Sometimes reading for people can be so scary. 99% of the time there's no way to know what a person is going through, who asks to be read. Making assumptions, in any way, to me is terrifying. I'm always so afraid of saying something that can hurt the person being read, but this concern helps keep me grounded and humble knowing I will NEVER decide the truth for someone. My only job is to try to divine and share what I see.
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New Moon in Aries - Collective reading: 4/12/21
The themes we have for this new moon are: forgiveness, conflict resolution, surrender, hidden potential, authenticity, boundaries, compassion and emotional simplification. 
We can take this time under the Aries new moon to better balance our need to be compassionate with our need to be self sufficient and authoritative. We should not be compromising our “survival” by allowing our boundaries to be crossed, but we should also be able and willing to tap into a deep sense of compassion at a moment’s notice. We can reconcile with certain people we’ve held grudges against at this time, or at least recognize and release the power of certain beliefs or dogmatic opinions that have kept us separated from harmony in our relationships. 
We can release certain complications that cause us to feel unsure about where we’re going. There are situations we can cut loose from that were of our own making: created during a time when we pretended everything was okay when it wasn’t, or during a time when we avoided the pain that comes through transformation. We are ready for these painful transformations now, and there is healing at the end of such a tunnel, where our emotions can finally be soothed. 
It seems we are healing old burdens around emotional obligation as well, or clearing away some of the unnecessary things that take away from our emotional simplicity and wellbeing. There’s always ways in which we overcomplicate and take on more than we needed to, and this is a good cycle to cut off from some of them so that we may once again feel good in our own skin.
Decks Used: --“Ethereal Visions Tarot” by Matt Hughes --“The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit” by Kim Krans
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Thanks so much to everyone who requested readings. I’m still taking reading requests now, but I have a lot that I have cued up right now so there might be a bit of a wait. Just wanted to put that out there. 😆
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I’m doing free readings! I’m really in a flow right now, if anyone would like one. 🤗
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Card of The Month - April 2021
The high Priestess is reputed for being the keeper of secrets. She sits in front of the portal that represents the unconscious mind, and she is the feminine archetype of loving acceptance and intuition. She asks us to consider our own complexity in such a way that is almost contradictory, in that things are easier to comprehend and embrace than we think. While we think people or situations have all these different layers to understand with the linear mind, The High Priestess demands the surrender of such analytical thought processes. When she shows up in a reading she comes with the suggestion that any answers we’re looking for have already been answered; whether by our intuition or the things that come out of it such as dreams or synchronicities.
It takes a certain kind of trust to be able to apply The High Priestess’ advice in any given situation. Her solutions are otherworldly and seemingly impractical. She is fluid like water, and her understanding of the linear things in life change form much as it does, taking the shape of whatever container it’s in. There is a specific forgiveness that comes from this archetype, because the inference is that there’s no such thing as permanence. When we open up to all of our senses of perception, outside of just the forum of tangible seeing, we understand what it means to receive divine truth.
We often think of all sorts of life events or situations we dread experiencing, and perhaps The High Priestess comes to us at times when we’re most steeped in fear of the unknown. Sometimes we fear portions of our own selves, and this is within her realm of magic as well. She is the integrating force: the conduit for expression of the shadow as light’s perfect counterpart, and she encourages us to see that we can be completely steeped in darkness and survive. There is usually no way out of an uncomfortable situation aside from going through and integrating the shadows of it. We can look to the High Priestess in a reading as a sign that it’s time to embrace all sides of something dark, scary or unpleasant.
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My etsy store is back open! I’m so excited right nowwwww. xD
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I’ve always wanted to make one of these! Mine is inspired by Aries. I know it’s a little wonky, because the way astrological signs are split up, there are two signs in one month. What I did was just make this based on the sign that has the most days in the month. Eventually all the signs will be part of this “series”. Happy birthday to all you Tauruses in the month of April!
Themes of Aries:
Independence, courage, impulsivity, confidence, anger, selfhood and identity, impatience, instinct, assertiveness
Day 1: What are the characteristics of my most authentic self?
Day 2: How can I fuel my self confidence?
Day 3: What are some ways I am impulsive, and how can I remedy them ?
