#self destructive
support · 11 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or dial 988 or (en Español)
The Trevor Project (LGBT crisis intervention) or dial 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline or dial 1-877-565-8860 (en Español)
The National Domestic Violence Hotline or 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Rape Abuse & Incest National Network or 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
S.A.F.E. Alternatives for Stopping Self Abuse or 1–800-DONT-CUT (366–8288)
National Eating Disorders Association
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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positivelyqueer · 10 months
Pro-tip: You can lie to your disordered thoughts and urges.
“We should stop eating forever” Cool, we’ll start that tomorrow (grabs a bowl of cereal).
“We should run away and upset all our friends” Alright, just let me take a shower first.
“We should key that stranger’s car” Sure, but on our way home, we’ve still got that bus to catch.
You never have to do these things, but if procrastinating and kicking the can down the road causes you less distress than outright saying no, there’s no harm in that.
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glittergroovy · 5 days
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romanarose · 11 months
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Marc Spector x GN!reader
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Summary: Marc and you enjoy rough sex, but when Marc asks you to try something new, it quickly goes downhill.
Warnings and Content: reverences to BDSM, Dom/sub, whipping with a belt, Marc's abusive childhood, references to self-harm in the past, mention of self-harm scars, just.... a lot of talk about self-harm. Misuse of BDSM. Breach of trust in a D/s dynamic, miscommunication. This isn't meant to be a perfect or even good D/s relationship or relationship in general. this is a relationship that is struggling right now. Don't look to fanfiction for sex and relationship advice. Marc is self-destructing, reader isn't the best at handling it but the are trying. Lots of crying lmfao. If I miss anything LMK but really this is a proceed at your own caution situation as I've at least laid out the basic themes.
Immersability: Marc can pick up reader. I think that's it? I usually write Fem!reader but there really wasn't a reason to make this fem so I put GN!reader this time. If I accidentally fem coded something lmk.
“Are you ready to talk about it?”
Marc looked up from his food he had barely eaten. You’d made him his favorite: chicken strips and fries. Marc was a picky eater due to his sensory issues so you were happy to have simple little meals when Marc was fronting for dinner. He’d been absent for a few days, only fronting when Steven and Jake insisted. You’d been worried, after all. The last night you and Marc had together hadn’t ended well, and you wanted to talk to him.
“That’s it, I’m calling it.” You said, climbing off the back of Marc’s legs that you had been stradling and quickly pulled on your robe.
“I- what?” The panic in Marc’s voice was evident. You and Marc… liked things rough, but unlike you and Jake, it was you who was the dominant in this dynamic. You and Marc had been doing things like this for a while, clearly defined boundaries and safewords and communication had made a smooth going of things. Marc had been having a bit of a tough time lately so you had stuck to regular love-making, but tonight he had come to you with a request to try something new. He wanted you to use a belt on him.
“Something’s wrong, Marc.”
His face was still in the mattress, face down, but lift enough to speak without looking at you. “I didn’t use the safeword?” It was more a question than a statement.
“Well, I am. Red, on your behalf.” You weren’t super into the idea of using a belt on him, but you weren’t uncomfortable, and since it was something he wanted, you decided to give it a try. Pretty quickly, you didn’t think it was going to happen again but you intended on seeing it through. Marc usually whimpered and yelped during sex, but you could tell his pleasure even still… something told you this was different. This was wrong. He didn’t use his safe word, but he didn’t need to. You knew him.
“I’m fine-”
“Turn over” You instruct, and when he doesn’t you nudge him over gently. Your heart hurts at the tears in his eyes, but his boxer briefs tell you what you suspected. His erection was gone. “Marc…”
Immediately, his lip quivers, breath shaky and he sputters out apologies and you remember your job. It’s not to chastise him, not to question him. Not right now. Right now you need to take care of him.
First was reassurance. “Hey, hey baby,” You cup his face. “It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Second was always his weighted blanket. He didn’t usually sleep with it, so you kept it under the bed for any time he needed the pressure.
Third depended. If he needed anything medical or was hurt, that was next, but you didn’t think what you had done was too bad (your hesitant actions didn’t lead to anything harsh and you had been researching and reaching out to others on how to do this correctly.). Right now, Marc needed to calm down. With tears wetting his cheeks and his anxiety over thinking he ruined the scene, he needed reassurance next. 
“Can I lay with you?” You ask as you tuck the blanket over him the way he likes. When he nodded, you lie down beside him. “The usual?” He nodded again, and you place yourself how you usually did. You lay on his chest, arms holding him, right leg bent over his, adding to the weight of the blanket.
