#family dynamics
arkadijxpancakes · 3 days
Yes. The Weasleys had too many kids. An analysis. (Part 1 of 2)
Everyone who read Harry Potter read about the prejudices regarding the Weasleys: They all have red hair, are poor and have more kids than they can afford. Insert a sneering Malfoy here.
The books were adamant that that was not the case. The Weasleys are depicted as the best family in the books. (Just look at the others. The Dursleys were narrow-minded, bigoted and abusive. The Malfoys were bigoted terrorists. The Lovegoods were weird. Let’s not even start about Merope and Riddle.)
However, if you look closer, the prejudices have some truth to them: They had more kids than they could afford. However, money isn’t the issue here, not really.
Yes, the Weasleys are clearly depicted as members of the working class. They don’t have much money and fall back on second-hand stuff a lot of the time. Ron in particular is shown to be using hand-me-downs in book one.
However, they don’t live in abject poverty. The family owns their own home on their own land. They have a garden to grow their own vegetables and they have chickens. This means that food scarcity shouldn’t be a big issue for them, because they can produce a lot of it on their own. (Magic should make this even easier, because they can use it for the gardening stuff. And if we assume that you can duplicate food, this should keep everyone well-fed.)
The main issue when it comes to money isn’t that they don’t have anything. They have clearly enough money to stay comfortably over water. They just don’t have enough money to buy all the fancy shit the wizarding world uses as status symbols. (Like racing brooms and dress robes.)
Could things be better, money-wise? Sure. But one can have a loving, comfortable childhood, even with second-hand clothes and working class food. So no. It’s not about the money.
It’s about time. 
And it's also about how the parents divide that time (and the work that comes along with it.)
The Weasleys follow a family structure one would expect from a muggle family of their time (the second half of the 20th century): Arthur is the one who goes out to work and earns money, while his wife Molly is a stay-at-home-mother who takes care of their home and kids. It’s also just their nuclear family that lives in the burrow. There are no other relatives (no grandparents and no aunts or uncles, either) living there.
I find this a little bit weird, tbh. The nuclear family (parents and kids) living alone, without any other relatives and with the father as the sole breadwinner, is a pretty new development. The practice only really established itself after the Statute of Secrecy went into effect. It developed first in the upper classes (who used this to flaunt their wealth) and in urban centers (where there was no space to live together with your extended family.) Before this, living with one's extended family was very common, especially in rural areas, where it was beneficial to stick together. The Weasley’s don’t really have a reason to live as a nuclear family. There is no need for wizards to follow the Muggle trend, and things were different before the statute. Living with other, adult family members would also be beneficial, especially for Molly. And the books do suggest that the extended family is quite large, so “They don’t live with other relatives, because they don’t have any” doesn’t fit their situation either.
This is a common theme for Rowling, by the way. She tends to ignore the extended families of her characters, whenever it is possible. The numbers of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins that get mentioned in the book is incredibly low. (The only character who seems to have close connections to his extended family is Neville – and that’s because the other members of his nuclear family are completely absent because of health reasons.)
Anyway. When we look back at the Weasleys, this leaves Molly basically as a tradwife. (Minus the religious baggage.) But let's start at the beginning. 
(Note: I will focus on the books in this. I don’t consider the games canon and will not use them as a source.) Arthur and Molly were born around 1950. We know that he went to Hogwarts from 1961 to 1968. They were close enough in age to start a relationship while still at Hogwarts, and they married shortly after graduating. For this to work, she must have been in his year or maybe the year below or above.
Bill was born in 1970 and was followed by six siblings, the last who was born in 1981. So from the age of ca. 20 to the age of ca. 33 Molly was either pregnant or nursing at least one baby at any given time. (There might have been a short break in that pattern between Charlie and Percy, but it only got worse after that.)
As I said before, Molly and Arthur seem to have a very traditional division of labor between them: He works at the ministry and earns money, she takes care of their home and kids. This means that Molly has drawn the short end of the stick.
While Arthur is working one job 9-5, Molly has to work three jobs and at least one of them is 24/7. Let’s pick them apart:
Her first job is to take care of the home. Molly cleans the house and does the laundry. It is also very likely that she is not only responsible for cooking, but for food production in general. This means that she takes care of the garden and chickens. This would be pretty exhausting, if not for her magic. She can likely cut down on time and effort by using magic for most of those tasks.
On top of this, she is also producing at least some of the clothing her family wears. We don't see her sewing, but she knits a lot. She is using magic for that, too.
Her second job is to raise their kids. Molly is their primary caregiver and does most of the parenting. This is a difficult job to begin with, but there are seven of them. This is where her workload starts to stretch her thin. It can’t be easy to do the laundry, while Ginny needs to be fed, Bill and Charlie are arguing in the backyard, and the twins have just vanished. Magic is less helpful here, because a lot of the work requires her to interact with her kids. She can’t really flick her wand to speed that up.
On top of that - and this is where things get even worse - there doesn't seem to be any kind of elementary school in Wizarding Great Britain. At the very least, the books do not mention any form of primary education and Hogwarts seems to be Ron’s first school. But Hogwarts still requires its students to be able to read, write and do math. Having some education about the Wizarding World couldn’t hurt, either.