Day 4: What am I fearful of and what is some advice for overcoming it?
Day 5: What is a risk I need to take now?
Day 6: What are some ways to overcome an identity crisis?
Day 7: What do I believe about myself that isn’t true?
Day 8: How do I become more courageous?
Day 9: What type of adventure am I in need of in my life now?
Day 10: How can I better motivate myself to accomplish my goals?
Day 11: How can I speed things up in my life?
Day 12: How does my attitude toward myself affect others?
Day 13: What do I think and feel about myself? Are these thoughts and feelings helpful or harmful?
Day 14: What do I need to speak up about?
Day 15: In what ways am I expecting too much from someone or something?
Day 16: What leadership qualities do I possess?
Day 17: What currently needs to be explored in my life?
Day 18: In what areas of life can I afford to be more independent?
Day 19: How do I currently view competition? Is it helpful or harmful?
Day 20: What should I be more careful about at this time?
Day 21: In what respect am I a pioneer?
Day 22: How can I surprise myself?
Day 23: What should I be proud of?
Day 24: Where in my life does my ego get the best of me?
Day 25: What do I expect from others in my relationships? Is it helpful or harmful?
Day 26: In what ways do I dull myself for fear of shining?
Day 27: Where in life do I need more patience?
Day 28: How can I reach my utmost potential?
Day 29: What are my greatest abilities for getting ahead in life
Day 30: How has this month contributed to my overall personal growth?
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The energy of this coming full moon is that of: progress, communication, cooperation, trust, instinct and instinctual action, emotional blocks, communication discrepancies and empathy. 
We are being reminded that progress is not always so obvious, and strength is not always practical; we can get creative with how we view these concepts during this full moon. Sometimes independence is valued at the expense of finding strength through vulnerability and openness, and this is what can be reflected on now. We can also open up our perception of progression in our lives, and release our rigidity when it comes to the assistance we believe we are able to receive. 
One of the themes that came up when I did this reading was that of communication and communicative blocks - we may spend quite a bit of time wondering who or what to believe, and specifically may be mulling over some of our trust issues while figuring out who is worthy of our confidence.We may be hesitant to join forces with others, but it’s advised to look to where we need help and and ask for it, but also offer help to those who need it.  It may also be a bit challenging during this period to speak from the heart or formulate accurately what we want to say. 
We may feel blockages in our emotions this full moon and feel extra in need of inspiration, but this can be soothed by having a bit of fun in landscapes that maybe are not familiar. As far as inspiration, I got that this will be a wonderful time to listen to success stories and stories of people overcoming major obstacles in their lives. That could very well be the kind of fuel our soul needs as we work through the energies this moon gives us. Sharpening our listening skills may be important at this time, but when is it not? :p
Hopefully this resonates! I greatly appreciate anyone who reads this!
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If anyone wants to come visit my new free reading blog, here’s the link! freereadingservice.tumblr.com
First Post Ever!
Helloooo! :D
 I’m creating this page now because one of my favorite blogs that used to offer free readings seems to have “died”. I won’t name it, but I’m mentioning it because I needed some context as to why I’m making this page now.  
I feel there should be plenty of places that people can come to practice their reading skills and join up with people who are in need of guidance but can’t afford an expensive psychic. I haven’t seen many places that offer this opportunity lately, so I figured I could do my best to create it and offer it. The type of intuitive reading that will be done here doesn’t matter, as I feel that the more variety there is the better. As long as the readings are compassionate, helpful and NOT fear based or hateful in any way. ( that won’t be tolerated here) The main goal of this blog now is to create a community for people to receive validation and feedback for their reading ability, and for them to be able to read for whoever they feel called to. I hope anyone can feel safe submitting a reading request, and I hope that they also feel that they receive quality insight: completely for free.
That comes to my next mission highlight: I also want to help anyone who is in need of advertising their services for business. So while we do do free readings ONLY  on this blog, I am going to let anyone who gives a reading submit their links so they can maybe make some money. The bottom line is that this is a free reading blog, but there’s also no reason our readers should feel they can’t offer their services at another time for a price. The catch is that I will be monitoring spam, and I will not be allowing link posting without free-reading first. The link submissions must come with some  feedback from free reading clients. This brings me to my next requirement:
There MUST be feedback from free reading clients or else usernames will be added to a list called “do not read for”, and then I will be blocking them. It sounds harsh but the whole point of this blog is to offer free readings in exchange for feedback, so that everyone involved receives something for their efforts. Feedback must be given within three days or else the username goes on the public list.