“You didn’t do a thing wrong, Marc. You were perfect, this is me, okay? My choice to end it.”
You stay like that for a while before asking to check his back when his breathing was normal. He nodded again and you knew he wasn’t going to be talking the rest of the night. That was okay, you knew how to communicate without words. Marc rolls over, and you see you were correct; not much as far as wounds. You ice him and gently rub aloe vera ointment over the small welts. Once that was done, you help him in dressing in his most comfortable pj’s and resume your previous position until he fell asleep.
You woke up to Steven that morning.
“Talk about what?” Marc tried to deflect, but you cocked your head to the side and raised your eyebrows.
“The other night, Marc. We need to talk about it.”
He avoided your eyes again and mumbled. “I wasn’t the one who safworded.”
You couldn’t help but sigh. “Marc, honey, please? I wanna talk about it so I know what I did wrong-”
His eyes flicked up, his tone harsher than you were used to. “Only thing you did wrong was safeword.”
Taken aback, you feel your chest tightening with anxiety at the argument bubbling. You want to dial it back, but the implication of his words hurt. “Marc… I’m allow to use the safe word too”
Immediately he looked regretful. “No- that’s not what I meant, fuck, sorry…” You gave him a second to regain his thoughts. “I just meant you shouldn’t have done it for me.”
You soften, understanding what he meant. “Baby, you were clearly uncomfortable, and that makes me uncomfortable.” 
“I was fine!” He snapped, yelling at you and you see it right away when Jake takes over. “Lo siento, amor.”
“It’s okay, Jake.” But it was clear that his shouting hurt your feelings.
“He shouldn’t yell at you like that.” Jake began eating the chicken. One thing about Jake is he’s going to take care of Marc, and that includes eating when Marc won’t.
“We’ve been… going through a little bit of a rough patch…” You conceded, admitting it to yourself for the first time. The last month with Marc had been hard. He was drifting, and you couldn’t figure out how to stop it. 
“It’s not you. He loves you very much.”
“I know he does, I love him.”
“I know.” Jake stuffed his mouth full of chicken. “I told him it wasn’t a good idea to reenact his moms abuse, but he never listens to me.”
That caught your attention. “Wait, what?” You weren’t stupid. You knew his enjoyment of rough sex probably had something to do with his childhood, but Marc didn’t divulge much other than his mom physically abused him.
“Oh great, Marc’s yelling at me now, I guess he never told you his mom whipped-” Marc took the body back. “SHUT UP!” He screamed with eyes pinched shut. You sat in silence until they opened again. When he saw you looking at him with wide eyes, he spoke quietly. “Sorry, I didn’t think… I didn’t realize I was in control again…”
“It’s okay…” You whisper. “Marc… what was Jake gonna say.”
Marc sighed, closing his eyes I think you know.
You did, but you wanted him to say it.
“Marc?” Your voice was shaking and seemed so distant from you as you slowly realized what happened, what he had done. What he had made you do.
“She whipped me with a belt.” Marc’s face was deadset, the look he gave when he was trying so hard not to show emotion, but the heavy rise and fall of his chest always gave it away.
You stand up suddenly. “Marc…” stepping backwards as Marc stands with you, you try to get distance  from him, disgust with yourself permeating your bones.
“Baby, it’s not what you think-” He held out his hand to calm you but your body began to curl in on itself, horrified as you wrap your arms around your waist.
“Were you using me to self harm?”
Horror washed over his face. “No! No that’s not it!”
“But you were! You were using me to hurt yourself, to punish yourself! That’s sick, Marc! Sick!” You couldn’t believe he’d made you an accomplice in his battle against himself.
“It’s not like that, I swear!”
“Making me into your mother, Marc? How could you use me like that?” The tears were welling in your eyes, hurt and self-loathing swelling your thoughts. 
“Baby…” Marc looked like he was about to cry himself. “It’s not- it’s not that big a deal…” Marc always tried to down play, to refuse help, to refuse to admit when something he’d done hurt you. Not because he didn’t think he was wrong. Marc always thought he was in the wrong. No, it was because he didn’t think he was worth crying over.
“YES IT IS!” In a fit of frustration, you reach for the kitchen knife. Marc didn’t jump, didn’t startle. He knew whatever you were doing, you wouldn’t hurt him. You give him the handle and hold out your wrist. “Cut me.”
He looked as confused as he was horrified. “Wha-”
“Cut me!” A litany of scars riddles your wrist, he knew what asking him to add to it meant.