However, someone has to teach the kids. And this someone is probably Molly, because Arthur is at work, and they don’t have the money for a private tutor. They cant sent their kids to an elementary school, because there is none. (And they obviously did not send them to a muggle school.) 
So this is her third job. This is another job she can’t really speed up with magic, because she can’t hex the knowledge into her kids’ brains. (Or at least I hope she can’t, because everything else would be disturbing.)
This means Molly has to take care of their home, produce their food, take care of their kids and teach them elementary school-stuff. All while being pregnant and/or nursing for circa 13 years straight.
Her workload just isn’t doable for a single person. It might have started off okay, when she only had Bill and Charlie, and it probably got better once most kids had left the house to study at Hogwarts. But the years in between must have been hell. And she did not really have any help to do it.
Arthur was off to work most days and seems to spend quite a lot of time on his hobby. Additionally, he just doesn’t seem to be all that involved as a father and seems to take care mostly of the fun stuff. 
His parenting style is much more relaxed than Molly’s, too. He’s probably the parent the kids go to when they want to do something their mother would say no to. This, of course, makes parenting even harder for her, because she doesn’t just have to deal with the kids, but also with Arthur’s parenting decisions. There are no other adult family members around to help her, either. They also don’t have the money to hire help. (No wonder Molly dreamed of having her own slave house elf. It would have allowed her to drastically reduce her workload. It’s a really disgusting wish, but I understand where it comes from.)
This is where the family dynamics probably took their first severe hit: It’s very likely that Molly’s workload left her with more work than she was able to do consistently. Whether Arthur pulled his weight in that regard is questionable (and he was at work for most of the day anyway.) She also had no other adults to help her, so she probably offloaded her workload elsewhere: her kids.
Yes. I think it is very likely that the Weasleys parentified their kids, especially Bill, Charlie and Percy. We don’t see it with Bill and Charlie, probably because they had already left the house when Harry meets the family. Still, it’s a little weird that both of them went to live so far away from home. Yes, sure, exploring tombs in Egypt and taming dragons in Romania is fun and exciting in and off itself – but being so far away from home that mom can’t rope you into household chores and babysitting duty is probably a really nice bonus. It would also relax their familial relationships quite a bit, because moving away gives them control over when and how they want to engage. (And it’s probably easier to be the fun big brother to your younger siblings when you aren’t required to watch and control them every day.)
We do see it with Percy, however. He looks after and take responsibility for his younger siblings a lot, especially at Hogwarts. You can see it in the way he looks after Ginny and how he’s constantly at odds with Fred and George because they refuse to follow any rules.
Fuck, he still does this after the big row with his father. Yes, the letter he sends to Ron is pretty obnoxious, but he still wrote it. He did not need to. At that point he had cut all contact, after all. He clearly cared for his younger brother and wanted to look out for him, even if he did it in the most annoying way possible. It would be interesting to know whether he also wrote to Ginny or the twins or not.
Also, did I mention that the Weasleys have too many kids?
They have too many kids.
It’s a numbers game, really. The more kids you have, the more time you have to use for household chores (you need to clean more, wash more, cook more, etc.) You also have less time to spend time with each kid individually. This is especially true for quality time – so time that isn’t spent on chores or education. Time that is spent playing and talking with each other, just to enjoy each other's company.
Molly is already working three jobs. She doesn’t really have any opportunity to spend time with her kids equally. She’s too busy looking after the home and teaching the older ones, while watching the younger ones and making sure the twins don’t burn the house down. 
I just don’t see her spending quality time with her kids regularly, because of this. It’s just difficult to talk with Charlie about his favorite dragons or read something to Percy or to play with Ron, when there is always someone else who needs her more. Full diapers. Empty stomachs. Unyielding stains of unknown origin on Arthur's work robes. A sudden explosion on the second floor. And probably everything at the same time and all the time.
So yeah. Chances are that her attention and her affection can be pretty hard to come by at times. (To a certain degree, this also applies to Arthur, because he is away from home so much.)
Let’s look at the timeline.
It probably starts pretty harmless:
1970 - Bill is born, and he’s the only kid for two years. Yeah, it’s Molly’s first child, and she is a really young mother, but she is a stay-at-home-mum, and it’s just one kid. It’s mostly her and Bill who are at home, and her workload isn’t all that big, because she can use magic for most stuff. The war has started, but it probably hasn’t kicked into overdrive just yet, so this shouldn’t affect her too much either.
1972 – Charlie is born. Molly’s workload is expanding, but things should still be pretty manageable. Also, they don’t have another kid for almost four years. This allows Molly to adjust to caring for two kids. She can also relax from both pregnancies and births. If it wasn’t for the war, this might be her favorite years as a mother.
When Arthur is involved in parenting Bill and Charlie, it’s probably on the weekends. I can imagine him taking them out to do fun stuff, so their mother can get some rest. It’s probably a great time for him, because he can bond with his boys. I can’t see him do much more than that, though. Molly has a handle on things, and interfering could be seen as overstepping.
1976 – Percy is born. This is probably the moment, where the attention-distribution in the family gets a little bit wonky. Molly has three kids now, and it’s the middle of the war. Bill is almost six, which means that she has to start teaching him, while simultaneously nursing Percy and keeping Charlie entertained/away from trouble. This is probably still manageable. She can wait a little longer with teaching Bill, so she can teach him and Charlie together. She can also hand him (and maybe Charlie) over to Arthur, so he can teach him/them on weekends.
