance, I was wondering why I still felt so worried when the truth was, how was I supposed to ever feel something else if that was the state I was so aligned with? I saw an example on another tumblr postā€” Iā€™ll link it here ā€”that said how someone wealthy like Elon Musk was used to being in the state of being rich, so it would be hard for him to fall into a state of poverty. I am so used to this stateā€” the anxiousness, the incapability, the not being satisfied ā€”that I merely fell into the sowf, and then climbed out of it. and because I quickly stopped identifying with it, because I went from having it to worrying about the things of my unwanted state, I was back in my unwanted state. and ofc, the thing that started this whole realization, I was thinking about things and my desired self. I was thinking about how I embodies my desired self yesterday and how that felt soā€¦ like, far away? ig? like it felt like it could never be me and I was surprised that I felt like I could ever be anything other than what I am now. and thatā€™s actually the moment when I realize I had nailed myself to this state. now, thank god for this realization because it was just what I needed to snap me out of this cycle of worry. this means two things, 1. nailing yourself to a state is way less complicated than it sounds, itā€™s totally natural and 2. I am capable of completely embodying a stateā€” u might be thinking, yeah no kidding we all can, but sometimes u just have to feel something in order to truly know it and thatā€™s my case ā€”and if I can do it with my unwanted state then I can sure as hell do it with my desired state. because whatā€™s the difference? actually, Iā€™ll tell you what the difference is. all states are equal, theyā€™re neutral, nothing but a state. but I unknowingly decided to place one on a pedestal, I decided that because I wanted my desired state I would be harder to embody. but itā€™s just a state. and Iā€™m reality, Iā€™m imagination, I can make whatever I want come to life, whether the state seems desirable or not. thatā€™s just how it goes, all states are available for me to occupy and then manifest. and I need to understand that, I need to get it in my head that happiness isnā€™t above me, that it should be natural and normal for me to haveā€” tumblrs telling me that this is getting too long so thisā€™ll be continued in another post #yappertron3000 šŸ¤“ (click here to read part two)
kisses, Tiffany
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peachkkuma Ā· 17 days
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 11ļø“MAY 31, 2024
hey yall, hereā€™s a diary entry I forgot to postšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s a bit unorganized and I switch povs at some parts?? Like I go from writing in my little tumblr diary and using I, me, my and then I somehow forgot all that and started yelling at my future self šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ enjoy and just, reader beware, I didnā€™t reread this so if this is completely incomprehensible my bad šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
dear loass diaryā€¦
okay first, from now on, Iā€™m only going to use the term ā€œreal worldā€ in reference to imagination. I feel like for me, that term is too synonymous with the 3D, and thatā€™s just stupid because the 3D isnā€™t even the real world. I mean, ig itā€™s because so many ppl talk about growing up and going into the ā€œreal worldā€ or how ppl talk about how the ā€œreal worldā€ is a cruel place and all that so ig thatā€™s where the association comes from but no more!!
i have a horrible habit of doing this, when things start to get a bit tough and Iā€™m in a stressful situation, at first I think ā€œitā€™s okay I have xyz already solved and taken care of in imagination!!ā€ but naturally, tough times bring out the most desperate parts of ourselves and that desperation leads me to brush off my imagination and think ā€œokay but thatā€™s not actually my real life.ā€ which, I donā€™t even think I have to explain how bad that is. hard times help us see our true emotions and feelings so that just shows that I only identify with imagination when things are easy. itā€™s like I think that imagination can fail me, that itā€™s possible that trusting it was the wrong choice. because thatā€™s what this is really all about, I canā€™t identify with it because Iā€™m scared to trust it. part of me fears that if I turn my back on the 3D, imagination may not reward me and my life will be an even bigger mess because I neglected it for the 4D. but that canā€™t happen unless I let it. manifestation doesnā€™t require a back up plan, itā€™s the solution. the law of assumption is a literal law, no one and nothing is an exception. that makes failure impossible (which ig means fearing failure is kinda silly now that I think about it). and even if Iā€™m not entirely certain or still a bit scared, today Iā€™ve realized that I finally want to put a stop to not identifying with imagination. I really wanna give my all to imagination. Iā€™m so sick of identifying with the 3D and Iā€™m finally ready to acknowledge how truly stupid that is. I wanna be faced with adversity and still know and love the fact that everything is done in imagination. I want to actually view myself as my desired self. I want to view every aspect of my life as the way it is in imagination. whenever I think of anything, I want the version of it in imagination to be the first thing Iā€™m reminded of. itā€™s okay to identify with imagination, itā€™s okay to accept that itā€™s the real world, itā€™s okay if the 3D is an absolute disaster and you still trust imagination. putting so much faith in imagination is going to be scary because look at the world we were raised in, the law of assumption goes against all of it. itā€™s only natural to be uncertain at first but taking the leap of faith requires bravery, be brave by trusting and identifying imagination.
