#am i the asshole
aita-polls · 1 day
AITA for not wanting my girlfriend to hang out with her boss?
My gf F28, lesbian (this is relevant) started a new job a few months ago. She hit it off with a college, F43, who has since been promoted and is now her boss. A while back they went for a drink after work and boss spontaneously invited her to have dinner at her place, with her husband and kids. Since then, boss has taken initiative to hang out a lot. Running together, going out for drinks or lunch on weekends. This is all fine, except that the husband has shown up "spontaneously" to several of these. They always say it's a spur of the moment thing cause he suddenly had a free schedule and just wanted to join.
Now boss has invited gf for dinner again, on a Friday night. No mention if husband will be there. Boss doesn't hang out with other colleagues. She knows that my gf is a lesbian, and in a relationship. I'm suspicious that boss and husband are looking for something else than just friendship and I don't want her to go there alone. Aita?
(I feel like, if they wanted new friends as a couple, they could have invited me too?)
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if you're trying to get into the head of your story's antagonist, try writing an "Am I the Asshole" reddit post from their perspective, explaining their problems and their plans for solving them. Let the voice and logic come through.
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Okay. Am I the asshole if I call out my roommate's self-centered behavior? I live in a communal space, where everybody except C shares freely. C got a good job through connections and is able to spend freely on themselves, spending little on household items, groceries, etc. They say they're broke every month, but I've seen their takeout containers and amazon boxes, so maybe it's a spending problem. Worst of all, when we are low on food, C just disappears for a few hours and comes back instead of cooking with everyone.
I've told C that they're being selfish and they should start considering other people, but it goes in one ear and out the other. I offered to help budget but they don't listen! They barely spend more than $400 of their $2000 a month on groceries for the house; the rest goes to their lavish lifestyle while the rest of us suffer. I just want them to pay their fair share. AITA for asking them to be fair??
Including some more specific INFO from version 1 of this post (which wasn't postable due to being about emotions rather than actions):
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transfaguette · 10 months
aita is so funny the way people will be like “throwaway/anon cuz other person uses this website” and then just go on to describe hyper specific scenarios that would be unmistakable to the people involved.
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batboyblog · 2 years
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The Goyim are fucking wild, the way I would have dumped that casserole over that woman's head, also divorce that wife.
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justsome-di · 1 year
what is going on in r/amitheasshole is this man okay
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for starting a successful business?
I found a great resource that I could use to make clothing products that everyone needs, so I did what comes naturally and started chopping down the trees and made lots of money. But this little orange guy doesn’t like me chopping down trees and becoming successful. He keeps trying to find ways to stop me because he “speaks for the trees” but that’s whackery because trees can’t consent! He’s preventing my innovation and my customers from purchasing. AITA? It’s him right. I’m just following my destiny. Capitalism wins baby! 😎 The American Dream to build factories, sell, sell, sell and expand until there’s nothing left to take from the land. I’m so rich and successful right now, ain’t no way that little orange guy should be stopping me. I mean, how bad can I possibly be?
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amithedevil · 1 year
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OP really buried the lede with this one
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incorrectbatfam · 16 days
So I (24F) just moved to Gotham and something kept knocking against my fire escape so I removed it entirely. Then last night I heard a yell and two minutes later Batman came knocking at the door asking if I could put it back because it's "obstructing justice" or whatever but I really don't wanna.
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babykinkyhotfck · 11 months
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broadwaybalogna · 5 months
[Zutara AITA post because it sounds so funny to me]
AITA for getting shot by lightning?
So I (17M) and a group of friends (13M Aang), (13F Toph), (17M Sokka), and (15F Katara) went to war against my tyrannical father in order to save the world from dictatorship. We split into three groups and Katara and I were sent to fight my somewhat tyrannical sister. She challenged me to an Agni Kai which resulted in her throwing lightning at Katara. When I noticed, without thinking, I jumped in front of it to save her. Long story short, I almost died but Katara beat my sister and healed me👍. After Aang beat my father and took away his bending for good, I guess he kind of assumed Katara would date him? Anyways, I guess I cast some sort of love spell (?) when I risked my life to save hers without thinking and she said that she liked me and not him in front of our whole friend group. So he got a little pissed and upset because she was supposed to be his “forever girl” (if someone could let me know what that means too that would be great) and then got pissed at me and said I forced her to fall for me. I was just trying to save her life. Now I feel kind of bad because I took away the romance I guess they had. I mean, I’ll admit that I like her too but I never tried to push it on her! Can someone help me understand this mess? Am I the asshole?
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creativename87 · 8 months
Am I An Asshole For Killing Myself?
I'm uh... 28M and just recently some pretty big changes in my life have happened. This webnovel I really like ended, I made some new friends, and oh, the apocalypse started. but most of that's not really important. well except for the new friends
they're great! don't get me wrong I love them so terribly much
The only problem is I just came back from a recent near death experience and by near death I mean full death. i died.
and anyway, i was pretty okay dokay when I came back to life, but everyone seemed really mad when they saw me again??? Like that's so strange tbh I know I technically DID die, but I didn't like FOR REAL die, i only died for like a little bit
and like none of them seemed to really understand my side of the story? I felt really oppressed by the whole situation, but maybe that had to do more with the drugging and being tied up part.
but don't worry! they've done this before without my consent so it's like for sure for sure completely normal, and like the last time they did it I didn't even die I just disappeared off the face of the earth for two years leaving them all to grapple with my loss and various other such pains, so really this is all an over reaction
anyway, what do you guys think? AITA?