Additionally, Arthur is probably still taking Bill and Charlie out for some bonding-fun-time. However, the war is in full swing now, so leaving the house gets increasingly dangerous. Their trips will get shorter and stay closer to home. They will happen less frequently, too. He will also end up working more because of the war, doing overtime much more frequently. When he is home, he is going to be exhausted, as a result.
1978 – Fred and George are born. The attention-distribution in the family falls off a cliff.
This is when Molly's workload starts to become overwhelming. Charlie will be 6 at the end of the year, Bill will be 8. She has to start teaching them, if she hasn’t already. Otherwise, Bill will not be ready when he starts Hogwarts.
And on top of everything, Molly has to take care of the twins. She has to do everything that needs to be done for a newborn – times two.
So her workload explodes. Molly is raising five kids, now. She needs to educate Bill and Charlie, nurse Fred and George, and has to make sure Percy doesn’t fall to the wayside completely. She also has her household chores that aren’t related to her kids. The war is still raging on. Arthur is probably tied up at work most of the time, and when he is home, he’s exhausted. And Molly will be pregnant again in a year. (Really, why do they have so many kids during a war? One or two, I would understand, but this is getting irresponsible.)
This is probably the time when Bill has to take over at least some chores, not just to learn how to do them, but to take some pressure off of his mother. This might not be parentification yet, but it will get worse over time. I assume he has to look after his younger brothers a lot.
On top of all that, it is increasingly hard to shield the kids from the war. At least Bill and Charlie are old enough to understand that things are really, really wrong and scary. And there is not much Molly can do about it.
1980 - Ron is born. The twins are already old enough to open cupboards. Molly is not having a great time. She probably hands over Percy to Bill and Charlie (“Go, play with your little brother!”), so she can take care of baby Ron while keeping an eye on the twin shaped chaos that is growing by the day. She will be pregnant again in a couple of months.
Bill (who will be 10 at the end of the year) and Charlie (8) still require teaching. Percy (4) isn’t old enough just yet, but he will be, soon. (And, let’s face it: It’s Percy. Chances are that he wants to learn, even now.)
The war is still in full swing. Arthur is still overworked and underpaid. Everyone is tired and scared. This also affects the kids. There is probably a lot of pressure on Bill as the oldest brother to watch over his younger siblings, to make sure all of them stay safe. They don’t spend much time outside their home, because it’s just too dangerous to do so.
Around 1980/81 is also the time when Molly’s brothers Fabian and Gideon die. (Gideon can be seen in the photograph that was taken of the Order before James and Lily went into hiding, so he was still alive back then. But we know that he dies soon after the photograph was taken.) Molly never talks about her brothers in canon, but this must have been horrible for her.
1981 – Ginny is born. They are seven kids now. Fabian and Gideon will be dead by the end of the year (if they aren’t already.) Molly’s workload is at its peak, while her ability to pay equal amounts of attention to her kids is at an all-time low. She’s grieving, the rest of her family is in danger, and Arthur is stuck at the ministry. This means that she will likely lean on Bill’s support even more. As Charlie is 8 now (and will be 9 at the end of the year), Molly might consider him old enough to help, so he might see an increase in responsibility, too. At this point, we are in parentification-territory.
With each day, the twins grow more into the troublemakers we see in canon. This sucks away attention and affection from their siblings (simply because they need to be watched and disciplined).
I think the following years are very formative for the family dynamics between the kids. It’s probably less pronounced for Bill and Charlie (who are stuck with chores and babysitting-duty and will leave for Hogwarts soon-ish) and Ginny (who gets more attention because she is the youngest child and only girl). It’s worse for the others. Percy, Fred, George and Ron are basically in direct competition for their mother's attention. I think the dynamic develops as follows:
Fred and George are active and pretty extroverted. They explore a lot and start to play pranks on their family members. This is overall harmless, but Molly has to pay attention to them, to make sure that no one accidentally gets hurt. From this, the twins learn that they can get Molly’s attention by causing trouble, so they will lean into it even more.
This sucks away attention from Percy and Ron. It causes Percy to veer hard into the opposite direction: He tries to gain Molly’s attention by following all her rules and fulfilling her wishes. This earns him her affection and will turn him into her golden child in the long run. It will also put a strain on his relationship with the twins, because Molly compares them a lot, especially when angry. This will cause Percy to perform the “Good boy”-role even harder (because he doesn’t want to be treated like the twins), while they start to resent him on some level.
Ron on the other hand is still too young to affect the family dynamic on his own. He internalizes that his mother cares more about his siblings and that there is nothing he can do about it.
The only good news: At the end of the year, the war ends. This will bring a lot of relief. (It’s short term relief for now, things will need some time to go back to normal.)
However, the end of the war also means, that Percy gets a pet. Either late in 1981 or early in 1982 he (or another member of the family) finds a rat that is missing a finger on its front paw. Percy keeps him and calls him Scabbers.
We all know who Scabbers is, of course. I just want to highlight how fucked up this situation is. Percy is 5, when he adopts him. Because he was a little kid, he probably took him everywhere without a second thought – into the bathroom, into his bed, you know, everywhere. There is probably no part of Percy’s body Scabbers hasn’t seen. Percy probably told him everything, too, all his worries, all of his fears. It’s just creepy.