kisses, Tiffany
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peachkkuma Ā· 28 days
ą©­ą­§ note to self: doubts are NOT a reason to give up on your manifestations
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
į°Ö“ ĶŸŪ« ĶŸ ā˜ļø Ö“āœ§ šŒš€ššˆš…š„š’š“šˆšš† šŒš˜ šƒš‘š„š€šŒ š‹šˆš…š„
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hello, Iā€™m Tiffany and this is my manifestation diary! If you havenā€™t read my previous diary entries yet, recently Iā€™ve come to the realization that Iā€™ve overcome all of my obstacles and there truly is nothing in my way except for me. So I made the decision yesterday to put my foot down and take the leap of faith, in other words, stop putting off manifesting my dream life because of fear. now this account will hold not just my diary entries but also the documentation of my journey to finally and seriously manifest my dream life.
ā•°ā”„ā”„ā”„ā”„ā”„ā”„ā”„ā”„ ā™” ā™” ā™” 05.21.2024
letā€™s begin!
慤慤慤šˆ. āŠ° Ū« šŸ»ā€ā„ļø ā—Œ Ö“ ą©­ Ė‘ DEFINING THE OBJECTIVE
I want to make the end goal a bit more clear, the term dream life is both pretty straightforward and a bit vague. what would I like my dream life to include? how would my dream life make me feel? and ofc, Iā€™m not just manifesting my dream life, Iā€™m manifesting my dream self. what would my self concept be? how would I like to be?
tiffanyā€™s dream life check list - what it means to live my dream life
attend my dream school
be 100% perfectly healthy (physically, mentally, emotionally, in every way basically)
have good eating habits and a good relationship with food
have perfect straight A pluses (revision to previous grades as well)
have the perfect friend group for me
healthy, super soft, hydrated, moisturized, smooth clear skin (and elimination of acne genes) (body + face)
perfect tangle free hair at all times, pretty, voluminous, bombshell hair
a healthy, perfect, loving relationship with everyone in my family
own a super cute and fluffy golden retriever puppy
high paying jobs for my parents <3
have a rolls royce with a pink exterior
grow taller
have every single clothing item Iā€™ve saved on Pinterest
have my YouTube channel blow up
complete head to toe desired appearance
desired lifestyle
perfect eyesight
be super good at makeup and have all desired products
have a gorgeous bedroom
have a very active and lively social life
have the perfect, most ideal school, social, and home life
completely healed phone addiction
have a lot of desired hobbies that Iā€™m very good at
have a fun and eventful life, always have fun plans and something going on
be on the right track career-wise
elimination of social anxiety and shyness
high self esteem and confidence
be more in touch with my culture
be a complete master at manifestation
huh, this is shorter and less serious than I thought itā€™d be, ig this was also a way of getting out of my own head. I thought manifesting my dream life would be a bit challenging for some reason, but ig a dream life rlly isnā€™t as complex as I thought it was. I mean now I feel silly, itā€™s just a dream life! nothing more than a lifestyle and a few personal fixes. I feel like I just got humbled.
šˆšˆ. Źš āŠ¹ Ö“ā²ļø š‘ÆĶŸ ɞ THE OUTLINE
alright, I know what I want and I know how manifestation works. but just to make sure I donā€™t over complicate anything or things dont get confusing, Iā€™ll create a sort of plan or outline. Little steps I can fall back on if I get a bit lost.
step number one we have covered, have a desire
step number two, put your foot down and make the firm decision that you have it. this decision is for good, nothing u do can take this decision away so donā€™t u dare worry about ā€œruining progressā€ or ā€œmessing upā€ā€” uā€™re better than that.
step number three, once youā€™ve decided itā€™s done, itā€™s done. the only and I mean it when I say only thing for you to do is to act like it. imagine you, the creator of your reality, making the decision that you have something only to then be like ā€œis it coming?ā€ ā€œdo I have it?ā€ BE FR!! act like you have it, think like you have it, and see the world as if you have itā€” because you do. you decided you did, didnā€™t u? Itā€™s ur reality, what u say, goes. and no, youā€™re not acting like u have it to get something out of the 3D, youā€™re doing it for your sanity. Because you deserve a break, you deserve relief, you deserve to be the you that has it all!! let yourself be in the sowf because why shouldnā€™t u be certain you have it? donā€™t entertain anything that says u donā€™t. getting in the sowf is easy, u deciding u have it is all the confirmation u need. thereā€™s no reason for u to not be certain u have it.