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
AITA for celebrating my friend's wife died?
I swear its not what it sounds like!
So a year or two ago I(27M) was put into a sort of hunger games type of death game along with some other people. We have 3 or more lives and once we lose our last one we're out, however every new season we come back and have to play again.
The thing is, I'm out first every single time! It's not funny anymore, I feel cursed, and apparently I am? The eldritch angel beings that watch over us and plan the games seem to have gotten angry at me after a couple friends and I tried to rebel agaisnt them in season 0.
That was until recently, when, in the current season, my friend(30M)'s wife(31F) was eliminated before I was! Apparently she was trying to lure someone into the End with her to push them off into the void? But ended up falling in herself. A bit of an L if I'm being honest :/
Like you could imagine, I was ECSTATIC, it meant the curse was broken! So I was celebrating around, chanting "[friend's wife] is death!" over and over again, and everyone seemed to be happy for me too!
I announced I'd throw a big party next week to celebrate, and thats when I realized my friend wasn't happy at all, in fact he was quite pissed... I think I upset him even worse with my reaction. But no one else seemed to really care anyways! Still, he hasn't talked to me ever since, and I don't really know what to do... Should I go on with the party to celebrate my victory anyways? This is a big thing for me...
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AITA for lying to my dog about food being 'spicy?'
A while back I taught my dog what spicy foods are (by letting her sniff them and saying "Uh oh! Spicy!") and she figured out that it means it'll smell/taste bad and she immediately loses interest. It was initially an accident but it became really handy in getting her to leave food alone if it might hurt her.
Recently though I've started saying "Uh oh! Spicy!" about any food I don't want her to eat. If she's sitting and staring at me eating a regular non-spicy snack and I don't want to share, I'll tell her it's spicy so she'll stop begging for it. She believes me 100% of the time. She does have a 'leave it' command that she obeys as well, but she always acts so sad whenever I tell her to 'leave it' and it's something she wants.
I feel a little bad because she's an older dog (10y/o) and maybe I SHOULD be sharing my snacks with her, but sometimes a man's gotta enjoy his food in peace without a little creature gazing longingly at him the entire time and crying like the world's soggiest beast.
Included is a picture of her making her very best begging face so that everyone can accurately judge how evil I am for lying to her.
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mediocre-megs · 1 year
AITA for trying to save a child?
I (56M) have been on a sort of road trip with E (14F) for a while now. For privacy, I won’t say why she had to go to the hospital but basically it was for some testing. As we’re getting there hospital staff threw a pipe bomb at us (??? is this protocol?) and I woke up in a separate room. An acquaintance of mine, M (40s F) then tells me that the testing on E will be lethal? And gives me a sentimental knife and tells staff members to drop me off at a nearby highway. To make a long story short, I managed to get my hands on a weapon, things turned physical, and I did some things I regret. I managed to get E out safely but the whole thing has really been weighing on me. AITA?
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
Am I the Asshole for making my son hold up his end of the deal we made?
I (20M) recently found the long lost son (16M) of the person I was cloned from (long story, don't ask) and I was forced to take him into my organization's custody against his will. The kid wasn't really thrilled about being held in corporate custody, but I cut a deal with him: he would act as a guide and translator for me and my squad, and in return he would get privileges he wouldn't be given otherwise. A couple months go by and everything is just peachy. The kid's attitude improved and he cooperated as a guide, and I can't believe I'm saying it, but the kid started to grow on me.
But then everything went to hell in a handbasket when I got a lead on our target and the kid had to actually do some translating. When I started interrogating some suspects who possibly had a lead on my target, the kid freaked out on me and started yelling at me to stop. I don't really get why he was so upset. Me and my guys might've roughed up the suspects a little bit, but it's not like we killed anyone. The kid's a bit of a bleeding heart, I guess. He tried to back out on our deal and said he wasn't gonna take part in this, and I ended up having to cut the interrogation short, which cost me valuable time looking for leads. Afterwards, I reminded him about our deal and I made him keep working as my translator for the rest of the interrogation process. He wasn't happy about it, but he'd made a deal with me, plus I REALLY needed a translator.
Fast forward a couple days, we find our target and it doesn't go according to plan. I nearly died in a nasty shipwreck trying to do my job, but luckily my kid saved my ass from drowning. I was weak and lost in the middle of enemy territory, so I got ready to high tail it outta there. I asked my son to come with me, but he just hissed at me and ran away. I haven't seen him since. My boy doesn't exactly have a way with words, but I guess his little hiss was his way of calling me an asshole, which I don't really think is fair, since I did so much for him. I know he wasn't happy with the interrogations, but I saved his ungrateful tail from getting tortured and from getting stabbed to death by my target's crazy wife. Besides, he agreed to be my translator to get out of my CO's custody, I was just making him hold up his end of the bargain.
I know if I just had a second chance with my son, I could get him to come around again. How can I get my son back? I'm not really an asshole, am I?
NTA= not the asshole
YTA= you're the asshole
NAH= no assholes here
ESH= everyone sucks here
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