a-5-tr-1-d · 3 years
back on high res and trying to be more active too!
I did my first fast the other day and it was 30+hrs maybe 40+ so i’m happy for that but i felt so ill after lmao
anyway i now weigh 30.5kg at 145cm which is bmi 14.5 and 1st percentile !!
on a bad note, my parents are getting me ‘help’ and making me sign these forms so im just going to lie my way through and shit. honestly so done im not going to recover idgaf. im close to going to inpatient but idc nobody will make me. newayss goodnight guys !!
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a-5-tr-1-d · 3 years
i got weighed again and i’m 33.4kg (i was 32.6kg before) but i’ve been eating less and i chugged a full pint glass to the top of water before so would that of added all that weight?
i also passed out today lol
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a-5-tr-1-d · 3 years
i give up on recovering so here are my stats.
height: 145cm (around 4’9)
SW: 38.7kg (hw)
CW: 32.6kg (lw)
GW1: 32kg
GW2: 31.5kg
UGW: 31kg
daily caloric intake: 300-780
max calories: 870
workout routine:
2min planks (every day, the rest i do 2-6 times a week on top of this)
1 min heel touches (x2)
1 min toe touch (x2)
sometimes i add:
30sec bicycle crunches (x4)
30sec flutter kicks (x4) or 1min (x2)
1 min glute bridge (x2)
I also do 5 minute stomach vacuums everyday !!
goal: very thin thighs, flat stomach, ribs and hipbone showing, very obvious collar and neck bones.
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a-5-tr-1-d · 3 years
i lost almost 3kg over christmas (which is a lot considering my age and weight) wtf how
i’ve been doing 2 min planks and stopped doing my 10-20 minute cardio’s everyday because they just wrecked me emotionally and physically, plus the planks tone me enough i think i also do stomach vacuums which i do not recommend they can wreck your organs. i’m now lactose intolerant and i want to be a vegetarian but i’m not aloud. my mum is threatening to send me to an ed ward if i loose more weight she seems really worried i feel bad but it’s also annoying. i’m not mentioning weight or calories because everyone’s different and that’s too triggering. i’m not proed i’m just ranting.
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a-5-tr-1-d · 3 years
hi i’m bo.
i’m apparently very underweight but i don’t feel like it.
i’m trying to recover because i have adhd and my meds can’t be given to me if i loose weight. my parents know (kind of). i need help. please.
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