sowf = knowing that u have it
step number four, optional not necessary but itā€™s really gonna help and is fun. immerse yourself in the new story. experience it!! have fun!! u finally got what u want, u finally r who u want to be, so choose to live that life!! try methods for the sake of fulfilling urself (never to make anything appear in the 3D, u know better, 3D desperation doesnā€™t get anybody anywhere.) try out methods to have fun and be more familiar with having what u want.
thatā€™s it girl, thatā€™s all u gotta do, thatā€™s all u ever had to do. decide it, experience it, assume it. u donā€™t always have to feel ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œhappyā€ u just have to know u have what u want, u just have to assume. the goal is to truly know that u have it, to be faced with the 3D and still know it in ur bones u have what u want. u deserve to trust urself like that, u deserve to be fulfilled like that, and u deserve those things from YOU not from the 3D. U deserve to feel secure in urself, donā€™t let ur security come from the 3D. loa bloggers mean it when they say the materialization is simply the cherry on top and I get that now. For me, itā€™s about being able to depend and trust urself, to rely on urself, and in that way everything else comes off the pedestal.
āœ‰ļø : ahhh I forgot to finish up this post yesterday but here it is!! Iā€™m so excited!! part two to come soon ā™”
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 10ļø“MAY 22, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
just came to the realizationā€¦ actually I donā€™t think thatā€™s the right word because I think I knew this before, it only just sunk in now. Anyways, there is absolutely no reason for me to want or desire something anymore. Itā€™s literally all within me, if I want something I can give it to myself like that (apple pls make a snapping fingers emoji). and one big problem I have is I get stuck in a cycle. Iā€™ll be demotivated or feel sad about my circumstances and not having what I want ā€”> which leads me to writing about it here ā€”> which leads to me feeling better and realizing how silly I sound ā€”> which leads to me saying Iā€™m gonna fr cut the crap and start manifest nowā€”> and then it repeats. But girllllllll why do I do this to myself, thereā€™s no reason to want!! thereā€™s no reason to desire!! why do I pretend like there is!!! I need to grab myself by the shoulders and give myself a good shake. Because like u already have it like frā€¦ so why r u acting like u donā€™t????? Thereā€™s nothing to tap into, itā€™s already u!!
kisses, Tiffany
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 09ļø“MAY 20, 2024
dear loass diary..
Iā€™m not sure why, but I have a belief that goes against my better judgment. I know that there is no way to fail at the law, ā€œfailureā€ is just persisting in the assumption you donā€™t want. There is no way to truly fail because weā€™re always manifesting, always persisting in an assumption, the only way to not get what u want is to choose it. And I firmly believe in that, it makes a lot of sense to me. So WHY is it that literallt the second I have the intention to manifest something, i fear failure. Why does a small part of me believe Iā€™m not going to get what I want? I think that maybe Iā€™m not doubting that Iā€™ll be get what I wantā€” i mean, Iā€™ve never really had a big successful manifestation before so maybe Iā€™ve put success on a pedestal but that can easily be fixedā€¦i hope ā€”i think Iā€™m doubting myself. Not in a way where I think my manifestation abilities are inferior, but because of past and fairly recent experiences. Iā€™m double minded, i never stick to my assumptions, Iā€™ve never fully embodied a state, and okay as Iā€™m writing this all I canā€™t help but think ā€œwhat am I doingā€ because this is all so simple like why am I freaking out. Sure Iā€™ve never been able to successfully stay loyal to an assumption but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s hard. I always hesitate to manifest because Iā€™m so tired of how much i lack discipline but is that what I wanna let stop me? Itā€™s not like itā€™s permanent, itā€™s fixable. Just because I donā€™t believe in my ability to put my foot down and take the leap of faith doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t. Excuse the corniness but my past doesnā€™t define me, change is allowed to happen if I let it. So I should expect more from myself. I should expect better from myself. Yā€™all having a manifestation diary is great I just did a total 180 by simply typing my thoughts out I love it here.
anyways, just like my assumptions I also chose my conception of self. I hadnā€™t even realized I was persisting in the assumption that I couldnā€™t do it. Idk why I saw that as such a fact. Anyways, here it is in writing, Iā€™m putting my foot down. Im actually going to do my best to manifest my dream life and manifest correctly. Putting my foot down is a decision and only I can defer that decision, only I can get rid of that choice. Iā€™m the only one that gets to chose failure or success. So what reason do I have to not take the leap of faith?