And keep in mind, Scabbers – Peter – is not just a random wizard. He is a Death Eater and mass murderer. We don’t know if he ever hurt Percy (there are fanfics that do explore that possibility). He probably didn’t, but the idea alone is nightmare fuel.
To get this back on track: This could have impacted the sibling-relationship, too. It depends on whether the other kids were allowed to keep pets.
With that, we are done with the war and with Molly’s time being pregnant. The family dynamic is already fucked up – and it will get worse, as the kids get older. However, this post is long enough, already. So we’ll take a break here. Next time, we will look at how the dynamics shift, once the kids start to go to Hogwarts. See ya!
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Duke: Would you slap your favorite brother for a million dollars?
Damian: Yes.
Tim: Yeah. Sorry, Dick.
Jason: I would slap Dick for free.
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@mvjerbs thought you should see this
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novy2sirius · 25 days
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family dynamics 🏘️🚙
the 4th house can tell about the type of family dynamic u grew up around since it rules family and also is associated with our inner child ♡⃝
depending on whether ur parents were at a lower or higher vibration in life when raising u, u may not relate to some of these traits ♡⃝
the 4h sign itself can tell abt ur family dynamic, but if u want to dive deeper check the 4h lord - how to find ur house lords ♡⃝
do not copy my work - ©novy2sirius ♡⃝
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𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ aries 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then there could’ve been lots of aggressive energy as well as fighting/arguments in ur household. if u grew up in a middle to higher vibrational household then ur parents were likely very direct and assertive. they likely did not play around when u did something bad and showed a lot of tough love. one of ur parents (or both) may have played lots of sports with u growing up or made sure u were active as well. they likely taught u to be someone confident, bold, and passionate. u may have also grew up in a wealthier household with this placement because due to numerical reasoning aries is the wealthiest sign
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ taurus 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then there could’ve been lots of stubbornness from ur family members or parents growing up. they may have tried to buy u things to make up for how terrible they treated u or been a lazy parent. if u grew up in a middle to higher vibrational household then ur family dynamic was likely on the more chill side. ur parents likely let u make ur own decisions and weren’t terribly hard on u, but still made sure u were safe at the same time. they were likely patient with u and reliable whenever u needed them. with this placement u also may take a lot of what u saw from ur parents marriage into ur own relationships and depending on the type of home u grew up in this could be either a positive thing or a negative thing that u must work to unlearn. ur parents likely taught u to be a grounded and determined person
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ gemini 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then there could’ve been lots of gossip/arguing in ur household that was childish and immature. if u grew up in a middle to higher vibrational household then u were likely very close to ur siblings growing up and learned a lot from them. u likely grew up in a household with a more fun and energetic dynamic where there was lots of healthy communication between everyone. some ppl i see with this placement r raised by their siblings more than their parents. with this placement ur family or siblings and u could become well known on social media and profit off of posting online together. this placement also indicates that ur parents taught u to be someone who was rly charming, communicative, and intellectual
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ cancer 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents were probably always gaslighting and playing victim in situations where they were not the victim. they could’ve been emotionally manipulative which rubbed off on u in a negative way. if u grew up in a middle to high vibrational household then ur parents were likely very caring and sensitive toward ur emotions. this would be an ideal sign to have in this house if ur family was good to u since cancer is the natural ruling sign of the 4th house. this could mean u had a very ideal childhood as well and beautiful family dynamic. ur parents likely taught u to be someone who’s empathetic, family oriented, and super protective of the ppl u love
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ leo 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents were probably very egotistical and self absorbed. they probably yelled at u a lot. u could’ve grown up with a narcissistic parent. they probably never apologized to u and brainwashed u into thinking u were always the problem as a kid. if u were raised in a middle to high vibrational home tho then ur parents likely tried to raise u in a very happy home dynamic and did everything in their power to make u happy. u could’ve been the favorite child or spoiled a lot. ur parents likely taught u to be confident, optimistic, and to be proud of who u r as a person regardless of what others think
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ virgo 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents were probably very judgmental and critical of u, even when u did something that would make most parents proud. if u grew up in a middle to higher vibrational household then ur parents were probably very organized and did everything they could to help u become the best person u could be. they likely r very humble ppl and taught u to be humble as well. sometimes i notice these ppl r closer with their family pets than their own family tho
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ libra 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then there may have been a lot of passive aggressiveness rather than problems being confronted directly. u may have had lots of fights with ur family that got swept under the rug and forgotten the next day which over time led to more conflict bc nothing ever got resolved. ur family may have also cared too much abt looks and made u insecure abt ur appearance bc of it. if u grew up in a middle to higher vibrational household then ur likely grew up in a very harmonious and loving household. ur parents likely taught u to be someone who’s very loving, charming, and someone who seeks fairness in every situation. this also indicates having beautiful houses/homes or growing up in a beautiful place/neighborhood
