22elle · 6 years
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From South America to the south west... here’s some cacti in Arizona
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22elle · 6 years
My time here in Argentina is coming to an end and the feelings I have inside are not ones that can be described or simplify in any way. There’s just too many. I definitely thought this was going to be the time that I was going to write a book. It was not. I'm not saying I won’t write one, just saying this was not the time. I’ve learned so much about history I didn’t know anything about, I learned about myself in ways that are indescribable, and I’ve made some really good friends and have met others that I could have done without. Nonetheless, I’m very thankful for my over all experience and having the guts and support from my family to do such a thing. Everything in life happens for a reason and as long as you learn from the good and the bad, no time has been wasted. 
Some highlights from this trip was when I had to order food in a restaurant were they did not speak english. The language barrier was a major difference when living outside the US. At first there was nobody to help with a word or the confusion when a person would ask a simple question, such as “For here or to go?” You don’t realize how simple the interactions that you have everyday can turn into the most frustrating and difficult thing in your everyday life when you simply change the language. Once the shock wares off and you try to just get through without feeling absolutely helpless you’ll find the general public wants to help and you will begin to see the good in humanity. There’s also a fight inside you that comes out in the most basic way, instinctually you start survival mode.
For one example learning another country’s currency was extremely difficult. Numbers were one of the first things I started to understand the quickest. When I first arrived I would hold up way to much cash and wait for the cashier to take the proper amount they needed and hopefully give me the proper change if need be. To this day I’m not sure how much I’ve been ripped off but most of the time the cashier would smile and say “Don’t do that to often because people won’t be so nice.” They would say this in english and shake their head. 
As time went on I learned and got quicker and smarter and in turn started to understand the conversations on the Subte and the everyday questions at the cafe’s and stores I’d go into. Buenos Aires isn’t a place were one is completely immersed in Spanish, a lot of people here know english and can be very helpful. The feeling you get when trying to communicate for so long and you feel like its impossible and then one day you go to the store and you robotically answer the mundane questions and say the polite niceties, except its in your new language, is one the greatest accomplishments as a human being. 
I worked many different side jobs before becoming a welder. I had a couple of instances where a person didn’t speak english and after a certain amount of time there was a mutual “fuck it” attitude and we would go our separate ways. This time the tables were turned and now I realized how helpless and frustrated that person felt in that moment. Despite that, I also began to see how much courage it took that same person to just get out of their apartment and give it a try.
Theres a new perspective in my head that will not be ignored. 
It makes me look at the history of the US differently in many ways but the major one is when all the immigrants came to Ellis Island, including my great grandparents, and how they had to leave their homes and sometimes families for a shot in the dark. On top of being in a new world, at this time NYC was divided into secs where your native language was spoken and certain jobs were given to certain secs of people. This over time started to blend with the help of the mutual language of english. In a beautiful way people started to come together and help each other for the greater good. 
Imagine how scary at first that had to be, when everyone speaks a different language and all you want is to buy dinner for your family.
There is something that all of humanity has… the need for music. Music, despite the genre or language that its in, you know when its good and in return you know when it’s bad. This is also a great way to meet people and work off nervous energy. Good music brings people together and you can be in a room of people where you don’t understand a word people are saying but when you just relax and dance its all the same and you don’t need words anymore.
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22elle · 6 years
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22elle · 6 years
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This was in El Calafate , I got to walk on the glacier and experience this beautiful scenery. It was so peaceful.
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22elle · 6 years
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I made it to the marble caves in Chile last week... it was breathtaking and absolutely beautiful. Patagonia has so much to offer.
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22elle · 6 years
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I have documented my journey through pics. My experience has changed my life and my perspective- forever. I’m coming to end, I have 3 months left. It’s making me sad and happy all at once. I m getting nervous as to how I’m going to adjust back to my old life. It seems unreal. This is my home, I feel comfortable here.
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22elle · 6 years
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Sometimes you find a gem that nobody else sees.
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22elle · 6 years
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22elle · 6 years
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Just me, posing. I love this city. I have felt as though is my home. I have 3 months left and I can’t wait to see more. Latin America is so beautiful and it will forever be apart of my
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22elle · 6 years
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BsAs, some recent adventures. I love Argentina and all the new things I’m learning, seeing and creating. This trip has been the time of my life and hope and pray that anybody that wants to travel- gets the courage and goes!!!
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22elle · 6 years
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Just some editing with reflection
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22elle · 6 years
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22elle · 6 years
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Just reading my ebook about Bolivia and I thought this was a great way to pay tribute to the Andean women
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22elle · 6 years
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22elle · 6 years
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My travels are being documented by photos
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22elle · 6 years
“There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.”
— Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (via amortizing)
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22elle · 6 years
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Some pics from last week. My time here is close to halfway over. I learn something everyday and am grateful for this experience. I really hope everyone lives the happiest life they can imagine because feeling stuck or miserable is not ok. As humans we must explore and meet people from all over the world- there’s no reason not too. I’ve developed an immense respect for those that know more than 1 language. It’s very difficult as an adult so if you have kids... do them a favor and give them a second language. It’s a priceless gift they won’t understand till later in life.
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