Iā€™m going to actually do it
kisses, Tiffany
(Just watch yall, soon my diary entries will be full of stories from me living my dream life)
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
rip old theme ā€¼ļøšŸ™ 03/08/24-05/18/24
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 08 ļø“MAY 18, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
Iā€™d say Iā€™m pretty close to the end of my manifestation journey knowledge wise, Id say thereā€™s very little I havenā€™t learned. The only thing there is is for me to then guide myself and not rely on the knowledge of others, which Iā€™ve been pretty good at lately. Which means thereā€™s literally no excuse, I know how the law works and Iā€™m confident that I know how the law works. So why am I not manifesting what I want? I feel like thereā€™s this resistance. Iā€™ve figured things out and set things straight, thereā€™s no confusions anymore. So why canā€™t I actually apply my knowledge? Especially when I was most excited to have my desires around this time of year? Iā€™ve been wondering that these past couple of days after I caught on to my resistance to even begin the manifestation ā€œprocessā€ and I think that right there is a reason all on its own. I see manifestation as a processes for some reason even though I understand that itā€™s not. Weā€™re not manifesting or creating anything new, weā€™re just becoming different versions of ourselves. Itā€™s not a process since we embody those versions instantly. So why do I see it as something tiresome, why do I see it as pretending, as unnatural? Its like part of me thinks happiness is beyond me (or behind me, is more accurate) so to embody a version of me that is incredibly happy would be nothing but pretending. I think Iā€™m too used to being this down in the dumps kinda person, to the point where itā€™s holding me back from being something more, something I want to be. It feels weird to be like ā€œhaha everything is perfectā€ and then not have feelings, real and genuine feelings, to match that. But I rlly donā€™t know how to embody it, I can explain it on paper but enacting it is something different. Maybe Iā€™m just not used to it? Maybe Iā€™m coming at it from a way that stems from desperation and force? I mean to be fair, whenever I felt like I wanted to become my desired self it was always when I was desperate to know if things were going to be okay so Iā€™d force it. Another idea that crossed my mind was maybe itā€™s burn out? I mean Iā€™d been actively consuming the law for almost 3 years and as my knowledge has grown, Iā€™ve been learning everything and anything 24/7 for the past 9 months. My knowledge has grown and become stronger, stronger than its ever been but maybe now Iā€™m just so tired. Iā€™m tired of constantly feeling like I donā€™t have something and I need to get something, and those feelings have been tied to manifestation. Literally the other day I was like ā€œugh I know I need it and that I wanted it but like I kinda want nothing to do with it rnā€ in regards to my dream life Iā€™ve been manifesting. My life has been constantly revolving around manifestation, what I lacked, and what I wanted and now that I know Iā€™m near the end, that I can basically taste the finish line, Iā€™ve burnt out. I donā€™t want anything anymore. I just want to feel like things are okay, in imagination, in the 3D. I donā€™t want a ā€œmental dietā€ or to visualize anymore, I donā€™t want to keep reminding myself to see things from the eyes of my desired self. Maybe the thing I actually need to learn is how to let those things come naturally, how to not feel stressed out or desperate when manifesting. And I suppose I could jist decide that itā€™s easy, that Iā€™ve already become the desire version of myself. I just feel like Itā€™s all a chore rn. Even tho manifestation is supposed to be enjoyable. Someone make a wikihow for how to recover from manifestation burn out.
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 07 ļø“MAY 15, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
I just fully realized that Iā€™ve been doing this like five minutes ago, so I had to write it here to get my thoughts out, make sure I donā€™t forget my realization, and hopefully have an epiphany.
So, context first. Iā€™m sick rn and I remembered a specific part of one of Nevilleā€™s lectures where he said something along the lines of how a sick man wanted to be healthy so all he did was focus on being healthy. (semi-unrelated note to future self: Notice how I put ā€œALL HE DIDā€ as in, that was the only thing he did? Thatā€™s because thatā€™s the only thing he needs to do!! itā€™s all about having genuine awareness of obtaining your desires, stop over complicating it and trying to make excuses when u know damn well thatā€™s all there is to the law). After remembering that I was like, ā€œyo why donā€™t I try thatā€ because why would I want to be sick?? So anyways I was like trying (emphasis on the trying) to imagine myself as my healthiest self and only be aware of being healthy. After two minutes of that, I decided to call it quits and thought to myself ā€œhope it works.ā€ GIRL WHATTT?? Thatā€™s my problem right there, Iā€™m pretending even in my own imagination. I think I have myself fooled, that Iā€™ve deceived myself into thinking that I believe I have what I want in imagination when I DONT. Right after my so called imagining I literally had the thoughts of a person who was sick, was aware and focused on my illness, and just overall identified as someone who caught a cold. and then, thatā€™s when the common sense hit me and I was like ā€œwait, who do I think Iā€™m fooling?ā€ Itā€™s like I thought just because these circumstances exist in the 3D doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t also be in my imagination. It fr is like i see the 3D and 4D as something separate when thatā€™s not at all the case. Because those thoughts of me being sick? That was a state, the was who I was in imagination. Who I am in imagination. Life truly is imagination. And I rlly feel that now. So, future me, let me try to help u out by telling u how to actually get into ur desired state and maintain it:
1. Decide u have it
ā€œI have xyzā€ BOOM ur done, itā€™s done, because creation is finished. There is nothing to create in the 3D or the 4D, it already exists exactly the way u want it to, waiting for you. So act like it.
