#lateral oppression
nonbinarymlm · 4 months
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Hey. Don’t tag my posts with this stuff. Trans women are not behind negative media depictions of trans men.
Trans people are an incredibly small, oppressed minority. Our oppression is not caused by other trans people. Get your head on right and don’t play oppression Olympics or demonize other trans people.
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this is a cripple punk post; ableds must tag reblogs with #i’m able bodied
stop calling ND people’s ableism against physdis folks “lateral ableism.” it’s not lateral.
the vast majority of physdis folks are ND. while ND people can absolutely be disabled, ND disability works and is experienced differently, and isn’t just “physdis but mental”
ND people’s ableism against crips isn’t “lateral.” it’s ableism with an excuse.
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pokemon-radical-red · 2 months
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I got this comment on a post that I made about being a trans man and noticing how we’re perceived by others. This person is blocked now because I don’t want some transphobe on my blog, but I want to talk a little bit about this.
I like how this person’s trying to convince me that I’m wrong while saying that the only people who would be attracted to us are lesbians who are into butch women. But they can’t use those exact words or else we’ll all KNOW that they’re misgendering us. It’s interesting. Let’s play a game! TERF or transandrophobe. (I’m not scrolling through their blog long enough to find out.)
Okay. Let’s pretend that we live in their world, where trans men are not also a porn category (as someone pointed out in a response comment), and get to the deep cuts!
Now maybe this person defines oversexualization in a different way, and frequently commenting on our bodies—especially our chests—is totally cool and normal to them, because I literally have a post talking about the Tik Tok trend of “oh trans man wants me to respect his pronouns but he has HUGE BOOBS!!! haha this is so funny, guys!” You may notice that in this example here, she claims to feel bad, but then immediately turns around and makes a joke about it. Is describing transmascs essentially as our chests not sexualization? Not to mention dehumanizing considering they refer to this person as “a he/they,” instead of a transmasc or a nonbinary person or anything else.
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But if that’s not enough sexualization for you, or you think that it isn’t valid to be upset over that, you can look under the cuts for the disgusting descriptions of our bodies from some transphobes. From some of those “ladies who just like butch,” since they’re innocent and aren’t oversexualizing us because “nobody oversexualizes ftm trans folks,” as the person in the screenshot said confidently.
I wanna say trigger warning for disgusting oversexualization of trans men (including trans men who are in their teens!) under the cut, but huh… the commenter said that nobody oversexualizes trans men, so this can’t be right. (On a serious note, please do heed the trigger warning before deciding to open the rest of the post.)
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 month
Annoyed when 1920s stuff gets called Victorian, because the public is already confused enough about the boundaries of that particular era and they were WILDLY different
Deeply amused when 1920s stuff gets called Victorian because I know it would piss them off severely
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Reread/skimmed my oldest Pharma apologism posts (mainly the ones about Pharma not being a functionist) and it just occurred to me that possibly another reason the fandom saddled Pharma with the "functionist bigot" label is because his introduction by First Aid says that everyone hates Decepticons, but Pharma really really hates Decepticons. Mix that with the portion of the fanbase that lionizes and whitewashes the Decepticons, and I can easily see it entering common fanon that "Pharma hates Decepticons -> the Decepticons are freedom fighters wrongly maligned by the Autobots/the franchise -> Pharma must be a bigoted functionist since he hates Decepticons who represent freedom."
The simpler explanation is just that Pharma is an antagonist and therefore gets the "everything about him must be evil and wrong" black-and-white analysis so common in fandoms in general, but given some of the bizarre Decepticon takes I've seen I can also easily see Pharma's Decepticon hatred being taken as a sign of him being bigoted and evil.
Though AGAIN in this case it would still be singling Pharma out as a bigot for crimes/flaws that multiple other Autobots are guilty of like.
Oh, Pharma hates Decepticons? Well a lot of other Autobots hate Decepticons too, First Aid's narration about Pharma even says "we all hate Decepticons"; for that matter, there are a lot of Decepticons who hate Autobots. It's a massive civil war that's lasted for a lifetime causing two groups of people to be stuck in a near-permanent blood feud, you can't assume that every Autobot who hates Decepticons (and vice versa) hates them because they're a bigot. Maybe there's been a war where both sides have been building an ever-increasing mountain of reasons to hate each other, so hating the opposite faction is a social problem caused by war and politics rather than a sign of individual moral failing.