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ scorpio 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then there may have been lots of aggressive, manipulative, or intense energy in ur household. this can indicate having family members that have anger issues and don’t know how to control their anger. this placement often indicates someone with a lot of family trauma. if u grew up in a middle to high vibrational household then ur parents were likely very strict, assertive, and showed u tough love. they likely were very sensitive to ur emotions and not ashamed to apologize to u when they were in the wrong. ur parents probably taught u to be very powerful, confident, and ambitious. they may have played a lot of sports with u growing up as well
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ sagittarius 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then it’s likely ur parents were egotistical and complained a lot abt u never being enough even when u tried ur hardest to be. they probably never apologized to u when they hurt u and may have said they’re just “honest”, but in reality were harsh and mean. if u grew up in a middle to high vibrational household then ur parents were probably actually honest and straight forward with u rather than plain mean. u likely grew up in a positive home dynamic and ur parents were likely very optimistic. ur parents likely taught u to be smart, constantly seeking positive growth, and probably taught u to be a positive person in general. u may have traveled a lot as a child and loved to explore/go on lots of adventures. this placement often indicates moving out of ur hometown once u become an adult as well
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ capricorn 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents may have come off very cold and may not have shown u enough love. they could’ve been overly strict at times isolating u too much and not letting u do things others kids did which made u feel rly alone. many ppl with this placement have a rough childhood which causes them to mature quickly. i’ve seen many with this placement who basically had to raise themselves. if u were raised in a middle to higher vibrational household then ur family was likely stable and put together. ur family was likely filled with hard workers which taught u to be hard working as well. ur parents probably also taught u to be very humble and have a lot of self discipline
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ aquarius 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents could’ve been absent as aquarius is the sign associated with rebellion. u could’ve been forced to be overly independent as a kid and probably had to learn a lot on ur own that should’ve been taught to u by ur parents. this can also indicate a chaotic family/family dynamic in general. there could be lots of ups and downs with u and ur family’s relationships. if u grew up in a middle to high vibrational household then ur parents were likely very unique people who taught u to also be ur most unique and authentic self without caring what others think of u. ur parents also probably gave u a lot of freedom growing up which allowed u to make mistakes and learn from them so u didn’t have to make them as an adult. this placement can also indicate switching residences a lot growing up since aquarius is associated with ups and downs
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ ˖ pisces 4h: if u grew up in a lower vibrational household then ur parents probably acted like u were insane and they were the victim (even in situations where they weren’t) and also gaslit u. ur family dynamic could’ve caused u to want to escape as quickly as u could. if u were raised in a middle to high vibrational household then ur parents were likely very kind, empathetic, and compassionate towards u and taught u to be the same way. they could’ve taught u a lot abt spirituality and become ur most powerful spiritual self as well. u may have grown up with family members who believed in things like astrology, numerology, etc and were very artistically talented. ur family was likely very supportive of ur dreams as well
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
Out of context reimagined parts from my new #HHStargazersAU!
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⚠️ TW: Nerdy word vomit about my coloring choices ahead:
My take on human Chaggie & Radioapple's color scheme! Yes. I headcanon the Magnes as beautiful blondes with just as beautiful brown eyes. Because there's no WAY warm red & yellows translate to cool baby blues! If anything, Vaggie's eyes would be the lighter shade. (At least in my AU.) Because her canon eyes are white and I think the dark skin contrast nicely with blue. As for Alastor's green... Look. Give me a chance! I swear I can later explain it through lore!
As for their clothes, I just chose hell's red for Charline, heavenly hues for Vaggie, earthy colors for Alastor to balance the green (with some white rather than black to show his employment under the Magnes), and pastels for Lucius (though out of everyone in my story, he may undergo the most palette switches. Just saying).
Spoiler for my recent comic update: As you can see, Vaggie & Alastor's human disguises aren't perfect. Thus some parts of their hair remain unchanged. Vaggie's ineffable white bangs and Alastor's brown-passing too-vibrant red hair (which mind you, was a difficult balance to achieve. Specially to match the greens-) still ever so distinct. People think they dyed it, but I assure you, it's all natural~! Along with their near supernatural ability to charm. Lol. -Bubbly💙
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d4isywhims · 2 months
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black widow, baby 🕷️
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lifenconcepts · 2 months
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
FatherFigure!Logan X Latebloomer!AdoptedMaleReader
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I was not expecting this to end up being this long...but I guess it is. I'm really happy with how this turned out. I won't spoil it. But this reader's mutation is my favourite in any universe.
Summary: You were adopted by Logan on one of his errands out of the school. Charles has deduced that you were a mutant but your mutation has not presented itself yet. One day it does, and it's not pretty.
Tags: blood, slight gore, warning for graphic imagery, hurt/comfort, father Logan, mentions of Charles and Jean
Word Count: 1.4k
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Logan was sitting in Charles' office. It had been a few weeks since he had decided to stay at the school permanently and had taken up the job offer as a history teacher.
To be fair he had been alive since before the civil war so there wasn't anyone more perfect for their job. Especially now that he was able to get a lot of his memories back.
Charles has become like somewhat of a father figure to Logan, if not a good friend and confidante at the very least.
Logan had not only chosen to stay so the he could have a free room and a purpose in life but also because of you.
He had found you on a missions, picked you up and taken you back to the school. Charles had let Logan know when he was in the area that there was a mutant who hadn't presented yet.
It was safest for you here. Just because there was no way to actually tell when or what your mutation might manifest into.
But as Logan and Charles talked Charles fell silent in the middle of their conversation. Logan's eyebrows twitched in question as Charles eyes went glassy before coming back to focus on Logan. A new found worry in his eyes.