2. State ā‰  instant gratification
Iā€™m gonna hold ur hand while I say this, states arenā€™t here to be a relief or a distraction. Theyā€™re not meant to temporarily ease any anxiety u have. So stop treating the sowf as a temporary escape from the 3D, itā€™s real. and if u keep up this bad habit, if u start seeing the sowf as just a way to shut up ur worries without actually knowing itā€™ll come to pass, then youā€™re on a dangerous road that leads to believing the 3D is the real reality. And yk that itā€™s not.
3. Actually maintaining a state
U r meant to see the world from the perspective of ur desired self, the u that has it all. Why do u think itā€™s called the law of assumption girly? U gotta assume u already got it. My thing is, I have too much going on in my real life and I think ā€œI donā€™t have time to be in the sowf I have too much on my mind.ā€ Thatā€™s a problem because one, ur allowed to be a part of the 3D. U donā€™t have to pretend it doesnā€™t exist. And two, Iā€™m identifying with the 3D and itā€™s circumstances. News flash, the 3D doesnā€™t just disappear the moment u say an affirmation or visualize a scene, u still have responsibilities. The trick is knowing thatā€™s not u. U donā€™t have to be thinking like ur desired self 100% of the time so donā€™t expect urself too. Deal with ur stuff, but know who u actually are, who YOU chose to be. To maintain ur state, do whatever helps u feel like ur the u want to be. Revise ur day before bed, think the thoughts ur desired self would think, but donā€™t force anything. Forcing urself just means u feel like u donā€™t have what u want, and so ur desperate to get it, if u feel like u donā€™t have it, donā€™t force a method. Instead remind urself that itā€™s already done, itā€™s been done.u already decided that u had it, nothing can erase that decision except for u.
4. Getting used to it
Everytime I think of ur desired self remember that THAT IS U!! Not someone u could be or will be soon, BUT YOU RN. If u donā€™t feel that way, itā€™s because u identify with the 3D and ur past assumptions of urself, and we already discussed how thatā€™s a huuuuuuggggeeeee no. Donā€™t force urself into getting used to it because, again, force means wanting to get something out of the 3D. But thatā€™s not the real reality, so why want something from there when u can have what u want rn? Remember that ur imagination, ur awareness, ur consciousness, whatever u wanna call it wonā€™t lie to u. Itā€™s the most accurate reflection of both u and ur life. What u experience in there is ur real reality, whether that be the one u want or not. So girl, get used to being who u want to be. Itā€™ll feel so weird at first, uncomfortable rlly. Cuz ik myself, the only way Iā€™ll get in the state is if I keep myself in check. (going on a mental diet is okay if ur not doing it for the 3D, future self.)Iā€™ll probably just be asking myself 24/7 ā€œwould my desired self think/react/feel like that?ā€ And honestly, thatā€™ll probably be the only way Iā€™ll learn. Once u start correcting urself, for the sake of wanting to be ur desired self, itā€™ll come naturally. Both the habit of being in the state and ur manifestations
The law wasnā€™t mean to be tricky, how could it be when itā€™s literally called the law of assumption? There rlly isnā€™t much to it except assuming u have what u want by helping urself believe u have what u want, so stop trying to think thereā€™s more to itā€” that itā€™s not that simple or easy. Ur wasting ur time with everything else, the overthinking, the wondering about the when and how, the over complicating, and the wondering if u did it right. Just be.
