Free Palestine. End the occupation.
This will make you cry.
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This is actually how police were overwhelmed during the Rodney King Riots. And those riots are a historic landmark.
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The essence of my very soul feel alone and scared. I feel like I’m 6 years old but now I don’t have my grandfather’s hug, my father’s love or my mother’s patience.
I have lost it all and I have nothing more than scars and failure to show for it
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I think we as a society moved on FARRRR too quickly from Mother Mother
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
Keep your ‘I am neutral and want peace on both sides’ sentiment to yourself. There’s a genocide happening. If you still can’t see it for what it is, it’s because you don’t want to.
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
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((The ability to appreciate and evaluate human aesthetic is not determined by your sexuality))
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
My childhood trauma didn't make me stronger. it made me a people pleaser. it made me forgive way too much. it made me not speak when i'm supposed to. it made me an extreme empath.
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
Manipulation is when they will blame you for your reaction to their toxic behaviour, but don't discuss their disrespect that triggered you.
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
Communism is liberation from capitalism and imperialism, and the people who don't understand why someone would want to be free from these things are the people who, generally speaking, will either not benefit from the revolution or will fare poorly under the revolution. There are of course workers without class consciousness who might hold delusions about one day becoming a capitalist, but even they typically understand at some level that the capitalist system does not work for them. Those who genuinely believe that capitalism is good and beneficial for all are almost always not proletarian.
There are people who like to hype up a "fully automated luxury communism" post-revolutionary vision, acting like "everyone will benefit", and while there may be some point in the future once the revolution is finished and the bourgeoisie is no more where this vision could be achieved, none of that is our immediate goal.
The communist revolution will not benefit everyone. It will benefit the proletariat at the expense of the bourgeoisie. The bourgeois and petit-bourgeois types who currently benefit from capitalism and imperialism are rightfully afraid of a revolution because they would be oppressed classes under a revolutionary government. We don't need to sugarcoat it. They can choose to join the proletariat. They can choose to work for a living and participate in society as equals to the rest of us.
If you're talking to a fellow worker, then your role is to explain to them how they're being exploited and oppressed and what the path to liberation looks like. If you're talking to a capitalist, whether they're a small business owner or a multi-millionaire, then there's not much else to say to them besides "if you stand in our way you will be crushed." They should have no delusions about salvaging any remnant of their bourgeois status once the revolution arrives.
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 2 months
You ever look back on the history of human evolution? It’s so interesting and yet so frightening. Imagine being the first guy to get super high on shrooms, and then he prays to his ancient god and is forced to realize that he is the forgotten mistake of a forgotten god
Kinda scary imo
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
Detransers and ex-gays are alike in that they try to portray themselves as simply offering up their own unique individual experiences while pushing narratives that directly feed right-wing paranoia towards the trans and gay communities. That's why conservatives are so keen to promote and amplify these people. They want you to believe that the trans community or the gay community has "victims" that are speaking out against them.
It's no coincidence that all the big "detrans" voices in the media paint a story of being rushed into transitioning and facing social pressure in favor of transitioning, when studies have consistently shown that most people who detransition do so not because they no longer identify as trans but because of medical complications, economic factors or social pressure *against* transitioning.
Where are all the detrans voices talking about being pressured by friends, family or partners into detransitioning despite a continued desire to transition? Where are all the detrans voices talking about losing access to HRT and being forced back into the closet? Where are all the detrans voices talking about having to choose between transitioning or keeping their job? These people are out there. These are all commonly reported reasons for detransitioning in the literature. But for some reason, these people don't tend to identify as "detrans" or get picked up by media outlets to give their perspectives.
The detrans community and detrans movement is not a representative sample of folks who detransitioned. It is a self-selected group of anti-trans activists who represent nothing more than the fact that exploring your gender identity does not immunize you from transphobic propaganda. I do not lack sympathy for those who have regrets over their transition or a complicated relationship with gender and transness. But sympathy does not mean we should tolerate the spread of transphobic ideas and transphobic narratives.
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
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"Where do I stand on the -- on the WHAT? The "Transgender Question"? Well for one thing, sir, I recall the last few usages of that particular phraseology. A group of millions is not a question -- I have not yet finished speaking -- not a question, but a demographic."
"The Romans had their castrated priestesses, the Hindus their Hijras, but my god, let us take to the barricades because Uncle Al came to Thanksgiving in a skirt and pantyhose! It's the province of rubes. Hayseed reactionaries and the worst effluvia of America's suburban colon."
"And Chapelle! My god, Chapelle. Embarrassing as only a true great can become in his declining years -- I speak here with complete self-awareness; kindly hold your barbs -- as he tires of innovation and falls back into the soporific cushion of the lowest common denominator!"
"One joke stretched until you can hear its joints popping like some poor bastard broken on the rack. "Oh my car has pronouns, I identify as a bird, I'm trans-Chinese." The laziness of it -- shameful. You should see the transgendered roast themselves; there's true scorched earth."
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
I thought being with the person I love would bring me peace, so why do I find myself crying at night?
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
“When people start liking people, that’s when someone has the ability to get hurt.”
— Lauren Barnholdt, Two-Way Street
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a-gay-piece-of-cheese · 3 months
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Last Week Tonight, March 16, 2022
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