Pharma worked at the New Institute so that means he must be evil/bigoted? Chromedome and Brainstorm also worked at the New Institute, but there's no widespread fandom shunning of them or headcanoning them as bigots.
Hell, even the very premise of assuming Pharma is a functionist bigot for hating Decepticons is ignoring the very premise of Pharma's motives, which are, uh... being blackmailed by the leader of the Decepticon Justice Division, who represents the ultimate form of Decepticon ideals to the point of literally wearing their symbol as his mask? So how were we jumping straight to "oh Pharma hates Decepticons bc he's a posh bigoted functionist" when there was a far more immediate interpretation/headcanon of "Pharma hates Decepticons because he's being tortured and blackmailed by one."
That's not to say that Pharma couldn't have hated Decepticons before Delphi, and I think you could make interesting headcanons/extrapolations based on either idea. But still. It kinda feels like people saw Pharma and just wanted to make him the Token Evil Autobot who's the opposite of our Good Heroic Autobots regardless of whether evidence from canon supported it or not.
Good riddance to bigoted functionist Pharma fanon, I'm so glad that the majority of Pharma fanon these days actually gives him a chance and puts him on equal footing as other Autobots.
#squiggposting#that and there's that weird thing where people treat(ed) pharma as if he's starscream lite#so like bc they see starscream as posh and elitist and vain (how did that happen btw)#they basically go oh pharma must also be the same way#also how did ppl ever see pharma as posh when he speaks in the same register as everyone else and if anything has a campy flair to him#you can't look me in the eye and tell me this chaotic theatrical gremlin ass freak is a posh elitist like slkfjsldk#not mentioning the flyers=oppressed thing in this meta bc that bit of worldbuilding was established way later#tho i cannot entirely fault ppl for painting pharma as evil and treating him with double standards compared to other autobots#i mean literally in the same issue he was introduced he caught flak for giving in to DJD blackmail#whereas other characters explicitly speak about how scary/scared they are of the djd#so like it's clear pharma WAS meant to be the token evil autobot with compromised morals#who was so selfish as to (gasp) take a blackmail deal to keep him and his facility from painful torturous death#and then when he was already trapped in the deal be forced to eventually kill patients to keep up#how dare he. should've stood up to tarn and instantly been murdered like a good autobot#sorry for being pithy lol the apologism got a little too strong there#pharma apologism#also i think the way JRO writes if pharma was supposed to be bigoted you would like. be able to tell#JRO is not subtle about writing p much every bigoted character as massively flamingly racist/functionist/etc
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sharknado-three · 2 years
Homophobes: I don't hate people who struggle with homosexual tendencies, I just think sodomy is a sin and responsible for spreading disease. I will do anything in my power to stop people from having gay sex, including campaigning to make it illegal. I believe being visibly homosexual in the presence of kids is making kids gay and shouldn't be allowed.
LGBT+ community: That's homophobic.
TERFs: I don't hate dysphoric females, I just think transitioning is causing irreversible damage and reinforcing sexist stereotypes. I will do anything in my power to stop "confused lesbians" from destroying their bodies, including campaigning to make transition illegal. I believe being visibly trans in the presence of kids is making kids gender-confused and shouldn't be allowed.
Some of you: Wow, TERFs sure do love AFAB trans people! They literally said so and we know bigots would never lie about that!
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johannestevans · 9 months
queer cisgender women love to invite "women and nonbinary individuals" to their events bc they might be down with queer solidarity but they draw the line at trans men or random nonbinary ppl they've decided are too scary and need to be gatekept away from events
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feluka · 6 months
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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macklesufficient · 4 months
today i’m thinking about how happy i am to no longer be twelve. remember how u were constantly living the most humiliating moment of your life? why was that?