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 1 month
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 06 ļø“MAY 11, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
itā€™s very late at night and I should probably go sleep but I have to get stuff off my sleep deprived mind first. (reader beware, I have no idea what my fingers are about to type but thereā€™s a high chance itā€™ll be a mess because of how tired I am)
so, as a human being, ofc I have my moments. One of those moments being a ā€œugh, why is it so hard to identify with being in the sowf?ā€. Which, first, I think itā€™s important to normalize (eeeeuuuughhh I hate that word) having those small moments. Thereā€™s a difference between having limiting beliefs and little doubts here and there. Youā€™re human, itā€™s bound to happen. Just know that nothing has been messed up or stopped. Back to my original point, I was thinking ā€œwhy canā€™t I identify as the version of myself who has xyz?ā€ Until randomly and unexpectedly I had a thought that said ā€œwhy is it so easy for you to identify with not having it?ā€ And Iā€™m not gonna lie, I was gagged like I ate with that response. That had never come across my mind before, certainly not when I was in the middle of a ā€œaaauuuughhh why is this so hardddddā€ kinda moment. Anyways, letā€™s answer that question. Obviously thatā€™s because of the 3D. Since I am always acknowledging or interacting with it, Iā€™m gonna find it easy to identify with it. But just because somethingā€™s easy doesnā€™t mean itā€™s what Iā€™m supposed to do. I have to remind myself that this, my circumstances, my situation, my 3D, my senses, whateverā€” it has the same value as imagination. Now, despite me knowing imagination is where ir all happens and is the one true reality and is superior to the 3D in every way, I may or may not but most definitely am subconsciously holding onto the embarrassing habit of seeing the 4D as less than or not as real as the 3D. Anyways, I wasnā€™t stuck in the 3D, no not at all. U can never be stuck in a state or reality since u have all the ability to change it. I was choosing the 3D, choosing my circumstances, choosing my physical and limited senses. Because thatā€™s all I can do, every thought, assumption, belief you have all stems from a choice u made. I chose to accept my 3D and so those thoughts came. And so the assumption that I was stuck came. So ofc, if I can choose the 3D then I obviously can choose imagination, can choose my desires. But then came another thought ā€œerm, choosing my desires is hardā€ GIRL NO ITS NOT!! I mean it when I say itā€™s not!! u think itā€™s hard because ur still prioritizing what u can see with ur physical senses.Just imagine, see what u want as if u had it in ur minds eye and remind urself that it is real. Entertain the thoughts ur ideal self would entertain because u are her. U already are everhthing, just choose it.
alright, good night yā€™all Iā€™m gonna go to sleep and hope that any of this was comprehendible.
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 2 months
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 05 ļø“APRIL 30, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
though April has treated me well, reflecting on the month led to an accidental reflection on my loass journey. as I was reflecting on this month, I was a little down because ā€œit didnā€™t reflect in the 3Dā€. I know, seeking confirmation in the 3D is stupid but ofc I felt a little deflated. Anyways, thatā€™s not what made me open up tumblr and start typing an entry. I remembered that thoughts are reflections of ur state and my thoughts were all anxious and worried and intimidated in regards to my desire. Stuff like ā€œomg aprils already over and it still hasnā€™t manifested.ā€ thatā€™s a clear indicator that Iā€™m not šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļøšŸš« in the sowf like I thought I was. I think often times I take me intending on being in the sowf as me actually being in the sowf. But thereā€™s a difference, itā€™s either ur in the sowf or ur not. And after that realization, at first I was like ā€œthis sucks, why canā€™t I just be in the sowf? Why is it so hard for me?ā€ I donā€™t blame myself for thinking that, it felt like I was more out of the sowf then I was in it. But then I started to actually ask myself, why canā€™t I be in the sowf? Whatā€™s stopping me? Nothing but me. Whenever I think ā€œugh other ppl become fulfilled so easily why is it so hard for me?!!ā€ I never expand on it. I never actually think about it, and if I had, I wouldā€™ve realized itā€™s not hard. I just wasnā€™t letting myself, it was more familiar and comfortable to just be hung up on the fact that I canā€™t get into the sowf ā€œcorrectlyā€, which just comes from how I think that I canā€™t manifest deep deep down. anywaysss, another thing is that Iā€™m so obsessed with being in the sowf but not for a good reason. Though I donā€™t like to admit it because it goes against the law and my understanding of it, I am unfortunately and seemingly unconsciously obsessed with getting what I want in the 3D. Is it because Iā€™ve been in the loa community for so long? Is it desperation? Or is it because the inner man is starving? Who knows, all I know is that I need to change my intentions. Even when I tell myself the 3D doesnā€™t matter, I do it to detach for the sole purpose of making my manifestation coming faster in the 3D. I just know all the loa bloggers would be sick of me bro, I would be too ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø cuz this is just stupid. The innate desire to experience things in the 3D has yet to be replaced by the satisfaction and relief of imagination. I think itā€™s cuz I just donā€™t imagine as much as I think I should. I want to start imagining more, so the inner man wonā€™t starve and I can actually identify with having what I want. And not just to get things, but so I donā€™t have to feel bad about the 3D. This time I want to detach myself from the 3D not to make things come faster but so I can actually thrive in imagination. I think Iā€™m tricking myself. I think that part of me is fooled into thinking that when I imagine Iā€™m secretly doing it for the 3d. But the part of me with a better understanding of the law, a smaller but growing part, knows that Iā€™m imagining so I can actually experience what I want to experience. Idk, I canā€™t shake the feeling like Iā€™m lying to myself. Like when I say Iā€™m doing it for fulfillment Iā€™m actually doing it for the 3D, I donā€™t mean it like that but for some reason I think it. But I need to realize that it is possible for me to do things without the purpose being the 3D. I also realize that no matter how much I cry beg scream plead or whatever the 3D isnā€™t changing because Iā€™m not the one physically changing it. The only, ONLY, way is for me to change self. So why canā€™t I do that without worrying about the 3d????? I hate that Iā€™m not having a full circle moment rn.