"His mutation has finally manifested...Logan go"
Logan didn't have to be told twice. He knew at some point your mutation would manifest but it was hard to say when. You were well past the age of your mutation manifesting physically but there's a late bloomer in every species.
Logan pushed his chair back, it squeaking across the floor as it scrapes along the wood. He dashes down the corridors, dodging kids left and right as he makes his way to your room.
As soon as he turns down the corridor your room is in he hears it.
A piercing scream that hurts his amplified senses. A sound makes his heart ache.
He gets to the door of your room and pushes it open.
He finds you on the floor, curled in on yourself. Your shirt ripped in the back and a spattering of blood on your shirt and the floor.
You look up to see Logan. Thank fuck he's here. Before you could say anything, you open your mouth and a scream replaces your words. A sharp throb of pain spreading across your back and into your spine once more.
Logan bends down in front of you and tries to sit you up but you stay tucked into yourself.
He checks you over, as much as he can without moving you but he doesn't need to look too hard. Now that he's closer, kneeling in front of you he can see what's happening.
Sticking out of the holes in your ripped shirt are two bones, partially covered in skin and what looks to be...no way are those feathers?
Are you growing wings?
He hadn't heard of a mutation like this before. One the alters bone structure and genetic make up well into adolescent development. He would have to get Jean to check you over but right now he knew you couldn't move.
He could see the bone moving, growing at an accelerated rate that should have taken a years naturally. The skin and feathers began growing over the bone as more and more of it began to grow and stick out of your skin. The flesh around it was torn and you were bleeding profusely. He was worried about the blood loss but there was no way to staunch the blood without interfering with your growing. He might make it worse if he tampered with it.
So instead he sat there with you. He pulled you over to him so you could still stay doubled over, but your head was resting on his lap as he curled his legs underneath himself. He kept his hand in your hair, stroking it and whispering comfort to you.
He was hard to hear over your crying and occasional cries of pain but his presence was enough. It meant everything to you.
But that feeling was too mingled with fear and pain and you couldn't fully process anything. You just let the tears fall down your face as you tried to stifle your screams. Biting down on your own lip until it bled so that you didn't frighten any of the other children.
Logan watched as the bones continued to grow from your back. Sticking out further and further until a second bond joined the first one creating the rest of the wingspan as more feathers, longer and stronger began sprouting from further down the wing.
It was a few hours before the mutation had fully manifested. You had long since stopped crying the tears staining your face. You lay breathing heavily with your head still in Logan's lap.
He hadn't left your side the entire time. You sniffed and tried to keep your breathing even but even though the pain was gone the panic was not going anywhere.
When Logan was sure it was all over he helped you sit up. Making sure you didn't sit on your new wings and didn't aggravate the injury.
"Can you stand? We need to get you to Jean."
You nodded. Your back felt strange. There was a new weight. A new neurological connection to a set of muscles that hadn't existed before. You could feel the wings, you were in tune to them. Having them felt as natural as having two arms. But moving them hurts. So you let them drag on the ground behind you, rather than holding them up.
Logan took your hand and helped you walk to Jeans lab. You felt dizzy, all the blood loss has made you woozy.
Your bedroom floor and Logan's jeans were stained with it. There was so much.
Logan looked at your wings as he walked beside you. They were a deep green. Something like the leaves of the forest he used to live in during the spring. It was a beautiful colour. It matched your eyes and your hair.
He felt your pain. Knowing what it was like to have your body rip itself open for a "gift" you didn't want.
He was going to be there for you every step of the way whilst you figured this out. He made a promise to take care of you and he was going to keep it. Even if that mean struggling through your manifestation.
The two of you got to Jeans lab and she had you lay face down on her table. She poked at your wings trying to move your ripped shirt and new wings aside so she could assess the damage. It hurt. Any movement hurt but if she didn't clean the wound it would hurt a lot more later on.
She has to cut you out of your shirt because the blood had dried into a sticky brown colour and she couldn't risk getting cotton in the gashes.
She explained to you what she had to do and you nodded accepting what was necessary.
Logan crouched down in front of you and you looked at him from the bench. Forcing out a smile before Jean got to work. You shoved your face down into the table hiding the expression of pain you could feel twisted into your features. You didn't want Logan to see that. But he grabbed your hand and held onto it. You squeezed it each time pain ebbed over your skin. And he squeezed back, letting you know he was still here.
After what felt like too long Jean announced she was done. She had to stitch up a gap that was unnecessary to your wings range of movement. The extra flesh that had been torn from the growth.
She informed you that you would have to come see her again the next day and that you would have to be careful how you slept and moved until everything had fully healed and your body had adjusted.
After that Logan leads you back up to your room and helps you into bed. You don't bother to get changed. You doubt that you would fit into any of your shirts now anyway. You crawled into bed and tried to find a comfortable position but it was hard. You didn't have enough room anymore.
You reached a hand out from your place on your bed. Feeling with your hand you try to find Logan in the darkness of your room. He takes your hand and with the little strength you have you try to pull him towards you.
He gets the message and sits down in your bed. Kicking off his boots and pulling you back to lay on his legs and chest. Acting as a full body pillow for you. Within moments the exhaustion of the day caught up with you and you were out like a light.