That’s all my rules for now. I’d love to keep this space fun and full of compassion and inspiring insight. It will probably take me time to get things rolling on the community front, so until I have enough people reading it will just be me offering free readings in the meantime. Thanks to anyone visiting this page -  I appreciate you!
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We can visualize something endlessly, but when it comes to applying it and exposing it, situations can become unpredictable. Choose a direction to go and be brave— be bold.
(Deck used: “The Enchanted Tarot” by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber)
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It’s time to set intentions and cast them under this New Moon in Pisces!
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Pisces New Moon tarot reading: 3/13/21
The energy of this coming new moon is quiet, and it was a bit challenging to read at first. This may sound a bit shallow, but I picked up the sense that it’s going to be a time for reassessing surface appearances as well as quietly sizing up the environment around us. How do we appear to the world? Does our appearance fall in line with what we want to convey? Maybe some of us will use this time for some changes in our appearance and personal expression. It’ll be a good time for redecorating or moving, or doing anything in general around making a change to our environment and how we resonate within it. How does the life we’ve built measure up from the outside in? What are we holding onto that takes away from what truly makes us comfortable?
This is a time to remember that we don’t need to reveal all of our plans. sometimes it’s better to just do something than to talk about it or think about it any longer. it can be good to have some personal secrets: dreams and plans that we are looking forward to, that maybe we worry about other people judging. This will be a good moon to stop and quietly reflect on those instead of talking big game about the future.
Another theme that I picked up for this new moon is something that falls in line with the outdated quote: “God helps those who help themselves”. Sure this saying is a bit harsh and past its time, but the meaning generally makes sense. If we want to accomplish things and align with the specific frequencies of what we are wishing for, it’s imperative that we take care of ourselves. It seems this will be a good new moon to prioritize ourselves under. Self care might be severely important this weekend, and there’s no shame in putting the self first once in a while.
I hope this resonates with anyone who reads it! Thank you for your time.
Decks used:
“The Starchild Tarot” “Oracle of Mystical Moments”
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A past life tarot spread 🌷 1: Which of my past lives is the most relevant now? 2: How is it affecting my current reality? 3: What was I like in this particular life? 4: What have I carried from this life into my current one? 5: What was my role in society during this past life? 6: What trauma did I experience? 7: How can I heal it? 8: What lesson does the karma from this life teach me? 9: What types of people did I connect with in this past life? 10: Advice on how to resolve any karma I’m carrying from this lifetime: 
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A simple spread that I made during the most recent third quarter moon. This phase in the moon cycle is perfect for surrender - releasing what doesn’t serve, as well as outdated beliefs and unhelpful habits. It’s the time for opening up to change and expansion.
1: What do I currently need to let go of? 2: What mentality am I currently outgrowing? 3: How can I better prepare for change? 4: What do I need to make room for in my life now? 5: What change is coming to me next?
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Re: #Divinetiming✨ • • You’re not late. You didn’t miss out and you’re not missing out. You’re right on time, for YOU, on YOUR journey. And you have the choice to go fast, slow, or somewhere in between. The #choiceisyours, it really is! Figure out what’s been stopping you and why you’ve been letting it stop you, then simply stop doing what you’re doing that’s keeping from the life you want, or conversely, start doing what’s going to get you to the life you want. Need support and clarity so you can lean into your SELF fully? Let’s talk! Inbox me or email me: [email protected], and let’s talk about it! ❤️✨🙏🏾🕉• • • • #transformation #healing #growth #change #reiki #chakras #EXPANSIONCoaching #EXPANSIONChallenge #mindsetcoaching #yourfutureiswaiting • • • #rp from @blackbusinesslife 👏🏾🙏🏾💞 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6LyrI5lVqg/?igshid=1u74cwg5aqcq3
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houseplantjournal on ig
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