Iā€™m asking myself why do I get so upset when the 3D doesnā€™t change, and the answer is because Iā€™m changing self with the intention of changing the 3D. And in that way, Iā€™m not changing self at all. So howwwww do I stop obsessing over the 3D? I think this is just coming from me ā€œfailingā€ at manifesting and never seeing an actual desire manifest into the 3D, so I feel kinda helpless. But if I want to experience it, I donā€™t need the 3D for that. And that is what imagination is for, giving yourself what the 3D canā€™t. And if u persist in that imaginal identity, if u keep saying ā€œthat is meā€ in regards to it, the 3D changes because youā€™ve changed. Because why should u let go of the identity u love? Why not persist in it?
Yooooooo everything just clicked for me letā€™s goooooo bro
okay I lowkey sound like Iā€™m tweaking here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this is more of a rant, thatā€™s why itā€™s unorganized and has a ton of spelling errors but at least I was able to apply my knowledge and soothe my worries šŸ˜œ
long story short, safe to say Iā€™m no longer questioning the role of the 3D and imagination
kisses, peachkkuma
(just looked back at this and GOOD GRIEF this is long I gotta take it to a publisher or something god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ chatterbox ahh tumblr post)
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peachkkuma Ā· 2 months
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 04 ļø“APRIL 26, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
Iā€™ve definitely fallen victim to instant gratification in regards to manifestation. In fact (ā˜ļøšŸ¤“) I think itā€™s why I struggled with the law for so long. I had a desire and I used methods to satisfy myself in the moment, just to get my doubts to shut up. when the gratification wore off, I went back to doubting because I thought my progress ā€œwore offā€. I thought that gratification was what I was supposed to feel all the time, and if I didnā€™t feel it, it meant I wasnā€™t in the sowf. But thatā€™s obviously not true. Sowf means knowing itā€™s yours, the only satisfaction involved is knowing itā€™s yours. itā€™s not meant to be an emotional thing. I donā€™t have to feel ā€œhappyā€ or ā€œrelievedā€ all the time, I donā€™t have to feel that way to know I have it, to be in the sowf. Methods should be used when u want to feel good, not to shut up doubts. Not because you feel like u have to get something. Manifestation shouldnā€™t make u feel restless, ur supposed relax knowing that thereā€™s nothing left to do because creation has been finished. I think I just need to remind myself that I know how the law works, all that is needed is me to have loyalty to the fact that I have what I want. I donā€™t need to constantly do methods, thatā€™s never what this was about, thatā€™s not how youā€™ll fulfill yourself. Fulfillment isnā€™t this big euphoric thing either. Donā€™t confuse fulfillment and the sowf with instant gratification.
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 2 months
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 03 ļø“APRIL 21, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
I havenā€™t made an entry in three weeks because right after my last one, I decided to delete tumblr and rlly focus. and I got into the sowf and rlly felt the effects of no longer over consuming. Iā€™ve decided to end my streak tho, due to the fact Iā€™m only in the sowf 10% of the time. oh well, progress is progress.
my main loa struggle today has been other peoples assumptions, other peoples realities that are being and have been pushed onto me. because when someoneā€™s worried about you, and youā€™re trying to manifest your problem to be solved, you canā€™t do much to reassure them everythingā€™s fine. and then you worry about them. what a horrible cycle. itā€™s crazy how that works, how someone elseā€™s reality becomes yours for a bit, and thereā€™s a small moment where you actually believe their reality is yours. but itā€™s not, so I came back here to ground myself. Ideally, I wouldā€™ve liked to do that without the help of tumblr, but writing it out feels good and Iā€™d like to catch up on some posts.
