4nn13773 · 11 months
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saw it again
i hate how it felt so nice
so rewarding
how seeing that royal velvet made me feel
even if it was an accident
there was the spirit
and i wanted to never see it again
but it seems like every tiny scratch
ill be meeting it
the little reward
that i kept hunting
the little pat
that i survived
something i caused myself
but my poor body doesnt know that
so it just does its best
to avoid my being distressed
it wants me to see
that this wound isnt fatal
and reward me for not messing up too much
"thanks, I know how deep I should go."
- nevermore.
(and i didnt, recovery is real ♡)
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4nn13773 · 1 year
All Quiet on the Western Front: Appreciation Notes I
Hey!! I want to try out something new, and share a piece of my thoughts that i really trasure, abouuut......(drumrolls).. All Quiet on The Western Front! I saw he movie, and I loved it, despite all the hate its getting, but I must admit, the book got me CAPTURED in it, so Ill post some Tumblrs with my aprecciation notes for the book, cause it had been laying in my head for AGES! There will be spoilers so beware when reading new posts! (worry not, there will also be warnings :) )
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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you squashed yourself in my heart
with all the junk i carry around
with all the hurts
and all my joys
you were so used to laying on your back in there
looking at my walls
but youre squished up now
and as you tried to move in
you teared my heart
with pieces and shards of my memories
my heart was full
so much it bleeded out everywhere
it looked so pretty
but now
i lay in my bed late
with my heart half emptied
i am bleeding out
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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no need
i dont have it anymore
ive wasted my desperate need to ask
i cant ask you to care anymore
but oh,
how i want you to find all the things
i buried cause i knew you were busy
i wish you would pick them one by one
and look at them with the care you used to
with those eyes that wanted to know me
as much as they could
now your eyes look in that direction
because theyre used to it
they used to know why
i think they lost interest in the piles of factures
you have layed in front of me
i miss you
but i dont wanna tell you anymore
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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come here
i can see your pain in every step
how your hands shake
revealing all the pressure and ambitions
that everyone has
how with every step
your body jumps as your lungs inflate
little faster than expected
and your swollen eyes
searching for any comfort
as they bear the water that built up
i am happy to have you
fall into my arms
to protect you
from the room thats covered with toughts
that are shreading your soul
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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the water reached my collarbones
i can walk
i can talk
but my chest is tighter
and all the oxygen escapes
a bit faster than before
even when i try my best
to make it stay
and my eyes become watery
at every word you say
and i get a lump in my throat
and suddenly
all the breathing hard work is lost
because i hold my breath
so you dont hear me tear up
because you stand
and the water reaches your nose
but youre still looking at me
even though it makes you choke
youre so brave
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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How am I supposed to
smile, function
when nothing matters
when with every second
my heart shatters
just because im not reckoned
just because my own head wants
How am i supposed to fuction
when all im thinking is pure finction
when im sad,
when in my head
is just exsistentional dread
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4nn13773 · 1 year
one of the older poems i really like ♡
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Morning! ♡
studying until it's so late I fall asleep,
then answering messages from my friends,
hellpless looking for something thats right in fron of me
Forgetting how to form sentences.
"how are you baby?"
"im sleepy i will go to sleep now"
deleting self hate messages after i wake up
"morning! ♡"
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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do you have trouble breathing?
what happened to your neck
did you get caught in a wire?
what happened to your neck
did you have an operation?
what happened to your neck
were you in a car crash?
what happened to your neck
did glass shatters cut through it?
what happened to your neck
did you?
do you need help?
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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Alive poets society 👍
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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Roses on my kitchen table
I have red nails
and red bloody thorns
stuck in my fingertips
from when you gave them to me
When i met you in your garden
You stood with roses in your hand
and you gave them to me
the prettiest roses
with the prettiest of smiles
Glad i had long sleeves
I rolled them over my hands
hiding the thorns they left in my hand
when you gave me your love
that now rots on the kitchen table
poisoning my every last meal
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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some things
are just you
no matter how many troubles they bring
am I unlovable?
for them
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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I hate home
and I hate the aftertaste of feeling safer in yours
cause i should have never
felt safer in a strangers home
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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party on the outside
read these tips, try them
make a routine, breathe, do this
no, I wanna die
let my insides
feel the cruelty of the
fucking outside
lungs! do you feel tight now?
heart! oh pop out of my chest!
spill blood everywhere
not like you haven't
since I wanted things from you
how does it feel now?
bleeding in a bath
warm water makes the blood flow
right into the drain
im so mad at you
just leave me alone to die
with no fucking guilt
or take care of me
week or two of attention
and convincing
I already tried
and I cant convice me
I am exhausted
one of the older poems, dont worry :)
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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An apartment withount a soul
hair stuck in the kitchen drain
dirty bowl of cereal
your phone on the table
one message notification
your desk with sticky notes
your obsessively cleaned bed
your folded laundry
everything calm and clean
just like you wanted
its just another
and soon
it will start to be a circus
of saving someone
who doesnt want to be saved
or will they just find your clean flat
hair stuck in the kitchen drain
dirty bowl of cereal
your phone on the table
one message notification
your desk with sticky notes
your obsessively cleaned bed
your folded laundry
your velvet bathub
with you
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4nn13773 · 1 year
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when you start using 2 languages
one is always going to feel more vulnerable
its gonna hit closer to home
and no matter how much you want to deny
youre not crying
ty pláčeš
youre not smiling
ty se směješ
youre not loving
ty miluješ
no matter how unpolished it sounds
no matter how much you hate it
jak moc se to snažíš schovat
one language is presentable
but you feel with the other one
let it back to your heart
se všemi starostmi s ním spojenými
se všemi vzpomínkami
na který ses snažil zapomenout
Im sorry to my english speaking audience, these are my 2 most known laguages czech and english, and my feelings toward them ♡
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