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I'm so glad I could write this. Staying up till 2am was totally worth it gets this done. I'm so proud of it! If you like this then please consider sending in a request of your own. I would be happy to take them in
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siderains · 3 months
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“dads and daughters, you think any of them ever really get it right?”
(yasmin belkhyr, “Interlude with forgotten myth, or, portrait of ibrahim’s daughter,” alongside with the panel from “dawn of x”/picture of an aurora borealis/paragraph of one of kafka’s letters to his father/quote from “last days of magneto” with the artwork of briony marshall called “peaceful embrace”/quote from “wuthering heights” by emily brönte/quote from poem “the angry daughter” by janelles locket with a panel of “house of m”/quote from the book “ghost of my ghosts” by sol rios/quote from “x factor”/panel from “the trial of magneto”)
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grimmcheems · 2 months
Piltie Jinx💖🎀
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I always thought it’d be interesting to see what would’ve happened if Powder had been left behind or caught at the scene when she triggered Jayce’s lab experiments, when I watched the show like a yr ago that was one of the thoughts that always lingered and I like to think she would’ve been more cut out for Piltover society than the undercity bc she was neglected so much there and I think she’d be more charming to Piltie citizens with her docile nature and intelligence.
No hate to the other characters or Vander but the girl clearly had problems and they all wanted to pretend like they didn’t see it so they could feel better about taking her in and looking after her. She was also weaker and more unexperienced than the rest but they all somehow expected her to pull her own weight in high stress situations.[This unintentionally overlapped with the trailer drop bc I was completely unaware they even released them when I was making this like two weeks ago.]
That’s a whole can of worms that I’d rather not open rn bc then it becomes a whole discussion on her trauma along with poverty and a bunch of other things having to do with the people that were around her. She is given the name Jinny bc they got tired of having to refer to her without a specific name, and becuase she begged Jayce to give her one and he blurted out the first thing he saw lmao.
Anyways. In this the kids and Vi basically leave her at the scene out of fear of getting caught and because they aren’t confident that she could have even survived the blast. They all think she’s dead and Powder experiences memory loss, so law enforcement dumps her on Jayce as a punishment and reminder of how dangerous his lab was and how lucky he is that she’s alive, but along the way Viktor sees her potential in becoming a scientific inventor of some sorts based on the items she had with her when she tried escaping along with the intelligence she displays and he adopts her and takes the load off of Jayce after his probation period form the academy. Her and Jayce have a sibling bond.
I need to draw more of this but her young self experiencing this and growing up in their thriving society and blending into their society. I added makeup on her to show how well she’s managed to integrate into Piltover society and because she indulges in the riches there so much that people even forgot she was originally form the undercity, she pretty much looks and acts like she was born there. The pinkish color she puts around her eyes is her remembering Vi and the purple comes into play later when Viktor’s sickness gets worse.
I originally only drew her as an enforcer bc I got inspired by an edited pin on Pinterest but also wanted her to be an academy student so it’s a bit of an awkward mix but I figured she probably picked up becoming an enforcer as a pastime and way to make money(idk if they make money lmao) bc she can’t rely on Viktor and Jayce to provide for her forever, and because Grayson sort of inspired her a bit (though she is subconsciously reminded of Vi when she’s around Grayson). She also has a funny dynamic with Marcus, with him already being a double crossing loser he tries to be this cool older guy around her and miserably fails every time but only because she’s still young and carefree and because he basically kept it under wraps that she was alive the whole time after finding out that she was Vander’s adoptive daughter. So I guess you could say he just has a fatherly instinct towards her but who knows.
Might draw more of this later and have better details but for now this is it oop.
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angelsdean · 4 months
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*record scratch* freeze frame. Reality Check. "You're the one who came and got me at school. You're the one who dragged me back into this." let's re-evaluate that statement, Sam, because that is not, in fact, what happened.
The context in which Sam makes this statement is that he's arguing Dean used to care about the revenge quest and killing the demon because Dean is the one that came and got Sam and thus "dragged him back" into the quest to kill the demon. But, that is not why Dean went to get Sam at school, it was to find John, who was missing and possibly dead. Dean didn't even Know about the demon at this point (they don't find out that "the thing that killed mom" is a demon til 1x11) or that John was closing in on it. Dean goes to Stanford to ask Sam to help him look for John, that's it. Then, at the end of 1x01 Dean brings Sam back to school in time for his interview as promised, and drives away. He only turns around when, in the deleted scene, he notices his watch has stopped, cluing him in that something is wrong. And he gets there in time to save Sam from the burning building.
Sam then makes the choice to leave with Dean because now that he's lost someone, he is personally invested in finding John because John knows more about the thing that killed Mary (and now Jess) than anyone, and Sam is the one who is now consumed by the need for revenge and the first step in getting that revenge is finding John, something he had no vested interest in doing before, but is now heavily invested in, even more than Dean is, as we see throughout the first half of s1 where Sam is often the one calling around looking for John and is more interested in searching for John than taking on random cases.
Anyways, it's just so interesting to track this revisionism of events and how both Sam and Dean come to accept this as the truth when it's literally not what we saw happen throughout the season. And we see Dean start to absorb this belief after Meg plants the seed in their heads in 1x16, trying to drive a wedge between them, by falsely saying Dean "drags Sam around like luggage" when literally the whole reason Sam and Meg meet is because Sam wanted to part ways in 1x11 and Dean let him go. Sam then comes back and decides to stay all on his own, even after Dean offers to drop Sam off somewhere.