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
honestly, although i really hate to say it... being able to work, on a systemic level, still puts you in a privileged position compared to people who cannot work. i wish i could say it's only an advantage when you're disabled, because i know it feels bad that being employed and getting income is a privilege even if its hurting you to do it. but it's not the hurting-you part that's the privilege, it's the way it systematically supports you. there are things that disabled people who're unable to work (especially those without income and/or savings) experience that you just don't, because you still have the ability to work and generate income yourself.
it's not a pleasant situation and by no means should any disabled person be forced into working. it's 100% torture and working disabled people deserve so much better. it's just that you just can't change the fact that society gives you chances and resources that disabled people who cannot work just don't have. that's not inherent to you, it doesn't make your disability invalid. it's systemic ableism and classism. being working class (as an individual) is still a step above the bottom of the barrel, even if you're disabled. so if there's anywhere to direct your grief and frustration on this towards, it's society. it's ableists. it's the ruling class and capitalism. not other disabled people.
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40ouncesandamule · 2 years
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spitblaze · 2 months
What happens when you win the debate on who's the most oppressed group in the transgender community. What happens then. What could be accomplished by finding the one group that is the single most downtrodden demographic that suffers at the hands of every other community and putting them up on the 'most oppressed' throne with a 'most oppressed' trophy that could not be accomplished if we listened and paid attention to individual and group needs and worked to address them without the need to determine 'who has it worst', or worse, 'who actually belongs to the most oppressed group'.
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oh let me know if there's already a term for it but i've started to use diagonal ableism to refer to the kind of ableism that's often incorrectly called lateral ableism--like, when level 1 autistics talk about/treat level 2&3 autists like shit, when non-ID ND folks 'reclaim' the r-slur, when abled ND people call themselves paralyzed or cripples, etc.
shit that is absolutely not lateral because it weaponizes a very real power imbalance, but that is arguably still coming from "inside the house"--ableism against people who are more severely disabled, who have a different class of disability entirely, who need more support, who are more visibly disabled, etc.
lateral ableism does exist to be clear, but it's not what LSN disableds will often do to MSN and HSN disabled people.
and like yeah diagonal ableism is also just ableism, but i think that having something to describe it is worthwhile because there's a specific context and often an extra vitriol applied to it, yknow? like the way an LSN autist treats me like shit is often different from how neurotypical ableds do.
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bisexualpussy · 1 year
white queer goy will bend over fucking backwards all day trying to explain to me, a Jew, how actually the holocaust was never about Jews at the start. How it was actually rooted in queerphobia and ableism, NOT solely antisemitism. As if the nazis didn't believe that Jews carried "unfavorable traits" and were generally viewed as dirty/subhuman. As if the nazis didn't believe that queerness was an idea introduced and perpetuated by Jews that was now "infecting" the wider populous.
Like shut the fuck up u sound dumb as hell when you say that the holocaust wasn't about Jews because Your Lily White Ass is experiencing oppression for the first time
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normalbrothers · 7 months
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TOMMY: Arthur, Frances was right. Linda was here today.
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serene-cinders · 1 month
Does anybody have any idea how tallmen are perceived by the other races in dungeon meshi? We know that half foots are simultaneously infantilised based on their appearance and seen as swindlers based on their stealth and craftiness. Dwarves are seen as hardy and stubborn because they are primarily miners and blacksmiths. Elves are seen as prissy and ‘holier than thou’ because they use magic and live the longest. Gnomes are seen as peaceful and laid-back because of their proficiency with spirits. There’s sooo many instances of these stereotypes, both positive and negative, being projected onto the characters.
But aside from general infantilisation on account of being a short-lived race, tallmen don’t have anything they’re particularly labelled with within the series. Unless I’m missing something.
I’ve seen that one kinda meta adventurer’s bible page with Laios and Namari, where it’s revealed that Tallmen are the most musical of the races. Which I guess counts. But still doesn’t account for the centuries of oppression the tallmen endured. Would it be reasonable to assume that the long-lived races didn’t even have a pretence for this? (Aside from ‘they’re a short-loved race, thus inferior’)
Am I going crazy? Or does this seem like an oversight in a world with such rich racial dynamics and world building? Nobody cares about this except for me
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