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 3 months
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 02 ļø“APRIL 2, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
My main struggle 1000% is the sowf. I feel like once Iā€™m in the state, Iā€™ll feel relief like Iā€™ve never felt before. Iā€™m expecting something euphoric. But I know that is not the case, I always have. The sowf is about knowing. I just feel let down when a positive impact isnā€™t made on my emotions, even tho itā€™s not about emotions. I think what Iā€™m looking for is ā€œloveā€. To fall in love with a state, to feel relief and joy. But, I havenā€™t found a way to give that to myself yet. It feels like I donā€™t even know where to begin. Iā€™d love to give myself an experience, a state, that I both believe in and makes me feel good. But I truly donā€™t know how Iā€™d do that? What would I imagine? Maybe I need to actually sit with that question for a bit instead of just throwing it out thereā€¦
I also feel like when Iā€™m confident, when I experience the knowing, itā€™s barely ever about knowing I have it. Itā€™s often times knowing itā€™s going to come or will come. Never really present. My state, the state I identify with whether I want to or not, the one that Iā€™ve nailed myself to, is one of uncertainty and a sort of emptiness. Im always certain that I havenā€™t done enough, even tho I know the law doesnā€™t work like that. Itā€™s not about constant repetition or effort. So why do I feel that way? Itā€™s not like I constantly want to affirm or visualize or work for my desires through any way or form but at the same time, doing these methods kind of fulfill me. But not in the way they should. Instead, they make me feel like Iā€™ve done something to make it come. Not make me feel like I have it now and am one with it.
So, the main question: why do I feel like I canā€™t I identify with the sowf? I think I feel like itā€™s just not possible because i feel the same emotionally. But I am capable of identifying with a state. I am rn. And i need to stop forgetting that. Because at the end of the day this isnā€™t anything but a state. Itā€™s not reality, itā€™s not the 3D, itā€™s a state. Iā€™m glad I got that in my head but I seem to forget it when itā€™s important.
Im getting to tired to write but Iā€™m definitely going to reflect on my state and my desires state after this. Lord free me from my problems with statesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
kisses, peachkkuma
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peachkkuma Ā· 3 months
šŸ““. DIARY ENTRY 01 ļø“MARCH 27, 2024
dear loass diaryā€¦
I think one of my biggest problems when it comes to manifesting is that I think itā€™s all above me. Iā€™ve been in this community for so longā€” despite manifestation actually clicking for me 8 months ago ā€”and so Iā€™ve put it all on a pedestal. now it just seems like Iā€™ll never be able to even feel like Iā€™ll have my desires, let alone have them. I see people talking about how they feel satisfied imagining or how they get into the sowf and I just have never been able to do that. But at the same time, Iā€™ve never actually stuck around long enough, never persisted for long enough, to actually feel good when manifesting. Itā€™s like I use manifesting as instant gratification. Iā€™ll satisfy myself for a while and then go back to my unwanted state. the worst part is, I see the sowf as something temporary. Itā€™s almost like I subconsciously intend on not staying persistent in my desired state.
to switch gears for a second, thereā€™s something else on my mind. I wonder why I feel like I havenā€™t manifested. Like I havenā€™t made any progress. I know, really know, that the 3D isnā€™t confirmation. So why am I treating it like it is? is it out of habit? I feel like Iā€™ve over consumed so much loa content that I donā€™t even know anything anymore. everytime something makes sense my brain goes ā€œwell that loablogger actually said so and so about thatā˜ļøšŸ¤“ā€ anyways back to my main point, who said I didnā€™t have what I wanted? that I wasnā€™t in the end? That the manifestation isnā€™t complete? no one, so why is every thought in my head ā€œI havenā€™t manifested yetā€ ā€œIā€™ve been slacking with manifestationā€. and donā€™t even get me started on how I treat manifestation like itā€™s a verb, like itā€™s simply just conscious repetition.
creation is finished point blank period. as soon as I desired my desire way back when, it was already made. the state where I live everyday like I want to already exists. Thereā€™s nothing I have to create. The state where every little desire I have coexists with each other and is in my posession already exists!!! all I have to do is be conscious of it! embody it! so why is that so hard? Me not having my desire is also a state, Iā€™m not even experience the 3D Iā€™m just experiencing my state. and that state, my current one, the one where I donā€™t have what I want, the one I identify withā€” is just a state. And I feel that to be real, despite it being unfavorable I unintentionally fulfilled it. This is what I am conscious of and is what I am assuming, thatā€™s all. Itā€™s just a state. Favorable states are no different.
feels like I kinda had a full circle moment here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
kisses, peachkkuma
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