Dean expresses in 1x16, that yes, he wants Sam around, he wants his family together again, but at the end of that very episode Dean is also the one who says they need to split up from John, even though it's the last thing he wants. Dean consistently is willing to let people go, even if it's not what he personally wants. And especially Sam. Over and over throughout the season he expressed how he wants Sam to have a normal life, is willing to let Sam go, or stay in some random town and drop the search for John. So even IF Dean did secretly want Sam to stick around when he went to get Sam at Stanford, he never expected it. Never enforced it.
That Sam comes to think Dean "dragged him back" into hunting is a purely revisionism and a bit of projection, I think, because Sam might not want to face the truth of the matter which is that he consistently chose to stick with hunting, and actually enjoys it more than he'd like to admit. And, as both he and John express, this quest to kill Yellow Eyes becomes "their" obsession. Not Dean's. Dean is the one who says he'd rather they never find the demon if it means losing his family. Dean is the one that says getting revenge isn't worth dying for. And then, Sam takes this to heart, when at the end of 1x22 he refuses to kill John Possessed by Azazel at Dean's pleading, AND when he tells John that killing this demon does not come "before everything" while eyeing Dean bleeding out in the backseat.
Dean was never the one invested in revenge. He did not come get Sam from Stanford to aid in the family revenge quest, he came for help in finding their missing father, something Dean cared abt simply because that's family, and Dean cares deeply, despite everything John put them through. Dean is the one that cares, the heart of the narrative, etc etc. He comes to Sam because he is alone in the world, because their only other blood relative is missing, because it's a very human thing, to reach out, to want family around. And still, he was always going to let Sam go after the 1x01. He didn't like it. It's not what Dean wanted. But he was going to let him go back to his life. Sam chose to follow Dean and continue searching for John.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Duke: Would you slap your favorite brother for a million dollars?
Cass: Yes. Then I could give you a million dollars.
Duke: Aw-
Jason: Cass, I will give you a million dollars to slap your favorite brother.
Cass: *slaps Duke*
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tiredwriter888 · 2 years
So glad their dynamic was “emotionally repressed disaster lesbian, her chaotic golden retriever bi, and their divinium filled himbo” instead of the love triangle I thought it was gonna be.
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lukas-dusk · 4 months
Jack : The floor's lava!
Castiel : *helping Dean onto the table*
Gabriel : *kicks Sam off the sofa*
Charlie : There are two types of boyfriends.
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d4isywhims · 2 months
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long live the colebrooks!
i lost their save and all their progress ;_; i love this pixel family sm tho :') i'm going to make them be part of my personal gameplay so i don't think i will be posting them that much anymore c:
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
Deaf!LaRusso!Reader Headcanons
These are just general headcanons. I'll be more than happy to do a continuation with a romantic interest if people want that.
A/N: This includes chubby!fem!Reader.
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Whether born deaf or having lost her hearing young, Daniel and Amanda learn and teach Reader ASL. They also teach Sam and later Anthony ASL because they will do anything in order to communicate with.
From the moment Sam learned her sister uses Sign to communicate, she was on board to learn too. Their parents got ASL books and even hired an interpreter to teach them and the girls.
Daniel and Amanda strike me as the type to consider cochlear implants for their daughter at a young age. They read up on it as much as possible but decide to wait for Reader to grow older and ask her what she'd like to do about it, if anything at all.
Daniel loves teaching his daughters karate. For Reader, he signs and explains to Reader what they're doing then they get into the lesson. However, Reader is only allowed to spar against him because he's a little overprotective.
When the school found out she was a deaf student coming into a new class, they were worried and put her and Sam in all the same classes. Instead of holding Reader back from school or anything like that, so they started her in the same year as Sam. They fought for that shit, too, to have their daughters in the same grade together.
Sam and Reader once got in trouble with a teacher who thought they were just goofing off in class when actually Sam was signing to Reader what they were learning. Amanda were very upset at that phone call and made sure to let the school know. Mama Bear LaRusso doesn't play when it comes to her daughters.
Anthony struggled a little with learning ASL at first. As a little kid, he didn't use it a lot, so he didn't always get it. However that didn't stop him from spending time with her; he always invited her to play video games with him and that's how they bonded.
When they start high school, Reader and Sam aren't in all the same classes anymore. They've been friends with Aisha for all of middle school and freshmen year if high school. Aisha giggles when they sign to each other and none of their other classmates know what they're talking about.
The next year when Sam wants to be popular, Reader and Aisha stick together. They talk about Yasmine behind the popular girl's backs and laugh about it. It's sad Sam doesn't want to hangout with them anymore but they go on. At home, Sam is still Reader's sister of course but it's not the same until she drops Yasmine and Moon.
When it comes to Cobra Kai, Reader heads all her father's warnings about them. She steers clear of them at school except for Aisha because she's been friends with her for years.
At the canyon party, Aisha convinced Reader to join her and the Cobras there. She thinks for a moment that they aren't as bad as her dad says they are. However, the front wedgie freaks her out. She can't hear anything that's happens in that moment and it crosses the line for her. She walks away after that and goes home with Sam and Robby that night.
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