#mess mess mess mess
coccolithophore · 10 months
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i refuse to interact with this post but if you uncritically put this shit on my dash without commentary i will unfollow you
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thorinds · 12 days
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read
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cinnamon-coffees · 11 months
“It’s literally impossible to be a woman.
You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow, we're always doing it wrong?
You have to be thin, but not too thin, and you can never say you wanna be thin. You have to say you wanna be healthy, but also, you have to BE THIN.
You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass.
You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean.
You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas.
You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time.
You have to be a career woman, but also, always be looking out for other people.
You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is INSANE, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining!
You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood, but ALWAYS STAND OUT and ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL. But never forget that the system is rigged, so find a way to acknowledge that but ALSO, always be grateful!
You have to never get old. Never be rude. Never show off. Never be selfish. Never fall down. Never fail. Never show fear. Never get OUT OF LINE. It's too hard! It's too contradictory, and nobody gives you a medal or says 'thank you!' And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault.
I'm just so tired of watching myself, and every single other woman tie herself into knots, so that people will like us.
And if all of that, is also true for a doll just representing a woman, then I don't even know." -Gloria the barbie movie
this is it. this is exactly it oh my god.
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mo-mode · 6 months
AU where Mr. D claiming to be Percy’s dad accidentally counts as Claiming according to Greek god law or whatever and now all the other gods legitimacy believe Percy is his son, but if Mr. D corrects it, he has to explain to Zeus why he pretended he was Percy’s dad so now he’s like “YEP ol’ Perry Johansson is MY child wowie just look at the little fry, you have your mother’s eyes. Please stop standing next to water or you will blow my cover”
Meanwhile Poseidon is just standing off to the side like “how on earth did I dodge THAT bullet”
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enviousmoons · 1 month
I.. feel like I need to go to a ren faire.
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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isjasz · 29 days
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Stellar death
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devilbunzz · 2 months
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official art draw overs for fun
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six-of-cringe · 8 months
Once when I was in college I needed a picture of my fish for an assignment, but the fish lived at home so I text my brother to send me a picture and he asks "how close of a picture" and I say "pretty close" and he sends me this
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alleesaur · 11 months
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[Artfight 2023] [14]
Corrupted One
for @verdant-succubus
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theaxolotlkween · 4 months
Reasons why Jon Archivist is truly a character of all time:
Had the police called on him several times when he was a young child
Keeps his rib and the ashes of the season one antagonist next to his stationary drawer
Promised he wouldn’t get lost in tunnels and then immediately got lost in aforementioned tunnels
Has no clue what a joke is
Learned how remarkably easy it is to buy an ax in central London
Had to have two separate interventions
Told people his place of employment before traumatising them for life
The first character he ever said ‘I love you’ to is a cat
Allegedly participated in amdram
Watches documentaries and collects some kind of weird shit (my headcanon is Soviet Union postcards) when he’s not being a paranoid mess
Canonically looks like he hasn’t slept in weeks
Knows nothing about library science
Fell head over heels for a man that he hated until he learned he lied on his resumé
Has been referred to as Jesus or Jesus-adjacent at least twice
Asexual icon
Knows what a meme is and said “LOL” in the first episode
Rode on a merry-go-round sometime during his university days because he was in a weird place emotionally
Died for our Jonathan Sins
Is probably a computer now playing minesweeper with his boyfriend and evil 200+ year old boss
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plumbum-art · 8 months
Can I watch?
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idea: Crowley convices Aziraphale to start a tiktok channel ("Just for funsies, angel. To show your ah cooking skills!"), but then edits the videos to make them look as lasciviously as possible. You know...like That foodporn guy.
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theamazincactus · 4 months
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These guys...
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iztea · 3 months
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awkward helicopter ride back home
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rainintheevening · 3 months
Enjoyed everyone's comments on the last one so much, here's another.
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just found out my cousin (who lives in England) is in the art department of a bunch of shows??? And she worked oN DOCTOR WHO? AND HAD LUNCH WITH DAVID TENNANT???? and she just told me so casually because she's interested in the art, not the show? I mean, excuse me? She worked on SHERLOCK???? FOR A WHOLE SEASON?? She worked on Peaky Blinders and Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones??? And probably other things because she has a shitty memory and according to her everything is a blur?? AND AT ONE POINT SHE WAS LIKE: "oh and have you ever heard of Neil Gaiman?" And I was trying not to scream, because yes, of course I've heard of Neil, he's only my favorite author, I've only read like all of his books multiple times, and if you say you worked on Good Omens or the Sandman I'm going to lose it completely. So I said "yeah I've read a couple of his books," -you know, like a liar- "what about him?" and she goes "well I worked on one of his shows and he's brilliant i just can't remember which one" and i go "w-what do you mean he's brilliant? You're.. you're talking about his writing... his writing is brilliant, right?" And she cheerfully says "oh no I don't read books, I ment he was really nice and brilliant when I talked to him" and i go "WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT" and she thinks for a moment and goes "oh! BRICKS" WHAT IN THE WORLD YES NO THAT MAKES SENSE YOU GET TO WORK AND TALK WITH NEIL FUCKING GAIMAN AND YOU TALK ABOUT BRICKS? NO THAT'S TOTALLY NORMAL I'M NOT MAD ".... it was what I was designing at the time, I needed to know what vibe the bricks should have. Anyway want to see the spinning fireplace I made for doctor who" WHAT THE FUCK.
@neil-gaiman do you remember any brick conversations by any chance
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