“No!” Marc set the knife down far away from you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you into him in concern. “Baby, why would I do that?” He kissed the scars., speaking softly now as you cried freely. “C’mon, your scaring me… are you having urges to hurt yourself again?”
Classic Marc, always more worried about you. “N-o,” You stammer, crying hard as Marc pulls you into a hug. “That’s the point! You’-d-d-d never help me hurt myself, why would you ask me to hurt you like that?” You are crying, legs shaking and you don’t feel you can keep standing.
Marc sinks to the floor with you, holding you close and crying with you. “I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry.” He held you in his arms for a while until you started to calm down. When you were no longer shaking, Marc lifted you up, carrying you to your bedroom.
First, he reassured you. “You didn’t do anything wrong, baby girl. It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.”
Next was the weighted blanket. It was a gift from you to the boys, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t sleep under it sometimes.
“Can I lay with you?” He asked, and when you nodded, too tired to speak, he crawled under the blanket with you. “The usual?” You consented, and Marc wrapped you up tight in his arms, leg draped over yours in extra comfort.
Lastly, he whispered more assurances in your ear.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“I shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“Rest, we’ll talk about it later.”
“Everything is going to be alright.”
And you knew it would be. It always would be between you four. Marc just needed help, and he needed to let you help.
Rough sex was out for now. If you couldn’t trust him to use the safe word, you wouldn’t be putting him or yourself in that position. Slowly, Marc opened up and let you, Steven and Jake in, and slowly things got better. It took time, to be sure, and a lot of work on both your parts to repair the trust that was broken, but you loved Marc and Marc loved you.
In the end, Marc was right. Everything was okay.
angsty marc overwhelmingly won my poll. yall like to see a pretty boy cry, huh?
@moonknightly this is the fic i was brainstorming months ago that hurt you so bad lol
@whatthefishh @missdictatorme @ahookedheroespureheart @eyelessfaces @campingwiththecharmings @runa-falls @fandxmslxt69 @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @boysddontcry
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pain-neverends-blog · 9 months
It’s worse than ever before and I don’t fucking know what to do
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moonstoast · 2 years
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crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky // voluntary self-confinement by seung ah paik // just by radiohead // fight club (1999) // you get so alone at times that it just makes sense by charles bukowski // chest by zitronenradio // ?
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fr0gg13b413 · 1 year
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friedrich nietzsche // would that i, hozier // meditation on the threshold: a bilingual anthology of poetry, ‘monologue of a foreign woman’ by rosario castellanos // boyish, japanese breakfast // nineteen, movements // angel on fire, halsey // nata sin // vincent van gogh // notes from underground, fyodor dostoevsky // holly warburton // joan crawford // unknown, pinterest // first fig, edna st. vincent millay // Clementine von Radics // holly warburton // forugh farrokhzad, tr. by hasan javadi & susan sallée // she knows, j. cole // @/ragingantisocial // some kind of perfect, krista ritchie and becca ritchie // holly warburton // burned out, dodie // unknown, pinterest // a moth to a flame (burnt child), stig dagerman, tr. by benjamin mier-cruz // unknown
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fellhellion · 1 year
the way it’s not uncommon for people who survive suicide attempts to speak about the experience of regretting it mid action and the way Miguel’s transformation is simultaneously the catalyst for his own suicide attempt and the means by which he can save himself upon realising he doesn’t want the finality of death💥💥💥💥
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betyourefine · 2 years
my bad thoughts are turning into bad actions
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cat-eye-nebula · 8 months
There's an unresolved hunger for meaning thats rooted deep in the soul. Many don't feel this hunger because they are distracted with immediate gratification. (x)
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positivelyqueer · 11 months
“I used to be able to [do self destructive behaviour more severely] but now I can’t and I feel bad about it because I’m not in recovery or I’m relapsing.”
First of all, you’re not alone in this feeling.
Second and most importantly, what you’re doing now is being better at listening to your body. Better at providing for your needs. Less complicit in inflicting your own suffering. What you’re doing is good and healing and should be celebrated and cherished. You’re doing really well and I’m proud of you. Stay safe.
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glittergroovy · 5 days
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tony-the-ferret · 2 years
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I legit made my parents slow down so I could take a picture of this stupid ass car lol, no they will not be receiving an explanation
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pain-neverends-blog · 8 months
My mind hurts from overthinking
My face hurts from crying
My body hurts from living
My heart hurts from betrayal
Everything fucking hurts
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blusnowflakes · 2 months
A: “do you really want to risk missing out on something good with him all because you’re scared?”
B: “yes.”
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I stopped my self-destructive behaviour when I realised that there are many things in this world that are set out to destroy me.
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